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Čtvrtek, 18. července 2019 - Štrasburk
1. Zahájení zasedání
 2. Situace ve Venezuele (předložené návrhy usnesení): viz zápis
 3. Rozpravy o případech porušování lidských práv, demokracie a právního státu (rozprava)
  3.1. Situace v Hongkongu
  3.2. Situace na hranici mezi USA a Mexikem
 4. Přivítání
 5. Rozpravy o případech porušování lidských práv, demokracie a právního státu (pokračování rozpravy)
  5.1. Rusko, zejména situace aktivistů v oblasti životního prostředí a ukrajinských politických vězňů
 6. Členství ve výborech a delegacích: viz zápis
 7. Hlasování
  7.1. Situace v Hongkongu (RC-B9-0013/2019, B9-0013/2019, B9-0015/2019, B9-0017/2019, B9-0019/2019, B9-0021/2019, B9-0023/2019)
  7.2. Situace na hranici mezi USA a Mexikem (RC-B9-0014/2019, B9-0014/2019, B9-0024/2019, B9-0026/2019, B9-0027/2019, B9-0028/2019, B9-0029/2019, B9-0030/2019)
  7.3. Rusko, zejména situace aktivistů v oblasti životního prostředí a ukrajinských politických vězňů (RC-B9-0012/2019, B9-0012/2019, B9-0016/2019, B9-0018/2019, B9-0020/2019, B9-0022/2019, B9-0025/2019)
  7.4. Situace ve Venezuele (RC-B9-0006/2019, B9-0006/2019, B9-0007/2019, B9-0008/2019, B9-0009/2019, B9-0010/2019, B9-0011/2019)
 8. Schválení zápisu z předchozího zasedání
 9. Schválení zápisu z tohoto denního zasedání a předání přijatých textů: viz zápis
 10. Vysvětlení hlasování
  10.1. Situace ve Venezuele (RC-B9-0006/2019, B9-0006/2019, B9-0007/2019, B9-0008/2019, B9-0009/2019, B9-0010/2019, B9-0011/2019)
 11. Opravy hlasování a sdělení o úmyslu hlasovat: viz zápis
 12. Termíny příštích zasedání: viz zápis
 13. Petice: viz zápis
 14. Předložení dokumentů: viz zápis
 15. Ukončení zasedání
 16. Přerušení zasedání



1. Zahájení zasedání
Videozáznamy vystoupení

(The sitting opened at 10.03)


2. Situace ve Venezuele (předložené návrhy usnesení): viz zápis

3. Rozpravy o případech porušování lidských práv, demokracie a právního státu (rozprava)

3.1. Situace v Hongkongu
Videozáznamy vystoupení

  President. – The next item is the debate on six motions for resolutions on the situation in Hong Kong (2019/2732(RSP)).


  Reinhard Bütikofer, author. – Madam President, the Groups of this Parliament have come together to move a joint resolution on human rights breaches in Hong Kong. I think this is a symbolically highly relevant action by this new Parliament because we have always held that EU foreign policy would be based on the fundamental values that our Union stands for: human rights, the rule of law and democracy. When we see people rising in defence of their civic and human rights, we as Europeans must express our solidarity and this is what we do with the people of Hong Kong through this resolution.



  Anna Fotyga, author. – Madam President, the people of Hong Kong are afraid. This fear is to be detected easily everywhere. They protest continually. The reason for their fear is the imposing of the extradition bill and they think that the concept of one state, two systems may lead eventually to their oppression and intimidation. I’m afraid that these protests will continue unless the situation is solved politically, which is what we appeal for.


  Tonino Picula, author. – Madam President, the proposed extrajudicial law that would make it easier to extradite people from Hong Kong to China has triggered over recent weeks a most massive protest in Hong Kong’s history.

This is not the way a country’s two-system principle should work in practice. We support a call for the full withdrawal of this law. The Hong Kong Government should immediately release, and drop all charges against, the peaceful protesters and all those detained during or before the protests for the peaceful exercise of their freedom of expression.

Hong Kong’s legislation of should remain fully in line with its international and human rights obligations. In its ongoing reform process and increasing global engagement, China has opted into the international human rights framework by signing up to a wide range of international human rights treaties. Therefore, we have to pursue dialogue with China to encourage it to live up to these commitments.


  Miguel Urbán Crespo, autor. – Señora presidenta, apoyamos el derecho de manifestación en todas las partes del mundo, como un derecho fundamental. También en el caso de Hong Kong, donde se manifiestan para pedir la retirada de la ley de extradición. Como en todos los lugares del mundo, pedimos también que se investigue la actuación policial y demandamos la puesta en libertad de los manifestantes pacíficos.

Pero también queremos denunciar la hipocresía de la Unión Europea, que solo ve violación de derechos humanos en el exterior de sus fronteras y que mira hacia otro lado cuando se vulneran también en Europa.

De igual forma, instamos a un diálogo entre las instituciones de la Unión Europea y China, para garantizar los derechos de las personas en Hong Kong, así como para establecer una postura europea con China adaptada a los retos geopolíticos del siglo XXI, en donde los derechos humanos, el respeto al medio ambiente y los derechos laborales sean un elemento fundamental de nuestra relación futura con China.


  Krzysztof Hetman, autor. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Trwające obecnie w Hongkongu pokojowe demonstracje należą do największych od czasu przyłączenia Hongkongu do Chin w 1997 r. W moim przekonaniu protestujący słusznie obawiają się, że proponowany projekt ustawy ekstradycyjnej może być w praktyce wykorzystywany do wywierania nacisku oraz nękania niewygodnych dla Chin obywateli Hongkongu. I dlatego zgadzam się, że samo zawieszenie prac nad nimi nie jest wystarczające, i należy formalnie wycofać się z tego projektu. Konieczne jest również niezwłoczne uwolnienie demonstrantów, którzy wyrażali swoje zaniepokojenie przeprowadzonymi zmianami. Mój niepokój budzi także kwestia wolności słowa oraz prasy, w tym presja wywierana na dziennikarzy oraz autocenzura wypowiedzi na temat Chin oraz rządu. Chciałbym podkreślić, że wolność wypowiedzi jest jednym z podstawowych praw człowieka, a jej przestrzeganie jest kwestią fundamentalną.


  Antony Hook, author. – Madam President, we should all be proud of this resolution that has the support of the five largest Groups in our European Parliament. This is important because Europe – our 28 states – is strongest when we are united. We share an unshakable commitment to democracy and human rights, not just for ourselves but for every person on this planet.

For weeks now, up to two million people in Hong Kong have protested on their streets, protests against an extradition bill brought by the Hong Kong Government, which is not elected by its people, which would see people rendered to mainland China where, according to countless NGO reports, torture, unfair trials and forced confessions are endemic. This is entirely at odds with the reassurances that were given to the Hong Kong people when that territory was transferred in 1997. Police have met these protests with force and violence that is unnecessary and it must be clear that here in Europe we support Hong Kong protesters.

We support their call for the Government to fully withdraw the bill and for an independent inquiry into the police’s actions. We call for free and fair elections. We say to the people of Hong Kong that the people of Europe stand with you. We say to the Governments of Hong Kong and China that we implore you to respect the dignity and the rights of every single individual and then together we can build a world of peace and justice for everyone.



  Seán Kelly, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Madam President, having visited Hong Kong and being a guest in particular of the Jockey Club, I saw what a wonderful, vibrant, sporting city it is and how the people enjoy their freedom and peace. That’s now being threatened and I think it is absolutely wonderful that the European Parliament in its first official session on this urgent topic urgencies are highlighting the issues in Hong Kong.

It’s not right that people should be detained for exercising their right to free expression. It’s not right that people should be detained for trying to promote their own civil rights, political rights and press freedom, and it is absolutely right that the European Union, working with the international community, should put pressure on China and Hong Kong to ensure that these violations of human rights will stop. I think we’ll have to be very vigilant over the next number of years to show that, number one, we stand by Hong Kong and, two, that we are against human rights violations anywhere in the world.


  Neena Gill, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, the protests we’ve seen in the past weeks in Hong Kong are a really encouraging sign that the people of Hong Kong will not let their freedoms be abolished. The sheer scale is unprecedented, and the outcome of this crisis will be a turning point for Hong Kong’s position in China. If the protesters prevail, this will be a big win for freedom in Hong Kong. However, if Beijing wins, this will be a premature end to ‘one country, two systems’. You can rest assured that we will then see very many people being brought to trial under less than ideal conditions. So, the European Union must take a clear stance and support the freedoms in Hong Kong.

It’s really important that China is in global focus at the moment, with what’s going on in Hong Kong and its economy is slowing down, and what’s going on in Xinjiang. It’s really important, in the summits and the meetings that we have with China, that we stress the human rights issue. It’s really important that the High Representative – the current one and the incoming one – take this issue up.


  Jordan Bardella, au nom du groupe ID. – Madame la Présidente, si nous souhaitons bien entendu que la situation à Hong Kong s’apaise au plus vite, nous pouvons déplorer la propension du Parlement européen à se considérer comme l’Organisation des Nations unies en voulant imposer ses vues à la terre entière.

Le mouvement qui s’est levé à Hong-Kong a débuté par une revendication de souveraineté nationale face à Pékin. Il s’est ensuite élargi en exigeant davantage de démocratie et de liberté, de souveraineté nationale, de démocratie et de liberté d’expression. L’Union européenne n’a, pour l’heure, aucune leçon à donner dans ces domaines.

Le rôle de l’Union européenne devrait être, en premier lieu, de défendre les intérêts communs de nos nations. Que fait l’Union européenne contre l’absence totale de réciprocité entre la Chine et l’Europe en matière d’investissement et de commerce? Que fait l’Union européenne pour relever les grands défis du siècle comme le numérique et l’intelligence artificielle, aujourd’hui très largement investis par la Chine? Que fait l’Union européenne contre la menace que représente pour notre souveraineté alimentaire l’accaparement des terres agricoles françaises par des sociétés chinoises? Que fait l’Union européenne pour protéger nos vignobles, nos industries, nos infrastructures, comme les aéroports, sur lesquels lorgnent des fonds chinois bien souvent liés au pouvoir de Pékin?

Avant de nous mêler de ce que fait la Chine à Hong Kong, faisons preuve de bon sens et inquiétons-nous d’abord de ce que la Chine fait en Europe.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Paní předsedající, gratuluji vám k prvnímu vystoupení na plénu a přeji hodně štěstí ve Vaší funkci. Dovolte mi, abych se také připojil k usnesení, které dnes budeme hlasovat.

Rád bych upozornil, že zde postoj Parlamentu je kontinuální. V minulém volebním období jsme řešili případ dvou knihkupců, kteří byli z Hongkongu uneseni do Číny a tam byli vězněni a podrobováni právnímu procesu, který byl v rozporu se základními principy spravedlivého soudního procesu. Tedy je zde reálná obava, že by Čína takový zákon zneužívala, že by lidé podezřelí z politických deliktů byli takto vydáváni do Číny a tam by byli trestáni v rozporu s principy trestního práva. Takže podporujeme zde občany Hongkongu. Je dobře, že stojíme na jejich straně a udělejme vše pro to, aby tento zákon nakonec byl úplně stažen, ne pouze pozastaveno jeho projednávání, což je současný stav, který logicky občanům Hongkongu nevyhovuje.


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Doamnă președintă, domnule comisar, stimați colegi, sigur, drepturile omului, le-am discutat și le discutăm în cadrul Parlamentului European. Trebuie să avem asigurată respectarea drepturilor omului în toată lumea. Evident, ne interesează, în principal, în Uniunea Europeană, dar și în statele terțe cu care Uniunea Europeană are relații.

Este o rezoluție pe care noi o semnăm. Problema pe care eu o ridic aici, suntem noi credibili în solicitarea altor state membre, când în cadrul Uniunii Europene avem situații de nerespectare a drepturilor omului? Evident că nu vrem să sufere cetățeni din Hong Kong, nu vrem să sufere cetățenii din China. Dorim să se respecte drepturile omului. Însă, problema pe care noi o avem de rezolvat aici este să fim un bun exemplu noi, mai întâi, și după aceea să dăm lecții altora.


  Phil Bennion (Renew). – Madam President, the proposed Extradition Act represents an assault on the ‘one country, two systems’ principle, which was set up all those years ago to protect the human rights and autonomy of the people of Hong Kong. But above that, it is actually helpful to China too, and if China is putting pressure on the Hong Kong Government to bring this act into place it is not acting in its own interests. China sources the capital it needs for economic growth – which brings prosperity to its very poor people – through the financial sector in Hong Kong, and we’re already seeing some of the jobs there fleeing to other centres around Asia. As China is so dependent on Hong Kong for its prosperity, it really should be putting pressure on the government of Hong Kong to withdraw this act, and not putting pressure on them to get this act through their legislature.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, you know well that the European Union is closely following the situation in Hong Kong. In recent weeks, we have seen the people of Hong Kong marching in unprecedented numbers, exercising their fundamental rights of freedom of expression and assembly, as guaranteed by the Basic Law. The massive demonstrations over the last weeks have shown the determination of the Hong Kong people to keep the ‘one country, two systems’ principle intact.

I would like to take this opportunity of the debate today to recall that the EU’s full support for the ‘one country, two systems’ principle and its implementation remains very vocal. The principle gives Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy and ensures respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of Hong Kong’s people.

This principle is also key for business confidence in Hong Kong. Hong Kong, as you know and as you have already said, is an important financial centre, a global hub for offshore Renminbi (RMB) business and a strategic trans-shipment port. The ‘one country, two systems’ principle is essential for Hong Kong to continue to fully play its strategic economic role.

Since the beginning of the movement, the European Union has called for restraint by all sides, underlining that violence and escalatory responses must be avoided. We reject all kinds of violence. We were deeply shocked by the events of 1 July at the Legislative Council building.

The European Union shares many of the concerns raised by citizens of Hong Kong regarding the government’s proposed extradition reforms. This is a very sensitive issue with potentially far-reaching consequences for Hong Kong and its people, for the European Union and foreign citizens, as well as for business confidence in Hong Kong. The Government has said that it will no longer pursue the controversial bill, but the tensions persist.

We witness with concern that the trust between society, especially the young generation, in Hong Kong and the government, is more and more fragile. More protests have been announced. It is really more vital than ever to engage in dialogue to bridge the tensions within society for the benefit of the Hong Kong people at large and the Special Administrative Region’s (SAR) standing as an international hub.


  President. – The debate is closed.

The vote will be held at the end of the debates.


3.2. Situace na hranici mezi USA a Mexikem
Videozáznamy vystoupení

  President. – The next item is the debate on seven motions for resolutions on the situation at the USA-Mexican border (2019/2733(RSP)).


  Tineke Strik, author. – Madam President, pushback policies towards migrants at the border are an increasing tendency all over the world. They are a grave violation of the Refugee Convention as they deprive migrants of the right to seek asylum and get protection if they are in need of this. The results are painfully visible in the Mexican-US border region, and this resolution therefore urges both countries to live up to their international obligations.

Trump’s policy is shamelessly violating international law by separating children from their parents and even detaining them, by detaining many migrants in appalling circumstances and by sending asylum seekers back to Mexican cities. Back in Mexico they struggle to get access to an asylum procedure, and if they manage to lodge an asylum claim, the lengthy procedure is unclear and lacks the normal safeguards. As asylum seekers don’t have access to shelter or other basic needs, they are extremely vulnerable to exploitation and violence. The US Government refuses to take any responsibility and is forcing Mexico to deal with the migrants and refugees.

In autumn last year most countries ratified the UN Global Compact on Refugees, in which almost all countries promised to share responsibility for refugees. Pushback actions go totally against this common objective and they also trigger the same policies in other countries. If there’s no common responsibility, no one wants to take it up. The USA did not sign this compact but it still has to comply with its international obligations. It is therefore crucial that our Parliament does not accept these violations and that it urges a halt to these practices and calls for human rights to be respected.


  Hermann Tertsch , autor. – Señora presidenta, buenos días a todos; todo Gobierno tiene el derecho y la obligación de defender sus fronteras, la legalidad interna y su soberanía. Ese es un punto fundamental que atañe tanto a Estados Unidos de América como a México, como a los países europeos.

Estamos asistiendo a una agitación permanente en la cual se quiere obligar al Gobierno de Estados Unidos prácticamente a renunciar a las tres: a defender sus fronteras, a defender su soberanía y a defender su legalidad. Eso no puede ser.

Realmente, hemos visto una coordinación y agitación, desde dentro y fuera de Estados Unidos, para violar esa frontera, para animar a columnas enteras, organizadas desde fuera, a agredir esa frontera y a violarla, que no tienen precedentes y que merecen nuestra condena.

El derecho de asilo tiene que ser garantizado y tiene que regularse la situación en la frontera mexicana con Estados Unidos, y en otras muchas fronteras también. Pero México ha reconocido también, como otros países reconocen, que Estados Unidos está haciendo esfuerzos para regular aquello, y que realmente tienen que aprobar y comprender que la situación alarmante en la frontera de Estados Unidos depende mucho más de la agresión que se está produciendo que del derecho legítimo de Estados Unidos a defender su frontera y su soberanía.


  Nacho Sánchez Amor, autor. – Señora presidenta, en primer lugar, hay que lamentar que, tras casi cuatro horas de negociación y un compromiso formal del PPE de firmar esta Resolución, unos minutos antes de su registro, el PPE comunicase su negativa. Es obvio que la escenificación de la negociación solo tenía el objetivo de rebajar todo lo posible el tono crítico del texto, y tomamos nota de esta estrategia.

Hay una enorme cantidad de aspectos en la política migratoria actual de los Estados Unidos que merecerían una dura crítica, tanto política como ética. Citaré solamente dos: el uso deliberado de la separación de las familias como mecanismo para desincentivar los cruces, su utilización como instrumento consciente disuasorio —no como una necesidad por ningún otro motivo— y el posterior hacinamiento de todas las personas en esos centros sin ninguna condición. Y un segundo aspecto: la utilización de la amenaza de una guerra comercial, de una guerra de tarifas, para forzar cambios en la política migratoria de un país vecino y supuesto aliado.

Puesto que somos aliados de los Estados Unidos, debemos mostrar nuestro profundo rechazo a estas prácticas. Yo creo que al vicepresidente Mike Pence le perseguirá toda su vida la ominosa foto de su paseo al lado de personas enjauladas pidiendo un trato digno; una foto demasiado parecida a algunas fotografías de Europa que nosotros no queremos ver repetidas en ningún lugar del mundo.


  Miguel Urbán Crespo, autor. – Señora presidenta, últimamente, Trump se ha dedicado a insultar, con declaraciones racistas y sexistas, a diputadas demócratas; una cortina de humo para tapar su nuevo plan migratorio que promueve controles más duros en la frontera y restringe aún más las condiciones para obtener el asilo. Lo hace justo después de haber anunciado redadas xenófobas para detener a personas que han huido de la miseria y de la violencia, de golpes de Estado y de Gobiernos corruptos, como el de Honduras, que están apoyados por los Estados Unidos y por Europa.

Abordar la movilidad humana desde un enfoque represivo favorece la xenofobia, el odio y la violencia. Denunciamos la criminalización de la solidaridad, el populismo de los muros, la externalización de las fronteras, las redadas racistas, las devoluciones masivas e ilegales y la inhumana separación familiar, por la que se está encarcelando a menores, separándolos de sus madres y de sus padres, solo por el hecho de emigrar.

Nos sumamos también a la petición de las congresistas demócratas por el cierre de los centros de detención, porque migrar no es un delito. Las fronteras de los Estados Unidos y de Europa son hoy las más peligrosas del mundo. Y, ¡qué casualidad!, en un lado gobierna la extrema derecha, y en el otro son la derecha y la extrema derecha quienes marcan la agenda migratoria.

Asumamos nuestra responsabilidad. Dejemos de mirar hacia otro lado y de pronunciar palabras bonitas que no se traducen en hechos, porque, si no, seguirán muriendo personas al otro lado de nuestra puerta.


  Isabel Wiseler-Lima, auteur. – Madame la Présidente, chers collègues, l'afflux de demandeurs d'asile mais également de migrants illégaux est un véritable challenge, tant pour les États-Unis que, d'ailleurs, pour l'Europe.

Les rapports établis par l'administration américaine elle-même relèvent que la situation de saturation dans différents centres de réception à la frontière USA-Mexique est devenue dangereuse et que des mesures immédiates doivent être prises. De plus, la séparation des enfants de leurs parents est particulièrement déplorable, voire inacceptable.

Du côté mexicain, des agents dûment entraînés, et non pas l'armée, devraient s'occuper des migrants. D'autre part, des actions d'envergure devraient être menées afin d'éviter que les migrants traversant le Mexique en direction des USA ne soient victimes de toutes sortes de violences et du trafic d'humains.

Nous considérons donc que la situation est très préoccupante. Toutefois, le PPE ne soutient pas cette motion dans son entièreté, il estime en effet que le texte ne présente pas de manière équilibrée les responsabilités des deux pays et ne tient pas suffisamment compte de la situation politique dans cette région. De plus, les États-Unis sont un État de droit, un pays partenaire avec lequel il y a d'autres formes et moyens de traiter nos différends.


  Sheila Ritchie, author. – Madam President, I was asked by my constituent, Jody Rae from Edinburgh, to raise this matter and I’m proud to do so.

Can I ask Members to cast their minds back for a few seconds to when they were children? Most of us will have had a warm, loving and safe childhood. Contrast that with the childhood of the children that we are talking about today. They were brought up surrounded by men with guns, by illness, hunger, dirt, poverty and fear, so bad that their parents took them on a perilous journey in pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, as guaranteed under the United States Declaration of Independence.

Then they found themselves in detention camps, surrounded by men with guns, by illness, hunger, dirt, poverty and fear. The United States of America, one of the richest countries in the world, does not have to do this. It is the only country in the world that has not ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Mr Trump, give these children a present for the 30th anniversary of the Convention: sign it!


  Michael Gahler, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Dass wir bei dem Thema als EVP einen eigenen Text vorgelegt haben, ist der Tatsache geschuldet, dass wir die Migrationsproblematik in Amerika ebenfalls sehen, aber eine differenziertere Betrachtung anstellen als andere Fraktionen des Hauses. Es gibt in unserer Fraktion ein großes Unbehagen darüber, sich mit dem Instrument der Dringlichkeitsentschließung zu Fällen von Verletzungen von Menschenrechten, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Demokratie an unseren wichtigen Partner – die Vereinigten Staaten – zu wenden. Unser Haus hat dafür andere Instrumente: Zum Beispiel könnte im Transatlantischen Dialog der Gesetzgeber oder in der US-Delegation das detaillierte und vertrauensvolle Gespräch mit unseren amerikanischen Freunden geführt werden.

Wir sind uns in der EU und in den Mitgliedstaaten beim Umgang mit der Migration selbst nicht einig und sind nicht frei von Fehlern. Es steht uns daher nicht gut an, zu Beginn dieses neuen Parlaments bereits unseren engsten internationalen Partner in dieser Form zu kritisieren. Wir haben uns selbst in den Fachausschüssen noch gar nicht die notwendige Zeit genommen, um gemeinsame Standpunkte zu schwierigen Themen zu finden. Deswegen werden wir im Ergebnis dieser Entschließung nicht zustimmen können.


  Kati Piri, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, the United States is facing an unprecedented migration crisis. A total of 700 000 migrants have been apprehended since October 2018 and more than 12 000 unaccompanied children were detained in May only. At least 197 people died trying to cross the US-Mexican border this year alone, and the Trump administration is responding to this crisis with violent push-backs of asylum seekers, indefinite detention of migrants, denying them the most basic needs, and the traumatising separation of children from their families. And just this week, U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement started large-scale raids on undocumented migrants. As a European, I know very well that migration is a global phenomena and the EU and the US share the very same challenges at their borders, but it is also up to both sides of the Atlantic to bear collective responsibility and to show a dignified way forward. And to Mr Gahler, just a reaction to his speech – I understand the position of the EPP but perhaps it’s better not to first spend four hours negotiating a joint text and then pull back three minutes before the deadline.



  Karen Melchior, for Renew-Gruppen. – Fru formand! Den enkelte har aldrig med et andet menneske at gøre, uden at han holder noget af dets liv i sin hånd. De ord stammer fra K.E. Løgstrup, en dansk teolog og religionsfilosof. Løgstrup var optaget af at finde et universelt grundlag for etikken, en ordenlig måde at behandle hinanden på.

Det lyder enkelt, men virkeligheden er en anden. De flygtninge og migranter, som tilbageholdes ved den amerikansk-mexicanske grænse, bliver ikke behandlet ordenligt. Tværtimod bliver de tilbageholdt under grusomme forhold. Grusomme, særligt over for børnene, som bliver adskilt fra deres forældre og ikke har adgang til vand, mad og lægehjælp. Det kan vi simpelthen ikke acceptere.

Når vi verden over tilbageholder, indespærrer eller på anden vis begrænser menneskers frihed gennem vores migrations- og flygtningepolitik påtager vi os et enormt ansvar. Vi holder i bogstaveligste forstand disse menneskers liv i vore hænder. Det ansvar skal vi tage mere alvorligt her i Europa, og det samme skal USA. Dette er en akut sag.

Med vores venner skal vi kunne være mest ærlige. Derfor skal USA med det samme starte genforeningen af disse børn med deres familier, og USA skal sikre fuld genforening med børnene og deres familier, så de kan fejre jul sammen i år.


  Susanna Ceccardi, a nome del gruppo ID. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la risoluzione presentata oggi a quest'Aula condanna il trattamento dei clandestini negli USA, in particolare dei minorenni, come se stessimo parlando di un paese del terzo mondo.

In America, la politica della separazione dei minorenni accompagnati da adulti immigrati regolari non è una novità. C'è una sentenza, Flores contro Reno – un caso di maltrattamento subito in un CIE da una quindicenne salvadoregna, risalente al '97 – secondo la quale i bambini non possono essere detenuti nei CIE assieme agli adulti in attesa di sentenza. L'amministrazione Trump, quindi, non ha cambiato le regole, erano le stesse regole anche sotto i governi democratici. I bambini sono detenuti in altre strutture controllate dalle ONG.

Al New York Times immigrati clandestini hanno ammesso di aver portato con sé dei bambini, credendo che in questo modo le autorità statunitensi li avrebbero rilasciati. Altri hanno ammesso che i bambini che erano con loro non erano i loro figli. Le politiche di contenimento dell'immigrazione clandestina sono sacrosante. Chi costruisce un recinto intorno alla propria casa non fa perché odia chi sta fuori, ma per proteggere chi sta dentro.

La chiarezza del presidente Trump nella lotta senza quartiere all'immigrazione clandestina è di sicuro preferibile a quel buonismo a cui ci avevano abituati anni fa i leader europei che sostenevano, a parole, di spalancare le proprie porte e i propri cuori a tutti gli immigrati e poi scaricavano il problema sui paesi di prima accoglienza.

Questo Parlamento si occupi prioritariamente di interessare gli Stati membri al problema della difesa dei confini europei, invece che tentare di dare lezioni umanitarie e di civiltà agli Stati Uniti d'America.


  Derk Jan Eppink, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Voorzitter, we spreken hier over de zuidgrens van de Verenigde Staten. We zouden ook kunnen spreken over de zuidgrens van Europa. Maar daar hoor ik helemaal niets over!

Er is dus geen enkele reden voor morele hoogmoed of voor veroordeling van de Verenigde Staten.

In 2017 zijn in de Middellandse Zee ruim 3000 migranten verdronken. Aan de Amerikaanse zuidgrens zijn veel minder mensen in de Rio Grande verdronken en er zijn circa 400 mensen omgekomen.

Het probleem in Europa is dus veel groter dan in de Verenigde Staten, maar wij veroordelen de Verenigde Staten! Laten we eerst in eigen huis kijken.

Een migratiebeleid kan niet zonder effectieve grenzen. Pas bij effectieve grenzen kun je zeggen wie erin kan, welke criteria er zijn, wie er niet in komt, waar werk gevonden moet worden. Je kunt onderhandelen met andere landen, landen van herkomst, landen van doorreis, enzovoort.

Maar als we dat niet hebben, krijgen we massa-immigratie, krijgen we steeds meer mensen en daardoor spanningen in grote steden in Europa. En dat moeten we niet hebben. Dus in plaats van de splinter in het oog van de Verenigde Staten te zien, dames en heren leden van het Europees Parlement en de Europese Commissie, zou u moeten kijken naar de balk in eigen oog.


  Manu Pineda Marín, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señora presidenta, muerte de menores en centros de detención, cárceles de facto donde no se respetan los derechos humanos más básicos de las personas migrantes, donde se les deniega el derecho de asilo y se vulnera el principio de no devolución, contraviniendo el Derecho internacional.

Sabemos que esta terrible situación está pasando en la frontera de los Estados Unidos y México, pero también en la propia Unión Europea. Las políticas racistas de Trump han provocado la muerte de 400 personas en el último año. En el Mediterráneo murieron ahogadas 2 200 por la Europa fortaleza. No solo copiamos las políticas migratorias de Trump, sino que las superamos.

El cierre de fronteras, los muros de la vergüenza y los CIE son uno de los mayores escándalos de este siglo y por los que la Unión Europea tendrá que rendir cuentas. Toda esta estrategia alimenta negocios criminales. La prioridad debe ser salvar vidas en el mar y en las fronteras, pero también luchar contra las causas de la migración: no provocar ni apoyar guerras, no expoliar sus recursos naturales, y luchar contra el cambio climático que les obliga a huir de sus pueblos.


  Ιωάννης Λαγός (NI). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, θεωρώ πολύ υποκριτική τη συζήτηση που γίνεται και δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω πώς μπορούμε να επιπλήττουμε χώρες οι οποίες κλείνουν τα σύνορά τους και δεν δέχονται να περνάνε οι λαθραίοι μετανάστες μέσα στις χώρες τους, αλλά δεν επιπλήττουμε τις χώρες οι οποίες οδηγούν σε αυτή την κατάσταση. Αν κάποιοι θα έπρεπε λοιπόν να τιμωρηθούν, είναι αυτοί που οδηγούν τους πολίτες των χωρών τους να οδηγηθούν σε αυτές τις καταστάσεις. Αυτό είναι το ένα ζητούμενο. Kατά δεύτερον, ακούω πολύ για ανθρωπισμό. Ακούω και παίζεται πάρα πολύ αυτή η κουβέντα, αλλά ο ανθρωπισμός είναι συνέχεια για όλους τους λαθρομετανάστες, οι οποίοι περνούν τα σύνορα με το έτσι θέλω.

Αλήθεια, έχουμε σκεφτεί ποτέ και έχουμε μιλήσει με ανθρωπιστικούς όρους για το τι βιώνουν οι συμπολίτες μας Ευρωπαίοι από όλες αυτές τις ορδές λαθρομεταναστών; Έχουμε συζητήσει ποτέ για το τι έχουν υποστεί αυτοί οι άνθρωποι; Εγώ είμαι από την Ελλάδα. Έχουμε βιώσει πάρα πολύ καλά όλο αυτό το κύμα λαθρομετανάστευσης. Ξέρετε πόσοι άνθρωποι έχουν σκοτωθεί; Ξέρετε πόσοι βιασμοί και ληστείες έχουνε γίνει; Για αυτούς τους ανθρώπους, λοιπόν, δεν έχω ακούσει πολλούς από εσάς να μιλάνε για ανθρωπισμό, δεν έχω δει να θέλουμε να τους βοηθήσουμε αυτούς και να δούμε τελικά αυτοί που καταπατούν τα δικαιώματα είναι αυτοί που μπαίνουν λαθραία μέσα από τα σύνορά μας ή αυτοί που βιώνουν κανονικά στις χώρες των προγόνων τους;


  Maria Arena (S&D). – Madame la Présidente, l'année dernière, nous avons célébré le 70ème anniversaire de la déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme. Et pourtant, partout dans le monde, nous observons un recul manifeste du respect de ces droits. Jamais les droits humains n'auront été autant au coeur de l'actualité sur les continents jadis porteurs de ces valeurs universelles.

Faut-il rappeler que l'un des textes fondateurs des États-Unis est le Bill of Rights? Et pourtant, aujourd'hui, 3 000 familles ont été séparées de force à la frontière mexicaine, en raison d'une politique radicale, anti-migrants, menée par l'administration Trump.

Les professionnels de la santé mentale ont averti que la séparation et les conditions de détention des mineurs occasionneraient sans aucun doute des traumatismes immédiats et durables.

Chers collègues, un enfant est d'abord un enfant. Tel est le point de départ de toute discussion sur le droit des enfants migrants. Faire respecter l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant, comme première considération à prendre en compte à tous les stades du processus migratoire, doit être la priorité là-bas, ici en Europe également.

Pour conclure, je citerai Éléonore Roosevelt qui disait: "Où commencent les droits humains? Là où hommes, femmes et enfants cherchent une justice, une dignité égale, sans discrimination". Si nous ne les défendons pas près de chez nous, nous ne chercherons qu'en vain des progrès dans le reste du monde.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – A Uachtaráin, cinnte is ceart droch-chleachtadh ag daoine i Meiriceá maidir le leanaí a scagadh óna dtuismitheoirí a cháineadh. Is droch-chleachtadh amach is amach é agus déanann sé an-díobháil do leanaí go háirithe.

Ach ag an am céanna, sa tuarascáil seo, táimid ag cáineadh rudaí, go háirithe maidir le hiompar fhórsaí na Stáit Aontaithe le teifigh ag an teorainn, gur féidir an rud céanna a rá faoinár dteorainn féin. Agus ní bheimis róshásta dá mbeadh tuarascáil i dTeach na nIonadaithe ag cáineadh an Aontais. Dá bhrí sin, nuair a bhíonn gach rud curtha i gceart againn, in ord is in eagar, ar imircigh agus teifigh ag ár dteorainn féin, is féidir linn ansin tíortha eile a cháineadh.

Go raibh maith agat.


  Jackie Jones (S&D). – Madam President, the situation on the US-Mexico border is growing more severe by the day, as the US Government fails to have any action to adequately protect vulnerable migrants and it is separating families fleeing from political turmoil and conflict in Latin America.

Women and girls are especially vulnerable, and there is evidence of widespread sexual abuse and harassment at detention centres by US border and government staff. This situation is racialised and gendered. The President’s remarks this week, and at the rally last night, telling four Congresswomen to go back to the places where they came from, must be condemned in the strongest terms. We are not only witnessing a backlash against women’s rights with these attacks, and also against migrants and refugees, but also an attack on human rights in general and those who defend them. We must send a clear message that racist and sexist violations of human rights and the attacks on those defending them have no place in any modern democracy.


  Irina Von Wiese (Renew). – Madam President, I am a child and grandchild of refugees, so it pains me deeply to watch the horrors that the migrants and refugees are undergoing in American border camps. The United States have long been the defender of human rights. This is the country that saved millions of Europeans in two world wars; the country that founded the United Nations. Their proud history is being tarnished by this shameful episode.

This is not just about the families who fled violence and abuse, only to be met with more violence and abuse; this is also about the European Union’s credibility. How can we call on others to uphold human rights if we refuse to condemn the failings of our own allies? We must tell America: close the camps!


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, we are following with great attention the unfolding situation of migrants across the Central American region. Thousands aim to cross the US-Mexico border in the hope of reaching safety and building a livelihood for themselves, their families and their children. The reasons are manifold and many were noted in the earlier debate of the previous European Parliament on 14 November 2018.

While the situation on the ground requires urgent responses by the relevant authorities, the root causes of the migratory flows that drive many to the US’s southern borders have long been present. Only a persistent, systematic and coordinated joint effort by the countries concerned in the international community may lead to an improvement on the ground. The European Union is concerned by reports about the current situation in the border areas. The separation of families of migrants, the cases of ill—treatment of migrants, and of course the conditions in detention centres, as you have already emphasised.

The European Union continues to stand firmly on the side of human dignity. We reiterate the importance of protecting human rights and respecting international law, while we also recall the right of each country to manage its borders.

The European Union’s policy aims to promote regular and well-managed migration while addressing the root causes of irregular migration, enforced displacement and of course fighting human trafficking and smuggling. As the European Union, we have undertaken a strong effort in supporting the countries in the region, based on the principle of partnership and international cooperation in addressing migratory cooperation and challenges. Our policy builds on a comprehensive approach, which includes, first of all, saving lives, and secondly, ensuring protection and support, as well as legal pathways for those in need of international protection.

The European Union’s long-standing cooperation efforts towards the countries of the so-called ‘northern triangle’ – Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador – are in fact addressing the main drivers of migration. European Union cooperation has been strengthening the rule of law and fighting crime and gang violence, but also violence against women and vulnerable groups such as LGBTI or indigenous people. European Union funds have been provided to address the dire consequences of climate change, in particular in terms of food security, and to promote the creation of jobs, along with the opening of our markets.

In addition, in line with what we commit to do with our Mexican counterparts under the modernised EU-Mexico Association Agreement, we invite the US and Mexico to cooperate on migration issues to foster safe, regular and orderly migration to prevent irregular migration, to counter migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons. We also call for the protection of migrant women and children, particularly those who are unaccompanied, as well as other vulnerable groups.

As the European Union, we stand ready to work together with the countries concerned – the US, Mexico and Central American countries – in addressing this issue. In this respect, we support the El Salvador-Guatemala-Honduras-Mexico Comprehensive Development Plan, as proposed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, currently being developed and discussed with partners in the region which, as you know, aims at addressing the root causes of irregular migration.


  President. – The debate is closed.

The vote will be held at the end of the debates.


4. Přivítání
Videozáznamy vystoupení

  President. – I have been informed that a delegation led by Mr Petro Poroshenko, former President of Ukraine, is present in the diplomatic gallery to attend today’s debate and the vote. On behalf of the European Parliament, I would like to welcome you here, and wish you fruitful discussions, meetings, and a nice day in Strasbourg.



5. Rozpravy o případech porušování lidských práv, demokracie a právního státu (pokračování rozpravy)

5.1. Rusko, zejména situace aktivistů v oblasti životního prostředí a ukrajinských politických vězňů
Videozáznamy vystoupení

  President. – The next item is the debate on seven motions for resolutions on Russia, notably the situation of environmental activists and Ukrainian political prisoners (2019/2734(RSP)).


  Catherine Rowett, author. – Madam President, throughout this week speakers have affirmed our European commitment to the highest democratic principles. And after all, it’s only after trying our hardest to live up to those principles in this House that we earn the right to criticise others. Now, however, we must stand up with equal passion for our sisters and brothers elsewhere who face much greater threats to their democratic rights. And most of all, we must cry out against the oppression of well-intentioned people protesting against environmental crimes, for it is they, not those who suppress them, who correctly discern which are the greatest threats to peace and survival. I invite you, colleagues, to join me in condemning the actions of the Russian authorities against these activists and organisations. Their plight is our plight, and their campaign for a clean place to live is a campaign for our world too. These voices must not be silenced.



  Anna Fotyga, author. – Madam President, I note with satisfaction the fact that we in this Parliament remain in the lead in a balanced and realistic assessment of Russia’s human rights policies vis—à-vis both its own people and other nations and ethnic groups. The situation became particularly grave after the illegal annexation of Crimea and aggression in eastern Ukraine. We are aware that the Ukrainian people monitor our proceedings closely. This debate affects their attitude towards the European Union. It is important that the distinguished spectators are also in our gallery. We remain outspoken. The resolution contains in footnotes the verified list of political prisoners. We appeal for their immediate release and we condemn these actions of oppression against the nation.


  Isabel Santos, Autora. – Senhora Presidente, caros Colegas, a resolução que agora discutimos representa uma tomada de posição clara em nome da defesa dos direitos humanos e dos princípios da democracia e do Estado de direito e a condenação da sua reiterada violação pelas autoridades da Federação Russa.

Condenamos as arbitrariedades cometidas pela Rússia na detenção de cidadãos ucranianos em território russo e nos territórios temporariamente ocupados da Ucrânia e pedimos a rápida e incondicional libertação dos ativistas tártaros, dos ucranianos detidos debaixo de acusações politicamente motivadas e dos 24 marinheiros capturados no estreito de Kerch.

Denunciamos os ataques à liberdade de associação e de expressão de que a sociedade civil tem vindo a ser alvo, nomeadamente através da lei que leva à classificação de algumas ONG como agentes estrangeiros, e condenamos veementemente os atos persecutórios de que têm vindo a ser alvo ativistas da defesa do ambiente.

Apelamos a que estes detidos sejam rapidamente libertados, que a força desproporcionada deixe de ser usada contra manifestantes pacíficos e que a Federação Russa se reconduza rapidamente ao cumprimento dos princípios do Estado de direito e do respeito pelos direitos humanos.


  Michael Gahler, author. – Madam President, the situation of human rights in the Russian occupied territories of Crimea and eastern Ukraine continues to raise our deep concern and outrage. We shed a light on the fate of prisoners that have protested against this occupation, be they ethnic Ukrainians, Russians or Tatars. Inside Russia, civil society activists in different areas of society continue to be harassed, including environmental activists. We therefore call on the Russian authorities to release, without further delay and unconditionally, all illegally and arbitrarily detained Ukrainian citizens, both in Russia and in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, and to provide for their safe return, including Crimean Tatars and the recently detained Red Square peaceful demonstrators of 10 July, Ukrainian citizens detained under politically motivated charges and the 24 crew members of the Ukrainian naval vessel. We urge the Russian authorities to stop curtailing peaceful and legitimate activities of environmental organisations by fabricating criminal cases against local environmental activists, arresting participants of local peaceful protests or imposing disproportionately heavy fines on them.



  Ramona Strugariu, autoare. – Doamnă președintă, Putin nu respectă drepturile omului. Duminica trecută, zeci de persoane au fost arestate din nou la Moscova în timpul unui protest spontan împotriva monopolului politic. Societatea civilă este reprimată sistematic și hărțuită cu instrumente sovietice precum Legea agenților străini, care înregimentează ONG-urile într-un registru public al infamiei, pentru ca apoi să le sancționeze financiar și chiar penal. Abuzuri, violență, arestări politice, tortură. Asta face Kremlinul, nu doar cu proprii cetățeni, ci și cu activiștii ucraineni, reprezentanții minorităților sau presa liberă. În deplina sfidare a dreptului internațional, cetățenii ucraineni au fost capturați, deținuți în condiții teribile și supuși torturii.

Rusia lui Putin nu poate fi un partener pentru Uniunea Europeană, atât timp cât violează brutal drepturile omului și legislația internațională. Ieri s-au împlinit 5 ani de la tragedia MH17. Au murit 298 de oameni. Putin își asumă zero responsabilitate pentru aceste vieți. Respectarea drepturilor omului trebuie să fie nucleul de negociere în toate contactele Uniunii Europene cu Rusia, inclusiv în acordurile economice. Avem nevoie urgent de o lege Magnistky la nivel european, pentru a-i sancționa pe toți cei care încalcă drepturile omului. Dacă nu vor exista consecințe reale pentru oficialii ruși, Kremlinul va continua să se comporte cu dispreț și cu totală impunitate - „Welcome, Ukraine, we are with you!”


  Andrius Kubilius, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Madam President, it’s a very important resolution, and I urge everybody to vote in favour. The issue which the resolution speaks about is crucial for the future of the whole European continent. That future will depend very much on when and how Russia will come back to being a democratic country which respects international law and human rights. For the time being this is not the case, and that is the reason why not only Ukraine and Georgia are suffering but Russians themselves are suffering very heavily also. We in Lithuania have a very special interest in having good relations with Russia, but that is possible only if and when Russia comes back to behaviour based on international law, democracy and human rights.

How can we assist Russia?

First of all, by speaking out very clearly about violations of international law and human rights and staying strong with sanctions and even looking for new instruments to influence the wrong behaviour of Russian authorities. It’s needed for Ukrainians, which are suffering aggression and being political prisoners. It’s needed for Russians themselves. It’s needed for the whole of Europe.


  Sergey Lagodinsky, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, dear colleagues, what would you say if your son or daughter did not come home one day? She went to a peaceful demonstration and never returned. What would you say if your brother or sister were declared a terrorist, just because they criticised a foreign country’s occupation? What would you say if your mother had to flee your country just because she was fighting for clean air with money from her European partners? These are sad stories that we hear from Russia. Stories of Sinaver Nimetullayev and six other Crimean Tatars, just recently jailed and detained on Red Square for peacefully protesting. Stories of Oleh Sentsov, Oleksandr Kolchenko, Oleksandr Shumkov and Volodymyr Balukh imprisoned for criticising Russia’s occupation of Crimea. Stories of Anastasia Shevchenko, who is under house arrest for months, just because her organisation was declared undesirable under the Russian statute. Some of you here talk about normalising relations with Russia. This resolution is our attempt to normalise relations with Russia. Not hiding behind gas pipes, not hiding behind fake observation missions to Crimea, but talking an honest conversation with Russia for the benefit of their citizens and citizens of Ukraine. This is our offer to this country. This is our offer to Moscow.



  Zdzisław Krasnodębski, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Pani Przewodnicząca! To jest oczywiście bardzo ważna rezolucja i grupa ECR ją poprze. Rzeczywiście od 2014 r., tj. od czasu nielegalnej aneksji Krymu i agresji militarnej we wschodniej Ukrainie, mamy do czynienia z wieloma przypadkami łamania praw człowieka, zaginięć, prześladowań i bezprawnych zatrzymań Ukraińców i przedstawicieli innych mniejszości. Dlatego popieramy sankcje.

Natomiast chciałbym zwrócić uwagę na jedną sprawę. Otóż wiemy wszyscy, że wiele państw członkowskich skłania się raczej ku ochronie własnych interesów handlowych w Rosji niż ku faktycznemu przestrzeganiu sankcji. Jak na przykład jest możliwe, że austriacki koncern naftowy OMV w zeszłym miesiącu porozumiał się z Gazpromem co do wykupu jego udziałów w syberyjskich polach gazowych za 900 mln euro? Jak wytłumaczyć, że niemieckie inwestycje bezpośrednie w Rosji w 2019 r. zanotowały 33-procentowy wzrost w stosunku do ubiegłego roku? Potrzeba zatem większej konsekwencji w polityce unijnej wobec Rosji.


  Sandra Pereira, em nome do Grupo GUE/NGL. – Senhora Presidente, esta resolução insere-se na escalada de confronto promovida pelos Estados Unidos e pela NATO contra a Federação Russa. Uma escalada de confronto que inclui a imposição de sanções e que integra o golpe de Estado de cariz fascista na Ucrânia, em 2014, e com a qual a União Europeia tem alinhado ativamente.

A resolução esconde a política de cerco e belicista que os Estados Unidos e a NATO têm vindo a desenvolver contra a Rússia, nomeadamente a partir de 1999 com sucessivos alargamentos e a instalação de meios militares junto às fronteiras destes países.

É particularmente grave e significativo o branqueamento que a resolução faz do regime ucraniano e da sua política de opressão e de guerra contra o seu próprio povo da violência da ação dos grupos fascistas ucranianos contra populações ucranianas.

Esta situação traz mais isolamento, empobrecimento e insegurança para os povos das duas regiões, com consequências para outros Estados. Por exemplo, como consequência das sanções, os produtores de pera rocha em Portugal perdem cerca de 250 milhões de euros anuais.

Uma política de paz e inclusão numa Europa dos trabalhadores e dos povos é uma urgência de civilização.


  Bronis Ropė (Verts/ALE). – Gerbiama Pirmininke! Kai Europos Tarybos Parlamentinė Asamblėja grąžino Rusijai balsavimo teisę, tokio sprendimo šalininkai tikėjosi, kad Rusija ims pagarbiau žiūrėti į žmogaus teises, o taip pat ir paleis Ukrainos įkalintus jūrininkus ir kitus politinius kalinius. Deja, Rusija ne tik to nepadarė, bet ir toliau intensyvina represijas. Taip vadinami Maskvos miesto Dūmos rinkimai praeitą savaitgalį virto pasityčiojimu iš demokratinių standartų, o bandžiusieji prieš tai protestuoti buvo šiurkščiai represuoti. Savo aplinkosauginę represinę kultūrą Rusija pademonstravo Astravo atominės elektrinės atveju, kur Rusatomas, nepaisydamas aplinkosaugininkų protestų ir išvadų dėl ESPO Konvencijos pažeidimų, baigia statyti nesaugią elektrinę prie pat Europos Sąjungos sienos. Europos Sąjunga turi naudoti visas galimas sankcijas tiems Rusijos atstovams, kurie pažeidinėja žmogaus teises ir persekioja žmones, žurnalistus ir aplinkosaugininkus.


  Christos Stylianides, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, thank you so much for this opportunity to discuss the human-rights situation in Russia and, in particular, the situation of both illegally detained Ukrainians and environmental activists. The European Union has repeatedly expressed concern at the fate of all Ukrainian citizens illegally detained in the Crimean Peninsula and in Russia. These include Crimean Tatars and others who have opposed the illegal annexation as well as other Ukrainians.

We continue to call for the immediate and unconditional release of the captured Ukrainian servicemen and their vessels, as has been ordered by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Diplomats from the EU delegations in our Member States’ embassies in Moscow regularly attend the court hearings and are in constant contact with the lawyers.

The European Union also regularly raises individual cases – including those of Oleg Sentsov, Pavlo Hryb and Edem Bekirov, who, as you know, require urgent medical assistance – in bilateral meetings with Russian representatives and in public statements, including in the Council of Europe and also in the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Russia holds special responsibility for respecting human rights in the illegally annexed Crimean Peninsula. The rights to legal counsel, access to consular officers and health care must be fully respected.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has noted that Crimean Tatars continue to be disproportionately affected by police raids and prosecutions in respect of offences related to terrorism and extremism, in proceedings that fall short of human-rights standards. All pending cases of violations and abuses should be thoroughly investigated. The human-rights situation in non-government-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine, where Russia plays a significant role, is also deeply worrying.

The overall environment for human-rights and civil-society activists in Russia is characterised by restriction on fundamental freedoms. At a time of international awareness of climate issues, violent assaults on individual environmental activists, such as Andrei Rudomakha and his colleagues, and the judicial harassment of others, such as the non—governmental organisation Eco-Defence, are deeply troubling. We recall that it is the duty of the Russian authorities to respect and protect the right of all illegally detained Ukrainian citizens and the rights of Russian citizens and activists, in line with Russia’s international human-rights commitments.

I conclude by reaffirming our strong commitment to, and support for, human rights and civil society, including environmental activists in Russia, as well as illegally detained Ukrainians in particular. The European Union has consistently called on Russia to ensure that human-rights violations in Russia and the Crimean Peninsula are investigated and that accountability and justice for victims are ensured. Thank you for your attention.


  President. – The debate is closed.

The vote will be held at the end of the debates.

Written statements (Rule 171)


  João Ferreira (GUE/NGL), por escrito. – Estamos a assistir a uma longa escalada de confronto, promovida pelos EUA e pela NATO e à qual a UE aderiu, contra a Federação Russa. Esta escalada de confronto inclui as sanções que a UE tem vindo sucessivamente a renovar contra este país. Nela se integrou também, é bom não esquecer, o golpe de Estado de cariz fascista na Ucrânia, em 2014.

A resolução oculta a política belicista de cerco à Rússia, que os EUA e a NATO têm vindo a levar a cabo, nomeadamente a partir de 1999, com sucessivos alargamentos da NATO e com a instalação de meios militares junto às fronteiras russas.

Tem sido particularmente grave e significativo o branqueamento feito do regime ucraniano e da sua política de opressão e de guerra contra o seu próprio povo, da violência e da ação dos grupos fascistas ucranianos contra populações ucranianas.

Esta situação comporta diversas implicações negativas. Mais isolamento, empobrecimento e insegurança para os povos. A este caminho torna-se necessário contrapor uma política de paz e inclusão.


  Michaela Šojdrová (PPE), písemně. – Tento víkend ukrajinský režisér a politický vězeň Oleh Sencov oslavil už pošesté své narozeniny v ruském vězení. On i mnoho dalších vězňů svědomí v Rusku se nechce spokojit s ruskou okupací Krymu, od jejíhož počátku letos uplynulo pět let. Oleh Sencov loni obdržel Sacharovovu cenu a zahájil hladovku. S ruským režimem to ale nehnulo. Ani sankce EU, jakkoli musíme trvat na jejich udržení, toho moc nezměnily. Proto se musíme postavit důrazněji proti porušování lidských práv v Rusku. Takový postoj očekávám od nové předsedkyně Komise. Dokud budou v Rusku političtí vězni a Rusko nebude respektovat mezinárodní právo, není pro nás prezident Putin a jeho vláda důvěryhodným partnerem.




  Sophia in 't Veld (Renew). – Madam President, just 20 seconds of colleagues’ time, because this is the last sitting. We’ve all just been elected as representatives of the people and legislators. For democracy it is essential that elected representatives can do their work freely and safely, and that applies to representatives around the world, including in the United States. I note that there are four members of the US Congress who have recently been subject to hate speech and intimidation and harassment, cheered on by nobody less than the President himself. Just last week, there was a rally that was addressed by President Trump himself...

(The President interrupted the speaker)


  President. – Madam in 't Veld, may I just say, could you wind up? It isn’t quite a point of order but I don’t want to disrupt it. There are other speakers who want to come in.

Gentlemen and ladies, could I ask you to show some respect?


You have the floor. And please listen with respect. Please listen.


  Sophia in 't Veld (Renew). – Madam President, one representative in particular was targeted at a rally where President Trump spoke and they were chanting ‘Send her back’, because she has an immigration background. I think it is the duty of this House to condemn those attacks and express solidarity with those representatives.

(Sustained applause)


  President. – As I said, colleagues, it wasn’t quite a point of order. But we are at the... Calm down please. Madam Fox, you have a request?


  Claire Fox (NI). – Madam President, a question and point of order.

Is there a list of offensive banned words that can’t be used in this Parliament? As a new MEP, I ask this question because yesterday a colleague was reprimanded, indeed humiliated, for using the word ‘rubbish’ in his speech, which seemed rather disproportionate, especially when we have seen people wearing garments with far more offensive words. I ask this genuinely. Has this Parliament got a secret list? Because in the name of fairness and free speech, new MEPs like me need to get the ‘verboten’ word list, so we don’t make any more mistakes in the future.



  President. – I know that there are more new Members then old in the House, and I think as one of the old ones, we’re flexible and we won’t get upset about words. However, I do admit that there was a former colleague here from the United Kingdom and we had a frank exchange of views when he would use the word ‘rubbish’ in just about all his sentences. So we will see if there is a list and we certainly will provide it, but to the best of my knowledge, I have not been provided with one. I think we all know as adults, though, when words are offensive, and perhaps if we use our own judgment that might be best.



  Romeo Franz (Verts/ALE). – Frau Präsidentin! Ich beziehe mich auf Artikel 39 der Geschäftsordnung, in der das Parlament sich verpflichtet, auf die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte zu achten. Der italienische Innenminister Matteo Salvini will erneut die ethnische Erfassung von in Italien lebenden Sinti und Roma durchführen. Dies verstößt gegen das Recht und Gesetz. Wir wissen alle, wessen Instrument diese Art der Erfassung war und welche Ziele damit verfolgt wurden. Salvini setzt unschuldige Menschen, Frauen und Kinder auf die Straße, nur aus dem Grunde ihrer ethnischen Zugehörigkeit. Ich fordere das Parlament auf, wesentlich stärker gegen Antiziganismus und solche Rechtspopulisten, wie Salvini es einer ist, vorzugehen und sie zu verurteilen. Diese Politik ist ein Angriff auf die europäischen Werte und eine Schande für Europa. Das ist purer Rassismus!

(Beifall und Protestrufe)


  President. – Mr Zanni, you’d like to respond, I’m sure.


  Marco Zanni (ID). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, è vergognoso che un parlamentare pensi di utilizzare il regolamento per attaccare un governo legittimamente eletto dai cittadini italiani. Vergogna!


6. Členství ve výborech a delegacích: viz zápis
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7. Hlasování
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7.1. Situace v Hongkongu (RC-B9-0013/2019, B9-0013/2019, B9-0015/2019, B9-0017/2019, B9-0019/2019, B9-0021/2019, B9-0023/2019)

7.2. Situace na hranici mezi USA a Mexikem (RC-B9-0014/2019, B9-0014/2019, B9-0024/2019, B9-0026/2019, B9-0027/2019, B9-0028/2019, B9-0029/2019, B9-0030/2019)

– Before the vote on paragraph 19:


  Martin Horwood (Renew). – Madam President, on a point of order: we have some 500 new Members of the European Parliament for whom this is a new procedure and you are going much too fast. It’s almost too fast to press the buttons so we just need to pace it a little.



  President. – Mr Horwood is absolutely correct. I have been known to be quite fast on the button here, so you are absolutely right to stop me in my tracks. Out of respect for the new Members, I will now go at a more reasonable pace, and apologies if I caused any distress.


7.3. Rusko, zejména situace aktivistů v oblasti životního prostředí a ukrajinských politických vězňů (RC-B9-0012/2019, B9-0012/2019, B9-0016/2019, B9-0018/2019, B9-0020/2019, B9-0022/2019, B9-0025/2019)

– Before the vote:


  Petras Auštrevičius (Renew). – Madam President, exactly five years ago, Malaysia Airlines plane MH 17 was downed over the eastern part of Ukraine and 298 people vanished. It was an act of human brutality and a crime against humanity. An international investigation commission has established those who are in charge with the Russian military and equipment. There is nothing mentioned in this resolution, but colleagues, we can’t forget this crime and should bring those responsible to justice.



7.4. Situace ve Venezuele (RC-B9-0006/2019, B9-0006/2019, B9-0007/2019, B9-0008/2019, B9-0009/2019, B9-0010/2019, B9-0011/2019)

  President. – That concludes the vote.


8. Schválení zápisu z předchozího zasedání
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  President. – Colleagues, I have an announcement to make. I am proposing that the provisions of Rule 202 be waived and that the minutes of yesterday’s sitting be approved here and now, and I am asking the Chamber if there any objections. As that is not the case, the minutes are approved, and I shall forward them with the resolutions adopted during this part-session to the persons and bodies named in the resolutions.


9. Schválení zápisu z tohoto denního zasedání a předání přijatých textů: viz zápis

10. Vysvětlení hlasování
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10.1. Situace ve Venezuele (RC-B9-0006/2019, B9-0006/2019, B9-0007/2019, B9-0008/2019, B9-0009/2019, B9-0010/2019, B9-0011/2019)
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Oral explanations of vote


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Г-жо Председател, уважаеми колеги, въздържах се от подкрепата на тази резолюция, защото в нея има твърде много политически определения и твърде много вземане на страна.

Моето твърдо убеждение е, че нито Европейският съюз, нито Европейският парламент трябва да заемат крайни становища и да се опитват да се намесват във вътрешните работи на суверенни държави, още повече че преди тази резолюция гласувахме друга, която засягаше отношенията по така наречената американо-мексиканска граница и в другата резолюция отново бяха включени крайни коментари, политически оценки, опит да се провежда крайнолява политика по отношение на миграцията и нелегалните мигранти, опит да се оправдае нелегалната миграция.

Не мога да приема подобно поведение и подобна политика. Твърдо вярвам, че държавите трябва да преговарят на нива правителства и да вземат своите решения на нива правителства. Мисля, че такива резолюции не помагат за двустранните отношения и не работят в интерес на гражданите на държавите – членки на Европейския съюз.


11. Opravy hlasování a sdělení o úmyslu hlasovat: viz zápis
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12. Termíny příštích zasedání: viz zápis
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13. Petice: viz zápis

14. Předložení dokumentů: viz zápis

15. Ukončení zasedání
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(The sitting closed at 11.36)


16. Přerušení zasedání
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  President. – The session of the European Parliament is adjourned, our sitting is closed and I wish you all a very happy summer holidays. I look forward to seeing you back in the Chamber in September.

Poslední aktualizace: 18. října 2019Právní upozornění - Ochrana soukromí