 Testo integrale 
Procedura : 2019/2832(RSP)
Ciclo di vita in Aula
Ciclo del documento : B9-0175/2019

Testi presentati :


Discussioni :

PV 27/11/2019 - 19
CRE 27/11/2019 - 19

Votazioni :

PV 28/11/2019 - 8.13
CRE 28/11/2019 - 8.13
Dichiarazioni di voto

Testi approvati :


Resoconto integrale delle discussioni
XML 8k
Giovedì 28 novembre 2019 - Strasburgo

9.10. Negoziati in corso per un nuovo accordo di partenariato UE-ACP (B9-0175/2019)
Video degli interventi

Oral explanations of vote


  Billy Kelleher (Renew). – Madam President, I voted in favour of the motion for the resolution for the ongoing negotiations of the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement, and I did it in the context of the fact that we are now in a globalised world. I think that dialogue is critically important, and I believe that some form of parliamentary assembly that would allow people to discuss in an open forum the challenges facing people in Europe, in Africa, in the Pacific and the Caribbean, to deal with these challenges in an open way.

Human rights, climate change, the rule of law, supporting democracy: they’re all key issues that we should all be involved in. So it should not be Europe lecturing to anybody, it should be Europe listening, embracing, and others having an opportunity to advocate how we should also address some of the challenges and decisions we make that impact negatively on those countries. So let us establish this joint parliamentary assembly, promote democracy and human rights, champion climate change and ensure that the rule of law is upheld.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 6 maggio 2020Note legali - Informativa sulla privacy