President. – The next item is the debate on the Commission statement on assessment of the revised enlargement methodology proposal of the European Commission (2020/2554(RSP)).
Olivér Várhelyi,Member of the Commission. – Madam President, I thank the European Parliament for adding this very important issue to the agenda of the plenary immediately after the adoption of the Commission proposal on the revised enlargement methodology.
This is a good opportunity here to present our idea, how to enhance the accession process and how to give a credible EU perspective for the Western Balkans. Let me emphasise that for our geopolitical Commission, the full engagement with our neighbours is a top priority.
Europe needs to have a strong united voice in the world and it needs to play its geopolitical role to the fore, especially when it comes to its neighbourhood. This is especially valid where we must engage strongly in pursuit of peace, stability and prosperity. This is in our own interest. It is also a question of credibility.
The priority of this Commission is to accelerate progress in the Western Balkans, keeping a credible perspective for future accession. Therefore, we are working on three tracks. The first of these is the communication on the revised enlargement methodology, which I will outline for you in more detail shortly.
The second track is opening discussion negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, before the Western Balkans summit in Zagreb. Ahead of the Zagreb Summit, we will complete the picture with the third track by presenting a major economic and investment development plan for the region. The objective will be to speed up the building of a solid and resilient economy and bring these countries faster and closer to our own standards.
When it comes to the first track, the revised enlargement methodology is based on four main principles, four principles that should work both for the accession countries and also for our own Member States. First, the process has to be more credible. Countries need to deliver on the reforms they promised, and the EU needs to deliver when they do so. To help credibility, you will see an ever-stronger focus on the fundamental freedoms and reforms, as this is the core for real transformation. This means the rule of law, but also functioning of democratic institutions, public administration reform and economic criteria.
The second principle is about putting the political nature of the process front and centre. We intend to ensure top-level engagement with the candidate countries through regular EU-Western Balkans summits and ministerial meetings. We want to involve Member States more strongly and give them better opportunities to monitor and review the process, to support and keep track of the fundamental reforms needed.
The third principle addresses the need to make the whole process more dynamic, with a stronger focus on core sectors. Clustering chapters by policy fields will allow for more thorough political discussions on thematic areas. It will also allow us to identify opportunities for early alignment and involvement in EU policies, such as our digital agenda or our trans-European networks in transport and energy.
I also want to highlight that when important reforms have been implemented already before the opening, then the timeframe between opening the cluster and closing individual chapters should be limited, preferably within a year, fully dependent on the progress of the reforms. This is an important political offer from our side to the whole region. If they deliver, we will also be ready to deliver.
The cluster on fundamentals, rule of law, economic criteria and public administration reform will of course take a central role. It will be the first chapter to be opened and it will be the last to be closed. And sufficient progress will be needed in these areas before other clusters can be closed.
The fourth principle is about making the process more predictable for both sides. This will mean ensuring that candidate countries have greater clarity on the conditions they need to meet and what is the positive impact when there is progress, and what are the negative consequences in case of non-delivery. We need clear and tangible incentives to encourage reforms. If countries move on agreed reform priorities sufficiently, citizens should see the benefits of accelerated integration and phasing into EU policies, markets and programmes, combined with increased funding and investments.
At the same time, Member States need to be confident that there is reversibility and corrective measures will be taken where reforms go off track. This will be done through more decisive measures, sanctioning and serious or prolonged stagnation or backsliding.
Finally, I have to reiterate that while we are strengthening and improving the process, the goal remains the same: accession and full EU membership. In parallel to this, as the second strand, the Commission stands by the recommendations to open accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, and we hope that these can be opened before the Western Balkans summit in Zagreb.
Both countries have delivered on what they were asked. During my recent visit to Skopje and Tirana I underlined the importance of reforms and called for their implementation to continue. Both countries have engaged in further reform efforts.
At the same time, to be a credible partner, the EU needs to deliver on its promises as well. The Commission will give detailed information on the progress made by these two countries still in February, in order to prepare the ground for the Council for the decision. We are convinced that any further postponement would entail a strong risk, undermining the stability of the entire region. We would also risk further manipulation by third country actors and others offering false alternative narratives.
Finally, on the third track, these substantially transformative reforms that the Western Balkan countries need to carry out can be best supported by solid and accelerated economic growth and developing functioning market economies. Therefore, as input to the Zagreb Summit, the Commission would propose a new economic-based policy approach as the cornerstone of a forward-looking agenda for the region.
Our objective is to intensify our presence in the Western Balkans, to increase investment and to help to close the economic development gap between us. We have to look at what concrete measures we can take to bring forward investments in the Western Balkans, to enhance access to the EU single market, create jobs and entrepreneur opportunities, improve the business and the investment climate and stop the brain drain from the region.
As you can see, this is an ambitious agenda for the region. We will need the very strong political support of this House to deliver it. We collectively have to regain trust and credibility. This means we have to treat our Western Balkans partners more and more as future Member States, which is our commonly agreed destiny. This is for the benefit of the European Union as a whole.
Kinga Gál, a PPE képviselőcsoport nevében. – Elnök Asszony, Biztos Úr! Üdvözlöm a Bizottság eljárási javaslatát, amelyik alkalmas arra, hogy elmozdítsa holtpontjáról a nyugat-balkáni bővítés kérdését. Hidat képezhet a csatlakozási tárgyalások elkezdését támogató és a bővítésszkeptikus tagállamok között. Az új bővítési módszertan hatékony, eredményorientált és megfelelően rugalmas, hogy Montenegró, illetve Szerbia számára is előnyös legyen, és felgyorsulhattak általa a tárgyalások a nyugat-balkáni bővítés ezen kulcsországával is. Dicséret illeti Várhelyi biztos urat, hogy nagyon rövid időn belül egy jól megalapozott megoldással állt elő, épp időben ahhoz, hogy feloldódjon a patthelyzet a márciusi EU-csúcson, és még a zágrábi EU–Nyugat-Balkán csúcstalálkozó előtt megkezdődhessenek a csatlakozási tárgyalások Nyugat-Macedóniával és Albániával. Mindkét ország teljesített, most itt az idő, hogy az Unió is teljesítse ígéreteit, hogy ne veszítse el szavahihetőségét. Lényeges minden olyan lépése a Bizottságnak, amelyik sikeres bővítést segít elő, hiszen itt a Nyugat-Balkán országainak jövője, kontinensünk biztonsága és az EU hitelessége a tét.
Tonino Picula, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, I would like to congratulate Commissioner Várhelyi on the document presented and the efforts invested. The new methodologies were set only three months after the European Council meeting at which two Western Balkans countries were denied the possibility of starting negotiations. This demonstrates how European Union institutions can still respond at times of crisis. It goes without saying that the primacy of democracy and the rule of law should be placed at the very centre of the enlargement process by opening first and closing last chapters related to the judiciary, corruption and organised crime, as well as respect for human rights and media freedom.
I agree that the new approach introduces some better elements. Above all, it allows negotiating countries to use European Union programmes before accession, such as the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) or the European Green Deal. In essence, the new approach does not differ much in substance from the existing negotiation framework, which became more complex with every new enlargement.
It’s also welcome that negotiating countries can already decide for themselves whether they want to negotiate according to the new methodology or not. For example, Montenegro has been negotiating for eight years, and only one chapter remains to be opened. Member States are invited to participate more systematically in the accession process then has previously been the case.
That’s why I hope this document will convince more sceptical Members to open negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, hopefully at the March Council meeting.
It’s clear that the decision to postpone the opening of negotiations directly called into question reform processes in these countries, which have been required for years. That was directly denying support for those who implemented them. The new methodology offers a sustainable model, in that it is now up to Member States to deliver on their promises and thus to restore credibility to the enlargement process as such.
Ilhan Kyuchyuk, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Madam President, this time I want to start from the end of my speech, Mr Commissioner, from the failure of last October’s Council. In my opinion, we cannot afford another failure in March. I am in agreement with you when you say that we have to learn our lesson and not promise something that we cannot deliver. But today, we have to see how we can go forward together and deliver on the European aspirations of the people of the Western Balkans, and I hope this time we will not see any last—minute surprises.
It is too early to come to a general conclusion on how the new methodology will work, but in order to enhance the effectiveness of the accession process, it should provide dynamism rather than complicating the enlargement process and this must mean a stronger focus on fundamental reforms, the organisation of the chapters in thematic clusters and clear conditionality. I am very much in favour of this new process, but I do not want to see this new idea turn into a new condition that will again leave the region in the backyard of the EU for a long time.
This is what we have tried to propose in our political group. We recently adopted the Renew Europe policy paper on the Western Balkans, which is based on our values and understanding of enlargement. We want the citizens and the societies of the candidate countries to be more closely associated with and benefit from the accession process. We want to integrate our partners there at an earlier stage in key policies, like the Green Deal, digital policies and connectivity, and to give them the chance to reform and benefit long before actual accession. The European perspective is a strong driving force for the reforms of the region. Realising that our group has always pursued a clear and consistent enlargement policy, we believe that reforms related to the EU should go hand in hand with the enlargement process. We need to reform the European Union not because of the Western Balkan countries, but because of the European Union itself.
Anna Bonfrisco, a nome del gruppo ID. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, egregio Commissario, è lodevole l'offerta politica della Commissione ai Balcani occidentali, ma converrà anche una dichiarazione di fallimento delle azioni pregresse, cioè l'assenza di riforme di questi Stati nell'ambito dello Stato di diritto, unica salvaguardia della democrazia.
Infatti, disoccupazione, deficit economico, squilibri interni ed esterni espongono la regione a shock economici avversi. Ma lo Stato di diritto è solo un parametro o è piuttosto un enunciato garante della stabilità dell'inclusione e della convivenza in un sistema allargato tra di noi? È sufficiente per le particolarità dell'Albania? In guerra con sé stessa, tra corruzione, laicità e cultura democratica inesistenti, organizzazioni criminali sofisticate, divari oggi incolmabili.
Colleghi ed egregio Commissario, la Commissione si ostina a proporre un metodo ma non riesce ad affrontare il merito delle questioni. Proprio il metodo era il motivo apparente per cui le trattative con Albania e Nord Macedonia sono state interrotte pochi mesi fa, ma sappiamo tutti che a preoccupare erano le prospettive future dell'ingresso di questi Stati. In tutto questo, nella proposta della Commissione, la problematica della sicurezza infatti è solo accennata, a fronte di un mandato chiaro che i cittadini europei ci hanno dato a proteggere e difendere quest'Europa.
Per concludere, ritengo insufficiente, signor Commissario, sostenere la mera promozione delle riforme, perché l'Unione europea non potrà trovarsi ad affrontare in corso d'opera le molte incertezze dei Balcani occidentali. Piuttosto deve essere garantita con certezza l'irreversibilità dello Stato di diritto come cardine del processo di allargamento.
Viola Von Cramon-Taubadel, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, we welcome the new methodology on enlargement. The clusters give a new dynamic for the accession talks, but the fact that the cluster on fundamentals has special importance is highly appreciated by us. Without functioning democracy, without rule of law, and even without good governance, there is nothing to talk about it.
Unfortunately, democratic institutions are not safe once we see progress. Rule of law and media pluralism have been declining since Serbia started negotiations in 2014, yet we pretend as if nothing has happened and continue the negotiations and other chapters, but without the fundamentals we cannot progress in other fields either. With a new approach, we can move forward when we see progress. The more ambitious countries need to be included in as many EU policies as possible. With this, we could gain back credibility and work on real changes in every citizen’s life in the region.
The southeast of Europe needs to become part of our Green Deal if we want to see Europe climate—neutral by 2050. However, we should keep our promises. Nothing is worse than the disappointment which the Council produced during the last summit in October. It urgently needs a green light for North Macedonia and Albania. Abolishing the visa regime for Kosovo is overdue, as they have fulfilled all the criteria required. A new methodology is only meaningful if we keep ourselves to it as well.
Jessica Stegrud, för ECR-gruppen. – Fru talman! Den brittiska flaggan har precis halats och EU:s hittills största misslyckande är snart ett faktum. En oerhört stor och viktig aktör och nettobidragsgivare lämnar EU, delvis på grund av misslyckade tidigare utvidgningar.
Brexit är dock inte EU:s enda problem. Sverige, liksom många andra medlemsländer, har problem med skuggsamhällen, arbetslöshet, lönedumpning, kriminalitet och bostadsbrist. Lägg till en stundande lågkonjunktur och politisk splittring. I en sund organisation hade man stannat upp och dragit vissa lärdomar, ödmjukt analyserat och, inte minst, fokuserat på de problem jag nyss nämnde.
Fru talman, jag vill ställa en fråga till mina svenska kolleger: Hur motiverar ni denna utvidgning med två länder som har omfattande problem med korruption, ekonomi och arbetslöshet, när det i slutändan kommer att vara svenska medborgare och skattebetalare som betalar priset?
Vladimír Bilčík (PPE). – Madam President, I would like to thank the Commissioner for his presentation. As the standing rapporteur for Serbia and as the delegation chair for Montenegro, I really welcome the revised methodology on enlargement. I also welcome it as the first step: as the first step in a journey, a journey towards making enlargement a successful European political priority. Our partners in the Western Balkans must regain trust in their European perspective, and engaged communication is the key to this trust. I am therefore very happy that already last week, on a joint visit, we demonstrated this trust in Belgrade, when representatives of this Parliament and you yourself, Commissioner, visited our Serbian partners.
Now it is time to bring the Council and the Member States on board. We must be united when it comes to enlargement, and the first key step is to open accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania by March this year. Only then can we really engage on the fundamentals. Being united in enlargement means that we can succeed.
Isabel Santos (S&D). – Senhora Presidente, a política de alargamento da União Europeia é uma das suas ferramentas mais importantes e uma pedra fundamental na promoção da democracia, do Estado de direito, da paz e da prosperidade.
Esta proposta de revisão da metodologia de alargamento representa um novo momento, depois do desaire de outubro, vindo reforçar a dinâmica política do processo de adesão e introduzir maior previsibilidade no mesmo pela aposta na definição de objetivos claros, que garantem a tomada de decisões assentes no mérito, um passo fundamental para uma maior confiança.
O reforço da preponderância da reforma das instituições, do respeito pelo Estado de direito e das liberdades fundamentais dentro do conjunto de dossiês de adesão vem ao encontro das preocupações desde sempre expressas pelo Grupo dos Socialistas e Democratas e saudamos, por isso, a importância dada a este tema dentro do conjunto desta proposta. Mas não posso deixar de assinalar a timidez com que o Senhor Comissário se referiu a este tópico nesta reunião, ao contrário do que aconteceu noutras reuniões.
Saliento ainda a importância de envolver mais diretamente os Estados-Membros e espero que se construa um mecanismo de incentivo crescente à adoção por parte dos países em adesão das políticas da União Europeia, de forma a garantir a convergência económica e política essencial ao sucesso da integração.
Enquanto relatora para a Albânia, não posso deixar de sublinhar, de forma veemente, que não aceitaremos que esta reforma possa ser utilizada para dificultar, atrasar, ou impedir os processos de adesão em curso, especialmente com a Albânia e a Macedónia, com os quais o Parlamento, a Comissão e o Conselho têm um compromisso ...
(A Presidente retira a palavra à oradora.)
Nathalie Loiseau (Renew). – Madame la Présidente, il était temps: le débat sur l’élargissement sort enfin de la routine bureaucratique dans laquelle il s’était enfermé.
Agrandir notre Union est un choix politique. Il doit être assumé comme tel, à la fois par les pays candidats et par l’Union européenne.
Je salue la proposition de la Commission qui introduit de la clarté, de la progressivité, mais aussi davantage de prise de responsabilité de chacun dans le processus d’élargissement. Si des progrès sont réalisés, nous devons en tenir compte. Si des reculs sont enregistrés, il faut aussi en tirer les conséquences.
Je salue tout particulièrement l’accent qui est mis sur l’état de droit tout au long du chemin vers l’adhésion à notre Union. L’état de droit, ce n’est pas une case que l’on coche sur un papier que l’on signe, c’est le cœur de ce qui nous rassemble. Nous avons déjà trop d’adversaires de la liberté au sein de notre Union et nous ne voulons pas en faire entrer davantage. Nous ne nous contenterons pas de déclarations d’intention, de réformes annoncées ou adoptées sur le papier. Ce qui compte, c’est la réalité concrète, quotidienne, de la défense de nos valeurs fondamentales.
Pour finir, je souhaite nous alerter: si elle aspire à s’agrandir, l’Union européenne doit être capable de se réformer. Nous ne pouvons pas accueillir de nouveaux membres dans une maison en désordre; on le dit depuis longtemps, il est temps de passer aux actes. La conférence sur l’avenir de l’Europe nous en donne l’occasion, saisissons-la.
Jérôme Rivière (ID). – Madame la Présidente, la Commission propose une nouvelle méthode afin d’appréhender les problématiques des nouvelles adhésions, notamment celles des Balkans occidentaux. Une nouvelle méthode d’élargissement qui consiste à remplacer 35 chapitres par six thèmes de négociation.
La Commission considère ces adhésions comme des priorités essentielles de son mandat. Ce n’est pas le choix des peuples. Lors du sommet de Zagreb, la Commission, sourde aux précédents refus, proposera à nouveau d’entamer des négociations d’adhésion avec l’Albanie et la Macédoine du Nord.
Elle entend également promouvoir un vaste plan d’investissement pour les Balkans occidentaux. Ainsi, la Commission préconise le regroupement des 35 chapitres en six clusters – quel atroce anglicisme – thématiques. On s’étonnera de ne pas voir des clusters aborder des questions telles que la sécurité, le terrorisme, l’immigration illégale, les travailleurs détachés – autant de questions essentielles renvoyées au second plan.
Sur la méthode, ce regroupement des chapitres ne pourra que renforcer le pouvoir de la Commission. En effet, le Conseil se prononçait jusqu’ici à l’unanimité sur l’ouverture, la clôture ou le gel des 35 chapitres. Avec le regroupement en six clusters, le Conseil sera moins saisi, et marginalisé dans le processus d’élargissement.
Enfin, la Commission veut prendre la main grâce au plan d’investissement prévu pour l’ensemble des Balkans occidentaux. Les peuples ont manifesté par leur vote en mai leur souhait d’arrêter ces vagues successives d’intégration. Le Royaume-Uni a choisi de nous quitter. Vous avez brisé le projet européen. Nous ne pouvons accepter le renforcement constant de ce pouvoir européiste, incontrôlé, technocratique. Il faut stopper l’élargissement, arrêter de dissoudre les pays dans un grand ensemble technocratique, cheval de Troie de la mondialisation. Le coronavirus exposant nos pays qui, sur vos conseils, ont tout délocalisé, y compris leur sécurité sanitaire, sonne le glas de cette folle politique.
Tineke Strik (Verts/ALE). – Madam President, we are happy that the Commission has released this proposal as we expect now from the Member States that the adoption of this proposal will lead to the start of the negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. Can the Commission and Presidency assure us that once this methodology is adopted, the Council will show its green light in May? I hope that all the pressure will be exerted on the Member States.
We welcome the emphasis on rule of law, as well as the flexibility which enables the EU to more effectively support the candidate countries during the process. However, we have some concerns about the procedure to reverse the process without unanimity being required. This makes it easier to reverse the process than to start the process. How can the Commissioner prevent this from leading, for instance, to political arbitrariness in the decision-making and to more insecurity for the candidate countries?
It can also be questioned from an institutional perspective that a different legal procedure is applied in the reversal moment from the one applied in the moment of starting the accession. So can you please elaborate on this dilemma?
Ruža Tomašić (ECR). – Poštovana predsjedavajuća, prijedlog nove metodologije proširenja u velikoj mjeri udovoljava francuskim zahtjevima i olakšava buduće makedonske i albanske pregovore o članstvu. Ovaj je kompromis važan zato što zemlje potencijalne kandidatkinje ne bi smjele plaćati cijenu naših unutarnjih neslaganja.
Ono što u ovom prijedlogu smatram posebno vrijednim jest veća fleksibilnost, pogotovo kada je riječ o sankcijama ili čak suspendiranju pregovora za one koji stagniraju ili nazaduju u udovoljavanju kriterijima.
Pristupanje Europskoj uniji u pravilu je dugotrajan i transformirajući proces. Pred zemljama koje kroz taj proces prolaze stoje veliki izazovi za koje trebamo imati razumijevanja, ali s druge strane moramo ostati dosljedni u inzistiranju da se kriteriji ispune i da jednaka pravila vrijede za sve. Samo tako EU može zadržati kredibilitet i ostati poželjna destinacija svim neintegriranim državama Europe.
Željana Zovko (PPE). – Madam President, I would like to congratulate the Commissioner. Commissioner, last week you presented the new methodology for enlargement, hoping to send a positive message to the candidate countries and hoping to appease the concerns of the Member States. The reactions coming from both Member States and from the Western Balkan countries are very positive, and your work will be crucial to prevent a repetition of the blocking of accession talks.
I strongly welcome the two key concepts in the methodology: credibility and political steering. The Western Balkans need a credible accession perspective with appropriate European engagement based on the lessons learned. On the other side, it is up to the political leadership of the candidate countries to demonstrate their commitment to join the EU by enforcing fundamental political and economic reforms, assisted by the European Union and inspired by our recommendations.
As the co-rapporteur for the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III) and a directly elected representative of EU citizens, I expect in the future more involvement of the European Parliament in the accession process, and the acknowledgment and implementation of Parliament’s resolutions. These resolutions, adopted by the majority of this House, focus on the progress of the way forward for these countries. We are facilitators for the enlargement, and we are the strongest advocate of the Western Balkans within the EU institutions. Therefore, we expect our resolutions to be heard, discussed and implemented.
Andreas Schieder (S&D). – Frau Präsidentin! Der Balkan ist Teil Europas – mit allen seinen Widersprüchen, vor allem aber auch mit den vielen Gemeinsamkeiten, die es am Balkan gibt. Eine dieser Gemeinsamkeiten ist diese große Hoffnung, die vor allem die Jungen in der Region auf Europa setzen. Das heißt, wir müssen Reformen ermutigen und unterstützen, und das müssen auch die neuen Regeln, die heute vorgestellt worden sind, erfüllen.
Im Zentrum steht das rule of law, das heißt Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Medienfreiheit, Minderheitenrechte, saubere Verwaltung, eine starke parlamentarische Demokratie. Rule of law ist aber auch nur dann stark, wenn es uns gelingt, dass wir auch innerhalb der Europäischen Union alle Zweifel darüber, ob Rechtsstaatlichkeit eingehalten wird, beseitigen können – das heißt, wenn wir auch nach innen das rule of law, die Rechtsstaatlichkeit, die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz so stark umgesetzt haben, dass wir mit gutem und starkem Beispiel allen vorangehen können.
Ich begrüße die neuen Regeln, die vorgestellt worden sind: Sie sind strukturiert, klar und nachvollziehbar. Das muss daher auch dazu führen, dass beim März-Rat ein grünes Licht gegeben wird – ein grünes Licht, dass die Verhandlungen mit Nordmazedonien, das vor allem so wichtige und tiefe Reformen unternommen hat, und mit Albanien aufgenommen werden können und aufgenommen werden. Das wäre das stärkste Zeichen, das der Balkan dringend braucht.
Petras Auštrevičius (Renew). – Madam President, the EU enlargement policy is one of the most empowering and successful policy instruments that we possess. If the proposed methodology will succeed to streamline the accession process, then it was worth approving.
However, success is embedded not in a smart methodology, but in a strong political will. From the EU side, it is a clear will to enlarge our European family, from the aspirants – a commitment to fully fulfil the membership criteria. We must preserve the integrity and inclusiveness of the enlargement process. The same rules must apply to all candidates.
Moreover, the candidate countries should reach the membership league with their hard work and no major concessions. Maintaining this understanding as well as mutual trust is a key for bringing neighbouring countries into our European family. This strategic approach has to be immune to political manipulations.
Nicolaus Fest (ID). – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar! Warum haben die Briten die EU verlassen? Weil sie Souveränität über ihr Land wollten, aber auch deshalb, weil die EU seit Jahren ihr zentrales Versprechen bricht, nämlich das Versprechen, den Wohlstand der europäischen Bürger zu mehren. Das ist nicht der Fall. Tatsächlich ist die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in vielen Ländern dramatisch, tatsächlich sind wir technologisch auf zahlreichen Gebieten abgehängt, tatsächlich geht die Produktivität zurück, und die Rettung des Euros und die damit verbundene Nullzinspolitik haben viele Europäer arm gemacht. Aber nichts davon nehmen Sie zur Kenntnis, so als gäbe es den Brexit nicht, so als gäbe es die Gelbwesten in Frankreich nicht. Nun wollen Sie auch noch einige Balkanstaaten aufnehmen – ausgerechnet! Alle diese Länder stehen auf dem transparency index ziemlich weit unten, sind also mit einem Wort hochkorrupt, und alle werden als Transferempfänger den europäischen Bürgern auf der Tasche liegen. Die Erweiterung der EU zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt um weitere Länder ist ein weiterer Sargnagel für ihre Existenz. Lösen Sie erst einmal die Wirtschaftsprobleme der EU, dann sollten Sie weitersehen.
Lukas Mandl (PPE). – Madam President, we have lost Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and that weakens Europe. We should do all that we can not to lose the Western Balkans as well. The Western Balkans are not yet Member States but anyway they are European states with a European identity.
The new methodology for enlargement and accession was an extra homework, I would say, an extra homework for a small minority of Member States in the Council who had surprised all of us with the blockade of enlargement. Of course the six countries have to do a lot. They have to help each other more, they have to fight corruption. But the negotiations with Albania and Northern Macedonia have to start as soon as possible, even before the election in Northern Macedonia.
Elections in Montenegro and Serbia are running but Serbia has to recognise Kosovo as well as Kosovo has to withdraw the tariffs against goods and services from Serbia. We have to strengthen the European Union against other powers in the world by enforced work on this enlargement. I thank you, Commissioner, and Commission President von der Leyen for also quickly setting up this new methodology.
Ceterum censeo the United Kingdom should become a Member State again.
Christel Schaldemose (S&D). – Fru formand! Jeg vil gerne starte med at rose Kommissionen for de tiltag, der er kommet her med justeringer i vores udvidelsesstrategi. Jeg synes, det er rigtig godt, at I har lyttet til de bekymringer, der var i forhold til den nuværende optagelsesstrategi.
Det er helt, helt afgørende, at der bliver lagt mere vægt på, at kandidatlandene rent faktisk overholder, eller er i gang med at arbejde med at styrke deres retsstat. Det har jo vist sig at være helt afgørende, at det fungerer, ellers skal man ikke kunne begynde optagelserne, og man skal heller ikke kunne blive optaget.
Jeg synes også, det er vigtigt at sige, at det er en god ting, at man principielt får bedre mulighed for at sætte forhandlinger på pause eller faktisk at stoppe dem, hvis det viser sig, at kandidatlandene ikke overholder reglerne, og det synes jeg er helt afgørende. For med disse ændringer bliver det nemmere også at sige ja tak til at åbne for forhandlinger med Nordmakedonien og med Albanien.
Klemen Grošelj (Renew). – Spoštovana predsedujoča, predlog metodologije pooseblja vse slabosti in prednosti evropskega kompromisa. Je tako kompromis, ki omogoča nadaljnji razvoj in krepitev Evropske unije ter hkrati ne zavira procesa širitve.
Je kompromis, ki na eni strani krepi možnosti in oblikuje pogoje za reformo EU, če se bodo zanjo opredelile države članice in če bodo to v okviru konference o prihodnosti Evrope podprli državljani.
Je pa tudi kompromis, ki blaži strahove nekaterih držav članic pred širitvijo.
Hkrati postavlja okvir širitve EU na Zahodni Balkan, ki zagotavlja več kredibilnosti in predvidljivosti za vse vključene v proces, tako za državljane EU, kot tudi za države kandidatke in njihove državljane.
Celoten proces širitve ta kompromis postavlja v kakovostno nov okvir, ki bo omogočil učinkovito in sprotno spremljanje napredka posamezne kandidatke, nagrajevanje napredka in krepitev procesa pogajanja, hkrati pa bo kandidatkam podajal predvidljiv in jasen okvir približevanja in vključevanja v Evropsko unijo.
Vendar pa glede na ostrino zahtev in pogojev v metodologiji obstaja resna možnost, da bodo države kandidatke temeljne pogoje in vrednote, zapisane v metodologiji, izpolnjevale bolje kot pa marsikatera država članica.
Andrius Kubilius (PPE). – Madam President, it is very clear that in this House the majority agrees that enlargement until now has been one of the most successful EU policies, which contributed to extending the area of democracy, peace and prosperity across Europe.
The prospect of EU membership always was, is and will be in the future a fundamental incentive for reforms in applicant countries. That is why, what the Commissioner proposed in the Commission’s communication, I consider as a very important strategic and a good step forward, making the whole process, first of all, more credible.
Of course, credibility depends, first of all, on the efforts of applicant countries to reform themselves, but it also depends on the responsibility of the EU Member States. The whole process cannot depend on one or another EU Member State, which can block the whole enlargement process without any serious arguments. The qualified majority vote should become the rule in the whole enlargement process in order to make it more credible.
Mr Commissioner, I’m absolutely sure, your efforts to make credible enlargement happen will have credible and strong support in this House.
Andor Deli (PPE). – Madam President, first and foremost, I must commend the fast and efficient work of the new Commission, and especially you, Commissioner Várhelyi. In my view, 2020 will be a decisive year for enlargement policy. If things go well this year, we could have at least one candidate country that is ready for full accession by 2025.
Looking at the first reactions in the Western Balkans and also in the Member States, there is a positive anticipatory attitude on both sides and I think that’s a good sign. The new proposal can make the accession negotiations more political but also more efficient, especially with the help of the thematic clusters, which will definitely make the opening of chapters faster, and if a cluster is closed, by allowing access to certain EU funds, there would be a tangible difference for the citizens and also for the companies in the region. I would also commend the flexibility of the system, as it can be used for countries such as Serbia, which is already well advanced in the negotiations. The cluster mechanism could significantly speed up the process. I wish you all the best and you can count on our support.
Catch-the-eye procedure
Tomislav Sokol (PPE). – Poštovana predsjedavajuća, da, doista pozdravljam ovaj prijedlog.
Svi znamo da je jugoistočna Europa bitna za Europsku uniju. Dovoljno je pogledati na kartu pa vidjeti da je to jedini prostor zapravo u ovom dijelu Europe koji još nije postao, znači uključen u Europsku uniju a okružen je zemljama Europske unije sa svih strana. Također je činjenica da su se na tome prostoru često prelamali geopolitički interesi različitih država: Turske, Rusije, islamskog svijeta, itd. i naravno da u tom smislu europska perspektiva za te države jača i samu Europsku uniju a isto tako jača i same te države.
Naravno, to ne znači da one trebaju ući bezuvjetno. Potreban je individualan pristup svakoj državi i potrebno je honorirati upravo one države i one vlade koje su doista proeuropski orijentirane, dakle koje su svojim djelima proeuropski orijentirane a ne samo na papiru.
U tom smislu, još jednom pozdravljam ovaj izmijenjeni pregovarački okvir, pozdravljam vjerodostojnost kao novi naglasak.
(Predsjednik je govorniku oduzeo riječ)
Milan Brglez (S&D). – Gospa predsedujoča! Po oktobrski napaki Sveta, ki je privedla do blokade širitvenega procesa, je spremenjena širitvena metodologija logična poteza Komisije. Vendar ta žal ostaja, oziroma ohranja pristop od zgoraj navzdol, in s tem ohranja obstoječe politične elite, tudi če so te del problema in ne del rešitve, in daje premalo vlogo tako državljanom kot civilni družbi.
Pomeni, ta večja vloga držav članic znotraj širitvenega procesa, tudi večjo odgovornost, ki jo bodo lahko izkazale na bližnjem vrhu, in upam, da ne bodo zopet zlorabljale svojih nacionalnih interesov, kot so to počele doslej.
Vsekakor mislim, da Evropska unija ne sme izgubiti kredibilnosti in se igrati z evropsko perspektivo držav članic in tudi vladavino prava mora vzeti resno, če jo hoče zahtevati od njih.
Končno pa potrebujemo kredibilen in transparenten postopek za obe strani.
Valter Flego (Renew). – Poštovana predsjedavajuća, poštovani povjereniče, politika proširenja jedna je od temeljnih politika Europske unije a svako tijelo, svaka organizacija koja se ne širi, koja ne napreduje, već se začahuri, koja se zatvara, ona propada.
Iz toga razloga, ja dajem jednu veliku podršku Sjevernoj Makedoniji i Albaniji u njihovom europskom putu i želim da zeleno svjetlo damo im i prije Zagrebačkog samita. I da počne njihovo europsko putovanje. Tvrdim da trebamo njih, ali i ostale države koje žele u Europsku uniji, prihvatiti, pomoći im da se reformiraju i dati im snažnu podršku u tome. Poštovani povjereniče, mir i sigurnost ne samo Zapadnog Balkana nego i cijele Europe nemaju alternativu.
Mick Wallace (GUE/NGL). – Madam President, I too am of the belief that the European Union should be more accommodating and a little bit less judgmental of the countries that want to join. There is no doubt that how things are organised in some of these countries can leave a bit to be desired, but things leave a lot to be desired in how we organise things in our own countries as well.
For example, corruption is very blatant and on the surface in many of these countries, and we are critical of it – and rightly so – but we’re sometimes less critical of corruption in high places and big business in our own Member States. To give you an example, in Ireland, where we still have a ‘bad bank’ called NAMA, the manner in which they operate has probably cost the state about EUR 20 billion, but that’s fine and it’s almost legitimate. We need to be a bit more consistent in how we approach these new countries who want to join.
Traian Băsescu (PPE). – Doamna președintă, felicitări, domnule Comisar, pentru noua schemă de pregătire pentru admiterea în Uniunea Europeană a statelor membre. Cred că va fi mult mai eficientă și predictibilă.
Aș face însă o observație. Chestiunea fundamentală a acestor state este să fie stat de drept înainte de a deveni membre în Uniunea Europeană. În același timp, li se impune trecerea la economia de piață și realizarea pieței concurențiale funcționale. Acesta este motivul pentru care corupția înflorește și experiența țărilor noastre ne spune acest lucru. Nu putem face privatizări majore până când nu avem un stat de drept solid, o justiție capabilă să supravegheze procesele de privatizare.
Robert Hajšel (S&D). – Vážená pani predsedajúca, áno, Macedónsko zmenilo aj názov svojej krajiny, aby vyhovelo Európskej únii, ale aj tak nedostalo pozvanie na rokovania, pretože francúzsky prezident spolu s podporou Dánska a Holandska zablokovali proces otvorenia týchto rokovaní.
Myslím si, že to bol veľmi zlý signál, a teraz preto vítam iniciatívu Európskej komisie, ktorá určite obnoví aspoň z časti našu dôveryhodnosť ako globálneho hráča, ktorý sa snaží aspoň svoje krajiny, ktoré sa uchádzajú o členstvo v nej uspokojiť a umožniť im, aby sa tak aj stalo, keď splnia samozrejme všetky predpísané kritériá.
Tak isto táto nová metodológia umožní, aby tento proces bol viac dynamický, aby bol priehľadnejší, transparentnejší, to znamená, aby štáty vždy vedeli na čom sú, čo majú urobiť a aby sa už nedočkali takých nemilých prekvapení, ako to bolo na jeseň, keď sa mali začať tieto rokovania a sa nezačali. Myslím si, že je tu aj garancia pre členské štáty, že ... (predsedajúca odobrala rečníkovi slovo)
Katalin Cseh (Renew). – Madam President, I say to the Commissioner: welcome to Parliament and I would like to congratulate you on the new enlargement methodology just proposed. I was especially glad to see that you proposed on multiple occasions an objective criteria to evaluate the state of the rule of law in these accession countries.
I am wondering, do you think this criteria could be used to evaluate existing Member States as well? I know a lot of your colleagues in the Commission are already working on this project, maybe you could be helpful on that?
Unfortunately, Ms Judit Varga, the Justice Minister of Hungary, dedicated an entire opinion piece on Euronews to claim that there are no such objective criteria to evaluate the rule of law, but maybe if you have a talk with her, maybe you could convince her otherwise.
I have two questions for you: in your opinion, what would happen if existing Member States scored lower on the rule of law evaluation compared to candidate countries? Also, do you have a proposition on how to safeguard the rule of law once Member States have accessed the European Union in order to prevent democratic backsliding?
Clare Daly (GUE/NGL). – Madam President, I think it is a little bit ironic that we’re having this conversation just a week after losing a major Member State ... that we’re looking at a new enlargement methodology.
I think a period of reflection may have been a little bit more worthy. Because, let’s face it, while we know that rule of law and fundamental rights are in the accession criteria, everybody knows that these rules are bent regularly by some countries, depending on who you are.
But what can’t be bent, and what is not negotiable, is the neoliberal ideology at the heart of the Union, this is sacrosanct. The market economy and competition. And I don’t think that’s for the benefit of people in Albania or Macedonia, no more than I think that it is of the benefit to people in Ireland.
In actual fact it was the failure of these neoliberal policies that actually led to many of the people who voted for Brexit. It’s the reason why so many people in Ireland turned out this weekend to vote for left-wing parties in an historic rejection of neoliberalism. If we want to build the union...
(The President cut off the speaker)
Domènec Ruiz Devesa (S&D). – Señora presidenta, señor comisario, gracias por su presentación.
Yo no tengo objeciones con respecto a la nueva metodología, de hecho, me parece bien. También coincido con la mayoría de la Cámara en que tendríamos que dar ya luz verde al proceso de adhesión, a la apertura del proceso de adhesión de Albania y de Macedonia del Norte, por las razones que se han dicho. Pero también creo que es importante tener en cuenta ―y no se ha dicho hasta ahora, ni en la presentación del señor comisario, ni en el debate― la dimensión constitucional de la ampliación.
No podemos seguir ampliando la Unión si no profundizamos al mismo tiempo nuestra unión política. Eso quiere decir, concretamente, que no podemos seguir decidiendo materias importantes, como la política exterior, por la regla de la unanimidad en el Consejo. No debiéramos hacerlo con 27 y no debiéramos hacerlo tampoco con 29 o con 30 o con 35 Estados.
Irena Joveva (Renew). – Spoštovana predsedujoča! Vsi izpostavljamo praktično eno in isto – nujnost reform. Unije kot take, pa tudi marsikaterega procesa.
Da brez reforme Unije širitev niti ne bo smiselna, seveda drži. A dejstvo je tudi, da se je širitveni proces marsikdaj zlorabil za takšne ali drugačne interese. To se ne sme več dogajati in morda sem naivna, toda vendarle upam, da bo s to preoblikovano metodologijo zdaj drugače.
Ker po mojem mnenjo so zdaj pa res izpolnjene vse zahteve, tudi Francije, za začetek pirstopnih pogajanj s Severno Makedonijo in z Albanijo.
Ne bom hvalila prenovljene metodologije, ampak izključno zato, spoštovani komisar, ker želim najprej videti, kako bo delovala v praksi. Tega pa ne bom mogla videti, dokler se omenjenim dvem državam ne omogoči začetek pogajanj.
Torej – ne moremo in ne smemo več samo zahtevati in nič dati, tista oktobrska napaka je bila več kot dovolj.
(End of catch-the-eye procedure)
Olivér Várhelyi,Member of the Commission. – Madam President, first of all, I thank this House for the debate. I also thank this House for the renewed commitment to the Western Balkans. This is a very important sign that we need to send to the region. It is also clear from the debate that you all want a credible perspective for the Western Balkans to become EU Member States. This is also a very important political message that we are able to deliver today already.
I received several questions on the new methodology itself, but also on how it is linked to the possible opening of accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. First of all, of course, new methodologies are proposed to make way to opening accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. Therefore, this is – as I have said – part of a bigger strategy in which the second element is actually to deliver opening the accession negotiations.
When we were designing the whole structure of the new methodology, we were very clear that there are no new conditions. This is a question that I received from many of you. We’re still working with the Copenhagen criteria and those are unchanged. They are unchanged, but they are going to be enforced better, more inclusively and more effectively through the better participation not only of our Member States, but also of our public.
This continues to be a merit-based process. This is what I have been describing to you, meaning that if there is delivery, there is going to have to be a delivery on our side. However, it also means that if there is backsliding, we would have to take steps in terms of going back to the whole process. The idea of the whole methodology is to tackle the substance much better, much more effectively, and in a more transparent manner.
I also received a question on how it is possible to start accession negotiations – the Member is no longer here – with countries that have high unemployment. Well, this is exactly why we have the third element of the strategy, which is the Zagreb package – the economic development package. We would want to create growth and jobs locally so that people can get jobs and create strong resilient economies for the whole region.
President. – The debate is closed.
Written statements (Rule 171)
Andrea Caroppo (ID), per iscritto. – Apprezzabile nell'intento, la proposta di revisione della metodologia di allargamento presentata dal Commissario Várhelyi per aumentare la credibilità e dare nuovo slancio all'agenda UE-Balcani occidentali è ancora lacunosa. Rendere più credibile, più politico e più chiaro il processo di allargamento è lodevole, ma queste non devono rimanere petizioni di principio. Possibilmente prima dell'apertura dei negoziati con Albania e Macedonia del Nord e prima del vertice di Zagabria, la Commissione dovrebbe dire, come concretamente coinvolgere maggiormente gli Stati membri, attraverso quali strumenti e modalità operative; parimenti, dovrebbe chiarire come rendere effettiva l'esigenza che i cittadini apprezzino i vantaggi dell'adesione all'UE; è questo il punto decisivo di ogni adesione stabile e duratura. La Commissione dovrebbe focalizzarsi sul merito più che sul metodo. Posto che il processo di evoluzione degli ordinamenti dei Paesi dei Balcani occidentali, verso la reale protezione delle libertà fondamentali è ancora indietro, dai temi di discussione annunciati dalla Commissione sono assenti sicurezza, legalità, lotta alla criminalità organizzata e a qualunque tipo di traffico, questioni invece che i nostri cittadini chiedono come priorità assoluta. Ugualmente, la Commissione non può non discutere con i candidati, i medesimi impegni in tema di ambiente e contrasto al cambiamento climatico, assunti dagli Stati membri.
Ramona Strugariu (Renew), în scris. – Salut noua metodologie a Comisiei privind extinderea și sper că adoptarea ei va facilita deschiderea negocierilor de aderare cu Macedonia de Nord și Albania. Metodologia revizuită poate realiza potențialul transformator al politicii de extindere. Trebuie însă să avem curajul să confruntăm direct fenomenul capturării statului de către elitele aflate la putere în țările din Balcanii de Vest. Politica noastră de extindere trebuie să se adreseze în mod mult mai concret și aplicat cetățenilor acestor țări. Trebuie, totodată, să susținem vocile critice, avertizorii de integritate și societatea civilă ‒ aceștia sunt aliații noștri naturali pentru implementarea reformelor cerute de aderare. Uniunea Europeană trebuie să dea o voce cetățenilor din regiune împotriva unor regimuri care de decenii întregi nu au făcut decât să mimeze reformele. Forțele politice pro-europene trebuie întărite și trebuie să fim mult mai riguroși în condiționarea finanțării de pașii concreți întreprinși pentru realizarea reformelor. Mă bucur că noua metodologie conferă un loc central statului de drept și drepturilor fundamentale. Este esențial ca toate statele care aspiră la statutul de membru să se comporte în litera și spiritul legislației europene. Situații precum expulzarea forțată a unor profesori sau activiști, solicitanți de azil politic, către țări precum Turcia ar trebui să nu existe.