MinutesVotesRoll-call votesTexts adoptedVerbatim reports
Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 17 December 2019 - StrasbourgRevised edition
 1.Opening of the sitting
 2.The Rule of Law in Malta, after the recent revelations around the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia (debate)
 3.Resumption of the sitting
 4.Voting time
  4.1.Election of the Ombudsman (vote)
  4.2.Macro-financial assistance to Jordan (A9-0045/2019 - Luisa Regimenti) (vote)
  4.3.EU-Switzerland Agreement on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime (A9-0043/2019 - Roberta Metsola) (vote)
  4.4.EU-Liechtenstein Agreement on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime (A9-0044/2019 - Roberta Metsola) (vote)
  4.5.Protocol to EU-Switzerland Agreement concerning the criteria and mechanisms for establishing the State responsible for examining a request for asylum lodged in a Member State or in Switzerland regarding the access to Eurodac for law enforcement purposes (A9-0025/2019 - Jadwiga Wiśniewska) (vote)
  4.6.Accession of Solomon Islands to the EU-Pacific States Interim Partnership Agreement (A9-0050/2019 - Bernd Lange) (vote)
  4.7.Requirements for payment service providers (A9-0048/2019 - Lídia Pereira) (vote)
  4.8.Measures to strengthen administrative cooperation in order to combat VAT fraud (A9-0047/2019 - Lídia Pereira) (vote)
  4.9.Association of the overseas countries and territories with the European Union ('Overseas Association Decision') (A9-0033/2019 - Tomas Tobé) (vote)
  4.10.Appointment of a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (A9-0049/2019 - Irene Tinagli) (vote)
  4.11.Appointment of a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (A9-0046/2019 - Irene Tinagli) (vote)
 5.Explanations of vote
  5.1.Macro-financial assistance to Jordan (A9-0045/2019 - Luisa Regimenti)
  5.2.Requirements for payment service providers (A9-0048/2019 - Lídia Pereira)
  5.3.Measures to strengthen administrative cooperation in order to combat VAT fraud (A9-0047/2019 - Lídia Pereira)
 6.Corrections to votes and voting intentions : see Minutes
 7.Resumption of the sitting
 8.Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting : see Minutes
 9.Conflict of interest and corruption affecting the protection of EU's financial interests in Member States (debate)
 10.EU disability strategy post 2020 (debate)
 11.Corrigenda (Rule 241) (follow-up): see Minutes
 12.Implementing acts and measures (Rule 112(4)d and Rule 111(6)) (action taken): see Minutes
 13.Request for consultation of the European Economic and Social Committee (Rule 145) (consent): see Minutes
 14.Outcome of the COP25 (debate)
 15.EU Pollinators Initiative (debate)
 16.Animal welfare conditions during transport to third countries (debate)
 17.Enabling the digital transformation of health and care (debate)
 18.Agenda of the next sitting : see Minutes
 19.Closure of the sitting
Verbatim report of proceedings
Revised edition (878 kb)
Verbatim report of proceedings
Revised edition (878 kb)
Verbatim report of proceedings
Revised edition (4231 kb)
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