Der Präsident. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über die Erklärungen des Rates und der Kommission zum Beitritt der EU zum Übereinkommen von Istanbul und weiteren Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt (2019/2855(RSP)).
Ich möchte Sie daran erinnen, dass Anträge auf spontane Wortmeldungen und blaue Karten sowohl mithilfe des herkömmlichen Verfahrens als auch über das elektronische System gestellt werden können. Eine Anleitung liegt am Eingang zum Plenarsaal aus.
Tytti Tuppurainen,amtierende Ratspräsidentin. – Herzlichen Dank, sehr geehrter Herr Präsident! Ich brauche noch einen Moment, ich bin gerade gekommen.
Mr President, I would like to begin by thanking Parliament for the invitation to take part in this debate, which addresses the very important issue of violence against women and domestic violence. This is particularly important today, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – that’s why we all have something orange with us.
Combating all forms of violence against women is a core element of respect for fundamental rights. In 2017, the Fundamental Rights Agency underlined the need for EU institutions and Member States to maintain their commitment to safeguarding the dignity of all women and girls in the European Union. The Fundamental Rights Report from 2019 encourages Member States to continue their efforts to effectively uphold victims’ rights and ensure rights awareness, access to appropriate support services, and effective remedies available to all victims of crime.
The Council has repeatedly expressed its commitment to preventing and eliminating all forms of violence against women, and it considers the Istanbul Convention a powerful tool in this fight. It’s a ground-breaking legal instrument, and monitoring of the implementation of the Convention has already shown that it is having a positive impact on the lives of women across Europe. As you know, Parliament, the Commission and the Council agree that the Istanbul Convention is a mixed convention which covers EU competences as well as Member States’ competences. Insofar as the Member States are concerned, we can note with satisfaction that by now all 28 Member States have signed the Istanbul Convention and that, to date, 21 Member States have also ratified it.
Insofar as the Union is concerned, on 11 May 2017, the Council decided that the European Union could sign the Convention. The Union signed the Convention on 13 June 2017. However, the proposed decision for the Union to conclude the Convention is still pending within the Council, together with the draft code of conduct setting out the arrangements between the Council, the Commission and the Member States for the implementation of the Convention.
The Finnish Presidency has continued working on the EU’s accession to the Istanbul Convention. The Union has signed the Convention, and the accession would enable better data collection and more accountability. We have also encouraged those Member States that still have not ratified the Istanbul convention to do so without delay. However, regard must be had to the fact that – as you are fully aware – in April this year, Parliament decided to request from the Court of Justice an opinion on the appropriate legal basis and the Council’s procedure for the accession to the Istanbul Convention. The Council will, of course, submit written observations to Parliament’s request for the Court’s opinion in due time.
On a more general note, the European Union protects women and children from gender-based violence through legislation and practical measures to defend victims’ rights. The 2012 Directive establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime, for example, places strong emphasis on access to appropriate support, including specialised support for women and children who have been victims of different forms of violence.
The European Union raises awareness of gender-based violence through co—funding campaigns run by national governments, and supports transnational projects run by non-governmental organisations that combat violence against women, children and young people. It facilitates the identification of common solutions among Member States by organising exchanges of good practices, and conducts research on gender-based violence.
I would like to conclude by reassuring you that the Council attaches great importance to this issue. The Presidency will continue working towards the conclusion of the Istanbul Convention by the European Union. We need to continue to seek solutions.
Miguel Arias Cañete,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, thank you for the occasion to discuss European Union accession to the Istanbul Convention and other measures to combat gender-based violence. First, allow me to congratulate the newly appointed co-rapporteurs on the file, Ms Spurek and Ms Kokalari.
Violence against women is widespread globally. Today’s International Day Against Violence Against Women reminds us again and again about the millions of victims of this phenomenon. The European Parliament and the Commission have always been strong allies in combating violence against women. The Istanbul Convention is an example of this cooperation: although we have not yet achieved our common main goal, Parliament’s strong stance has facilitated the role of the Commission and helped in keeping the European Union’s accession on the political agenda. I hope that this cooperation will continue in the future.
The Convention is the best available international legal tool for the protection of victims of gender-based and domestic violence through a joint European framework. The Commission President-elect clearly stated that European Union accession to the Convention remains a priority for the Commission in the new mandate. Twenty-one European Union Member States have already ratified the Convention. Based on the discussions so far in the Council working party, there should be enough support for a qualified majority of Member States to conclude also European Union accession. We should therefore remain committed to a swift ratification. Commissioner—designate Dalli has been mandated to finalise the ongoing accession process and, as she stated in her hearing in front of this House, she will do her utmost to achieve this goal.
In some Member States, national ratification was widely debated in public. The Commission will continue working with civil society organisations and the Council of Europe to rectify the misunderstandings and misconceptions spread during these debates. However, if unblocking the negotiations at the Council turns out to be an insurmountable task, the President-elect has confirmed that alternative ways to better support victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence will be explored. She also announced that the new Commission could look into the possibility of proposing minimum standards regarding the definition of certain types of violence.
The Victims’ Rights Directive is the main European Union law on victims’ rights. It provides for a set of rights for all victims of all crimes, including victims of gender-based violence. Although the Directive entered into application in Member States in 2015, most Member States still have not transposed it fully. Correct implementation of the Victims’ Rights Directive is a Commission priority. We need to ensure that all victims can rely on their rights, independently of where in the European Union the crime took place.
Legislation is not the only way forward: a comprehensive set of policy measures is needed to ensure that violence against women is tackled in a comprehensive and holistic manner. To provide the still—missing data on this phenomenon, Eurostat already started to work on a survey on gender-based violence in 2016. The questionnaire and methodology will be finalised by 2019 for the action to start in 2020 and end in September 2022 at the latest.
Arba Kokalari, för PPE-gruppen. – Herr talman! Våld mot kvinnor är ett av våra stora samhällsproblem i dag. Var tredje kvinna i EU har utstått fysiskt och sexuellt våld. Detta är oacceptabelt. EU måste ha en kraftfull enad front mot dem som våldför sig mot kvinnor och ge kraftfullt skydd mot offren.
Därför måste Istanbulkonventionen bli gällande i alla EU-länder och vi måste markera mot de länder som har ignorerat detta problem alltför länge. EU är ju trots allt en värdegemenskap där mänskliga fri- och rättigheter och demokratiska principer ska respekteras för att skydda våra medborgare. Låt oss då visa att våld och förtryck i vårt samhälle aldrig kommer att tolereras och att vi på allvar tar kampen för ett jämställt samhälle fritt från våld.
Iratxe García Pérez, en nombre del Grupo S&D. – Señor presidente. Hoy es un día importante: 25 de noviembre, Día internacional contra la violencia de género. Porque, a pesar de lo que los negacionistas defiendan, la violencia de género existe y, si no, que se lo digan a los huérfanos y a las huérfanas que dejan de tener una madre; que se lo digan a las madres que pierden el mayor tesoro de sus vidas; que se lo digan a quienes han visto truncadas sus vidas, su sueño, su futuro.
Hoy, a esos que niegan la violencia de género, miles y miles de mujeres y de hombres les han dejado un mensaje muy claro en las calles europeas, las han teñido de morado y han dicho muy claro: «No estáis solas, estamos con vosotras».
Y las instituciones europeas también deben comprometerse en la lucha contra la violencia de género. Es indispensable. Es necesario que haya una ratificación ya del Convenio de Estambul contra la violencia de género, porque esa será la primera pieza de una legislación europea que proteja a las mujeres.
Y es necesaria también una estrategia europea de igualdad de la futura Comisión Europea.
Necesitamos poner las bases de un compromiso claro hacia lo que tiene que ser una Europa más igualitaria, una Europa que proteja a sus mujeres, una Europa que no permita la mayor lacra que existe en estos momentos en Europa y en el mundo: mujeres que son asesinadas por eso, por ser mujeres.
Un último mensaje a los partidos políticos que niegan la existencia de la violencia de género y también a los partidos políticos que les blanquean y negocian con ellos: «Somos más, somos fuertes. No estáis solas».
María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, en nombre del Grupo Renew. – Señor presidente, en Europa una de cada tres mujeres ha experimentado algún tipo de violencia sexual, una de cada veinte ha sido violada y cerca de ciento treinta y siete mujeres alrededor del mundo mueren todos los días a manos de sus parejas o exparejas.
Mi país, desgraciadamente, no es una excepción. En este año cincuenta y una mujeres han muerto asesinadas víctimas de la violencia de género y, desde que tenemos datos oficiales, mil veintisiete han sido asesinadas por esta lacra.
No son solo cifras. Son nombres, son vidas. Detrás de ellas hay hijos e hijas huérfanos condenados a vivir sin el apoyo, sin el amor, sin la caricia de sus madres. Y tampoco de sus padres, que son los homicidas y los verdugos de su tragedia.
Por eso, hoy, desde el Parlamento, en este Día internacional contra la violencia de género, pedimos a todos los Estados que aún no han ratificado el Convenio de Estambul, el primer instrumento internacional, legal y vinculante para luchar contra la violencia de género, que lo hagan. Se lo decimos a Bulgaria, a Chequia, a Hungría, a Lituania, a Letonia, a Eslovaquia y al Reino Unido. Y a aquellos países que ya lo han ratificado, les pedimos que implementen el Convenio de Estambul en sus legislaciones nacionales.
Mañana votamos una nueva Comisión y también, con esta Resolución, le pedimos a la nueva Comisión que elabore una estrategia europea para luchar contra la violencia de género y que introduzca en la lista de ...
(El presidente retira la palabra a la oradora).
Terry Reintke, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, every three days, one woman is killed by her partner or ex-partner in Germany alone. Every three days – that would mean today, this Thursday, and then the following Sunday, and so on. Not out of jealousy or because there is a family drama behind it or any other reason, but because of a murderous, toxic, violent understanding of masculinity that simply needs to be stopped. In this debate, we very often feel powerless. We feel like we cannot change this overarching problem, but actually, we can.
The Istanbul Convention has been drafted by legal experts, scholars, politicians and psychologists because they did not want to wait any longer. I do not want to wait any longer. I have heard all the excuses that you can imagine – about definitions, about paragraphs, and about anything that you can think of. I tell all the member states of the Council of Europe here today, and especially the members of the European Union: ratify this Convention now. Otherwise, at least be honest enough that you don’t care enough about violence against women.
Ivan David, za skupinu ID. – Podle článku 39 jednacího řádu navrhuji, aby projednávání tohoto aktu bylo přerušeno za účelem přezkoumání právního základu, protože podle čl. 218 odst. 8 Smlouvy o fungování Evropské unie může Evropská unie přistoupit k mezinárodní smlouvě pouze na základě jednomyslného souhlasu všech členských států. Například vlády České republiky, Slovenska a Maďarska tento souhlas podle národních ústav nemohou udělit, protože parlamenty těchto zemí Istanbulskou smlouvu neratifikovaly.
Zdůrazňuji, že tyto země přijaly všechna požadovaná právní opatření proti násilí na ženách, která jsou v této úmluvě zakotvena. V trestním zákoně máme definovány všechny úmluvou požadované trestné činy. Máme nástroje, které chrání oběti domácího násilí, jako je vykázání agresora, máme z veřejných rozpočtů dotované útulky pro oběti. To, co odmítáme, je uložení povinnosti dotovat nevládní neziskové genderové organizace. Ratifikace úmluvy ani přistoupení Evropské unie jako celku nijak nezvýší bezpečnost žen před násilím. Turecko úmluvu ratifikovalo. Loni 8. března se v Istanbulu konal pochod žen při příležitosti Mezinárodního dne žen. Na příkaz prezidenta Erdogana byl policií a armádou brutálně rozehnán střelbou gumovými projektily a vodními děly. Tři sta žen bylo zraněno, neměly totiž na hlavách tradiční šátky. Po této zkušenosti zní samotný název Islanbulská úmluva poněkud podivně.
Der Präsident. – Vielen Dank, Herr Kollege David. Sie haben sich auf die Geschäftsordnung bezogen. Wir haben leider den Artikel nicht genau verstanden.
Ivan David (ID). – To je mi líto. Mám to zopakovat? Byl to článek 39 jednacího řádu a čl. 218 odst. 8 Smlouvy o fungování Evropské unie.
Der Präsident. – Herr Kollege! Ihr Geschäftsordnungsantrag erfüllt leider nicht die formalen Voraussetzungen. Artikel 39 Absatz 2 spricht von einer unteren Schwelle, das heißt, diesem Antrag muss sich eine Fraktion anschließen, der zuständige Ausschuss oder mindestens 5 % der Abgeordneten. Das sehe ich gegenwärtig nicht. Deshalb kann ich Ihrem Geschäftsordnungsantrag nicht folgen.
Jadwiga Wiśniewska, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Stanowczo sprzeciwiamy się przemocy w każdej formie. Obchodzony dziś Międzynarodowy Dzień przeciw Przemocy wobec Kobiet jest okazją do tego, by przytoczyć kilka faktów. W XXI wieku skala okaleczeń narządów płciowych kobiet, w tym dziewczynek, sięga blisko 200 tysięcy każdego roku. Handel kobietami generuje rocznie, uwaga, 12 miliardów dolarów. Jednym z głównych ośrodków handlu kobietami jest Europa. Codziennie na świecie zawieranych jest 40 tysięcy przymusowych małżeństw, z czego ponad 10 tysięcy dotyczy dziewczynek poniżej piętnastego roku życia, co jest de facto pedofilią. Handel kobietami, gwałty, molestowanie seksualne, dręczenie fizyczne i psychiczne, to całe zło dzieje się mimo tego, że jest prawnie zakazane. Dlatego nie sądzę, że kolejne przepisy prawne rozwiążą te straszne, brutalne problemy. Konwencja stambulska nie jest lekiem na...
(Przewodniczący odebrał mówczyni głos).
Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señor presidente, hoy han matado a Sara, tenía 26 años. En España, desde que empezamos a contar, llevamos más de mil mujeres asesinadas por las personas a quienes amaban, con las que dormían y compartían su vida, y no somos una excepción en Europa.
Sin embargo, proliferan por todas partes las fuerzas negacionistas de la violencia machista, que incitan al odio por motivos de género y han declarado una guerra contra las mujeres. Por culpa de la extrema derecha, el Convenio de Estambul está pendiente de ratificación en la Unión Europea y en varios países, y los que lo han ratificado no lo aplican en su totalidad. Los Estados no se molestan siquiera en recabar datos fiables. La información que tenemos sobre feminicidios, mutilación genital femenina, trata y explotación sexual es incompleta o parcial.
Necesitamos que la Unión Europea ratifique el Convenio de Estambul y lo incorpore a su legislación, que lo ratifiquen también todos los Estados miembros. Necesitamos una directiva que reconozca todas las formas de violencia de género y que incluya medidas de prevención, protección y reparación a las sobrevivientes; necesitamos homogeneizar los tipos penales para que se llame a las cosas por su nombre, se apliquen penas adecuadas y se escuche a las mujeres: «¡No es abuso, es violación!», «¡Hermana, yo sí te creo!». Las mujeres no estamos completamente a salvo en la Unión Europea. Hoy se llama Sara y es española. Mañana podemos ser cualquiera de nosotras.
Milan Uhrík (NI). – Pán predsedajúci, každý rozumný človek odmieta násilie, obzvlášť násilie voči ženám a deťom. Istanbulský dohovor je v mnohých ohľadoch dobrý, ale zneužíva tému ochrany žien na presadzovanie zvrátenej gender ideológie, pretože v tomto dohovore žena nie je definovaná biologicky, ale ako spoločnosťou vytvorená rola a vzor správania.
To znamená, že podľa tohto dohovoru budú oficiálne za ženy považovaní už aj transvestiti a spoločnosť a ostatní ľudia sa budú musieť tváriť, že sú slepí, a k týmto transvestitom sa budú musieť správať rovnako ako k normálnym ženám. Páni komisári, to kam chcete Európu dostať?
Národná rada Slovenskej republiky ústavnou väčšinou, opakujem ústavnou väčšinou, odmietla schváliť tento dohovor, a vy nám to teraz chcete z pozície Európskej únie nanútiť? Veď to je nehoráznosť.
Dokážeme ženy ochrániť aj bez tohto zbytočného dohovoru, pretože žiadny papier, žiadny takýto účelový dohovor šialencov, ktorí chcú ubližovať ženám, aj tak nezastaví.
Ελισσάβετ Βόζεμπεργκ-Βρυωνίδη (PPE). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κάθε χρόνο τέτοια μέρα θυμόμαστε ότι το 1999 η Γενική Συνέλευση του ΟΗΕ ανακήρυξε την 25η Νοεμβρίου ως Διεθνή ημέρα για την εξάλειψη της βίας κατά των γυναικών. Διαχρονικά, όμως, διαπιστώνουμε ότι το φαινόμενο συνεχίζεται και διευρύνεται. 137 γυναίκες δολοφονούνται καθημερινά παγκοσμίως από σύντροφο ή συγγενή τους, ενώ αυξάνονται ανησυχητικά τα περιστατικά ενδοοικογενειακής βίας, στα οποία 70% και άνω των θυμάτων είναι γυναίκες. Σωματική, ψυχολογική, οικονομική, λεκτική, σεξουαλική, διαδικτυακή, κάθε μορφή βίας αποτελεί το αποκρουστικό πρόσωπο της σύγχρονης κοινωνίας, κατάντια για την Ευρώπη των αξιών και ντροπή για τον δυτικό πολιτισμό.
Η Σύμβαση της Κωνσταντινούπολης είναι το πλήρες νομοθέτημα με προληπτική και κατασταλτική λειτουργία και με προστασία των θυμάτων. Γι’ αυτό είναι ανάγκη να κυρωθεί από όλα τα κράτη μέλη, αλλά κυρίως από την ίδια την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Μόνο έτσι η Ευρώπη θα αποκτήσει ηγετικό ρόλο στην άσκηση ουσιαστικής πολιτικής πίεσης.
Sylwia Spurek (S&D). – Mr President, it’s nearly two decades into the 21st century and we still find ourselves in the situation where gender-based violence and domestic violence are an everyday experience for many women in the EU. Ratification of the Istanbul Convention by the EU has been stalled for some time now due to a conspiracy theory about the so-called ‘gender ideology’, which the conservatives cynically exploit in order to scare public opinion.
As progressive, responsible politicians, we must say very clearly that there is no gender ideology. Justifying a lack of action to prevent and fight violence with a phoney discourse is not acceptable. Gender-based violence and domestic violence are gross violations of human rights, and we must do everything to stop them, including the accession of the EU to the Istanbul Convention. It’s time for the European Union to take a leading role in the full implementation of women’s human rights. I’m saying this as a lawyer, as a former Deputy Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Poland, as a feminist, and as a person who has been dealing with women’s human rights for 20 years. It is time to act now.
Yana Toom (Renew). – Mr President, I am disappointed. Eight years after the adoption of this revolutionary Convention, we are still discussing how to implement it, at least on a minimum level. Instead of moving forward, instead of exchanging and implementing best practices, we seem to agree that even those Member States which have ratified the Convention, or at least some of them, do not take it seriously.
Did we all criminalise mental violence? No. Did we all give victims of domestic violence the opportunity to live a normal life? No. In some countries, including, unfortunately, my home country, Estonia, we still try to reconcile victims and tyrants. I have to underline that, according to the police, women only seek help after being beaten 36 times. What reconciliation can we speak about? It obviously doesn’t work.
So my message is: of course it is extremely important to put pressure on those Member States which have still not ratified the Convention, but we also have to be critical of those that already have, because some of them did it only on paper.
Christine Anderson (ID). – Herr Präsident! Heute ist der Internationale Tag zur Beseitigung der Gewalt gegen Frauen. In meiner Heimatstadt wurde heute vor einem Monat eine Frau von ihrem Ehemann mit dem Auto überfahren, der Mann hat dann auf offener Straße versucht, seine Frau mit einer Axt zu enthaupten. An einem zu ihren Ehren in diesen Minuten stattfindenden Trauermarsch hätte ich gerne teilgenommen, sende aber nun in meine Heimatstadt, nach Limburg, meine aufrichtige Anteilnahme und hoffe, Sana ist nun in einer besseren Welt.
Eine Kultur der Frauenverachtung breitet sich in ganz Europa aus. Männer oder Männergruppen, wie man sie in Deutschland nennt, messen ihre toxische Maskulinität – die Kollegin ist gerade gegangen – an der Grausamkeit, mit der sie sich Respekt verschaffen und ihre Ehre wiederherstellen. Schluss mit diesen symbolischen Betroffenheitsbekundungen! Einer frauenverachtenden Kultur mit Toleranz zu begegnen, beseitigt nicht die Gewalt, sondern hofiert und ermöglicht sie. Diese Kultur hat in Europa nichts verloren. Der Islam gehört nicht zu Europa!
Andżelika Anna Możdżanowska (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Szanowni Państwo! Dziś obchodzimy Międzynarodowy Dzień przeciw Przemocy wobec Kobiet. Zatrważające jest, iż codziennie na świecie z rąk członka rodziny ginie 137 kobiet. Nikt z nas wobec tego faktu nie może przechodzić obojętnie. Nie może milczeć. Pragnę podkreślić, że rząd polski w całości utożsamia się z wartościami, jakimi są prawo do równego traktowania i niedyskryminacji. Sprzeciwia się każdej formie niewolnictwa, handlu ludźmi czy przemocy. Nie tylko sprzeciwiamy się przemocy i dyskryminacji wobec kobiet, ale również skutecznie ścigamy i karzemy sprawców tej przemocy.
Konwencja poza zapisami, z którymi w pełni się zgadzamy, zawiera również szereg zapisów, które wychodzą poza zakres deklarowanych jej celów. Chcę wierzyć, że założenie, że odmienność społeczno-kulturowa ról, zachowań, cech i działań kobiet i mężczyzn są przyczyną przemocy względem kobiet, to zwykła pomyłka. Chcę wierzyć, że nie jest to celowa indoktrynacja mająca na celu wykorzenienie tradycji zwyczajów i zastąpienie ich wizją zredukowanego, nowego człowieka. Eliminujmy przemoc. Promujmy równość. Ale i pielęgnujemy różnice. To one są jedną z naszych europejskich wartości.
Malin Björk (GUE/NGL). – Herr talman! Mina vänner, vi ska prata mycket mer om genus, om gender, om makt, om feminism. Därför att det är det här det handlar om. Det handlar om att vi faktiskt kan förändra könsmaktsordningen. Den här unkna patriarkala machismen som genererar våld mot kvinnor, mot flickor och också mot hbtq-personer. Vi ska prata om det därför att vi ska skapa någonting nytt, för att vi ska sätta stopp för våldet mot kvinnor och flickor. Denna kamp pågår varje dag, inte bara i dag.
Men vad är det vi kräver i dag? Vi kräver politiska åtgärder och att alla samlar sig för att göra allt för att sätta stopp för detta våld. Vi kräver att medlemsländerna ratificerar Istanbulkonventionen. Vi kräver att man gör samtyckeslagstiftning på nationell nivå och vi kräver pengar till att bekämpa det könsbaserade våldet, speciellt i kvinnoorganisationer och kvinnojourer, och det ska ni veta där på andra sidan på högerbänkarna. Vi kommer inte att tystas. Vi kommer inte att tystas förrän vi satt stopp för detta brott mot våra mänskliga rättigheter.
Belinda De Lucy (NI). – Mr President, sexual violence against women and girls is being sanitised through language and it has to stop. Look no further than our courtrooms. The description of killing during sex as being ‘rough sex’ or ‘sex game gone wrong’ is being used as a defence in UK courtrooms and across the world. Fifty-six women in the UK have been killed by men who claim it was merely the result of ‘rough sex’. In the last five years, the defence has been used successfully in six out of 14 cases, that’s almost half. This is the message it sends out: if you kill a woman during sex, you can get off with a lighter sentence.
As online porn tries to shock for more clicks, scenes are becoming more violent. We need to keep up with the effect this is having. Women who have been killed have no voice in the courtroom against the unpalatable defence of a ‘sex game gone wrong’. Grace Millane, 22 years old, was recently murdered in New Zealand and her killer’s version of events has gone unchallenged. My thoughts go out to her family.
If we don’t name this crime accurately, we can’t fight against it properly, and not only does this mean no justice for murdered women but no deterrent for those that would murder them.
Ewa Kopacz (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Szanowni Państwo! Przemoc nie tylko wobec kobiet, ale wobec każdego człowieka jest naruszeniem jego przyrodzonej godności. Przemoc jest sprzeczna z normami cywilizacyjnymi i kulturowymi, jakie my, Europejczycy w ogromnej większości uznajemy za właściwe. Równość wszystkich ludzi wobec siebie, wyrzeczenie się przemocy w rodzinie, w społeczeństwie, we wspólnocie międzynarodowej jest nieuchronną perspektywą naszej cywilizacji, a więc warunkiem jej przetrwania. Ostatnie protesty kobiet we Francji, jak i światowy ruch #MeToo pokazują wzrost świadomości w tej kwestii nie tylko wśród kobiet. Jestem głęboko przeświadczona, że ratyfikowanie konwencji i przekonanie do jej przesłania społeczeństw jest naszym, polityków pilnym zadaniem, zadaniem na rzecz dobrej przyszłości. A przecież o to nam chodzi.
Pina Picierno (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, confesso che il dibattito di stasera è per me un dibattito doloroso. È un dibattito doloroso non solo per la memoria delle tante donne e delle tante sorelle minacciate, insultate, stuprate, ammazzate dalla violenza maschile, ma è un dibattito doloroso per la presenza esigua dei colleghi presenti, che non hanno sentito nemmeno il bisogno di rendere omaggio alla memoria di queste donne.
Ma è un dibattito doloroso, cari colleghi e caro Presidente, anche per le cose violente e gravi che ho udito da quella parte dell'Aula. Io trovo intollerabili le parole che ho ascoltato dai colleghi dell'ECR, del gruppo ID e della parte destra di questo emiciclo. È intollerabile negare ancora l'urgenza e la necessità di ratificare la Convenzione di Istanbul.
Una donna su tre, una donna su tre, che potrebbe essere vostra figlia, vostra sorella, una vostra amica, è vittima di violenza in Europa. E allora accettare ancora che si neghi l'urgenza di ratificare questa Convenzione è inaccettabile. Allora io credo che sia inaccettabile, Presidente, ascoltare ancora e ancora di più in quest'Aula le parole che abbiamo udito.
Il tempo di agire è adesso, mai più rinvii! E allora i paesi che non hanno ratificato la Convenzione – Bulgaria, Repubblica Ceca, Ungheria, Lettonia, Lituania, Slovacchia, Regno Unito – si vergognino!
(Il Presidente toglie la parola all'oratrice)
Chrysoula Zacharopoulou (Renew). – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, aujourd’hui, en ce 25 novembre 2019, je suis révoltée. Je suis révoltée parce qu’en France, cette année, 138 femmes ont été assassinées par leur conjoint. Je suis révoltée à l’idée qu’en Europe, au moins sept femmes sont tuées chaque jour parce que ce sont des femmes. Je suis révoltée car, dans le monde, nous ne savons même pas combien de féminicides sont commis. Je suis révoltée de savoir que sept États membres n’ont toujours pas ratifié la convention d’Istanbul.
Ce 25 novembre, j’ai une pensée pour toutes ces victimes et leurs proches, car les violences touchent toutes les femmes, de tous les âges, de tous les milieux, de toutes les nationalités. Elles s’appellent Rosa, Aurore, Maria, Natalia. Elles sont Espagnoles, Françaises, Allemandes, Grecques.
Pour combattre toutes ces violences, nous avons un instrument: la convention d’Istanbul. Alors, soyons Européens! Défendons nos valeurs et ratifions la convention!
Isabella Tovaglieri (ID). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, una donna su tre a livello mondiale almeno una volta nella vita è vittima di una violenza fisica o psicologica.
Queste violenze vengono perpetrate anche nei paesi considerati più evoluti, dove permangono ancora ambiti culturalmente arretrati, e questo anche a causa di flussi migratori incontrollati, provenienti da territori dove tuttora la donna è considerata profondamente sottomessa.
Non a caso in Italia il 67 % dei femminicidi è perpetrato in danno a donne straniere. In Italia però, anche grazie al codice rosso voluto dalla Lega, è aumentata anche la forza e il coraggio di denunciare queste violenze.
L'Italia ha ratificato la Convenzione di Istanbul, ma questo non è sufficiente, non basta, dobbiamo fare di più. Ecco perché io dico che tutti i giorni dell'anno devono essere considerati ricordati come il 25 novembre. Non soltanto oggi, quindi, ma anche domani, dopodomani e ogni giorno dell'anno noi dobbiamo combattere per questa battaglia di civiltà che non può essere relegata a un'unica ricorrenza, passata la quale i riflettori si spengono, ma le violenze ogni giorno continuano.
Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Уважаеми г-н Председател, уважаеми колеги, насилието над жени е нещо, което трябва да бъде категорично осъдено. Аз лично смятам, че всеки мъж, който посегне на жена, е негодник, който заслужава тежко наказание. Но това няма да стане през този документ. И няма да стане през този документ, защото той не е направен за това да спаси жените от насилие.
Досега чух стотици имена на жертви на домашно насилие и те бяха от държави, които са ратифицирали, подписали тази конвенция. С какво тя ги защити? Как им помогна? Не, не се случи. Защо? Защото този документ има друга цел и друга задача. В този документ са смесени легитимната тема за защитата на жените с абсурдните и противоречиви ЛГБТИ ... последният да затвори вратата, пропаганда, еднополови бракове, социална роля на пола.
Може би ще Ви изненадам, само че полът не е социална роля и конструкт. Той е биология. Може би ще Ви изненадам, но има държави в Европа, които все още вярват, че семейството е доброволен брак между мъж, жена и техните деца и ние не желаем това да се променя. Аз съм от България, ние сме против тази конвенция, не сме я подписали и няма да го направим.
Miroslav Radačovský (NI). – Pán predsedajúci, vážení priatelia, vypočul som si viacero plamenných výziev na to, že je potrebné prinútiť aj Slovenskú republiku, aby ratifikovala Istanbulský dohovor. Pýtam sa prečo?
Každý, kto ovláda právny poriadok Slovenskej republiky a ovláda Istanbulský dohovor, musí dospieť k jednoznačnému záveru, že všetky ciele, ba dokonca viac, ktoré predkladá Istanbulský dohovor, sú už v jurisdikcii Slovenskej republiky obsiahnuté.
Je pravdou, že Slovenská republika sa zaviazala vstupom do Európskej únie dodržiavať ľudské práva, dodržiavať demokratické princípy. Avšak nezaviazala sa vstupom do Európskej únie, že príde o to základné, čo má v preambule ústavy Slovenskej republiky uvedené, a to, že bola založená na princípoch cyrilo-metodejských, na princípoch národných tradícií a kresťanských tradícií. V tom je problém. Nie je problém v násilí na ženách, ale vo vágnosti vysvetlení niektorých pojmov.
Pracoval som na území Slovenskej republiky štyridsať rokov ... (rečník prekročil udelený čas).
Frances Fitzgerald (PPE). – Mr President, we’ve heard the stories here tonight and we have to ask ourselves what is happening in our democracies that we still have this endemic level of violence against women. Right across every Member State, and indeed across the world, we have to do everything we can to call it out. No one person, no one institution is going to change this. It’s about many, many actors coming together to work to make a difference. We need policymakers, law enforcement officials, judges, social workers, sisters, brothers. We need male ambassadors who will work to make sure that we eliminate the violence that we’re hearing about tonight.
Of the 28 EU Member States, seven Member States have still to ratify the Convention. What’s absolutely clear is that people are still ambivalent about the Convention, and we hear the projections onto the Convention. Let’s get back to basics. The Convention is about interrupting violence against women and using whatever means we can. We’re not implementing it for the institutions, we’re implementing it for sisters, daughters, wives ...
(The President cut off the speaker)
Annika Bruna (ID). – Monsieur le Président, les violences faites aux femmes sont un fléau qui tue et contre lequel nous devons tous lutter. Cet objectif doit être une priorité.
Cependant, cette juste cause est dévoyée pour imposer une convention d’Istanbul qui traite, certes, des violences faites aux femmes, mais entend également imposer une idéologie nuisible. En effet, cette convention entend mettre la théorie du genre dans les programmes d’études à tous les niveaux d’enseignement, imposant ainsi des thèses fumeuses sans lien avec le droit des femmes. Elle implique également la prise en charge de la violence de genre à l’échelle internationale, en d’autres termes, donner l’asile aux centaines de millions de femmes victimes de ces violences dans le monde. Cela n’apporte malheureusement aucune solution réelle dans les pays d’origine, et c’est un point sur lequel nous devrions nous pencher.
Enfin, vous souhaitez imposer à tous les Européens l’adhésion de l’Union européenne à cette convention alors que sept États membres refusent de la ratifier. Les peuples d’Europe entendent lutter contre les violences faites aux femmes, mais ils refusent d’entériner les dérives.
Isabella Adinolfi (NI). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'Italia è uno dei paesi che ha firmato e ratificato la Convenzione di Istanbul, eppure i dati sono allarmanti: 142 donne uccise nel 2018, 94 nei primi dieci mesi del 2019, 14 000 le denunce di stalking, 17 000 quelle per maltrattamenti. Ma la situazione negli altri paesi dell'Unione europea non è migliore.
Siamo nel 2019 e la violenza di genere si manifesta in diverse forme, non soltanto fisica, non soltanto psicologica. La disparità di genere è anche salariale: pensate che le donne devono lavorare 66 giorni in più per guadagnare come un uomo.
Cosa vogliono dire questi dati? Che serve più impegno, che la Convenzione deve essere applicata a dovere, altrimenti rimangono soltanto belle parole su un foglio di carta. In Italia adesso con la legge sul codice rosso abbiamo fatto un grande passo avanti, ma altri passi ancora devono essere fatti e qui, in Europa, dobbiamo indicare la strada. Occorrono maggiori investimenti in educazione, bisogna finanziare i centri antiviolenza in tutta Europa e soprattutto dobbiamo parlarne, parlarne sempre e non soltanto il 25 novembre.
Mathilde Androuët (ID). – Cette journée est pour nous, femmes, députées européens et membres du groupe Identité et démocratie, l’occasion de rappeler à quel point les violences commises contre les femmes constituent une préoccupation de tous les instants, indissociable de la promotion de notre modèle de civilisation fondé sur l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes.
La lucidité nous oblige pourtant à prendre en considération toutes les sources de violence: au moins 1 400 victimes à Rotherham, en Angleterre, par des gangs indo-pakistanais; 478 agressions sexuelles à Cologne par des hordes de clandestins lors des fêtes de 2015; 52 % des viols commis à Paris sont le fait d’étrangers.
Si elle n’est évidemment pas exclusive, la part des agresseurs non autochtones dans ces actes est tout de même significative. Les États ou les associations plus idéologiques que féministes doivent cesser de minimiser la part de l’immigration dans les agressions perpétrées contre les femmes. Ouvrir grand les vannes de l’immigration, c’est multiplier les menaces sur le sort des femmes européennes; empêcher les femmes de le dire, c’est enfermer les victimes de ces agressions dans une double peine.
Der Präsident. – Wir kommen nun zu den spontanen Wortmeldungen. Ich habe fast doppelt so viele Wortmeldungen, wie wir nehmen können. Deshalb bitte ich um Verständnis, wenn ich nicht alle berücksichtigen kann.
Spontane Wortmeldungen
Evelyn Regner (S&D). – Herr Präsident! Jede Frau hat ein Recht darauf, vor Gewalt geschützt zu werden.
Der gefährlichste Ort für eine Frau ist ihr Zuhause, denn dort sind die Gewalttäter am häufigsten anzutreffen: als Partner, als ehemalige Partner, als Mitglieder der Familie. Auch aus meinem Land, aus Österreich, gibt es Trauriges zu vermelden: 18 Frauen sind in diesem Jahr bereits ermordet worden. Gerade jetzt drohen die kommenden Feiertage ganz besonders gefährlich zu werden. Es sind nämlich keine Familiendramen, keine Beziehungstragödien, wie oft berichtet wird, es sind Morde, es sind Verbrechen, und die Istanbul-Konvention bietet hier Schutzmaßnahmen an, die es anzuwenden gilt.
Es geht um entgleiste Kontrollfantasien, verletzte Egos, die aus der grundlegend ungleichen Verteilung von Macht und Ressourcen in unserer Gesellschaft resultieren. Dagegen können wir etwas tun, indem die Istanbul-Konvention ratifiziert wird. Das gilt für Polen, das gilt für Österreich, das gilt für Estland, das gilt für Italien, das gilt für ganz Europa.
Marcel Kolaja (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, since its adoption in 2011, we have witnessed numerous attacks targeting the Istanbul Convention. The opponents of the Convention misinterpret the scope. Talk about a limitation of freedoms and re-education of our children and it works. Just last week, our colleagues in the Czech Parliament received a letter calling for the immediate stop of the Convention.
There is nothing to be scared of, though. The Istanbul Convention is a significant cornerstone in the protection of women’s rights. It shall be a guarantee that, nowhere in Europe, domestic violence and violence against women are tolerated. The Convention gives us something very important – security that there will be no downgrading of the rights of women.
Governments change and even in the Visegrad Group (V4) we see calls from conservative circles to push women to have more children or to limit their rights to decide about their own body. This is something that just a few years ago would have been unimaginable. The European Pirates are extremely happy to support this document.
Ruža Tomašić (ECR). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, ja bih vjerovala u Istanbulsku konvenciju da se bavi isključivo nasiljem nad ženama, djecom ili bilo kojim drugim nasiljem, a ne nametanjem nekih novih društvenih normi. Doista, želimo li se boriti protiv nasilja nad ženama, onda ne bismo micali žene i djecu iz njihovog doma te im stvarali dodatni stres, već bismo maknuli zlostavljača.
Kolegice i kolege, jeste li ikada bili u tim sigurnim kućama? Mislite da su one stvarno sigurne? Znate li koliko je puta zlostavljač provaljivao u te kuće, zlostavljao žene pred djecom, pred drugim ženama?
A vladine udruge to nisu htjele prijaviti jer nisu dobivale novac, ne bi dobile novac za to.
Dakle, maknimo zlostavljača iz kuća. Natjerajmo ga da ide na anger-control pa ću onda vjerovati da će se nešto dogoditi. Dakle, kada se tako budemo borili protiv nasilja, onda ću vjerovati u Istanbulsku konvenciju, a onda će i zlostavljane žene puno više prijavljivati to nasilje.
A ovo se samo igramo riječima.
Sandra Pereira (GUE/NGL). – Senhor Presidente, a violência sobre as mulheres pode assumir diferentes formas com expressão dramática na violência doméstica, mas também na prostituição ou na violência no trabalho. Impõe-se o reforço de medidas conducentes a uma resposta pública, articulada e descentralizada nas suas diversas dimensões. O combate à violência sobre as mulheres é, por isso, indissociável da eliminação da exploração laboral, das desigualdades e discriminações entre homens e mulheres, e é inseparável do compromisso de cumprir os direitos das mulheres, de criar as condições para que vivam, trabalhem e participem em igualdade.
A par do combate às causas económicas e sociais da exploração, das desigualdades e discriminações, que em si mesmas alimentam e reproduzem as diversas dimensões da violência, é fundamental enfrentar fatores culturais, intervindo para vencer preconceitos e estereótipos, estimulando a mudança de comportamentos e mentalidades, elevando a consciência social de que a igualdade na vida é não só uma justa aspiração das mulheres mas também condição de progresso, de justiça social e democratização dos povos.
Tudor Ciuhodaru (S&D). – Domnule Președinte, vreau toleranță zero pentru orice formă de violență față de femei. Sunt medic de urgență și nu o dată am tratat în Iași la spitalul Clinic de Urgență Nicolae Oblu femei agresate, bătute, violate și vă spun astăzi că și violul înseamnă violență. O femeie violată la patru ore este deja prea mult pentru orice țară europeană, iar pentru a fi cu adevărat eficiente aceste măsuri de prevenire, combatere, de suport al victimelor, de pedepsire a agresorilor trebuie să fie aceleași la nivelul întregii Uniuni Europene. Susțin această rezoluție prin care toate țările din Uniunea Europeană trebuie să adopte aceleași măsuri legislative și politice, pentru ca aceste forme de violență să fie combătute și sper că această rezoluție să fie joi votată. Eu personal o voi vota cu nouă mâini și solicit și Consiliului și Comisiei Europene ca orice viol să fie considerat drept crimă și să aibă aceeași pedeapsă pentru că se vorbește mult prea puțin de aceste fapte abominabile. Vă mulțumesc și sper să susțineți acest demers.
(Ende der spontanen Wortmeldungen)
Miguel Arias Cañete,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, to conclude, let me remind you why the European Union accession to the Istanbul Convention has been a priority for the current Commission and will be for President—elect and Commissioner—designate for Equality, Ms Dalli.
Too often we hear about women being killed, harassed or stalked by people close to them, children being abused or beaten by members of their families or harmed by persons they trusted. UN figures estimate that 137 women are killed per day across the globe at the hands of their intimate partner or a family member, and we all know that these figures do not represent the full picture of this unacceptable violation of human rights.
Violence is not always visible. Violence is perpetrated behind closed doors. Violence is perpetrated both with words and actions. Sometimes those words and actions are accepted just because they follow the logic of socially constructed gender roles and stereotypes. When the news opens our eyes or we become aware of violence being perpetrated right next door, in our communities, in our circles, in families we know, we feel powerless, astonished, shocked and angry.
The Istanbul Convention is nothing but a powerful instrument to react to this, to prevent violence against women, to protect the victims and give them justice. We owe this to the victims and survivors of those crimes.
Tytti Tuppurainen,President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, I have listened carefully to your valuable remarks and despite national and EU preventive actions, the prevalence of violence against women remains unacceptably high. It is clearly a common challenge to which we must respond.
The Finnish Presidency, like the previous ones, has invested a lot of effort into making progress towards the conclusion and ratification of the Istanbul Convention. The challenges and possible solutions to ratification of the Convention, both by the European Union but also by those Member States that have not ratified the Convention, should be openly discussed. Our Presidency has striven to keep such a discussion on the agenda and engage in dialogues concerning the ratification of the Convention.
This debate and the debate on women’s rights in general is not just a matter for women, it is our common cause. Women’s rights are human rights. Over this past weekend, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Paris, in Rome, in Brussels and other cities. The message of our citizens is clear – violence against women has to stop. Everyone should feel safe. Everyone should be safe.
Our Presidency will continue working in any possible way towards this aim, and as the Presidency, we welcome the willingness of the incoming Commission to take the lead on this issue. Thank you again for this very important and valuable debate.
Der Präsident. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.
Die Abstimmung findet am Donnerstag, 28. November 2019, statt.
Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 171)
Milan Brglez (S&D), pisno. – Evropski parlament je od leta 2016 s številnimi razpravami in resolucijami glavni podpornik procesa pristopa EU k Istanbulski konvenciji.
Nujno je, da vztrajamo in krepimo pritisk na Evropsko komisijo, še posebej pa na Svet, saj se v posameznih državah članicah (tudi nekaterih od tistih 21, ki so že ratificirale konvencijo) dogaja agresivna kampanja proti njej.
Bistvo te kampanje so dezinformacije in laži glede vsebine Istanbulske konvencije, ki ovirajo pristopanje EU h konvenciji ter odpravo pridržkov k njej. Nasprotniki konvencije postavljajo boj proti nasilju in zavzemanje za enakopravnost v konflikt s tradicijo ter z otrokovimi pravicami, čeprav v tradicijo konvencija ne posega, če se ta ne izrablja kot opravičilo za nasilje ali diskriminacijo, otrokove pravice pa kvečjemu krepi.
Strašenje populističnih desničarskih gibanj pred konvencijo v resnici izhaja iz njihovega zavedanja, da konvencija naslavlja problem nasilja nad ženskami in deklicami ter tudi drugimi ranljivimi posamezniki celostno ter z razumevanjem in pozivom za odpravo strukturnih vzrokov zanj. Slednje je ključno, saj so ženske in deklice v različnih okoljih tipično postavljene v (tudi ekonomsko in socialno) podrejen položaj in so zato bistveno bolj izpostavljene fizičnemu in psihičnemu nasilju, ki ga brez korenitih sprememb v miselnih in družbenih vzorcih ne bo mogoče izkoreniniti.
Caterina Chinnici (S&D), per iscritto. – A due anni e mezzo dalla firma della Convenzione di Istanbul da parte dell'UE, dobbiamo procedere oltre, per giungere alla piena adesione. Dobbiamo ribadirlo con forza oggi, nella Giornata internazionale per l'eliminazione della violenza contro le donne; violenza che costituisce una radicale violazione dei diritti fondamentali sanciti nei Trattati. I numeri delle donne, delle ragazze e delle bambine vittime di violenza, che si manifesta in diverse forme (violenza fisica, psicologica, sessuale, violenza online), ci restituiscono la realtà di un fenomeno drammaticamente diffuso nel territorio europeo, ma ancora certamente sottostimato: troppe donne, infatti, non denunciano le violenze subite per paura, per vergogna, per ragioni economiche o perché "devastate" nella propria autostima dai continui maltrattamenti. E questo accade soprattutto quando la violenza avviene nell'ambito delle relazioni affettive o tra le mura domestiche, spesso anche alla presenza dei bambini, vittime indirette di una delle più gravi forme di violenza di genere. Per questo è importante che l'Unione aderisca alla Convenzione: per rafforzare la prevenzione della violenza di genere, per fornire tutela e sostegno alle vittime, per dare un messaggio chiaro e forte contro queste intollerabili violazioni dei diritti e della dignità delle donne.
Anna Júlia Donáth (Renew), írásban. – Én egy olyan országból jövök, amelynek teljhatalmú vezetése hat éve képtelen törvénybe foglalni a nők elleni és a családon belüli erőszak megelőzéséről és felszámolásáról szóló Isztambuli Egyezményt. A magyar kormány tagadja a családon belüli erőszak létezését. Hatóságai gyakran kifejezetten hátráltatják a megelőzést és a felderítést. Sőt a magyar rendőrség „Tehetsz róla, tehetsz ellene” címmel készített videót kacéran bulizó lányokról, indirekten arra utalva, hogy ők is tehetnek a bántalmazásról kihívó viselkedésükkel. Hat éve nem születik ítélet egy orvos ügyében, aki volt élettársát megtámadta, annak nemi szervét maró folyadékkal öntötte le. Most elítéltek, de korábban kétszer felmentettek egy hentest: a sorozatos bántalmazások után sem tartottak távol a feleségétől, akit végül megölt.
Egyetlen férfi jogai sem szűkülnének, ha végre mindenhol, így Magyarországon is törvénybe foglalnák az egyezményt, amely mindenféle ideológiától függetlenül egyet tesz kizárólag: megvédi a nőket és a gyermekeket a fizikai erőszaktól. Az áldozatok köre, az elkövetők mozgástere szűkülne. Az Európai Unió Isztambuli Egyezményhez való csatlakozásának konkrét jogi hatása is van. Az unió által alkotott jognak összhangban kell lennie az egyezménnyel, az uniós jog pedig Magyarországra is kötelezően alkalmazandó. Ezért arra kérek mindenkit, akinek fontosak a nők és a gyermekek jogai, hogy szavazzák meg az egyezményt.
Cindy Franssen (PPE), schriftelijk. – Geweld tegen vrouwen blijft een ontzettend grote uitdaging voor de Europese Unie. Nochtans zouden vrouwen zich overal veilig moeten voelen: thuis, in het openbaar en online. Dit geweld is een bron van lijden en trauma’s, en bepaalt tegelijk de positie van vrouwen in de samenleving: het tast hun gezondheidstoestand aan, toegang tot werk en onderwijs én hun deelname aan het openbare leven. Dit staat diametraal tegenover de doelstelling van de EU-Verdragen omtrent gendergelijkheid.
Ursula von der Leyen noemt de ratificatie van het Verdrag van Istanbul terecht een van de topprioriteiten van haar Commissie. Ik zou graag drie kernpunten naar voren schuiven: 1. Up-to-date en vergelijkende data: we moeten beter in staat zijn om te weten hoeveel mensen het slachtoffer worden van welke vormen van gendergerelateerd geweld. 2. Preventie en empowerment van vrouwen: enerzijds door het aanpakken van hardnekkige genderstereotypen via onderwijs, bewustmakingscampagnes en professionele begeleiding, anderzijds door daders langer op te volgen na hun berechting, in functie van de hoge recidivecijfers. 3. Gespecialiseerde zorgcentra: multidisciplinaire centra, waar slachtoffers terechtkunnen voor zowel medische als psychologische hulp én meteen ook aangifte kunnen doen bij de politie. Het wordt tijd dat we een krachtig signaal uitsturen dat de veiligheid van vrouwen bovenaan onze agenda staat.
Sandra Kalniete (PPE), rakstiski. – Vardarbība nav savienojama ne ar kristīgajām, ne vispārcilvēciskajām vērtībām – tas attiecas uz jebkuru vardarbības formu, arī, ja tā ir vardarbība ģimenē, kas visbiežāk ir vardarbība pret sievietēm. Sekas tam ir ilgstošas – tas posta un kropļo arī mūsu nākamās paaudzes, jo atstāj dziļas pēdas bērnos. Vardarbībai nav attaisnojuma, un no tās cieš visa sabiedrība kopumā. No vardarbības nedrīkst norobežoties, to uzskatīt par normu vai “ģimenes iekšējo lietu”. Tā nemazināsies pati no sevis. Mums jāveicina sabiedrības un valsts institūciju līdzatbildība, lai nevienam bērnam un pieaugušajam nebūtu jādzīvo ar apziņu, ka vardarbība ir normāla vai neizbēgama. Mums jāpalīdz atkopties un atspirgt vardarbības upuriem, lai tie varētu dzīvot normālu dzīvi. Arī Latvijai ir jāpievienojas to rietumvalstu kopai, kas vardarbību nosoda ne tikai vārdos, bet arī darbos. Vai tiešām mēs gribam līdzināties Krievijas Domes konservatīvajam vairākumam, kas, aizbildinoties ar “tradicionālo vērtību” sargāšanu, daudzkārt ir noraidījis likumu grozījumus, kas klasificētu vardarbību ģimenē kā kriminālu nodarījumu? Jau 2016. gadā Latvija parakstīja šo Eiropas Padomes konvenciju. Latvijas Saeimas uzdevums ir šo konvenciju ratificēt un turpināt pilnveidot likumdošanu, lai ikdienā cīnītos pret vardarbību kā ļaunumu. Demokrātiskas un modernas sabiedrības brieduma pazīme ir spēja apzināties problēmu un to risināt.
Michal Šimečka (Renew), písomne. – Násilie na ženách predstavuje jednu z najodpornejších foriem porušovania ľudských práv. Ohavnosť činu, aký sa nedávno udial na Slovensku pri utýraní Violy Macákovej, právom otriasa verejnosťou. Podľa výskumu Agentúry Európskej únie pre základné práva jedna z troch žien v EÚ zažije nejakú formu fyzického alebo sexuálneho útoku od dovŕšenia veku 15 rokov. Toto sú alarmujúce fakty. Napriek tomu niektoré krajiny, akou je aj Slovensko, bojkotujú ratifikáciu Dohovoru Rady Európy o predchádzaní násiliu na ženách a boja proti nemu. Ako sa za takýchto okolností dokážu oponenti tohto dohovoru pozrieť do očí ženám? Pri príležitosti dnešného Medzinárodného dňa za odstránenie násilia páchaného na ženách sa treba jasne postaviť za práva žien a povedať: na vašej bezpečnosti záleží rovnako. Rodovo-motivované násilie je pliaga, proti ktorej treba za každú cenu bojovať, na čo sú potrebné právne nástroje, akým je aj Istanbulský dohovor. Vyzývam všetkých, no zvlášť poslancov a voličov krajín, ktoré dohovor dosiaľ neratifikovali, prestaňte sa obracať chrbtom k svojim ženám. Prestaňte tolerovať násilie.
Ramona Strugariu (Renew), în scris. – În România, peste 60 % dintre noi considerăm, conform UNICEF, că violența domestică este un lucru obișnuit, că face parte din cotidian. Trăim într-o țară în care violența domestică este considerată rutină.
România a ratificat Convenția de la Istanbul în 2016, însă suntem departe de a fi eficace în prevenirea și combaterea violenței domestice. În București, potrivit statisticilor Poliției române, între ianuarie și august 2019 au fost emise 5 096 de ordine de protecție temporare, 1 850 fiind transformate în ordine definitive. În 77 % dintre cazuri era vorba despre violență domestică. Conform studiului INSCOP din 2018, în România, la fiecare 30 de secunde o femeie este bătută, deci zilnic, aproape 3 000 de femei sunt agresate. Potrivit Inspectoratului General al Poliției, în 2018 au fost înregistrate 32 696 de cazuri de violență în familie. Femeile, despre care vorbim aici, nu sunt doar statistici. Avem nevoie de acțiuni concrete pentru a preveni violența împotriva femeilor, pentru a proteja victimele și a-i pedepsi pe vinovați. Trebuie să lucrăm, și intern și european, în mod real și coordonat, nu ipocrit și populist, precum primarul Bucureștiului, probabil singurul primar social democrat din lume care a stopat finanțarea singurului adăpost accesibil în regim de urgență victimelor violenței domestice.