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Сряда, 13 ноември 2019 г. - Брюксел Редактирана версия

22. Международен ден за прекратяване на безнаказаността на престъпленията срещу журналисти (разискване)
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  President. – The next item is the debate on the Council and Commission statement on International day to end impunity for crimes against journalists (2019/2878(RSP)).

Before I open the debate, I would like to inform you that, in order to request catch-the-eye and blue cards, it will be possible to use both the standard registration and the new system allowing Members to register electronically. Therefore, I invite you to always bring your voting cards. Should you wish to register for catch-the-eye, I invite you to do so starting from now, without waiting for the end of the debate.

Having said this, I open the debate. I am happy to welcome the Presidency and I would like to give the floor immediately to Ms Tuppurainen.


  Tytti Tuppurainen, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, honourable Members of Parliament, the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists was established in memory of the death of Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, two French journalists killed while reporting in Mali on 2 November 2013.

Media freedom is an indispensable pillar of our democratic societies. Journalists are among the guardians of properly-functioning democracies. They act as public watchdogs, helping to inform and empower citizens. Where there is no freedom of speech there is no democracy.

For this reason, freedom of expression, media freedom and pluralism are guaranteed in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Yet across the globe, journalists face risks and attacks simply for carrying out their work. Too often investigations into violence or threats of violence against journalists and media outlets are slow, incomplete and fail to bring the offenders to justice.

31 journalists have been killed worldwide in 2019 alone; more than 800 in the last decade. In 9 out of 10 cases, the killers go unpunished. Impunity is the key obstacle to ensuring journalists’ safety, resulting in self-censorship and a chilling effect on the exercise of freedom of expression.

The investigations and judicial proceedings following the horrific and unacceptable killings of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia and Slovak journalist Ján Kuciak have to this day not been concluded. These crimes have shocked European public opinion.

The European Parliament has made clear in its resolutions on media pluralism and media freedom in the European Union that we have a duty to guarantee the freedom of expression and of the press, including the safety and security of journalists.

We note the call of this assembly on Member State authorities to ensure the protection of investigative journalists from any form of intimidation, defamation charges, threats or physical attacks, as well as to create a permanent financial scheme in support of independent investigative journalism.

On behalf of the Council, I can say that we are aware of the responsibility our governments have to protect journalists and different media freedom. We will continue with all appropriate means possible to respect and protect freedom of expression.

The Council held a dialogue on Media Pluralism and the Rule of Law in the Digital Age in November 2017. The related Presidency conclusions reflected the importance of the issue and repeated the commitment by the Council and the Member States to secure a safe working environment for journalists as part of their duty to uphold fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law.


  Julian King, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, honourable Members, this is an important opportunity to recall and mark this day, to recall its origins that have just been set out, and to underline what it stands for.

We believe freedom of expression is a fundamental human right that should apply for everyone, everywhere. An environment where journalists are free to report on any topic, on all platforms, without censoring themselves, is the key to media freedom.

But today, journalists’ safety is not guaranteed, even – as we just heard – in Europe, as far too often journalists and media workers find themselves attacked, persecuted, harassed or intimidated for carrying out their work.

Again, we’ve just heard some striking figures: in 2018 alone, 94 journalists and media staff were killed across the globe in work-related incidents, as reported by the International Federation of Journalists. Hundreds more have been subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention without ever having been tried in court. According to UNESCO, only 10% of the 930 cases of killings of journalists from 2006 to 2016 worldwide have as yet been resolved.

Impunity for these crimes – getting away with these crimes – multiplies their impact. It erodes democratic societies by fuelling fear, mistrust and anxiety.

So what are we trying to do about this? Respect for freedom of expression is integrated in all our policies and our development programmes. The EU provides support and legal assistance via the mechanism for human rights defenders, a network that delivers fast response for human rights defenders under threat, including covering journalists.

The EU also supports the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom and the Media Pluralism Monitor. In 2019 a series of pilot projects will foster cooperation between journalists and self-regulatory bodies, fund cross-border investigative journalism and increase support for journalists who find themselves under threat.

The Commission has proposed to include a dedicated budget in the next MFF as part of the Creative Europe programme. The Commission has also spearheaded work to counter online incitement to violence and hatred by means of the Code of Conduct on Combating Illegal Hate Speech. On this too, the EU is currently transposing new legislative provisions in the Directive on Audiovisual Media Services.

In these and other ways, we consistently stand up for the themes symbolised by this day, and we oppose, in bilateral contacts with third countries, as well as in multilateral and regional discussions, any legislation, regulation or political pressure that does not respect international human rights standards on freedom of expression. Simply proclaiming the right to freedom of expression is not enough – it is not sufficient. States must also fulfil their obligation to protect freedom of expression and the safety of journalists by providing an enabling legal environment, by taking criminal threats against journalists seriously, and by vigorously prosecuting actual attacks. As has just been recalled, the recent assassinations of investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia and Ján Kuciak, and indeed of the Saudi national, Jamal Khashoggi, show, sadly, that no part of the world is immune to such crimes.

The Commission recently highlighted the fundamental role of journalists and free and pluralistic media in promoting and upholding the rule of law in its Communication on strengthening the rule of law within the Union of July this year. And again, on the actual International Day, on 2 November, in her declaration, the High Representative paid tribute to all those who lost their lives and suffered attacks in the exercise of their freedom of expression online and offline.

The EU firmly condemns the increase in crimes against journalists, both offline and online in cyberspace. The Commission, on the particular case that's already been raised, has called on the Maltese authorities, in the case of Mrs Caruana Galizia, to ensure that justice is done. After all, a functioning democracy cannot thrive without free, diverse and independent media.

Madam President, honourable Members, thank you for the opportunity to discuss this very important theme today.


  Roberta Metsola, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Madam President, the defence of a free media is not something that can or will lose significance today, or ever. Without an unshackled media we would only have the illusion of a proper democracy, a mockery of how the rule of law should function. The media is the gatekeeper, the body that separates fact from fiction.

So when shadowy multinationals, illicit banks and unscrupulous politicians implicated in serious money-laundering and corruption activities start to abuse the courts to go after our journalists, the attack is serious. When journalists are assassinated it is an attack on all of us. And it would be impossible, as we have just heard, to speak today without paying tribute to the courage and resolve of Daphne Caruana Galizia. Daphne was assassinated two years ago.

The masterminds behind her assassination remain at large. The subjects of her investigations remain protected from investigation at the highest political levels. It is not acceptable. This is outrageous! And specifically, we need to protect journalists – not only from physical harm, but from vexatious lawsuits. We need an EU anti-SLAPP law and we need to make EU funds available to media houses so that they can fight their corner.

Media freedom is a cornerstone of our European societies and more than a fundamental right, it is a fundamental rule of the way we are governed. It is as important as an independent judiciary and should be seen as such. And this Saturday, in Valletta, Malta and Gozo will be out in the streets demanding better.


  Maria Arena, au nom du groupe S&D. – Madame la Présidente, lorsque des journalistes sont pris pour cible, c’est la société tout entière qui en paye le prix. Ce n’est pas moi qui le dis, c’est António Guterres, à l’occasion de la journée internationale de la fin de l’impunité pour les crimes commis à l’encontre des journalistes, le 2 novembre.

Au cours des douze dernières années, plus de 1 000 journalistes ont été assassinés pour avoir exercé simplement leur profession. Cela représente une moyenne d’un mort tous les quatre jours. Uniquement sur l’année 2018, la Fédération internationale des journalistes dénombre 94 assassinats de journalistes ou de personnes travaillant dans les médias. Ces personnes ont été assassinées pour avoir exercé une liberté fondamentale garantie par la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme, article 19.

Alors que l’Union européenne a vu, elle aussi, sur son territoire, son propre territoire, l’assassinat de journalistes – on l’a dit – des journalistes maltais, slovaques, bulgares. Quel est le plan d’action de l’Union européenne pour lutter contre ces crimes? L’Europe doit aussi défendre plus vigoureusement ses valeurs à l’étranger: quelle réponse l’Europe a-t-elle donnée à l’Arabie Saoudite, suite à l’assassinat de M. Khashoggi?

Enfin, comment lutter contre les médias qui deviennent des organes de propagande, car on le sait, quand ces médias qui deviennent des organes de propagande, soit détenus par le gouvernement, soit détenus par des forces et des puissances financières, c’est l’impossibilité pour des travailleurs indépendants et des journalistes indépendants de réaliser exactement leur travail en toute liberté. Là aussi, quel est le travail que l’Union européenne peut faire pour soutenir et pour garantir l’indépendance des médias sur son territoire mais également à l’extérieur de son territoire?


  Ramona Strugariu, în numele grupului Renew. – Doamnă președintă, pe data de 2 noiembrie am celebrat Ziua Internațională a stopării impunității crimelor împotriva jurnaliștilor. Anul trecut, într-adevăr, 94 de jurnaliști și-au pierdut viața pentru că au avut curajul să scrie despre corupție și abuzuri de putere. Anul trecut în februarie, jurnalistul slovac Ján Kuciak a fost asasinat în stil mafiot alături de partenera sa, iar luna trecută am comemorat doi ani de la moartea lui Daphne Caruana Galizia, doi ani în care justiția nu a reușit să-i identifice pe cei care au comandat acest asasinat.

Aceste crime au avut loc în Uniunea Europeană, aici, unde pretindem că garantăm libertatea și siguranța jurnaliștilor. L-am avut la acea comemorare alături pe fiul lui Daphne, Matthew Caruana Galizia, chiar aici în Parlamentul European, alături de alți 40 de jurnaliști din Europa, și vă spun că mi-a fost greu să-l privesc în ochi, ca politician, pentru că noi toți, aici, am făcut puțin pentru stoparea crimelor împotriva jurnaliștilor.

Criminalii rămân în continuare în libertate, iar jurnaliștii incomozi sunt hărțuiți constant cu procese lungi și scumpe, construite de case de avocatură profesioniste. Familia lui Daphne a moștenit aproape 30 de astfel de procese de defăimare începute împotriva ei, pentru că a îndrăznit să spună adevărul. Trebuie să facem mult mai mult pentru jurnaliști, trebuie să-i sprijinim cu legea anti-SLAPP, cu finanțare și mecanisme de intervenție rapidă în caz de amenințări sau presiuni.

Da, jurnaliștii investighează politicieni, dar cei care nu au motive de îngrijorare privind înapoi în trecutul lor sprijină libertatea presei și înțeleg importanța dreptului la informare și a protecției celor care spun adevărul cu demnitate, curaj și onestitate, jurnaliștii independenți.

Commissioner King, you mentioned those pilot projects about financing independent investigative journalists. As a technocrat, I wrote one of those projects myself and it got an A from the Commission. It needs to become a permanent fund for investigative journalists and we need anti-SLAPP legislation.


  Alice Kuhnke, för Verts/ALE-gruppen. – Fru talman! Journalister som inte längre vågar granska oss politiker och andra makthavare därför att priset är för högt, är ett lika sorgligt som tydligt tecken på att vår demokrati skakas i grunden. Det är en skam att det finns politiker också i den här församlingen som hotar journalister och ifrågasätter deras granskning.

Alla demokrater måste agera nu. Därför vill vi gröna att en gemensam EU-strategi tas fram och den ska ha till syfte att stärka skyddet för journalister och stärka mediefriheten. Vi vill att den ska omfatta inrättandet av en oberoende hotline som journalister som utsätts för trakasserier och hot kan vända sig till och få hjälp. Vi vill att den ska omfatta en handlingsplan för att stärka mediefriheten i EU. Och vi vill att den ska omfatta ett uppdrag till kommissionen att övervaka situationen för journalister i alla medlemsländer och införa land-för-land-rapportering med rekommendationer.


  Marco Dreosto, a nome del gruppo ID. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, vorrei ancora una volta ricordare la necessità di difendere la libertà di tutti i giornalisti, affinché possano esercitare la loro professione senza subire violenze o intimidazioni.

Troppe volte vediamo casi in cui giornalisti non allineati politicamente vengono minacciati o discriminati per le loro opinioni, nel silenzio dei media e della politica. È successo da poco anche in Italia, quando al giornalista Fausto Biloslavo, del Giornale, critico nei confronti dell'immigrazione illegale e del ruolo delle ONG nel Mediterraneo, si è tentato di mettere un bavaglio. Prima gli è stato impedito l'accesso all'Università di Trento da un gruppo di studenti e militanti dell'estrema sinistra italiana, e poi c'è stato il tentativo di boicottaggio della sua conferenza con lancio di oggetti, schiaffoni e addirittura pugni. Il tutto nella quasi indifferenza dei massimi media italiani.

E poi, onorevoli colleghi, se l'Europa avesse un po' di coerenza dovrebbe ricordare che la più grande prigione al mondo per i giornalisti si trova proprio in Turchia, in quella Turchia che ancora qualcuno in questo Parlamento vorrebbe far entrare in Europa.


  Anna Fotyga, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, I pay tribute to journalists all over the world, in particular those reporting from conflict areas, as well as investigative ones challenging autocratic or corrupt regimes. Without their secure work we face chaos and disinformation and therefore, in commemorating the International Day, we have to remember those perishing, according to UNESCO, predominantly in Arab countries, in Latin America, in Asia, in Africa but, unfortunately, also in Europe, in the European Union – Daphne Galizia and Ján Kuciak. I call for our increased efforts, use of every possible tool to eradicate impunity. There is almost 90% of impunity now for all crimes against journalists.


  Clare Daly, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. – Madam President, we have on the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, a journalist who has been found by the United Nations Human Rights Council to have been arbitrarily detained for seven years in an EU Member State by the actions of two other EU Member States, and we say nothing.

We have a United Nations Special Rapporteur report on torture which investigates this case and says that this journalist is showing symptoms of prolonged exposure to psychological torture, and we say nothing.

I am, of course, talking about the case of Julian Assange; the words are those of Nils Melzer, the UN rapporteur who will be joining us tomorrow morning to discuss this case because it is, of course, not about the life of one man, although that man’s life is in danger. This is the defining press freedom case of our age: the attempts of the US authorities to extradite, under the Espionage Act, and facing potentially 175 years in prison, Julian Assange for exposing war crimes in 2010, including the crime of murdering two Iraqi journalists exposed in the ‘collateral murder’ video.

We talk an awful lot in here about the rule of law and human rights. Anybody who cares about these issues has to be on the side of Julian Assange in the impending battle of his extradition case, which is opening in Britain in February.


  Dino Giarrusso (NI). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, proprio oggi abbiamo ricordato il crollo del muro di Berlino, ma credo che in Europa esistano ancora muri difficili da abbattere come quello che soffoca l'autentica libertà di stampa.

Violenze psicologiche, economiche e fisiche in una scia di sangue che conta martiri come Giovanni Spampinato, Peppino Impastato, Mario Francese, Pippo Fava, Giancarlo Siani e più recentemente Ján Kuciak, Victoria Marinova e Daphne Caruana Galizia. Le loro inchieste erano utili al popolo ma scomode per la criminalità organizzata che li ha uccisi per questo. È un orrore inaccettabile, come è inaccettabile che giornalisti come Paolo Borrometi oggi siano privati della piena libertà personale e costretti a vivere sotto scorta.

Inaccettabile temere per il destino di Julian Assange. Inaccettabile che molti giornalisti oggi vengano pagati pochi euro a fronte di ore di lavoro e vengano condizionati dagli interessi dei troppi editori impuri.

Onorevoli colleghi, l'Europa deve fare molto, molto di più. Abbiamo il dovere di creare un clima culturale in cui viene universalmente considerato come diritto prioritario l'assoluta libertà di informare e di essere informati. Un clima culturale in cui si punisca chi spaccia fake news, in cui risaltino quegli editori che hanno interessi che condizionano i loro giornalisti limitandone la libertà e in cui, dunque, qualunque tipo di violenza psicologica, economica e fisica nei confronti del giornalismo libero vada condannata oggi e resa impossibile domani.

Solo così avremo davvero abbattuto i muri che limitano la nostra autentica libertà.


  Peter Pollák (PPE). – Vážená pani predsedajúca, útoky na novinárov priamo ohrozujú demokraciu. Prípad zavraždeného Jána Kuciaka dokonca ukazuje, že novinári sú v ohrození zdravia aj života. Človek, podozrivý z objednávky Kuciakovej vraždy, sa dostal k  vrcholným predstaviteľom Slovenska, k prokurátorom, k sudcom či k politikom. Využil celý štátny aparát vrátane polície, aby lustroval novinárov, aby o nich vedel všetky informácie, dokonca zisťoval, kde ich deti chodia do školy, či s kým sa stretávajú. Išlo o desiatky novinárov, jedného z nich, bohužiaľ za pomoci lustrovania štátnymi zložkami, dali ohavne zabiť. Aj vďaka Europolu a verejnému tlaku po vražde Jána Kuciaka a jeho priateľky vyšlo do ulíc na Slovensku najviac ľudí od nežnej revolúcie. Vďaka tomuto verejnému tlaku máme za mrežami podozrivých z  vraždy, ešte sme však nezvíťazili. Novinári na Slovensku sú naďalej terčom útokov. Kuciak pred smrťou písal o tom, že mafia má pod palcom celý štát, policajtov, prokurátorov, sudcov a aj politikov. U sudcov si vybavovali rozsudky, u politikov dotácie, u policajtov a prokurátorov vyšetrovanie vlastných káuz. Doterajšie vyšetrovanie prípadu vraždy potvrdzuje, že Kuciak mal pravdu. Bežní ľudia na Slovensku, ktorí dnes čítajú, ako ľahko mafia presadzovala svoje záujmy cez štátny aparát, sú zúfalí, prestali veriť v právny štát. Slovensko o pár mesiacov čakajú dôležité parlamentné voľby, ktoré rozhodnú, či sa vrátime na cestu demokracie, kde aj novinári sa budú cítiť bezpečne, alebo pôjdeme v šľapajách mafie, ktorá nám už niekoľko mesiacov ukazuje, že dokáže spolupracovať aj s fašistami. Všetci sa musíme postaviť na stranu novinárov. Nesmú byť ohrození pri svojej práci v žiadnej krajine. Našou povinnosťou je stáť na ich strane, a to aj v prípade, keď nás ako politikov kritizujú.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D). – Señora presidenta, Presidencia finlandesa, comisario King, como presidente de la Comisión de Libertades Civiles, Justicia y Asuntos de Interior me sumo a la preocupación expresada por mis colegas en este debate a propósito de cómo poner fin a la impunidad de los crímenes contra los periodistas, de acuerdo con la Resolución adoptada por las Naciones Unidas, que señala el 2 de noviembre como ocasión para hablar en voz alta de que la libertad de expresión, el pluralismo informativo y, sobre todo, el combate contra la desinformación y el discurso del odio no tienen lugar en paraderos remotos ni en otras latitudes, sino también en la Unión Europea y en sus Estados miembros; y de que cualquier forma de ataque, acoso, intimidación, violencia física o moral contra los periodistas, o señalarlos como supuestos enemigos de la masa enfurecida, o impedirles el acceso a las ruedas de prensa, discriminándolos en función de cuál sea el asunto del que informar, es también un ataque frontal a la libertad de expresión y a la dignidad de los periodistas.

También a esa impunidad hay que ponerle fin en la Unión Europea.


  Maite Pagazaurtundúa (Renew). – Señora presidenta, pagamos todos el precio cuando los periodistas sienten miedo, cuando son censurados, cuando se autocensuran o cuando son atacados. Un amigo mío periodista fue asesinado en el año 2001 y teníamos otros amigos que fueron perseguidos. Conozco la situación.

Y ahora estamos hablando de impunidad, porque, aunque pensemos en países lejanos, lo que les acabo de contar pasó en España, en el norte de España. Y los asesinatos de Dafne Caruana o de Jan Kuciak han ocurrido en Malta o en Eslovaquia —lo pagamos todos— y, de momento, estos dos últimos asesinatos han quedado impunes.

También se intenta censurar a periodistas en nuestros países —lo ha contado el comisario King—.

Es menos conocido el informe de Reporteros sin Fronteras que ha denunciado que han ocurrido más de cincuenta ataques a periodistas en Cataluña en el último año; que lo han hecho secesionistas fanáticos que intentan construir un «Estado identitario» porque no pueden soportar que se muestre toda la pluralidad social. El informe de Reporteros sin Fronteras indica literalmente que «de las consignas coreadas y las increpaciones hemos pasado a los insultos, el acoso y el hostigamiento y, finalmente, a la agresión física. Es un patrón que siempre se repite en las espirales de odio al periodista».

Hoy decimos en este Parlamento ¡basta! a la presión y a los ataques a los medios en cualquier lugar del mundo. También decimos ¡basta! a la coacción de los grupos o gobiernos que buscan amordazar a los periodistas. Porque es una nueva y muy seria amenaza al Estado de Derecho democrático, en Europa y en todo el mundo.


  Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield (Verts/ALE). – Madame la Présidente, dans son rapport sur l’État de droit, en Hongrie, ce Parlement a soulevé, parmi les douze points, la liberté de la presse.

La concentration de la propriété des médias dans les mains d’oligarques ne cesse d’augmenter en Hongrie, a ainsi été créé récemment un énorme consortium voué à regrouper près de 500 médias privés, télévisions câblées, radios et sites internet ainsi que toute la presse quotidienne régionale. Les médias indépendants sont devenus très rares.

Ceci est un exemple extrême de ce qui se passe parfois aujourd’hui dans l’Union européenne même. Mais ne nous y trompons pas: dans tous les États membres, les gouvernements ont la tentation d’amoindrir la liberté d’expression et voudraient souvent empêcher des enquêtes dérangeantes ou des paroles critiques à leur égard. Le classement de Reporters sans frontières illustre qu’aucun pays n’est à l’abri de crimes contre les journalistes. Par ailleurs, la lutte antiterroriste – préoccupation légitime des États – est pourtant de plus en plus un prétexte à l’accumulation de lois illégitimes de censure contre la liberté d’expression.

Enfin, le monde digital nous apporte de nouveaux questionnements: comment punir les discours de haine, protéger nos enfants, empêcher les propos discriminants, sans jamais entrer dans un monde à la Orwell de surveillance de masse et de censure.

C’est toutes ces questions que ce Parlement, la Commission et le Conseil doivent se poser et c’est avec l’engagement ferme de protéger la liberté de la presse qu’ils peuvent y répondre. Pour une démocratie vivante et un état de droit fonctionnel, la liberté de la presse, ce quatrième pouvoir, est un élément essentiel.


  Gilles Lebreton (ID). – Madame la Présidente, la liberté de la presse est une valeur fondamentale de la civilisation européenne. Elle est hélas menacée par deux graves dangers.

Le premier est la violence dont sont victimes les journalistes d’investigation, comme par exemple, Mme Galizia, assassinée à Malte en 2017 alors qu’elle enquêtait sur une affaire de corruption.

Le second danger est plus insidieux, mais doit lui aussi être combattu, je veux parler de la censure qui anesthésie la liberté de la presse. En Italie, par exemple, l’Ordre des journalistes du Val d’Aoste a suspendu trois mois un journaliste, M. Andrea Manfrin, dont le seul tort est d’avoir critiqué la présence d’étrangers clandestins. Cette suspension est fondée sur un texte qui interdit aux journalistes l’utilisation du mot «clandestin». Les étrangers en situation illégale sont pourtant une réalité qu’il est vain de vouloir nier. L’honneur du journalisme est de dire la vérité, quel qu’en soit le prix à payer.


  Jorge Buxadé Villalba (ECR). – Señora presidenta, estimados colegas, no puede olvidarse que el Día Internacional para Poner Fin a la Impunidad de los Crímenes contra Periodistas tiene su origen precisamente en la conmemoración del asesinato de dos periodistas franceses en Mali a manos de Al-Qaeda.

No obstante, la impunidad continúa y hay pocas medidas efectivas para la protección de los periodistas, sobre todo cuando se trata de cuestiones políticas, aquí en la Unión Europea, porque parece ser que hay periodistas de un nivel y otros de segundo nivel en función de la posición ideológica que tengan. No se condenan así las agresiones a periodistas consecuencia de actos violentos de la extrema izquierda o de movimientos separatistas totalitarios y antidemocráticos, como los que suceden en mi país, Cataluña —en España, en mi región Cataluña—.

Recientemente —ya se nos ha dicho—, Reporteros Sin Fronteras denunció más de cincuenta agresiones a periodistas en Cataluña por parte de los separatistas. También la Federación de Asociaciones de Periodistas de España hizo público un comunicado en ese sentido. Se trata de organizaciones terroristas que asaltan las calles y atacan precisamente a los periodistas.

Y también, en este punto, el Parlamento Europeo debe ser exigente, y no se puede amparar que, por razones ideológicas, haya unos buenos y otros malos.


  Javier Zarzalejos (PPE). – Señora presidenta, el olvido también es una forma de impunidad; y precisamente, por eso, como vasco y como español, no quiero dejar de referirme a los atentados, extorsiones y asesinatos de periodistas perpetrados por la banda terrorista ETA a lo largo de toda su trayectoria criminal.

Recién iniciada la democracia en España, fue asesinado un periodista, José María Portell, en Bilbao. Después se produjo el asesinato frustrado en Pamplona de José Javier Uranga. Años más tarde, en San Sebastián, Santiago Oleaga y, días después, el columnista del diario El Mundo José Luis López de Lacalle. Muchos otros periodistas fueron perseguidos, heridos o mutilados. Muchas redacciones fueron asaltadas o atacadas. Y todos los informadores discrepantes, amenazados y señalados.

Son públicos los documentos en los que los estrategas de ETA pedían a la banda atentar contra periodistas y señalaban a quienes tenían que ser asesinados.

Pues bien, mientras esta Cámara condena hoy los asesinatos de periodistas, rinde homenaje a su memoria y expresa la necesidad de protegerlos, tengo que recordar que ni uno solo de los asesinatos y atentados que he mencionado ha sido condenado por los herederos políticos de ETA. Y —añado— los herederos políticos de ETA están hoy todavía representados en esta Cámara.

Insisto: el olvido es también una forma de impunidad cruel con las víctimas. Por eso, no debemos olvidar a quienes perdieron la vida por ejercer la libertad y es nuestra obligación seguir señalando a quienes, también entre nosotros, justificaron su asesinato y todavía hoy lo justifican.


  Tudor Ciuhodaru (S&D). –Doamnă președintă, cine atacă un jurnalist atacă dreptul nostru la exprimare și mai ales dreptul nostru la informare și nu va reuși niciodată asta. Eu astăzi adopt și am adoptat întotdeauna spusele lui Voltaire: „nu sunt neapărat de acord cu tot ceea ce spui, dar voi fi întotdeauna cel care va apăra până la moarte dreptul tău de a o spune”. Și într-adevăr, jurnalismul de investigație este din ce în ce mai greu de făcut în Europa, în Europa, unde nu ne-am aștepta să fie astfel de fapte abominabile, iar jurnaliștii căzuți la datorie sunt o dovadă a ceea ce spun astăzi. Jurnaliștii de investigație sunt hărțuiți economic, sunt hărțuiți juridic și chiar și agresiunea fizică se vede că este din ce în cea mai frecventă.

Eu sunt, v-am mai zis, medic, medic de urgență în Iași România, și de fiecare dată caut soluții concrete. Așa că am depus, pe de o parte, în Parlamentul României, un proiect de lege prin care se prevede foarte clar ca doi la sută din prejudiciul recuperat în urma unei anchete jurnalistice să-i revină celui care face această anchetă, pentru că presiunea economică este extrem de mare și, adesea de natură economică, nu pot rezista.

În al doilea rând, trebuie să căutăm soluții juridice, de asistență juridică la nivel european și cred că acel program creativ poate să fie o soluție ca jurnaliștii să nu mai fie hărțuiți juridic. Iar dacă vorbim despre agresiune, haideți să ne gândim, este un proiect pe care l-am propus în Parlamentul României, se referea la medicii de urgență care sunt agresați adeseori, să încadrăm, să dăm o nouă încadrare juridică agresării jurnalistului aflat în misiune, cea de ultraj, dacă vreți similar polițistului sau jandarmului, în așa fel încât orice astfel de fapte să nu rămână nepedepsite. Eu salut astăzi prezența dumneavoastră și sper să nu rămânem doar cu vorbe goale, pentru că unitate în diversitate înseamnă și dreptul la liberă exprimare.


  Christophe Grudler (Renew). – Madame la Présidente, rappelons que cette journée internationale en hommage aux journalistes victimes de leur devoir a été mise en place en souvenir de deux journalistes français, Ghislaine Dupont et Claude Verlon, qui ont été assassinés au Mali le 2 novembre 2013.

En douze ans, 1 000 journalistes ont été tués pour simplement avoir voulu informer. Aujourd’hui, il y a au moins 250 journalistes emprisonnés à travers le monde. La moitié se trouve en Égypte, en Chine ou en Turquie. Lorsque des journalistes sont pris pour cible, c’est la démocratie et la liberté de pensée qui sont attaquées. Je terminerai par un cas particulier d’actualité: le journaliste et écrivain turc Ahmet Altan vient d’être à nouveau arrêté, une semaine après avoir été libéré et être sorti de prison. J’exhorte les autorités turques à le libérer immédiatement. Montrez au monde votre attachement à la liberté de la presse, montrez au monde votre volonté, non pas de vous isoler, mais de faire un pas vers un monde plus juste.


  Hannah Neumann (Verts/ALE). – Madam President, information is the enemy of repression, and that is why repressive regimes target journalists first. They intimidate them; they block media outlets; they kill them. And when they get away with it, they move on. Social media is blocked; tweets can get you into prison. Next, the internet is shut down. But how can we actually know what is happening on the streets of Baghdad, Hong Kong, Santiago de Chile if no one is left to report? Tonight, I received a message from a friend in Iraq. ‘Every night at six,’ he said, ‘they shut down the internet and then they come and kill us and no one is there to watch.’ Sadly, this friend is right. Impunity of crimes against journalists just encourages another round of violence and repression. I want us to break this pattern here and elsewhere because there can never be freedom without freedom of the press.


  Mathilde Androuët (ID). – Madame la Présidente, le journalisme indépendant est l’outil incontournable de la transparence et donc un pilier essentiel à la construction de la conscience démocratique.

Toute atteinte aux journalistes doit légitimement nous indigner. Je voudrais toutefois rappeler l’assassinat du journaliste Jamal Khashoggi, le 2 octobre 2018, au consulat d’Arabie Saoudite à Istanbul, en Turquie. De telles atrocités – on parle dans ce cas, quand même, de démembrement! – n’ont pourtant pas ralenti les multiples preuves d’affection de nos dirigeants européens à l’égard des coupables et des complices.

De plus, s’il est normal de condamner des crimes perpétrés contre les journalistes extra-européens, j’aimerais entendre la même chose quand nos journalistes, sur le sol européen, subissent des menaces de mort. Dénoncer les crimes, c’est bien; les empêcher, c’est encore mieux. En France, aujourd’hui, à la date anniversaire des attentats du Bataclan, Mme Zineb El Rhazoui et M. Zemmour, tous deux journalistes et, pour la première, victime d’attentat, subissent des menaces de mort ou de violence, parfois relayées voire encouragées sur les plateaux de télévision. J’aimerais donc entendre ici une condamnation ferme et unanime contre toute forme de violence à l’égard de tous les journalistes, sans exception et sans considération pour leurs opinions. La dénonciation des crimes ne se nourrit pas de mots mais d’actes politiques concrets.


  David Casa (PPE). – Sinjura President, fil-maġġoranza tal-każi, l-atti kriminali kontra l-ġurnalisti jistgħu jsiru biss meta dawk li jkunu nkixfu jibqgħu fil-poter. Huwa proprju hawnhekk meta l-ġurnalisti jispiċċaw f’riskju.

L-akbar eżempju huwa ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia naturalment. Hija kixfet dettalji gravi ta’ kriminalità u korruzzjoni minn nies fil-poter u għadhom sal-ġurnata tal-lum imexxu l-Uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru f’Malta. U għadhom sal-lum imexxu l-Power Station li dwarha hemm suspetti kbar ta' korruzzjoni. Dawn huma nies korrotti u, wara dak li seħħ fil-Qorti din il-ġimgħa, nistgħu ngħiduha aktar bla tlaqliq.

Keith Schembri, iċ-Chief of Staff tal-Prim Ministru ta' Malta, baqa’ jinsisti li ma jweġibx mistoqsijiet marbuta mal-investigazzjonijiet li kienet qiegħda tagħmel Daphne Caruana Galizia għax, fi kliemu, jinkrimina lilu nnifsu, u xorta baqa’ jmexxi l-aktar uffiċċju b’saħħtu f’Malta! Uffiċċju li għandu poteri kbar fuq il-Pulizija! Mhux ta’ b’xejn il-Gvern Malti għadu ma jridx jisma' mill-Kunsill tal-Ewropa. Qiegħed jibqa’ jinsisti l-Gvern ta' Malta li ma jagħmilx inkjesta pubblika indipendenti ta’ vera dwar il-qtil ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia. Mhux ta' b'xejn illi, jekk b'miraklu l-Gvern jagħmel inkjesta indipendenti, iridu li r-rapport tal-inkjesta jibqa' moħbi mill-pubbliku.

U rrid hawn qabel nagħlaq nirringrazzja, Sinjura President, lill-membri ta' din il-kamra, minn kull aspett politiku ta' din il-kamra, li llum għadhom qegħdin jinsistu li l-istorja ta' Daphne għadha ħajja f'din l-istituzzjoni tant importanti fl-Unjoni Ewropea u li m'aħniex ser nieqfu sakemm inkunu nafu l-verità dwar il-qtil ta' Daphne u ta' Ján Kuciak.


  Daniel Freund (Verts/ALE). – Frau Präsidentin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Daphne Galizia und Ján Kuciak sind nur zwei Beispiele von Journalisten, die mitten in Europa ermordet wurden.

Sie wurden ermordet, weil sie Korruption aufgedeckt haben. Ihre Schicksale sind allerdings nur die Spitze des Eisbergs, denn auch hier in Europa geraten immer mehr Journalisten unter Druck, werden drangsaliert, gefeuert, angegriffen oder eben sogar ermordet. Ich will es ganz deutlich sagen: Es gibt keine Pressefreiheit, wenn Recherchen zu Korruption mitten in Europa mit dem Tod enden. Doch ohne Journalisten, ohne freie, ohne vielfältige Presse, gibt es keine Demokratie. Ohne Journalisten gibt es keine Kontrolle der Mächtigen, wo andere Institutionen versagen, und ohne Journalisten öffnen wir Korruption und Vetternwirtschaft Tür und Tor.

Deshalb ist der Schutz dieser wichtigen Aufgabe, die die Journalisten erfüllen, eine der Kernaufgaben unserer Demokratie. Wenn unsere Mitgliedstaaten, die Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union, bei diesem Schutz versagen, die Grundrechte hier in der Union nicht schützen, dann muss die EU eingreifen und notfalls den Mitgliedstaaten die Mittel kürzen. Denn es muss unser Versprechen als Europäisches Parlament an die Journalisten sein, dass wir alles tun, um diese essenzielle Aufgabe zu schützen.


  Радан Кънев (PPE). – Г-жо Председател, днес обсъждаме ужасяващи престъпления срещу журналисти. Но обсъждаме ли защо се стига до тези престъпления? Обсъждаме безнаказаността, но обсъждаме ли какви са корените, какъв е пътят, по който стигаме до тази безнаказаност?

А това са, на първо място, цензурата в медиите, на второ място – автоцензурата на собственици на медии, които са готови дори да уволнят най-добрите си журналисти, за да се предпазят от преследване от властта и от мафията. Натискът на самата власт върху свободните медии, подкупването на властта, на медиите, включително подкупването на медии с пари на Европейския съюз, концентрацията и монополите в медийната сфера – това са основите на безнаказаността, това е причината престъпниците да са толкова смели в покушенията си срещу медиите.

Но всичко това – и цензурата, и автоцензурата, и натискът, и подкупването, и монополите, са реалните престъпления срещу свободата на медиите и срещу правата на гражданите. Това са престъпления, които не се случват един, два, три пъти на десетилетие в отделни държави. Случват се всеки ден в моята родина и в още много държави – членки на Европейския съюз.


  Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Paní předsedající, demokratická společnost musí chránit a podporovat nezávislost médií a novinářů, a to i včetně finančních zdrojů. Jsme svědky toho, že i v zemích Evropské unie jsou novináři pod tlakem. Jsou vydíráni, omezováni. Dokonce vražděni. Daphne Galiziová, Ján Kuciak toho věděli příliš mnoho. Proto museli zemřít, aby byli umlčeni navždy. Ale já věřím, že nezemřeli zbytečně. Jejich poselství žije a lidé zvedli svůj hlas proti jejich vrahům.

Také Evropský parlament si je připomíná stejně jako desítky dalších, kteří zemřeli v místech svého domova nebo i za hranicemi Evropy. Vyzýváme na jejich ochranu. A tím prvním, zásadním opatřením je to, že jejich vraždy budou vyšetřeny a vrahové budou potrestáni. Věřím, že toho dosáhneme.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Jude Kirton-Darling (S&D). – Madam President, media and press freedom are cornerstones of civilised societies and it’s right that we pay tribute to those who have been killed in the course of reporting the news and investigating in the public interest.

But while we remember the more than 1 000 journalists killed globally in the past 12 years, we must be outspoken in defence of those subject to sustained harassment and abuse today. And I’d like to draw particular attention to the case of the staff of the BBC Persian service who’ve been subject to sustained persecution by the Iranian authorities, as have their families, inside Iran. These are mainly EU—Iranian dual nationals, mainly female journalists, and what’s particularly sinister in this case is the targeting via sexual defamation and harassment of these journalists.

We should recognise that this is a trend growing around the world. Female journalists are three times more likely to be subject to abuse than their male counterparts are. We can’t wring our hands about this any longer. We need action to protect our journalists from today.


  Manon Aubry (GUE/NGL). – Madame la Présidente, à l’occasion de ce débat sur les crimes à l’encontre des journalistes, je souhaitais moi aussi rendre hommage à la journaliste Daphné Caruana Galizia, assassinée il y a tout juste deux ans. Assassinée parce qu’elle avait osé dénoncer des scandales de corruption impliquant d’importants responsables politiques maltais; assassinée parce qu’elle avait réalisé un travail d’investigation remarquable et d’intérêt public; assassinée parce qu’elle avait osé faire tout simplement son travail de journaliste.

Les pressions, les intimidations dont sont victimes les journalistes qui s’attaquent aux puissants sont un enjeu démocratique majeur et la tendance actuelle s’aggrave et n’est pas rassurante, y compris en France, où des journalistes couvrant des manifestations ont été victimes de violences policières et où des médias enquêtant sur les ventes d’armes françaises au Yémen ont été convoqués par les services de renseignement.

Comment alors tolérer de telles pressions, une telle restriction de la liberté de la presse? Les ONG et les citoyens qui lancent l’alerte ont besoin d’une presse indépendante, qui ne soit pas aux mains d’un certain nombre très limité d’acteurs et qui soit en capacité d’informer le grand public. Je l’ai vu dans le passé dans mon travail à Oxfam pour lutter contre l’évasion fiscale, les journalistes sont souvent le dernier rempart face à l’impunité totale.

Pour finir, je voulais citer Beaumarchais: «sans la liberté de blâmer, il n’est pas d’éloge flatteur». Pour avoir pris cette liberté, certains comme Daphné en ont payé un terrible prix, alors plus que jamais, protégeons cette liberté sans laquelle nos démocraties ne seraient plus qu’une fiction.


  Carmen Avram (S&D). – Madam President, as a former journalist, I very much cherish the International Day to end impunity for crimes against journalists around the world and I want to pay tribute to those who were killed while trying to find out the truth, and because of that. Journalists and their work are essential for any healthy democratic society. I want to take this opportunity to stress that their vital mission is not only hampered when journalists are killed or imprisoned but that also, very often now, their daily lives and work are being made difficult in many ways.

Reporters Without Borders published their flagship annual World Press Freedom Index in April this year, revealing that worldwide, authoritarian regimes continue to tighten their grip on the media. Europe itself, according to the document, has its share of incidents, with the work of investigative reporters being obstructed more and more. European journalists are subject to many forms of pressure, intimidation and, increasingly, to judicial harassment.

I myself, as a former journalist, as I said, know many cases and witnessed various obstacles, from threats to violence, in the daily work of my fellow colleagues from Romania, with basically none of these incidents being punished or even investigated. Therefore, we must never forget the importance of journalists, the increasingly dangerous environment they are working in and we must find an efficient way to protect them, because we need the truth.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Julian King, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, thank you for this debate. We very much agree that we should be very concerned about crimes against journalists and impunity for such crimes wherever that is taking place. But in particular, as many of you have underlined, we also have to focus on our own countries, the European Union, because these things do happen on our own doorstep and, as a number of you have underlined, a free media, a media where journalists can report on any topic, on all platforms, without needing to censor themselves is a cornerstone of our societies. Indeed, that journalistic freedom of expression is a key part of the values that we seek to defend in our European Union.

The points that you have raised, including some of the new, detailed, points that have been raised, are very important to us. I set out briefly some of the things that we are already doing and planning to do, but we will now study very closely some of the additional suggestions that you have raised. This subject will be a key subject for the new Commission, taken forward by my colleague Commissioner Jourová, who would have very much liked to be with you this evening. This is one of the subjects that she holds very close to her heart and you can count on her to pursue it vigorously.


  Tytti Tuppurainen, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, honourable Members, thank you very much for your very important interventions.

Let me assure you, once again, that the Presidency and the Council as a whole is committed to the fight against impunity for crimes against journalists. The freedoms of expression and the press enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights need to be guaranteed in all Member States, and those who fall victim to crimes must receive justice. The killing of Daphne Caruana Galizia proves that no region of the world is immune to such crimes. We reiterate our commitment to combatting impunity for crimes against journalists and to continue using all appropriate means possible to respect and to protect freedom of expression and to ensure the safety of journalists and media workers. The EU already provides financial and expert support for human rights defenders and media monitoring in the EU. We, further, foster the protection of journalists, bloggers and media workers in many countries with financial and expert support. May I also remind you that media pluralism and the rights of journalists are also an important aspect of the rule of law, which is a high priority of the Finnish Council Presidency. We are tireless in protecting the respect of the rule of law.

We will continue to watch very closely the relevant investigations and we will stand firmly behind journalists around the world. I can assure you that the Council has taken careful note of the views expressed here today on this very important issue. Thank you very much for this debate again.


  President. – The debate is closed.

Written statements (Rule 171)


  Caterina Chinnici (S&D), per iscritto. – La stampa svolge, come afferma la Corte EDU, un ruolo fondamentale di public watchdog, anche nel contrasto alla criminalità organizzata. Come riconosciuto dalle autorità giudiziarie e di polizia, sono molte le inchieste giornalistiche che hanno aperto la strada a sviluppi investigativi e giudiziari significativi; il lavoro dei giornalisti costituisce inoltre uno degli elementi attraverso i quali deve passare quel cambiamento culturale necessario ad affrontare la sfida che il crimine organizzato pone a livello europeo. Di ciò sono consapevoli le stesse organizzazioni criminali: decine sono infatti i reporter sotto protezione perché vittime di minacce ed aggressioni a causa del loro lavoro d'inchiesta, e purtroppo molti hanno pagato con la vita questo impegno. Mezzi di informazione liberi, e pertanto in grado di assolvere al proprio compito, costituiscono uno dei fondamenti della società democratica, garanzia dello Stato di diritto e dei valori fondamentali. Per proteggere i giornalisti, dobbiamo non solo assicurare alla giustizia i responsabili dei crimini contro le loro libertà, ma anche affrontare su basi comuni il fenomeno, di dimensione ormai transnazionale, del crimine organizzato, attraverso l'armonizzazione delle normative nazionali, perché le differenze tra queste non costituiscano più un vantaggio per i gruppi criminali.


  Tanja Fajon (S&D), pisno. – Za vsakim novinarjem, ki dobi Pulitzerjevo nagrado, leži 100 novinarjev, ki so bili ubiti in umorjeni ob opravljanju svojega poklica. Nemogoče pa je prešteti tiste novinarje, ki so žrtve cenzure, šikaniranja, pritiskov, odpustov, ki so zaprti, mučeni, ker želijo dobro opravljati svoje delo. Teh novinarjev je v svetu vse več, ker je pritisk kapitalskih lastnikov, interesnih združenj in politikov nanje vse večji. Ne glede na stran, od koder pritiski prihajajo, in ne glede na državo, kjer se dogajajo, jih je treba ostro obsoditi, jih raziskati in kaznovati kršitelje.

Dolžnost naših vlad, tudi slovenske, je, da ustvarjajo razmere, v katerih imajo novinarji odprta vrata pri posredovanju informacij. Dolžnost novinarjev pa je, da poročajo nepristransko in brez lažnih novic. Samo tako lahko računamo na dobro obveščeno in osveščeno javnost.


  Urmas Paet (Renew), kirjalikult. – Vaba ja sõltumatu ajakirjandus aitab kaasa õiglasele ühiskonnale ning aitab tagada vastutuse kandmist nii valitsustel, ettevõtetel kui ühiskonnas suuremalt. Kahjuks kannab ajakirjanike töö endaga kaasas riske ning viimaste aastate jooksul on rünnakute arv ajakirjanike vastu aina tõusnud. Eelmisel aastal tapeti 94 ajakirjanikku. Sel aastal tapeti jõhkralt Saudi ajakirjanik Jamal Khashoggi, mõni aasta tagasi tapeti ajakirjanik Daphne Caruana Galizia Maltal – ELi liikmesriigis. Jätkuvalt on nii, et valitsused ei suuda ja tihti ka ei soovi ajakirjanikke kaitsta ega võtta vastutusele neid, kes on ajakirjanike tapmiste ja rünnakute taga. Tõusuteel on ka rünnakud naisajakirjanike vastu. Suutmata kaitsta ajakirjanikke ja väljendusvabadust ühiskonnas kahjustame me tõsiselt võimekust olla informeeritud ning teha selle pinnalt teadlikke valikuid ja otsuseid. Liikmesriigid peavad seisma selle eest, et tagada ajakirjanikele turvaline keskkond, ning et nende ründajad saaksid vastutusele võetud.

Последно осъвременяване: 7 февруари 2020 г.Правна информация - Политика за поверителност