 Texto integral 
Processo : 2018/2965(RSP)
Ciclo de vida em sessão
Ciclo relativo ao documento : O-000015/2019

Textos apresentados :

O-000015/2019 (B8-0017/2019)

Debates :

PV 25/03/2019 - 14
CRE 25/03/2019 - 14

Votação :

Textos aprovados :

Relato integral dos debates
Segunda-feira, 25 de Março de 2019 - Estrasburgo

14. Situação do Estado de direito e da luta contra a corrupção na UE, especificamente em Malta e na Eslováquia (debate)
Vídeo das intervenções

  President. – The next item is the debate on the oral question to the Commission on the situation of rule of law and fight against corruption in the EU, specifically in Malta and Slovakia, tabled by Claude Moraes, on behalf of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (O-000015/2019 – B8—0017/2019) (2018/2965(RSP)).


  Sophia in ‘t Veld, deputising for the author. – Mr President, it’s a pity that the Council isn’t here, because I think the Council should be part of this debate here today, and before I go into the oral question and the resolution, I would first like to remind us again what started this, or what triggered this whole process, and that was the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, Jan Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kusnirova, and I think we should always recall their names and make sure that they’re not forgotten.

We are discussing today the oral question and the draft resolution that we will vote on later this year. It has been drafted together with all the main political groups by the rule of law monitoring committee, and it is the result of almost a year, 10 months, of hearings, on-site visits, meetings, correspondence, video conferences with governments, with the police, public prosecutors, journalists, NGOs, experts, farmers and many, many more. I think that if we look at the text of the resolution as it is today, it focuses on Malta and Slovakia, but not exclusively. It is on the one hand highlighting concerns and criticisms and shortcomings, but I’m happy to say that it is also welcoming and noting some very positive developments, and I think the lesson that we can draw from this is that Europe works. It is clear that the intervention of the European Union helps the Member States come back on track where they risked running off the tracks when it comes to the rule of law and fundamental rights. The resolution makes a couple of recommendations which are also summarised in the questions to the Commission.

We have some specific common recommendations on Malta and Slovakia. One is a recommendation to the European Commission, inviting the European Commission to start a rule-of-law dialogue with Malta. We think that that would be justified. At the same time, I also intend to put forward amendments recognising the fact that the Maltese Government has now announced that they will implement the recommendations of the Venice Commission – but nevertheless, I think a dialogue would be appropriate.

We would also recommend that the brain behind the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia is caught. Not just the people who committed the murder, but also the brain behind it. And we also have a general call to end the scheme of golden visas and golden passports, not just in Malta but in all Member States.

With regard to Slovakia, we note that the probable brain behind the murder has not only been caught but also charged with, amongst other things, the murder of Jan and Martina and I’m happy to say that further inquiries into corruption and connections with organised crime are being conducted.

Nevertheless, some concerns remain concerning the so-called system of revolving doors. We see some of the people who stepped down actually coming back in other jobs. And we would also urge the Slovak Government to end the deadlock in the nominations to the Constitutional Court, and to refrain from adopting the new media law.

And finally, there are some general recommendations to all of us. First of all, it has become clear to me in the course of the work of the rule of law monitoring group that we need to strengthen Europol because now Europol can now basically only do its job when it is invited by the Member States. People will say, yes, that’s subsidiarity. But we also see that when public authorities themselves are engaging in wrongdoing, we should have the means, as the European Union, to come in. Why? Because we are a system all together. If one of the Member States undermines the rule of law, if one of the Member States doesn’t apply our common rules and standards, then basically the whole European system is broken. So I think we have every reason to strengthen that system and strengthen Europol.

I would also call on the Commission to reinstate its annual corruption report, because we don’t feel that the current formula in the European semester is strong enough.

And finally, we would urge the Commission, in particular Mr Timmermans who is not here today, to finally respond to the call, the repeated calls, of the European Parliament for a comprehensive mechanism, the so-called DRF pact – the democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights pact. And I see that neither Spitzenkandidat, Mr Weber and Mr Timmermans, is really committed to a comprehensive, non-political objective mechanism, and the Member States only want a peer review mechanism.

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Věra Jourová, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, the European Commission fully shares the commitment of the European Parliament and its Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), to ensure respect for our common European values. The Commission has taken action by initiating, for the first time, the procedure set out in Article 7 of the Treaty in relation to the actions of the Polish Government. The European Parliament initiated the procedure in relation to the actions of the Hungarian Government. The Commission has used its role of guardian of the Treaties by launching a number of infringement proceedings related to the rule of law.

All EU Member States are monitored by the Commission in the context of the European semester. In 2019 the Country Report on Slovakia stresses, in particular, that long-standing concerns regarding the independence of the judiciary remain largely unchanged and do not appear to have been addressed.

The 2019 Country Report on Malta underlines that recent reforms have not fully ensured the independence of the judiciary, as also confirmed by the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, and I agree that we have to continue the dialogue with Malta, and we will do so.

The European semester assessment also increasingly prioritises the fight against corruption. This is important for our economy and society. Since 2015, Slovakia has received recommendations on fighting corruption on a regular basis. The Commission raised concerns about the accountability of the police and the low number of criminal prosecutions, as well as the insufficient protection offered to whistle-blowers.

As for Malta, the Commission is concerned about the lack of efficiency in handling high-profile corruption cases at both the level of investigation and prosecution. The Commission addresses these recommendations on a yearly basis with both countries.

Let me now turn to the safety of journalists and media freedom. As regards safety of journalists, the Commission stands firm on the protection of freedom of expression and media freedom. Democracy cannot survive if journalists are no longer able to report freely, if they are intimidated, harassed, threatened or even killed for doing their job. It is crucial that the masterminds of the assassinations of Daphne Caruana Galizia and Ján Kuciak and his fiancée, Martina Kušnírová, are brought to justice.

Law enforcement and police investigations into individual crimes remain an individual Member State competence, but Member States have a number of obligations when investigating such crimes. They also have positive obligations to create favourable conditions so that freedom of expression can be effectively exercised. I have to repeat again exactly what I offered both to Malta and Slovakia, that our agencies Europol and Eurojust are fully available to support the investigation into those horrible case.

Now let me turn to the investor citizens schemes and investor resident schemes. As regards investor citizenship and resident schemes in the EU, the Commission adopted a comprehensive report on 23 January 2019. As a next step, the Commission proposes to set up a group of experts from the Member States to look into the specific risks that arise from investor citizenship schemes. This group will develop, by the end of this year, a common set of security checks for investor citizenship schemes.

The Commission intends to present in June an initiative on further strengthening the rule of law within the Union. To prepare this, the Commission intends to adopt a communication on the state of play and the possible next steps for further strengthening the rule of law in the Union, with the objective of consulting all institutions and interested parties. The work of the European Parliament is particularly relevant to feed the reflection on the future initiative. The Commission will take due account of the resolution on an EU pact on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights. In this context, it will also consider proposals including those relating to the use of possible peer-review mechanisms on the rule of law.


  Roberta Metsola, f’isem il-grupp PPE. – Jiena kburija b'pajjiżi, kburija bil-poplu Malti, kburija li aħna membri tal-Unjoni Ewropea, ta' din l-unjoni ta' valuri. Kburija li ġejja minn pajjiż żgħir imma bi storja kbira, li ta kontribut lid-dinja. Dan huwa li jagħmilna lkoll Maltin, li ċ-ċokon tagħna mhux ostakolu u għaliex l-ideat ma jiddependux mill-qies jew mill-pożizzjoni ġeografika.

Ħdimna u wasalna, u għamilna hekk għaliex id-determinazzjoni tagħna ġejja mill-integrità tagħna. Il-karattru tal-poplu Malti u Għawdxi huwa dak li dejjem iddistingwiena. U aħna kellna nissieltu biex insostnu l-identità Ewropea tagħna. F'din il-mixja ffaċċjajna l-ostakoli kollha immaġinabbli, inkluż minn nies li ironikament illum jinsabu f'dan il-Parlament. Imma minkejja kull kampanja negattiva li saret aħna dejjem konna konvinti minn dak li jagħmilna Maltin, Għawdxin u Ewropej. Il-valuri Maltin huma l-valuri Ewropej u ejja nkunu ċari, l-assassinju tal-ġurnalisti m'għandux ikun aċċettabbli għalina. Il-korruzzjoni u l-qerq mhumiex aċċettabbli. L-impunità u l-inġustizzja m'għandhom ikunu aċċettabbli qatt. Jiena nippromwovi u niddefendi dak li jagħmilna Maltin u Ewropej, dejjem u kullimkien. U dan huwa l-ispirtu ta' din ir-riżoluzzjoni: tipprovdi qafas ta' kif għandhom isiru l-affarijiet fil-futur.

Jiena ser inżomm il-bandiera ta' pajjiżi fil-għoli anke meta dawk fil-poter u sħabhom jagħmlu minn kollox biex ikasbruha. Jiena qiegħda fil-politika għax għandi twemmin, għandi valuri u għandi prinċipji, u ħa nibqa' nagħmel hekk billi nitkellem f'isem il-poplu Malti u Għawdxi.


  Josef Weidenholzer, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Demokratie sind Voraussetzung dafür, dass sich die Menschen sicher fühlen können. Vertrauen ist nur möglich, wenn Regeln eingehalten, Korruption und politische Willkür verhindert werden und Meinungsfreiheit respektiert wird. Das gilt nicht nur innerstaatlich, sondern auch zwischenstaatlich. Die Sorge um die Entwicklung in einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten ist deshalb keine Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten, sondern vielmehr eine gesamteuropäische Verantwortung.

In vielen Mitgliedstaaten gibt es Anlass zur Sorge, ob dieses Grundverständnis auch wirklich respektiert wird. Im Falle Polens und Ungarns sind bereits entsprechende Verfahren nach Artikel 7 im Gange. In Malta und der Slowakei hat die Ermordung von Daphne Galizia und Ján Kuciak, die den kriminellen Dimensionen der Korruption in ihren Ländern auf der Spur waren, die europäische Öffentlichkeit verunsichert.

Unsere Arbeitsgruppe hat sich intensiv mit dem Prozess der Aufklärung dieser Verbrechen und den Strukturen im Justizsystem der betreffenden Länder beschäftigt. Dabei war auch die Frage maßgeblich, ob es sich hier um eine systematische Verletzung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit handelt. In beiden Ländern gibt es in der Tat strukturelle Probleme. Im Fall Maltas wurde deswegen auch die Venedig-Kommission bemüht, deren Vorschläge auch aufgegriffen werden. Positiv hervorzuheben ist auch der europäische Mehrwert der Tätigkeit von Europol. Leider bestehen auch berechtigte Zweifel, ob wirklich nachhaltige Konsequenzen gezogen werden – sowohl was die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz als auch die Freiheit der Presse betrifft.

Wir dürfen gerade jetzt nicht lockerlassen. Wir brauchen ein europäisches Bewusstsein für Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Und deswegen hat die Installierung eines eigenen Rechtsstaatlichkeitsmechanismus, den das Europäische Parlament schon seit Langem fordert, für uns oberste Priorität. Dass die Kommission diesbezüglich nicht sehr klar ist und bereits wieder eine Art halben Rückzieher machen wird, ist mehr als bedauerlich.


  Pirkko Ruohonen-Lerner, ECR-ryhmän puolesta. – Arvoisa puhemies, Transparency Internationalin korruptioindeksin mukaan Slovakia on EU:n kuudenneksi ja Malta kahdeksanneksi korruptoitunein maa.

Ongelmien esille tuomisessa väärinkäytösten ilmoittajien ja tutkivien toimittajien työ on ensisijaisen tärkeää. Meitä kaikkia ovat järkyttäneet viimeisten vuosien aikana tapahtuneet toimittajien murhat Maltalla ja Slovakiassa. Murhat on ehdottomasti selvitettävä perusteellisesti ja niiden tilaajat ja tekijät saatava oikeuden eteen vastaamaan teoistaan. Pidän huolestuttavana väitteitä, että Maltan hallituksessa olisi tahoja, jotka saattavat olla vastuussa toimittajan murhasta ja siksi pyrkivät estämään tutkinnan etenemistä.

Sekä Malta että Slovakia osallistuvat kansalaisuuksien tai oleskelulupien kauppaan. TAX3-erityisvaliokunnassa käsittelimme näitä kultaisten viisumien järjestelmiä laajalti. Jäsenmaiden tulisi lakkauttaa tällaiset käytännöt pikaisesti, sillä niihin liittyy paljon riskejä liittyen esimerkiksi rahanpesuun, korruptioon ja turvallisuuteen, ja tällainen rikollinen toiminta ei voi olla yhteisten arvojemme mukaista toimintaa.


  Sven Giegold, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Der Verlust an Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Demokratie und der Einhaltung von Grundrechten in einigen Mitgliedstaaten der EU ist wirklich besorgniserregend. Das trifft Europa ins Herz. Denn Europa war niemals nur eine Geschichte der Maximierung von Interessen der Mitglieder, sondern immer auch eine Wertegemeinschaft. Und deshalb ist es so entscheidend, dass alle Mitgliedstaaten sich an diese Prinzipien halten. Deshalb ist es richtig, dass wir endlich einen starken Rechtsstaatsmechanismus bekommen, der in allen Mitgliedstaaten – in allen – öffentlich nachvollziehbar, durch ein unabhängiges Expertengremium untersucht, ob Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Demokratie und Grundrechte eingehalten werden.

Und wenn Länder das systematisch nicht tun, dann muss dies auch Konsequenzen haben. Insbesondere sollte im Rahmen des nächsten mehrjährigen Finanzrahmens gelten: Wer europäische Fördergelder verausgaben will, der kann dann eben, wenn er starke Rechtsstaatsverstöße aufzuweisen hat, diese Entscheidungen nicht mehr selber treffen, sondern die gehören dann in die europäischen Institutionen.


  Barbara Spinelli, a nome del gruppo GUE/NGL. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, questa legislatura ha evidenziato che lo Stato di diritto e i diritti umani nell'Unione sono pericolanti, che esistono giornalisti che rischiano la morte. La risoluzione che discutiamo è uno dei tanti contributi del Parlamento in materia.

Il monitoraggio, tuttavia, presuppone che il nostro ruolo sia neutrale, mai elettoralistico, attento a evitare doppi standard e atteggiamenti punitivi, e che l'obiettivo sia quello di rafforzare gli anticorpi nazionali, senza pretendere di sostituirci totalmente a essi, presupposti che non ritengo del tutto soddisfatti nella risoluzione.

Non chiedo di abdicare al nostro ruolo, ma di renderlo incensurabile. Il rischio, altrimenti, è che le istituzioni europee vengano sempre più considerate un potere orwelliano e che lo Stato di diritto sia percepito come imposizione esterna da osteggiare.


  Laura Ferrara, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la persistente incapacità dell'Unione europea di contrastare fenomeni che minacciano stato di diritto, democrazia, diritti fondamentali in alcuni Stati membri, tra cui Malta e Slovacchia, è stata ripetutamente evidenziata dal Parlamento, senza che le altre istituzioni europee abbiano dato un seguito con adeguate azioni.

Da anni sosteniamo la necessità di istituire un meccanismo europeo di monitoraggio, idoneo a prevenire e contrastare determinate violazioni. Ma ancora una volta ci ritroviamo a chiedere alla Commissione quali misure intende prendere in considerazione in merito alle carenze riguardanti la separazione dei poteri, l'indipendenza della Magistratura, la lotta contro la corruzione e la criminalità organizzata, la sicurezza dei giornalisti e la libertà dei media.

Un fenomeno, ad esempio, non circoscritto soltanto a Malta riguarda i programmi relativi ai visti d'oro e al loro impatto sull'acquisizione della cittadinanza dell'Unione europea, i diritti di ingresso e di soggiorno, diventati merce di scambio per ottenere da cittadini stranieri consistenti investimenti, non sempre sottoposti a rigorose regole di controllo e trasparenza. Ecco, su questo aspetto sono necessarie regole precise, per meglio preservare i confini dell'Unione europea da attività criminali.

La lotta alla corruzione deve essere sostenuta in Europa colmando le lacune legislative nella prevenzione e nel contrasto del fenomeno ed è per questo che attendiamo in Europa misure come, ad esempio, quelle contenute nella legge "spazzacorrotti" approvata in Italia, che prevede, tra l'altro, il Daspo ai corrotti nella Pubblica Amministrazione, gli agenti sotto copertura e la totale trasparenza nei finanziamenti ai partiti.


  Pál Csáky (PPE). – Vážený pán predsedajúci. Chcem podporiť túto rezolúciu, ktorá nie je mierená proti občanom Malty alebo Slovenska, ale opačne, je na ich ochranu a je smerovaná proti niektorým politickým praktikám aj vlády Malty, aj Slovenska. Táto rezolúcia je založená na ochrane demokratických hodnôt a tie musia byť rešpektované všetkými vládami. Čo sa týka mojej krajiny, Slovenska, boli sme šokovaní z toho, že sa niekto opovážil zavraždiť novinára a jeho snúbenicu. Ešte viac sme boli šokovaní, keď sme sa dozvedeli, že chápadlá talianskej mafie siahali priam na Úrad vlády a že v našej krajine sa našli ľudia, ktorí plánovali vraždu ďalších troch dôležitých ľudí, prokurátora, zástupcu generálneho prokurátora a známeho advokáta, ktorý predtým vykonával funkciu ministra spravodlivosti. V krajine sa niekoľkokrát uskutočnili protestné desaťtisícové pochody, ktoré protestovali proti korupcii a proti politickým praktikám. Dovoľte mi teda, aby som sa poďakoval Európskemu parlamentu, ktorý sa svojimi aktivitami postavil jasne na stranu občanov, ktorí odmietajú takéto deformácie. Chcem ešte upozorniť aj na to, že slovenský parlament dlhodobo ignoruje aj požiadavku petičného výboru Európskeho parlamentu na prehodnotenie svojho stanoviska ohľadne aplikovania princípu kolektívnej viny na skupinu vlastných občanov. Hovorím o uznesení slovenského parlamentu z 20. septembra 2007 a žiadam Európsku komisiu o kontrolu, či toto uznesenie je v súlade so základnými dokumentmi Európskej únie.


  Monika Smolková (S&D). – Vážený pán predsedajúci. Pred rokom sme bezprostredne po vražde novinára Jána Kuciaka a jeho priateľky všetci vyjadrili presvedčenie, tu na tejto pôde, že orgány činné v trestnom konaní budú úspešné a že spravodlivosť zvíťazí. Dnes som veľmi rada, že opäť na pôde Európskeho parlamentu môžeme povedať, že spravodlivosť dostala zadosť, že boli obvinení konkrétne piati ľudia z objednania a vykonania vraždy. Pred dvoma týždňami tu v pléne hovoril premiér Slovenskej republiky Peter Pellegrini medzi iným aj o tom, ako jeho vláda v oblasti právneho štátu robí opatrenia, aj bojuje proti korupcii. Vláda Slovenskej republiky schválila a úspešne uvádza do života návrh protikorupčnej politiky Slovenskej republiky na roky 2019 až 2023, ktorý sa prioritne zameriava na verejnú správu, ústredné orgány štátnej moci a ktorý vychádza zo štandardov západnej Európy a myšlienok OECD. Musíme si však povedať pravdu. Nie iba na Malte a na Slovensku je potrebné bojovať proti korupcii. Štatistiky hovoria jasnou rečou. Ročne na daňových únikoch a vyhýbaniu sa daniam prichádza Európska únia o jeden bilión eur. Je na mieste otázka, dokedy bude mať EÚ daňové raje a kedy príde ozajstná, taká európska legislatíva, ktorá zabráni podvodom a daňovým únikom a zneužívaniu pri čerpaní eurofondov. A na záver – ešte mám päť sekúnd – pani komisárka, chcem sa vám poďakovať za vašu návštevu na Slovensku a veľmi pozitívne vyjadrenia v oblasti rómskej problematiky.


  Tomáš Zdechovský (PPE). – Pane předsedající, paní komisařko, já opakovaně jsem byl v minulém roce i v tomto roce na Maltě i na Slovensku a musím říci, že jsem byl poněkud zděšen množstvím případů, kdy docházelo k porušování pravidel Evropské unie.

Občané Malty i Slovenska doufají v Evropskou unii, která jim má pomoci právě bojovat proti věcem, kvůli kterým zemřeli dva zmínění novináři. Je to zaprvé korupce a zadruhé je to nefunkčnost právního státu. Neříkejme si o tom, že tato věc není dostatečně známá. Je dostatečně známá a my musíme být opravdu jako poslanci Evropského parlamentu i jako zástupci Evropské unie dostatečně tvrdí a nekompromisní nejenom při vyšetřování těchto případů, ale při nastavování lepších pravidel. Evropská unie se musí ukázat jako nikoliv bezzubá mašina, která toleruje některé excesy, ale jako ta, která požaduje důkladné vyšetření a nastavení pravidel do budoucna, aby se podobné případy neopakovaly.


  Alfred Sant (S&D). – Kwistjonijiet dwar is-saltna tad-dritt qed jintużaw biex imexxu ‘l quddiem interessi polarizzati u partiġġjani li jeżistu fil-politika nazzjonali Maltija. Qed isiru akkużi dwar Malta li huma fattwalment żbaljati u mgħawġa bil-għan li jkun jista’ jingħata bidu għal aktar hekk imsejħa inkjesti. Darba wara l-oħra investigazzjoni ta’ dat-tip raw kif għamlu biex iħammġu isem il-gżira. Il-mod kif ħadem il-grupp ta’ monitoraġġ fil-Kumitat LIBE ta’ dal-Parlament li mexxa investigazzjoni f’dil-linja kien imċajpar u arbitrarju. Membru ewlieni tal-grupp huwa wkoll membru ewlieni tal-partit tal-oppożizzjoni f’Malta. Kif nistgħu nippreżentaw ruħna bħala difensuri tas-saltna tad-dritt meta nippermettu li ġudizzji ta’ portata kbira dwar il-valuri jsiru minn grupp li l-membri tiegħu jagħżlu lilhom infushom minn ġewwa u bla ebda trasparenza. Malta għandha kull ħila biex tqis l-operat demokratiku tagħha u tirriformah, waqt li tirrispetta għal kollox is-saltna tad-dritt. Dan jgħodd għal kull qasam fejn tista’ tqum xi kriżi. Il-ġimgħa li għaddiet il-Gvern Malti kkommetta ruħu li se jwettaq bidliet leġiżlattivi li jirriflettu r-rakkomandazzjonijiet li għamlet dan l-aħħar il-Kummissjoni ta’ Venezja dwar governanza. Personalment, nemmen li ma kienx hemm għalfejn li dan l-impenn isir daqshekk malajr. Il-bidliet jeħtieġ li jiġu diskussi f’Malta, fost il-Maltin, mal-Maltin, mhux ma membri preġudikati ta’ din il-Kamra. Madankollu, hija ħaġa żgura li d-deċiżjoni li ħa l-Gvern tikkostitwixxi sinjal ċar, anki bil-kejl dubjuż ta’ din il-kamra, li Malta hi u se tibqa’ tkun Stat li jirrispetta bis-sħiħ is-saltna tad-dritt. Nistenna li l-Membri ta’ dan il-Parlament jaffaċċjaw il-fatti b’onestà.


  Асим Адемов (PPE). – г-н Председател, г-жо Комисар, категорично осъждам убийствата на журналистите в Малта и Словакия. Това, което се случи в тези страни, е недопустимо и е в разрез с европейските ценности, европейските правила, така че ние от ЕНП категорично осъждаме тези убийства.

Настояваме съответните страни да разследват и да предоставят цялата истина пред обществото. Не само тези, които са извършители, но и тези, които са подбудители и подучители на тези убийства, защото журналистите в европейските страни трябва да имат свободата и сигурността да разследват престъпленията на своите правителства, разбира се, там, където ги има.

Не съм съгласен с тези колеги, които се опитаха да поставят до тези страни и България, като страна, в която се убиват журналисти, защото в България такъв случай нямаше.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, a União Europeia é uma comunidade de leis baseada na democracia, nos direitos humanos e no Estado de Direito. Infelizmente, nalguns Estados-Membros estes princípios não passam de letra morta e os jornalistas de investigação pagam com a própria vida a coragem de denunciar as fragilidades da democracia, o clientelismo político, a corrupção e os abusos de poder nos seus países.

Foi esse o preço pago pelo eslovaco Jan Kuciak, assassinado por investigar as relações do crime organizado em altas esferas do poder político no seu país e em Malta, por Daphne Galizia, sem que tenha sido aberta, até hoje, uma investigação pública, credível, que permita apurar quem foram os reais mandantes do seu brutal assassinato.

Quando somos lestos nas críticas ao Governo polaco ou ao senhor Orbán não podemos ignorar o que estes crimes brutais procuraram silenciar. A politização do poder judicial e das forças policiais, a debilidade da luta contra a corrupção e a lavagem de dinheiro nestes dois Estados-Membros, agravados no caso de Malta, tal como no meu país, Portugal, pelos programas de vistos gold que constituem, muitas vezes, um vergonhoso esquema de branqueamento de capitais que escancara as portas da União a criminosos e corruptos.


  Miriam Dalli (S&D). – Għalija, pajjiżi u n-nies tiegħu huma l-aktar ħaġa importanti. Imma nhar il-Ħamis dan il-Parlament se jintalab jivvota fuq riżoluzzjoni li tagħti l-impressjoni li dan huwa xi pajjiż, jiġifieri Malta, li ma jinteressahx mis-saltna tad-dritt. L-ironija hija li filwaqt li dan il-Parlament illum qed jiffoka fuq Malta, f'Malta għandna gvern li llum stess, u f'anqas minn mitt jum, qed iressaq emendi fil-parlament fuq il-parir tal-Kummissjoni Venezja biex jirriforma l-liġijiet. U qed nieħu gost nisma' lir-rapporteur tgħid li se tressaq emendi u nixtieq nara dawn l-emendi għaliex kif inhi r-riżoluzzjoni bħalissa ċertament li ma tagħtix stampa ċara ta' dak li qed jiġri. U l-Kummissarju semmiet il-ħatriet ġudizzjarji bħala eżempju fejn skont hi ma sarx biżżejjed. Li ma semmietx il-Kummissarju huwa li l-gvern attwali jaqbel ma' aktar riformi li jirrikjedu emendi kostituzzjonali li jeħtieġu żewġ terzi tal-membri tal-parlament, kif ikkomunikat lilek Sinjura Kummissarju f'ittra mibgħuta lilek. Dawn huma riformi ta' liġijiet li gvern preċedenti li jagħmel parti mill-EPP ma indirizzax f'ħamsa u għoxrin sena.


  Ana Gomes (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária, falou no papel dos whistleblowers. Peço-lhe que siga de perto o que está a passar-se, no meu país, com Rui Pinto, o whistleblower John dos Football Leaks, que está preso preventivamente e sente estar em perigo de vida.

Liderei a missão a Malta depois do assassinato de Daphne Caruana Galizia. Considero insuportável que ainda não se tenha prendido os mandantes do assassinato e que, talvez, e temo, se prepare a libertação dos executantes, porque a investigação está bloqueada pelo primeiro-ministro Joseph Muscat que comanda a polícia e o procurador-geral. Porque, efetivamente, não há separação de poderes em Malta e é por isso que agora estão a fazer as tais alterações de que falou a minha colega Miriam Dalli.

Em Malta, como na Eslováquia, tudo aponta para que a captura do Governo pela máfia esteja por trás destes assassinatos, dos assassinatos de Daphne, de Jan e de Martina.

É intolerável que Joseph Muscat continue a proteger os corruptos postos pelos Panama Papers no seu Governo e que continue a atacar aqueles que pedem justiça por Daphne, incluindo os seus filhos, perseguindo-os com processos de difamação. Pergunto aos colegas da minha família política que tendem a

(A oradora aceita responder a uma pergunta formulada ao abrigo do procedimento “cartão azul” (artigo 162.º, n.º 8, do Regimento))


  Miriam Dalli (S&D), blue-card question. – Since I was mentioned in an incoherent speech, which I couldn’t even follow, I would like my colleague to kindly specify more clearly, if you are against these reforms – because that is what I am understanding from you.


  Ana Gomes (S&D), blue-card answer.(start of speech off mike) ... reforms that can indeed ensure the separation of powers and the rule of law. That’s exactly the reason why they are not there. These are not being respected, and that’s the reason why the investigation into the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia is blocked. That is outrageous. I hope that anyone serious like yourself would be against that.


  Monika Beňová (S&D). – Vážený pán predsedajúci. Bude to teraz náročné. Toto už je druhá správa o stave a o situácii na Slovensku a na Malte. A ja, podobne ako v rozprave pri prvej správe koncom minulého roka, chcem povedať, že mi je úprimne ľúto smrti pána Kuciaka, jeho priateľky pani Kušnírovej, a aj pani Galicie. Nemôžem však hodnotiť túto správu ako netendenčnú. Táto správa je tendenčná, pretože som bola v pravidelnom kontakte s pani spravodajkyňou a dávala som jej informácie, ktoré sa do tejto správy nedostali. Takže ak dovolíte, poviem ich teraz. Na Slovensku boli v pomerne rýchlom čase nielen otvorená spolupráca so všetkými relevantnými agentúrami, ktoré spomínala pani komisárka, ale boli už aj obvinení, či už vykonávatelia alebo zadávatelia vraždy. Veľmi ma mrzí, že sa prehlbuje takáto brázda medzi západnou a východnou Európou a že sme tu každý mesiac už na zasadnutiach svedkami toho, ako západoeurópske štáty kritizujú východoeurópske štáty za porušovanie pravidiel právneho štátu. Je to veľká škoda pre nás všetkých...

(prerušené predsedajúcim)

(Rečníčka súhlasila s tým, že odpovie na otázku položenú zdvihnutím modrej karty (článok 162 ods. 8 rokovacieho poriadku))


  Sophia in ‘t Veld, deputising for the author, blue-card question. – Look, I’ve heard your criticisms. I’ve heard them before. I think they’re unfounded and I wasn’t going to react. But I would really like you to clarify the last statement about how this resolution indicates that there is a rift between eastern and western Europe. I have always maintained that there is no eastern Europe or western Europe or central Europe or northern Europe or southern Europe... there is only one Europe, and that is what I have been working for for the last 15 years, and I don’t accept your statement.


  Monika Beňová (S&D), odpoveď na otázku položenú zdvihnutím modrej karty. – Veľmi jednoduchá odpoveď. Hovorila som to v kontexte toho, ako tu už každý mesiac kritizujete niektorý členský štát z východnej časti Európskej únie. Raz je to Česká republika, raz Maďarsko, potom Poľsko, potom Rumunsko, potom Bulharsko a teraz Slovensko. Je to už na programe každého jedného zasadnutia. A len upozorňujem na to, že to naozaj neprispieva dobrej spolupráci medzi členskými štátmi. Hovoríte o korupcii. V predchádzajúcej rozprave – škoda, že ste tu neboli – sme hovorili o Holandsku, o vašej krajine, ako o krajine, kde prijímate zákony a legislatívu, ktorá vytvára predpoklady na korupciu, a to tým, že poskytujete finančné benefity veľkým spoločnostiam...

(prerušené predsedajúcim)


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D). – Señor presidente, Comisaria Jourová, Eslovaquia y Malta son dos Estados miembros de la Unión Europea, y sus ciudadanos están representados en este Parlamento Europeo y merecen todo nuestro respeto. Pero no hay ni un solo Estado miembro que pueda librarse del foco y de la prioridad que este Parlamento Europeo ha puesto en el Estado de Derecho y en la lucha contra la corrupción, lo que significa garantizar pluralismo informativo e independencia judicial en la investigación de los delitos.

Ha habido dos asesinatos de periodistas, lo que pone de manifiesto la necesidad de que Eslovaquia y Malta hagan sus deberes para aclarar completamente, con la colaboración de Europol, esos asesinatos. Garantizar la seguridad de los periodistas y luchar contra la corrupción significa también acabar con los esquemas de visas doradas que permiten inversiones ilícitas, blanqueo de dinero procedente de negocios ilícitos, además de la necesidad de asegurar la transparencia y la aseguración de los whistleblowers que denuncian los graves delitos que puedan tener lugar y que necesitan ser depurados judicialmente.

Por tanto, es imprescindible —y se lo hemos dicho a los primeros ministros en sus comparecencias en este Parlamento— que Malta y Eslovaquia aclaren esos asesinatos cuanto antes.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Věra Jourová, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, this has been a very important debate because it covered several existentially crucial and important topics. We spoke about the rule of law and freedom of the media. We didn’t speak so much about the necessary space for civil society, which is also part of the same thing. Whenever we see a worsening of the situation in a Member State, we see that it usually refers to all three of these pillars, which we should pay attention to.

I will now stay more with the rule of law principle and the mechanisms the Commission uses to uphold and monitor the rule of law in the Member States. As I said before, we use the whole toolbox and all the instruments available. We launched Article 7 for the first time. We are covering this important issue in the European Semester. We use infringements where possible and where needed, and we also use something which I didn’t mention at the beginning, the Justice Scoreboard, which is a very useful yearly benchmarking exercise and shows, among other things, how the people, the citizens and the businesses in all the countries grasp and perceive the independence and quality of the judiciary system. We are also newly adding the criteria of how the fight against corruption is done in the Member States. So these are all the instruments we have in our toolbox.

Let me now say a few words about the new initiatives. As I said at the beginning, we plan the communication on the rule of law to clarify what we mean by the rule of law – that it is not purely a Member State issue, but is a European issue which has been covered by the recent case law of the European Court of Justice and which will be fully reflected in our communication on the rule of law.

Another initiative is the linking of the rule of law with the new budget. I think that this should also be mentioned here. We also adopted the new initiative on the protection of whistle—blowers and, last but not least, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, which should start working from 2020, is a very important contribution to the fight against corruption and financial crime related to EU money.

This is a long list of initiatives. We need to enforce the law, to bring all these initiatives to life and to explain to the citizens of the EU why we are doing this and why it is very important.

I spoke about the need to uphold the rule of law and to run all these initiatives from the side of the European Union. At the same time, as a citizen of the Czech Republic, I would like to add that maybe I feel a similar thing to some of you, namely that we should trust more the people living in our countries and our Member States, that there are democrats and that they have enhanced a way to solve the problems. They should not be put aside. We should trust them and we should trust the active citizens. That’s why I also mentioned civil society organisations and the active citizens who raise their voices and express their dissatisfaction if something is wrong in their country. I am not calling for demonstrations, I’m not calling for riots, I just say we should trust more the people living in our Member States because they are democrats and they know what to do – among other things, to go to the elections and vote for democratic powers.


  President. – The debate is closed.

The vote will take place on Thursday, 28 March 2019.

Written statements (Rule 162)


  Kinga Gál (PPE), írásban. – Nagyon elkeserítő, hogy a XXI. század Európájában az oknyomozó újságírásba bele lehet halni. Mindent meg kell tenni annak érdekében, hogy kézre kerüljenek az elkövetők és, hogy hasonló barbár cselekedetek soha többé ne fordulhassanak elő! Ugyanakkor elfogadhatatlan, hogy a máltai és szlovákiai gyilkosságokkal összefüggésben tartott vitát arra használja az európai parlament, hogy egy újabb általános jogállamisági vita keretében Magyarországot ostorozza, ahol nem öltek meg újságírót, nem ül börtönben egyetlen újságíró sem és senkit nem hurcoltak meg koholt vádak alapján.

Az pedig egyenesen felháborító, hogy „a jogállamiság és a korrupció elleni küzdelem helyzete az Európai Unióban, különösen Máltán és Szlovákiában” címet viselő parlamenti állásfoglalástervezetben olyan hivatkozás is van, amelyben az Európai Parlament sürgeti a tanácsot, hogy részt vehessen a Magyarország elleni 7-es cikk szerinti eljárásban, amihez az alapító szerződések alapján semmi joga sem lenne. Egyértelmű a baloldali és liberális EP képviselők szándéka, hogy minden fronton nyomást gyakoroljanak hazánkra, hogy megváltoztassuk a tömeges migrációt ellenző álláspontunkat. Csakis így jelenhetnek meg a hazánkkal szemben megfogalmazott kritikák tartalmilag Magyarországot nem érintő jelentésekbe és állásfoglalásokban is!


  Urmas Paet (ALDE), kirjalikult. – Nii Maltal kui ka Slovakkias on ajakirjanikud pidanud oma töö eest maksma eluga. On oluline tagada ajakirjandusvabadus nii Maltal kui ka Slovakkias ning järgida õigusriigi põhimõtteid. Tuleb jätkuvalt tegelda korruptsioonivastase monitoorimisega ja tegelda ka selliste probleemidega nagu nn kuldsed viisad ning kaitsta Schengeni ala usaldusväärsust.

Última actualização: 5 de Julho de 2019Aviso legal - Política de privacidade