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Čtvrtek, 30. ledna 2020 - Brusel Revidované vydání

4. Pokračování denního zasedání
Videozáznamy vystoupení

(The sitting resumed at 11.45)


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Г-жо Председател, остро възразявам срещу решението на председателя на Европейския парламент, г-н Сасоли, да тълкува член 10, точка 3 от Правилника, а именно, че членовете на ЕП са длъжни да не нарушават добрия ред в пленарната зала и да се въздържат от неуместно поведение, като не излагат на показ плакати или надписи – като забрана за използване в залата на наши национални знамена.

Националното знаме не е банер, националното знаме е символ, това е моето национално знаме, то не може да бъде просто банер, то не може да бъде забранявано. Още повече, позволявате на колегите понякога да излагат символи, които са, меко казано, спорни. Затова, уважаема г-жо Председател, настоявам на Председателския съвет да бъде отменено това срамно и спорно решение.

Сега си оставям знамето тук и, ако някой иска да го премести или да го махне, ще трябва да направи това насила. Добре дошъл!


  President. – Mr Dzhambazki, I will not open the discussion on this topic. I just want you to read carefully the current rules, especially Rule 10(3) where it is clearly mentioned that Members shall not display any banners and, generally, there is an obligation to respect the dignity of this Chamber. That is why the President decided to respect and follow this rule. That’s all I would like to say. Mr Dzhambazki, I will refer to the President on this issue but we will not discuss it today.


  Sophia in ‘t Veld (Renew). – Madam President, I would just like to request your attention for a few seconds on a matter relating also to parliamentary democracy, and also to relations between the European Union and Russia.

The day before yesterday, we learned that a Dutch MP who is very critical of the Russian Government, one of the driving forces behind the European Magnitsky Act, has been blacklisted, and had imposed an entry ban, like some other Members of this House. I would request that this House stand in solidarity with other elected representatives and contact Mr Borrell and ask him to intervene with the Russian authorities.

(Loud applause)


  President. – I will pass on this message to the President, Ms in 't Veld.

There is another point of order from Mr Lagodinsky.


  Sergey Lagodinsky (Verts/ALE). – It’s a point of order, according to Rule 195 referring to the violation of Rule 181, paragraph 1 by the President of Parliament.

Honourable chair, the President of Parliament deemed all our amendments to the Credentials Report by the JURI Committee as inadmissible. What is inadmissible about a statement that national electoral rules should be interpreted in the light of EU law? What is inadmissible in a statement that parliamentary procedures, according to the rules of this House, should be considered? There is nothing that is inadmissible here.

The President might not agree with that on the substance, but it’s not up to him to decide on substance, it is up to us to decide on substance. It’s up to the majority of this Parliament to decide on those issues. All he had to do is to decide whether it’s admissible or not, and in the amendment, there was nothing – no names, nor any other out of scope information – that would have been inadmissible.

Let me state this: the decision follows the path of politicising the behaviour and the decisions of Parliament regarding credentials, especially regarding Mr Junqueras.

The President overstepped yet again his authority in this case. He is not a king. He is a parliamentary president. We are in the European Parliament. We’re not in a constitutional monarchy, so please let us, as Parliament, decide on those issues.



  President. – Colleagues, I will just say that, according to the rules that we all have to respect, the decision on admissibility is a prerogative of the President.


  Isabel Wiseler-Lima (PPE). – Madam President, it’s about the flags. (The President cut off the speaker)


  President. – I am sorry, I said there won’t be any discussion on the flags. It was a decision of the President. I will refer back to him and there might be follow—up discussions, but not now.


  Brian Monteith (NI). – Madam President, it is in fact in regard to a point of procedure. This group, this party delegation, which was the largest in the elections, which represents over 5.4 million votes, more than the populations of some states that are members has been completely ... (The President cut off the speaker)


  President. – I am sorry, this is not a point of order either.

Poslední aktualizace: 28. dubna 2020Právní upozornění - Ochrana soukromí