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Verbatim report of proceedings
Monday, 25 March 2019 - StrasbourgRevised edition
 1.Resumption of the session
 2.Opening of the sitting
 3.Statements by the President
 4.Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting
 5.Request for the defence of immunity: see Minutes
 6.Announcement by the President : see Minutes
 7.Corrigenda (Rule 231): see Minutes
 8.Signature of acts adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure (Rule 78): see Minutes
 9.Documents received: see Minutes
 10.Questions for oral answer (submission): see Minutes
 11.Major interpellations (Rule 130b) (submission): see Minutes
 12.Order of business
 13.Report on financial crimes, tax evasion and tax avoidance (debate)
 14.Situation of rule of law and fight against corruption in the EU, specifically in Malta and Slovakia (debate)
 15.Discontinuing seasonal changes of time (debate)
 16.Common rules for the internal market for electricity - Internal market for electricity - European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators - Risk-preparedness in the electricity sector (debate)
 17.Representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers (debate)
 18.Recent developments on the Dieselgate scandal (debate)
 19.Labelling of tyres with respect to fuel efficiency and other essential parameters (debate)
 20.One-minute speeches on matters of political importance
 21.Agenda of the next sitting : see Minutes
 22.Closure of the sitting
Verbatim report of proceedings
Revised edition (509 kb)
Verbatim report of proceedings
Revised edition (2729 kb)
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