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Dinsdag 16 juli 2019 - Straatsburg

14. Situatie in Venezuela (debat)
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  Presidente. – L’ordine del giorno reca la dichiarazione del Vicepresidente della Commissione/Alto rappresentante dell'Unione per gli affari esteri e la politica di sicurezza sulla situazione in Venezuela (2019/2730(RSP)).


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, the people of Venezuela have faced, and are still facing, a dramatic situation. The humanitarian situation is still dire, it is getting worse by the day. Seven million Venezuelans in the country are in need of assistance and 3.7 million people are malnourished, according to UNHCR and FAO respectively. Four million Venezuelans have already fled the country in the past four years, and future projections point to continued increases.

The regional impact of the crisis is massive, including for the stability of the region. And on the political front, the government has arbitrarily arrested many members of the National Assembly and lifted their parliamentary immunity. The recent death of Captain Acosta Arévalo after he was taken into custody by the Venezuelan security forces is, for me – but I think for all of us – shocking. We have immediately called for a thorough and truly independent investigation that brings those responsible to justice.

We have all seen the report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, that confirms what we already knew very well: that human rights violations in Venezuela are frequent and are serious. We fully support both the findings of the report and, most importantly, the recommendations.

Just today, I issued a statement on behalf of all 28 Member States making clear that we stand ready to assist the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in her efforts to ensure that the fundamental rights of all Venezuelans are fully protected. In light of her report, we are also ready to start work towards applying targeted measures for those members of the security forces involved in torture and other serious violations of human rights.

Addressing the humanitarian and social emergency in Venezuela is urgent and long overdue. In the last weeks, something has started to move on the diplomatic side. The talks that Norway is mediating resumed last week in Barbados, and new meetings are ongoing as we speak. We all know that the path towards a democratic transition is fraught with obstacles, yet for the first time in months, or even years, this can be a preliminary step in the right direction towards a peaceful and democratic transition, both peaceful and democratic, with free and credible presidential elections.

In this, I am proud of the key role that the European Union has played in giving diplomacy a chance, when violence seemed to be the only game in town and a very risky one not only for Venezuela, but also for the region and for the rest of the world. We insisted that there was no military solution to the crisis and that any outcome had to be both peaceful and democratic. This is why we set up the international contact group at the beginning of this year, with the crucial participation of four Latin American countries, and just last week a fifth country from the region asked to join in.

The contact group was never supposed to mediate talks. We knew that from the very beginning, also because mediation, especially a mediation as complex us this one, cannot be mediated by a group, and also because we knew very well that the conditions for starting mediation when we started the international contact group were not there at all. So the group was not created for mediating a process – we’ve always been very clear on this, including in this chamber – the goal of the contact group has always been to try and contribute to create the conditions for a meaningful mediation to be launched in a credible manner in the right framework.

In a moment – I stress this – when an escalation seemed almost inevitable, today after months of good work, and I would like to thank my colleagues, both the foreign ministers of the Latin American countries, of the European countries that are part of the contact group, but also all our teams that have been working on this literally night and day, with a lot of dedication, after months of work today the space to build a peaceful and democratic solution to the crisis has opened up.

In these months, the contact group’s role has been recognised by all parties inside the country, in the region, and in the international arena. I engaged personally with all our international interlocutors, from the United States to Russia and China, from the Vatican to Cuba, from the Lima Group, to Caricom. Representatives of the Contact Group met all Venezuelan actors during their visits to Caracas. My Special Adviser for Venezuela, Enrique Iglesias, was in Caracas just days ago, and he met all relevant actors at the highest level, starting with Juan Guaidó, Nicolás Maduro, the United Nations, the main political parties, but also civil society and the Catholic Church.

This work has been essential to open the space for a political solution. It is not to be taken for granted at all that this space is going to be used to reach a political solution, but at least we have stopped the escalation on the military violence side, and we have given the political solution a chance.

This is why we all agreed, at the contact group meeting in Costa Rica a few months ago, first of all to continue our work, but also to intensify our political engagement and our outreach to relevant international actors. So the process that has now started is extremely fragile, but this is exactly why we must now do everything we can to support and accompany the talks in Barbados.

A peaceful and democratic transition has to come from within Venezuela. It can never be imposed from the outside, but we can, and must, facilitate this process with all means available, as we did in these months. And we must be crystal clear, there’s no doubt about that. The country needs new presidential elections with a free and fair electoral process, with a level playing field for all candidates. And Venezuela also needs an effective separation of powers, starting with the recognition and respect of the National Assembly’s prerogatives and of the immunity of all its members.

Some essential elements for a credible process have emerged very clearly from our talks and our work in these months. First, that crucial state institutions such as the Supreme Court of Justice and ‘citizen power’ offices work for all citizens of Venezuela in an impartial way. In particular a revised and balanced composition of the National Electoral Council will be needed.

Second, that all candidates are allowed to participate in the elections with the same rights and with no arbitrary restrictions. Third, that the voter register is updated, including young voters and Venezuelans abroad. And fourth, that international election observers monitor the whole electoral process and not just the election days.

The European Union and the entire international contact group are ready to help throughout the electoral process if the parties ask for our support and if we get to that stage.

This is probably the most delicate moment in the path that could lead towards a peaceful and democratic solution. This is the moment to do everything we can to strengthen this fragile process and help it deliver on the Venezuelan people’s aspirations. We continue to believe that a certain degree of pressure needs to be maintained. The Venezuelan regime needs to understand that the status quo is simply not an option. it is not sustainable; not for the country, not for its citizens, not for the region, and not for the world.

Today with our statements with all the 28 Member States, we clearly recalled that, and I quote: ‘In case there are no concrete results from the ongoing negotiations, the European Union will further expand its targeted measures’. At the same time, we made clear once again, I quote again: ‘that these measures can be reversed in case substantial progress is made towards the restoration of democracy, rule of law and human rights in Venezuela.’.

In the meantime, we will also continue to work through the contact group and in close cooperation with the UN to guarantee full access to humanitarian assistance without any restrictions, including by local humanitarian NGOs. We welcome the progress that has been made in this direction that we have accompanied and pushed for in these months, including with the appointment of a humanitarian coordinator by the UN.

Since the beginning of the crisis we, the European Union, have been one of the largest humanitarian donors to the Venezuelan people inside the country, but also in the neighbouring countries in the region. We continue to support, at political and financial level, all regional and international initiatives to address the refugee crisis, starting with the Quito Process, and this will not change. As we work on the political path, we also need to be extremely active on humanitarian support. But beyond the humanitarian aid, we have, vice versa, the responsibility to keep accompanying the work towards a peaceful and democratic way out of the crisis.


  Paulo Rangel, em nome do Grupo PPE. – Senhor Presidente, Senhora Alta Representante, eu considero fundamental que, no primeiro momento desta legislatura, na abertura dos trabalhos do Parlamento Europeu, ele tome uma posição clara e inequívoca sobre a crise humanitária na Venezuela. É fundamental que fique claro, desde o início, que o Parlamento Europeu condena as violações sistemáticas dos direitos humanos, com tortura, com assassinatos, com perseguição política constante aos opositores do regime, que também condena o ataque à Assembleia Nacional, à imunidade dos deputados e, no fundo, à liberdade de expressão política, que ao mesmo tempo reconheça a Assembleia Nacional e também Juan Guaidó como legítimos representantes do povo venezuelano.

Dito isto, é muito importante também instar as autoridades de facto a fornecerem comida, medicamentos, a deixarem entrar ajuda humanitária. É fundamental olhar para a crise migratória na Colômbia, no Equador, no Peru, mesmo em territórios da União Europeia, em Portugal ou em Espanha, onde afluem cada vez mais venezuelanos na maior crise migratória do continente americano.

E, finalmente, é importante chamar a atenção para a ingerência externa inadmissível de Cuba e da Rússia e deixando dentro deste pano de fundo um apoio ao processo de paz, ao processo de diálogo que a Noruega está a mediar e que deve ter como objetivo a realização de eleições livres, democráticas e transparentes que restaurem a soberania do povo venezuelano.


  Javi López, en nombre del Grupo S&D. – Señor presidente, muchas gracias, alta representante. Nosotros compartimos el análisis que hace la alta representante de la Comisión Europea sobre Venezuela. Pero creemos que es oportuno, ahora que iniciamos un mandato, reivindicar nuestra solidaridad con el pueblo venezolano; reivindicar que la única salida posible es una salida política, pacífica y negociada, que acabe desembocando en unas elecciones libres y justas, en igualdad de oportunidades para todos los actores políticos, y monitorizadas por la comunidad internacional.

Es el momento de reivindicar que existen expectativas positivas, ahora que en Barbados, con la compañía y el acompañamiento de Noruega, se están llevando a cabo estas negociaciones. Y es el momento también de poner luz sobre lo que pasa en Venezuela: el sufrimiento del pueblo venezolano, que han reivindicado y han calificado las Naciones Unidas de la mano de Michelle Bachelet; ejecuciones extrajudiciales, torturas, violaciones de derechos humanos —con impunidad— que necesitan respuesta, y también violaciones de derechos económicos y sociales que requieren de ayuda humanitaria.

Por todo ello, nosotros queremos —hoy— poner luz a la única salida posible y, al mismo tiempo, reivindicar el sufrimiento que está padeciendo el pueblo venezolano. Y ahora que vemos luz en esta salida política, quiero decir que solo gracias al trabajo de la Unión Europea hemos llegado hasta aquí.


  Dita Charanzová, en nombre del Grupo Renew. – Señor presidente, señora alta representante, mañana es el Día de la Justicia Penal Internacional y este Parlamento envía un mensaje claro: no toleramos que en Venezuela se vulneren los derechos humanos. Es hora de que la Unión Europea tome una posición más firme contra la dictadura y amplíe las sanciones selectivas, incluyendo la posibilidad de sancionar a la empresa estatal de petróleo.

Dicen que Maduro está dispuesto a negociar, pero yo me pregunto cómo puede estar uno, por un lado, negociando y, por el otro, al mismo tiempo, encarcelando, torturando y matando a personas contrarias al régimen. ¿Cómo es posible decir que se quiere diálogo y, al mismo tiempo, perseguir a aquellos con los cuales se pretende negociar? No nos engañemos, Maduro sigue utilizando sus trucos de siempre: fingir disposición a negociar para ganar tiempo.

Tenemos que hacer todo lo posible para asegurarnos de que Maduro, por fin, se comprometa seriamente al diálogo y la crisis se resuelva de manera pacífica.


  Molly Scott Cato, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, during the last mandate we passed 15 resolutions on Venezuela. I’m not convinced that the objective of their proposals was really to resolve the situation to the benefit of most Venezuelan people, but rather to ensure that certain forces in that desperate country could take power from the discredited Maduro government. Meanwhile, we are ignoring human rights abuses in other countries, like those in Central America, that are giving rise to mass migrations – now the focus of another human rights urgency resolution in this House.

It’s clear that the strategy of organising a coup with Guaidó at its head has failed and in your statement issued this morning, Ms Mogherini, I noted that he was not even mentioned.

Other things that have changed since our last resolution: for one, Michelle Bachelet visited Venezuela on behalf of the UN and clearly condemned the human rights abuses – on that we’re all agreed – while Norway has launched a mediation initiative, bringing together the two sides in Barbados. This is an initiative that we should support, as you yourself have done. Although the negotiated resolution is still problematic, there is now hope that we can reach a mediated solution on a democratic process that all Venezuelans can sign up to. That is where the support of this House should go.


  Philippe Olivier, au nom du groupe ID. – Monsieur le Président, le Venezuela, c’est d’abord un drame humain et, si on est pratiquement tous d’accord, la confirmation de la nocivité des systèmes d’aspiration collectiviste. Mais, le Venezuela, c’est pour bien des pays européens de l’Union, comme le mien, l’illustration de ce qui apparaît comme une double faute: l’allégeance et l’ingérence.

L’allégeance, en donnant le sentiment de suivre servilement la position américaine en soutenant le président de l’assemblée, Juan Guaido, exactement dans le sillage du président Trump. À quoi sert une organisation européenne, si elle n’apparaît sur la scène internationale que comme le porte-drapeau d’une bannière étoilée qui n’est pas la sienne?

L’ingérence, en adoptant une attitude éminemment brutale dans un conflit intérieur qui peut dégénérer en guerre civile. L’Italie, qui a su tenir une position équilibrée, a fait preuve de clairvoyance.

En ignorant la prudence qui lui commandait l’indépendance et la non-ingérence, l’Union a perdu son unité et son crédit diplomatique, ce qui la handicape aujourd’hui pour jouer un rôle de médiateur, pourtant si nécessaire. Que cette triste situation nous serve de leçon.


  Anna Fotyga, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, Madam High Representative, in 2017 we granted the Sakharov Prize to the Venezuelan opposition. Unfortunately, the Maduro regime remains quite strong, despite the massive violations of human rights, intimidation of the democratic opposition and large-scale arrests. We are also concerned by the hyper-inflationary meltdown of the country, diseases, shortages of medicines and, in particular, the suffering of elderly people and children. There is a migration crisis with a spill-over effect on the whole region. Yet there is some hope in the recent diplomatic efforts. I cautiously welcome the Barbados process led by Norway, and we support your efforts, Ms Mogherini.


  Manu Pineda Marín, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señor presidente, decía un político catalán del siglo pasado que «en política se puede hacer cualquier cosa menos el ridículo». Eso es lo que hará este Parlamento si aprueba mañana la enésima resolución sobre Venezuela.

Esta cámara, con Antonio Tajani a la cabeza, reconoció al autoproclamado Juan Guaidó como presidente de un país que —aunque a ustedes no les guste— tiene un Gobierno y un presidente democráticamente elegidos. El intento de golpe de Estado fracasó y, justo cuando Guaidó se sube a la mesa de diálogo en Barbados, vuelven las presiones.

Ustedes siguen la hoja de ruta marcada por los Estados Unidos para derrocar a Maduro. Pero no todo vale. La Unión Europea debe respetar el Derecho internacional, la no injerencia en las decisiones soberanas de los pueblos, y levantar las sanciones. Se dicen preocupados por el pueblo venezolano, pero exigen medidas que le generarán aún más sufrimiento.

Señora Mogherini, deje de amenazar con sanciones y siga reclamando diálogo y moderación, por favor. La Unión Europea debe apostar por el diálogo y dejar que el pueblo venezolano decida su futuro. Es decir, la Unión Europea debería actuar de forma democrática.


  Robert Rowland (NI). – Mr President, the situation in Venezuela today is an example of what happens when a socialist ideology is pursued to its logical conclusion and why it must be defeated in Europe. What I find so disturbing this morning, listening to the MEPs from the left, is how they think a socialist agenda of more regulation, more central planning and more bureaucracy leads to an economic utopia. As an economist, I can tell you that these ideas are both deluded and misguided. Far from giving more personal and economic freedom, the ideas I heard this morning do the complete opposite. In the words of one great Austrian economist, Friedrich Hayek, it will lead down the road to serfdom.

Venezuela provides a reminder of how undiluted socialism works out: a brutal economic crisis marked by food and medicine shortages, along with the world’s highest inflation rate of over a million percent. The nation’s economy, which has already contracted by half in recent years, is expected to shrink by another 25%. By intervening, you may feel better by showcasing your political virtue but you most assuredly will not be helping the courageous opposition leader, Juan Guaidó, and his supporters.

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 171(8))


  Martin Horwood (Renew), blue-card question. – I would like to commend Mr Rowland on some points powerfully put. I wonder how he expects to get them across to the High Representative if we proceed with Brexit.


  Robert Rowland (NI), blue-card answer. – We will do this multilaterally, of course.


  Leopoldo López Gil (PPE). – Señor presidente, señora Mogherini, como venezolano y como español, es con profundo sentimiento que les hablo. El pasado 4 de julio la alta comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, Michelle Bachelet, presentó el informe sobre las violaciones a los derechos de los venezolanos. Confirmó la persecución, las torturas, los asesinatos como una política de Estado, tal como lo denunció la oposición democrática venezolana, a quienes este Parlamento reconoció con el Premio Sájarov en 2017.

La legítima Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela sostiene que esta crisis debe resolverse por la vía del diálogo. Como coordinador de la Subcomisión de Derechos Humanos, agradezco al empeño puesto por este proyecto de Resolución para que se produzcan unas elecciones presidenciales libres, transparentes y verificables, bajo la observación internacional bien reconocida.

En línea con la Resolución del día 28 de marzo aprobada por este Parlamento, instamos al Grupo de Contacto a colaborar con el Grupo de Lima, con todas las acciones que conduzcan a estas elecciones. Este es el único camino para la democratización de Venezuela. Pido a todos los grupos políticos democráticos que apoyen esta Resolución. Su único propósito es lograr que cesen las persecuciones sistemáticas, la represión, la violencia y las violaciones a los derechos humanos y el éxodo masivo de Venezuela.


  Isabel Santos (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, Senhora Alta Representante, a situação de tragédia humanitária na Venezuela continua a chocar todos os observadores internacionais.

O relatório das Nações Unidas mostra que as situações de atropelo dos direitos humanos continuam a multiplicar-se, as regras do Estado de Direito continuam a ser ignoradas e as condições de vida da população são cada vez mais difíceis, não podendo ninguém ficar complacente com esta situação. Mas sejamos claros, não há nenhuma solução para o país que seja capaz de proteger aqueles que lá permanecem, sobrevivendo em condições extremas, que não passe pelo diálogo e pela mediação internacional com vista a uma resolução pacífica da crise.

O trabalho do Grupo de Contacto tem tido resultados reconhecidos por todas as partes envolvidas. Impõe-se agora que a União Europeia continue a pugnar para que seja reposto o equilíbrio institucional e que sejam implementadas as mudanças necessárias para a realização de eleições livres e justas, abertas à participação de todas as forças políticas e com garantias de monitorização internacional.


  Samira Rafaela (Renew). – Mr President, the situation in Venezuela is deeply troubling and is bringing hardship to millions. More than four million Venezuelans have now left the country, making this the second largest displacement crisis in the world after Syria, on our doorstep. But we Europeans are not living up to our own legal rules and our moral obligations in receiving those seeking protection.

Earlier this year, I saw the consequences for myself when I was in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Without our support, these territories face an impossible challenge in receiving refugees from Venezuela. For example, on the Dutch Leeward Islands refugees already represent over 10% of the local population. I call upon the Commission to provide much—needed assistance and to use all possible diplomatic means. We should allocate funding under the EU Migration Fund and we should send experts from the European Asylum Support Office. I am counting on the Commission to take action.


  Hermann Tertsch (ECR). – Señor presidente; sí, señora Mogherini, yo me alegro mucho de que hayamos conseguido una Resolución —que espero que vote un amplio espectro en este Parlamento nuevo— para demostrar y volver a incidir en la brutal tragedia que se está produciendo en Venezuela desde hace muchos años, realmente con muchísima pasividad por parte de muchos.

Creo que, por desgracia, usted representa precisamente ese papel lamentable que hemos tenido, que ha impedido que hubiera momentos en los cuales se hubiera podido acortar el sufrimiento de los venezolanos. Creo que estamos hablando con una banda, no de políticos al uso, no es una dictadura ideológicamente marcada: es una banda de criminales de lo que estamos hablando; una banda de criminales protegida por un centro de mando que está en Cuba, que está en La Habana, al cual se ha protegido demasiado desde esta cámara, desde la Unión Europea, y también creo que desde su mandato.

Cuba es muy culpable de lo que ha pasado en Venezuela, y no se ha dicho lo suficiente. A los criminales de Venezuela hay que plantearles una amenaza creíble. Y sin amenaza creíble, no hay movimiento en esas negociaciones que se van a producir ahora, como no lo ha habido antes. Esa amenaza tiene que ser de sanciones o de lo que sea, pero es necesaria.


  Stelios Kouloglou (GUE/NGL). – Mr President, I would like to ask Ms Mogherini a very straight question. There was recently an attempted military coup in Venezuela: why have you not condemned it? Are you in favour of some military coups, or some military dictatorships? Why not?

I have a second question. Now that there is finally some reconciliation progress, under the auspices of Norway, why such an aggressive stance? Why such an aggressive resolution? Why are you not giving dialogue a chance? Why are you throwing fuel on the fire?

And my third question is: if a Guaidó were to appear in another country, where very severe violations of human rights are happening, where they are cutting dissidents into pieces, as in Saudi Arabia – if a Guaidó were to appear and proclaim himself the President of Saudi Arabia and the sponsor of democracy – would you recognise him? No.

Let’s be frank, Ms Mogherini: the oil in Saudi Arabia is secured, whereas in Venezuela it’s not secured.


  Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (NI). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, javio sam se za riječ da osudim imperijalizam, da osudim militarizam i da se založim za pacifizam, za mir, mirno i demokratsko rješenje u Venezueli.

Ovdje možemo čitati o kršenjima ljudskih prava u Venezueli. Postavljam vam pitanje. Zašto ne govorimo o kršenju ljudskih prava tamo gdje ne kontroliramo naftu? Zašto ne govorimo o kršenju ljudskih prava u Saudijskoj Arabiji? Zato što tamo establišment kontrolira naftu, s njima su se dogovorili, s njima mogu raditi što hoće. Ne govorimo o ženskim pravima u Saudijskoj Arabiji, ne govorimo o kršenju ljudskih prava u Saudijskoj Arabiji, nema rezolucija. Odakle to licemjerje i do kada to licemjerje?

Također, želim osuditi imperijalizam. Sjedinjene Američke Države, njihov establišment, bio republikanski, demokratski uvijek je imao istu ili sličnu politiku prema zemljama Srednje Amerike, imperijalističku politiku. Nije prvi puta da se SAD miješa ili pokušava miješati u situaciju u Venezueli.

Treba osuditi politiku sankcija, puča, diktature. Međutim, ono što je najvažnije, treba pustiti narodu Venezuele da demokratski i mirno sam donese rješenje i maknuti imperijalističke šape iz Venezuele i drugih zemalja.


  Francisco José Millán Mon (PPE). – Señor presidente, la situación en Venezuela es cada día más dramática. El régimen de Maduro, como ha demostrado el informe Bachelet, viola gravemente los derechos humanos y las libertades más básicas, como, en el fondo, todos sabíamos. El cruel asesinato del capitán Acosta es la prueba más reciente. Son necesarias sanciones para los responsables de estas graves violaciones de los derechos humanos.

Los cambios en Venezuela no pueden, no deben retrasarse. Es urgente la liberación de los presos políticos, un Gobierno de transición y la celebración de elecciones presidenciales libres. La nueva mesa de diálogo de Barbados, promovida por Noruega, debe producir pronto resultados y no debe ser utilizada por el régimen de Maduro para ganar tiempo, como ha sucedido con otros marcos de diálogo.

La Unión Europea debe implicarse más activamente. Creo necesaria —ya lo he dicho más veces— una actitud más decidida del Consejo ante el drama que vive Venezuela. El Parlamento sí ha sido ágil, impulsando el rápido reconocimiento de Guaidó hace unos meses.

La Unión Europea —y termino— debe trabajar en estrecha cooperación con el Grupo de Lima y con la gran mayoría de la comunidad internacional para poner fin a esta trágica pesadilla que sufren nuestros hermanos venezolanos.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, the humanitarian, political and economic crisis in Venezuela needs an urgent response. The recent report by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the situation is very worrying, because it paints a bleak picture of the human rights situation in the country. The only way out of the deadlock in which Venezuelan society finds itself is through a negotiated solution that includes all sections of society. It is important that women, young people and minorities are included in the process, as they hold the keys to building an inclusive peace.

I trust Venezuelans will find a peaceful solution through the negotiation process currently facilitated by Norway. As Europeans, it is important that we support these talks and oppose any calls for a military intervention. War is not the solution. The future of Venezuela should not be built on the use of violence, and the talks seem to be constructive. I call on all parties to continue working positively in order to reach the objective of holding free and fair elections with international observers. I want to state my full support for the pre-conditions laid out by the EU-led international contact group, including the release of political prisoners.




  Carlo Fidanza (ECR). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, alto rappresentante Mogherini, è tempo di bilanci anche per il Suo mandato.

Il nostro giudizio complessivamente per questi cinque anni è un giudizio negativo, ma nel caso di specie del Venezuela, riconosciamo che la Commissione ha fatto sforzi importanti. Ci rammarichiamo per contro del fatto che il Consiglio pochi mesi fa non è riuscito ad approvare una risoluzione a sostegno del legittimo presidente Guaidó per responsabilità del governo della mia nazione, dell'Italia, che non ha voluto sottoscriverlo, una macchia pesante.

La situazione è drammatica, come hanno detto i colleghi. Sei milioni di persone che vivono in condizioni tragiche, più di quattro milioni di persone che hanno lasciato il paese, profughi veri che probabilmente non destano l'attenzione dell'opinione pubblica internazionale perché non hanno alle loro spalle Carola Rackete, George Soros e Roberto Saviano, che si stracciano le vesti per loro, ma sono profughi veri che necessitano di aiuto.

Allora noi sosteniamo gli sforzi diplomatici, chiediamo alla Commissione di sostenere il processo di mediazione che si è caricata oggi la Norvegia verso nuove elezioni libere e trasparenti, condividendo l'auspicio della Conferenza episcopale venezuelana, che voglio ringraziare per il grande lavoro che sta facendo e che pochi giorni fa ha chiesto l'uscita di coloro che esercitano illegittimamente il potere e l'elezione nel più breve tempo possibile di un nuovo presidente della Repubblica. Parole sensate, parole misurate di buon senso che devono trovare presto attuazione.


  Λευτέρης Νικολάου-Αλαβάνος (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, από τις πρώτες πράξεις της κυβέρνησης της ΝΔ ήταν να αναγνωρίσει του αρχιπραξικοπηματία Γκουαϊδό, τον αχυράνθρωπο των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών της Αμερικής, ως μεταβατικό πρόεδρο της Βενεζουέλας, πατώντας ακριβώς πάνω στην απαράδεκτη κοινή θέση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, που στήριξε η κυβέρνηση του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. Πρόκειται για πράξη που στηρίζει τη βρόμικη επέμβαση των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών, της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και των συμμάχων τους στη Βενεζουέλα και στρέφεται κατά του νόμιμα εκλεγμένου προέδρου της χώρας και συνολικά κατά του βενεζουελάνικου λαού, ο οποίος είναι ο μόνος υπεύθυνος για να καθορίσει τις πολιτικές και κοινωνικές εξελίξεις στη χώρα του.


Ο ελληνικός λαός, όπως πολλές φορές έχει κάνει στο παρελθόν, χρειάζεται και τώρα να καταδικάσει αποφασιστικά την επέμβαση των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών και της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης στη Βενεζουέλα, μαζί και την αναγνώρισή της από την κυβέρνηση της ΝΔ, που παίρνοντας τη σκυτάλη από τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ παίζει το παιχνίδι των ιμπεριαλιστών. Το ΚΚΕ εκφράζει τη διεθνιστική του αλληλεγγύη στον λαό της Βενεζουέλας, στο Κομμουνιστικό του Κόμμα και την Κομμουνιστική Νεολαία της χώρας, που μάχονται για τα λαϊκά συμφέροντα.


  David Lega (PPE). – Mr President, I would like to say to the High Representative that the evil of communism has many faces. In Venezuela that face is Nicolás Maduro, who has torn this previously so wealthy country into pieces. According to the IMF, the country’s inflation rate is projected to hit 10 million per cent by the end of 2019, and at home Venezuelans are starving to death. When taking to the streets they are being gunned down by Maduro’s security forces. To survive, some five million people will have fled the country by the end of this year, according to the United Nations.

Venezuelans have been brought to their knees but they are not defeated. Juan Guaidó is their legitimate interim president, and this very European Parliament, and a majority of Member States, have recognised him as such. Still, quite a few Members and Member States keep supporting Maduro’s illegitimate regime, and by doing so they legitimise Maduro’s loathsome crimes against the courageous people of Venezuela. For that they will go down in history, although probably not quite in the way that they were hoping for.

So I agree with my PPE colleagues, High Representative, that you need to take the lead on EU policy in Venezuela. Maduro must be held accountable for his hideous crimes.


  Beata Kempa (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Kryzys humanitarny w Wenezueli się pogłębia, każdego dnia sytuacja staje się coraz gorsza. Stałe zainteresowanie społeczności międzynarodowej, a w szczególności Unii Europejskiej, jest bez wątpienia tym, co wenezuelskiej opozycji jest dzisiaj bardzo potrzebne. Owszem, rozmowy na Barbadosie trwają, ale nie może to uśpić czujności społeczności międzynarodowej. Pamiętajmy, że to właśnie presja międzynarodowa sprawiła, że reżim Maduro w ogóle usiadł do stołu.

Zatem przede wszystkim musimy pamiętać o indywidualnym cierpieniu i tragedii tysięcy mieszkańców Wenezueli, gdzie blisko czterech milionów osób dotyka niedożywienie. Dotyczy to w szczególności kobiet w ciąży i dzieci. Płaca minimalna to siedem dolarów miesięcznie, dlatego wielu mieszkańców decyduje się na emigrację do krajów sąsiednich: Kolumbii, Peru, Ekwadoru, Brazylii czy Chile.

Jeśli chodzi o samą Wenezuelę, jedyną możliwością pomocy jest oddolna dystrybucja żywności i leków, która problemów nie rozwiąże, ale pozwoli przeżyć do momentu, kiedy pojawi się polityczne rozwiązanie. Polskie organizacje pozarządowe bezpośrednio niosą pomoc Wenezuelczykom. Bezcenna jest także rola kościołów i związków wyznaniowych oraz organizacji partnerskich. Zatem Unia musi również pomóc uchodźcom w Wenezueli. Zatem rolą Unii jest pomóc, i akcję tę powinniśmy podjąć jak najszybciej, wykorzystując polski wzorzec bezpośredniej pomocy na miejscu.


Spontane Wortmeldungen


  Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (Renew). – Señor presidente, señora Mogherini, las conclusiones de las Naciones Unidas sobre la situación en Venezuela hacen más urgente que nunca activar una ayuda humanitaria a la altura de la tragedia que vive el país y un proceso de transición hacia la democracia.

La represión y las graves violaciones de los derechos humanos deben cesar. El diálogo en marcha tiene hoja de ruta: unas elecciones democráticas, libres y en condiciones justas para todos los actores, como propone la Asamblea de Venezuela, con mecanismos de verificación internacional que eviten la usurpación de la voluntad popular en que se basa el régimen del país.

Las cifras de represaliados, de asesinados, de exiliados forzosos, la desnutrición, el desabastecimiento de medicinas justifican una investigación de la Corte Penal contra los jerarcas del régimen y sanciones que deben bloquear el patrimonio ilícitamente obtenido por ellos durante esta dictadura.


  Mick Wallace (GUE/NGL). – Mr President, if Europeans really cared about the people of Venezuela, they would organise food and medicine for them in cooperation with the legitimate government, the elected government of Venezuela. You don’t have to like Maduro, but he was elected and we should feel obliged to help the people in order to counteract the brutality of the US sanctions, which are bringing the country to its knees. There is no sense in these sanctions. It’s a new form of terrorism. It aims to hurt the most vulnerable the most, and they are the ones who suffer the most. It would be better if the US military invaded the place and if they shot at the Venezuelans. At least the Venezuelans could defend themselves in self—defence.

This is the worst form of war – economic war. There is no excuse for it. Your decision to support Guaidó, a right—wing thug with no support worth talking about in Venezuela, was a huge mistake. You talk about your interest in international law, but this is 100% against international law. Any legal firm of standing will confirm that to you.


  Clare Daly (GUE/NGL). – Mr President, it is obvious now that the recognition of Juan Guaidó as interim President by a majority in this Parliament was not only illegal under Venezuelan and international public law, but more importantly, it has not worked. For people to come in here and to talk about a humanitarian catastrophe, with millions of people fleeing, and at the same time argue for targeted measures, more sanctions and more hardship – the very reason why many of them are fleeing in the first place – is beyond hypocrisy.

You are talking about human rights violations in Venezuela when you have just concluded a deal with Brazil, where the President has argued for a shoot-to-kill policy on the streets. If you are really concerned about the Venezuelan people, why don’t you ensure that the assets belonging to them, which are frozen around the world, are released back to them? Why don’t you work with the recognised international humanitarian agencies to bring them relief? Starving people into submission has never worked, and it is certainly not going to work here.


  Milan Uhrík (NI). – Vážený pán predsedajúci, návrh rezolúcie Európskej únie o Venezuele som veľmi pozorne počúval, ale okrem tých klišéovitých fráz a tradičných rečí o porušovaní ľudských práv a demokracie som sa nedozvedel bohužiaľ nič nové.

Chýba tam tá pointa a celá tá rezolúcia je v podstate len zrkadlom bezzubosti a slabosti súčasnej Európskej únie. Treba jasne povedať, že za situáciu vo Venezuele môže – takisto ako v Iraku, v Iráne, v Sýrii, V Líbyi – agresívna zahraničná politika Spojených štátov amerických. Ich tajné služby a armáda, ktoré rozdúchavajú konflikty po celom svete, rozvracajú suverénne národné štáty, ktoré doposiaľ fungovali bez väčších problémov, kvôli rope, kvôli peniazom, kvôli nerastnému bohatstvu.

Toto sa v tej správe, v tom návrhu rezolúcie bohužiaľ vôbec nespomína ani jedným slovíčkom a z tohto pohľadu je tá rezolúcia naozaj veľmi slabá.


  Der Präsident. – Ich will Ihnen sagen, dass ich in Zukunft in dieser Wahlperiode bei den spontanen Wortmeldungen ausschließlich bei diesen fünf Minuten bleiben werde, wie das die Regeln vorsehen. Nachdem wir aber nur mehr eine Rednerin haben und Sie das vorher nicht wussten, dass es unterschiedliche Vorgangsweisen gibt, möchte ich noch Frau Sandra Pereira das Wort erteilen. Aber ich bitte Sie, sich darauf zu konzentrieren, dass unabhängig von der Anzahl der Redewortmeldungen die spontanen Wortmeldungen auf fünf Minuten beschränkt bleiben.


  Sandra Pereira (GUE/NGL). – Senhor Presidente, estamos perante o inesgotável acervo deste Parlamento de hipócrita demagogia e falsidade que visa legitimar a ingerência sobre países soberanos. A União Europeia prossegue a sua ofensiva contra a Venezuela aliando—se com a estratégia e interesses dos Estados Unidos para a região que tomam como pátio traseiro. Afrontando a Carta das Nações Unidas usam e insistem na cartilha de sempre: sistemáticas ações de desestabilização interna, tentativas de golpe de Estado, terrorismo, sabotagens, sanções, bloqueio económico, financeiro, político e diplomático. São os interesses e as condições de vida do povo venezuelano e, em particular, da imensa comunidade portuguesa naquele país, que a União Europeia compromete, apoiando golpistas, o isolamento do país ou a ameaça de intervenção militar.

É na exigência pelo fim imediato das sanções e na defesa do diálogo e da paz, respeitando o direito reiteradamente afirmado pelo povo venezuelano de decidir livre e soberanamente o seu futuro que se encontra a solução para os problemas que a Venezuela e o seu povo enfrentam.


(Ende der spontanen Wortmeldungen)


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. –Mr President, I think I never heard in this Hemicycle anybody wishing to see a military invasion of another country, and I hope this will not happen again. This strikes me – this shocks me – and I think we can be proud if it was the European Union, through our work, with a contact group, with the countries in the region, with the United Nation agencies, to stop any thinking of a military escalation; to stop any thinking of a military escalation from outside the country and from inside the country. I’m proud we have been the ones working with the UN agencies, with the humanitarian agencies, to allow them to enter the country and deliver assistance to the population. I’m proud we have been, and we continue to be, probably the biggest donor for assistance to the Venezuelan population. I hope you keep that in mind, and I hope – I really hope (I will be sharing only a few months with this Parliament) – but I really hope that you will have these five years ahead of you without thinking that imagining a military intervention to invade a country is a good option. This scares me as a European, if I can say so. I think this should be very clear in everybody’s mind in Europe, because we have lived in Europe – what it means to be at war. And I think that the value of our work in the world is exactly our history: it is full of blood, and that has taught us that war is never a good idea.

We will continue, and I think that there is large convergence in this Hemicycle – not full convergence; I didn’t expect that – on the need to continue to work in this direction.

First of all, to insist for a peaceful solution excluding any military attempt. Second, to work for a democratic solution with early presidential elections, with all the guarantees that this can be, finally, free and fair, which has not been the case before.

Thirdly, this includes dialogue, diplomatic engagement, full support that we have been providing from even before the talks mediated by Norway have started. We will continue to support the talks, knowing (without being naive) that in the past, previous experiences of negotiation and mediation have proven to be so difficult and also inconclusive, but a clear set up, clear perspective: I think we have a duty. The European Council also thinks we have a duty – I should move to the other part of the Hemicycle here to say that – to support this chance that a democratic peaceful transition can happen with political means, with diplomatic efforts. This includes also sanctions, and I want to stress this very clearly, because I hope that everyone in this Hemicycle knows at least what policies the European Union has and does not have in place.

The European Union measures are not sanctions against the country or the population. The measures that we have in place are targeted against persons – single individuals – that are responsible for serious violations of human rights. I want this to be very clear.

Last but not least, humanitarian support. I think we will need to continue to, first of all, provide resources. Last time I talked to Mark Lowcock, the UN Under-Secretary responsible for the humanitarian assistance. He was telling me that at this stage, the main problem when it comes to humanitarian assistance is indeed the lack of resources – much more than the difficulties of access.

So I think that we have a responsibility as Europeans to keep and even increase the level of assistance to the population, to our brothers and sisters in Venezuela. We have so many ties – so many family ties, and some of them are sitting in this room – that we have an interest, a duty, to support the people of Venezuela, and there is no doubt about that. But we also have a duty, I think, and a responsibility to call for others to increase their humanitarian assistance because, while there is work to try and achieve an electoral process as soon as possible that is transparent and fair and credible, we cannot ignore the dramatic humanitarian needs of the population.

And last but not least, to support the work of Michelle Bachelet, including with additional measures, if the Member States consider unanimously that this is the case: to support her work, again with individual targeted measures that we can introduce to follow up the recent reports on the human rights violations that are extremely serious.

So I hope this Parliament will be, if not unanimously, largely behind this approach, because having a strong voice from the European Parliament, from the European institutions, will be crucial to having a key role, including with the countries in the region from Brazil to Colombia: all of them, from Mexico to the countries that are part of the international contact group, in making Europe part of an active solution that is – let me stress once again – peaceful and democratic.


  Der Präsident. – Gemäß Artikel 132 Absatz 2 der Geschäftsordnung wurden sechs Entschließungsanträge eingereicht.

Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2019, statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 171)


  Caterina Chinnici (S&D), per iscritto. – Vorrei ribadire la mia profonda preoccupazione per la situazione di protratto stallo politico in Venezuela e per il perdurare della gravissima crisi umanitaria, sociale ed economica che sta producendo contraccolpi anche sulla stabilità dell’intera regione.

Come segnalato da UNICEF, dall’inizio della crisi sono circa 3,7 milioni i venezuelani, incluse famiglie con bambini, che hanno lasciato le loro case per andare in Brasile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perù e altri paesi della regione. Solo in Colombia vivono come migranti e rifugiati ben 327 000 bambini che necessitano di istruzione, protezione, di cure e di tutela. La condizione di grave crisi del paese è stata inoltre ribadita dalla relazione dell’Alto Commissario ONU per i Diritti umani, Michelle Bachelet, pubblicata lo scorso 5 luglio, che ha denunciato gravi violazioni economiche e sociali, e gravi fenomeni di violenza.

In tale contesto, divenuto insostenibile per il popolo Venezuelano, è quanto mai necessario che l’Unione europea prosegua la propria azione a supporto di una soluzione pacifica e negoziata della crisi, che escluda il ricorso alla forza o ad interventi militari e che, attraverso libere elezioni alla presenza di osservatori internazionali, favorisca la pacificazione del paese.


  Urmas Paet (Renew), kirjalikult. – Olukord Venezuelas on jätkuvalt kohutav. Humanitaarabi vajab rohkem kui 7 miljonit inimest, 94% elanikkonnast elab allpool vaesuspiiri, 70% lastest ei käi koolis, tervishoidu peaaegu ei eksisteeri ning tegemist on juba maailma suuruselt teise rände- ja pagulaskriisiga. Inimesi represseeritakse jätkuvalt ning toimuvad kohtuvälised tapmised. Sellised rängad repressioonid ja vägivald peavad lõppema, poliitilisele kriisile tuleb lahendus leida, sest ainult nii saab edasi minna muude kriiside lahendamisega riigis. Selles osas on oluline ka ELi toetus ja tugi nii Norra lepitusprotsessile kui ka ÜRO püüetele leida olukorrale lahendus. Lisaks on oluline toetada naaberriike, kes peavad suuresti Venezuelast tuleneva rändekriisiga toime tulema. Koheselt tuleb leida viise, kuidas tagada ligipääs toidule ja tervishoiule Venezuelas. EL saab mõjutada olukorda lisasanktsioonide kehtestamisega nende suhtes, kes vastutavad inimõiguste rikkumiste ja repressioonide eest. On ka äärmiselt oluline, et algatataks Rahvusvahelise Kriminaalkohtu uurimine Venezuela režiimi poolt toime pandud kuritegude ja repressioonide osas.

Laatst bijgewerkt op: 12 september 2019Juridische mededeling - Privacybeleid