 Πλήρες κείμενο 
Διαδικασία : 2019/2201(INI)
Διαδρομή στην ολομέλεια
Διαδρομή του εγγράφου : A9-0166/2020

Κείμενα που κατατέθηκαν :


Συζήτηση :

PV 19/10/2020 - 22
CRE 19/10/2020 - 22

Ψηφοφορία :

PV 20/10/2020 - 8
PV 20/10/2020 - 21

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Δευτέρα 19 Οκτωβρίου 2020 - Βρυξέλλες

22. Έκθεση σχετικά με την εφαρμογή της συμφωνίας σύνδεσης της ΕΕ με τη Δημοκρατία της Μολδαβίας (συνοπτική παρουσίαση)
Βίντεο των παρεμβάσεων
Συνοπτικά πρακτικά

  President. – The next item is a short presentation of the report by Dragoş Tudorache, on behalf of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, on the implementation of the EU Association Agreement with the Republic of Moldova (2019/2201(INI)) (A9-0166/2020).


  Dragoş Tudorache, rapporteur. – Mr President, the Association Agreement between the EU and the Republic of Moldova is not just a list of reforms and is not just a financial envelope. It is about shared values and a common destination. We are partners, the Republic of Moldova and us, because we made a commitment to each other. At the heart of that commitment lies one value, one which is being debated now even amongst ourselves, the members of the Union. That value is rule of law. And as we tell and remind our own Member States that rule of law is the fabric of democracy, we also tell and remind Moldovans, over and over again, that the commitment to rule of law and democracy is the essential building block for the common destination that we have set ourselves, which is European integration.

My report and the main message which I would like that we, as Parliament, pass this week to the Republic of Moldova is precisely about these fundamental choices and these fundamental values, those that make us all European.

The Republic of Moldova has delivered on a number of reforms in the course of last year and the report acknowledges those efforts, albeit the political instability and the often—confusing signals coming from the authorities.

Very importantly, Moldova followed through with the concrete institutional and legislative deliverables that were conditionalities for the second tranche of macro—financial assistance. The citizenship for investment scheme was abandoned, the legislative framework for NGOs was duly adopted, some elements of the judicial reform package were implemented. That led to the disbursement of the much—needed financial aid, along with an additional amount of redirected assistance focusing on COVID—19 immediate response measures. Add to that the EUR 100 million in the omnibus instrument and we have a consistent package for which I praise the Commission and the European External Action Service (EEAS), which understood the need to stand by the Republic of Moldova in these times of need.

The report also acknowledges those reforms that are not yet complete, where either the political will is still faltering or where the administrative capacity is insufficient. Democratic mechanisms need to be strengthened, the civil society needs to be more involved, and above all else, the judiciary needs to function independently, beyond any suspicion of political bias or outright corruption. For that reason, the Superior Council of Magistracy needs this reform completed, the activity of prosecutors must be freed of interference and undue pressure, including from obsolete legal provisions in the criminal code.

The banking and financial sectors require transparency, stability and predictability if trust in the investment environment of Moldova is to be sustained. It cannot be that several years later, the Moldovans still do not know who is responsible for defrauding EUR one billion from their bank.

The Union and us, the European Parliament, will keep watching over those reforms because they are important for Moldova and for its citizens. Now, a final word to them, the Moldovan citizens, and I will do that in their own mother tongue.

Europa a fost și va rămâne „acasă”. Este deja pentru mulți dintre moldovenii care circulă liber, momentan afectați, ca noi toți, de restricțiile legate de pandemie, pentru cei care muncesc în toate colțurile Europei, sau cei care își însoțesc familia.

Conducătorii Moldovei – oricine ar fi ei – datorează cetățenilor lor o țară din care să le vină mai greu să plece, iar reformele pe care noi – Uniunea și instituțiile sale – le cerem autorităților sunt acolo pentru voi, pentru a construi o societate și o democrație funcțională, sănătoasă și prosperă. Asta vă dorește Uniunea Europeană, asta vă doresc și eu.


  Josep Borrell Fontelles, Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, it’s true: the Moldova Association Agreement is a very ambitious one. It has been in place for the last four years. It’s rooted in democracy, respect for human rights and for the rule of law. These values are at the core of the objective of political association and economic integration of the Republic of Moldova with the European Union.

But as you have been emphasising, only tangible significant progress on the Moldovan side, with the full implementation of necessary reforms, will enable progress in addressing long-term challenges with which you are very familiar. These challenges are weak state institutions, persistently high levels of corruption and oligarch structures, a deficient judiciary, an aging population and economic challenges faced by young people, leading to poverty and brain drain through immigration. As an associated country, Moldova remains an important partner within the Eastern Partnership Framework.

The presidential elections on 1 November will be a crucial juncture in our partnership, and as the report highlights, these elections will be a test for democracy and the rule of law in the country, thus practices contravening international standards must be absolutely avoided. In previous elections, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) observed vote-buying, misuse of state resources and pressuring voters, among others. That’s quite a lot – vote-buying, misuse of state resources, pressuring voters, among others. In the current COVID-19 context, it is even more important to ensure that all Moldovans are given a free and fair opportunity to vote, following a transparent, inclusive and credible election process, which we will be closely monitoring.

We also expect the Moldovan authorities to address the recent actions that risk the hard-won independence of the National Bank of Moldova and the stability of the global banking sector. I agree with your report that the lack of results of the prosecution are unexplainable – not to use another word. Multiple postponements of the ongoing trials of the 2014 one-billion-dollar banking fraud, which means 15% of Moldova’s GDP, are deeply problematic. Clear delivery on that issue is a litmus test for Moldova’s fight against corruption.

On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact on Moldova. Our solidarity and assistance in response to the pandemic has been strong and the European Union remains the biggest provider of aid. We have mobilised over EUR 100 million in bilateral grant support, focusing on the immediate need for protective equipment, strengthening the healthcare system and supporting socio-economic recovery.

Looking ahead, we will be updating our association agenda. This offers a further opportunity to focus on reform priorities across all sectors, supporting civil society and, in particular, engaging with local actors and strengthening independent media will remain key. We shall also continue the full implementation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, supporting small and medium enterprises and advancing the ambitious process of regulatory approximation. Our future assistance will continue to be linked to clear delivery and reforms. The European Union’s strict and smart conditionality phase out as it pushes the necessary reform to improve lives and strengthen Moldova’s resilience. This is the purpose of our association agreement, and I am very happy to participate in this presentation of your report.

I fully agree with the need to continue working with Moldova and to fully engage on the fight against coronavirus and these challenges that I have been mentioning which show that this country really needs and deserves our support.


  President. – The debate is closed.

The vote will take place on Tuesday, 20 October 2020.

Written statements (Rule 171)


  Gheorghe-Vlad Nistor (PPE), în scris. – Viitorul european al Republicii Moldova este o certitudine, iar traiectoria sa democratică este evidentă. Deși a întâmpinat numeroase obstacole în această direcție, multe venite chiar din partea propriei clase politice, calea progresului de tip european a rămas deschisă.

Deplâng acțiunile acelor forțe politice retrograde de la Chișinău ce nu înțeleg că prosperitatea nu poate fi asigurată decât prin crearea condițiilor statului de drept : justiție independentă și funcțională, economie liberă, robustă și predictibilă și respectarea libertăților individuale ale cetățenilor.

Astăzi dezbatem în plen Raportul asupra acordului de asociere UE-Republica Moldova, pentru adoptarea căruia voi vota. Documentul prezintă atât progresele făcute de Republica Moldova, recunoscute și încurajate pe deplin de către instituțiile și statele UE, cât și neajunsurile, precum corupția endemică și justiția deficitară, printre multe altele. Susțin propunerea de a crea un mecanism strict de condiționalitate, ce va lega asistența furnizată de UE de adoptarea și implementarea, într-un ritm alert, a reformelor necesare.

Beneficiile rezultate în urma legăturilor strânse cu UE sunt evidente, iar această cooperare trebuie continuată, consolidată și dezvoltată. Fac apel la întreaga conducere a Republicii Moldova, administrație și partide politice, să se ridice la înălțimea acestei provocări, asumându-și pe deplin responsabilitatea față de propriii săi cetățeni.

Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2020Ανακοίνωση νομικού περιεχομένου - Πολιτική απορρήτου