 Πλήρες κείμενο 
Διαδικασία : 2020/2640(RSP)
Διαδρομή στην ολομέλεια
Διαδρομή των εγγράφων :

Κείμενα που κατατέθηκαν :

O-000037/2020 (B9-0010/2020)

Συζήτηση :

PV 18/06/2020 - 11
CRE 18/06/2020 - 11

Ψηφοφορία :

Κείμενα που εγκρίθηκαν :

Πληρη πρακτικα των συζητησεων
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Πέμπτη 18 Ιουνίου 2020 - Βρυξέλλες

11. Η κατάσταση στον Χώρο Σένγκεν μετά την εξάπλωση της COVID-19 (συζήτηση)
Βίντεο των παρεμβάσεων
Συνοπτικά πρακτικά

  Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la discussione su:

- l'interrogazione con richiesta di risposta orale al Consiglio sulla situazione nello spazio Schengen in seguito alla pandemia di Covid-19, presentata da Juan Fernando López Aguilar, a nome della commissione per le libertà civili, la giustizia e gli affari interni (O-000037/2020 - B9-0010/20),

- l'interrogazione con richiesta di risposta orale alla Commissione sulla situazione nello spazio Schengen in seguito alla pandemia di Covid-19, presentata da Juan Fernando López Aguilar, a nome della commissione per le libertà civili, la giustizia e gli affari interni (O-000038/2020 - B9-0011/20).


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar, autor. – Señor presidente, señora comisaria Johansson, como presidente de la Comisión de Libertades Civiles, Justicia y Asuntos de Interior, es un honor para mí sostener en este Pleno una pregunta oral a la Comisión sobre Schengen.

Debemos hablar de Schengen. Para empezar porque es su cumpleaños. El 14 de junio de 1985, en una pequeña ciudad de Luxemburgo, tuvo lugar un Acuerdo, luego proseguido por el Convenio de 1990 y sobre todo por la legislación europea sobre Schengen que ha adoptado este Parlamento Europeo y que está en vigor.

Pero debemos hablar de Schengen sobre todo porque no muestra buena salud. Porque Schengen está en juego, Schengen is at stake. Y esta es la cuestión. A los que trabajamos en las instituciones europeas a menudo nos cuesta explicar los «palabros europeos», pero Schengen no necesita explicación. Porque todo el mundo sabe que es el activo más preciado de la experiencia europea. El activo que mejor distingue las ventajas de ser europeo. La construcción europea. Un espacio de libre circulación, sin fronteras interiores, sin restricciones y sin discriminación entre europeos, del que disfrutan ahora más de cuatrocientos millones de ciudadanos y ciudadanas de la Unión Europea.

Y resulta que el espacio Schengen está regulado por el Derecho europeo: un Código de Fronteras Schengen —Schengen Borders Code—, un Reglamento directamente vinculante para los Estados miembros e invocable por los tribunales en defensa de la ciudadanía europea.

Y prevé condiciones para el restablecimiento de fronteras interiores por razones de seguridad pública. Pero nos hemos encontrado con una situación sin precedentes: COVID-19. Y, por eso, la Resolución que sigue a esta pregunta oral se titula precisamente «Schengen area following the Covid—19 outbreak». ¿Qué pasa con Schengen después de la COVID-19? Porque los Estados miembros se han precipitado a adoptar medidas unilaterales no coordinadas ni comunicadas entre sí, de restablecimiento de fronteras interiores en la Unión, que han producido larguísimas colas en fronteras interiores de la Unión, han producido sobrecarga policial, han producido problemas en el suministro de bienes esenciales y también para los trabajadores temporeros —seasonal workers—, protegidos también por el Derecho europeo.

De todos estos problemas tenemos que hablar en esta pregunta oral y por eso le hemos planteado con claridad, en primer lugar, si considera que las medidas y las restricciones que se han interpuesto son respetuosas con el Código de Fronteras Schengen, que establece tres principios: confianza mutua, solidaridad, pero también la exigencia del respeto del Derecho. Y es cierto que la seguridad pública ha sido invocada más de una vez para el restablecimiento de fronteras interiores, sobre todo después de atentados terroristas. Lo hemos visto. Pero la salud pública no lo había sido nunca. Está contemplada en el Código de Fronteras Schengen para el restablecimiento de fronteras exteriores de la Unión, pero no para las interiores; por tanto, es una lección que tenemos que aprender.

La segunda, ¿cómo prevé Schengen recovery? Hablamos del recovery plan. ¿Cómo recuperar Schengen para que sea fully operational cuanto antes?

En tercer lugar, ¿cómo asegurar que los controles sean excepcionales, como quiere el Código de Fronteras Schengen, y en todo caso limitados en el tiempo, time framed, con estrictas restricciones temporales?

Y, en cuarto lugar, ¿qué medidas prácticas podemos adoptar para asegurar la coordinación y la responsabilidad, coordinadas, por supuesto, por la Comisión —guardiana de los Tratados y del Derecho europeo—, ante retos comunes.

Pido el voto favorable para la Resolución que resulte de esta pregunta oral agradeciendo, por supuesto, el trabajo del Schengen Scrutiny Group, representado aquí por su presidenta Tanja Fajon, pero recuerdo que, en primer lugar, el contenido de la Resolución es un mensaje a la Comisión para que en ningún caso tenga lugar la improvisación, ni la descoordinación, ni las decisiones, ni las medidas unilaterales; que no haya una dinámica o una espiral de acción-reacción de unos Estados contra otros, ni mucho menos retaliations —represalias—, basadas (palabras inaudibles) en la confianza mutua, en la solidaridad y en la coordinación y el respeto del Derecho. Estamos trabajando por la salud del espacio Schengen.

Y, por último, déjenme decir que soy consciente de que esta Cámara (palabras inaudibles) tiene enemigos dentro del Parlamento Europeo, como los tiene (palabras inaudibles), que aprovechan cualquier situación para (palabras inaudibles) el restablecimiento de las fronteras interiores de la Unión. Hay que señalar que la mayoría del Parlamento apostamos por el plan de recuperación de Schengen.

Decía que es imprescindible apostar por un plan de recuperación de Schengen para que recupere su salud basada en los principios de solidaridad, confianza mutua y no discriminación entre europeos en ningún caso.

Ayer debatimos aquí sobre el racismo. El lema era «Black lives matter». Sure they do, y esto me da pie para afirmar: «Schengen matters, too», «Schengen importa».

Black lives matter. Sure they do. (continues in Spanish) Schengen matters too. (Spanish) European law matters. European law matters even in times of crisis, even throughout the crisis. It must leave European law even throughout the crisis and learn out of experience. I would even add: European law matters especially in times of crisis, especially in times of COVID. (Spanish) full recovery (Spanish)

Eso es por lo que, después de esta pregunta oral, concluimos con una Resolución que apuesta por el pleno restablecimiento —full recovery— de Schengen, el pleno restablecimiento de su buena salud. El activo más preciado de la construcción europea ever.


  Nikolina Brnjac, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, over the last few months, the European Union has been faced with the most challenging crisis since its creation. In addition to a very heavy toll on human lives, the COVID—19 pandemic has jeopardised certain fundamental elements of the European project, such as the internal market and the freedom of movement. I believe you would all agree with me that throughout this most critical period the absolute priority has, understandably, been to slow down and eventually stop the very rapid spreading of the virus. To that effect, many Member States have been forced to take legislative and practical measures which had a significant impact on free movement. In this context, the reintroduction of internal border controls was considered indispensable, even by some Member States which before the COVID—19 pandemic had been highly sceptical towards the application of such measures.

According to the Schengen Border Code, the reintroduction and prolongation of temporary internal border controls as a last resort and in response to a serious threat to public health can take place at the discretion of the Member States. Their application is, of course, subject to the fulfilment of the conditions set out in the relevant provisions. Neither the Commission, as the guardian of the Treaties, nor any Member State, has signalled any issue related to compliance with these conditions. Furthermore, I would like to stress that since the outbreak of the pandemic all Member States have been working tirelessly, with the political steering of the Council and the coordinating support of the Commission, in order to mitigate the side—effects of the measures imposed on the free movement of their citizens.

A series of Commission communications have been implemented by the Member States by way of priority to ensure the free flow of essential goods such as food, medicine and personal protection items, as well as the transfer of key cross—border workers and the repatriation of EU citizens and residents. At the same time, Member States have applied, in a coordinated way, restrictions on any unnecessary travel towards the EU.

At the second stage, as the overall health situation has started to improve, Member States have started easing the measures and full restoration of free movement within the European Union. This phasing—out entails, in some cases, a gradual approach and the replacement of internal border controls with alternative measures such as police controls within the territory. At any rate, Member States, with the support of the Commission, are strongly committed to applying any measures still temporarily needed, in full compliance with the principles of proportionality and non—discrimination. Most Member States and Schengen associate countries lifted internal border controls and related travel restrictions by mid-June. The rest intend to follow suit by the end of the month.

We are aware that there are still many steps to be taken, especially regarding the coherent lifting of external border restrictions. The fact that the lifting of internal border control in a coordinated way has been set in motion without major problems provides ample evidence of the Member States’ strong will for a fully—functioning Schengen area. I am hopeful that we can use this positive momentum, along with the possible proposals that we expect from the Commission regarding the legal framework for internal border controls, to launch a fruitful debate between the two co—legislators on this crucial subject, to safeguard the Schengen area. Any future amendments to the regime governing internal border control need to be stipulated in such a way as to provide credible answers to threats to public order, internal security and public health. They should ensure the strictly necessary and proportionate flexibility for Member States and leave no scope for any abuse in their application.


  Ylva Johansson, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, Schengen is one of the major achievements and very much appreciated by our citizens, as was very rightly stressed by Mr Fernando López Aguilar, Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE).

I would also say that Schengen has passed not only a celebration of 35 years, but has also just passed a major test. At no time was Schengen more important than in the last few months. All Member States took drastic measures to protect our citizens from the virus. Most Schengen countries introduced temporary internal border controls in addition to other measures restricting free movement across the European Union. Altogether, these measures helped to save tens of thousands of lives but had serious consequences for freedom of movement and a large social and economic cost.

On 5 April this year, the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Council presented a joint European roadmap towards lifting COVID—19 containment measures. In line with the principles established in this roadmap, the Commission presented, on 13 May, a communication setting out a coordinated, balanced and phased approach for lifting travel restrictions and controls at the internal borders. In the second stage, this also looked ahead to the ending of restrictions on non—essential travel to the EU through the external borders.

Due to the improvement of the epidemiological situation, by this Monday most Member States had lifted internal border controls and restrictions, including post—travel quarantine requirements. The Commission has strongly encouraged the remaining Member States also to lift internal border controls and restrictions to free movement by air, land and water within the European Union at the same time. I expect that all internal border checks will have been lifted by the end of June before we start relaxing the external border restrictions. The Schengen rules provide Member States with a certain discretion to reintroduce border controls for two or six months at specific border sections or at all their internal borders. Member States should set up specific authorised border crossing points.

Through bilateral contacts with Ministers and my regular video conferences with all the Schengen Ministers, based on the work at technical level of the COVID—19 information group (Home Affairs), we could address many issues and solve many problems, also regarding the scope of reintroduced border controls. In this emergency related to COVID—19, the Commission is of the opinion that EU Member States and Schengen states complied with the requirements of the Schengen Borders Code.

Since 2015, six Schengen states have also reintroduced border controls under the Schengen Borders Code, following the recommendation of the Council, motivated by extraordinary irregular migration, secondary movements, the external border situation and terrorist threats. These controls have been prolonged and prolonged and prolonged until the end of October / mid—November this year. The Commission consistently encouraged alternatives to border controls, which may assure similar results. This concerns police checks, which, as explained in the recommendation of 12 May 2017 on proportionate police checks, can also be carried out in the border area and as such can replace non—systematic border checks.

In 2017, the Commission also proposed an amendment to the Schengen governance rules with substantial reinforcement of procedural safeguards to ensure that the reintroduction of border controls is truly only a last-resort measure. As you know, the negotiations on these proposals are blocked, but recent experience with the use of border controls to address public health threats deserves further reflection.

The Commission is committed to lead a process of reflection about the legal and practical steps needed to improve our response and better prepare our societies for similar emergencies. In particular, we have to be able to provide, in the case of pandemics, a coherent EU response at the internal and external borders. Currently, the EU can only intervene in the case of serious persistent threats at external borders, putting the overall functioning of the Schengen area at risk. COVID shows the need for better anticipation and for simplified or standardised procedures to be followed under the pressure of events. Decisions on the temporary reintroduction of border controls should be subject to consultation, including, where appropriate, joint meetings between the Member State concerned and the Commission. As the experience of recent months has shown, this provision of the Schengen Borders Code is rarely used in an emergency situation.

The new pact on migration and asylum that I will present soon will be the occasion to launch a process to restore trust between Member States and return to a fully-functioning Schengen area. We will reflect on how to ensure coordination among the Member States during emergencies in the future and on the future of Schengen and how to make sure its legal framework and implementation are ready for new challenges.


  Paulo Rangel, em nome do Grupo PPE. – Senhor Presidente, Schengen é, sem dúvida, um dos pilares da União Europeia. Considero talvez que até o adquirido mais importante da construção europeia e não há dúvida que ele foi posto em causa por esta pandemia, foi desafiado como nunca fora ao longo da nossa existência enquanto União.

Os Estados-Membros entraram em pânico e para protegerem os seus cidadãos reagiram compreensivelmente com o fecho unilateral e descoordenado de fronteiras.

Agora, temos de garantir que há um avanço para Schengen, uma recuperação de Schengen, feita com respeito pela ideia de coordenação e articulação e, por isso, quero dar os parabéns à Comissão e agradecer à Comissão o esforço que tem feito e que, infelizmente, devo dizer ao Conselho, os Estados-Membros nem sempre têm seguido para coordenar e articular a reposição do espaço Schengen em toda a União. Tem sido um esforço enorme que nem sempre tem sido acompanhado pelos Estados—Membros.

É isso que aqui o Parlamento apoia.

And now let me only stress one point – even to my President Lopez Aguilar – because it’s not true that the Schengen Borders Code doesn’t allow public health, because a serious threat to public policy includes public health in a pandemic and/or epidemic outbreak.

Public health for external borders is independent of any epidemic or pandemic, and so I think that it is totally legal to have this situation that we have.


  Tanja Fajon, v imenu skupine S&D. – Predsedujoči, spoštovana komisarka. Najprej iskrena hvala za vse sodelovanje in sestanke v zadnjih tednih.

Vem, da se zavedate, kako pomembno je obnoviti schengen, saj brez obnove schengna, kolegi, ne bo obnove evropskega gospodarstva.

Smo v kritičnem trenutku. Schengen praznuje letos, ta teden, 35 let in še nikoli ni bil tako resno ogrožen, kot je danes.

V zdravstveni krizi se je izkazalo, ob izbruhu epidemije, da so se države odzvale zelo egoistično, da ni bilo harmonizacije, ni bilo usklajenega delovanja, da so po večini zaprle meje, da ni bilo pretoka ljudi, ljudje se niso mogli vrniti domov, ni bilo preskrbe z medicinsko opremo in zdravstvenim osebjem.

Nismo bili pripravljeni na takšno situacijo in v izogib temu potrebujemo jasna pravila. Sami ste omenili, schengen je že dolgo na resni preizkušnji. Že štiri leta šest držav uvaja notranje nadzore brez pravnih podlag in brez pravih argumentov. Te zapore mej, ta ravnanja vlad in ta ravnanja teh držav postavljajo pod vprašaj celotni schengen in celoten projekt evropskega povezovanja.

In sprašujem se, ali so bili ukrepi res utemeljeni. V Sloveniji, Nova Gorica, človek bi veliko lažje šel do Stare Gorice, italijanske Gorice, kot mogoče 100 km stran v Maribor. Vprašati se moramo tudi, ali so bili ukrepi sorazmerni in učinkoviti.

In zelo rada bi vas, kolegi, opozorila, ko govorimo o skupni migracijski in azilni politiki, če bomo povezovali to vprašanje z vprašanjem schengenskega delovanja in reforme, bomo izgubili projekt.

Oba svežnja zakonodaje, tako migracijska in azilna politika kot reforma schengna, oba svežnja zakonodaje sta bila v tej stavbi sprejeta in odgovornost je na strani držav Evropske unije.


  Dragoş Tudorache, în numele grupului Renew. – Domnule președinte, doamnă comisară, doamnă ministră, în ședința trecută de plen l-am onorat pe Robert Schuman. Declarația sa vizionară anticipa o Europă care se va integra proiect cu proiect, zi de zi, pe bază de încredere reciprocă și de solidaritate.

Treizeci și cinci de ani mai târziu, cinci state membre făceau un astfel de pas mic, bazat pe încrederea că își pot lăsa frontierele în grija celorlalți. Mai adăugăm încă treizeci și cinci de ani și ajungem la ceea ce Schengen reprezintă astăzi: o libertate fundamentală a cetățenilor europeni, una pe care avem datoria să o apărăm și să o consolidăm.

Pandemia a pus la grea încercare spațiul Schengen. Am simțit cu toții gustul amar al unei Europe cu granițe și restricții. Lipsa de coordonare dintre statele membre, limbajul prea timid al Comisiei Europene și granițele închise i-au făcut pe cetățenii europeni să pună sub semnul întrebării întreaga noastră construcție. Nu ne putem permite să se întâmple acest lucru din nou.

Această criză ne-a expus multe vulnerabilități, dar ne-a și învățat multe despre noi înșine, ca cetățeni, ca societăți și ca Uniune. Am învățat că avem nevoie unii de ceilalți, că trebuie să ne susținem în momente dificile și că reziliența noastră, a Europei, depinde de reziliența tuturor. Am fost cu toții în afara spațiului Schengen pentru câteva luni și am înțeles cu toții ce înseamnă asta, ceea ce ne lasă cu o întrebare: cum rămâne cu cetățenii români și bulgari, pentru care a fi în afara Schengen este o realitate cotidiană care ține de treisprezece ani?

Suntem cu toții cetățeni europeni, iar România și Bulgaria merită un mesaj politic despre ce înseamnă Europa pentru toți. Fac apel la Președinția germană a Consiliului, care își va prelua mandatul în două săptămâni, să pună pe agenda Consiliului corectarea acestei anomalii politice.


  Annalisa Tardino, a nome del gruppo ID. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, per noi è essenziale ricordare che gli Stati membri mantengono la sovranità sulla gestione delle proprie frontiere, ma siamo stati tra i primi, sin dallo scoppio della pandemia, a chiedere restrizione di viaggi. Invece la Commissione, abbiamo qui oggi la Commissaria Johansson, ha criticato la reintroduzione dei controlli alle frontiere interne e ha cercato di ritardare le limitazioni alle frontiere esterne, chiudendole solo quando la diffusione della malattia era già fuori controllo in diversi paesi. Se ci avesse ascoltato, avremmo potuto ridurre drasticamente la diffusione della pandemia in Europa ed evitare l'invasione, soprattutto quella della Sicilia, derivante dall'aumento esponenziale degli sbarchi di clandestini, come se non fosse bastato accogliere i torturatori arrivati con la Rackete.

Ora speriamo, almeno, che riuscirete a dimostrare attenzioni per alcuni settori chiave dell'economia europea, come il turismo, i trasporti, i servizi di ospitalità, che hanno subito gravi danni e vanno incentivati. E su questo spiace notare nessuna parola da parte degli altri gruppi.


  Tineke Strik, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, in March, Member States had to take, all of a sudden, a lot of measures in order to combat the spread of the COVID—19 virus. Among a lot of other measures, they closed their borders.

This reflex to protect citizens is completely understandable, but it does not fit in an area where we have freedom of movement, where we have fundamental rights and where we have the principle of non—discrimination.

As a result of the closing of the borders, EU nationals couldn’t return to their homes, couldn’t visit their family and couldn’t go to their jobs if they were frontier workers.

We call upon the Member States, in new waves of viruses, to take real effective measures focusing more on health measures, and proportionate measures, and to make sure that they coordinate, especially in border regions.

Although the internal borders are largely open now, the external border is still closed, and there we still see asylum seekers having practical problems in getting access to protection and family members in reuniting with their families in the EU.

We call upon the Council and the Commission to really combat these violations.


  Nicola Procaccini, a nome del gruppo ECR. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, questa crisi ha reso evidente il dirottamento dell'idea di Europa concepita anni fa, l'assenza di un coordinamento scientifico nel fronteggiare l'emergenza sanitaria, l'assenza di solidarietà economica che vedremo meglio nei prossimi giorni, il capovolgimento del principio di Schengen di cui stiamo parlando oggi.

In modo disordinato è venuta meno la libertà di circolazione delle persone e delle merci in Europa, mentre si è preteso di aprire le porte dell'Europa nei confronti dell'immigrazione extraeuropea. Tre giorni fa abbiamo persino omaggiato, in commissione LIBE, una delle navi ONG che ha fatto sbarcare centinaia di migranti in Italia, mentre gli italiani in quei giorni morivano a centinaia ogni giorno. Tutto questo non è Europa. Mi dispiace, non so come si chiami, ma è altro.


  Clare Daly, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. – Mr President, I think at this stage, for me, the Schengen acquis can be summed up as ‘free movement is a cherished European value, except when it isn’t’, which is quite a lot, especially if you’re a person of colour or someone who is black.

I think we have to start by acknowledging that Schengen has been at breaking point since 2015. Internal border controls, which are only ever supposed to be allowed on a temporary basis as a measure of last resort, are being thrown up by Member States as and when they like: reintroduced and prolonged 50 times since 2015. At this stage, totally illegal, but the Commission has not acted to sanction these states. Of course you haven’t, when we’re talking about countries like Germany in April this year extending border controls with Austria under the threat of migration. I don’t how the migrants are going to make it through the Croatian borderguards beating them back there to make it to Austria in the first place.

So in the context of the Commission failing to act, I’m really proud of the resolution that Parliament has on pushing back the attacks on Schengen. It’s the result of collaboration between the groups. We need to defend free movement and I hope the resolution is passed.


  Mislav Kolakušić (NI). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, poštovani kolege, ravnopravnost, višejezičnost i zajedničke granice su jedan od temelja Europske unije.

Mi ne smijemo dopustiti da proglašena pandemija Covida-19 i dalje održava bizarnu situaciju u kojoj četiri države koje nisu članice Europske unije budu u schengenskom prostoru, dok četiri države: Rumunjska, Bugarska, Malta i Hrvatska, koje su zajedno već 50 godina u Europskoj uniji budu izvan tog prostora. Pozivam vas da učinimo svi sve što možemo da sve četiri države još ove godine uđu u schengenski prostor i da ne dopustimo zatvaranje granica kojima smo svjedočili u posljednje vrijeme, gdje su pojedine države stavljale i vršile graničnu kontrolu jer to je udarac na jedan od stupova Europske unije, a to su zajedničke granice, zajednički prostor i jedinstvo među svim građanima Europske unije.


  Ioan-Rareş Bogdan (PPE). – Domnule președinte, Excelențele voastre, primirea României în spațiul Schengen nu este un moft. Constat cu tristețe că aproape singura legătură a României cu spațiul Schengen este că furnizează muncitori sezonieri. Ei nu beneficiază de standardul de sănătate și siguranță din statul membru unde muncesc, dar asta vom dezbate imediat.

Este inadmisibilă blocarea intrării României în spațiul Schengen, deși îndeplinește criteriile tehnice de aderare încă din 2011. Totuși, este ținută la ușă, deși este un furnizor de euro-optimism. Dezbatem azi despre un spațiu Schengen funcțional, dar refuzăm să îl consolidăm și asta deoarece state ca Olanda, în frunte cu premierul ei, se opun nejustificat de ani de zile intrării României în Schengen. Apropo, îl invit pe domnul Mark Rutte să verifice portul Rotterdam pe traficul de țigări și evaziunea fiscală.

România are un președinte și un guvern PPE, proeuropene, susținătoare în forță ale statului de drept. Mă întreb: de ce sunt pedepsiți în continuare românii, deși sunt cei mai proeuropeni din Uniunea Europeană?


  Birgit Sippel (S&D). – Herr Präsident! 35 Jahre Schengen – eine unglaubliche Erfolgsgeschichte!

Und gerade das Handeln der Mitgliedstaaten unter Corona – mit vielen Grenzschließungen – hat wie unter einem Brennglas gezeigt: Schengen ist nicht selbstverständlich, aber es ist dringend notwendig. Die offenen Grenzen in Europa sind unverzichtbar beim Austausch von Waren, Dienstleistungen und medizinischen Hilfen, aber es geht um viel mehr. Der tägliche Gang über eine Grenze, Leben und Arbeiten oder Studieren in zwei Ländern, grenzüberschreitende Freizeitangebote, das tägliche Miteinander über Grenzen hinweg: Das ist der Baustein für Verständigung, trotz oder gerade wegen vieler Unterschiede.

Deshalb fordere ich Kommission und Rat – und natürlich auch die Mitgliedstaaten – dringend auf: Stärken und erweitern Sie den Schengen-Raum und lassen Sie uns Europa täglich gemeinsam leben!


  Fabienne Keller (Renew). – Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, chère Ylva Johansson, au début de la crise de la COVID, à la mi-mars, l’Europe s’est fragmentée. La plupart des États membres ont réinstallé des contrôles aux frontières. Ainsi, des milliers de citoyens, des travailleurs frontaliers, des familles ont été bloqués, séparés. Je l’ai constaté en tant qu’habitante d’une ville à la frontière: Strasbourg.

Nous devons tirer tous les enseignements de ces événements inédits. Je propose d’organiser avant cet été un RETEX, comme disent les militaires, c’est-à-dire un retour d’expérience pour analyser ce qui s’est passé, voir ce qu’on aurait pu mieux faire. Nous devons, en effet, apporter des réponses opérationnelles. Je plaide, comme beaucoup de mes collègues, pour un mécanisme plus intégré de gestion de nos frontières.

Je vous propose ainsi de nous tenir prêts pour faire face à toute nouvelle menace sur la libre circulation, notamment en cas de rebond de l’épidémie. Comme l’a rappelé le président López Aguilar, la libre circulation, c’est un facteur clé pour la relance de l’économie et de l’emploi.


  Erik Marquardt (Verts/ALE). – Herr Präsident! Es sind ja schwere Zeiten, in denen wir gerade leben, und vielleicht ist es besonders in diesen schweren Zeiten ganz wichtig, sich noch mal klarzumachen, welches Glück es eigentlich ist, dass wir in diesem Europa in diesen Zeiten leben können.

Stellen wir uns mal vor, wir wären vor 100 Jahren geboren worden: Der Erste Weltkrieg wäre gerade erst zwei Jahre vorbei, die Spanische Grippe hätte 50 Millionen Tote verursacht, unsere Kindheit wäre von der Weltwirtschaftskrise geprägt gewesen, und wenn wir 13 sind, kommen in Deutschland die Nazis an die Macht. Bis wir 25 sind, haben die Nazis Deutschland und die ganze Welt an den Abgrund geführt. Wenn man so alt wäre wie ich jetzt, 32, wären es noch neun Jahre gewesen, bis die Berliner Mauer gebaut wird und ein Eiserner Vorhang Europa durchtrennt.

Ich glaube, dass wir dieses Glück, eben nicht vor 100 Jahren geboren zu sein, auch in eine Verantwortung übertragen sollten, besonders in solchen Krisenzeiten, besonders bei einem solchen Virus, wo wir sagen: Wir machen uns bewusst, was wir erreicht haben, was für Errungenschaften wir haben, und wir wollen jetzt gezielt effektive Maßnahmen finden, um dem Virus zu schaden, nicht mehr so dem europäischen Projekt, wie es leider in dieser Krise passiert ist.


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Г-н Председател, г-жо Комисар, веднага държа да поправя тези от вас, които твърдяха, че националните правителства са били сгрешили в реакцията си. Не, уважаеми, сгреши Европейската комисия. По точно Европейката комисия се провали по темата ˶охрана на границите˝. С напълно неадекватното си, абсолютно необяснимо поведение принуди националните правителства да вземат необходимите мерки и да затварят вътрешните граници една след друга.

Една голяма част от вас така и не разбраха, че за да има отворени вътрешни граници, трябва да има строго охранявани външни граници. Няма как да защитавате двете тези едновременно, няма как да искате стотици хиляди нелегални имигранти да идват тук необезпокоявани и да имате сигурни вътрешни граници. Това не може да се случи, това е утопия и ви го доказа и ситуацията с паниката и истерията покрай тази криза.

Още повече не може да не се спомене и абсолютно безотговорното поведение на правителствата на Холандия или сега Нидерландия, на Германия, които с вътрешните си проблеми държат Румъния, държат България, държат Хърватска, държат Малта извън шенгенското пространство. Тава е лицемерие и двоен стандарт и трябва да бъде сложен край.


  Malin Björk (GUE/NGL). – Herr talman! När vi diskuterar Schengen får vi inte glömma att det inte bara handlar om fri rörlighet inom EU och att ha semesterplaner utan passet på fickan. Schengen har varit och fortsätter att vara förknippat med att stänga EU:s yttre gränser. Det har nu tagit sig till nivåer som är fruktansvärda att se. Vi ser det i Ceuta och Melilla, vi ser det vid grekiska gränsen, vi ser det på Balkan.

Vi ser en politik som sätter skyddet för yttre gränser högre än skyddet för människor. Men våra öppna inre gränser kan inte bygga på brott, kränkningar och brutalitet vid de yttre gränserna. Ett av de värsta exemplen i dag är tyvärr ordförandelandet Kroatien, där den delvis EU-finansierade gränspolisen begår systematiska illegala ”push backs”. Jag har själv varit där, jag har sett det.

Kommissionen har ett ansvar för att utreda det här, men också för att sätta stopp för Kroatiens Schengenmedlemskap. Ett land ska inte belönas – inget land, Kroatien eller något annat – om man bryter mot mänskliga rättigheter vid EU:s yttre gränser.


  Lena Düpont (PPE). – Mr President, I was three when the Berlin Wall fell. I was 13 when Schengen became an integral part of the Amsterdam Treaty. I was about to finish school when 10 new Member States joined our European family. Europe was always part of my life. I have experienced it as open, as free and as a promising continent and to be honest, I never expected to see border controls again.

Yet, understandably due to the nature of the pandemic, and the force with which it hit us, closing borders without coordination caused chaos at the beginning, and even long—forgotten hard rhetoric came up again.

The good thing is, we experienced how closely connected we are already, not only across border regions, not only economically, and we saw that Schengen, that our freedom, is vulnerable, that it is invaluable, and that we need to protect it.

Luckily, Schengen is getting back on track. Europe is getting back on track, with a lot of work ahead of us. So let us draw the obvious lessons learned in the past weeks. Let’s prepare Schengen better and make full use of it for Europe’s recovery. Let’s make Europe come out stronger.



  Michal Šimečka (Renew). – Vážený pán predsedajúci. V marci sme prvý raz možno naozaj vážne pocítili, aká krehká je sloboda, ktorú nám zaručuje Schengen, a ktorú sme doteraz brali ako samozrejmosť. Mimoriadna situácia si pochopiteľne vyžadovala mimoriadne riešenia, vrátane kontrol na vnútorných hraniciach. No spôsob, akým členské štáty uzavreli svoje hranice, živelne, nekoordinovane, často bez jasného právneho základu, len zbytočne naštrbil dôveru, ktorú sme budovali roky, desaťročia v Schengen, aj v nás samotných. Asi si treba uvedomiť, že Schengen naozaj nie je nejakým luxusom, nice to have, do dobrého počasia, ale základným stavebným kameňom Európskej únie, našich slobôd a samozrejme aj jednotného trhu. A nič z toho nebude udržateľné, keď prvým inštinktom vlád v akejkoľvek krízovej situácii vždy bude iba unilaterálne a okamžité uzavretie vnútorných hraníc. Musíme sa z tejto skúsenosti poučiť. A teraz je ten moment, keď musíme pracovať na posilnení odolnosti Schengenského priestoru.


  Isabel Wiseler-Lima (PPE). – Monsieur le Président, Schengen, qui aurait cru au succès du nom de cette charmante petite ville luxembourgeoise, située dans le triangle des frontières française, allemande et luxembourgeoise?

Schengen est devenue le symbole d’une Europe sans frontières. Passer d’un pays à l’autre est devenu si naturel que nous n’imaginions même plus la signification de devoir s’arrêter et se justifier. L’acquis de Schengen est, quant à la liberté individuelle, un acquis inestimable, une petite, non excusez-moi, une vraie merveille de l’unité européenne. Alors préservons-là.

La pandémie de COVID-19 a sûrement justifié les interdictions de mouvement imposées aux personnes en Europe. Créer un cordon sanitaire autour d’un foyer épidémique, quoi de plus normal? Celui-ci coïncide avec une frontière entre pays, c’est une aide salutaire. Mais comment justifier la fermeture d’une frontière là où la situation épidémique est identique d’un côté et de l’autre?

Il ne me viendrait pas à l’esprit de condamner que certains pays, dans un mouvement de panique, aient réagi par le repli sur soi. Disons que c’est l’irrationnel humain et soyons indulgents. Mais ensuite, il faut au plus vite que les pays rouvrent les frontières intérieures à Schengen, il faut surtout que, par-delà la crise de la COVID-19, certains pays ne mésusent pas de la possibilité, sauf dans des cas vraiment exceptionnels, de fermer leurs frontières. C’est pourtant...

(Le Président retire la parole à l’oratrice)




  Karlo Ressler (PPE). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, sloboda kretanja za više od 400 milijuna ljudi jedan je od temelja moderne Europe.

Globalna pandemija je, razumljivo, ponovno privremeno podignula unutarnje granice, ali Europa kakvu poznajemo ne postoji bez slobodnog kretanja, koje je ključno i za gospodarski oporavak, turizam, ali i za naš europski način života. Drago mi je da je Europski parlament rezolucijom pružio snažnu podršku i daljnjem širenje Schengena na sve države članice. To je vrlo važno i za Hrvatsku koja je spremna postati dio najvećeg prostora slobodnog kretanja na svijetu, kako je utvrdila i Europska komisija prošle godine. I danas smo, međutim, imali priliku čuti napade na moju zemlju zbog učinkovite politike zaštite najduže kopnene granice Europske unije.

Međutim, vjerujem da će hrvatski, ali i svi ostali europski građani uskoro uživati u svim prednostima hrvatskog članstva u Schengenu, boljoj prometnoj povezanosti, snažnijoj gospodarskoj suradnji, ali i još boljoj zaštiti vanjskih granica.


  Pascal Arimont (PPE). – Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin! Wenn Sie wie ich jetzt drei Monate an der Grenze gelebt hätten, dann hätten Sie sehr konsterniert feststellen müssen, wie Schengen rechtlich, inhaltlich und symbolisch mit Füßen getreten worden ist.

Wenn Mitgliedstaaten auch in Zeiten von Krisen mit rein nationalen Maßnahmen einer Grenzschließung reagieren, dann haben sie vorher entweder nicht miteinander gesprochen oder sie haben kein Vertrauen ineinander – oder beides, und das ist schlimm. Und es wurde nichts abgesprochen, weder bei der Grenzschließung noch bei der Öffnung von verschiedenen wirtschaftlichen Sektoren noch bei Zusammenführungen von Familien und auch nicht bei der zeitlichen Einführung von Exit-Strategien. Das hat zu einem Flickenteppich an Kontrollmaßnahmen, an Schutzmaßnahmen, an neuen Regelungen geführt, die kein Mensch verstand und auch nicht nachvollziehen konnte.

Machen Sie es wie die Bürger in meinem Wahlkreis in Ostbelgien: Sie haben eine Petition eingereicht und fordern „Schengen 2.0“, das in Zukunft verhindern wird, dass –selbst in Pandemiezeiten – Grenzen geschlossen werden, damit aus diesen Grenzräumen wieder Gemeinschaftsräume werden.


  Ylva Johansson, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, Schengen means freedom and Schengen is based on mutual trust. Schengen is a major achievement, and this is shown by the great engagement in this Parliament for this issue and for Schengen coming back to a fully functioning Schengen area.

When this first Schengen agreement was signed 35 years ago, there were millions of Europeans that didn’t even have the right to leave their own country. The last few months have reminded us what Europe looks like without free movement.

Now slowly and responsibly we are regaining our freedoms. We cannot take the freedom of movement for granted. Nor, for that matter, the significant benefits of European integration. We need to work hard every day to preserve and protect our common European project.

To begin with, I would like to see the necessary decision in Council to welcome the waiting Member States into Schengen, but in the long run, we have to do better than a return to the status quo. And it must go without saying that, of course, all Member States, all Schengen members and all those that would like to be members of Schengen have to fully respect their fundamental rights and the European acquis of course.

A well-functioning Schengen area depends on mutual trust among Member States and on a correct and efficient implementation of the Schengen acquis. Differences in one Member State can affect all Member States and subsequently put the Schengen area at risk.

We must continue to make sure the Schengen legal framework is fit for purpose, so that it can meet new challenges such as the current health emergency.

First, through better and more correct implementation. That includes alternatives for internal border checks, such as police controls inside the territory supported by technology and reinforced cross-border cooperation and information exchange between law enforcement authorities.

To promote trust and then encourage exchange we will propose a renewed dialogue with all Member States and regular high-level political debates on the state of Schengen with Parliament and the Council. I am ready to continue to work closely, together with all of you in this House, towards this important goal.


  Nikolina Brnjac, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, the questions surrounding the application of internal border controls are vital for the preservation of the Schengen acquis.

Therefore, the Presidency, on behalf of the Council, is very much looking forward to working closely with the European Parliament and the Commission on providing for a legally-sound and operationally-correct structure that would meet all the concerns of the two co—legislators.

The Ministers of Home Affairs agreed, at an informal video conference on 5 June, to proceed in a coordinated, transparent and phased manner in line with the principles of proportionality and non—discrimination and based on the criteria defined in the Commission communication.

A broad majority of the Member States and the Schengen associate countries lifted controls at the internal borders and ended the related travel restrictions by 15 June. The rest have expressed their intention to do that by the end of this month.


  Der Präsident. – Gemäß Artikel 136 Absatz 5 der Geschäftsordnung wurde ein Entschließungsantrag eingereicht.

Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am Freitag, 19. Juni 2020, statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 171)


  Marc Angel (S&D), in writing. – The Schengen Agreement is not just one of the most important achievements of the EU, but also a key tool for a proper functioning Single Market. Internal border controls and closures have to be the exception to adequately remedy the serious threat to public policy or internal security. However, the European Parliament had to raise questions too often in the recent times about the legality and proportionality of the introduced and extended internal border controls. Member States’ justification is based on the Covid-19 pandemic as well as on increased levels of migration and/or security threats. We definitely need a more appropriate Union-level coordination. More targeted restrictions applicable at regional level, including cross-border regions, would have been more appropriate and less intrusive. The lack of real communication on Member States’ decisions led us to a situation where information on introduced border controls and restrictions were not correctly communicated to citizens and enterprises. The collateral consequences were huge. The Commission’s responsibility is to exercise appropriate scrutiny over the application of the Schengen acquis, but the Commission also need to be able to provide up-to-date information on Member States’ rules to citizens. In that sense, I also welcome the creation of the ‘Re-open EU’ website.


  Tudor Ciuhodaru (S&D), în scris. – Vă solicit un pachet de măsuri de redresare și un Fond de solidaritate pentru Coronavirus: acces la finanțare, inclusiv pentru statele membre care nu fac parte din zona euro. (estimativ, PIB-ul UE va scădea cu 7,4 %); sumele din pachet să fie acordate prin împrumuturi și, în principal, prin granturi, plăți directe pentru investiții și capitaluri proprii; să se realizeze o evaluare înainte de încheierea strategiei de redresare și posibilitatea ca CFM să fie revizuit corespunzător, la jumătatea perioadei; să se calculeze noul fond de redresare și de transformare în afara sumelor din următorul CFM și acest fond de redresare să fie inclus într-un CFM consolidat și cu noi surse de finanțare; introducerea unei liste de potențiali candidați pentru noi resurse proprii: o bază fiscală consolidată comună a societăților, impozitarea serviciilor digitale, o taxă pe tranzacțiile financiare, venituri din schema de comercializare a certificatelor de emisii, o contribuție pentru materiale plastice și un mecanism de ajustare la frontieră a emisiilor de dioxid de carbon, dar și eliminarea tuturor corecțiilor și rabaturilor, a simplificării resurselor proprii bazate pe TVA și utilizării de amenzi și alte taxe ca surse de venit suplimentar pentru bugetul UE.


  Robert Hajšel (S&D), písomne. – Pri opätovnom otváraní vnútorných hraníc medzi členskými štátmi treba viac koordinácie a spolupráce a nemôže dochádzať ku diskriminácii. Tak ako pri zatváraní, tak aj pri otváraní hraníc niektoré štáty prijali nekoordinované kroky a niektoré hranice otvorili, iné nechali zatvorené, a to napriek odporúčaniam zo strany Európskej komisie. Ešte nejaký čas potrvá, pokým sa naplno obnoví celý schengenský priestor bez kontroly na hraniciach, a treba sa pripraviť aj na to, aby v prípade prepuknutia druhej vlny šírenia koronavírusu štáty svoje kroky čo najviac koordinovali a vopred o nich ostatných informovali.


  Eugen Jurzyca (ECR), písomne. – Do značnej miery nesúhlasím s kritikou EÚ k obmedzeniam voľného pohybu osôb v Schengenskom priestore, ktoré v reakcii na pandémiu prijali členské štáty. Členské štáty dokázali rýchlejšie reagovať na vzniknutú situáciu, okrem toho uzatvárali svoje hranice až v čase, keď sa nákaza šírila vo vnútri EÚ. Zároveň majú v oblasti verejného zdravia viac kompetencií, a teda aj zodpovednosti za zvládnutie krízovej situácie. Uzatvárali tiež oblasti vo vnútri členských štátov (napríklad Litovel v ČR, Žehra v SR), čo svedčí o tom, že úmysel členských štátov súvisel s ochranou verejného zdravia, nie so snahou o ovplyvnenie miery integrácie.


  Емил Радев (PPE), в писмена форма. – В последните десетилетия Европа не се беше сблъсквала с толкова сериозно предизвикателство като кризата с КОВИД-19. Тя постави на колене редица сектори, като пълните последици от кризата все още не могат да се предвидят. Едно от най-големите предизвикателства бе това пред ефективното и правилно функциониране на едно от най-големите постижения на нашия Съюз – Шенген. Искрено се надявам поредният призив на ниво ЕП за ускорено приемане на България и Румъния в Шенгенското пространство да не остане само на хартия, като резолюцията от 11.12.2018 г., а този път наистина да бъде чут от Съвета. Мястото на България е в Шенген. Изпълнили сме стриктно всички заложени критерии и имаме пълен достъп до Шенгенската информационна система, но все още не сме пълноправен член. Взаимното доверие между държавите членки, сега повече от всякога, е ключово условие за ефективното функциониране на Шенгенското пространство, а България нееднократно е доказвала, че сигурно и надеждно пази външните граници на ЕС. В заключение отново ще призова Съвета да представи нов проект за решение относно присъединяването на България и Румъния към Шенгенското пространство по сухопътни, морски и въздушни граници, за да бъде Шенген още по-ефективен и да се постигне едно истинско и завършено свободно пространство за още повече европейски граждани.

Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 16 Οκτωβρίου 2020Ανακοίνωση νομικού περιεχομένου - Πολιτική απορρήτου