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Procedūra : 2019/2210(INI)
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Debatai :

PV 18/06/2020 - 6
CRE 18/06/2020 - 6

Balsavimas :

PV 18/06/2020 - 20
PV 19/06/2020 - 12

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XML 23k
Ketvirtadienis, 2020 m. birželio 18 d. - Briuselis

6. Rytų partnerystė, rengiantis 2020 m. birželio mėn. aukščiausiojo lygio susitikimui - Vakarų Balkanai po 2020 m. aukščiausiojo lygio susitikimo (trumpas pristatymas)
Kalbų vaizdo įrašas

  Die Präsidentin. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die gemeinsame Aussprache über die kurzen Darstellungen

– des Berichts von Petras Auštrevičius über die Empfehlung des Europäischen Parlaments an den Rat, die Kommission und den Vizepräsidenten der Kommission und Hohen Vertreter der Union für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik zur Östlichen Partnerschaft im Vorfeld des Gipfeltreffens im Juni 2020 (2019/2209(INI)) (A9—0112/2020) und

– des Berichts von Tonino Picula über die Empfehlung des Europäischen Parlaments an den Rat, die Kommission und den Vizepräsidenten der Kommission und Hohen Vertreter der Union für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik zu den Ländern des westlichen Balkans im Anschluss an das Gipfeltreffen 2020 (2019/2210(INI)) (A9—0091/2020).

Ich weise erneut darauf hin, dass es in dieser Aussprache keine spontanen Wortmeldungen und keine blauen Karten gibt. Wir haben eine entsprechend verkürzte Debatte.


  Petras Auštrevičius, rapporteur. – Madam President, I would like to thank the shadow rapporteurs and colleagues who constructively contributed to this report. The Eastern Partnership is about closer association between the European Union and six partner countries. The extent of these relations and positive results of the European Union’s support and action in its immediate neighbourhood will determine the Union’s odds of global leadership.

Leadership requires a strong commitment. Such commitment should be demonstrated by passing a historically justified and politically endorsed message to our partners that ‘their European aspirations are recognised and that by working together we can achieve necessary reform progress’. It is only a matter of time.

Our motto for the next decade of the Eastern Partnership should be ‘more for more’ and lead towards gradual and differentiated integration. It should be conditioned on the application of European values and democratic principles.

I very much regret that Mr Borrell is leaving the Chamber, although CommissionerVárhelyi is here. I have a very personal message for him as well.

In the political area, our partners require continuous support and guidance in strengthening their democracies, ensuring the rule of law and fighting corruption. As in the economic field, we should gradually open access to the EU single market by creating a common economic area. Let us remind ourselves that European security is indivisible. We cannot look at it through the Eastern or Western dimensions. There is only one, European, dimension and it is time to act as such. The Eastern Partnership initiative is rightly called a success story and will remain such as long as we act together, united by a common vision and joint action, dialogue and partnership.

Commissioner Várhelyi, as you know from today’s news from the prison in Belarus, the leader of the Christian Democratic Party has cut his veins in protest at violence and injustice. I request from you a strong message and reaction to this inhuman act.


  Tonino Picula, rapporteur. – Madam President, I am pleased to speak here today about the future enlargement and its importance for the future of the European Union, but I want to thank shadow rapporteurs for their cooperation and dedication in our common endeavour.

The main message of this report is to once again provide strong support of the European Parliament in the continuation of the enlargement process as one of the European Union’s more successful and strategic policies. Enlargement is our most effective foreign policy instrument contributing to extending the outreach of the Union’s core values, fostering peace and prosperity, equality, rule of law and respect for human rights across Europe.

This report highlights what is often forgotten: the merit-based prospect of full EU membership for the Western Balkans countries is in the Union’s own political security and economic interests, as well as it is in the interest of the countries seeking full membership.

For the first time after the accession of Croatia in 2013, enlargement policy is again on the political agenda of the institutions. We welcome a new enhanced methodology breakthrough with the council’s approval to start negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania on the Zagreb Summit Declaration. Now we need the implementation of those decisions and proposals in concrete form and dates for starting accession negotiations.

We would like to see a faster pace of closing chapters for the countries already negotiating, following more efficient scrutiny and supervision of their progress. It goes without saying that ambitious enlargement policy requires an adequate budget. Therefore the Council should provide for sufficient budgetary means in support of the enlargement policy.

On the parliamentary role of cooperation, the European Parliament is committed to intensifying political and institutional support for reforms in the Western Balkan countries in the process of EU accession.

Lastly, enlargement is a necessary condition for the EU’s credibility and influence in the region and beyond. We can only be successful globally if we are credible in our immediate neighbourhood.


  Olivér Várhelyi, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, for our geopolitical Commission, full engagement with our neighbours is a top priority. These are not just words: we have translated them into action.

Let me start with the Western Balkans, a region at the heart of Europe and surrounded by our Member States. In the first six months of our mandate we have first, in February, proposed a revised enlargement methodology. The aim was to make the accession negotiations more credible, more predictable, more dynamic and guided by a stronger political steer. Second, and despite the COVID pandemic, in March the Council adopted a decision to open accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, and I’m pleased that both these decisions have been confirmed by the European Council.

To support the region hit by the pandemic, in April, the Commission put forward an unparalleled financial package of EUR 3.3 billion, mobilised together with the European Investment Bank. In addition, we associated the Western Balkans to a number of initiatives normally reserved for our Member States only. In May, we had the Zagreb Summit, where EU leaders not only reiterated our strong solidarity with the region but also reaffirmed the region’s European perspective and sent a message of enhanced engagement from the EU side.

The Commission was tasked to come forward with a substantial economic development and investment plan to accelerate the reforms and the catching-up of the region. Still this week, the Commission will propose the draft negotiating frameworks for Albania and North Macedonia to the Council, together with an update on the progress made. We look forward to the adoption and the first intergovernmental conferences soon.

Enlargement is merit-based. To progress on their EU path, the Western Balkan countries need to continue to deliver on the reforms. Further work is required on the rule of law, the fight against corruption and organised crime, as well as on fundamental freedoms and human rights. Fast and tangible results on reform mean moving faster in accession negotiations, as was underlined in the enhanced methodology. The Commission will look at the progress achieved in the annual package to be presented in the autumn.

Also in the autumn, we will come forward with an economic and investment plan for the Western Balkans to support the long-term economic recovery and to bring the region closer to the EU. The plan will reflect many areas identified in your report, such as connectivity (especially in transport and energy), green transition and digital transformation. This plan should bring growth and jobs to the region, also as part of our common recovery effort after the pandemic.

Let me now focus on the eastern neighbourhood. Let me thank this House for your overall support for the vision on the future of the Eastern Partnership that we have put forward with the joint communication adopted in March. Our commitment towards the Eastern Partnership and its future was emphasised at last week’s Foreign Affairs Ministerial Conference, together with our partner countries. I am convinced that it will also be confirmed at the leaders meeting later this afternoon.

Our aim is to build, together with the partner countries, an ambitious, flexible and inclusive partnership that constitutes and continues to bring concrete results to the people. In this context, I am proud that the EU is delivering close to EUR 2.5 billion in support for our eastern partners in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to grants, this includes very substantial macrofinancial assistance in loans on highly favourable terms to help the countries cover their immediate urgent financing needs and strengthen their macroeconomic stability. This package also helps to save jobs as part of the economic recovery in the region by providing liquidity to the whole of the economy and by direct financial support to the SMEs. This crisis has further underlined how important resilience is as the overarching framework for our relations, and it will be at the heart of the Eastern Partnership going forward.

Our March communication puts forward an ambitious vision for our future cooperation through five broad policy objectives. First, to work towards resilient economies with strengthened connectivity. Second, to support the development of accountable institutions, the rule of law and security. Third, to support the green transformation and work on environmental and climate resilience. Fourth, support the digital transformation; and fifth, to work together towards the development of resilient, fair and inclusive societies. As a next step, we will work on transforming the policy objectives into practice.

Together with the Member States, partner countries and others, we will shape the post 2020 deliverables, to be endorsed at the next summit in early 2021. We count on your continuous support and cooperation to ensure a strong partnership for the years to come.

Finally, to the rapporteur, Mr Auštrevičius, I will look into this issue you mentioned. This is new to me. I was not aware of it and, of course, we will come out and make public messaging appropriately about it.


  Die Präsidentin. – Damit ist dieser Tagesordnungspunkt geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung über den Bericht von Herrn Auštrevičius findet am Freitag, 19. Juni 2020, statt.

Was den Bericht von Herrn Picula betrifft, findet die Abstimmung über die Änderungsanträge heute, 18. Juni 2020, und die Schlussabstimmung am Freitag, 19. Juni 2020, statt.

(Die Sitzung wird um 11.43 Uhr unterbrochen.)

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 171)


  Dominique Bilde (ID), par écrit. – Alors que l’Union européenne se penche au chevet de l’Albanie ou du Kosovo, ouvrant les négociations avec l’une et envisageant l’exemption de visa pour l’autre, quel spectacle consternant que celui d’un Président kosovar éconduisant le représentant de l’Union et désignant Washington comme seul interlocuteur légitime pour les pourparlers avec la Serbie. Une preuve supplémentaire que l’Union européenne peine à convertir son soutien financier considérable, estimé à plusieurs milliards d’euros, en dividendes politiques, dans des Balkans devenus le terrain de jeu de toutes les grandes puissances mondiales - de la Chine, en passant par la Turquie. Signe des temps, ces pays candidats font d’ailleurs bien peu de cas des critères d’adhésion européens. Que dire par exemple de l’Albanie et de ses lois liberticides, faisant craindre à son propre Président qu’elle ne devienne la « Corée du Nord de l’Europe » ? À l’évidence, ce énième élargissement est un marché de dupes, dont profiteront seulement quelques investisseurs à l’affût du moins-disant salarial, au mépris des intérêts des peuples.


  Andrea Bocskor (PPE), írásban. – A keleti partnerség kiemelt fontossággal bír az EU szempontjából, ezért olyan ambiciózus üzeneteket kell közvetíteni, amelyek reális európai perspektívát jelentenek, és kölcsönös kötelezettségekkel járnak. A KP országainak reformfolyamatait illetően fontos az ösztönzés fenntartása, hogy minden ország a maga ambíciója alapján fűzhesse szorosra az Európai Unióval való kapcsolatát. Fontos a társult tagok törekvéseinek elismerése, ugyanakkor a Keleti Partnerség egységére kell törekedni, és arra, hogy a társulási megállapodás és a mélyreható és átfogó szabadkereskedelmi megállapodásból fakadó lehetőségeket teljes körűen kiaknázzák. Fontosnak tartom, hogy az EU és a keleti partnerség országai között létrejövő infrastruktúra-kiépítési terv részét képezze a határátkelők bővítése, hogy több új és korszerű határátkelő nyíljon az EU és szomszédai között.

Nagyobb hangsúlyt kell fektetnünk a fiatalokra, az egyes EU-s programokat még inkább ki kell terjeszteni a keleti partnerországokra, mint a már megvalósult Erasmus+ és a Kreatív Európa programokat, továbbá ösztönözni kell a Horizont Európa programban való részvételt is. Fel kell hívni a keleti partnerországok figyelmét, hogy a választási jogszabályaik módosítása során teremtsenek egyenlő lehetőségeket valamennyi etnikai és nemzeti kisebbség képviseletére, biztosítsák az anyanyelven való tájékoztatáshoz és véleménynyilvánításhoz való jogokat, lépjenek fel az etnikai és nyelvi alapú gyűlöletbeszéd és megkülönböztetés minden formája ellen, az etnikai és nemzeti kisebbségeket célzó álhírek és félretájékoztatás ellen.


  Urmas Paet (Renew), kirjalikult. – Idapartnerlus on ELi naabruspoliitika oluline osa ning selle eesmärk on saavutada poliitiline assotsieerumine, tagada edasine majanduslik integratsioon, edendada heaolu ja luua platvorm ühiste probleemide lahendamiseks, sealhulgas kestliku arengu ülesande täitmiseks. Oluline on anda Gruusiale, Ukrainale ja Moldovale kinnitus, et vaatamata ELi riike endid tabanud raskustele ei ole koostöö idapartnerlusriikidega tagaplaanile jäänud.



Atnaujinta: 2020 m. spalio 16 d.Teisinė informacija - Privatumo politika