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Procedūra : 2019/2732(RSP)
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Debates :

PV 18/07/2019 - 3.1
CRE 18/07/2019 - 3.1

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PV 18/07/2019 - 7.1

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Debašu stenogramma
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Ceturtdiena, 2019. gada 18. jūlijs - Strasbūra

3.1. Stāvoklis Honkongā
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  President. – The next item is the debate on six motions for resolutions on the situation in Hong Kong (2019/2732(RSP)).


  Reinhard Bütikofer, author. – Madam President, the Groups of this Parliament have come together to move a joint resolution on human rights breaches in Hong Kong. I think this is a symbolically highly relevant action by this new Parliament because we have always held that EU foreign policy would be based on the fundamental values that our Union stands for: human rights, the rule of law and democracy. When we see people rising in defence of their civic and human rights, we as Europeans must express our solidarity and this is what we do with the people of Hong Kong through this resolution.



  Anna Fotyga, author. – Madam President, the people of Hong Kong are afraid. This fear is to be detected easily everywhere. They protest continually. The reason for their fear is the imposing of the extradition bill and they think that the concept of one state, two systems may lead eventually to their oppression and intimidation. I’m afraid that these protests will continue unless the situation is solved politically, which is what we appeal for.


  Tonino Picula, author. – Madam President, the proposed extrajudicial law that would make it easier to extradite people from Hong Kong to China has triggered over recent weeks a most massive protest in Hong Kong’s history.

This is not the way a country’s two-system principle should work in practice. We support a call for the full withdrawal of this law. The Hong Kong Government should immediately release, and drop all charges against, the peaceful protesters and all those detained during or before the protests for the peaceful exercise of their freedom of expression.

Hong Kong’s legislation of should remain fully in line with its international and human rights obligations. In its ongoing reform process and increasing global engagement, China has opted into the international human rights framework by signing up to a wide range of international human rights treaties. Therefore, we have to pursue dialogue with China to encourage it to live up to these commitments.


  Miguel Urbán Crespo, autor. – Señora presidenta, apoyamos el derecho de manifestación en todas las partes del mundo, como un derecho fundamental. También en el caso de Hong Kong, donde se manifiestan para pedir la retirada de la ley de extradición. Como en todos los lugares del mundo, pedimos también que se investigue la actuación policial y demandamos la puesta en libertad de los manifestantes pacíficos.

Pero también queremos denunciar la hipocresía de la Unión Europea, que solo ve violación de derechos humanos en el exterior de sus fronteras y que mira hacia otro lado cuando se vulneran también en Europa.

De igual forma, instamos a un diálogo entre las instituciones de la Unión Europea y China, para garantizar los derechos de las personas en Hong Kong, así como para establecer una postura europea con China adaptada a los retos geopolíticos del siglo XXI, en donde los derechos humanos, el respeto al medio ambiente y los derechos laborales sean un elemento fundamental de nuestra relación futura con China.


  Krzysztof Hetman, autor. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Trwające obecnie w Hongkongu pokojowe demonstracje należą do największych od czasu przyłączenia Hongkongu do Chin w 1997 r. W moim przekonaniu protestujący słusznie obawiają się, że proponowany projekt ustawy ekstradycyjnej może być w praktyce wykorzystywany do wywierania nacisku oraz nękania niewygodnych dla Chin obywateli Hongkongu. I dlatego zgadzam się, że samo zawieszenie prac nad nimi nie jest wystarczające, i należy formalnie wycofać się z tego projektu. Konieczne jest również niezwłoczne uwolnienie demonstrantów, którzy wyrażali swoje zaniepokojenie przeprowadzonymi zmianami. Mój niepokój budzi także kwestia wolności słowa oraz prasy, w tym presja wywierana na dziennikarzy oraz autocenzura wypowiedzi na temat Chin oraz rządu. Chciałbym podkreślić, że wolność wypowiedzi jest jednym z podstawowych praw człowieka, a jej przestrzeganie jest kwestią fundamentalną.


  Antony Hook, author. – Madam President, we should all be proud of this resolution that has the support of the five largest Groups in our European Parliament. This is important because Europe – our 28 states – is strongest when we are united. We share an unshakable commitment to democracy and human rights, not just for ourselves but for every person on this planet.

For weeks now, up to two million people in Hong Kong have protested on their streets, protests against an extradition bill brought by the Hong Kong Government, which is not elected by its people, which would see people rendered to mainland China where, according to countless NGO reports, torture, unfair trials and forced confessions are endemic. This is entirely at odds with the reassurances that were given to the Hong Kong people when that territory was transferred in 1997. Police have met these protests with force and violence that is unnecessary and it must be clear that here in Europe we support Hong Kong protesters.

We support their call for the Government to fully withdraw the bill and for an independent inquiry into the police’s actions. We call for free and fair elections. We say to the people of Hong Kong that the people of Europe stand with you. We say to the Governments of Hong Kong and China that we implore you to respect the dignity and the rights of every single individual and then together we can build a world of peace and justice for everyone.



  Seán Kelly, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Madam President, having visited Hong Kong and being a guest in particular of the Jockey Club, I saw what a wonderful, vibrant, sporting city it is and how the people enjoy their freedom and peace. That’s now being threatened and I think it is absolutely wonderful that the European Parliament in its first official session on this urgent topic urgencies are highlighting the issues in Hong Kong.

It’s not right that people should be detained for exercising their right to free expression. It’s not right that people should be detained for trying to promote their own civil rights, political rights and press freedom, and it is absolutely right that the European Union, working with the international community, should put pressure on China and Hong Kong to ensure that these violations of human rights will stop. I think we’ll have to be very vigilant over the next number of years to show that, number one, we stand by Hong Kong and, two, that we are against human rights violations anywhere in the world.


  Neena Gill, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, the protests we’ve seen in the past weeks in Hong Kong are a really encouraging sign that the people of Hong Kong will not let their freedoms be abolished. The sheer scale is unprecedented, and the outcome of this crisis will be a turning point for Hong Kong’s position in China. If the protesters prevail, this will be a big win for freedom in Hong Kong. However, if Beijing wins, this will be a premature end to ‘one country, two systems’. You can rest assured that we will then see very many people being brought to trial under less than ideal conditions. So, the European Union must take a clear stance and support the freedoms in Hong Kong.

It’s really important that China is in global focus at the moment, with what’s going on in Hong Kong and its economy is slowing down, and what’s going on in Xinjiang. It’s really important, in the summits and the meetings that we have with China, that we stress the human rights issue. It’s really important that the High Representative – the current one and the incoming one – take this issue up.


  Jordan Bardella, au nom du groupe ID. – Madame la Présidente, si nous souhaitons bien entendu que la situation à Hong Kong s’apaise au plus vite, nous pouvons déplorer la propension du Parlement européen à se considérer comme l’Organisation des Nations unies en voulant imposer ses vues à la terre entière.

Le mouvement qui s’est levé à Hong-Kong a débuté par une revendication de souveraineté nationale face à Pékin. Il s’est ensuite élargi en exigeant davantage de démocratie et de liberté, de souveraineté nationale, de démocratie et de liberté d’expression. L’Union européenne n’a, pour l’heure, aucune leçon à donner dans ces domaines.

Le rôle de l’Union européenne devrait être, en premier lieu, de défendre les intérêts communs de nos nations. Que fait l’Union européenne contre l’absence totale de réciprocité entre la Chine et l’Europe en matière d’investissement et de commerce? Que fait l’Union européenne pour relever les grands défis du siècle comme le numérique et l’intelligence artificielle, aujourd’hui très largement investis par la Chine? Que fait l’Union européenne contre la menace que représente pour notre souveraineté alimentaire l’accaparement des terres agricoles françaises par des sociétés chinoises? Que fait l’Union européenne pour protéger nos vignobles, nos industries, nos infrastructures, comme les aéroports, sur lesquels lorgnent des fonds chinois bien souvent liés au pouvoir de Pékin?

Avant de nous mêler de ce que fait la Chine à Hong Kong, faisons preuve de bon sens et inquiétons-nous d’abord de ce que la Chine fait en Europe.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Paní předsedající, gratuluji vám k prvnímu vystoupení na plénu a přeji hodně štěstí ve Vaší funkci. Dovolte mi, abych se také připojil k usnesení, které dnes budeme hlasovat.

Rád bych upozornil, že zde postoj Parlamentu je kontinuální. V minulém volebním období jsme řešili případ dvou knihkupců, kteří byli z Hongkongu uneseni do Číny a tam byli vězněni a podrobováni právnímu procesu, který byl v rozporu se základními principy spravedlivého soudního procesu. Tedy je zde reálná obava, že by Čína takový zákon zneužívala, že by lidé podezřelí z politických deliktů byli takto vydáváni do Číny a tam by byli trestáni v rozporu s principy trestního práva. Takže podporujeme zde občany Hongkongu. Je dobře, že stojíme na jejich straně a udělejme vše pro to, aby tento zákon nakonec byl úplně stažen, ne pouze pozastaveno jeho projednávání, což je současný stav, který logicky občanům Hongkongu nevyhovuje.


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Doamnă președintă, domnule comisar, stimați colegi, sigur, drepturile omului, le-am discutat și le discutăm în cadrul Parlamentului European. Trebuie să avem asigurată respectarea drepturilor omului în toată lumea. Evident, ne interesează, în principal, în Uniunea Europeană, dar și în statele terțe cu care Uniunea Europeană are relații.

Este o rezoluție pe care noi o semnăm. Problema pe care eu o ridic aici, suntem noi credibili în solicitarea altor state membre, când în cadrul Uniunii Europene avem situații de nerespectare a drepturilor omului? Evident că nu vrem să sufere cetățeni din Hong Kong, nu vrem să sufere cetățenii din China. Dorim să se respecte drepturile omului. Însă, problema pe care noi o avem de rezolvat aici este să fim un bun exemplu noi, mai întâi, și după aceea să dăm lecții altora.


  Phil Bennion (Renew). – Madam President, the proposed Extradition Act represents an assault on the ‘one country, two systems’ principle, which was set up all those years ago to protect the human rights and autonomy of the people of Hong Kong. But above that, it is actually helpful to China too, and if China is putting pressure on the Hong Kong Government to bring this act into place it is not acting in its own interests. China sources the capital it needs for economic growth – which brings prosperity to its very poor people – through the financial sector in Hong Kong, and we’re already seeing some of the jobs there fleeing to other centres around Asia. As China is so dependent on Hong Kong for its prosperity, it really should be putting pressure on the government of Hong Kong to withdraw this act, and not putting pressure on them to get this act through their legislature.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, you know well that the European Union is closely following the situation in Hong Kong. In recent weeks, we have seen the people of Hong Kong marching in unprecedented numbers, exercising their fundamental rights of freedom of expression and assembly, as guaranteed by the Basic Law. The massive demonstrations over the last weeks have shown the determination of the Hong Kong people to keep the ‘one country, two systems’ principle intact.

I would like to take this opportunity of the debate today to recall that the EU’s full support for the ‘one country, two systems’ principle and its implementation remains very vocal. The principle gives Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy and ensures respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of Hong Kong’s people.

This principle is also key for business confidence in Hong Kong. Hong Kong, as you know and as you have already said, is an important financial centre, a global hub for offshore Renminbi (RMB) business and a strategic trans-shipment port. The ‘one country, two systems’ principle is essential for Hong Kong to continue to fully play its strategic economic role.

Since the beginning of the movement, the European Union has called for restraint by all sides, underlining that violence and escalatory responses must be avoided. We reject all kinds of violence. We were deeply shocked by the events of 1 July at the Legislative Council building.

The European Union shares many of the concerns raised by citizens of Hong Kong regarding the government’s proposed extradition reforms. This is a very sensitive issue with potentially far-reaching consequences for Hong Kong and its people, for the European Union and foreign citizens, as well as for business confidence in Hong Kong. The Government has said that it will no longer pursue the controversial bill, but the tensions persist.

We witness with concern that the trust between society, especially the young generation, in Hong Kong and the government, is more and more fragile. More protests have been announced. It is really more vital than ever to engage in dialogue to bridge the tensions within society for the benefit of the Hong Kong people at large and the Special Administrative Region’s (SAR) standing as an international hub.


  President. – The debate is closed.

The vote will be held at the end of the debates.

Pēdējā atjaunošana: 2019. gada 18. oktobrisJuridisks paziņojums - Privātuma politika