 Celotno besedilo 
Postopek : 2019/2983(RSP)
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PV 30/01/2020 - 5.9
Obrazložitev glasovanja

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XML 35k
Četrtek, 30. januar 2020 - Bruselj

8.4. Univerzalni polnilnik za mobilno radijsko opremo (RC-B9-0070/2020, B9-0070/2020, B9-0072/2020, B9-0074/2020, B9-0075/2020, B9-0076/2020, B9-0085/2020)
Video posnetki govorov

Oral explanations of vote


  Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Paní předsedající, já jsem se nakonec rozhodla podpořit toto usnesení. Souhlasím s výzvou, aby Komise začala konat, a to v relativně krátké době, aby doplnila směrnici o rádiových zařízeních. Komise by měla také pravidelně hodnotit inovace a podporovat rozvoj nových technologií. V roce 2016 každý Evropan vyprodukoval 16 kg odpadu. Zdůrazňuji, že elektroodpadu. To je o 10 kg více, než je světový průměr. Pokud chceme naplňovat námi přijatý Green Deal, univerzální nabíječka je jen jedním krokem, kterým můžeme přispět ke zlepšení životního prostředí, k šetření se zdroji. Musíme si uvědomit, že se nejedná pouze o nabíječky telefonů, ale i o nabíječky tabletů či čteček. Proto jsem tento návrh podpořila.


  Matthew Patten (NI). – Madam President, I voted for the recommendation to standardise power cables. What household doesn’t have boxes of unused, out—of—date, unwanted cables? I have four children. Over the years, with computers, phones, games consoles, toothbrushes – you name it – we have four boxes stuffed full of cables, wires and chargers.

Now, there are schemes to recycle these, but we worry that we might need them again, like every other household, so we don’t throw them away. Every time we update an appliance we get yet more cables and chargers and they are all different. It’s ridiculous, it’s unnecessary and it’s time to change.


  Jadwiga Wiśniewska (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Oczywiście poparłam tę rezolucję w sprawie uniwersalnej ładowarki do przenośnych urządzeń radiowych, ponieważ uważam, że obecna sytuacja jest absolutnie nieracjonalna. Gromadzimy w swoich domach, biurach mnóstwo ładowarek, które już nie pasują do żadnych urządzeń. Konsumenci wciąż mają do czynienia z sytuacją, w której przy zakupie nowych urządzeń od różnych dostawców otrzymują różne ładowarki i nie mają innego wyjścia, jak tylko kupować czy otrzymywać kolejną nową ładowarkę przy zakupie telefonu komórkowego od tego samego dostawcy. Dochodzi do tak idiotycznych sytuacji, że ten sam dostawca, ten sam producent tego samego telefonu kolejny model wypuszcza na rynek z nową ładowarką. Jeśli chcemy w sposób realny mówić i działać na rzecz gospodarki opartej na obiegu zamkniętym, to jest to zdecydowanie krok w dobrym kierunku.


  Billy Kelleher (Renew).(start of speech off mike) ... of the resolution as well. We have to accept at this stage that, in terms of environmental damage, the amount of cables and chargers littered across homes throughout the world is simply a scandalous idea at this particular juncture and we surely have the capacity, in terms of innovation technology, to ensure that we can develop a charger and a cable that is uniform and that can do what this particular motion and resolution sets out to do.

There is no doubt that there are drawers and cupboards across households, across the entire European Union, full of old cables and old chargers and like previous speakers have said, we hoard for fear that someday we might need it again, but it is never taken out and it lies there gathering dust with the hundreds of kilometres of cable and chargers in households, as I said, throughout Europe. So I urge the Commission to be proactive, to engage with industry and to ensure that the spirit of this resolution is enacted to ensure that we have a common mobile charger for domestic bliss, if not more.


  Antonio López-Istúriz White (PPE). – Señora presidenta, por fin, a ver si podemos llamar ya la atención a la Comisión para que ayude. Estas son las pequeñas cosas que nos ayudan: la revolución digital, aproximar más esta Unión Europea a la gente. Lo hicimos con el roaming, hagámoslo también con esta cuestión.

Dejemos de acumular, como decía mi colega, kilómetros y kilómetros de cables que nadie utiliza en sus casas, seamos útiles. Yo creo que esto va a ser muy bien recibido por la ciudadanía europea, porque todos sufrimos el mismo problema. Está la cuestión medioambiental, pero, sobre todo, la personal: cajas y cajas en casa y el hecho de ser utilizados. Yo estoy por la libertad de mercado, pero otra cosa es que me sienta utilizado, y este es el caso. Yo animo a que la Comisión, inmediatamente, se haga eco de lo que hemos hecho en el Parlamento Europeo y podamos tener algo sensato en cuanto a cargadores de móviles y demás instrumentos.


  Anne-Sophie Pelletier (GUE/NGL). – Madame la Présidente, alors j’ai voté en faveur de ce texte pour envoyer un message fort à la Commission. Depuis 10 ans, la Commission discute, palabre... Elle doit agir. Elle ne peut pas aujourd’hui se contenter de la bonne volonté des industriels du numérique. Je regrette pourtant que, dans ce texte, il manque quelque chose. Il manque des mentions concernant ces lobbys du numérique, qui ont fait pression sur la Commission et qui ont provoqué son inertie.

Le chargeur universel est une mesure écologique, sociale et c’est la plus simple aujourd’hui pour réduire nos déchets électroniques. Si nous n’arrivons pas à agir pour mettre en place le chargeur universel, comment arriverons—nous à agir pour la planète et l’urgence écologique? Alors, si la Commission veut s’habiller de vert, qu’elle agisse concrètement et immédiatement pour proposer des mesures contraignantes.


  Veronika Vrecionová (ECR). – Paní předsedající, já jsem pro toto usnesení nehlasovala. Osobně mi samozřejmě občas také vadí, že do nového telefonu nesedí stará nabíječka, ale tomu se říká technologický pokrok. Když se na ten velký posun, co se stal za posledních pět let, a to bez nějakého našeho usnesení, podíváte, uvidíte obrovský rozdíl. Nabíječek bylo třicet druhů a byly daleko větší, dnes jich je pár. Jednotná nabíječka zastaví vývoj a nové technologie, které budou k dispozici např. ve Spojených státech amerických nebo v Asii, nebudou dostupné pro občany Evropské unie. Neříkejme soukromým společnostem, co mají vyrábět a co mají prodávat. Tyto zásahy jsou ospravedlnitelné pouze v případě ochrany zdraví. A to není tento případ.


  Sunčana Glavak (PPE). – Poštovana potpredsjednice, podržala sam ovu rezoluciju, a želim podsjetiti da je klub Europske pučke stranke već prije deset godina zagovarao uvođenje jedinstvenog punjača za elektroničke uređaje. Jedinstveno tržište bilo je i ostalo osnova ekonomije Europe, kamen temeljac europskih integracija i pokretač rasta gospodarstva. U svijetu se stvori oko 50 milijuna tona e-otpada, a Europa je drugi najveći proizvođač s ukupno 12,3 milijuna tona.

U okviru europskog zelenog plana nastoji se smanjiti zagađenje okoliša kroz različite inicijative, jedna od njih svakako je jedinstveni punjač.

Potrebno je uzeti u obzir i nove tehnologije, primjerice bežično punjenje i rješenja koja oni nude. Svakom kupnjom novog uređaja potrošači su dužni, kao što znamo, kupiti i novi punjač što dodatno povećava troškove pri kupnji.

Jedinstveni punjač nije samo rješenje za pitanja okoliša, već je rješenje i za smanjenje troškova potrošača koje pritom štiti njihova prava i slobodu glasa.

Uvođenjem jedinstvenog punjača ne bi samo zaštitili potrošače, već i svijet u kojem živimo promičući svijest o zaštiti okoliša.


  Mick Wallace (GUE/NGL). – Madam President, almost 15 million tonnes of e-waste are generated globally every year, at an average of more than 6 kilogrammes per person. Total e—waste generation in Europe in 2016 stood at over 12 million tonnes, correspondent to an average of over 16 kilogrammes per person – so rationally three times the world average.

The huge variety of chargers on the market for mobile phones and other electronic devices drives consumers crazy, but has also contributed massively to e-waste. Voluntary industry agreements have failed to solve the problem and consumers are still obliged to buy new chargers for all new devices. It’s a crazy situation, given that we’re facing climate breakdown.

We all know that Apple has been actively lobbying not to introduce a mandatory common charger, and for too long now. The Commission has prioritised the interests of Apple over the interests of ordinary citizens and consumers, and the one time that the Commission did the right thing and ordered 13 billion of Apple’s monies to be paid back to the Irish Government we had a Fine Gael—Labour Government that refused to take the money, despite the fact that they needed it.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Madam President, I fully support this initiative, which the PPE Group has been calling for throughout my time as an MEP. It is simply common sense that we would have a common charger for all electronic devices, such as our mobile phones, our tablets, Kindles, Fitbits, etc. Not only does this cut down on waste and unnecessary electronic accessories, it achieves something that we, as MEPs, are elected to do: it makes life easier for European citizens. This is an opportunity to make a real difference to people’s lives. Everyone knows there are far too many cables and charges in our homes and this amounts to around 50 million tonnes of waste globally every year, as Mr Wallace just mentioned.

With this resolution, we are calling on the Commission to come forward with an ambitious and comprehensive proposal within the next six months that will establish a standard common charger for smartphones. This has been a long time in coming and has required a lot of work to get here, but I’m glad that we are finally seeing some progress on this important issue. This is a battle we must win, the same as we won the battle to end roaming charges.


  Gianna Gancia (ID). – Signora Presidente, non ho espresso voto favorevole alla risoluzione relativa alla possibilità di normare la produzione di caricabatterie per le apparecchiature radiomobili, per esempio come i nostri smartphone, in quanto sono convinta che ciò vada a ledere la libertà di scelta del consumatore.

Inoltre, lasciatemi esprimere cortesemente una considerazione di metodo. L'Unione europea, se vuole assumere un ruolo di leadership nello scacchiere geopolitico, deve rendersi conto che il suo ruolo non è quello di interferire nella libera iniziativa di coloro che sono i veri produttori di ricchezza – e sto parlando delle imprese – bensì di abbattere gli ostacoli che si frappongono alla circolazione di idee e merci europee. Pertanto, cerchiamo di non inseguire i falsi idoli del populismo ambientalista, ma imbocchiamo la via che porta alla salvaguardia dell'ambiente mediante politiche fondate sull'evidenza e sul metodo scientifico.

Zadnja posodobitev: 28. april 2020Pravno obvestilo - Varstvo osebnih podatkov