21. To trešo valstu saraksta izveide, kuru pilsoņiem, šķērsojot dalībvalstu ārējās robežas, ir jābūt vīzām, kā arī to trešo valstu saraksta izveide, uz kuru pilsoņiem šī prasība neattiecas (Kosova) (debates)
Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Tanja Fajon, a nome della commissione per le libertà civili, la giustizia e gli affari interni, sulla proposta di regolamento del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio che modifica il regolamento (CE) n. 539/2001 del Consiglio che adotta l'elenco dei paesi terzi i cui cittadini devono essere in possesso del visto all'atto dell'attraversamento delle frontiere esterne e l'elenco dei paesi terzi i cui cittadini sono esenti da tale obbligo (Kosovo*)
Tanja Fajon, Rapporteur. – Mr President, today in this House we are once again discussing visa liberalisation for Kosovo. It is a very sensitive and very difficult topic because Kosovo is the last country of the Western Balkans that still hasn’t seen visas abolished for free travel to the European Union.
I would like to remind us all that Kosovo met all the requirements for a visa-free regime a long time ago, and this House, the European Parliament, also gave the green light for Kosovo’s visa-free regime a while ago. The European Commission recognised that Kosovo has met all the criteria, and I would like to remind you that Kosovo had more conditions than any other countries of the Western Balkans. Kosovo met the last two remaining sensitive issues some months ago – one was to ratify the demarcation of the border agreement with Montenegro – which were highly sensitive and political issues. But they managed to achieve it, including with a fight against corruption in high political elites.
That’s why I strongly recommend that tomorrow we reconfirm visa liberalisation for this country. To be very frank, today all the other countries of the Western Balkans have visa—free regimes. It is a very important message for the citizens of the accession countries because it is not only important for political and economic contacts, but it is important for people—to-people contacts.
Today Kosovo is the most isolated country in the Western Balkans. We are just talking about visa liberalisation. I don’t want to discuss other issues that Kosovo is dealing with today because, with intention, we have to focus on what Kosovo has delivered. So today I will, with all my criticism, point to the European governments and say that didn’t deliver their promise. Their promise was that, once Kosovo meets the criteria, we will deliver a visa-free regime.
I would like to ask the Council – and no one is present here – why they didn’t put it on the agenda, and when they are planning to put it on the agenda. We are losing our credibility. To be very frank, politicians, businessmen or potential criminals don’t wait for visas. They travel freely. What we are discussing is visa-free travel for those who are in need, with certain limitations of course. Visa-free travel has certain limitations and people in Kosovo are aware of that.
The campaign is ongoing and we have to deliver what we promised. I would remind you that, in other cases – when we delivered visa liberalisation to Ukraine or to other countries overnight – it was an easy political decision, and now the European governments are blocking a little country in the Western Balkans without real reasons.
So I would encourage us all, because we are finishing our term in office, to reconfirm tomorrow the mandate you already gave me and this is that we support visa—free for Kosovo. Once again, the country has met all the conditions. The European Commission recognised that, but today it is the European governments that aren’t acting. We have too many cases today where the European governments are blocking our credible European policies and visa policy is something that is really at the heart of Europeans. It is something that is very tangible.
I understand the frustration of citizens in Kosovo when they feel that we asked them to deliver something and they did deliver, but now we aren’t acting. Not the European Parliament. We did our task, but the task is now in the hands of the European governments.
So my message to you tomorrow, when we vote for the mandate and reconfirm it and conclude the first reading, is: please support it because people in Kosovo are watching us and they are watching us with great expectations and hopes.
Dimitris Avramopoulos,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I welcome this debate on visa liberalisation for the people of Kosovo, and I would like to express once again my thanks to our rapporteur, Ms Fajon, for her continued work, personal engagement and efforts to support this proposal. Since launching the visa liberalisation dialogue in 2012, the Commission has closely worked with Kosovo to support the authorities in fulfilling all the benchmarks of the visa roadmap.
We acknowledged, in our final report of 4 May 2016, that Kosovo had taken important steps towards the visa-free regime. This is why we proposed, as you remember, to lift the visa requirements for the people of Kosovo on the understanding that, by the day of adoption of the proposal by Parliament and Council, Kosovo would have ratified the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro and strengthened its track record in the fight against organised crime and corruption.
Two years later, on 18 July 2018, following the necessary efforts and progress, the Commission confirmed that Kosovo has fulfilled all benchmarks of the visa liberalisation roadmap, including the two previously outstanding requirements. Subsequently, we called on the Council and the Parliament to move forward with our proposal. I would like to thank this House for the swift support it has given to our proposal.
Let me recall that the conclusion of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro is a huge step forward, and it was not easy, even though this is politically sensitive, and we should say so. A number of Member States voiced concerns about the migratory risks posed by the citizens of Kosovo and the need to learn from the past. I am aware of these concerns, and I can understand them. Kosovo is also aware of them and is cooperating and in touch with several Member States directly to mitigate the risk.
We have encouraged, and will continue to encourage, the Kosovo authorities to continue, first of all, to implement all the benchmarks; second, to strengthen their anti-corruption and rule of law framework; and third, to keep up the work on migration and security, as well as the need to clearly communicate with citizens about their rights and obligations under a visa-free regime.
Dear colleagues, let me recall that Kosovo is the only western Balkan partner that does not benefit from a visa facilitation agreement, and its citizens are the only ones in the region who need a visa to travel to the European Union.
I have said plenty of times that the visa-free regime comes with rights and obligations, and the Kosovo authorities are well aware of this. They have done their part of the work, and I trust they will continue doing so. I count on the Members of this House to help encourage the Council to also come to the negotiating table soon and agree on the proposal swiftly.
Igor Šoltes,pripravljavec mnenja Odbora za zunanje zadeve. – Gospod predsednik, kot stalni poročevalec za Kosovo na odboru AFET bi lahko rekel, da je za Kosovo pestro obdobje, polno izzivov.
In kljub temu, da so leto dni nazaj uspeli ratificirati mejo s Črno goro, kar je predstavljalo poseben napor pri doseganju notranjega soglasja, in da je Evropska unija zatrjevala, da je to še zadnji manjkajoči kriterij v procesu pridobitve vizne liberalizacije, in ko je Kosovo izpolnilo še ta pogoj glede napredka v boju proti kriminalu in seveda korupciji, je Evropska unija ponovno zatrjevala, da je to zadnji manjkajoči kriterij v procesu pridobitve vizne liberalizacije.
Ampak v tem času, do danes, se ni zgodilo na tem področju tisto, kar bi se moralo.
In čeprav je Evropska komisija in tudi mi smo dali zeleno luč za vizno liberalizacijo, še vedno ta točka ni bila uvrščena na dnevni red Sveta.
In veste, ko imamo dva partnerja in en izpolni svoj del obveznosti, drugi pa ne, drugi izgublja svojo verodostojnost.
In mislim, da smo odgovorni pred narodom Kosova, da to storimo.
Асим Адемов, от името на групата PPE. – г-н Председател, от началото на диалога между Комисията и Косово за либерализиране на визовия режим до 2016 г. Комисията е приела 4 доклада за постигнатия напредък. През май 2016 г. Комисията представя последните си две предложения, а именно Косово да ратифицира споразумението за границата с Черна гора и да продължи борбата с организираната престъпност.
С днешна дата тези два критерия вече са изпълнени, както констатира доклада на Комисията през 2018 г.. Освен тези последно изпълнени два критерия, на Косово са били поставени още 95 критерия, които са изпълнени. Поради изпълнения ангажимент от страна на Косово, е крайно време усърдните преговори и положените усилия на правителството на Косово да бъдат наградени с ясни резултати. Време е да покажем на гражданите на Косово, че Европейският съюз е надежден не само за собствените си граждани, но и за своите приятели извън границите на Съюза.
Мисля, че е време да покажем на европейските и косоварските граждани, че когато поставим ясни критерии и е постигнат ясен резултат, ние от Европейския съюз изпълняваме нашия поет ангажимент, а този ангажимент е да позволим на гражданите на Косово да пътуват свободно в рамките на Европейския съюз.
Нека не забравяме, че Косово е последната страна от Западните Балкани, за която визовата либерализация не е факт. Нека не се оправдаваме с международната престъпност, защото визовата либерализация не е тази бариера, която ще спре тази престъпност.
Искам да припомня някои факти, а именно, че броят на молбите за убежище от Косово е намалял драстично, че Косово е подписало 20 споразумения за реадмисия със страни от Европейския съюз, че Косово стартира кампания за информиране на гражданите относно правото и задълженията на безвизовия режим, че Косово е увеличило броя на граничната полиция като превантивна мярка, и че Косово разполага с правна рамка, която обхваща всички аспекти на тероризма и е в съответствие с достиженията на правото на Европейския съюз и международните инструменти за борба с тероризма.
Последно бих искал да подчертая, че Косово продължава да изпълнява всички други критерии, определени от пътната карта за либерализиране на визовия режим, свързани с обратното приемане и реинтеграцията, сигурността на документите, управлението на миграцията и границите, обществения ред и сигурност.
Затова предлагам да гласуваме в подкрепа на визовата либерализация на Косово.
Birgit Sippel, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Bereits vor fast drei Jahren hat die Kommission vorgeschlagen, Kosovo von der Visumpflicht zu befreien, denn bereits damals war die Kommission überzeugt: Kosovo wird auch die letzten Voraussetzungen für die Visaliberalisierung rechtzeitig erfüllen. Und dass dies tatsächlich geschehen ist, hat die Kommission schon im letzten Juli bestätigt. Und dennoch stimmen wir heute nicht über ein Trilog-Ergebnis ab.
Der Fahrplan für die Visaliberalisierung wurde Kosovo vier Jahre nach den anderen Staaten der Region vorgelegt, und noch immer verzögern und blockieren einige Mitgliedstaaten die Verhandlungen. Das isoliert Kosovo und verlangsamt die europäische Integration. Wie sollen wir den Menschen dort erklären, dass die EU plötzlich weitere Voraussetzungen aus dem Hut zaubert, nachdem das Land bereits alle Kriterien für die Visaliberalisierung erfüllt hat? Diese Haltung trägt nicht nur dazu bei, dass die EU ihre Glaubwürdigkeit in der kosovarischen Bevölkerung verliert – und möglicherweise auch darüber hinaus. Die Versprechen, die wir Kosovo geben, müssen eingehalten werden.
Ja, einige EU-Mitgliedstaaten haben Kosovo nicht als Staat anerkannt. Doch für eine Visaliberalisierung ist eine Anerkennung des Staates nicht notwendig, es müssen lediglich die Reisedokumente anerkannt werden, die übrigens schon jetzt sehr sicher sind.
Wir dürfen Kosovo nicht länger hinhalten. Die Voraussetzungen für eine Visaliberalisierung sind erfüllt, das Parlament hat eine klare Position, und es ist höchste Zeit, dass der Rat, der wieder einmal nicht hier ist, seine Blockadehaltung aufgibt, damit die EU als Ganzes ihr Wort halten kann.
Anders Primdahl Vistisen, for ECR-Gruppen. – Hr. formand! Der er mange gode både konkrete og generelle grunde til at være skeptisk over for visaliberaliseringen i forhold til Kosovo. Først og fremmest er der det lavpraktiske argument, at der er en række af EU’s medlemslande, som selv den dag i dag ikke anerkender Kosovo som en selvstændig stat. Det gør det vanskeligt for Rådet at komme ud af det dødvande, der har omgærdet hele processen. Men generelt vil jeg sige, at det, der bekymrer mig og mine kolleger i ECR-Gruppen, er i høj grad det fokus, der har være på ensidig visaliberalisering frem for de modstående hensyn, der er. Ser vi på områder som organiseret kriminalitet, har vi oplevet store problemer på Vestbalkan generelt i forhold til den påvirkning, der har været på EU-landene. Derfor er det en hel fornuftig forholdsregel, at man skal søge om visa. Derfor kan vi egentlig kun beklage, at liberaliseringen er gået for langt.
Derudover er jeg personligt meget bekymret over den stigende radikalisering, vi har set i visse dele af Vestbalkan, og derfor er vores generelle indstilling i forhold til hele spørgsmålet om europæernes sikkerhed, at forsigtighed bør være det bærende princip. I denne forbindelse er visa et ganske godt instrument til at filtrere de folk, der får adgang til Den Europæiske Union. Generelt føler vi, at Kommissionen burde have mere fokus på at lave hjemsendelsesaftaler i forhold til de mange afviste migranter, der findes i Europa, frem for yderligere visaliberaliseringer.
Angelika Mlinar, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, I would like to start by thanking our rapporteur, Tanja Fajon, and all the shadow rapporteurs, for all the efforts made on this file. The file has been a work in progress in the European Parliament since 2016, when already at that time, the Commission proposed lifting the visa requirements for the people of Kosovo by transferring Kosovo to the visa—free list of short stays in the Schengen area.
As mentioned before by Commissioner Avramopoulos, the Commission announced last July that the two most important requirements for the visa waiver had been fulfilled. Firstly, Kosovo had ratified the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro and, secondly, Kosovo has strengthened its track record in the fight against organised crime and corruption. In September, Parliament voted in favour of entering into interinstitutional negotiations, and tomorrow we will vote to keep the position positive, so the visa waiver can be finalised during the next legislature.
Kosovo has been isolated on the Balkans visa liberalisation map for far too long. Visa liberalisation would be a fair and natural next step for this country. The benefits of a liberalised visa regime are considerable. This decision will further facilitate people—to—people contacts, improve professional and educational exchange, boost economic partnerships and strengthen social and cultural ties between the EU and Kosovo. This agreement would also help the EU to promote reforms in third countries in relation to strengthening respect for fundamental rights and the rule of law. The visa waiver can even help to discourage people smugglers whose services would no longer be required.
I call on the Member States and on the Council to adopt a position as soon as possible so that negotiations can finally begin. There is no room for prejudice preventing the people of Kosovo from travelling freely into the Schengen area.
Bodil Valero, för Verts/ALE-gruppen. – Herr talman! Sedan Kosovo utropade sin självständighet i februari 2008 har drygt hundra länder erkänt landet, och den internationella domstolen i Haag anser att självständigheten inte strider mot internationell rätt. Stabiliserings- och associeringsavtalen med EU har trätt i kraft i alla länder på västra Balkan, inklusive Kosovo. Ändå har fem av våra medlemsländer valt att inte erkänna landet: Spanien, Grekland, Cypern, Rumänien och Slovakien.
Kosovo är i dag det enda land i regionen som inte har visumlättnader till EU. Den färdplan som inleddes med inte mindre än 95 kriterier är nu klar. De har gjort sin del av arbetet. Nu är det upp till oss. Jag instämmer helt med föredraganden att det måste vara en rättvis och meritbaserad hållning – och inte en politisk kohandel – som utgör grunden för vårt ställningstagande. Det finns ingenting som hindrar ledamöter även från de länder som ännu inte erkänt Kosovo att nu rösta för visumlättnader. Jag säger det, för det skedde nämligen i utskottet. Jag och den gröna gruppen, vi välkomnar förslaget.
Marie-Christine Vergiat, au nom du groupe GUE/NGL. – Monsieur le Président, le Kosovo est un pays de moins de deux millions d’habitants. La guerre, qui a ensanglanté le pays, a fait plus de 13 000 morts. C’est le seul État des Balkans à ne pas avoir bénéficié d’une libéralisation des visas de court séjour, bien évidemment, puisque ce sont les seuls visas qui sont de la compétence de l’Union. Macédoine du Nord, Monténégro et Serbie l’ont depuis 2008, Albanie et Bosnie depuis 2010.
Comme l’a écrit notre rapporteure, le Kosovo est désormais isolé sur la carte de la libéralisation des visas dans les Balkans. On lui a demandé de remplir une liste de critères plus détaillée qu’aucun autre pays, ce qui a été fait. La Commission a abouti à une proposition législative en 2016.
Nous sommes habitués à aller très vite en la matière, à ratifier des accords de libéralisation, y compris déjà en vigueur, notamment pour de charmantes îles océaniennes, telles que les îles Tonga, Tuvalu, Nauru, Kiribati, Vanuatu et quelques autres, pour lesquelles il y a effectivement peu de chance de voir arriver des ressortissants sur nos territoires, mais ils sont élaborés pour quelques touristes européens privilégiés.
Le syndrome des arrivées massives post-libéralisation est toujours démenti par les faits, notamment dans les Balkans, sans parler du rôle à venir de ES et de ETIAS.
Même si tout n’est pas parfait, le Kosovo a accompli beaucoup d’efforts, bien au-delà de ce qu’on a demandé à ses voisins. On met souvent en avant les questions de la corruption et du système judiciaire, mais ses voisins ne font pas mieux. Le Parlement européen a fait son travail, la proposition de la Commission européenne a été adoptée en septembre 2016 et le mandat de négociation donné par notre commission LIBE a été confirmé en plénière, en 2018. Mais le Conseil, lui, n’a toujours pas adopté de mandat de négociation. Le vrai sujet, cela a déjà été dit, c’est que cinq États membres n’ont toujours pas reconnu le Kosovo.
Notre groupe est largement favorable à la libéralisation des visas et à la liberté de circulation et pour notre plus grand nombre, nous ne souhaitons pas faire d’exception pour le Kosovo. C’est pourquoi je soutiens la proposition de la rapporteure, que je remercie notamment pour sa ténacité.
Auke Zijlstra, namens de ENF-Fractie. – Voorzitter, om onduidelijke redenen wil de Europese Commissie voor zo veel mogelijk landen de visumplicht voor de Europese Unie opheffen. Nu dus ook voor Kosovo. Kosovo is een gebied waarvan de inwoners de onafhankelijkheid hebben uitgeroepen, die echter niet door alle lidstaten van de Unie is erkend. Ook zijn er problemen met criminele bendes uit Kosovo in de EU. Ik wil die graag aan de grens tegenhouden, maar de Europese Commissie blijkbaar niet.
De EU-missie om een rechtsstaat op te bouwen in Kosovo is mislukt, zo melden de Nederlandse deelnemers aan die missie. De grens ligt vol met smokkelroutes waar dagelijks heroïne en wapens en prostituees vervoerd worden, met als eindbestemming West-Europa. De lokale politie en de douane weten ervan, maar knijpen een oogje dicht en zelfs Colombiaanse drugskartels gebruiken de routes. Het Nederlands team in Kosovo omschreef het vorig jaar als volgt en ik citeer: "Een reddingsbootje kan voor 99 % heel zijn, maar als er één lek in zit, zinkt het. Wij kijken hier recht in het lek van Europa". Einde citaat.
Voorzitter, dat zijn toch allemaal redenen om die visumplicht te handhaven? Hoe een meerderheid van het Europees Parlement hier een voorstander van kan zijn, is mij een raadsel. Wij zullen tegenstemmen.
Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, τα πλεονεκτήματα για τους πολίτες μιας υπό ένταξη χώρας όπως είναι το Κοσσυφοπέδιο από την απαλλαγή της υποχρεώσεως θεωρήσεως των διαβατηρίων είναι προφανή. Όμως η εξασφάλιση αλλά και η διατήρηση αυτού του πλεονεκτήματος πρέπει να αποτελεί βασικό μέλημα της κυβερνήσεως της χώρας. Προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση η κυβέρνηση του Κοσσυφοπεδίου, παρά τις κάποιες προσπάθειες που έχει καταβάλει, δεν έχει επιτύχει να εκπληρώσει τους περισσότερους απ’ τους απαραίτητους όρους. Πέρα απ’ το γεγονός ότι δεν έχει καταπολεμήσει το οργανωμένο έγκλημα, έχει επιτρέψει να γίνει η χώρα καταφύγιο τρομοκρατών και δολοφόνων του ISIS. Επιπλέον, με τη συμπεριφορά της προκαλεί τις γειτονικές χώρες. Παραδείγματος χάρη, βλέπουμε να υπάρχουν συνεχή συνοριακά επεισόδια με τη Σερβία. Επιπλέον, επιβάλλει δασμούς στα προϊόντα που έρχονται από τη Σερβία. Επίσης μεθοδεύει τη συνομοσπονδία με την Αλβανία, η οποία ως γνωστόν εγείρει επεκτατικές βλέψεις και εδαφικές αξιώσεις επί του διαμερίσματος της Ηπείρου της Ελλάδας. Κάτω απ’ αυτές τις προϋποθέσεις είναι αδιανόητο –θεωρώ– αυτή τη στιγμή να συζητούμε και για την αναγνώριση του Κοσσυφοπεδίου αλλά και για την άρση του εμποδίου που προκύπτει απ’ την ανάγκη θεωρήσεως των διαβατηρίων των πολιτών του.
Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra (PPE). – Señor presidente, señor comisario, como algunos de ustedes saben, he sido el ponente del informe sobre el Reglamento (CE) n.º 539/2001, que regula la política de visados de la Unión. Lo he sido también del relativo al mecanismo de suspensión, que deriva del Reglamento de referencia. Y he intervenido en muchas ocasiones en la inclusión en la lista negativa del Reglamento de varios países como Colombia, Perú, Taiwán, Georgia, Ucrania, etcétera. Todos estos países tienen una característica común: son Estados soberanos.
La primera frase del artículo 1, apartado 1, del Reglamento (CE) n.º 539/2001 empieza diciendo: «Los nacionales de los terceros países [...]». En el debate que hoy nos concierne no estamos hablando de ningún país. Para nosotros, Kosovo es una provincia serbia que, como Voivodina, forma parte de su integridad territorial.
No podemos facilitar instrumentos políticos que faciliten el desmembramiento de un Estado soberano como es Serbia. Nuestra posición como Partido Popular Español es sobradamente conocida. La Unión la forman veintiocho Estados. El Reglamento es para veintiocho Estados, no para veintitrés. ¿Cómo sería posible su aplicación parcial? Estaríamos ante un instrumento de muy dudosa legalidad.
La iniciativa legislativa que se pretende aprobar no puede ser de aplicación ni en España, ni en Eslovaquia, ni en Chipre, ni en Rumanía, ni en Grecia. De prosperar esta propuesta, con toda seguridad el Tribunal de la Unión Europea se encontrará con recursos de los cinco Estados soberanos mencionados. Ninguno de estos cinco Estados permitirá la exención de visados para ciudadanos de una provincia serbia.
La Unión no concede exención de visados a provincias, solo a Estados soberanos. Lo que digo es legalmente y jurídicamente indiscutible. Y menos aún a través del Reglamento (CE) n.º 539/2001.
(El orador acepta responder a dos preguntas formuladas con arreglo al procedimiento de la «tarjeta azul» (artículo 162, apartado 8, del Reglamento interno)).
Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE/NGL), question «carton bleu». – Monsieur Diaz De Mera, nous nous connaissons bien, nous avons l’habitude de travailler ensemble et je sais que vous êtes un excellent juriste. Alors, puis-je vous demander si vous savez que les cinq États que vous avez cités ont donné leur accord pour qu’il y ait libéralisation des visas, indépendamment de la question de la reconnaissance du Kosovo?
Je voudrais savoir en outre quelle valeur vous accordez aux Nations unies et à la reconnaissance des États ainsi qu’au droit à l’autodétermination des peuples.
Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra (PPE), respuesta de «tarjeta azul». – Muchas gracias, señora Vergiat. Yo también tengo la mejor opinión sobre usted y sobre su trabajo. Pero no, no; no está bien informada. Los cinco Estados miembros no han dado su consentimiento a aquello a lo que no se lo pueden dar. Los cinco Estados miembros no pueden dar parcialmente la exención de visado a una provincia que forma parte de un Estado soberano.
Tanja Fajon (S&D), blue-card question. – Dear Agustín, I also have had very good cooperation with you and I know you are a good legal expert. I have a question for you and it’s along the same lines. I have had contact with the representatives of all the five states that do not recognise Kosovo, and in fact, my colleague is right. It’s about recognising travel documents, and not statehood. They are willing to agree on visa liberalisation for Kosovo. Just to remind you – and maybe you can answer this too – do you know that in 2009 we agreed on a visa—free regime for Taiwan, despite there being no recognition on the EU side of Taiwan’s statehood?
Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra (PPE), respuesta de «tarjeta azul». – Señora Fajon, yo también reconozco su trabajo y aprecio mucho la colaboración que hemos mantenido durante mucho tiempo.
Verá usted, la respuesta es muy parecida a la que di a la señora Vergiat.
No, una cosa es la facilitación de un documento de viaje y otra cosa es cómo se puede dar un documento de viaje a lo que, en el ámbito de las relaciones internacionales, no es un Estado soberano.
Afirmo y reitero que, legalmente, con independencia de que haya tenido el reconocimiento de muchos países de la comunidad internacional, el Reglamento que nos ocupa es para la Unión. Es para veintiocho Estados de la Unión. No es para veintitrés Estados de la Unión. De modo que, jurídicamente, será de imposible aplicación para la Unión. Por eso habrá recursos, lo anuncio claramente, habrá recursos de cinco Estados que no están sujetos a este Reglamento porque no reconocen a una provincia serbia como es Kosovo.
Andrejs Mamikins (S&D). – Mr President, Kosovo was excluded from the European visa liberalisation map from the last decade, while other Western Balkan countries could benefit from this privilege. We can all think of Kosovoʼs history in a different way, but we cannot afford to make this country a geopolitical hostage of our disagreements. Among the neighbouring countries, Kosovo, more than most, needed a visa-free regime from the beginning of the process at the Thessaloniki Council. All four Commission reports demonstrated Kosovoʼs rapid progress and its readiness to be a part of the club. We expected Kosovo to fulfil its 95 benchmarks and it did so. So by what legitimate criteria can we deprive our partners of this right? If the EU aims to promote the principle of justice and openness with Kosovo, why don’t we deliver on our promises?
84% of Kosovars are in favour of EU membership, and in my opinion, we must consider Kosovo as a future member as of now. It is unacceptable for us to undermine the regional role of the most pro-EU country in the Western Balkans. One day our children will share their EU citizenship with Kosovars, and I really wish that we could minimise this experience of unfair treatment of Kosovo and the feeling of injustice, especially since the West already has a lot to apologise for to Kosovo.
On a separate note, I would like to praise the effort and perseverance of our colleague Tanja Fajon in this important matter. Thank you very much.
Ruža Tomašić (ECR). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, liberalizacija viznog režima jasna je poruka građanima treće zemlje da Unija njihovu državu vidi kao bliskog partnera. Pričati o europskoj perspektivi Kosova, a u isto vrijeme inzistirati na vizama za ulazak u EU, krajnje je licemjerno.
Pogotovo je licemjerno ako se iza toga kriju politički motivi, dok se prodaje priču o kriterijima koje je važno ispuniti. Ako su nam kriteriji toliko važni, a ja doista smatram da trebaju biti, onda kad treća zemlja udovolji tim kriterijima, ne smije više biti prepreka.
Budući da se radi o Kosovu, opet se problematizira međunarodni status ove države. Imamo i države članice koje još nisu priznale Kosovo. Sviđalo se to vama ili ne, Kosovo je država. Na nama je da pomognemo da postane stabilna i uspješna država, partnerska i prijateljska, umjesto da ju zbog sebičnosti, licemjerja i politikanstva sabotiramo.
(Zastupnik je pristao odgovoriti na pitanje postavljeno podizanjem plave kartice (članak 162. stavak 8. Poslovnika))
Paul Rübig (PPE), Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Ich glaube, es ist wichtig zu sehen, ob die Kriterien für das Visum erfüllt sind. Und ich glaube, das ist zurzeit der Fall. Was heißt das dann im Verhältnis zur Aufenthaltsgenehmigung? Ich glaube, hier ist eine saubere Trennung notwendig, und deshalb ist das Visum ein wichtiges Instrument, um die Heranführung an die Europäische Union zu ermöglichen.
Ruža Tomašić (ECR), odgovor na pitanje postavljeno podizanjem plave kartice. – Kolega, ja mislim da se ovdje radi o politikanstvu. Države koje su imale puno više kriminalaca, gdje je bilo puno gore, dopustili smo im da ulaze u Europsku uniju, dakle, ukinuli smo im vizni režim, a Kosovu ne. Ja to zovem čisto politikanstvo.
Jasenko Selimovic (ALDE). – Mr President, there is one thing I don’t understand here in this discussion, we are often criticising some countries for not fulfilling their obligations, for saying one thing and doing the other, and rightly so. But in the case of Kosovo, we are behaving like these countries and how can we do that? I don’t really understand.
We have set certain conditions and requirements for Kosovo to fulfil. These requirements were set by all countries, including countries that do not recognise Kosovo. Kosovo has fulfilled them. The Commission evaluated this and said they are indeed fulfilled. And now the answer from our side is nothing. This is degrading our credibility. We could have imagined every possible condition to put in front of Kosovo. We could have waited. We set some conditions and they have fulfilled them. Now it is time for us to deliver our part.
I strongly urge the Council to end this circus and allow visa liberalisation for Kosovo’s citizens because this is degrading be credibility of the EU.
Dominique Bilde (ENF). – Monsieur le Président, «coudre une blessure ouverte» dans son appel à la levée des visas pour le Kosovo, Madame la rapporteure n’a décidément pas lésiné sur l’hyperbole. Mais comment peut-on sérieusement plaider pour une décision fondée sur le mérite alors que, ces derniers temps, le Kosovo a semblé prendre un malin plaisir à jouer avec le feu?
Que dire, par exemple, des tarifs douaniers de 100 % sur les importations serbes, au mépris de l’accord de libre-échange centre-européen, ou bien de la transformation de la force de sécurité du Kosovo en armée, en violation de ses textes fondamentaux?
Mais le plus inadmissible est de larmoyer sur l’isolement kosovar, en occultant celui éprouvé par la minorité serbe. Nous ne comptons plus, en effet, les engagements non tenus, comme celui relatif aux municipalités serbes, resté lettre morte depuis l’accord de Bruxelles, en 2013.
De provocation en provocation, le Kosovo s’éloigne toujours davantage d’une perspective européenne et confirme qu’il n’a jamais cessé d’être un État failli au cœur du continent.
Lukas Mandl (PPE). – Mr President, when I speak in favour of visa liberalisation for Kosovo, I speak on behalf of the majority in this Parliament, since we have already voted in favour of visa liberalisation. Now it’s up to the Council to fulfil the promise of the European Union, which came along with the criteria that Kosovo had to fulfil; and Kosovo fulfilled the criteria.
We all know that there are six different states in south-eastern Europe. There are 18 million inhabitants, and only 10% of them, 1.8 million inhabitants, don’t have the opportunity to travel freely. The people of Kosovo should have this opportunity too. By the way, we all have to fight against corruption and for the rule of law in these countries; we have to help the citizens of these countries to fight and to have opportunities for jobs and education at home. It’s not about going to work somewhere else in Europe or settling somewhere else in Europe. It is only about travelling without fees for families, without waiting times, which are annoying for families. It is about visa liberalisation, and I guess that the majority in this European Parliament stands behind the people of Kosovo, who deserve visa liberalisation.
Tonino Picula (S&D). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, plan liberalizacije viznog režima za Kosovo predstavljen je još 2012., četiri godine kasnije u odnosu na ostale države regije. Kosovo je ispunilo čak 95 kriterija do 2016., a ispunili su i dodatna dva o napretku u poštivanju vladavine prava i, politički najizazovniji, ratifikaciju graničnog sporazuma s Crnom Gorom prije točno godinu dana.
Međutim, to ništa nije promijenilo, a frustracije i osjećaj izoliranosti građana Kosova, države s najmlađom populacijom u Europi, opravdano rastu. Zato ne trebaju iznenaditi jednostrane mjere poput tarifa koje je Kosovo uvelo na proizvode iz Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine. Takve odluke, da se razumijemo, svakako nisu dobre, ali ih jednako tako treba razumjeti u kontekstu nezadovoljstva neprihvatljivom situacijom.
Europska unija mora biti dosljedna i poštovati pravila koje je sama postavila. Ovo pitanje treba prestati politizirati i povezivati s ostalim zakonodavnim i pregovaračkim procesima. Građani Kosova moraju konačno postati ravnopravni sa svim ostalim građanima Zapadnog Balkana kada ulaze u Europsku uniju, to svakako zaslužuju.
Jacques Colombier (ENF). – Monsieur le Président, aujourd’hui encore cinq États membres de l’Union européenne refusent, avec raison, de reconnaître le Kosovo en tant qu’État.
L’indépendance du Kosovo, rappelons-le, n’est que la conséquence des bombardements barbares subis par le peuple serbe, il y a vingt ans, et avec de l’uranium appauvri, de surcroît.
L’exemption de visa pour les ressortissants du Kosovo serait a fortiori un pas de plus vers l’adhésion à l’Union européenne, ce que nous rejetons formellement.
Vous parlez, pour beaucoup d’entre vous, mes chers collègues, de critères. Personnellement, j’en vois un: c’est le traitement inadmissible des droits de l’homme par le gouvernement kosovar. Nous n’avons pas besoin, au sein de cette Union européenne déliquescente, d’un pseudo-État, mafieux et islamisé qui, selon un rapport du département d’État américain, soumet les Serbes du Kosovo à un certain nombre de discriminations institutionnelles, sociales et professionnelles, voire à des intimidations visant à leur interdire de pratiquer leur religion chrétienne et même des agressions.
M’adressant plus particulièrement à l’auteur de ce rapport, je voudrais lui dire que sa démarche ne va pas dans le sens souhaité de la réconciliation de l’ensemble des peuples de l’ex-Yougoslavie, qui sont pour nous tous des peuples amis.
Presidente. – Colleghi, vi prego di rispettare i tempi. 20 secondi in più sono tanti. Io cerco di non tagliare mai gli interventi ma vi prego di non costringermi a farlo.
Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, it is high time that the EU, and in particular its Member States, stand by the commitment to allow Kosovan citizens to travel without a visa to the European Union. Kosovo is a young country that has made significant efforts, after the most appalling ethnic violence, to get in line with the requirements of the European Union to obtain visa liberalisation. May I say that it was not a level playing field with Ukrainians gaining liberalisation quickly because it suited us for political purposes. I don’t begrudge that, but I think it is unfair for the Kosovans.
Through regular contacts with numerous members of Kosovan civil society, particularly with women and youth and with entrepreneurs, I’ve seen that citizens aspire to be part of the European project. By blocking the visa liberalisation process, the Council is sending the wrong message. Many young Kosovans are disappointed and they feel let down by the EU. Hope of ever being a part of this European peace project is fading for them and we need them to be part of our peace project.
Where will they turn? Well, I abhor some of the language that I have heard from some Members in this House this evening. As a British MEP, I have Kosovan constituents living in Manchester, and there is a peace park in Kosovo that is called the Manchester Peace Park. These Kosovans are war refugees and they contribute to our society. When you slander them, you slander all Kosovans. Shame on you.
(The speaker declined to answer a blue-card question from Dobromir Sośnierz)
Mr President, I refuse to debate with misogynists and racists in this House, so I will refuse the question from this gentleman.
Dobromir Sośnierz (NI). – Panie Przewodniczący! Ja chciałem tylko prosić o zbadanie zgodności, bo pani Ward ostatnio popierała sankcje wobec mnie, więc chciałbym zapytać, czy dopuszczalne jest odzywanie się w ten sposób do innych posłów i nazywanie ich bez żadnego powodu rasistami i homofobami.
Presidente. – Riferirò all'Ufficio di presidenza la sua segnalazione e ovviamente le faremo sapere una risposta a quanto lei ha sottolineato.
Procedura catch the eye
Dubravka Šuica (PPE). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, slažem se s onima koji su rekli da je krajnje vrijeme da se omogući liberalizacija viznog režima za Kosovo. Žao mi je što neki ovdje zastupnici nazivaju Kosovo pokrajinom, jasno je da je Kosovo priznata država i žao mi je što iz svojih usko nacionalnih razloga odbijaju ovu ideju.
Činjenica je da su građani Kosova i kosovske vlasti ispunile zahtjeve koje smo od njih tražili, a to je bila demarkacija granice s Kosovom, također su poradili na antikorupcijskim zakonima i žao mi je što i danas ova sjednica služi u stvari, iz moje perspektive, kao pritisak na neke države u Europskom vijeću kako bi omogućile Kosovu liberalizaciju viza.
Mislim da je to vrlo važno za tu mladu naciju, za tu mladu državu jer oni žele jednostavno putovati kao i svi ostali građani jugoistoka Europe i u tom smjeru bih željela da i Komisija, a vidim da Komisija potvrđuje, Parlament potvrđuje, i potrebno je izvršiti dodatni pritisak na Europsko vijeće kako bi građani Kosova putovali neometano.
(Fine della procedura catch the eye)
Dimitris Avramopoulos,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, first of all I would like to express my thanks for this interesting debate. I’m really glad that the European Parliament recognises the importance of making progress on this file. As I said earlier, this is not only about being fair towards Kosovo, its authorities and its citizens for recognising their efforts. This is equally about stability and security in this region.
We cannot ignore the larger picture that is at stake here and the European perspectives of the entire region. It is by bringing them all closer that we also ensure stronger cooperation. One cannot keep moving or pushing the finishing line; otherwise, we risk Kosovo and, most importantly, its European minded citizens turning their backs and running in the other direction.
I very much regret that it was not possible for an agreement to be found under this legislature. I hope that it will be completed as soon as possible during the next term.
Tanja Fajon, Rapporteur. – Mr President, thank you for all the support to shadow rapporteurs and other colleagues that believe Kosovo today deserves visa liberalisation, and thank you to the Commissioner. To others that still have some doubts, I say that for visa liberalisation the recognition of statehood is not a condition. There is only a need to recognise the travel documents. Increased radicalisation has nothing to do with limited visa-free travel for – mostly – young people and for tourist purposes. But, yes, increased radicalisation can be a result of Kosovo’s isolation and the growing despair that the EU has failed to deliver on its promise.
Once again, Kosovo has met all the benchmarks set by the European Commission – even more than the other countries of the Western Balkans. The European Commission has recognised that, the European Parliament has that, and if you today say Kosovo is not fulfilling the conditions, you are simply lying. You are simply behaving irresponsibly. I urge the EU governments to respect the Treaties, to take a decision on visa waiver for Kosovo, with a qualified majority. The Council does not need unanimity. Stop these games and shameful political purposes, and act now.
Tomorrow we will vote in order to secure a first reading procedure in Parliament. This is not the final vote, but it is an important vote to point a finger at EU governments, showing we in the European Parliament are ready. This is our message again tomorrow. We are keeping our promise, now it is up to you to show your credibility, to show that you care for young people, that you care for young families and for a young country that for far too long has been isolated.
Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.
La votazione si svolgerà domani, giovedì 28 marzo 2019.