Menetlus : 2020/2502(RSP)
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PV 16/01/2020 - 4.1
CRE 16/01/2020 - 4.1

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PV 16/01/2020 - 6.1

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Neljapäev, 16. jaanuar 2020 - Strasbourg

4.1. Burundi, eelkõige väljendusvabadus
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  Przewodnicząca. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dnia jest debata nad sześcioma projektami rezolucji w sprawie Burundi, w szczególności wolności słowa (2020/2502(RSP).


  Ellie Chowns, author. – Madam President, colleagues, Burundi is a beautiful country which has seen more than its fair share of tragedy. The report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission released this week identified more than 4 000 mass graves, with over 142 000 victims.

In such a context, the role of human rights defenders, the role of freedom of expression in an unfettered press, are even more important. They are cornerstones of democracy and of sustainable peace building.

We’ve been prompted to debate this topic today by the most recent example of Burundian government repression of freedom of expression. Burundi’s Public Prosecutor, on 30 December, asked for a 15-year jail term for four journalists and their driver, Christine Kamikazi, Agnès Ndirubusa, Térence Mpozenzi, Egide Harerimana, and Adolphe Masabarakiza, who was simply driving them.

They were arrested in October when they were covering clashes between rebel and government forces and they’ve been accused of complicity with undermining the State.

I understand the only evidence that’s been presented in the trial is a single WhatsApp message. They are not the first.

In July 2016, another reporter, Jean Bigirimana disappeared and has not been heard from since. In 2015 journalist Christophe Nkezabahizi, his wife and two children were murdered in their home in Bujumbura and there has been no adequate follow up.

Human rights activist, Germain Rukuki, a member of Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture (ACAT) was sentenced to 32 years in prison last year and Nestor Nibitanga, was also sentenced to five years.

We call on the government to, immediately and unconditionally, release these journalists and these human rights defenders. There are upcoming elections in 2020 – an important point for the country.

I welcome the fact that President Pierre Nkurunziza has said that he will not seek re-election, but in order for there to be credible elections, major changes – considerable improvements to the political and human rights situation – are needed.

I urge Burundi in the strongest possible terms to change course and create the conditions needed for an open and vibrant democracy and I salute the efforts of the journalists and human rights defenders who are working for that end.


  Anna Fotyga, author. – Madam President, Burundi is one of the poorest countries of the world and our very detailed draft joint resolution portrays the situation there in the time preceding the presidential and general elections. The situation of both human rights defenders and media representatives is really dire and we cannot imagine free elections without them being available for the general public, to present information, genuine, reasonable and reliable information. I thank my colleagues for the very good text of the resolution.


  Maria Arena, auteure. – Madame la Présidente, la crise politique au Burundi a un impact dévastateur sur les populations burundaises, qui voient leurs droits économiques mais aussi leurs droits fondamentaux bafoués.

Depuis 2015, ces droits fondamentaux, comme par exemple le droit de vote, sont mis en difficulté. Des personnes considérées comme opposants politiques au sens large ont été menacées, poussées à l’exil, emprisonnées et parfois même victimes d’exécutions sommaires.

Le droit à la liberté d’expression a également été mis à mal et l’espace pour la société civile et les médias est de plus en plus restreint dans ce pays. Le 22 octobre 2019, Christine Kamikazi, Agnès Ndirubusa, Térence Mpozenzi et Egide Harerimana, quatre journalistes du groupe Iwacu, ainsi que leur conducteur Adolphe Masabarakiza ont été arrêtés et accusés de complicité d’atteinte à la sécurité de l’État. En outre, Jean Bigirimana, journaliste du groupe Iwacu, est porté disparu depuis juillet 2016. Et par rapport à ces arrestations et à ces assassinats, il y a des manquements systématiques des autorités qui constituent une violation du droit en matière de protection des citoyens par l’État. Nous condamnons fermement l’intimidation et les arrestations arbitraires. Nous appelons à la libération immédiate des journalistes d’Iwacu et de toute personne emprisonnée pour avoir exercé son droit à la liberté d’expression.

Afin d’éviter que la situation ne s’intensifie dans la région, nous appelons aussi l’Union africaine à envoyer ses observateurs des droits humains au Burundi et nous appelons les Nations unies à lancer des enquêtes impartiales sur les personnes suspectées d’avoir commis des violations des droits de l’homme. Nous appelons enfin les États membres de l’Union à fournir une aide financière aux acteurs de la société civile du Burundi et appelons les diplomates de l’Union à veiller à ce que les lignes directrices de l’Union européenne en matière de droits humains soient respectées, en observant les procès des journalistes prisonniers politiques et des défenseurs des droits humains, ainsi qu’en leur rendant visite. Enfin, réaffirmons avec force qu’il doit y avoir des sanctions qui soient maintenues à l’égard du Burundi, des sanctions ciblées qui ont été décidées par le Conseil et qui ne doivent pas être levées aujourd’hui: ce serait un message politique désastreux par rapport à la situation au Burundi.


  Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, Autora. – Señora presidenta, asistimos a un retroceso generalizado en todo el mundo de los derechos civiles y políticos, que se está manifestando de forma diferente.

En Europa, a través de leyes que criminalizan la protesta y del aumento generalizado del odio, manifestado en la extrema derecha.

En América Latina, con lawfare, con diferentes ataques directos a personas diferentes, defensoras del territorio y del medio ambiente.

En Oriente Medio, con la creación de un agujero negro de impunidad en el que los convenios internacionales de Derecho humanitario y de Derecho internacional están barridos.

África no es un continente que se escapa a esta peligrosa tendencia. Hoy hablamos de Burundi, donde la crisis política y económica desde hace cuatro años se agrava, donde las violaciones de los derechos humanos son esencialmente de carácter político, desde el Gobierno, y la supresión de libertades civiles está intensificándose en un período previo a las elecciones presidenciales y legislativas de 2020. Es necesaria la liberación inmediata e incondicional de todos los detenidos que expresan libremente sus opiniones. Deben cesar de inmediato la violencia, las violaciones de derechos humanos y la intimidación política contra la sociedad civil y la oposición. Hay que actuar de manera decidida en favor de la libertad de expresión al abolir las medidas adoptadas contra ONG y medios de comunicación; respetar los tratados internacionales sobre derechos humanos y contra la tortura. El cese de estas violaciones de derechos humanos es la condición previa para que el Gobierno de Burundi, con mediación de países vecinos, establezca un proceso de diálogo político pacífico.

Pero nada de esto puede ocurrir si en Europa no nos implicamos. Y también es necesario que Europa decida qué papel quiere tomar en el mundo actual. Por eso necesitamos acciones concretas. Europa debe demostrar su compromiso con la paz, concediendo el estatuto de refugiado también a los solicitantes de asilo de Burundi, como lo recomendaban las Naciones Unidas, y, también, trabajar en la ayuda oficial al desarrollo sobre el terreno, también para que los países vecinos sean capaces de acoger a refugiados, y asegurar que las empresas europeas que operan en Burundi respetan las normas internacionales.

La relación de la Unión Europea con África siempre ha sido complicada. No nos vincula una historia de la que nos podemos sentir orgullosos. Precisamente por esto, es la hora de que Europa empiece una relación con objetivos de política exterior alineados con los intereses de la población africana, centrada en los derechos humanos, el desarrollo sostenible y la democracia.


  Arba Kokalari, författare. – Fru talman! Yttrandefrihet och oberoende medier är en förutsättning för demokrati och för ett fritt samhälle. Vi är många här som ser allvarligt på att det finns en nedåtgående trend i världen. Enligt World Press Freedom Index minskar antalet länder runtom i världen som har en fri press.

Jag är väldigt orolig över den här situationen, och just Burundi är ett av de länder där fri media och fri press samt det civila samhället utsätts för stort förtryck. Hot och våld mot människorättsaktivister och journalister blir allt vanligare. Media är i stort sett statligt kontrollerad. Senast i oktober greps fyra journalister och deras chaufför när de försökte göra sitt arbete.

Världen kan inte bara titta på när de här kränkningarna sker varje dag runt om i världen. Vi måste agera, vi måste öka det politiska trycket på Burundi. Burundi måste se till att fullfölja sina internationella åtaganden och släppa de här journalisterna omgående.

Vad kan EU göra? Jo, vi från EU:s sida måste stötta det civila samhället, och vi måste utvidga sanktionerna mot dem som begår människorättsbrott i Burundi. Det handlar om vår möjlighet och vårt ansvar att se till att vi har en värld där mänskliga fri- och rättigheter och demokrati fungerar och där ofrihet bekämpas.


  Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Verfasser. – Frau Präsidentin! Im Mai dieses Jahres stehen Wahlen an, und wie so oft spitzt sich die Situation dann in diesen Ländern zu. In Burundi jedoch ist die Situation seit mehreren Jahren angespannt. Menschen- und Bürgerrechte werden in Burundi mit Füßen getreten, Oppositionelle, Journalisten, Menschenrechtsaktivisten werden verhaftet, vor Gericht gestellt, manchmal einfach ermordet. Wir dürfen an dieser Stelle nicht wegschauen, sondern wir müssen unsere Stimme erheben und diese Menschen verteidigen.

Die konkreten Fälle sind gerade schon von den Kolleginnen Chowns und Arena genannt worden. Ich will sie an dieser Stelle nicht wiederholen, aber ich möchte mich der Forderung anschließen, dass die Anschuldigungen gegen diese verhafteten Personen sofort fallen gelassen werden müssen. Sie müssen auf freien Fuß gesetzt werden, und das ohne irgendwelche Konditionen. Das ist die Forderung, die wir hier als Europäisches Parlament lautstark nach Burundi senden sollten. Denn eine andere Meinung zu haben, kritisch Bericht zu erstatten oder für Menschenrechte einzutreten, das ist kein Verbrechen, sondern das ist etwas, was wertvoll ist und was wir als Europäisches Parlament verteidigen sollten. Deswegen rufen wir nach Burundi: Lassen Sie diese Menschen frei, sie haben nichts Unrechtes getan.

Wir müssen den Druck auf die burundischen Behörden aufrechterhalten. Deswegen muss die internationale Gemeinschaft stark zusammenstehen und darf in diesem Druck nicht nachlassen. Und die burundischen Behörden müssen endlich dafür sorgen, dass Menschenrechte geachtet werden, dass Bürgerrechte geachtet werden, dass freie Meinungsäußerung möglich ist und dass im Mai dieses Jahres freie Wahlen in einer sicheren Demokratie stattfinden können.


  Seán Kelly, thar ceann an Ghrúpa PPE. – A Uachtaráin, táimid ar ais arís sa Bhurúin agus ón am a phléamar an scéal seo ó chianaibh, níl aon scéal maith againn. Drochscéal i ndáiríre, easpa saoirse do lucht an phreasa, easpa cearta daonna do mhuintir na Burúine agus is fiú díospóireacht a bheith againn ar an ábhar seo ar maidin.

On 14 March 2016, the EU suspended all direct financial support to the Burundian administration. This arose out of the 2015 presidential elections, which were boycotted by the opposition and which the UN Observatory condemned.

The EU deplores the continued oppression of freedom of speech and freedom of expression in Burundi. In 2018 and 2019, media outlets faced increased harassment by the Burundian authorities when foreign-operating licenses such as that of the worldwide respected BBC were withdrawn. The Burundian authorities continue to subject independent journalists to arbitrary arrests. In the World Press Freedom Index, Burundi is ranked 159th out of 180 countries in 2019. That says it all where freedom of expression and freedom of speech are concerned.

With presidential, parliamentary and local elections taking place in 2020, this remains a huge issue. On 22 October 2019, the Burundian police arrested four journalists on the basis of complicity in threatening state security and a judgment is to be given on those in 30 days. For that reason, it is so important that the European Union and our High Representative take immediate steps and make representations there to ensure that the 15-year prison term suggested is not given to these journalists.

Finally, I would say also that we need to work closer with the East African Community and the African Union to protect the Burundian population. We can only improve on the terrible situation that is there at the moment.


  Isabel Santos, em nome do Grupo S&D.(início da intervenção com o microfone desligado) ... a liberdade de expressão no Burundi tem sido alvo de diversos ataques. O caso dos jornalistas e do seu motorista presos no final de 2019 é apenas mais um numa longa lista de casos de sérias violações de direitos humanos cometidos neste país.

As Nações Unidas, através do seu Secretário-Geral e do Conselho dos Direitos Humanos, trouxeram a público preocupações graves sobre a situação dos direitos humanos, em geral, e o respeito da liberdade de expressão, em particular: assassinatos, tortura, detenções arbitrárias e outras formas de tratamento desumano são mencionadas pelas Nações Unidas, tudo num clima de impunidade generalizada.

Os casos de violação da liberdade de expressão hoje em discussão são um reflexo dessa repressão generalizada e devem merecer a nossa veemente reprovação.

Apelamos, por isso, à libertação dos quatro jornalistas presos no final do ano – Christine Kamikazi, Agnès Ndirubusa, Térence Mpozenzi, Egide Harerimana e o seu motorista, Adolphe Masabarikiza – e que se criem condições para eleições livres e democráticas no próximo mês de maio.


  Dita Charanzová, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Madam President, Burundi has been facing multiple crises over the last five years. People considered as opposition are disappearing, being tortured and killed. Journalists are harassed and arbitrarily arrested. There is total impunity for the perpetrators, and thousands of Burundian refugees are fleeing to escape the violence and humanitarian crisis.

In an already dire situation the presidential elections this year risk generating even more instability and potential violence, with people opting to join armed opposition groups. The government must take action now. It must protect its people and restore and uphold their rights to prevent the situation escalating further. It must release the jailed journalists and cease to censure society. The rule of law must be upheld and democracy fostered or the country risks disintegrating further.

Under these circumstances, the EU has had no choice but to suspend financial support to the government of Burundi. But we should not let down the Burundian people. We must strengthen our development cooperation to help relieve the humanitarian crisis, and we must stand ready to offer all we can to support a peaceful electoral process.


  Alice Kuhnke, för Verts/ALE-gruppen. – Fru talman! Jag är tacksam över att vi folkvalda i EU uppmärksammar situationen i Burundi, att vi inte låter den pågå i tystnad. Situationen är under all kritik, och förföljelsen av journalister måste få ett slut. Burundis regering måste frige varenda journalist.

EU har en vital roll att spela. Vi kan använda våra mekanismer och verktyg för att få ett slut på den här situationen. Och vi gröna uppmanar alla EU:s medlemsländer att stötta civilsamhällets organisationer, journalistförbund och kvinnorättsrörelsen i Burundi.

EU måste också jobba för implementeringen av Arusha-avtalet, så att det blir verklighet. Vi gröna uppmanar Josep Borrell att ge stöd till Östafrikanska gemenskapen i Burundi-dialogerna.


  Ryszard Czarnecki, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Panie Komisarzu! Byłem w Burundi, a także w krajach, które sąsiadują z Burundi, czyli w Rwandzie od północy, w Tanzanii od południa i wschodu i również w Republice Kongo zwanej demokratyczną. Myślę więc, że wiem, jaka jest sytuacja w tym kraju, który – uwaga! – jest krajem o długiej tradycji historycznej. Królestwo w tym kraju, królestwo Tutsi, powstało, zanim powstało szereg państw europejskich, także państwo, które później skolonizowało Burundi, czyli Belgia.

To dobrze, że po pierwsze zabieramy głos w tej sprawie, że domagamy się wolności dla tamtejszych dziennikarzy i wolnych wyborów wiosną tego roku. Ale bardzo ważne jest też to, że potrafimy pokazać, jak działa mechanizm presji, czyli wstrzymania pomocy finansowej dla kraju, który nie przestrzega praw człowieka.


  Carlos Zorrinho (S&D). – Senhora Presidente, a proximidade do processo eleitoral no Burundi agudizou as tensões sociais e políticas no país e evidenciou como o Estado funciona com uma mão policial forte para limitar os direitos fundamentais dos cidadãos como o direito da liberdade de expressão.

O Estado tem vindo a boicotar o trabalho da ONU, que trabalha na assistência básica às populações, e também os trabalhos de outras ONG que o fazem.

A liberdade de expressão está em perigo com as prisões e manifestações feitas a quem ousa desalinhar com o discurso oficial. Vários jornalistas estão desaparecidos ou foram impedidos de exercer livremente o seu trabalho.

É urgente assegurar as condições para que as eleições de maio deste ano decorram de forma livre e justa, apelando para isso a um acompanhamento empenhado do nosso Serviço de Ação Externa e dos diplomatas europeus no terreno.

A imposição de sanções direcionadas pela União Europeia e pela ONU deve ser avaliada quanto antes e posta em prática como forma de punir as permanentes violações dos direitos humanos no Burundi.

A reconciliação e a paz política e social no Burundi são essenciais para que o país se possa desenvolver e sair da espiral de pobreza endémica em que se encontra.


  Phil Bennion (Renew). – Madam President, the people of Burundi continue to suffer from human rights abuses. The United Nations report from September last year showed that the police, the intelligence services and even the youth wing of the governing party have been responsible for the killings, the disappearances and the arbitrary arrests of actual or alleged opposition politicians and their families.

One of the first steps to holding human rights abusers to account is freedom of expression, but this too has come under attack in Burundi. The BBC had its licence revoked by the Burundian authorities, which also banned its citizens from providing information to the BBC. Even children are not safe from prosecution. Three schoolgirls were arrested last year for allegedly doodling on the President’s image in their school books. While they were later released, the government warned that future cases would be punished.

More recently, the police arrested four journalists from a Burundian media organisation – and their driver. They are potentially facing 15—year prison terms for just pursuing their profession. We must press the Burundian Government to release these journalists, cease the persecution of independent media and opposition politicians and reverse their suppression of freedom of expression.

Burundi is a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in which the protection of freedom of expression is enshrined. This is critical to ensure that the upcoming presidential elections are free and fair, which is the best route to a peaceful and genuinely democratic society.


  Nathan Gill (NI). – Madam President, it seems a little rich to me that we are here, in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, debating freedom of expression in Burundi when actually, because of a rule made by this Parliament this week, I am not free to express myself by having my national flag here, on my desk. Are you really lecturing other nations about their freedom to express themselves, when you are repressing and denying our colleagues here the right to proudly display their national flags? What are you afraid of?

Yes, help others to improve their nations, but get your own house in order. We, the British, are leaving, we’re taking our flags with us, but stop being hypocrites and allow other MEP colleagues here to express themselves and their electorates, and their identity by having their national flags on their desks.


  Neena Gill (S&D). – Madam President, it pains me to follow that presentation, but I want to focus on Burundi and on Agnès Ndirubusa, Christine Kamikazi, Egide Harerimana and Térence Mpozenzi. They were journalists just doing their job, investigating and holding the government to account. Now they face up to 15 years in jail. They were arrested on charges of undermining state security, but really these attacks on media freedom are aimed at preventing the world from knowing about serious human rights abuses happening in Burundi.

So, my questions to the Commission. What will the European External Action Service (EEAS) do to pressure the government to release these four journalists? How will it use its leverage, such as the EUR 400 million allocated in the European Development Fund? And as elections approach in May, how will the Commission ensure that President Nkurunziza acts to protect what is left of freedom of expression in Burundi and that there are free and peaceful elections?

This is perhaps my last speech in this plenary and it has been an honour and a privilege to be able to speak up for those who are less able to do so; a platform that I’ve been able to use to speak against human rights abuses around the world.


  Marek Paweł Balt (S&D). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Wolność słowa jest wartością niekwestionowaną. Wywodzić tę wolność można z argumentów opartych na idei demokracji, z potrzeby służenia prawdzie i związanej z tym wolnością głoszenia idei, wreszcie z autonomii jednostki i praw podstawowych człowieka. Niestety obecna władza w Burundi blokuje swobodny przepływ informacji, manipulując przy tym opinią publiczną. Osoby, które starają się przekazać informacje poza granice kraju, są surowo karane, często bite i gwałcone, a na koniec skazywane na dożywocie bądź mordowane. Rząd Burundi wciąż nie szanuje praw człowieka oraz nie skłania się ku demokracji, która jest krucha i wrażliwa na wszelkie niebezpieczeństwa. Komisja Europejska i Parlament Europejski powinny odgrywać wiodącą rolę w monitorowaniu sytuacji przedwyborczej w Burundi, tak aby uniknąć manipulacji wyborczej i wreszcie żeby w kraju mógł zapanować pokój, a wraz z nim wolność słowa.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (NI). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il 2020 potrebbe rappresentare un anno di grandi cambiamenti per il Burundi: finalmente il 20 maggio si dovrebbero tenere le elezioni presidenziali e le elezioni politiche, dopo una stagione terribile, iniziata con le contestate elezioni dell'aprile 2015.

Nel frattempo, però, il Burundi resta teatro di gravissime violazioni dei diritti umani. Il presidente Nkurunziza ha commesso crimini efferati per mantenere il potere contro la volontà popolare, attuando una sanguinaria repressione delle manifestazioni, che ha visto massacri ed esecuzioni extragiudiziarie di oppositori e membri della società civile.

Dal 1° maggio 2019, in particolare, è iniziata una lunga stagione di omicidi politici e di minacce rivolte dal regime agli osservatori dei seggi indipendenti e agli oppositori politici. Lo spazio per la società civile e i media si è ristretto sempre di più e molti attivisti e giornalisti indipendenti affrontano intimidazioni, detenzioni arbitrarie e processi sommari.

Voglio esprimere la mia più profonda preoccupazione per queste evoluzioni, che fanno presagire la natura violenta e antidemocratica delle prossime elezioni. Come può essere infatti garantita un'equa e corretta competizione elettorale per i partiti di opposizione, alla luce di una rafforzata repressione dei media indipendenti?

Il Burundi necessita di una soluzione politica duratura ma il suo governo attuale rifiuta di rispettare i trattati internazionali, l'accordo di Arusha del 2000 e la stessa Costituzione burundese, minando qualsiasi iniziativa di riconciliazione, di pace e di giustizia.

Per questo abbiamo bisogno di far sentire la voce dell'Unione europea più che mai, pretendendo rispetto dei trattati internazionali e della clausola degli accordi di Cotonou sui diritti umani.

(L'oratore accetta di rispondere a una domanda "cartellino blu" (articolo 171, paragrafo 8, del regolamento))


  Tomislav Sokol (PPE), blue-card question. – Colleague, you mentioned the problems in Burundi, but this is not the only country where such things take place, especially in Africa. We discuss these things a lot here in this Parliament. But what do you think, honestly, that the EU can do to really influence issues in these kinds of countries? We know that we have development aid, etc., but to what extent do you think that the European Union can find a really unified voice and influence issues at the global level?


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (NI), blue-card answer. – Thank you very much for this important question. First of all let me say that it is true: it is not the only country, but that’s why it is even more important than ever that we will respect of the human rights clause in the Cotonou agreement. It has never been effectively applied, and above all we must look into not only suspending our cooperation funds, but also eventually implementing targeted sanctions against those responsible for these atrocities.

We are speaking in Burundi of a covert genocide because still there is a conflict between the Hutu and Tutsi in the country as happened in Rwanda. And of course let me say that we must try to use our leverage and to ensure a united position of the European countries. We cannot allow some of our Member States to negotiate behind our back, not respecting the official position of the High Representative and, of course, the official position of the EU.


Zgłoszenia z sali


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Paní předsedající, já jsem velmi pozorně poslouchal celou debatu a se všemi kolegy souhlasím. Ta situace v Burundi je opravdu velmi kritická a děkuji předkladatelům tohoto tisku, že předložili takovouto zprávu. A to zvláště v situaci, která zde byla zmiňována. Za půl roku čekají v Burundi dvoje volby – parlamentní a prezidentské. A my bychom měli, Evropská unie, a je to otázka na Komisi, na Vás, pane komisaři, udělat maximum pro to, abychom vhodnou diplomatickou cestou, ale i ekonomickými nástroji udělali maximum pro to, aby ty volby proběhly demokraticky. To by mělo být cílem dnešní debaty. My tu můžeme říkat, jak je to tragické, jak se zachází s novináři, s opozicí v Burundi, ale cílem tohoto setkání by mělo být, co uděláme pro to, aby v květnu proběhly alespoň trochu demokratické volby. A ta situace nebude jednoduchá, byť zde kolega řekl, že současný prezident nechce kandidovat, tak někteří analytici tvrdí, že naopak ještě bude kandidovat, což by bylo v rozporu s burundskou ústavou. Takže čeká nás náročná cesta, abychom Burundi pomohli a v květnu proběhly demokratické volby.


  Eugen Tomac (PPE). – Domnule președintele de ședință, am dorit să intervin tocmai pentru că este foarte bine că dezbatem în Parlamentul European situația drepturilor omului, libertatea de exprimare peste tot unde este îngrădită în lume.

Milioane de cetățeni se uită cu speranță spre Uniunea Europeană pentru că suntem casa care apără aceste valori. Pe aceste principii, părinții fondatori au așezat Uniunea Europeană și este vital pentru noi să fim alături de jurnaliștii care își fac onest datoria în aceste țări unde democrația este fragilă. Este esențial, pentru că avem cel mai mare corp diplomatic din întreaga lume.

Serviciul de Acțiune Externă trebuie să se implice mai energic pentru că avem cea mai mare rețea de diplomați la nivel global și, pentru că avem această autoritate, oamenii se uită cu speranță spre noi și trebuie să facem mai mult și pentru Burundi.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D). – Señora presidenta, el pasado mes de noviembre tuve el honor de participar en la Asamblea Parlamentaria Paritaria ACP-UE, que se celebró en Ruanda, para discutir el futuro de la relación de la Unión Europea con los países africanos, esencialmente después del Acuerdo de Cotonú.

Pues bien, esa misma Asamblea Parlamentaria Paritaria, la Comisión Europea y el conjunto del Parlamento Europeo determinaron que Burundi ⸻país fronterizo con Ruanda, que padeció también el espantoso genocidio a mediados de los años noventa⸻ viola flagrantemente el Acuerdo de Cotonú, su artículo 96, por la situación represiva, que continúa.

Burundi es uno de los países más pobres de la tierra. El 50 % de su presupuesto depende de la ayuda exterior y, aun en esas condiciones, la Unión Europea mantiene una ayuda financiera que se incrementa de 91 millones de euros a 120 millones de euros, esencialmente humanitaria.

Por tanto, tenemos la autoridad y el deber de exigir que las elecciones inminentes en Burundi ⸻presidenciales, parlamentarias y locales⸻ tengan lugar en una atmósfera donde no sean tolerables la represión sistemática a los periodistas y a los defensores de los derechos humanos, el encarcelamiento, las detenciones arbitrarias, las desapariciones forzadas y las torturas sistemáticas.

Tenemos toda la autoridad moral y apoyamos a la Comisión para que la ejerza.


(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)


  Janez Lenarčič, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, I share your concern about the situation in Burundi. I recall that, last December, the Council confirmed the need to maintain appropriate measures, according to Article 96 of the Cotonou Agreement, against Burundi.

The EU believes that the Burundi crisis should remain high on the international agenda and we will continue to work with our partners in the United Nations, the African Union and African regional organisations. There are signs that tensions could increase further in the run-up to elections that are now foreseen for 20 May. Violations and abuses of human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of association, persist across the country.

The case of four journalists from Iwacu who have been imprisoned was mentioned by many here and I would like to assure you that the EU is keeping this issue very high on its agenda with the Burundi authorities. We have been raising this and coordinating with our like-minded partners. We will not let this issue just go away.

The Commission of Inquiry on Burundi, in its latest report in September, denounced the persistence of a climate of fear and intimidation of all persons who do not support the ruling party. The Commission also raised red flags at the serious human rights violations that were committed, some of them constituting international crimes. I do not, however, believe that we should just accept as inevitable that things can only get worse from now on. That is not in anybody’s interests and most certainly not in the interests of Burundi and its people.

I wish to assure you that the European Union has no intention of abandoning Burundi. Through its development cooperation, the European Union remains strongly engaged in the country, also working with civil society and human rights defenders and building up the resilience of the population. In the next four months, the time leading up to the elections, it will be crucial that Burundi strives to ensure a credible, transparent and inclusive electoral process, open up political and civic space and bring an end to human rights violations and impunity.

Respect for the spirit and the letter of the Arusha Agreement is key. I encourage Burundi to take this path, noting that there are elements to build on, such as a Code of Conduct broadly supported by political parties and the President’s reconfirmed announcements not to run for a fourth mandate. If Burundi chooses this path, it can count on the readiness of the European Union to accompany it.


  Przewodnicząca. – Zamykam debatę.

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Viimane päevakajastamine: 19. aprill 2024Õigusteave - Privaatsuspoliitika