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Onsdag den 17. juni 2020 - Bruxelles

20. Første afstemningsrunde
Video af indlæg

  President. – Colleagues, before we continue with the speakers’ list, I need to make an announcement, which is to open the first voting session. We will vote on the files as indicated on the agenda adopted today at the opening. The voting session will open from now, at 16.30, until 17.45. The same voting method will be used as during the May I part-session.

For the two immunity reports, voting will be by secret ballot. Members will be able to cast their vote in the usual way, but the ballot paper that they receive for signature will not display the way they voted, only the fact that they have voted. All of the votes will be held by roll-call. Explanations of vote may be submitted in writing. Exceptionally, only explanations of vote containing a maximum of 400 words will be accepted.

I now declare the first voting session open, which runs until 17.45, and the results will be announced at 20.15. I do apologise for that brief interruption to this important debate.

Seneste opdatering: 13. oktober 2020Juridisk meddelelse - Databeskyttelsespolitik