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Petak, 10. srpnja 2020. - Bruxelles Revidirano izdanje

10. Kulturni oporavak Europe (rasprava)
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  Elnök asszony. – Megadnám a szót a bizottság képviselőjének. Schinas úr, öné a szó.


  Margaritis Schinas, Vice-President of the Commission. – Madam President, honourable Members, before I start, allow me to thank you for raising this important topic and for the debate we are about to have.

Culture is part of Europe’s DNA. Our rich and vibrant cultural and creative scene is one of the greatest gifts Europe has to offer and it must be preserved at all costs. We all know how much the sector has suffered. The cultural and creative sectors have been hit by the pandemic in an unprecedented way. 95% of the sector are small businesses, small enterprises, independent artists and freelancers who are highly vulnerable and often work under very precarious conditions.

The Commission has had a regular exchange with Member States, the European Parliament and the sector itself over these past months to come up with solutions. Let me first start by what we could call the emergency solutions. One of the first actions we have adopted was to mobilise Cohesion Policy funds to respond to the rapidly emerging needs through the Corona Response Investment Initiative. These packages provided Member States with liquidity and exceptional flexibility to reallocate financial resources in the areas of greatest need, which of course also includes cultural and creative industries.

Second, another vital emergency initiative was the new instrument for temporary Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency, also known as the SURE programme, worth up to EUR 100 billion. This is a scheme designed to protect jobs and workers affected by the pandemic and, here again, it is for Member States to make the best possible use of this instrument and money and bring the much needed relief to creators, artists and writers.

Third, we have, as you know, enacted the Temporary Framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the pandemic, and culture was specifically included as one of the sectors particularly hit by the crisis together with transport, tourism, hospitality and retail. Many Member States, if not all of them, have already used this instrument for the creative and cultural sectors.

But, beyond the emergency measures we have also taken many specific actions. Some cultural actors have indeed developed their own promising initiatives to overcome the crisis and through this dialogue and synergies between Member States, the sector, the Commission, Parliament and others, we want to bring about specific initiatives. One of the best examples was the European Cultural Foundation that set up a new Culture of Solidarity Fund. Another platform for and by the sector was the so—called Creatives Unite initiative set up through the pilot project Finance, Learning, Innovation and Patenting for Cultural and Creative Industries (FLIP). This is an initiative that offers a common space for all cultural and creative sectors in Europe and beyond, giving access to a multitude of existing resources and relevant networks to work on. A few weeks ago, a conference with representatives from the Commission, the Parliament, the Council President and the sector was precisely organised through this platform of Creatives Unite.

Let me now come, of course, to our flagship programme Creative Europe. There again we applied maximum flexibility within the existing regulatory context for ongoing and planned actions. We extended a number of deadlines to facilitate the finalisation of obligations under these difficult circumstances and we also planned specific measures for cinemas, for instance, with a EUR 5 million supplementary allocation of funds in the form of vouchers for cinemas most severely affected by the lockdown. And we redirected the work of the Support scheme for the cross—border dimension of performing arts works towards digital culture and virtual mobility.

And beyond the Creative Europe programme we will very soon launch a targeted support to the disproportionately hit music sector through the Music Moves Europe initiative and there we plan to shift about EUR 2.5 million in this year to help the sector become more sustainable after the crisis. We are also exploring how to adapt and reinforce the cultural and creative sectors through the Guarantee Facility that would be used in a specific situation to allow for even more flexibility, credit holidays or guarantee cover to individual loss.

Let me now quickly come to the recovery and the Next Generation EU chapter. As you know, next week we’re having a landmark meeting of our heads of state and government in what I want to believe would be a path towards an agreement on the much needed recovery and Next Generation EU package as proposed by the Commission. For culture and creative sectors, support will be available, not only through the Creative Europe programme, but also through other programmes, such as REACT—EU, the new Cohesion Policy, InvestEU, Digital Europe Programme, just to name a few. So, I think it should be wrong to see Creative Europe as the only pathway, the only avenue for recovery in the years to come. We have a multitude of instruments in the new package and we can use it effectively.

But beyond the recovery package – and that’s how I wanted to conclude this initial presentation – one should not forget that we also have possibilities coming from different avenues, like, for example, Horizon Europe, where we have a Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society programme, which has fantastic opportunities for the sectors. And we should also keep in mind the so—called Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), which for the first time will be dedicated to cultural and creative industries through our European Institute for Technology, based in Budapest, Madam President, if I may remind.

So, all these tools will converge into having a strong new start after the difficult pandemic sectors without forgetting tourists. You remember that a few weeks ago, last month actually, we presented a comprehensive tourism and travel package and cultural tourism accounts for 40% of all European tourists, so we have to make sure that at the beginning of this summer tourist season, Europe will not lose its focus on its cultural tourism privilege.

Honourable Members, Madam President, in these difficult times culture is not a luxury, it is becoming a necessity. Culture is part of our heritage. Culture is our European way of life. To preserve it, defend it and promote it, we must unite and work together to make this new future as bright as possible. I count on your support so that we keep supporting, helping, assisting our dynamic communities of artists and creators.


  Michaela Šojdrová, za skupinu PPE. – Paní předsedající, pane místopředsedo, děkuji, že společně vedeme tento boj za kulturu, za kulturní odvětví. Ukazuje se, že to má smysl. Chci poděkovat panu místopředsedovi, že zde uvedl řadu aktivit, které doplňují ty, které již známe, a to především Kreativní Evropu. Připomenu zde také ekonomický význam. Kulturní odvětví vytváří v Evropské unii 3 až 4 % HDP. A do toho není počítáno to, co přináší pro turistický ruch. Vy jste ho, pane místopředsedo, vzpomněl na závěr, ale všechny kulturní aktivity, kulturní památky, koncerty, festivaly, to všechno je cílem turistického ruchu. Bez těchto kulturních aktivit nebude existovat turistický ruch, který je hybatelem ekonomiky v mnoha evropských zemích. A proto tolik usilujeme o to, aby jak Kreativní Evropa, tak nový fond na podporu oživení (Recovery Fund) byl otevřen těmto aktivitám.

Recovery Fund bude obrovský investiční program a je na členských státech, aby tento program opravdu využily na obnovu a aktivní využívání kulturních památek, podporu kulturního odvětví, včetně nezávislých médií, filmového průmyslu, aby skutečně ten dopad krize COVID-19 byl nějakým způsobem nahrazen, protože je destruktivní. A my to víme. Pokud se výrazně nezvýší program Kreativní Evropy – a my si to přejeme, já prosím, pane místopředsedo, abyste znovu na úrovni Evropské komise toto podpořil –, tak Recovery Fund tady musí být připraven poskytnout podporu v těch investičních aktivitách. Chtěla bych připomenout, že rok 2018 byl úspěšným rokem Evropského kulturního dědictví, který chceme, aby se opakoval.

A na závěr mi dovolte jeden velký apel. Je zde velmi ohrožena památka světového kulturního dědictví Hagia Sofia, chrám-muzeum, který slouží křesťanům i muslimům, a prosím, zasaďme se společně, aby tento chrám-muzeum zůstal muzeem, zůstal smířením a památkou na to, že umí žít tato náboženství společně a chránit své kulturní kořeny.


  Petra Kammerevert, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Es waren wirklich schöne Bilder, als in der Nacht vom 22. Juni in vielen deutschen Städten über 8 000 Bauwerke, Veranstaltungszentren und Spielstätten rot angestrahlt wurden. Der Grund dieser Ausrichtung der Night of Light war allerdings weniger schön.

Innerhalb kürzester Zeit hat die Corona-Krise die gesamte Kultur- und Veranstaltungsbranche an den Abgrund gedrängt. Es wäre daher auch notwendig gewesen, das Berlaymont—Gebäude in Alarmstufe Rot zu versetzen. Denn der Kommission scheint die Schwere der Lage noch immer nicht vollständig bewusst zu sein, und das, was Sie, Herr Kommissar, uns gerade vorgestellt haben, sind im Wesentlichen ein paar Tropfen auf den heißen Stein.

Weder im Aufbaufonds noch im nächsten mehrjährigen Finanzrahmen der EU finden die Kultur- und Kreativsektoren wirklich Berücksichtigung. Neben warmen Worten kommt hier nicht viel. Das Kulturförderprogramm soll gegenüber dem ursprünglichen Vorschlag der Kommission sogar noch mal gekürzt werden.

Ich fordere daher sehr klar, mindestens 2 Prozent des Aufbaufonds als europäischen Rettungsschirm für die Kultur bereitzustellen und das auch entsprechend festzuschreiben und nicht in die Obhut der Mitgliedstaaten zu geben. Und in Bezug auf das Programm Creative Europe dürfen wir als Parlament nicht nachlassen, weiterhin eine Verdoppelung des Budgets für das Programm Creative Europe zu fordern. Reparieren wir nicht nur den entstandenen Schaden, sondern versuchen wir, Neues zu schaffen.


  Laurence Farreng, au nom du groupe Renew. – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Commissaire, pendant le confinement, les auteurs et les artistes ont été là pour nous, pour nous apporter du rêve, de l’évasion, du sourire parfois, même quand le cœur n’y était pas. Et tout cela gratuitement. Ils et elles ont été là pour nous, alors est-ce que nous serons là pour eux?

En effet, pour la culture, il y a urgence, c’est un secteur fragile, qui s’est arrêté du jour au lendemain. Cinémas, festivals, musées, salles de concert, théâtres, monuments: premiers à fermer, ils seront les derniers à rouvrir après de longs mois de pertes et d’incertitudes. Incertitudes que l’Union européenne n’a pas levées, et surtout pas en annonçant les montants dérisoires qui sont attribués au nouveau programme Europe créative: +8% seulement, alors que le Parlement européen demandait le doublement. Rappelons que l’Europe ne consacre que 0,14% de son budget à la culture. C’est un mauvais signal car il est évident que la relance culturelle doit passer par l’Europe.

Ce que je vous demande aujourd’hui, c’est que tous les mécanismes d’urgence européens soient mobilisés pour la culture: le programme SURE pour le chômage partiel, le grand plan de relance Next Generation EU pour soutenir ses industries et ses secteurs de tailles diverses, composés de PME comme de travailleurs indépendants et qui tous ensemble représentent 4% de notre PIB.

Après la phase d’urgence, l’Europe devra aussi être plus ambitieuse pour montrer que la culture est irremplaçable, pour illustrer notre diversité, notre attachement à la liberté d’expression et de création. Les pistes sont nombreuses, pour le patrimoine culturel, pour ouvrir des opportunités à nos créateurs à l’heure du numérique, pour lancer de grandes coproductions européennes, pour inscrire nos industries culturelles dans le pacte vert européen.

Enfin, Monsieur le Commissaire, ayons cette ambition: pour renforcer l’Europe, pour donner un cap à nos valeurs européennes, il faudra faire en sorte que la culture soit intégrée dans le dialogue avec les citoyens dans le cadre de la Conférence pour l’avenir de l’Europe. Mais d’abord, et pour que la culture soit l’avenir de l’Europe, il faut que l’Europe donne un avenir à la culture.


  Gianantonio Da Re, a nome del gruppo ID. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il gruppo Identità e Democrazia, e in particolare il movimento "Lega - Salvini premier", è stato spesso accusato di voler distruggere l'Unione europea. Non è così: noi non vogliamo distruggere l'Unione europea, ma migliorarla.

Io stesso, il 26 ottobre 2019, ho inviato una lettera al Presidente Sassoli chiedendo di riprendere il processo costituente della Costituzione europea. La risposta che ho ricevuto dal Presidente ha confermato la necessità e la volontà di proseguire in tal senso, sottolineando la centralità della cultura europea.

L'Unione europea deve riformarsi o meglio deve rinascere; non deve essere un'Europa delle nazioni ma l'Europa dei popoli. Ricordiamo il grande popolo veneto, o il popolo friulano, bavarese, catalano, basco, bretone e così via. Non dovremmo parlare di una cultura europea, ma di un insieme di culture e di popoli che la compongono.

Il tentativo di soffocare e di azzerare le diverse specificità non può che portare all'inevitabile fallimento del progetto europeo, fallimento che noi non vogliamo. Solo il pieno rispetto della cultura e della storia dei singoli paesi porterà a una vera e propria Unione europea. Una cultura europea può essere creata solo andando al di là degli interessi nazionali che la compongono, e le singole identità costituiscono infatti il valore aggiunto e fanno grande ed unica l'Europa, con quasi 500 milioni di abitanti.

Per questo la cultura europea deve diventare una priorità nel quadro delle politiche europee e costituire il perno principale della futura Costituzione europea. Non si può essere un'Unione europea senza il rispetto delle regole e delle singole identità, senza il rispetto della volontà popolare, anche se questa risulta scomoda all'alta finanza e alla burocrazia europea.


  Salima Yenbou, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Commissaire, si c’était à refaire, je commencerais par la culture. Cette phrase apocryphe attribuée à Jean Monnet prend toute son importance à l’heure où nous questionnons nos modes de vie, nos sociétés modernes, l’existence même de notre Union européenne.

Pendant la crise de la COVID, la culture était présente dans tous les foyers. Lors du confinement, la culture a apporté réconfort et espoir. La culture est un élément vital d’une société, la culture exprime, représente, transcende, elle est le pont entre les générations, entre les hommes, entre les langues. Elle divertit, elle fête, elle imagine. Des musées aux théâtres, des salles de danse aux bibliothèques, la culture nous réunit. La culture est un outil privilégié pour la compréhension mutuelle et pour vaincre les discriminations mais aussi pour renforcer la dignité humaine, la démocratie, l’égalité et la solidarité: les valeurs fondatrices de l’Europe.

Ici même, devant vos yeux, c’est une véritable déclaration d’amour que je fais à la culture et à celles et ceux qui la font vivre. La crise, en l’absence de réaction proportionnée et ambitieuse de nos politiques, a frappé durement toutes ces personnes qui ont fait de la culture leur métier: artistes, auteurs, techniciens, créateurs, intermittents.

Pour tous ceux-là, la relance doit être l’instant T où la culture cesse d’être un corollaire aux autres priorités et secteurs d’activité de l’Union européenne. La culture mérite de devenir une priorité à part entière, d’un point de vue politique et budgétaire. Ne pas placer la culture au cœur de notre projet européen du monde que nous souhaitons pour nos enfants, c’est à coup sûr leur laisser un monde de crises, de conflits et de guerres.

Pour conclure, je reprendrai les mots récents d’Olivier Py: nous devons saisir l’opportunité qui s’offre à nous, celle de recréer un projet européen au sein duquel la culture ne sera pas un luxe mais un devoir impérieux, alors nous devons.


  Ангел Джамбазки, от името на групата ECR. – Г-жо Председател, г-н комисар, колеги, безспорно важен дебат и безспорно важна тема, защото културата е в основата на самосъзнанието, на самоопределението.

Точно затова аз бих искал да видя в момент като този, сериозен разговор за това какво би трябвало да насърчава Европейската комисия. Дали да продължи по този опасен и хлъзгав път на насърчаване на наднационални културни проекти, които отиват наляво, отиват към културния марксизъм? Културни проекти, които се опитват да представят европейския човек като човек без корени, без ясно национално самоопределение, без ясно национално самосъзнание, без ясна полова идентичност и без никакви културни опори.

Защото, г-жо Председател и г-н комисар, аз дълбоко вярвам, че ние, европейците, дължим това, което сме, на нашия произход – европейски; на нашата религия – повечето от нас са християни, без значение дали са православни, католици, протестанти, но повечето сме християни; и на нашето самосъзнание и самоопределение.

И когато говорим за нашите корени, това, което ни прави такива, каквито сме, не можем да избегнем, г-н комисар, аз говоря за „Света София“. „Света София“ неслучайно е наричана майката на всички църкви. Тя е основата на християнството, на източното православие. Това, което се случва в Турция в момента, не може да бъде вътрешна работа на Турция, това е общоевропейски въпрос, културен въпрос, наш въпрос, и аз ви моля да го поставите, с цялата му строгост и цялата му острота. Президентът Ердоган не може да провокира повече чувствата, усещанията, вярванията, религията на християнските европейски народи.


  Νιαζί Κιζιλγιουρέκ, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας GUE/NGL. – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι, το μέλλον της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης δεν εξασφαλίζεται μόνο με την κοινή αγορά. Ούτε μπορεί να χτιστεί το αίσθημα του «εμείς» ή του «μαζί» μόνο με το κέρδος. Αν έχει κάτι που θα φέρει μαζί τους πολίτες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης αυτό είναι η κουλτούρα και ο πολιτισμός. Δυστυχώς, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση δεν δίνει τη δέουσα σημασία στον τομέα της κουλτούρας. Είναι γεγονός ότι ο τομέας της κουλτούρας πλήγηκε βάναυσα κατά τη διάρκεια της πανδημίας του κορονοϊού. Πολλά κράτη μέλη, όπως και η χώρα μου, η Κύπρος, ουσιαστικά έχουν ξεχάσει τον τομέα του πολιτισμού και τους ανθρώπους του, οι οποίοι ανέμεναν εδώ και μήνες κάποια στήριξη, αρκούνται όμως σε υποσχέσεις.

Ζητούμε σημαντική ενίσχυση του χρηματοδοτικού προγράμματος για τον πολιτισμό την περίοδο 2021-2027 και ένα επαρκές χρηματοδοτικό πακέτο κινήτρων για πολιτιστικούς δημιουργούς σε όλη την Ευρώπη, έναν ολοκληρωμένο σχεδιασμό που θα στηρίξει τις ομάδες πολιτιστικής δημιουργίας. Μόνο έτσι μπορούμε να επενδύσουμε στο αίσθημα του «εμείς» και στις γενιές του μέλλοντος.


  Francisco José Millán Mon (PPE). – Señora presidenta, el fondo de recuperación y el Marco Financiero Plurianual deben tener muy presente la dimensión cultural de la Unión Europea.

Los programas Erasmus+ y Europa Creativa deben obtener ese aumento en financiación que todos ambicionamos. También debemos apoyar el patrimonio cultural europeo, que desempeña además —como usted ha dicho, señor vicepresidente— un papel muy relevante para atraer al turismo, un sector que ahora tanto está sufriendo.

El programa del Consejo de Europa de las rutas culturales europeas es un excelente escaparate de la riqueza de nuestro patrimonio cultural. Hemos de contribuir a su financiación. En especial, quiero subrayar que en el año próximo la primera de estas rutas, los caminos de Santiago, celebra su Año Santo o Año Jubilar. A lo largo de 2021 el Xacobeo será probablemente el conjunto de acontecimientos culturales más importantes de Europa. Desde la Unión Europea debemos ayudar.

Los caminos de Santiago son caminos de Europa. Atraviesan todos los países del continente y desde hace siglos muchos ciudadanos europeos han peregrinado a través de ellos a Compostela, contribuyendo así a la creación y expansión de una cultura europea común y también de una identidad europea.

Y ya que hablo de patrimonio histórico, me uno a la pregunta que le hacía mi colega, la señora Šojdrová, sobre el plan de declarar Santa Sofía como mezquita.


  Victor Negrescu (S&D). – Doamnă președintă, domnule comisar, dragi colegi, dezbaterea de astăzi este foarte importantă pentru viitorul sectorului cultural și creativ european, care este puternic afectat de criza generată de COVID-19. Mii de persoane care lucrează în domeniu nu au avut posibilitatea sau mijloacele pentru a se adapta schimbărilor provocate de această criză, iar soluțiile implementate de guverne lasă de dorit.

În ciuda multiplelor apeluri ale Parlamentului European, în ciuda interpelărilor pe care fiecare dintre noi le-a făcut pe lângă autoritățile naționale, acest sector de care suntem mândri și care reprezintă unul din punctele forte ale economiei europene pare a fi uitat. Acest lucru a fost, din păcate, cazul și în România, unde autoritățile nu au făcut nimic pentru cele trei sute de mii de persoane care lucrează în acest domeniu și reprezintă în jur de 10 % din produsul intern brut.

Din acest motiv, solicităm astăzi un răspuns european și măsuri clare pentru susținerea acestui sector. Trebuie să alocăm 2 % din planul de relansare european pentru salvarea sectorului cultural și creativ european, dar trebuie făcut la fel și la nivelul statelor membre. Rezoluția noastră va fi un ultim apel pentru salvarea sectorului. Sper ca executivul european și Consiliul să asculte vocea miilor de persoane care muncesc în acest domeniu.


  Niklas Nienaß (Verts/ALE). – Madam President, I am asking that this debate be extended because this is the first debate being held on the issue of culture. You are allocating 30 minutes for this, which is just a plain joke to have a decent debate. We’re not allowed to use blue cards and you’re just pulling us through here like a herd. This is just not efficient enough or sufficient enough for the very important issue that...

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Elnök asszony. – Köszönöm a hozzászólást. Ezért próbálom rávenni Önöket, hogy tartsák be a beszéd időt. Sajnos a technikai lehetőségeink, elsősorban a fordítók miatt nem teszik lehetővé. Nagyon reméljük, hogy visszatérhetünk előbb vagy utóbb a normális működési módhoz, és akkor tudunk továbbmenni, és hosszabb vitákat folytatni.

Nienass képviselőtársunké a szó a zöldek képviselőcsoportjából. És akkor kérem mindenki tartsa az egy percet!


  Niklas Nienaß (Verts/ALE). – Frau Präsidentin! Da die Europäische Union im Bereich der Kultur relativ begrenzt zuständig ist, möchte ich mich auf den Rat spezialisieren – der heute durch Abwesenheit glänzt. Als Bundeskanzlerin Merkel am Mittwoch ´hier das Programm der deutschen Ratspräsidentschaft vorgestellt hat, hat sie genau einen einzigen Satz gesagt, der irgendetwas mit Kultur zu tun hatte, nämlich den zweihundertfünfzigsten Geburtstag Ludwig von Beethovens erwähnt.

Deswegen möchte ich mit einem Zitat von ihm starten: „Und die Welt muss ich verachten, die nicht ahnt, dass Musik höhere Offenbarung ist als alle Weisheit und Philosophie. Sie ist der Wein, der zur neuen Erzeugung begeistert.“

Wer Beethovens Vermächtnis feiert, aber nicht einmal über die Förderung von Kunst und Kultur in diesen Zeiten der Krise redet, wäre von dem alten Meister mit viel Verachtung gestraft worden. Weder die Kanzlerin noch die Kommissionspräsidentin haben durch Worte oder Taten erkennen lassen, dass sie verstehen, in welcher desaströsen Lage sich der europäische Kultur- und Kreativsektor befindet. „In Vielfalt geeint“ ist das europäische Motto, doch diese Vielfalt droht zu verschwinden, wenn dem gesamten Kultur- und Kreativsektor in ganz Europa nicht geholfen wird.

Um den Kulturministern und den Staats- und Regierungschefs auf die Sprünge zu helfen, was das bedeutet: Wir brauchen ein unbürokratisches Grundeinkommen für Künstlerinnen und Künstler. Wir brauchen lokale Kulturgutscheine, um den Konsum anzukurbeln, und eine europäische Sozialgarantie für Künstlerinnen und Künstler.

Wer das Vermächtnis eines toten Künstlers bejubelt, aber den Lebenden in solch einer Krise nicht umfassend hilft, der hat die Verachtung aller Künstler verdient.


  Anne-Sophie Pelletier (GUE/NGL). – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Commissaire, 7 millions d'artistes, de travailleurs, de travailleuses du monde européen de la culture, ces inventeurs d'âme, selon les mots de Césaire, sont menacés par la crise. Ces femmes, ces hommes précaires enchaînant les contrats courts sont suspendus aux annonces des États et de l'Union.

Au moment où les événements culturels sont repoussés ou annulés, la culture est trop souvent le parent pauvre des politiques publiques et nous avons vu ô combien elle était importante pendant cette crise du confinement. En deux mois, par exemple, 10 millions de visiteurs virtuels pour le musée du Louvre.

La culture, ce n'est pas la promotion du mode de vie européen, c'est un bien commun qui construit une société plus juste, plus tolérante. Alors choisissons de faire de la culture une réponse au repli identitaire et aux doutes qui nous assaillent. Certains députés n'ont que l'identité à la bouche et nous savons la culture menacée quand les nationalistes arrivent au pouvoir.

Il faut prendre nos responsabilités, revenir sur les réductions budgétaires prévues et augmenter les montants d'Europe créative pour aider les artistes. Milan Kundera disait: «la culture, c'est la mémoire du peuple, la conscience collective de la continuité historique, le mode de penser et de vivre». Soyons maintenant à la hauteur en sortant du dogme de l'austérité et en repensant le financement de la création culturelle.


  Isabel Benjumea Benjumea (PPE). – Señora presidenta, señor vicepresidente, esta es la primera vez que intervengo en el Pleno desde febrero y quisiera empezar mandando mi más sentido pésame a las familias de los fallecidos a causa del COVID-19 y también mostrar mi agradecimiento a todas las personas que trabajan, poniendo en riesgo su salud, para combatir esta pandemia.

Estamos hoy aquí para hablar de cultura y de la importancia que tiene este sector estratégico en Europa, cuyas cifras y la importancia que tiene se han mencionado en este Pleno.

Pero yo quisiera poner el foco en la importancia que tiene la defensa de esa cultura como identidad cultural europea, como valores judeocristianos, y en la importancia que tiene que la Comisión Europea defienda esa identidad europea, defienda los valores occidentales.

Y lo estamos viendo con lo que está ocurriendo con Santa Sofía, que la quieren declarar una mezquita, o lo hemos visto con los ataques que ha habido a los monumentos en Europa, promovidos por movimientos totalitarios y promovidos por aquellos que quieren atacar nuestra identidad, nuestra cultura y nuestros valores.

Por lo tanto, debemos reivindicar la cultura europea, no solo por el valor económico, sino por la importancia que tiene para defender las democracias liberales en Europa.


  Massimiliano Smeriglio (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la cultura non può essere dimenticata.

I settori creativi e culturali sono strategici: serve un new deal della cultura, che parta dalle emergenze di questi mesi, fatti di distanziamento sociale, cinema e teatri vuoti, produzioni bloccate. Cultura significa contenuti ma anche lavoro, spesso precario, e realtà industriali.

La recente proposta della Commissione per il prossimo QFP non è all'altezza delle sfide che stiamo affrontando: un budget raddoppiato per Europa creativa è fondamentale, il Parlamento continuerà a chiederlo. Con Next Generation EU si possono creare link con altre fonti di finanziamento, promuovere partnership e sinergie.

La diversità culturale europea deve stare al centro del nuovo modello di sviluppo: dobbiamo lavorare per rafforzare i programmi esistenti, come Europa creativa, e massimizzare le opportunità del recovery fund. Aspettiamo risposte concrete.


  Margaritis Schinas, vice-président de la Commission. – Madame la Présidente, Mesdames, Messieurs, permettez-moi de vous dire que nous sommes en plein accord, tant sur le diagnostic de la situation que sur les actions à entreprendre pour pallier les effets de la pandémie sur un de nos secteurs les plus créatifs, les plus dynamiques, les plus liés à nos traditions, à notre diversité et à notre culture.

I have also noted your concerns about the budget and the programme. You know that when it comes to discussions on the budget, these discussions are always, always complicated and complex. What I want to assure you is that what is on the table is the best possible option that we could propose under the current circumstances, and allow me to share with you my optimism that next week we will have a major historic agreement on the Recovery Package. That would be the best way to symbolise Europe’s return to kick-starting the real economy and growth and jobs.

I have also noted the traditional debate on what European culture represents today in Europe. At my hearing I also had the occasion to say that I see the richness of our culture, not the existence of a Homo Europaeus who thinks the same, does the same and imposes his or her values on everybody else. I see our European culture as a mirror, a mirror of diversity, a mirror of the richness of what Europe represents in terms of language, history, tradition, culture, literature and the arts, and this is what makes Europe unique in today’s ever uncertain, and if I may say, darker world.

I also wanted to say something about Hagia Sophia. I have noted your interest, which I share. Hagia Sophia is a symbol of inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue. It is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site – it’s a museum, it’s a symbol. It’s also a symbol of a city, which is in itself a symbol of what we would like to see as values prevailing in today’s world. Turkey is a founding member of the UN initiative for the Alliance of Civilizations and has already taken on important obligations in this context. So, given the global monument that it is, it is essential that Hagia Sofia maintains its current status, recognised both internationally and publicly. Otherwise that would undermine the tolerance and openness of Turkey. Let me remind you that, back in 2010, the city that hosts Hagia Sophia was a European Capital of Culture, and as the Prime Minister of Turkey at the time, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, said: ‘this is a European city with its heart, its culture and civilisation, its people, its past, its future. It has always looked towards Europe. Istanbul has shaped European culture and has been shaped by it’ – Prime Minister Erdoğan, 2010. This is the spirit that we want to hear. This is what we expect from President Erdoğan ten years on.




  Presidente. – O debate está encerrado.

A votação realizar-se-á no período de sessões de setembro.

Declarações escritas (artigo 171.º do Regimento)


  Andrea Bocskor (PPE), írásban. – Tisztelt Biztos Úr! Kedves Képviselőtársak! A koronavírus-világjárvány elleni védekezés eddig nem tapasztalt helyzetet eredményezett: a legtöbb ágazat, így a kultúra és oktatás területén is válságba kerültek a szereplők, de még a társadalom legkisebb gazdasági egységeiben, a családokban is. Európa kulturális helyreállítása a hagyományos európai keresztény elveken kell alapuljon, egy olyan társadalom megteremtésén, melyben az egyén nem önmaga megvalósulásán dolgozik, hanem a család és a közösség érdekében. A kulturális sokszínűség kérdésén belül a nemzeti őshonos regionális kisebbségek gazdasági megerősítéséért és identitásuk megtartásáért is uniós szintre kell emelni, támogatni kell az autochton nemzeti kisebbségek nyelvi és kulturális jogait.

Ezúton is felháborodásomnak adok hangot, hogy Németország az Európai Unió soros elnökségét adó országaként más tagállamok jogállamiságáért aggódik, miközben saját országukban a XXI. században szobrot emelnek annak a jogállamiságot lábbal tipró Vlagyimir Iljics Leninnek, akinek az emberiesség elleni bűnlajstroma végtelenségig sorolható. Ez a totalitárius rendszereket és diktatúrákat dicsőítő magatartás nem engedhetjük, hogy Európa kultúrájának része legyen.


  Elżbieta Kruk (ECR), na piśmie. – W wyniku reakcji rządów na COVID-19 wiele sektorów gospodarczych znalazło się w trudnej sytuacji i wymaga wsparcia. W trudnej sytuacji znaleźli się również artyści oraz pracownicy instytucji kultury. Dziś dyskutujemy więc nad kulturowym odrodzeniem Europy.

To dobry czas, aby odpowiedzieć sobie na pytania: czym jest Unia Europejska dzisiaj? Jakimi kieruje się wartościami? Na ile respektuje katalog zasad stworzony przez ojców-założycieli: Konrada Adenauera, Alcide De Gasperiego, Roberta Schumana? Te zasady to: poszanowanie tożsamości kulturowej i religijnej krajów narodowych oraz przestrzeganie zasad solidarności i pomocniczości. Jaka jest odpowiedź? Taka, że Europa rzeczywiście potrzebuje kulturowego odrodzenia. Widzimy bowiem, że w realizacji wielkiego projektu multi-kulturalizmu oczekuje się od Europejczyków, by wyparli się samych siebie, wspierali upadek europejskiej kultury, tradycji i religii.

Współcześni „inżynierowie dusz” nie chcą pamiętać, kim byli ojcowie-założyciele UE, usiłują wymazać ze świadomości zbiorowej wiedzę o ich formacji duchowej. To jest droga donikąd, bo tak jak do powstania Zjednoczonej Europy mogła prowadzić jedynie prawdziwie chrześcijańska myśl polityczna, tak tylko inspirowane nią koncepcje mogą zaowocować rzeczywistym odrodzeniem kulturowym.

Trzeba odejść od lewackiej roboty obracania europejskiej tożsamości w zgliszcza. UE może się rozwijać tylko wtedy, kiedy będzie unią ojczyzn, kiedy będzie cenić bogactwo ich różnorodności, kiedy będzie cenić swą własną kulturę i tożsamość.


  Dace Melbārde (ECR), in writing. – Cultural and creative sectors (CCS) were hit particularly hard by this crisis, and they will also be one of the last ones to recover. Even when cultural life returns, sanitary restrictions combined with precautions taken will restrict its economic comeback, also due to the worsening economic situation and savings that households implement. According to the Commission, the CCS output gap for the whole of the EU this year could be tens of billions of euros. Despite this, the main EU culture programme, Creative Europe, despite the Covid-19 outbreak is allocated just EUR 1.5 billion and even that is a cut from the Commission’s proposal two years ago. In addition to its intrinsic value, culture also stimulates economic growth and even helps sustain other sectors such as tourism. CCS needs targeted support respecting geographical balance. Earmarking, in the form of grants, for cultural revival in the recovery plan is necessary. Guarantees are not suitable for these sectors given the sudden output loss and the high share of self—employed professionals and small enterprises. The funding should also entail support for media to address the immediate crisis facing the sector as well as to help it grow in the future.


  Андрей Слабаков  (ECR), в писмена форма. – Нека припомня, че културните институции бяха първите, които затвориха и ще бъдат последните, които ще се възстановят. Намаляха драстично приходите от реклама. Спря снимането на филми и сериали, преустановиха се концертите и фестивалите. Милиони творци – повечето от тях хора със „свободни професии“ – загубиха своите доходи. Как реагира ЕС? Културният сектор беше първият, на когото посегнаха бюрократите. Парите оттам бяха пренасочени към други програми и то при положение, че всички политически групи настояват бюджетът за култура на Европа да се увеличи.

Не мога да разбера, как все така се случва, че културата и образованието уж са много важни, но никога не са приоритет. Напротив, парите се пренасочват към Зеления пакт. Затова все по-сериозно се убеждавам, че крайната цел е след време в Европа да живеят неуки и бездуховни хора, които напълно са се слели с природата. Положението в момента изобщо не ми харесва. Културният сектор трябва да получи сериозна част от тези 750 млрд. евро, които са предвидени според Плана за възстановяване. Искам незабавно преразглеждане на средствата по програмите „Еразъм+“, „Творческа Европа“ и „Европейския корпус за солидарност“, които бяха намалени от хора, които или не се интересуват от култура или нищо не разбират от нея.


  Ivan Štefanec (PPE), písomne. – Srebrenický masaker bol najstrašnejšou udalosťou v dejinách Európy od skončenia 2. svetovej vojny. Je našou povinnosťou zabezpečovať ochranu civilistov pred vojenským besnením a predchádzať akýmkoľvek náznakom potenciálnej genocídy. Nikdy nezabudnime na viac ako 8 000 popravených ľudí, ktorých životy kruto vyhasli v konflikte, ktorý vzplanul z nacionalistických vášní. Nech je nám Srebrenica pripomienkou nebezpečného ultranacionalizmu a xenofóbie v našich moderných dejinách, dokonca tak blízko hraníc Európskej únie.


  Sabine Verheyen (PPE), in writing. – The revised MFF proposal lacks ambition and strategic vision in relation to the cultural and creative sectors. The Commission proposal not only is far from doubling the budget of Creative Europe as requested by the EP but it even decreases the budget compared to its initial proposal from 2018. This is unacceptable for a programme that proved to be effective and with clear European added value and is seriously underfinanced. The Commission highlights that in the first quarter of 2020 the loss in turnover for the CCSs is expected to be 80% – one of the highest of all sectors. The CCS would need at least EUR 6 billion out of the EUR 750 billion of Next Generation EU to start the recovery. Therefore, why is this money needed for CCS not clearly earmarked in the proposed recovery plans? The cultural and creative sectors employ 8.4 million workers in the EU, nearly half of which are young people. We must ensure that the additional funds available under the cohesion instrument REACT—EU (EUR 55 billion) devoted to support workers in regions and sectors most affected by the pandemic reach cultural operators. There will be no real recovery for Europe if culture is left behind.

Posljednje ažuriranje: 15. listopada 2020.Pravna obavijest - Politika zaštite privatnosti