 Testo integrale 
Procedura : 2018/0143(COD)
Ciclo di vita in Aula
Ciclo del documento : A8-0354/2018

Testi presentati :


Discussioni :

PV 14/11/2018 - 8
CRE 14/11/2018 - 8
PV 17/04/2019 - 19
CRE 17/04/2019 - 19

Votazioni :

PV 14/11/2018 - 14.7
CRE 14/11/2018 - 14.7
Dichiarazioni di voto
PV 18/04/2019 - 10.6
Dichiarazioni di voto

Testi approvati :


Resoconto integrale delle discussioni
Mercoledì 17 aprile 2019 - Strasburgo

19. Livelli di prestazione in materia di emissioni di CO2 dei veicoli pesanti nuovi (discussione)
Video degli interventi
Processo verbale

  La Présidente. – L’ordre du jour appelle le débat sur le rapport de Bas Eickhout, au nom de la commission de l’environnement, de la santé publique et de la sécurité alimentaire, sur la proposition de règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil établissant des normes de performance en matière d’émissions de CO2 pour les nouveaux véhicules lourds (COM(2018)0284 – C8-0197/2018 – 2018/0143(COD)) (A8-0354/2018).


  Bas Eickhout, Rapporteur. – Madam President, I would like to thank my colleagues for all their interest in CO2 and trucks. That should also be because this is the final climate legislation that we are adopting this term so this means that, after this, we will have to have a lot of improvements for the next term. But, on this one, we can celebrate this because it is the first time that the European Union is going to regulate CO2 emissions from heavy—duty vehicles.

It was – as it was with the CO2 and cars legislation – a tough fight with a lot of resistance, but I think we managed, in good cooperation with the different shadow rapporteurs and all the different groups, whom I would like to thank for their contributions. We did not always agree, but I think, in the end, we have come to a deal which everyone can support and feel that we are touching the importance of this file, which is putting a CO2 reduction of 15% in place for 2025 and, by 2030, a binding target of 30%, and especially that long—term prospects will give a very clear signal to the car manufacturers and the truck manufacturers that they will need to invest in new technologies.

We also managed to close all the loopholes, mainly around the super credits, and shift that to a 2% benchmark of zero-emission vehicles, which also gives a clear signal to the manufacturers that they will not be able to stay only improving current combustion engine technologies, but that they also need to invest in new technologies for the future, which can be zero—emission, e—mobility and also hydrogen. That is still open, but this is a clear signal now to the manufacturers that this is the direction to go in.

As I said, it was a hard fight. Clearly, from a Green perspective, we would have loved to see higher targets on the table, but I think what is very important is that now manufacturers have clarity for the longer term so that they know where their investments need to go in order to make sure that the transport sector is also cleaning up and working towards decarbonisation. Because when people ask you about heavy—duty vehicles and how important it is, I would just remind you that it is 6% of the total European emissions, and of the road transport emissions, it is even 25%.

So we are talking about a very important category, which is, on top of that, even increasing, whereas we know that, by 2050, we should have decarbonised our economy. That’s why it is so important to put this legislation in place. We will have reviews in place by 2022 and I can promise you that, by then, we probably will look at the targets that we agreed upon, tomorrow, and we will conclude that we can do more because of the signals we gave to the manufacturers and the investments that will go into zero-emission vehicles so that the market is also finally changing and we get new jobs and job creation also within the European Union.

Because on heavy—duty vehicles it was really high time that, as Europe, we started to regulate this because countries like the United States, Japan and Canada already regulated that before us. So we are catching up and making sure that innovation and these new technologies will be done within Europe, creating the jobs within Europe and, at the same time, delivering a decarbonisation of our transport sector, which is so badly needed if we want to achieve the Paris Agreement with that.

I think that is a good achievement and, once again, I would like to thank all the shadows and also the Commission and the Council – which is not there – for their close cooperation in getting this deal done, and I look forward to the vote tomorrow.


  Miguel Arias Cañete, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, it’s a pleasure to be here today for the final debate on the legislation setting the first ever CO2 emission standards for new heavy—duty vehicles.

The agreement reached by the European Parliament and the Council is a very important achievement and it marks the completion of a comprehensive legislative framework on climate and clean energy for 2030. A swift agreement on this regulation has been possible thanks to the constructive efforts and spirit of compromise of the negotiators from both institutions. I would like very especially to thank the rapporteur, Mr Eickhout, and all the shadow rapporteurs and congratulate them on the very good result achieved in such a short time-frame.

The agreement reached is both ambitious and balanced. Its most important elements are that for new heavy—duty vehicles the European Union fleet-wide average CO2 emissions will have to be 15% lower in 2025 and 30% lower in 2030, compared to the reference period, which covers July 2019 to June 2020. The targets cover the largest vehicles, which account for about 17% of the total CO2 emissions of the heavy—duty sector, and a technology-neutral incentive system will stimulate manufacturers to deploy zero and low—emission vehicles in the next decade, starting in 2019 with super credits and followed by a benchmark system from 2025 onwards. A strong governance system will make sure that the emission reductions occur in reality and not only on paper. A comprehensive review in 2022 will evaluate the effectiveness of the legislation.

This new legislation completes the picture required to put the road transport sector on a clear pathway towards clean mobility and a broader transition to a climate—neutral economy. Let me highlight its main benefits. Without action, emissions from heavy—duty vehicles would represent almost 25% of road transport emissions, which are set to increase by almost 10% by 2030 compared to 2010. With the targets agreed and with the post—2020 targets for cars and vans, greenhouse gas emissions from road transport will be reduced by 24% by 2030 compared to 2005. This will help Member States to reach the binding targets under the Effort Sharing Regulation and the European Union to deliver its commitments under the Paris Agreement.

Transport operators will benefit from fuel savings of up to EUR 25 000 in the first five years of use of a new truck bought in 2025 and around EUR 60 000 for a new truck bought in 2030. This will help in particular 600 000 small and medium—sized enterprises that operate in the European Union freight transport sector and employ almost three million people.

The legislation will also contribute to modernising the European Union economy, and especially the automotive sector, to channel investments and strengthen innovation for clean-vehicles technologies. In particular, the incentive system for zero and low—emission heavy—duty vehicles will reward the frontrunners in developing and deploying such innovative vehicles. The legislation also provides a signal for investors in refuelling and recharging infrastructure so that the enabling conditions for the deployment of zero and low—emission vehicles are created. Finally, it is also projected to have positive impacts on economic growth and employment and to lower European Union oil imports.

Honourable Members, let me conclude by inviting you to support this ambitious and balanced agreement when voting tomorrow. This new legislation will put Europe on track towards the necessary transition towards clean mobility. I would also take the opportunity to inform the Members of this House that the Commission has tabled two statements to accompany its full support for the overall agreement. They concern the continuous development of the Vehicle Energy Consumption Calculation Tool (VECTO) simulation tool and the transposition of a specific provision related to the maximum authorised weight of zero—emission heavy—duty vehicles. Once again, I thank all honourable Members for their support.

Commission statements

(in writing)

"Commission statement on Article 20 - amendment to Directive 96/53/EC with regard to the maximum authorised weight of alternatively fuelled or zero emission heavy-duty vehicles

The Commission notes the agreement of the co-legislators relating to Article 20 of this Regulation, which amends Directive 96/53/EC without setting an explicit time limit for its transposition.

The Commission also notes that other provisions of Directive 96/53/EC are being modified by the Decision [2018/0130(COD)], which provides for an application of those new provisions as of 1 September 2020.

Given the situation, the Commission calls upon Member States to carry out as soon as possible and at the latest by the same date, i.e. 1 September 2020, any necessary adaptation of their national legislation to Article 20 of the present Regulation and to inform the Commission thereof in accordance with Article 11 of Directive 96/53/EC. This would obviate any need for a further legislative proposal by the Commission on this issue."


  Henna Virkkunen, liikenne- ja matkailuvaliokunnan lausunnon valmistelija – Arvoisa puhemies, haluan liikennevaliokunnan puolesta myös kiittää neuvottelijoita hyvästä lopputuloksesta. Tämä asetus vastaa hyvin pitkälle liikennevaliokunnan sille asettamia tavoitteita: autonvalmistajien on vähennettävä päästöjä 15 prosenttia vuoteen 2025 mennessä ja 30 prosenttia vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Se on erittäin kunnianhimoinen mutta kuitenkin mahdollinen tavoite.

On merkittävä asia, että nyt ensimmäistä kertaa Euroopan unionissa ollaan asettamassa enimmäispäästörajat raskaiden ajoneuvojen hiilidioksidipäästöille. Toki tähänkin asti autonvalmistajilla on ollut intressi pyrkiä mahdollisimman tehokkaisiin ajoneuvoihin, koska polttoaine on hyötyajoneuvoissa se kaikkein merkitsevin tekijä, ja tähänkin asti on ollut tarve tehdä erittäin energiatehokkaita ja vähän polttoainetta käyttäviä hyötyajoneuvoja, mutta tämä tulee entisestään varmasti lisäämään myös innovaatioita tällä alueella.

Jatkossa on tarpeellista pyrkiä edelleen kehittämään mittausmenetelmiä. Olisi tärkeää saada huomioiduksi koko käytetyn polttoaineen energiankulutus, ja jatkossa olisi päästävä myös elinkaaren mittaaviin tarkastelutapoihin. Samoin meidän pitäisi pystyä jatkossa huomioimaan paremmin teknologianeutraalius, koska on varmaa, että liikennepäästöjen vähentäminen on niin suuri haaste, että kaikki ratkaisut ovat tarpeen ja meidän ei pidä valita yksittäistä polttoainetta.


  Christofer Fjellner, för PPE-gruppen. – Fru talman! Många års arbete med utsläpp från lastbilar går nu mot sitt slut för mig, för utskottet, för den här valperioden. De nya utsläppsregler som vi röstar om i morgon blir efter många, långa och svåra förhandlingar trots allt väldigt bra. De får oss närmare transporter utan skador på vår miljö.

Detta är faktiskt mitt sista anförande här i Europaparlamentet, och jag vill passa på att tacka för femton fantastiska år. Det är här som jag fått mina första gråa hår – av några av er samlade i denna sal. Det har dock varit en förmån att få företräda Sverige och moderaterna här i Europaparlamentet, en förmån att få göra skillnad, en förmån att göra skillnad för frihandeln som lyfter människor ur fattigdom och gör Europa rikare, en förmån att göra skillnad för miljön genom en politik som sätter människan i centrum och som får andra delar av världen att vilja följa oss – och en förmån att göra skillnad för Sverige, för Europa.

Vi har varit oense om mycket. Jag har kanske inte alltid framstått som är särskilt ”moderat” moderat, men jag har efter bästa förmåga försökt att företräda frihetens idéer och mina väljare. Europa är nämligen värt att kämpa för. Europa erbjuder ett hopp om fred, frihet och gemenskap. Till alla er som fortsätter, eller kommer efter mig i mitt ställe, vill jag bara säga: Svik aldrig det hoppet, för det är värt att kämpa för.


  Damiano Zoffoli, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il regolamento in esame che sosteniamo colma una grave lacuna stabilendo per la prima volta in Europa, dopo molte resistenze, dopo oltre dieci anni di discussioni, limiti e norme comuni sulle emissioni di CO2 per i veicoli pesanti, che contribuiscono al 6 % delle emissioni totali dell'Unione, emissioni peraltro destinate ad aumentare.

Oltre a target ambiziosi ma raggiungibili di riduzione delle emissioni di CO2, abbiamo introdotto un test di conformità su strada per avere dei dati sulle emissioni e sul consumo di carburanti in condizioni reali di guida. Questi dati reali sono spesso molto lontani da quelli certificati in laboratorio. Questi dati sono necessari per evitare altri scandali tipo il diesel gate. Questi dati potranno essere utilizzati anche da soggetti terzi per prove di verifiche indipendenti.

Fondamentale è poi la richiesta alla Commissione di una metodologia per valutare le emissioni di un mezzo pesante lungo tutto il suo ciclo di vita, dalla progettazione fino alla rottamazione. Il regolamento prevede inoltre un meccanismo per incentivare la diffusione di camion elettrici e a basse emissioni, con l'obiettivo di assicurare, a partire dal 2025, una quota minima obbligatoria di questi veicoli per costruttori pari al 2 %. Saranno incentivati gli investimenti pubblici e privati in infrastrutture di ricarica per la mobilità elettrica.

Infine, nella transizione verso la decarbonizzazione del settore dei trasporti che dipende ancora oggi per il 94 % dal petrolio, va considerato il ruolo del gas naturale, ma soprattutto è indispensabile che la Commissione europea crei un fondo per la riqualificazione e il sostegno ai lavoratori del settore, per rendere la transizione sostenibile dal punto di vista sociale oltre che ambientale. Questo regolamento rappresenta un'ulteriore tappa di un'Europa in movimento, un'Europa in movimento verso un nuovo modello di sviluppo basato sull'alleanza fra industria ed ambiente.


  Mark Demesmaeker, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Voorzitter, morgenmiddag is het de laatste plenaire stemming van deze zittingsperiode. Opnieuw hebben we de kans om te stemmen voor concrete maatregelen in de strijd tegen klimaatverandering.

De CO2—uitstoot van zware vrachtwagens is goed voor zes procent van de totale uitstoot in de Europese Unie en een kwart van de uitstoot in het wegtransport. Deze uitstoot gaat nog altijd in stijgende lijn, ook in mijn eigen land, in Vlaanderen.

Willen we effectief onze klimaatafspraken nakomen, dan moet ook de vrachtwagenvloot vergroenen. De technologie daarvoor is beschikbaar. Het is cruciaal dat er voor het eerst een CO2—reductienorm voor vrachtwagens komt. Ook de aanmoediging van emissiearme en emissievrije vrachtwagens is belangrijk. Daarom steunt mijn partij, de N-VA, het finale akkoord over deze nieuwe wetgeving, al had het ambitieniveau ook voor ons wat hoger gemogen.

Vergroening van de vloot is ook essentieel voor een betere luchtkwaliteit. Te veel mensen lijden onder een slechte luchtkwaliteit. Te veel mensen sterven voortijdig.

De normen zorgen ook voor een besparing op brandstof. Dus ook dat levert winst op voor bedrijven en consumenten.

Ten slotte is ambitieuze productnormering ook nodig om innovatie en investeringen aan te trekken. Derde landen zoals de Verenigde Staten en China zetten hier al volop op in. De Europese Unie mag niet achterblijven.


  Nils Torvalds, för ALDE-gruppen. – Fru talman! Jag vill gärna börja med att tacka mina medkumpaner i hela denna affär – de kumpaner mellan vilka jag pressades under hela denna förhandling, å ena sidan Bas Eikhout och å andra sidan Christoffer Fjellner, som innan han avlägsnade sig klagade över att han har fått gråa hår. Men om man tittar på mig och på kommissionären så kan han säga att han lyckades åstadkomma mycket mer gråa hår för oss än vi för honom.

Vi har några utmaningar framför oss. För det första har vi en ganska fragmenterad tillverkarsituation. Vi har alltså tillverkare som utan större svårigheter kommer att klara de målsättningar vi har slagit fast, och vi har tillverkare som kommer att ha stora svårigheter att nå upp till dessa målsättningar, vilket gör detta betydligt svårare.

Vi har också en svårighet som gäller det som vi så gärna kallar nollutsläppsbilar, eftersom en nollutsläppsbil med smutsig elektricitet är ingen nollutsläppsbil. Därför kommer en av de stora förutsättningarna för att vi ska klara det som vi lovade Greta Thunberg i går att bero på hur mycket vi i framtiden kan investera i en ren elektricitet och på det sättet gå vidare. Vi behöver alltså av den orsaken broar in i framtiden. Det måste vara alternativa bränslen som har lägre utsläpp än den elektricitet som vi för tillfället använder.

Den största utmaning som vi har inför framtiden gäller naturligtvis det som Bas Eikhout sade alldeles i början av sitt anförande. Vi ska se över denna lagstiftning under de följande åren. Det betyder att det är nästa parlamentssammansättning som kommer att ha den intressanta uppgiften att se till att detta lagförslag hamnar på rätt köl och att vi faktiskt når de ambitiösa mål som vi har satt upp för oss. Då gäller det för kommissionen att, så att säga, hålla tungan rätt i mun, och det gäller för Bas Eikhout och mig och för de andra som är med oss här att se till att vi styr denna skuta i hamn.

(Talaren godtog att besvara en fråga (”blått kort”) i enlighet med artikel 162.8 i arbetsordningen.)


  Paul Rübig (PPE), Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Ich möchte mich recht herzlich beim Kollegen Torvalds bedanken, weil CO2 natürlich eine Herausforderung ist und deshalb auch immer die Lebenszykluskosten für schwere Lkw eine wesentliche Rolle spielen; also die ganze Produktion und der Gebrauch der Lkw spielt hier eine große Rolle. Glauben Sie, dass zum Beispiel kontinuierliches Fahren in den Städten und intelligentes Parken auch einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur CO2-Reduktion liefern könnte?


  Nils Torvalds (ALDE), svar ("blått kort"). – Tack så mycket för en intressant fråga. Jag tror att det som vi behöver mest i städerna kanske inte är intelligenta bilar utan intelligenta chaufförer. Jag vet inte om Rübig kan åstadkomma det. Vi behöver alltså undervisning i hur man kör. Vi behöver alla de tekniska hjälpmedel som gör det möjligt att hålla detta under kontroll. Om vi inte är rädda för teknikens möjligheter, så har vi alla förutsättningar att klara detta också i Österrike.




   Stefan Eck, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, verehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich habe dieses Parlament, die Kommission und den Rat häufig dafür kritisiert, dass zu oft im Sinne der Konzerne und der tierfeindlichen Agrarindustrie Entscheidungen getroffen wurden – zum Nachteil der Menschen, der Natur und der Tiere. Ich bin aber sehr zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis, das der ENVI-Ausschuss, Bas Eickhout und wir Schattenberichterstatter erreicht haben. Morgen stimmen wir über die erste Verordnung zur Senkung der CO2-Emissionen von Lkw ab. Trotz des heftigen Widerstandes der Wirtschaft und einiger Regierungen, vor allem der deutschen Regierung, geht dieser Bericht weit über den ursprünglichen Kommissionsvorschlag hinaus. Dieser Bericht ist damit ein wichtiger Schritt für den Umweltschutz, aber bei weitem nicht genug. Und es liegt noch viel Arbeit in vielen Bereichen vor Ihnen.

Heute halte ich meine letzte Rede in diesem Haus. Ich werde in der nächsten Wahlperiode kein Abgeordneter mehr sein. Ich möchte Sie deshalb bitten, bei Ihren zukünftigen Entscheidungen, so wie es im Artikel 13 des Vertrages von Lissabon festgelegt wurde, endlich das Wohl der Milliarden Tiere zu berücksichtigen, die für unsere Interessen gezüchtet, ausgebeutet und getötet werden. Machen Sie zukünftig mehr Politik mit Ihrem Herzen, was nicht bedeutet, dass Sie Ihren Verstand ausschalten müssen. Es ist höchste Zeit für einen politischen Paradigmenwechsel. Nicht Wirtschaftswachstum und Vollbeschäftigung sollten die primären Ziele der EU sein, sondern das Wohlsein und das Glück aller Lebewesen und der Schutz dieses Planeten. Das erwarten die Bürger Europas von Ihnen.

Ich danke Ihnen. Leben Sie wohl und haben Sie eine glückliche Hand bei Ihren zukünftigen politischen Entscheidungen!

(Der Redner ist damit einverstanden, eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“ gemäß Artikel 162 Absatz 8 der Geschäftsordnung zu beantworten.)


  Peter Liese (PPE), Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Vielen Dank, verehrter Kollege Eck. Ich wünsche Ihnen natürlich persönlich alles Gute für die Zukunft. Ich habe aber doch noch mal eine Frage: Woher haben Sie die Information, dass das, was jetzt auf dem Tisch liegt, deutlich über den ursprünglichen Kommissionsvorschlag hinausgeht? Ich sehe das so, dass wir ziemlich nah dran sind, und das ist auch das, was die deutsche Bundesregierung vertreten hat. 15 % und 30 % – das ist sehr klug, sehr vernünftig, und das geht nicht über den ursprünglichen Kommissionsvorschlag hinaus.


  Stefan Eck (GUE/NGL), Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Was ich damit sagen wollte: In einigen Punkten haben wir in unseren Verhandlungen Ziele erreicht, die sehr wohl über den Kommissionsvorschlag hinausgehen, und das war vor allen Dingen dem hervorragenden Kollegen Bas Eickhout zu verdanken, der mit Zähnen und Klauen dafür gekämpft hat, dass hier ein anständiger und wirklich ambitionierter Bericht auf dem Tisch liegt. Dafür möchte ich ihm ganz persönlich noch einmal danken.


  Karima Delli, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, cette semaine, nous avons reçu ici la jeune militante Greta Thunberg. Elle est venue nous dire: «Agissez! Agissez! Agissez maintenant! Faites en sorte, vous les décideurs politiques, de permettre que les prochaines générations puissent vivre heureuses dans un monde accueillant.»

Si nous voulons répondre aux besoins de la planète et préserver notre santé, si nous voulons réduire considérablement la pollution, nous devons prendre nos responsabilités et mettre le secteur des transports à contribution, comme les autres, comme tout le monde. Sur les routes européennes, seuls 5 % des véhicules en circulation sont des camions. Pourtant ces camions produisent environ 25 %, soit un quart, des émissions de gaz à effet de serre du transport routier dans l’Union européenne. Si l’on veut, un jour, respecter les engagements de la COP21 pour sauver le climat et la planète, il est plus que temps d’en finir avec ce déséquilibre.

Avec le texte présenté, nous faisons enfin un premier pas en matière de réduction du CO2, de moins 15 % d’ici à 2025 et de moins 30 % d’ici à 2030, pour les camions. Le règlement va plus loin que la proposition de la Commission. Il engage pour la première fois l’Europe à réduire la pollution des camions sur nos routes et donc à améliorer la qualité de l’air: c’est une victoire! Cette victoire, que montre-t-elle? Elle montre que quand nous, les élus, écoutons les demandes, notamment celles de cette jeunesse qui fait grève chaque semaine pour sauver le climat, quand nous passons des belles paroles aux actes concrets, les choses peuvent bouger et dans le bon sens. Nous pouvons être fiers.

Mais, attention: le chemin est encore long. Si nous voulons préserver les chances de nos enfants de respirer, de vivre libres, d’être heureux, de s’épanouir sur notre belle planète, alors demain, il faut voter en faveur de ce texte, parce que voter pour ce texte, c’est voter pour le climat!


  Danilo Oscar Lancini, a nome del gruppo ENF. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il settore della mobilità riveste un ruolo fondamentale sia per l'economia che per la società dell'Unione dei singoli Stati membri, eppure quest'Aula sembra costantemente dimenticare questo aspetto e non ascolta le richieste degli imprenditori e dei lavoratori europei.

Le misure contenute in questa proposta sono nella migliore delle ipotesi anacronistiche e nella peggiore irrealistiche. Nel testo si parla di garantire una transizione agevole verso una mobilità a emissioni zero per incentivare lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie, senza però fare realmente una valutazione di impatto sulle misure proposte. La misura spinge verso una sola soluzione elettrica, e chiaramente non tiene conto di tutte le possibili alternative che sono attualmente reperibili sul mercato.

Si doveva prevedere fin dall'inizio l'utilizzo di un mix di tecnologie e tempi di realizzazione più lunghi per agevolare realmente gli operatori e le aziende. Lo sviluppo di tecnologie a zero emissioni è ancora meno avanzato nel mercato dei veicoli pesanti rispetto al settore delle autovetture, soprattutto per ciò che riguarda gli autocarri per consegna a lungo raggio.

Il settore automotive verrà danneggiato, colpendo la competitività europea e dei vari Stati membri. L'Europa sarà dipendente dai paesi ricchi di materie prime per la fabbricazione delle batterie, come la Cina. Senza considerare che l'energia elettrica prodotta sul nostro continente proviene ancora in parte da centrali a carbone e lignite. Inoltre, come riportato sulla stampa, paradossalmente, sono già state utilizzate nuove colonnine mobili di ricarica elettrica ma alimentate da generatori a gasolio. Come se non bastasse, una tale misura avrebbe ricadute negative a livello di occupazione sulla filiera automotive. Questo, unito al rallentamento congiunturale del settore, ad esempio, nella sola Germania potrebbe causare una perdita di posti di lavoro nella filiera compresa tra le 75 000 e le 210 000 unità entro il 2030.

Abbiamo la responsabilità di riflettere bene su proposte come questa che, così come formulate allo stato attuale sono semplicemente incomprensibili e daranno risultati opposti rispetto agli obiettivi fissati.


  Dobromir Sośnierz (NI). – Panie Przewodniczący! Nie ma pojazdów zeroemisyjnych, przestańcie powtarzać to kłamstwo w kolejnych dokumentach. Nie ma czegoś takiego i na pewno w dającej się przewidzieć przyszłości nie będzie. To jest tylko chwyt marketingowy producentów aut elektrycznych. Pojazdy tzw. zeroemisyjne emitują jak najbardziej zanieczyszczenia, tylko nie w tym miejscu, w którym jeżdżą. Emitują zanieczyszczenia w elektrowni, więc skończcie z tymi kłamstwami. Pani Delli może sobie krzyczeć, ile chce – tutaj już widzę, że powiedziała, co wiedziała, wykrzyczała, co chciała, i wyszła, taka to jest tutaj debata. Może sobie krzyczeć, ile chce, że chciałaby ograniczyć, bo my tu młodzi ludzie chcemy, ale jeśli nie ma technologii, która pozwala na ograniczenie takich emisji, to ona będzie tylko ukrywana, będzie przesuwana z jednego miejsca w drugie miejsce za pomocą jakichś sztuczek technologicznych, a często spowoduje globalnie zwiększenie emisji, więc to sprawozdanie jest po prostu nieodpowiedzialne.


  Peter Liese (PPE). – Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Es ist gut, dass wir morgen diese Grenzwerte erstmals auch für schwere Nutzfahrzeuge beschließen. Jeder Sektor muss einen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz leisten. Das, was auf dem Tisch liegt, ist zwar ambitioniert, aber möglich. Es ist gut, dass wir überzogene Forderungen von Grünen und Sozialdemokraten in diesem Text am Ende nicht mehr wiederfinden. Und da möchte ich auch Bas Eickhout für seinen Pragmatismus danken. Er wollte ursprünglich viel mehr, hat aber dann zugestimmt, dass im Wesentlichen das kommt, was die EVP-Fraktion wollte und die Kommission. Das war klug. Dank an Christofer Fjellner für sein Engagement nicht nur bei diesem Thema, sondern auch bei vielen anderen Themen.

Aber ich möchte die Gelegenheit ganz besonders nutzen, um mich beim Kommissar Miguel Arias Cañete zu bedanken. Er hat ja im Umfeld seiner Anhörung viel Häme und viel Kritik aushalten müssen. Aber ich glaube, auch diejenigen, die ihn damals kritisiert haben, müssen heute zugeben: Wir haben gemeinsam mit ihm viel erreicht für den Klimaschutz in Europa. Das ist die letzte Gesetzgebung, die wir in diesem Parlament annehmen. Deswegen nochmal herzlichen Dank an Kommissar Miguel Arias Cañete.

Wir müssen weitermachen, und ich glaube, ein Thema wird in der nächsten Wahlperiode sein, dass wir den Bahnverkehr stärken müssen. Saubere Lkw ist gut, aber wir sollten auch mehr Güter auf die Bahn bringen, mehr Personen auf die Bahn bringen. Da müssen wir uns nochmal die Belastung anschauen. Die Bahn ist beim Emissionshandel sehr viel stärker belastet als andere, weniger umweltfreundliche Verkehrsträger. Und an dem Thema müssen wir arbeiten, das ist etwas für die nächste Wahlperiode.

(Der Redner ist damit einverstanden, eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“ gemäß Artikel 162 Absatz 8 der Geschäftsordnung zu beantworten.)


  Dobromir Sośnierz (NI), pytanie zadane przez podniesienie niebieskiej kartki. – Powiedział Pan, że tak wiele zrobiliśmy dla klimatu, to proszę powiedzieć, co takiego zrobiliśmy dla klimatu, bo ja widzę tylko zadrukowane sterty papierów, które Parlament z siebie wydaje, a klimat jaki był, taki jest. Proszę powiedzieć: co konkretnego osiągnęliśmy dla klimatu?


  Peter Liese (PPE), Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Ich bin bewusst nicht auf Ihren Unsinn eingegangen, den Sie erzählt haben, aber wenn Sie mich fragen, werde ich sehr gerne darauf eingehen: Europa wird seine Klimaziele für 2030 erreichen. Wir haben eine Gesetzgebung beschlossen – morgen ist der letzte Teil davon –, wo wir jetzt schon gesetzgeberisch die Rahmenbedingungen geschaffen haben, dass wir unser Klimaziel von 40 % übererfüllen werden. Davon können sich andere Kontinente eine Scheibe abschneiden. Es ist auch notwendig, dass Europa ein Vorbild ist.

Gleichzeitig haben wir Regeln, die dafür sorgen, dass die energieintensive Industrie nicht aus Europa vertrieben wird. Ich glaube, wir haben da die gute Balance. Und wenn es von beiden Seiten heftig kritisiert wird, ist es ein Zeichen, dass es ein guter Mittelweg ist.


  Miriam Dalli (S&D). – Mr President, first of all I would like to congratulate our rapporteur, Bas Eickhout, for his work to get this deal. I know that this was not an easy file, and it is very positive that we have yet another policy in place to reduce CO2 emissions, because for far too long we had no standards for heavy duty vehicles, fully aware that these trucks have a major impact on global warming and that their climate impact is expected to further increase if we remain with the ‘business as usual’ scenario. It is high time that the EU adopts binding CO2 targets for heavy duty vehicles.

Now moving from the Commission’s original position, and agreeing to binding targets was a tough job, and negotiating with the Council about introducing a ZLEV benchmark was definitely an achievement. I know this far too well. Allow me also to thank our S&D shadow rapporteur, Damiano Zoffoli, for his strong contribution and for his role in ensuring a good compromise was reached.

Parliament’s position set the right ambition, something that we strongly need in order to be in line with our climate commitments, and I believe that the future for cleaner vehicles, including trucks, will be driven by innovation. It is only strong incentives for the production of low-emission and zero-emission vehicles that will ultimately push this change. This is what we aim to deliver with our work and I look forward to further work in the years to come.


  Christine Revault d’Allonnes Bonnefoy (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, enfin, l’Union européenne établit des obligations de réduction de CO2 pour les poids lourds!

Chargée de représenter les socialistes et démocrates en commission des transports, j’avais défendu des objectifs bien plus ambitieux, mais les États membres, et notamment l’Allemagne et d’autres, influencés par leur industrie, ont revu à la baisse ces seuils. Je regrette le manque d’ambition du Conseil alors que les émissions de CO2 n’ont cessé d’augmenter ces dernières années dans le secteur des transports routiers.

En revanche, la révision prévue en 2022, que j’avais appelée de mes vœux, sera un rendez-vous essentiel pour affiner la législation, si possible, faire qu’elle couvre plus de types de véhicules et aussi revoir nos objectifs à la hausse.

Malgré le manque de volonté politique des États, je me félicite de cette première étape: nous allons enfin disposer d’une trajectoire contraignante. Ce règlement est un pas en avant pour lutter contre le fléau de la pollution de l’air et pour respecter nos objectifs climatiques, en particulier l’accord de Paris, qui vise à endiguer ou du moins à limiter le réchauffement climatique. Il en va de notre responsabilité envers les générations futures. L’Europe agit concrètement contre la pollution et je suis fière que mon dernier discours en plénière souligne cette avancée.


Procedura “catch-the-eye”


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, queria agradecer a Bas Eickhout e a todos os colegas que estiveram envolvidos na conclusão deste dossiê, que pretenderam impor metas ambiciosas para a redução das emissões de CO2 dos veículos pesados, e queria estender, também, este agradecimento a todos os que têm trabalhado ao longo deste mandato, em dossiês diferentes, para coordenar o contributo de todos os sectores, para o cumprimento das metas de Paris, designadamente a Senhora Dali que vai a sair agora.

Gostava de pensar que as minhas propostas para apertados limites de emissões, mais até do que foram finalmente aprovados, contribuirão também para que, neste parlamento e dentro do meu grupo político partidário, o Partido Popular Europeu, se tenha posto a mão na consciência. Não podemos continuar a negar que as alterações climáticas existem. Temos de proteger os nossos ecossistemas, dos quais fazemos parte, e curvar a toxicidade da atividade humana no planeta.

Há uma coisa que estamos a fazer bem, caros Colegas, os alertas e as mensagens dos cientistas ambientais têm um enorme eco social e chegam até às camadas mais jovens que se manifestam ruidosamente, mas há outra coisa que insistimos em fazer mal, continuam a proteger-se interesses instalados que impedem a descarbonização da economia e o desenvolvimento de tecnologias verdes. Infelizmente, ainda têm que ser as crianças a dizer que o rei vai nu.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, having been involved in the whole climate change agenda all during this mandate, I am delighted to take part in this debate and indeed very pleased with the progress we have made in Parliament and compliments to Commissioner Arias Cañete, who has led us from the Paris Agreement right up to here, and also people like Bas Eickhout, who has been a driving force in this whole area in the past five years.

We have, as Miriam Dalli said, another policy in place, that’s very important, and I suppose this is the one area that we really need to tackle in terms of reducing emissions. I drive from my home in Killarney to Dublin airport, I drive from Strasbourg to Frankfurt, and I see more and more heavy-duty vehicles on the road, but if we bring in emission reductions it’s not actually going to decrease the amount of transport on the road but it can make it energy—efficient, and especially in relation to reducing emissions.

So I think actually that we can be more ambitious over the next number of years but this is a good start. We are doing it in a sensible, progressive, step-by-step manner and that will help the industry, it will help our environment. A great job. Well done. Thanks to everybody.


(Fine della procedura “catch-the-eye”)


  Miguel Arias Cañete, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I would like to thank honourable Members for this debate. I would like to start by answering a direct question that was raised by Mr Sośnierz. He raised a question about what this Parliament has done for climate change. My answer is: quite a lot. What has the European Union done for climate change? Quite a lot.

Before 2020, we established ambitious targets and, in 2017, we reduced our emissions by more than 22%, compared with 1990, while GDP grew by 58%. We have reduced emissions, we have developed renewables and we have increased energy efficiency. But this Parliament, in five years, has delivered a formidable legislative framework on energy and climate. I have been in politics for 38 years, and I have served in regional, national and European parliaments. In any period in my life, I don’t recall such intense legislative activity as we have seen in these years, and I have to thank the chairmen and chairwomen of the committees – Jerzy Buzek, Adina Vălean, Giovanni La Via – and all the rapporteurs, starting with my friend, Bas Eickhout, who did impressive work, not only here, but also making my life difficult in the Renewables Directive.

It’s really true, because what have we done? We have established a substantial number of pieces of legislation, which will deliver a reduction of emissions in 2030 of 45% and, if they are unchanged (but they will be changed), in 2050 will deliver a 60% reduction of emissions. So we have a substantial package. One of the most important things is the average level of political support for these proposals. In the Energy Package, 80% of the votes in each package were in favour, and on climate, without taking account of tomorrow’s vote, 76%. There has been substantial political support for the legislation we have implemented for 2050, and in this House that is not so frequent. That means there has been dialogue and understanding. We have given up positions, we have negotiated and, for me, I can say it has been a formidable experience. I have participated in 71 trilogues and I have spent more than 350 hours of my life in difficult dialogues.

It has been a formidable experience, and I want to thank all of you, because this has been a wonderful job that, without the involvement of the Members of this Parliament, would have been impossible, because the Parliament has raised the level of ambition of the Commission proposals. I am happy about that. This is the gain. This is the institutional way of going forward. I think that we have a cumbersome procedure, but it has the fundamental value that the legislation will be applied in the next ten years, and we will have review clauses to increase ambition over time. And the next Parliament will have to take the responsibility and increase ambition.

But this Parliament has not finished its work. In the last opinion poll, published last Wednesday, I saw that 77% of potential voters identified global warming as an important criterion when deciding who to vote for in the May European elections, and that’s a very important issue. I think when we have the European elections, climate change policy has been one of the main factors to be discussed within them. I encourage all of you to do two things. First, I want you to explain to the European people what we have done during these five years and also to say what you want to do in the next five years. I think that will bring more people to the polling stations and will give bigger support to the next Parliament. We will have the position that, in the next five years, we will complete this package, we will make further progress and we will work together towards making the European Union the first major economy to become climate neutral in 2050.


  Bas Eickhout, Rapporteur. – Mr President, first of all, since we are all in a thanking mood, I would like to thank Commissioner Arias Cañete for all his work. Of course we had our moments when we didn’t agree. I spent some of those hours together with you and I have to say that at all times, we had a good dialogue. We did not always agree, but there was always mutual respect and I think that’s also the way forward. You’re absolutely right. We achieved quite a lot on climate, on mobility, and on energy, but the work is not done, as you said. We are not on track yet for our climate-neutral economy and we need to act faster; Greta Thunberg also made that point very strongly yesterday. Indeed, that’s one of the reasons why the elections in May will be about climate change. It will be a climate change election.

Just to conclude on this subject, Mr Peter Liese, thank you very much for coming back. Of course I can tell you where we, as a Parliament, improved the text and made it more ambitious, and it’s on three very important issues. First of all, the 2030 target is now legally binding, which it was not in the initial proposal. That is very important because it’s a very clear signal for where to go. Secondly, we closed quite a few loopholes in the proposals, the most important one being super credits, which are weakening when it comes to getting to your targets. We replaced them with a benchmark for low- and zero-emission vehicles. And thirdly, we improved the on-road in-service conformity to make sure that what we agree on paper is also going to be achieved in reality, which is very important, as you should know after dieselgate.

So those three elements are crucial. On top of that, there are a lot of technical improvements and a review clause etc., etc., but these three things give a very clear signal to investors, and to manufacturers, that the future will be about zero- and low-emission vehicles and that just continuing with your current technologies will not do. That is a crucial element. It is an improvement compared with the initial proposal, so I had to give you that answer.

Thank you very much. I’m looking forward to the vote, and let’s see what we can do afterwards, especially in the run-up to the UN summit in September in New York. I expect that the European Union will increase its national determined contribution when we head off to New York. I see the Commissioner praying, so, for once, I will pray along.


  Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.

La votazione si svolgerà domani, giovedì 18 aprile 2019.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)


  Adam Gierek (S&D), na piśmie. – Rozporządzenie w sprawie norm emisji CO2 dla pojazdów ciężkich jest częścią zintegrowanego podejścia Unii Europejskiej do celu dekarbonizacji sektora transportu. Przepisy te niewątpliwie stanowić będą w dłuższej perspektywie problem do rozwiązania zarówno dla producentów pojazdów, jak i dla sprzedawców paliw.

Zgodnie z metodologią liczenia, wartość emisji CO2 przez pojazd jest mu przypisywana na podstawie zmierzonej jej ilości wydalanej z rury wydechowej pojazdu. Nie uwzględnia się przy tym jednak całkowitej emisji CO2 uwzględniającej tę, której źródłem jest wcześniejsze energochłonne przetwórstwo ropy naftowej jako nośnika energii pierwotnej, lub tę podczas wytwarzania paliw odnawialnych, w tym biogazu.

Należy skoncentrować się także na kwestii redukcji emisji, która wynika z wykorzystania biopaliw oraz paliw alternatywnych. Istotną kwestią jest efektywność energetyczna jednostek napędowych, bowiem jej wzrost o jeden procent zmniejsza emisję CO2 nawet o kilka procent. Większa efektywność silników Diesla może jednak skutkować wzrostem emisji NOx. Uwzględniając to wszystko, Komisja Europejska powinna opracować lepszą metodologię obiektywnego i kompleksowego sposobu liczenia emisji CO2 i unikania emisji NOx. Nowa metodologia dla zaawansowanych i odnawialnych paliw powinna umożliwić dalszą, poważną redukcję emisji CO2. Pozwoli także firmom specjalizującym się w produkcji pojazdów ciężkich na śmielsze wykorzystanie nowych, lżejszych tworzyw oraz perspektywicznych i konkurencyjnych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 9 luglio 2019Note legali - Informativa sulla privacy