 Úplné znění 
Postup : 2019/2022(BUD)
Průběh na zasedání
Stadia projednávání dokumentu : A9-0004/2019

Předložené texty :


Rozpravy :

Hlasování :

PV 18/09/2019 - 9.2
CRE 18/09/2019 - 9.2

Přijaté texty :


Doslovný záznam ze zasedání
XML 10k
Středa, 18. září 2019 - Štrasburk Revidované vydání

9.2. Návrh opravného rozpočtu č. 2/2019: navýšení prostředků pro klíčové programy ke konkurenceschopnosti EU: Horizont 2020 a Erasmus+ (A9-0004/2019 - John Howarth) (hlasování)

- Prima della votazione:


  John Howarth, Rapporteur. – Mr President, first I would thank the shadow rapporteurs and the secretariat for their work on this file. I will be brief but it’s important that these points are put on the record. This draft amending budget No 2 is somewhat different to the norm. It is in fact the final element of the 2019 budget settlement, negotiated last December in the second conciliation between Parliament and the Member States in Council.

The agreement with the Council was that the final element would be presented as an amending budget during 2019, so today we complete that agreement by reinforcing two programmes which, more than any others, reflect in their outcomes the economies of scale and added value of the Union budget, Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020. The heavily oversubscribed student programme will receive an additional EUR 20 million and Horizon will receive EUR 80 million, which will fund research into technologies that will help address the climate emergency.

This investment budget reflects the truth that our collective endeavours as a Union enable us to achieve more than any Member State in or out of the Union would achieve alone. I thank the House for its indulgence and recommend your support.


Poslední aktualizace: 8. listopadu 2019Právní upozornění - Ochrana soukromí