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Terça-feira, 16 de Julho de 2019 - Estrasburgo

16. A situação na Moldávia (debate)
Vídeo das intervenções

  Der Präsident. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über die Erklärung der Vizepräsidentin der Kommission und Hohen Vertreterin der Union für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik zur Lage in Moldau (2019/2737(RSP)).


  David McAllister (PPE), on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, throughout the past legislature we held many debates on Moldova, and not a single one was positive. So I am more than happy, and let me admit, I am relieved that this country has finally begun turning from a captured state into a recovering democracy. Mr President, I think that the High Representative usually gets for floor first. I think the High Representative should perhaps give us an update first.


  President. – Excuse me, I was too quick!


   Wir beenden die vorherige Aussprache. Ich darf noch einmal die Frau Vizepräsidentin bitten, uns nun zur Lage in Moldau zu informieren.


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, I am sure it will not differ too much from what Mr McAllister was saying, but still, for the sake of the correct functioning of the institutions, I should say a few words before listening to your considerations on the situation in Moldova. But I can fully share what David McAllister was saying in the very first sentences.

We’ve had many debates about Moldova in this Hemicycle in the past years and they have very few times, if ever, been encouraging or positive.

The people of Moldova have asked for change, for reforms that would bring the country forward. Recently this was very evident. The European Union has followed the situation in recent months, as well as in the previous years, step-by-step, as neighbours, as partners and, most of all, as friends of the Moldovan people. We are glad that Moldova now has a government with a bold programme to tackle corruption and reform the country. Obviously, after the programmes, reforms need to happen for real and implementation has to come.

I want to recall where we stood just one year ago. When I met the previous Parliament for an urgency debate on Moldova, the situation was critical. The mayoral elections in the capital, Chișinău, had just been annulled by dubious court decisions. It was a difficult moment for our relations with Moldova. We had to take unpleasant but necessary decisions, for instance when we put on hold our micro-financial assistance because Moldova was not sticking to its own commitments.

In June, after the elections, a short but very profound institutional crisis unfolded. Together with Commissioner Hahn, we made clear our position: that we expected the democratically legitimate government to be allowed to take office and the rule of law to be respected. We were all relieved that the new government could finally start its work, and the institutional crisis was solved in a clear and peaceful manner.

The new government’s programme has, at its core, many of the priorities that are clearly spelled out in our Association Agreement with Moldova. It is good to see that their agenda talks not only about structural reforms to fight corruption more effectively, but also about the independence of the judiciary and improving the electoral framework. These are not demands that come from the European Union. These are demands that come from the people of Moldova, which the European Union is ready to support.

I am also glad that, in these very first weeks, our contacts with our new counterparts have been very intense and very positive. Commissioner Hahn visited Chișinău in June. Prime Minister Sandu was in Brussels at the beginning of July. Just yesterday in Brussels, we hosted a new Foreign Minister, Nicolae Popescu, at our Foreign Affairs Council for a discussion on how to more forward in our Association Agreement implementation.

As you know, we are preparing a set of concrete measures to support the country based on the implementation of reforms under the Association Agreement and the package. What we are working on also includes the release of assistance that had been put on hold.

Yesterday, we also confirmed that the next Association Council with Moldova can take place next autumn. Their Foreign Minister yesterday confirmed that the new government intends to tackle corruption decisively and to address the politicisation of state institutions, including the judicial system. He also confirmed to us that Moldova has a strong interest in its partnership with the European Union, both politically and economically.

Our partnership has nothing to do with geopolitics or spheres of influence. Recent events have demonstrated very clearly that for the people of Moldova what truly matters is reforms and positive change, and not really geopolitics or calculations.

I also want to make it very clear that we see all the good intentions and all the good arguments, but what will really count is the implementation of these intentions and the real capacity to put in place changes in the country.

In this spirit, what we want to do is to keep accompanying and supporting reforms in Moldova. We do not do politics. We do not do internal politics in countries. We relate with institutions on the basis of content and policies, programmes and concrete reforms put in place. This moment represents an opportunity for the country, and we will be there to accompany this opportunity so that it can succeed.


  Der Präsident. – Thank you very much. Now the order is right. Mr McAllister, the floor is yours.


  David McAllister, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, thank you so much for giving me the floor for the second time. Throughout the last legislature, we held many debates on Moldova in this plenary, and not a single one was positive. So I am more than happy – yes, I am actually relieved – that this country has finally begun turning from a captured state into a recovering democracy.

This is a huge victory for all the Moldovans who voted for change. Now the new Prime Minister, Ms Maia Sandu, has to tackle a number of challenges. Federica Mogherini just mentioned a number of them: the fight against corruption, the reform of the judiciary, the depoliticisation of the state administration, the electoral reform and a pluralistic media landscape with adequate financing and safeguards to protect journalists.

A sustainable reform agenda for Moldova should be accompanied by a determined effort to heal the deep social divisions that we have seen in recent months, including a genuine commitment to inter-party dialogue in the Parliament in Chișinău. We will be welcoming Prime Minister Sandu in the Foreign Affairs Committee next Wednesday on 24 July. We will look forward to continuing the debate with her on that occasion.


  Marina Kaljurand, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, I would like once again to thank Ms Mogherini for her remarks and for the commitment to our eastern partners. Moldova has been through a political crisis and it was truly encouraging to hear your assessment after meeting their officials. It is crucial for Moldova to continue with democratic reforms and stay on the pro—European path. It is important to continue to work actively on the full implementation of the EU—Moldova Association Agreement, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement. It is also crucial for us to support these endeavours, as long as Moldova stays on a pro-European course.

I would like to use this discussion to say loud and clear that Moldova is an important partner, and as S&Ds, we remain committed to supporting its future. As an Estonian, I can assure you that we will continue with bilateral development cooperation projects. Finally, it is very encouraging to know that the EU is resuming budgetary support for Moldova in the amount of EUR 14.54 million, which was announced yesterday by Commissioner Hahn.


  Petras Auštrevičius, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Mr President, the European Union’s Moldova partnership is based on common values, respect for democratic principles, rule of law and fundamental freedoms. In my capacity as standing rapporteur on Moldova, I have always been supporting and strengthening the importance of democratic criteria in our relations with Moldova and its domestic development.

I wish to recall the Joint Memorandum that all the EU institutions had reached in July 2017, emphasising the democratic criteria and respect for fundamental freedoms in relation to macro-financial assistance from the European Union. The EU was – and remains – bound to this Memorandum, and for very good reason. I strongly welcome the so-called silent revolution, which took place in June this year against the policies of the captive state, oligarchisation and state-built corruption system. The new Moldovan Government needs our support and solidarity under the principle of more for more.


  Heidi Hautala, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, I had the honour and pleasure to chair a small parliamentary mission to Moldova on 24 June, very soon after these positive developments in that country, on behalf of David McAllister. I travelled with our colleague Siegfried Mureșan and our former colleague Clare Moody, so it was a small mission, and very short, but it really was worthwhile. We had a chance, in that very short time, around half a day, to meet with Maia Sandu the new Prime Minister and to hear from her what agreement had been reached with the – let’s say – Russia—friendly Socialist Party. We left convinced that the common denominator is strong enough to get rid of the high—level corruption that has really plagued that country. I very much hope that now the European political parties will also help and support positive developments instead of helping parliamentary state capture.

I think a key question is that we have to find out what really happened with the bank embezzlement scandal some years ago. The Prime Minister needs to get access to the second Kroll international investigation to see what was actually discovered.


  Dominique Bilde, au nom du groupe ID. – Monsieur le Président, si la Moldavie a démontré une chose, c’est sa capacité à parvenir de façon autonome, quoique précaire, à des solutions nationales.

La vanité de la stratégie européenne depuis l’accord d’association de 2016 éclate, quant à elle, au grand jour. En effet, combien de plans d’action, de rapports et de soi-disant programmes de réforme pour arriver, en définitive, à une crise institutionnelle ouverte? Et l’Union ne sera pas davantage parvenue à conquérir les cœurs et les âmes. Malgré l’inclusion dans un espace de libre-échange, de libération des visas ou dans certains programmes européens, les Moldaves plébiscitaient encore en 2015 l’intégration à l’Union économique eurasiatique plutôt qu’à l’Union européenne. Et à l’issue de cette crise, c’est le pro-russe Igor Dodon qui s’impose encore comme l’homme politique auréolé du plus fort soutien populaire, tandis que le pro-européen Plahotniuc aura été celui par qui le scandale arrive.

Ainsi, en Moldavie comme ailleurs, l’horizon européen est un leurre et, comme dans son voisinage partagé, Bruxelles devra encore pour longtemps compter avec la Russie.


  Helmut Scholz, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Frau Hohe Vertreterin! Moldau durchlebt stürmische politische Zeiten. So viele Bürgerinnen und Bürger des kleinsten und ärmsten Landes in Europa dürsten nach Öffnung ihrer Gesellschaft. Mit der neuen Regierung Sandu steht jetzt die gesamte politische Klasse des Landes vor der gewaltigen Aufgabe, den Umbruch hin zu demokratischer Erneuerung der innenpolitischen und wirtschaftlichen sowie gesellschaftlichen Verfasstheit des Landes zu verstetigen.

Das korrupte Regime Plahotniuc hat tiefe Spuren hinterlassen: Regierungsinstitutionen, Gerichtssystem, Staatsanwaltschaft und Medien standen unter seinem persönlichen autoritären Führungsstil. Nicht nur die Funktionsfähigkeit der demokratischen Institutionen ist wiederherzustellen, sondern es ist auch Gerechtigkeit für widerrechtlich Angeklagte, verfolgte Politikerinnen und Politiker und gesellschaftliche Akteure herzustellen und politische Verfahren sind einzustellen. Die EU-Kommission und der Auswärtige Dienst sind gefordert, die eingefrorenen Mittel – zum Beispiel der EU—Makrofinanzhilfe – nur bei tatsächlich erzielten Fortschritten – einer Veränderung des Status quo – und in voller Transparenz freizugeben. Noch immer sind die geraubten Milliarden nicht an das moldauische Volk zurückgeführt worden – Stichworte: Die Berichte Kroll eins und zwei. Hier muss nun endlich auch der EU-Rat handeln.


  Christina Sheila Jordan (NI). – Mr President, the people of Moldova have to resolve their domestic situation themselves. The country needs help, advice and support but not political interference. Moldova needs to keep its independence. I would go so far as to say to them, ‘do not go anywhere near this undemocratic institution’. However, I doubt the newly elected EU Commission President, elected by just nine votes, will let them.

Earlier today one phrase of hers caught my attention: ‘our people, our talent, our diversity’. As I looked out at the Members in the Chamber earlier today, I have to admit I did not know what she meant. I guess her idea of diversity is very different from that of mine and my party.


  Siegfried Mureşan (PPE). – Domnule președinte, doamnă Înaltă Reprezentantă, stimați colegi, Republica Moldova are astăzi cel mai reformist și cel mai proeuropean guvern din ultimii 30 de ani. În urmă cu trei săptămâni m-am aflat într-o misiune oficială a Parlamentului European în Republica Moldova. Am avut întâlniri cu prim-ministrul Republicii Moldova și cu alți oameni politici. Am plecat încurajat și optimist de acolo.

Actualul guvern al Republicii Moldova dorește apropierea Republicii Moldova de Uniunea Europeană. Dorește restabilirea încrederii în instituțiile statului, inclusiv în justiție. Dorește justiție, dorește dreptate, dorește stat de drept, dorește combaterea fraudei și investigarea fraudei de 1 miliard de euro din sistemul bancar, dorește mass-media independentă și puternică. Este un guvern care merită ajutorul nostru. Cum putem ajuta acest Guvern?

În primul rând, deblocând cât de curând asistența macrofinanciară de 100 de milioane de euro. Guvernul Republicii Moldova este dispus să îndeplinească toate condițiile. În al doilea rând, prin cât mai multe vizite în Republica Moldova. Doamnă Înaltă Reprezentantă, vă solicit să mergeți cât de curând în Republica Moldova, să spuneți cetățenilor Republicii Moldova că suntem alături de ei și să le vorbiți despre beneficiile concrete ale apropierii Republicii Moldova de Uniunea Europeană.


  Isabel Santos (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, cara Alta Representante, caros Colegas, nos últimos anos assistimos a uma degradação das regras do Estado de Direito democrático na República da Moldávia incompatível com os standards europeus.

Diante das recentes evoluções, saúdo o descongelamento de parte do pacote de assistência microfinanceira anunciado pelo Comissário Hahn e espero que este primeiro passo por parte da Comissão possa servir de incentivo para que uma série de condições sejam satisfeitas.

O respeito pela liberdade e pela independência da imprensa, o respeito pelos opositores políticos, o combate à corrupção, a reforma do sistema judiciário eleitoral, a investigação isenta e exaustiva da fraude fiscal de 2014 são passos fundamentais para a regeneração da sociedade moldava que é uma das mais pobres da região e que viu emigrar um terço da sua população desde 2014 por falta de expectativa de futuro. O momento de mudança que se vive na Moldávia deve ser aproveitado por todas as forças políticas para encontrar uma solução governativa estável que vá ao encontro dos interesses dos moldavos.


  Ramona Strugariu (Renew). – Domnule președinte, drumul european al Republicii Moldova este acum mai deschis ca niciodată, datorită curajului Maiei Sandu, datorită curajului guvernului, dar mai ales al oamenilor, care și-au dorit foarte mult această schimbare.

Coaliția trebuie să-și respecte acum angajamentele pe care și le-a luat față de cetățeni și să curețe instituțiile de oligarhi. Este nevoie de o justiție puternică și independentă în Moldova, o justiție care să investigheze cum s-au cheltuit și cum au dispărut peste șaptezeci de miliarde de dolari care au fost spălați prin Republica Moldova, o justiție care să folosească raportul Kroll 2 pentru a afla cine și cum a furat trei miliarde de dolari din sistemul bancar.

Societatea civilă și jurnaliștii au fost, în tot acest timp, gardieni ai statului de drept și democrației și aș vrea să salut deschiderea guvernului pentru a transforma statul într-un partener de încredere al societății civile. Moldova trebuie sprijinită tehnic, politic și, mai ales, financiar pentru a implementa aceste reforme. Vă cer acest efort, pentru că Moldova merită să fie în Uniunea Europeană.


  Sergey Lagodinsky (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, we unequivocally welcome the developments in Moldova. We stand with the Prime Minister, Maia Sandu, in her pro—European, anti—corruption and pro—democratic aspirations. We emphasise, at the same time, that any progress can be made almost exclusively by rule of law and the path of the rule of law, and we saw that it is possible. We saw it in the case of the Prosecutor General, who stepped down voluntarily.

We also emphasise that any progress in this area should be based on our European affirmation of territorial integrity and cultural independence of Moldova. There, no cooperation with Russia should jeopardise our affirmation of this belonging, nor of the belonging of Moldova to European perspectives. There, I would like to address the colleague on the far right who talked about the Eurasian perspective of Moldova. Moldova’s perspective is European, and we have to do everything in order to keep this window open for this country.


  Ioan-Rareş Bogdan (PPE). – Domnule președinte, excelențele voastre, Republica Moldova nu a avut șansa surorii sale, România, de a adera la Uniunea Europeană. Cetățenii ei, 3,5 milioane de europeni, au fost sacrificați fără milă în ultimii 30 de ani și au fost monedă de schimb în jocul geopolitic.

Din cauza corupției endemice și a forțelor distructive din țară și din Federația Rusă, care ne sfidează în continuare, Republica Moldova a fost vândută unor oligarhi în frunte cu Vladimir Plahotniuc, ani în șir. Acum are, în sfârșit, un guvern proeuropean.

Republica Moldova poate aduce plus valoare Uniunii, dar nu trebuie considerată un mărunțiș. Riscurile de securitate impun măsuri rapide. Trebuie soluții și finanțare pentru a contracara efectele războiului hibrid de la frontiera noastră, a Uniunii Europene, frontiera de est. Structurile de securitate, mai ales Ministerul Afacerilor Interne din Chișinău, trebuie integrate în ecosistem. Ministrul Andrei Năstase, vicepremier, este un garant pentru un asemenea proiect, alături de întreg guvernul de la Chișinău. Totodată, trebuie finanțată educația timpurie în privința valorilor democrației. Este o investiție în viitor. Guvernul de la Chișinău ne poate fi partener. Priviți-o ca pe o mare șansă!


  Viola Von Cramon-Taubadel (Verts/ALE). – Herr Präsident! Vielen Dank, Frau Mogherini, für Ihren aussichtsreichen Bericht. Dennoch: Moldau ist aktuell – knapp fünf Jahre nach Abschluss des EU-Assoziierungsabkommen – immer noch der ärmste Staat in Europa. Bislang konnte aufgrund der politischen Krise nur wenig von dem umgesetzt werden, was in dem Abkommen vereinbart wurde. Deshalb sind wir nun – nach dem Regierungswechsel – mit einer Frau an der Spitze an einem entscheidenden Punkt angelangt: Erstmals überhaupt ziehen in einem Land der Östlichen Partnerschaft die USA, die Russische Föderation und die EU an einem Strang. Dieses Zeitfenster muss dringend für Reformen genutzt werden. Moldau sollte maximale Unterstützung in dieser wichtigen Phase erhalten, wenn es sich aus dem oligarchischen Korsett befreien kann.

Die EU sollte außerdem die bislang zurückgehaltenen Finanzierungshilfen, die vereinbart sind, unbedingt freigeben, und wir müssen Moldau mit allen Kräften darin unterstützen, auch sein landwirtschaftliches Potenzial gezielt und im Einklang mit der Umwelt ausnutzen zu können. Wer durch das Land fährt und die leeren Treibhäuser sieht, weiß, wovon ich rede – das Potenzial ist riesig. Aber aktuell arbeitet ungefähr jeder fünfte Mann außerhalb des Landes. Die sozialen Verwerfungen sind riesig, und deswegen glaube ich, dass es wichtig ist, darüber hinaus auch die Infrastruktur im ländlichen Raum – die Bildungsinfrastruktur, die Gesundheitsinfrastruktur insbesondere in Moldau – auch aus internationaler Sicht im Blick zu behalten.


  Andrzej Halicki (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Jako wieloletni przedstawiciel, szef Zgromadzenia Parlamentarnego Polska–Mołdawia chciałem podkreślić, że rzeczywiście czuć w Kiszyniowie tę atmosferę nadziei, ale ona może być bardzo krucha i szybko może zgasnąć. Rzeczywiście Mołdawia wymaga od nas bardzo szybkich, aktywnych działań i one mogą mieć bardzo praktyczny sens nie tylko na podstawie umowy stowarzyszeniowej – bo to dobry kurs – ale na przykład w postaci programu Erasmus+ na zasadach pełnego członkostwa. To jest osiągalne szybko, a nie tylko na zasadach partnerskich. Oczywiście pomoc finansowa, doradztwo – to musi być kraj wolny od korupcji – ale także kwestia sądownictwa, Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. To są fundamentalne wyzwania przed rządem Mai Sandu. Ale chciałem podkreślić, że nasza aktywność – zarówno parlamentarna, jak i ze strony Komisji Europejskiej – musi mieć ciągły i aktywny charakter. Tego oczekuje dzisiaj społeczeństwo Mołdawii.


  Andrius Kubilius (PPE). – Mr President, I would say to Madam Mogherini that the Moldova issue is very important for all of us. I would like to thank her personally and the whole Commission for what she did in order to assist Moldova in overcoming the political crisis.

Now in Moldova there is the government of Maia Sandu and we know her as a brave and real pro-European leader. That is why today it is very important for us to understand how we can help the Moldovan people and their pro-European government.

Back in 1990, just after the Berlin Wall came down, we in Lithuania and Moldova were very similar in our development. Now we are here and Moldova is still in a struggle for its future. What was the reason for such a difference in our development? The difference is very clear. We got EU membership prospects starting from 1993 and we became successful. Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia are still waiting for a clear message from the EU side.

I hope that, with the assistance of this Parliament, a new Commission will be brave enough to move forward. I would like to encourage the people of Moldova. Pro-European reforms are the only way to become a successful country. We in Lithuania are a good example, and we are ready to assist.


Spontane Wortmeldungen


  Traian Băsescu (PPE). – Domnule președinte, doamnă Înaltă Reprezentantă, cred că luările de poziție din seara aceasta ne arată că nu știm unde este esența problemei Republicii Moldova. Problema Republicii Moldova este că nu știe care-i este viitorul. Uniunea Europeană refuză să-i dea perspectiva intrării în Uniunea Europeană mai devreme sau mai târziu, atunci când va fi pregătită. Republica Moldova este o țară aflată în zona gri și niciun politician din Republica Moldova nu poate spune românilor din Republica Moldova – doamnă Mogherini, Republica Moldova e locuită de români – care e viitorul acestei țări aflate între Ucraina, Transnistria controlată de Moscova și frontiera Uniunii Europene. Concluzie: dați perspectivă europeană Republicii Moldova, altfel va rămâne așa cum este o lungă perioadă de timp.


  Thierry Mariani (ID). – Monsieur le Président, vous me permettrez de ne pas partager l'optimisme de certains. Madame la Commissaire, la Moldavie a pas choisi l'Europe. Deux clans ont décidé de s'allier en Moldavie pour liquider le troisième, soyons clairs et chacun le sait. C'est-à-dire qu'en réalité la partie européenne représentée par Mme Nastase et la partie pro-russe, qui ont des programmes totalement différents de M. Dodon, ont en réalité en une cible que chacun connaît, qui est le leader du Parti démocrate.

J'ai entendu parler de lutter contre les oligarques. On est en Moldavie, dans une situation un peu paradoxale, vous le savez, il n'y a pas des oligarques mais un oligarque au singulier.

Alors moi je partage au moins en tout cas la conclusion du dernier orateur, je pense qu'il faut donner un horizon clairement européen à la Moldavie. La Moldavie n'est pas dans l'Europe, mais tous les Moldaves qui le souhaitent sont facilement dans l'Europe, puisque l'un de ses grands voisins historiques est, on va dire, assez généreux quand certains demandent des passeports roumains.

Donc, aujourd'hui il est temps que l'Europe ait un vrai programme pour aider ce pays. J'ai beaucoup entendu parler de lutte contre la corruption, c'est indispensable, mais aujourd'hui ce que j'entends chaque fois que je vais en Moldavie, c'est des aides concrètes au niveau économique et je crois que c'est là où on gagnera le coeur au niveau européen.


  Michael Gahler (PPE). – Mr President, I am very glad that Maia Sandu is now the Prime Minister. I have known her for many years and she is a pro-European, democratic and uncorrupted Prime Minister. I think that is something that gives hope to the citizens of Moldova.

I think that what we saw in the days when there was this change is one example of where the European Union should definitely be in a position to have majority voting on foreign policy issues. A unanimous stance was not possible because the current Romanian Government and their parties were very close to Vladimir Plahotniuc’s party and they were not happy to drop them, which was problematic, but I think all the others were supportive from the outset.

I would like to thank the European External Action Service because our representation there really only contacted the new legitimate government, while other governments thought, well, perhaps they should mediate between a caretaker government that was installed by a dependent constitutional court. So let us perhaps reconsider our stance to discuss whether it is necessary to have unanimity always on foreign policy issues when it’s so obvious, for example, that there is a clearly legitimate government.


(Ende der spontanen Wortmeldungen)


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, I have little to add. I think it is clear to all that there’s a window of hope, of opportunity, and that we have a responsibility to help and support the government to deliver on these good intentions and goodwill. You can count on us to do all we can to accompany this process in the best possible way.

The final responsibility, obviously, is in the hands of the Prime Minister and the government, but obviously, we have all the interests in making her task a bit less challenging than it looks, and it is.

Let me also say that indeed our statements and our moves in Chișinău, during the critical hours of the institutional crisis in June, have been decisive. I also have to say that yesterday, during the Foreign Affairs Council, I found unanimity on this point. We did not face any problems with Member States.

I often say in the Foreign Affairs Council, the major problem we face is normally not unanimity in reaching decisions, but the consistency of the day after implementation of the decisions we take. But this is another story, which relates more to the political will back in the capitals. I thank you for the support, and I count on our joint work – Commission, Council and Parliament – to accompany this new phase for Moldova.


  Der Präsident. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Última actualização: 12 de Setembro de 2019Aviso legal - Política de privacidade