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Srijeda, 29. siječnja 2020. - Bruxelles Revidirano izdanje

25. Strategija EU-a za mobilnost i promet: mjere potrebne do i nakon 2030. (rasprava)
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  Przewodnicząca. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest oświadczenie Komisji w sprawie strategii UE na rzecz zrównoważonej mobilności i zrównoważonego transportu: środki niezbędne do 2030 r. i w późniejszym okresie (2020/2518(RSP)).


  Adina-Ioana Vălean, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, I am very happy to be back with you again today and to give you a first insight into our reflections on the future of transport and mobility. I would also like to welcome your choice to put sustainability at the centre of this debate, as it perfectly mirrors our common ambitions. As we look to the future, and in line with President von der Leyen’s political guidelines, our policy actions will, on the one hand, be guided by the ambition of the European Green Deal to ensure that transport makes its important contribution to climate neutrality by 2050 and, on the other, by a Europe that is fit for the digital age when it comes to harnessing digital technologies to make mobility smart as well as sustainable.

The strategy on sustainable and smart mobility will have these two objectives at its heart and will guide us towards a transport sector that is fit for a clean, digital and modern economy. The Commission will adopt the strategy later this year, once we have completed our preparatory work, including the public consultation, and received feedback from the stakeholders. What is certain is that the strategy must include ambitious measures aimed at significantly reducing CO2 and pollutant emissions across all modes. It will exploit digitalisation and automation, enhancing connectivity to the next level, and – last but not least – it will ensure safety and accessibility.

Our comprehensive strategy for sustainable and smart mobility will have to be unprecedented in ambition to achieve a 90% reduction in emissions by 2050. I want to share what I see as the four principles that will guide transport’s contribution to the European Green Deal. First: making the transport system as a whole more sustainable, making sustainable alternative solutions available to all citizens and businesses, respecting the polluters-pay principle in all transport mode and, not in the last, fostering connectivity and access to transport for all.

Therefore, in the upcoming transport strategy, I am planning to put forward measures in the following four areas of action. First, to boost the uptake of clean vehicles and alternative fuels for road, maritime and aviation. In this regard, we are already looking into specific initiatives to ensure the availability of marine alternative fuels and sustainable aviation fuels, Second, increase the share of more sustainable transport modes, such as rail and inland waterways, and improving efficiency across the whole transport system. Thirdly, incentivising the right consumer choices and low—emissions practices. Fourth, investing in low-and zero-emissions solutions, including infrastructure.

On the road to a climate-neutral Europe by 2050, it is essential that sustainable and smart go hand—in—hand. Digitalisation is not simply a means to an end. We must take full advantage of the opportunities presented to us by digitalisation and automation, for instance, by increasing traffic efficiency through artificial intelligence or reducing traffic hazards to a minimum, to name only a few. They are the key to cleaner, simpler, smart and safe mobility across all transport modes. Digitalisation also opens the door to mobility as a service and the seamless combination of transport modes for a single journey, encouraging more people out of private cars and onto shared and more efficient forms of transport. We will, of course, be vigilant and watch out for any impact on jobs and skills.

To make this happen, we need accessibility, affordability, connectivity. I am 100% committed to leaving nobody behind as we embark on this green and digital transformation. The Just Transition Mechanism will be key here: it will mobilise EUR 100 billion to address the social and economic effects of the green transition, focusing on the region’s industries and workers who will face the greatest challenges. The connectivity provided by transport is fundamental to freedom of movement in the European Union.

Safety and security: it should go without saying that, while we must embark on a significant reduction of emissions from transport and harness digital opportunities for the sector, safety and security will continue to come first. Our strategy will incorporate measures for maintaining the highest safety and security standards in the world of transport.

When you talk about global leadership, a real market for the green digital solution is emerging, and I want the EU to be a global leader in these areas: from block chain and digital mapping and tracking, to connected and automated vehicles, trains, planes and vessels. To secure our position at global level, we need to take investment in research and innovation very seriously, and we need to work closely with the industry. This are some of my initial remarks on your questions, and of course I am looking forward to your questions and comments.


Puhetta johti HEIDI HAUTALA


  Marian-Jean Marinescu, în numele grupului PPE. – Doamnă președintă, doamnă comisară, mulțumesc foarte mult pentru intervenția dumneavoastră. Vă mulțumesc și pentru ceea ce ați spus că veți face anul acesta și vă mulțumesc, în același timp, și pentru introducerea, în programul Comisiei, a multor dosare importante pentru politica de transport în viitor. Pentru mine a fost o surpriză foarte plăcută.

Politica de transport viitoare trebuie să asigure, în primul rând, mobilitatea și conectivitatea, atât de necesare, amândouă, dezvoltării economiei. Toate măsurile pe care trebuie să le luăm în viitor trebuie, în primul rând, să asigure mobilitatea și apoi trebuie să respecte și, bineînțeles, cerințele Pactului ecologic.

Sunt lucruri pe care le puteți face fără a avea foarte multe costuri, nu neapărat niște măsuri de piață, și vă pot da niște exemple. De exemplu, pentru transportul pe cale ferată, aveți coridoarele de marfă, care nu sunt dezvoltate la nivelul la care ar trebui. Trebuie să aplicați regulamentul existent și, în același timp, să asigurați armonizarea tuturor regulamentelor și standardizarea în acest mod de transport foarte important, pentru că se cere transferul de pe drum, pe cale ferată.

Pentru transportul rutier, trebuie să existe o foaie de parcurs. Predictibilitatea este necesară atât industriei, cât și consumatorilor. Trebuie să completăm coridoarele rutiere. Pentru aviație, Cerul unic european, plus o nouă reglementare a ajutorului de stat pentru aeroporturi va aduce foarte multe îmbunătățiri. Nu uitați de transportul pe căile fluviale, căile navigabile interne, care poate să aducă, în același timp, dezvoltare economică, dar poate să aducă și micșorare de emisii.


  Johan Danielsson, för S&D-gruppen. – Fru talman, kommissionär Vălean! Att ställa om till en grönare och mer hållbar transportsektor kommer att vara avgörande för att vi ska nå våra klimatmål. Fram till 2050 förväntas godstransporterna öka med 80 procent och persontransporterna med 50 procent. Samtidigt ska EU nå nettonollutsläpp.

Då kommer det inte att räcka med skatter och avgifter på fossila bränslen och på olika typer av utsläpp, utan då måste vi också presentera en positiv vision av den gröna omställningen genom investeringar. Vi måste investera i infrastruktur. Vi måste investera i alternativa bränslen och säkerställa att en hållbar omställning är möjlig i alla transportslag, må det vara väg, flyg, järnväg eller till sjöss.

Jag ser fram emot att arbeta med kommissionen i linje med det som ni föreslog i ert arbetsprogram för att bygga ut järnvägen, öka andelen gods som går på järnväg, bygga ut laddinfrastrukturen för att säkerställa en elektrifiering av våra vägtransporter och för att se till att EU också leder omställningen av flyget genom alternativa bränslen men också en elektrifiering av det kortare flyget. Transporterna är blodomloppet på vår inre marknad. Nu måste det också bli grönt.


  José Ramón Bauzá Díaz, en nombre del Grupo Renew. – Señora presidenta, quiero agradecer la intervención de la comisaria, que ha marcado muy claramente las líneas a seguir, muchas de las cuales obviamente compartimos. Señorías, permítanme que les cite la siguiente frase, que cito textualmente: «Quien más viaja en avión probablemente es quien tiene más recursos o quien ve sus billetes sufragados por la empresa». Estas son las irresponsables declaraciones que la vicepresidenta del Gobierno de España hizo ayer en una entrevista. Una desafortunada retórica antiaviones que lo que hace es pretender cuestionar a los ciudadanos que hacen uso del avión para desplazarse simple y llanamente, y se les cuestiona simplemente por ser libres.

Discursos como este, que no compartimos en absoluto, lo que hacen es buscar, culpabilizar y criminalizar no solo a la industria, sino también a todas aquellas personas que usan determinados bienes o servicios simplemente porque son libres y tienen la capacidad de elegir.

La criminalización del transporte no solo arruina a camioneros o a pilotos, sino que también genera la quiebra directa del comercio exterior, de nuestras exportaciones, del comercio interior y, por supuesto, de las regiones isleñas. Yo procedo de unas islas, de las islas Baleares, y nosotros necesitamos un transporte seguro, fiable, rápido, en este caso, como es el de los aviones. Y lo hacemos o por necesidad o porque queremos. Simplemente porque somos ciudadanos libres.

Hoy más que nunca, desde las instituciones europeas necesitamos alejarnos de los populismos, y que no se vea al transporte como una amenaza sino como una oportunidad; ya no voy a decir como una necesidad.

Necesitamos pensar de forma constructiva. Necesitamos apoyarnos en las nuevas tecnologías, en las nuevas oportunidades que se nos brindan, también con biocombustibles o con combustibles alternativos. Prohibir, señalar, criminalizar, nunca es la solución. Y precisamente los que estamos aquí tenemos esa responsabilidad.


  Karima Delli, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. – Madame la Présidente, Madame la Commissaire, mes chers collègues, le transport, c’est 30 % des gaz à effet de serre. C’est le seul secteur qui ne réduit pas ses gaz à effet de serre depuis 1990 et, en parallèle, aucun État membre ne respecte les accords de Paris. Ce phénomène a aussi enclenché une deuxième dynamique, qui est terrible puisque nous avons la maladie du XXI e siècle sous nos yeux, notamment cette pollution de l’air: 800 000 morts prématurés chaque année.

Et donc, Madame la Commissaire, vous nous parlez du Green Deal (Pacte vert pour l’Europe). Je suis d’accord, mais il ne faut pas du tout en faire un Green Washing! L’écologie de l’illusion mérite l’écologie des solutions. Dans cette feuille de route du Pacte vert pour l’Europe, il faut de l’audace, il faut être ambitieux, attaquer là où ça fait mal. Alors oui, on va s’attaquer à des sujets qui font mal, mais nous devons obtenir des réponses.

Premièrement, le secteur de l’aviation: il est grand temps qu’il entre dans le système de l’ETS (SEQE). Et allons plus loin pour mettre en œuvre une véritable taxe kérosène. Ce sont vos services qui ont montré qu’une taxe kérosène pouvait apporter au budget de l’État 27 milliards d’euros par an. N’est-ce pas formidable en matière de levée de fonds pour relancer ce dont nous avons besoin? Relancer le fret, relancer notamment la mobilité urbaine dure avec plus de transports en commun, plus de pistes cyclables ?

Madame la Présidente, je termine très rapidement: je n’accepte pas ou je n’accepterai pas que la Commission prenne son courage pour nous remettre un texte sur l’Eurovignette, texte qui a été torpillé par le Conseil, voté par le Parlement. Je vous remercie.


  Roman Haider, im Namen der ID-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Das Papier, das die Kommission hier vorgelegt hat, ist leider weder besonders grün noch ist es ein guter Deal. Ganz im Gegenteil: Eine Umsetzung dieses Entwurfs gefährdet Millionen von Arbeitsplätzen, und zwar ohne auch nur in entscheidender oder in irgendeiner Weise zur Umwelt oder zum Klimaschutz beizutragen. Im Klartext heißt das: Die Kommission stellt die wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen von fast 500 Millionen Bürgern in Frage – für nichts.

Ganz besonders sauer stößt mir auf, dass die Bürger und ihre Bedürfnisse bei diesen hochfliegenden Plänen der Kommission überhaupt keine Rolle spielen. Die Menschen brauchen ihr Fahrzeug, um zur Arbeit zu kommen – jeden Tag. Sie brauchen ihre Fahrzeuge, um ihren Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen. Und genau diese Millionen von Pendlern nehmen Sie mit diesem Vorhaben aus wie die sprichwörtliche Weihnachtsgans. Diese Pläne sind nicht nur wirtschaftsfeindlich, sie sind auch unsozial. Sie machen Mobilität zum Luxusgut.


  Kosma Złotowski, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Szanowana Pani Komisarz! Kluczowym elementem unijnej strategii w zakresie mobilności powinny być nakłady na środki komunikacji przyjazne środowisku, szczególnie jeśli chodzi o transport publiczny. Mamy nowoczesne europejskie know-how, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o pojazdy szynowe, czego przykładem jest choćby bydgoska Pesa. Warto w rozwój tego rodzaju przedsiębiorstw zainwestować.

Przyszłość transportu to także inteligentne pojazdy i infrastruktura gwarantujące jak najwyższe bezpieczeństwo pieszym i kierowcom, to także większa efektywność transportu towarowego, której nie da się osiągnąć, ograniczając konkurencję przy pomocy pakietu mobilności.

Rok 2030 to bardzo ambitna cezura przy tak złożonej i kosztownej agendzie. W wielu regionach podstawowe potrzeby komunikacyjne wciąż nie zostały zaspokojone, brakuje bezpiecznych dróg, a średni wiek samochodów w Unii Europejskiej to 11 lat.

Mam nadzieję, że Pani Komisarz będzie o tym wszystkim pamiętała. Strategia patrzenia w przyszłość nie może być strategią ucieczki do przodu od bieżących problemów, które zastaliśmy.


  Έλενα Κουντουρά, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας GUE/NGL. – Κυρία Vălean, σας ευχαριστώ πολύ για την παρουσίαση. Εύχομαι να έχουμε πολύ καλή συνεργασία τα επόμενα χρόνια. Στη συζήτηση για το μέλλον των μεταφορών, πρέπει να θέσουμε τρεις προτεραιότητες οι οποίες είναι άρρηκτα συνδεδεμένες μεταξύ τους: Πρώτον, οι καθαρές μεταφορές για το κλίμα αλλά και για την ανθρώπινη υγεία. Ξέρουμε ότι οι μεταφορές ευθύνονται για το 27% των αερίων του θερμοκηπίου, τη στιγμή που η ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση, ιδιαίτερα στα αστικά κέντρα, προκαλεί εκατομμύρια πρόωρους θανάτους. Δεύτερον, δεν νοείται ευρωπαϊκή στρατηγική που να μην έχει ως στόχο τη συνδεσιμότητα όλων των κρατών μελών αλλά κυρίως των νησιωτικών και απομακρυσμένων περιοχών. Η κατάσταση είναι δραματική. Ήδη σήμερα το κόστος που επωμίζονται οι πληθυσμοί αυτοί είναι τεράστιο. Το μόνο που ζητούν είναι ίσες συνθήκες και ευκαιρίες με τους άλλους Ευρωπαίους. Τρίτον, κοινωνικά δίκαιη μετάβαση. Αν δεν δημιουργήσουμε αντίμετρα και πρόνοια για τους πιο αδύναμους, θα χάσουμε την αποδοχή της κοινωνίας. Δεν πρέπει οι μεταφορές να γίνουν μια πολυτέλεια για τους προνομιούχους. Το κλειδί της επιτυχίας είναι οι επενδύσεις σε νέες τεχνολογίες, στην καινοτομία και την έρευνα. Δεν πρέπει να χάσουμε άλλο χρόνο. Πρέπει να περάσουμε από τα λόγια στην πράξη.


  Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (NI). – Poštovana potpredsjednice, željeznica je slika države, odnosno ako želimo vidjeti u kakvom stanju je neka država, pogledajmo njezinu željeznicu. Kad govorimo o državnom prometu, bojim se da je Hrvatska daleko od spremnosti za budućnost održivoga prometa, o tome nažalost i svjedoče činjenice iz hrvatske strategije prometnog razvoja iz 2017. godine, a tamo recimo stoji: „Vozni park željeznica u prosjeku je stariji od 30 godina, 70 % lokomotiva u idućih će deset godina doći do kraja svog radnog vijeka. Vozni park zbog svoje starosti uništava željezničku infrastrukturu. Samo je na 18 % ukupne duljine pruga dozvoljena najviša brzina koja je projektirana. Dalje, brzina vlakova do 160 km/h dopuštena je samo na 7 %, a do 100 km/h na samo 12 % pruga. Obnova sustava koja je propisana svakih osam do deset godina nije se provodila proteklih 35 godina. Postojeće poslovanje željeznice nije održivo bez državne potpore. Nažalost, kolegice i kolege, ovako izgleda kronična desetljetna korupcija u praksi. Ona se vidi na željeznici.


  Barbara Thaler (PPE). – Madam President, dear colleagues, mobility is an indicator of wealth, opportunities and prosperity. Mobility brings individuals and consequently Europe closer together. Mobility itself is not a problem - it’s quite the opposite.

Dear Commissioner, our European transport system has to stay affordable, reliable and sustainable. And let me share three ideas on this:

Firstly, I think we all agree that our railway system can contribute to our shared goals. However, we need to cut red tape, to an enormous extent, we need to unleash competition and we need to tear down national borders. I know the Commission is well aware and I know you are committed to solve this problem. But how exactly are you planning to proceed?

Secondly, for 20 years the average European household has been spending 13% of their monthly available income on mobility, while at the same time better technology reduced our CO2 emissions by 25%. How are you going to ensure that the expenses for our citizens will say will stay the same in the future?

And lastly, now I switch back to mother tongue.

Wir wurden nicht gewählt, um Mobilität zum Problem zu machen. Wir wurden gewählt, um die Probleme der Mobilität zu lösen. Seien Sie sich sicher, Frau Kommissarin, in uns haben Sie einen starken Partner darin.


  Ismail Ertug (S&D). – Madam President, the future of mobility has to be CO2 neutral. We can reach that only through new technologies and alternative fuels, and electrification will not be possible without the corresponding infrastructure. Therefore, Madam Commissioner, I urge you as soon as possible to come forward with the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive, which we had seven years ago but which failed due to the destructive approach of the Council. Furthermore, I want to raise one more issue, which is the importance of the Trans-European Networks Directive or Regulation. This is also in preparation – we know that. I was the rapporteur eight years ago, and at that time we had different goals. Now we have different goals as well. Therefore we have to support, with the Trans-European Networks guidelines, also these targets and these goals that I mentioned before. We have to fund the smart and clean infrastructure also within the Transport and TEN-T guidelines as well, and the funding has to be there.


  Caroline Nagtegaal (Renew). – Voorzitter, geef ons duidelijkheid. Dat is wat ik heel vaak hoor van de binnenvaartschippers in Moerdijk en in Delfzijl. Maar ook in mijn eigen stad Rotterdam. “Wij willen wel”, vertellen ze me, “en eigenlijk liever nog vandaag dan morgen.” De binnenvaart in Nederland, maar zeker ook in Europa, wil heel graag die stap naar duurzame brandstoffen maken. Op dit moment is het eigenlijk alleen het gebrek aan duidelijkheid vanuit Europa dat ze daarvan weerhoudt. Of het nu gaat om waterstof, LNG of elektrische aandrijving. Of misschien wel die meest briljante vondst die we nog niet kennen. Het maakt eigenlijk niets uit, als de Europese regelgeving het maar toestaat en de infrastructuur er maar komt te liggen.

Daarom sta ik hier nu ook. Ik wil dat in Europa echt wordt gestopt met beschuldigend te wijzen naar de binnenvaart. Ik weet eigenlijk wel zeker dat met de herziening van de TEN-T-richtlijn en de richtlijn alternatieve brandstoffen al die hardwerkende en voor ons onmisbare binnenvaartschippers wordt toegestaan om te doen wat ze zo graag willen, namelijk een duurzaam Europa nalaten aan de volgende generatie.

En mijn vraag aan u, mevrouw de commissaris, is dan ook: “Bent u het met mij eens dat waterstof, LNG of die andere mogelijke, toekomstige alternatieve brandstoffen juist kansen bieden voor onze binnenvaartsector om te verduurzamen en op die manier ruim baan te krijgen? Zo ja, hoe ziet u dat in het licht van de aankomende TEN-T-richtlijn en de richtlijn alternatieve brandstoffen?


  Ciarán Cuffe (Verts/ALE). – Thank you, Madam President. The future of transport must be affordable, accessible, healthy and clean: not my words, but the words of our President, Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen, and I agree with that sentiment. I want to see it delivered. So let’s start with walking, move on to cycling and then invest in quality public transport. It’s not rocket science. If our transport systems work for children, if they work for older people, then we’re on the right road to sustainability. But we do have to move away from a car-centric vision of transport and mobility, and I want you, Commissioner, to place a clear focus on active travel and safer, low—carbon mobility solutions. We have to move away from our obsession with mega projects and focus more on the small things that make a difference in different regions around Europe. An EU strategy must not repeat the mistakes of the past – endless motorway and airport expansions and subsidies for pollution industries – so let’s offer a positive vision for how people can move around.


  Philippe Olivier (ID). – Madame la Présidente, laissez-moi vous rappeler une vérité simple: l’énergie la plus propre et celle qu’on ne consomme pas. Vous nous proposez de réduire la pollution des transports, vous avez raison. Mais comment ne pas penser que vous êtes atteinte d’une certaine schizophrénie, parce qu’ayant fait le constat que la planète s’asphyxie avec le développement des transports, vous vous acharnez à mettre en œuvre un modèle fondé sur le libre—échangisme, le nomadisme, c’est—à—dire en pratique le développement infini des transports, et l’on voit dans le monde, le ballet des super-cargos baladant des marchandises et même des déchets.

Vous ne parlez pas de citoyens, mais seulement de consommateurs, réduisant l’homme à cette fonction consumériste. C’est cette conception mercantiliste de l’homme qui vous place en pleine contradiction écologique. Au globalisme, nous opposons le localisme qui nous convie à produire, consommer, retraiter sur place. Au nomadisme, nous opposons le bonheur de vivre sur sa terre avec ses affections et ses traditions, à votre hyper—consumérisme nous opposons une sobriété qui, comme nous le rappelle Pierre Rabhi peut être source de bonheur. Je vous remercie.


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Г-жо Председател, г-жо Комисар, колеги, този дебат сякаш го е писал г-н Франц Кафка. Вярвам, че ви е известен този чешки писател. Чувам и виждам едни и същи хора, които гласуваха и прокараха силом срещу интересите на Централна и Източна Европа, на Румъния, на Унгария, на България, на Полша, на прибалтийските републики, на Испания, на Португалия пакета „Мобилност“. Тези същите хора говорят за зелена сделка и се оплакват от замърсяващия транспорт. И се оплакват, че се повишавали емисиите. Ами как няма да се повишават, като гласувахте да разхождате хиляди празни камиони на хиляди километри из цяла Европа? Как няма да се повишават тези емисии? Едното от двете не е вярно.

Не може да разкарвате празни камиони и да искате зелена сделка. Това как се нарича: лицемерие, двуличие, дебелоочие? Не зная, кажете ни! Това, което се случва пред очите ни, е истински фалш и Вие, г-жо Комисар, имате голям проблем. Вие трябва да се преборите с пакета „Мобилност“, който беше направен в интерес на превозвачи от държави извън Европейския съюз като Русия, като Турция, които вземат бизнеса. Не слушате превозвачи – превозвачите от България, от Румъния, от Полша и от прибалтийските държави, защото има лобизъм и той е грозен и не трябва да се случва.


  João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). – Senhora Presidente, as políticas de mobilidade são cruciais para a qualidade de vida das populações, para o funcionamento da economia e para a redução dos impactos antrópicos no ambiente. Na perspetiva da coesão económica, social e territorial devem necessariamente ser tidas em conta as necessidades de mobilidade nos planos local, regional e nacional.

A União Europeia tem vindo a colocar um foco crescente nas chamadas redes transeuropeias por pressão das principais economias que dominam o mercado único, ao mesmo tempo que reduz os recursos necessários para o que falta fazer, e é muito, ao nível da mobilidade local, regional e nacional, em especial em domínios como a ferrovia ou o metropolitano nas cidades. O chamado Pacto Ecológico Europeu, apesar da muita propaganda, falha clamorosamente na questão da mobilidade. Não há mobilidade sustentável sem uma aposta forte nos transportes públicos, sem a transição massiva de utilizadores do transporte individual para o transporte público coletivo.

Pois bem, nem por uma vez o chamado Pacto Ecológico Europeu fala em transportes públicos. Esperamos que a estratégia para a mobilidade que aí vem corrija estas distorções.


  Antoni Comín i Oliveres (NI). –Señora presidenta, estimados colegas, comisaria Vălean, Europa, sin duda, tiene que estar en la vanguardia de un paradigma de transporte capaz de reconciliar la eficiencia y la sostenibilidad medioambiental. Pero en Cataluña, cuando pensamos en el futuro del transporte, lo primero que nos viene a la cabeza es el Corredor Mediterráneo. Los actores sociales y económicos, tanto de Cataluña como de Valencia, nunca han dejado de insistir y de trabajar en la necesidad de esta conexión, que es altamente estratégica para Europa. Está incluida en la RTE-T, desde hace diez años, pero todavía no ha sido terminada.

Hace tiempo que vemos cómo desde el Estado español se frena la inversión; falta un plan director integral para la década 2020-2030, desde Francia hasta Algeciras; falta saber la fecha de la nueva conexión del puerto de Barcelona, que está proyectada desde hace más de doce años, la nueva terminal del antiguo cauce del Llobregat, etcétera.

Los discursos de la Comisión siempre son bienvenidos y son importantes, pero las reglamentaciones no sirven de nada si no se hacen cumplir. No tienen verdadero efecto, si no van seguidas de una buena implementación por parte de los Estados miembros. Esperamos que la Comisión Europea sea realmente firme en este sentido.


  Sven Schulze (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin! Vielen Dank, Frau Kommissarin, dass Sie heute bei uns sind. Wir reden über die Zukunft der Mobilität. Ich möchte heute aber mal ein Thema ansprechen, das die Bürger Europas ganz aktuell interessiert und zu dem ich in den letzten Monaten unzählige Fragen von meinen Wählern bekommen habe. Das ist das Thema der Umweltplaketten. Wir erleben, dass viele Städte in Europa, in der Europäischen Union eigene Systeme einführen. In Straßburg haben wir das beispielsweise. Wer, so wie ich, jedesmal zur Straßburgwoche mit dem Auto fährt, musste dort eine Plakette beantragen. Wer, so wie ich, mit dem Auto hierher nach Brüssel fährt, musste sich hier registrieren lassen, und das haben wir in unzähligen Städten innerhalb der Europäischen Union. Wir, die Europäische Volkspartei, haben in den vergangenen Jahren schon mehrfach bei der Kommission angefragt – das waren Ihre Vorgänger, die wir da gefragt haben –, ob das a) mit europäischen Regeln übereinstimmt und b), ob dieser Flickenteppich im Sinne unserer Europäischen Union ist. Viele Bürger haben die Befürchtung, dass, wenn sie in Städte hineinfahren, sie dann empfindliche Strafen bekommen, wenn sie sich nicht registriert haben. Auch die Registrierung ist nicht immer ganz einfach. Und da meine Bitte: Bei aller Weitsicht, die wir zu den verschiedenen Themen heute hier hören und die auch alle wichtig sind, dass wir auch diese aktuellen Themen beachten und Sie als neue Kommissarin – ich habe Sie so kennengelernt, dass Sie sich wirklich auch um das Wohl der Bürger bemühen wollen – dieses Thema mal aufgreifen und uns eine Rückmeldung geben und das mal überprüfen.


  Giuseppe Ferrandino (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il Green Deal non può e non deve essere un mero spot politico. Abbiamo piena coscienza delle sfide climatiche da fronteggiare e urge correggere il tiro delle politiche comunitarie presto e in modo efficace.

Chiedo alla Commissione un atteggiamento più ambizioso e determinato, a cominciare da Eurovignette bloccato da logiche nazionali che cozzano con la visione a lungo termine del Green Deal. Tutti sappiamo che i trasporti sono responsabili di un quarto delle emissioni dell'Unione. Occorrono specifici investimenti in trasporti ferroviari, aerei e marittimi.

Inoltre, l'attuale posizione della Commissione sul trasporto intermodale non è ancora sufficiente. Il Parlamento ha già ribadito che serve uno sforzo economico maggiore per raggiungere gli obiettivi previsti per il 2030.

Sono inoltre molto preoccupato che punire chi inquina di più possa trasformarsi in una iniqua tassazione che ricade esclusivamente sul consumatore finale, invece di rappresentare un incentivo affinché si sviluppino tecnologie meno impattanti.

Ancora una volta gli investimenti richiesti per collegare le zone periferiche dell'Europa, come ad esempio il sud dell'Italia, sembrano essere insufficienti. Pertanto chiediamo che, come già proposto dal Parlamento, vi sia un aumento di 6 miliardi del meccanismo CEF.


  Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (Renew). – Señora presidenta, bienvenida comisaria, la movilidad eficiente, sostenible y limpia de personas y mercancías es una de las claves para la competitividad de nuestra economía. Es una herramienta imprescindible para luchar contra el cambio climático y garantiza la libertad de movimientos. Somos líderes en muchas tecnologías de transporte, y mantener esa posición nos obliga a innovar, a crear el primer sistema integrado de movilidad del mundo.

Ello requiere apostar por la digitalización intensiva, la innovación industrial para descarbonizar vehículos y conectarlos entre sí, con las infraestructuras y los usuarios, y la formación de nuevos profesionales. Hay que evolucionar en la gestión por modos de transporte para empezar a hablar de movilidad. Van a aparecer nuevos modelos de negocio que permitirán a los usuarios, en una sola operación, resolver sus necesidades del primer al último kilómetro.

Una transformación que requiere, además, un cambio del que todos somos protagonistas y que comienza a ras de suelo. Por eso insisto en que sume voluntades de abajo a arriba y que se apoye en las instituciones más próximas a la ciudadanía para avanzar. Y, por supuesto, han de cumplirse compromisos y acuerdos que son claves para este desarrollo: las redes transeuropeas de transporte, el Cielo Único, la red Galileo, el paquete ferroviario; apostamos por el Pacto Verde, pero se quedará solo en palabras bonitas si los Estados miembros siguen bloqueando los cimientos de esta transformación. Usted debe ser la protagonista para exigirles que lo cumplan.


  Tilly Metz (Verts/ALE). – Madame la Présidente, le Luxembourg est le premier pays européen où le transport public sera gratuit à partir du 1er mars. L’accès à des solutions de substitution pratiques et efficaces de déplacement est essentiel pour donner envie aux citoyens et aux citoyennes de changer de mode de transport.

L’accès pour tous et le coût abordable des transports sont des éléments indispensables, mais il faut aussi faire d’autres investissements. Il faut faire en sorte que les infrastructures soient là pour passer facilement du train au vélo, du train à la voiture électrique ou encore du train au tram. Tout aussi nécessaires, la mise en place de tarifs réduits dans toute l’Europe pour les transports faibles en carbone, tels que le train, notamment pour les étudiants, et la juste taxation des moyens de transport polluants. Enfin, il faut aussi un renforcement des lignes de train intraeuropéennes et des trains de nuit.

Cette stratégie doit faire partie intégrante du pacte vert. C’est un domaine concret dans lequel l’Europe doit améliorer la qualité de vie des citoyens et des citoyennes.


  Beata Mazurek (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Wysłuchaliśmy interesującej prezentacji Komisji Europejskiej na temat jej strategii dla transportu i mobilności. Życzyłabym sobie, aby nam wszystkim udało się wypracować spójne podejście w tym obszarze. Dotychczasowe doświadczenia pokazują, że aby projekty infrastrukturalne miały gwarancję sukcesu, muszą przede wszystkim uzyskać zgodę państw członkowskich i mieć zapewnione źródła finansowania. Stąd w kontekście trwających obecnie rozmów nad nową perspektywą finansową szczególne znaczenie ma Fundusz Spójności i instrument C. Takie projekty jak Via Carpatia czy Bursztynowy Korytarz Kolejowy powinny mieć to samo znaczenie polityczne dla Komisji Europejskiej jak pozostałe korytarze transeuropejskiej sieci transportowej.

W pierwszym wystąpieniu przewodniczącej Komisji Europejskiej niewiele było odniesień do transportu kolejowego. Czy zatem Komisja Europejska przewiduje podjęcie działań np. na rzecz wspierania inwestycji w koleje dużych prędkości i stworzenia europejskiego centralnego planu dla sieci kolei dużych prędkości w Unii Europejskiej? Jeśli przewidują państwo działania, to jakie i kiedy?


  Benoît Lutgen (PPE). – Madame la Présidente, Madame la Commissaire, merci pour la présentation. Permettez -moi de vous dire que la durabilité repose sur trois piliers.

Tout d’abord, bien sûr, l’enjeu écologique, qui a été largement diffusé dans votre intervention. Nous devons tous souscrire au pacte vert pour l’Europe et faire en sorte que, demain, les marchandises –notamment– soient transportées davantage par le rail que par la route, mais aussi qu’il y ait une taxation sur le kérosène – personnellement, je suis tout à fait pour – afin qu’il y ait une fiscalité juste et que nous puissions favoriser certains modes de transport.

Ensuite, la durabilité, c’est aussi l’économie, l’emploi, les familles et les entreprises qui dépendent directement du secteur du transport. Oui, nous devons veiller à avoir cette attention particulière pour les entreprises et pour l’emploi dans la stratégie qui sera menée avec l’aide du numérique.

Enfin, il y a l’aspect social ou démocratique. Oui, le transport est un enjeu démocratique pour bon nombre de nos régions: celles qui sont enclavées, celles qui sont délaissées, celles où des citoyens ne peuvent pas se déplacer parce qu’il y a un manque de moyens de transport, qu’ils soient publics ou privés. C’est un enjeu démocratique pour l’Europe: Madame la Commissaire, vous avez un rôle très important à jouer en la matière, pour faire en sorte que chaque citoyen, demain, ait des solutions de mobilité près de chez lui, près de son domicile, près de son travail. À ce moment-là, oui, la foi en l’Europe grandira grâce à ces solutions qui seront apportées par vous, par la Commission et par l’ensemble des acteurs de la mobilité.

C’est donc aussi un enjeu démocratique au-delà de l’enjeu écologique et économique.



  Isabel García Muñoz (S&D). – Señora presidenta, señora comisaria, la revisión del Reglamento sobre la RTE-T será uno de los pilares fundamentales de la próxima estrategia para la movilidad y el transporte sostenibles y deberá alinearse con los nuevos objetivos del Pacto Verde.

Para esto son necesarias propuestas legislativas concretas que potencien el ferrocarril, en favor de un transporte de mercancías y pasajeros más eficaz y sostenible, para lo cual es esencial el impulso de la multimodalidad, y que mejore la interconexión con puertos, aeropuertos, con plataformas logísticas, nodos urbanos, con las regiones insulares y también con las áreas rurales. Se necesitan directrices específicas para asegurar que todos los usuarios tienen acceso a puntos de recarga de vehículos eléctricos, incluso en las zonas despobladas. Es necesaria la simplificación de los procesos administrativos para trabajar de manera más eficaz en los proyectos transfronterizos. Y es necesario también disponer de instrumentos de financiación fuertes, como el próximo MCE, donde ya el 60 % de su dotación se destina acciones que promuevan la movilidad sostenible e inteligente.

Por ello, recalco la importancia de mantener la posición del Parlamento durante las negociaciones del MCE.


  Clotilde Armand (Renew). – Doamnă președintă, orice strategie europeană în materie de transport trebuie să țină seama de obiectivele noastre ecologice, dar și de realitățile economice. Sunt țări din Europa, cum este țara pe care o reprezint, România, care nu dispun de o conectare la rețeaua de autostrăzi europene. Nu există nicio autostradă în România care să traverseze frontiera spre restul spațiului european. Nu există nicio autostradă care să traverseze Munții Carpați, pentru a conecta regiunile țării.

Nu este vorba de proiecte de densificare rutieră, este vorba de un minim de care are nevoie o economie ca să prospere. Chiar dacă mutăm investițiile spre transportul feroviar și fluvial - investiții, de altfel, foarte mari și de lungă durată - nu vom putea eluda această necesitate, completarea rețelei rutiere europene la un minim. Este dreptul tuturor cetățenilor europeni de a beneficia de accesibilitate în transport. Strategia europeană trebuie să permită o tranziție ecologică justă.


  Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg (Verts/ALE). – Frau Präsidentin! Den Verkehrssektor umzugestalten, um überhaupt eine Chance zu haben, die Pariser Klimaschutzziele zu erreichen, ist ohne Frage eine Mammutaufgabe. Wir müssen jetzt damit beginnen. Lasst uns heute damit anfangen, das Offensichtlichste zu machen: Ohne eine massive Stärkung der Bahn in Europa werden wir den Verkehrssektor nicht nachhaltig transformieren können. Sei es der nötige Ausbau der Bahninfrastruktur, und da insbesondere die Lückenschlüsse im grenzüberschreitenden Bahnverkehr, oder die Herstellung eines fairen Wettbewerbs zwischen den Verkehrsträgern. Ich sage nur: Externalitäten bepreisen, um die altbekannte und heute anachronistische Benachteiligung der Bahn zu beenden. Heute möchte ich die Wichtigkeit von Nachtzügen betonen. Sie sind oft die einzige konkrete klimafreundliche Alternative zum innereuropäischen Fliegen. Oft als romantisch abgetan, zeigt sich, dass ein realer Markt da ist, mit hoher Nachfrage. Sie haben heute zu Recht eine Renaissance in Europa. Wo bleibt nur die Kommission mit Ideen, um diesen Trend ganz konkret zu beflügeln? Ich hätte einiges in petto: Anschub von Fahrzeugfinanzierung, gemeinwohlorientierte Trassenpreise, durchgehendes Ticketing. Lasst uns gerne gemeinsam daran arbeiten!


  Raffaele Stancanelli (ECR). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, i trasporti e la mobilità costituiscono la linfa vitale della nostra economia. Il diritto a un trasporto sicuro, efficiente e sostenibile è fondamentale e l'Unione europea deve fare di tutto per garantirlo a prezzi accessibili che consentano la libera circolazione delle persone e delle merci.

Vorrei approfittare di questo dibattito sulla strategia dell'Unione europea per la mobilità e i trasporti per il 2030, per ricordare alla Commissione europea che vi sono alcune regioni europee nelle quali è necessario realizzare i collegamenti mancanti ed eliminare le strozzature esistenti che ancora ostacolano il buon funzionamento del mercato interno.

La Sicilia risulta caratterizzata da una condizione di insularità e dall'oggettivo svantaggio di natura economica per le sue imprese e per i suoi cittadini. Per questo motivo, l'Unione europea deve sostenere un effettivo riconoscimento della continuità territoriale per quanto concerne il trasporto aereo e finanziare l'investimento per la realizzazione del ponte sullo Stretto di Messina quale infrastruttura necessaria e indispensabile per il collegamento ferroviario all'interno del corridoio europeo TEN-T.


  Henna Virkkunen (PPE). – Madam President, when we are speaking about the Green Deal, I think that the decarbonisation of transport will be one of the biggest challenges. We know that, all the time, emissions from the transport sector have been increasing, and we also know that the need for mobility is increasing all the time. But I very much agree with the Commissioner that we already have solutions available: we have alternative sustainable fuels, and here I think it is very important that we have a very technology—neutral approach, because we have very different regions in in Europe and also different modes of transport with different needs. We have digital innovations, as the Commissioner said, and we can make mobility more smart and effective because of these new innovations. We also have the possibility to invest more: very modern, smart, fast connections in the transport sector, and here I’m also asking for your support, Madame Commissioner. As you know, Parliament is very willing to invest in more cross—border transport connections in Europe, and now we are negotiating on the next MFF, it is very important that we are really investing in transport connections also.


  Петър Витанов (S&D). – Г-жо Председател, европейските граждани искат да живеят в един мирен свят, в екологична среда, в един социално отговорен и мислещ за хората Съюз. Качеството на живот, по-чистият въздух, водата са свързани със съществена трансформация в сферата на транспорта чрез постигане на ефективна и взаимосвързана мобилност, но също чиста и нисковъглеродна мобилност. Необходимо е да положим максимални усилия, за да осъществим прехода от високоемисионен транспорт към такъв с нулеви емисии, какъвто е железопътният транспорт. Чрез екшън план за съживяването му трябва да гарантираме регулации за разгръщане на потенциала на пътническото и товарното направление, които да подобрят координацията и да намалят бюрократичните спънки.

Ето защо са необходими целенасочени инвестиции, които да бъдат вложени в инфраструктура и цифровизация за осъществяване на прехода от шосеен към железопътен план. Трябва да подобрим свързаността на европейската железопътна мрежа, така че тя да стане по-привлекателен начин за пътуване на средни и далечни разстояния на достъпна цена. И последно, неприемливо е европейски граждани да бъдат заложници на некомпетентността на собствените си правителства, защото е абсолютно недопустимо в 21-ви век разстоянието между две европейски столици като Берлин и София да се взима за 3–4 дни.


  Pablo Arias Echeverría (PPE). – Señora presidenta, señora comisaria, el transporte es un sector básico para el funcionamiento de nuestra economía, el mercado interior y el comercio, y su competitividad, fundamental para las industrias manufactureras y la exportación de mercancías. Sin el transporte, el mercado interior no existe, pero, además y según recoge el Tratado, es un elemento fundamental de cohesión territorial y social. Por eso, la nueva estrategia sobre movilidad y transporte, además de tener como objetivo principal la protección del medio ambiente, debe tener en cuenta estos elementos.

Si queremos alcanzar el ambicioso objetivo de conseguir la descarbonización total de nuestra economía en 2050, hemos de reducir la contaminación y mejorar la calidad del aire de las ciudades. Necesitamos una movilidad más segura, más sostenible y más eficiente, pero también reformas; no podemos crearles a los ciudadanos más problemas, debemos darles, sin duda, soluciones.

Nuestras ciudades tendrán que cambiar para fomentar modos de transporte más limpios y eficientes, incorporar combustibles alternativos, electrificar el transporte e integrar nuevas formas de movilidad. Y en ese sentido, es necesario —y lo quiero hacer hoy aquí— destacar el plan del Ayuntamiento de Madrid —MADRID 360—: un plan integral para conseguir una movilidad segura, sostenible y eficiente e incluyente. Un ejemplo de cómo hacer bien las cosas, del que deberán tomar nota muchas ciudades de la Unión.


  Vera Tax (S&D). – Voorzitter, in mijn regio is sinds een jaar sprake van een groot verlies aan banen in de auto-industrie, 1700 banen zijn daar verloren gegaan. Die mensen zitten nu thuis. De reden hiervoor is de onzekerheid over mobiliteit in Europa. In China is die twijfel er niet. Daar worden juist op dit moment veel banen gecreëerd door investeringen in duurzaamheid. Dat is wat ons nu te doen staat. De EU-strategie van mobiliteit en vervoer moet over werkgelegenheid gaan. De productie van duurzame voertuigen maakt duizenden nieuwe banen mogelijk. Dit moet een belangrijk deel zijn van onze strategie. Dus daarom roep ik u op om niet alleen te investeren in duurzame mobiliteit, maar ook in de werkgelegenheid van de toekomst.


  Andrey Novakov (PPE). – Madam President, first of all, I would like to congratulate you Commissioner for your hard work from day one and bringing back to normal the work of the Directorate-General for DG MOVE, including the legislative work, including the mobility package procedure, which in the past crossed some boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed.

I know the future belongs to green policies. I know the future belongs to green transport but someone proposed, just a minute ago, that we should decrease airline routes, we should tax kerosene and, instead, we should be building bicycle lanes. I would like to see a bicycle lane between Amsterdam and Sofia instead of the plane.

But now back to the topic. A lot has been said about CO2 ceilings, about strategies, about priorities, I would like to say something about road safety. Road safety and the roads are responsible for more casualties than any other disease which is attacking humankind now. So, we need safer roads and better education for drivers. This can happen only with EU funds with significant amounts in them, so we should provide safer roads in a better condition and a EU—wide strategy on how to educate young drivers.


  Μαρία Σπυράκη (PPE). – Κυρία Vălean, επιτρέψτε μου να εκφράσω τη χαρά μου που είστε σήμερα εδώ μαζί μας. Είμαι σίγουρη ότι εσείς, περισσότερο από όλους μας σε αυτήν εδώ την αίθουσα, κατανοείτε ότι η βιώσιμη κινητικότητα απαιτεί επενδύσεις σε πράσινες δημόσιες μεταφορές, και μάλιστα με επιταχυνόμενους ρυθμούς. Σήμερα, μόλις το 9% του στόλου των αστικών μεταφορών στην Ευρώπη είναι ηλεκτροκίνητο. Το 2035 θα έχουμε ξεπεράσει το 50%. Μέχρι τότε, όμως, μεσολαβούν 15 χρόνια. Γι’ αυτά τα 15 χρόνια, λοιπόν, πόλεις όπως η Θεσσαλονίκη —η πόλη μου—, χρειάζονται αξιόπιστες αστικές μεταφορές. Χρειάζονται αστικές μεταφορές που θα προσφέρουν συστηματικές και ακριβείς υπηρεσίες στους πολίτες. Η έλλειψη αυτών των μεταφορών, σε συνδυασμό με τη μεγάλη ηλικία του στόλου των αυτοκινήτων, η οποία αποτυπώνεται σε χώρες όπως η Ελλάδα, που είχαν επιπτώσεις από την κρίση, δείχνει πως υπάρχει ένα σοβαρό επενδυτικό κενό. Αυτό μπορεί να γεφυρωθεί με τη συμμετοχή του νέου προϋπολογισμού 2021-2027, με την κινητοποίηση του ιδιωτικού τομέα και με όλα τα εργαλεία που μας δίνει η Πράσινη Συμφωνία. Χρειαζόμαστε στόχους που αυτή τη φορά θα επιτευχθούν. Χρειαζόμαστε δημόσιες μεταφορές με χαμηλό κόστος, προσβάσιμες σε όλους.


Pyynnöstä myönnettävät puheenvuorot


  Traian Băsescu (PPE). – Doamnă președintă, permiteți-mi să o felicit pe doamna comisară Vălean că are ca prioritate transportul durabil, transportul pe căile navigabile. În acest sens, îi adresez următoarea rugăminte.

Germania a construit un canal care se numește Canalul Rin-Main-Dunăre. România a construit un alt canal care a legat Dunărea de Marea Neagră, de Portul Constanța. Prin cele două canale avem 2 900 de km de cale navigabilă care nu este utilizată.

De ce? Pentru că nu s-a negociat unificarea regulamentelor Comisiei Dunării și al Comisiei Rinului. Rog Comisia Europeană să încerce armonizarea celor două comisii și unificarea regulamentelor de circulație.


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Doamnă președintă, doamnă comisară, stimați colegi, sigur că și acum cinci ani, și acum patru ani, am auzit discursuri cam în același gen: ce trebuie să facem pentru a avea un transport sustenabil, durabil, ecologic. Și în seara aceasta am auzit foarte multe. Problema este că am auzit mai puțin cum să facem acest lucru și cred că pe acest lucru trebuie să punem accent.

Dumneavoastră ați spus, doamnă comisară, că trebuie să consolidăm conectivitatea, dar trebuie, întâi, să o creăm, pentru că avem zone deconectate. Trebuie să vedem cum conectăm toată Europa. S-a spus aici: sunt țări care nu au autostrăzi, sunt țări care au jumătate sau trei sferturi din rețeaua de cale ferată dezafectată. Ce program avem noi? Cât primește finanțare sectorul transporturilor în noul cadru financiar, pentru că nu o să putem altfel, împreună cu statele membre?

Și mai este un lucru. Foarte multe lucruri se blochează la Consiliu. Șefii de stat și de guvern trebuie să înțeleagă că degeaba muncim noi aici, în Parlament, venim cu proiecte, venim cu propuneri, veniți dumneavoastră, Comisia, cu propuneri, și totul se blochează. Doar într-un parteneriat între statele membre și Comisie putem să facem, într-adevăr, un transport durabil și sustenabil.


  Valter Flego (Renew). – Poštovana potpredsjednice, povjerenice, znamo da strategija Europske unije nula stopa poginulih u prometu do 2020. imala je za cilj upola smanjiti broj poginulih u odnosu na 2010. Nažalost, to se neće ostvariti jer, evo, samo 2018. čak je 25 000 ljudi poginulo u prometu, odnosno oko 500 ljudi tjedno.

Među zemljama gdje najviše ljudi pogiba, nažalost, uz Rumunjsku je i Hrvatska. Prosjek Eurpske unije je 49 smrtno stradalih na milijun stanovnika, a u Hrvatskoj 89. A važno je naglasiti kako čak 94 % svih slučajeva jesu uzrokovani ljudskom greškom. Zato mislim da je ključno, s jedne strane, ulagati u cestovnu infrastrukturu, ali s druge, u napredne tehnologije u vozilima, u digitalnu tehnologiju, odnosno u nove prilike kako bi mogli smanjiti ovu strašno veliku brojku smrtnosti.


  Bogdan Rzońca (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Pani Komisarz! Chciałem bardzo serdecznie podziękować za to, że w swoim wystąpieniu wspomniała Pani o wypadkach drogowych. Jestem kolejnym posłem, który o tym tutaj mówi. Rozumiejąc potrzebę budowania niskoemisyjnego, nieszkodliwego dla środowiska systemu transportowego, nie możemy zapomnieć, że w 2017 roku na drogach w Unii Europejskiej zginęło 25 tysięcy osób, z tego niestety najwięcej w Rumunii, w Bułgarii i także w moim kraju, w Polsce.

Szansą dla Pani Komisarz, szansą dla nas wszystkich jest zbudowanie korytarza Via Carpathia – bardzo potrzebnego korytarza północ–południe, który pozwoli szybciej i lepiej przemieszczać się ludziom i towarom między północą a południem. Ma Pani tutaj ogromne pole do popisu. Zachęcam do poparcia tego projektu i proszę wziąć pod uwagę wszystkie kwestie związane ze śmiertelnością dnia codziennego. 25 tysięcy pogrzebów w roku to wstyd dla Unii Europejskiej.


  Eugen Tomac (PPE). – Doamnă președintă, doresc și eu să îi urez mult succes doamnei comisare. Astăzi a fost o zi tristă pentru noi, în Parlament. Ne-am despărțit, după 47 de ani împreună, de Marea Britanie. Însă cred că Comisia, prin obiectivele pe care și le-a propus, trebuie să atingă ținte extrem de importante și să contribuie mult mai mult la întărirea Uniunii, să avem o Uniune puternică prin care să putem circula cât mai în siguranță și mai rapid de la est la vest, de la nord la sud.

Vin cu o propunere practică, care vine în acord cu aspirațiile Comisiei prin Pactul ecologic european: dacă este posibil, să implementăm o serie de recomandări prin care cel puțin instituțiile naționale și europene să instaleze stații pentru încărcat autovehicule electrice. Este un prim pas pentru a veni în sprijinul acestei industrii.


(Pyynnöstä myönettävät puheenvuorot päättyvät)


  Adina-Ioana Vălean, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, I say to the House: thank you for this interesting debate and the pertinent comments. I have carefully noted them and am very much encouraged by your interest in the subject.

I do recognise what you are saying on all the ideas. We are working on them in the Commission in order to put forward this strategy by the end of the year. All the points are valid. And, as I said at the beginning, for this strategy to be successful we need to have everyone on board. So it needs to be just, and it needs to how create new jobs, it has to be accepted. And this will be part of our thinking.

Listening to you all, it also becomes very clear that there are baskets of measures for each mode. There is not merely one solution for everything, and we have to carefully blend and balance several measures in order to achieve smoothly the best possible outcome in the short term. Because people are expecting to see results rather quickly from our work on the sustainability of transport.

Many of you stressed the importance of the TEN-T infrastructure. And I can only say that I share this view, where it is needed, because it is incomplete, be it for various modes of cross-border interconnection. We know that we need to do more there in order to help create the missing links, which are not necessarily economically sustainable. And this would be the role of the European Union to add and support the missing links. And why not eliminate the barriers, which are cross-border, in order to make flows easier? The Commission announced – or at least I’m telling you – that we’re are going to revise the TEM-T infrastructure in 2021.

Many Members mentioned alternative fuels infrastructure and alternative fuels as such. I think this is also very much in connection with aviation, which was intensely mentioned. We have to keep in mind that both aviation and maritime transport are global businesses. Once more, we need to understand there are baskets of measures, there are technological advances and there are alternative fuels. We need to very carefully look into them and into the market and the volume of this kind of fuels on the market, so that they could have an important uptake.

But these are all things we are looking at. A lot of you talked about implementation. Of course it is all for nothing if we adopt legislation which is not implemented in the end. So many countries are very late in implementing important things in regulation. We could mention railway signalling as just one example.

Many Members mentioned the fact that there are files which are blocked by the Council. I hope I can assure you that, for example, the single European sky is something I’m trying to lobby for and promote in each meeting I have with any representative of the Member States. We have it on the table and we’d like very much to see it moved forward by the Croatian presidency. This is something I’m insisting on, and I really hope we will have movement here.

The same is true with the Eurovignette, we haven’t withdrawn the Eurovignette, we are trying to lobby for it in order to benefit from all the good work done. We have to push forward so that the Council will have a general approach – hopefully – by June. Because the Eurovignette or the single European sky are the kind of things which will make a difference in road transport or improving the efficiency of air traffic. And this will have a concrete impact on sustainability and on the reduction of emissions or on internalising the externalities in road transport.

Road safety was mentioned. Of course, road safety has to be at the core of our activity. And what we are going to propose, or work on, is a safe system, which is an integrated approach towards safety in transport. Because, as was mentioned by several people here, there are so many elements which together constitute the environment for safety in transport. All this needs to be taken into account.

All the ideas I heard are very good. And the last word would be on the fact that all the industries in connection with transport as such are the backbone of our economy. We need to make it more sustainable and smart, but keep in mind that it is competitive and it has to remain as such. And for this industry – as it was mentioned – we need measures which are predictable so people will know, investors will know, what it coming so they can plan in advance for 10 or 20 years.

I also had some particular questions from Mr Schulze on low-emission zones or the harmonising of vignette systems. This is something we are working on. Because the idea of having low-emission zones is good. Yes it is, but it is true that for people moving around not knowing the system is a deterrent or an obstacle. So what we are looking at is to propose a harmonisation of these systems for urban areas. For the Eurovignette, we have already said that we would like to support the Eurovignette.

The question on inland waterways raised by Mr Băsescu: inland waterways need to become the new big thing because I think they are underused. You are absolutely right, because inland waterways together with transport with rail are the most sustainable modes we have. And new progress on inland waterways is needed in terms of sustainability of the ports and the vessels and new intelligent traffic systems. All these are there, we are looking into them.

And you are right that the Danube Commission, which is 70 years old – or something similar, you know would know better – has a different regulation. But I promise you, we are going to look into harmonisation. I think because they are non-EU members it is not easy but it is absolutely needed. So thank you very much for the suggestion.

So this would be, honourable Members, in a nutshell, my reaction to your comments. I trust that you will get involved in the work on such a sustainable transport system for the future. And, Madam President, consider this my invitation to you to contribute to this work. So thank you very much and I hope will have new occasions to go more in depth on each of the subjects touched upon this evening.


  Puhemies. – Keskustelu on päättynyt.

Kirjalliset lausumat (171 artikla)


  Milan Brglez (S&D), pisno. – Prometna povezanost in mobilnost v EU sta brez dvoma temeljni vzvod za gospodarski razvoj držav članic.

Vendar ob zavedanju, da je prometni sektor odgovoren za skoraj 30 % vseh emisij CO2 v EU, pri čemer cestni promet predstavlja 72 % delež, in upoštevajoč ambicije, ki si jih je zadala EU pri doseganju brezogljične prihodnosti, bodo prihodnji ukrepi EU na področju prometa in mobilnosti bistvenega pomena. V tem okviru bi posebej poudaril nujnost prizadevanj EU za krepitev razvoja kakovostnega javnega prevoza (mestnega, medkrajevnega in mednarodnega), ki naj bo predvsem cenovno in fizično dostopen slehernemu prebivalcu v EU, še zlasti invalidom in tistim, ki živijo na bolj perifernih območjih. Rešitev pa ni zgolj strukturna, saj je dejstvo, da če mislimo resno z uresničitvijo podnebnih ciljev, bomo primorani tudi korenito prilagoditi vedenjske vzorce in navade glede pogostosti uporabe osebnih avtomobilov. Zato še posebej pozdravljam predlog, da se v samem naslovu strategije upošteva koncept trajnosti, kar ne nazadnje določa tudi resolucija Evropskega parlamenta o Zelenem dogovoru.

Na tej osnovi pričakujem, da bo nova strategija umestila socialno in okoljsko dimenzijo razvoja mobilnosti in prometa na način, da se slednji ne bosta primarno podrejali gospodarskim ambicijam, ampak se bodo slednje prilagajale ljudem in okolju.


  Andor Deli (PPE), írásban. – Nem vitatható el a megállapítás, hogy a közlekedés okozta légszennyezés egyik kiváltó oka a klímaváltozásnak, ezért ennek az ágazatnak is részt kell vállalnia a megoldás keresésében. A számunkra ma ismeretes közlekedési módok nagy változás előtt állnak, az uniós intézményeknek pedig jelentős szerep jut e változások irányvonalainak kialakításában. Fontos viszont azt is kihangsúlyozni, hogy a közlekedésnek meghatározó szerepe van a mindennapi életünkben és az európai gazdaság gerincét képezi. Ezért az uniós közlekedési stratégiának kiemelt figyelmet kell szentelnünk.

A kidolgozás alatt álló stratégiai dokumentumoknak figyelembe kell venni az tagállamok közötti különbségeket, hogy olyan megoldásokat kínáljunk, amelyek nem a leszakadást erősítik, vagy új különbségeket eredményeznek az unió fejlett és kevésbé fejlett régiói között. Úgy gondolom, hogy nincs egy mindenkire alkalmazható megoldás, hanem különböző megoldások vannak a különböző helyzetek kezelésére, viszont amelyek végső célja közös. Másodsorban pedig, és talán ez a legfontosabb, szeretném elmondani, hogy a zöld átállás teherviselésének arányosnak és igazságosnak kell lennie, nem a polgárokra kell újabb és újabb anyagi terhet kiróni. Mindenkinek olyan mértékben kell hozzájárulni a megoldáshoz, amekkora mértékű a hozzájárulása a probléma kialakulásában is.


  Tomasz Frankowski (PPE), na piśmie. – Swobodny przepływ osób, towarów oraz usług stanowi jedną z podstaw obywatelstwa unijnego. Wykorzystanie potencjału swobodnego przepływu możliwe jest dzięki sprawnie działającym usługom sektora mobilności i transportu. Według najnowszych danych Komisji Europejskiej przemysł transportowy stanowi ponad 6% PKB Unii Europejskiej, zapewniając przy tym zatrudnienie prawie 13 milionom ludzi.

W kraju, z którego pochodzę – w Polsce – transport stanowi około 9% krajowego PKB, generując około 30 miliardów euro (125 mld złotych) wartości dodanej brutto. Jest to niewątpliwie jedna z najważniejszych gałęzi gospodarki unijnej. W świetle ambitnych wyzwań stających przed pełnym zrealizowaniem założeń Zielonego Ładu Unia Europejska powinna przyjąć za priorytet przygotowanie krótkoterminowych oraz długoterminowych strategii dotyczących transportu i mobilności. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że redukcja emisji CO2 oraz innych gazów cieplarnianych wymaga zaangażowania wszystkich: nas legislatorów, przedsiębiorców oraz obywateli. Biorąc pod uwagę wyzwania stojące przed europejskimi przedsiębiorcami, Unia Europejska powinna również jasno określić fundusze przeznaczone na transformacje sektorowe, sprzyjające ochronie rynku oraz innowacjom. Tylko wtedy uda nam się osiągnąć wyniki w obszarze klimatu w połączeniu z dobrobytem i ochroną europejskich firm.


  András Gyürk (PPE), írásban. – Az Európai Zöld Megállapodás sikere mindannyiunk közös érdeke. Ennek elengedhetetlen összetevője egy igazságos és fenntartható mobilitási stratégia kidolgozása. A sikernek véleményem szerint három feltétele van. Az első a fenntarthatóság fogalmának megfelelő értelmezése. A fenntartható fejlődés az ökológiai összetevő mellett ugyanis gazdasági és szociális dimenzióval is bír. Ezért a stratégia megalkotásánál a klímavédelmi ambíciók mellett kiemelt figyelmet kell fordítani az intézkedések munkahelyekre és versenyképességre gyakorolt hatásaira. A második a technológiasemlegesség elvének tiszteletben tartása.

Az Unió tagállamai eltérő adottságokkal és közlekedési infrastruktúrával rendelkeznek. Ahhoz, hogy ezeket sikerrel tegyük fenntarthatóvá minden környezetbarát technológiára szükségünk van. Végül, felelős, a kihívás összetettségét szem előtt tartó cselekvésre van szükség. Ennek során a már meglévő technológiai megoldásokra és kialakult iparágakra is érdemes támaszkodnunk. Egy ilyen jó példa a bioetanol, amely az üvegházhatású gáz kibocsátásának csökkentése mellett fontos szerepet játszik a vidékfejlesztésben és a gazdasági versenyképesség javításában.


  Julie Lechanteux (ID), par écrit. – Les propositions de la Commission concernant la mobilité et les transports en vue d’une réduction d’émissions de CO2 pour 2030 sont très ambitieuses, mais nous devons regarder la réalité en face. C'est ce que j’ai fait au mois de novembre dernier, quand j’ai visité à Lyon le plus important salon international des solutions de transports routiers et urbains, Solutrans, où j’ai pu échanger avec les professionnels de la filière du transport routier de marchandises, l’épine dorsale de notre économie. Aujourd’hui, 98 % des véhicules industriels vendus en France roulent au diesel. Pour un changement de modèle, il faudra procéder à l’adoption de mesures phares. Nous devons soutenir les entreprises dans la conversion de leur flotte, que ce soit à l’électrique, au gaz ou à l’hydrogène. Il faut investir dans le développement des infrastructures de recharge, aider financièrement les collectivités et les entrepreneurs individuels, adapter la réglementation relative au poids total autorisé en circulation pour les véhicules écologiques, favoriser la circulation des véhicules propres en zone urbaine, favoriser le système des recharges dynamiques, encourager le projet de recharge longue distance et enfin, développer la formation des nouvelles professions dans ce domaine. Voilà des solutions concrètes!


  Rovana Plumb (S&D), in writing. – Transport and mobility services employ around 11 million people, and the demand for mobility today is higher than ever. However, transport today generates air pollution, noise, congestion and road accidents. The sector already represents almost a quarter of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions and its emission footprint is rising. We need to prioritise clean and affordable alternatives, with an objective to have only zero emission vehicles on EU roads and make the best use of digital technologies to help reduce fuel consumption. Likewise, the EU’s satellite navigation systems contribute to reducing emissions, for instance in aviation and road transport. As part of this new strategy, the cities and citizens have an important role to play, through sustainable urban planning and addressing mobility demands and infrastructure. Urban areas should also be assisted in digitisation, automation and other innovative solutions and should pursue active and shared transport, from more walking and cycling to car-sharing services and car-pooling. More can and should be done from using recycled content in vehicles and transport infrastructure to reaching more circularity. For example, increasing the collection and recycling rates of electric car batteries in the EU could reduce dependence on imported raw-materials and help to retain the value of recovered materials in the EU economy.


  Sylwia Spurek (S&D), in writing. – The overall challenge of the European Mobility and Transport agenda was always to enhance the system’s sustainability and competitiveness while satisfying the evolving mobility needs of society. It is thus essential to take a common approach on standards, rules and practices. Unfortunately, so far, little has been done to harmonise the rules concerning the least protected and vulnerable group of road users – pedestrians, including people with disabilities or elderly people, who are one of the main victims of road accidents. In light of some Member States’ legislations, for instance the Polish one, the pedestrian has the priority when he or she is already on the road while in Scandinavia and in the majority of Western European countries pedestrians are protected and have priority even before entering the lanes. Experts and representatives of Polish NGOs like The City is Ours (Miasto jest Nasze) or Critical Walking Mass (Piesza Masa Krytyczna) agree that harmonising laws among the EU by introducing a general provision that would give priority to pedestrians as soon as they intend to enter lanes would increase safety on roads and – consequently – would reduce the number of potential road accidents involving pedestrians.

Posljednje ažuriranje: 15. srpnja 2020.Pravna obavijest - Politika zaštite privatnosti