Puhemies. – Esityslistalla on seuraavana lyhyt esittely Tomas Tobén kehitysvaliokunnan puolesta laatimasta mietinnöstä kehitysyhteistyön tuloksellisuuden ja avun vaikuttavuuden parantaminen [2019/2184(INI)] (A9-0212/2020).
Tomas Tobé, rapporteur. – Madam President, Commissioner McGuinness and colleagues, I have made the effectiveness and efficiency of aid my personal priority from the very moment I became Chair of the Committee on Development.
This report I see as a wake-up call to put effectiveness again at the centre of development cooperation. The European Union is the biggest donor in the world and we have to take the lead now in making better use of aid. We owe this not only to the aid recipients but also to Europe’s taxpayers. And now, let us be clear: development aid can never be 100% effective and efficient, but we need to check that our aid provides pathways for communities and countries to become less and less dependent on aid.
The long-term objective of our Union’s aid policy must be that the recipient countries of today will no longer need our aid tomorrow. But the needs today are high. The current COVID-19 pandemic is undoing years of progress, and we can see also at the same time that populations in developing countries are growing faster than gross national income and the job markets do. Hunger is on the rise and conflicts are increasing during the last years, and therefore we need to challenge the practices of the past and try also to adjust.
This report makes clear and practical recommendations to the Commission and to the Member States. We want Team Europe to become an everyday reality of our work with developing countries. For this, we want to see a drastic increase in joint programming and joint implementation so that it covers all partner countries in the developing world.
We also need clear rules and guidelines on how to make aid coordination among EU countries and the Commission a reality, and I will commit, therefore, to ask the Commission to bring forward proposals in this regard.
Furthermore, we ask the Commission to publish, bi-annually, a development and effectiveness progress report covering planning, programming, implementation and results by EU institutions, EU Member States, as well as European local and regional authorities.
I believe that local governments in the developing world tend to be more accountable and more in tune with the real problems and the real solutions. We want the European Commission also to start a real reflection on this and turn it into action, including when it comes to budget support.
To conclude: the EU needs to remain the champion and the leader when it comes to upholding and applying the principles of aid-effectiveness to secure a real impact and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Commissioner McGuinness, we were together at the United Nations’ SDG and Climate Summit last year. We both heard their appreciation for our commitment, but also how everybody asked Europe to take the lead. I look forward now to turning the message from this report into actions, together with you and all the other relevant actors.
So let me finish by saying: by being more effective we will achieve more. This report is a first step in that direction.
Mairead McGuinness, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, I would first like to thank Mr Tobé, Chair of the Committee on Development (DEVE), very much for his excellent work in this area. Mr Tobé, I would also like to thank you for your great personal commitment as Chair of the Committee on Development.
You mentioned the Sustainable Development Goals - and we only have a decade to deliver on them - and facing a resource gap that will grow with the impact of the Covid—19 pandemic. So we need to be more determined than ever to ensure that development is effective, and that we have development effectiveness. This is about delivering more and delivering better.
The Commission is, and has been, a leader on development effectiveness. The Team Europe approach is a clear demonstration of how the European Union and Member States could act as one in partner countries and ensure that European cooperation is delivered consistently and coherently, with a greater impact and in line with our fundamental principles.
That is why we actively promote and pursue joint programming and joint implementation and will do so increasingly, as suggested in your report, notably by identifying Team Europe initiatives. The proposed Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument will strengthen our ability to provide coherent and policy—driven cooperation. It streamlines a number of existing external financing instruments into one broad instrument. This simplification reduces the gaps or overlaps between instruments, while at the same time facilitating EU engagement with partners in a more comprehensive way.
We also need to influence the behaviour of development partners beyond the EU - donors, international organisations and partner countries - and build partnerships on this issue. Team Europe will be important here as well. By speaking with a single European voice in international fora and in the governance structures of the UN, international financial institutions and other bodies, we will become more influential in promoting effectiveness among multilateralals.
Finally, the Commission remains determined to improve the transparency and accountability of our external action. Commissioner Urpilainen has been very clear about this commitment from the very start of this new Commission. Having clear and agreed targets on which to report is crucial if we wish to contribute to a better world. It is also essential for continued public support for our endeavours. The role of the European Parliament in this process is crucial.
Madam President, dear Tomas, thank you again for the recommendations of this report. I know that the Parliament will work with the Commission to improve effectiveness in the area of development. This is key.
Puhemies. – Kohdan käsittely on päättynyt.
Tarkistuksista äänestetään huomenna tiistaina 24. marraskuuta 2020 ja lopullinen äänestys toimitetaan keskiviikkona 25. marraskuuta 2020.
Kirjalliset lausumat (171 artikla)
György Hölvényi (PPE), írásban. – Mára már közhelyként emlegetjük, hogy az EU tagállamaival együtt a világ legnagyobb fejlesztési donorja. 2019-ben az Unió és tagállamai 75,2 milliárd eurót fordítottak fejlesztési együttműködésre, ami a világ ilyen célú támogatásainak 55,2% -át jelenti. Sajnos ez a hatalmas összeg gyakran nem jut el az igazán rászoruló közösségekhez és a felhasználás hatékonysága messze elmarad az elvárhatótól.
A koronavírus miatti gazdasági válságban még inkább fontos, hogy a rendelkezésre álló erőforrásokat a lehető leghatékonyabb módon, közvetlenül tudjuk felhasználni. Bűnös mulasztás, hogy miközben szükséget szenvedő emberek hiába várják az Unió segítségét szülőföldjükön, az Európai Bizottság a szélsőséges pártatlanság jegyében még mindig nem tette lehetővé, hogy a helyi egyházak és vallási alapú szervezetek részt vegyenek az EU fejlesztési és humanitárius támogatásában.
E mulasztásra hívja fel a figyelmet a Néppárt által kezdeményezett jelentés is, amikor arra szólítja fel a Bizottságot, hogy vegye számba a megbízható egyházi szervezeteket, és vonja be őket is az uniós fejlesztési projektek végrehajtásába. Be kell látnunk, hogy Afrikában és a Közel-Keleten az egyházak jelentik azt a társadalmi hálót, amelyen keresztül a leghatékonyabban tudjuk helyben segíteni a rászorulókat, hogy megteremtsék az emberhez méltó életkörülményeket, és hozzájáruljanak saját közösségük fenntartható fejlődéséhez.
Janina Ochojska (PPE), na piśmie. – Unia Europejska jest największym darczyńcą na świecie, jednak nasz udział w zwalczaniu ubóstwa i realizacji Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju może być jeszcze większy, jeśli poprawimy skuteczność i efektywność udzielanej pomocy.
Celem nadrzędnym pomocy rozwojowej jest realna zmiana jakości życia w danej społeczności. Dostarczenie środków, które, jeśli nawet nie trafiają bezpośrednio do potrzebujących, mają mieć przełożenie na życie najuboższych.
Pandemia COVID-19 doprowadziła do cofnięcia postępu w realizacji SDG. Zjawisko głodu przy rosnącej liczbie ludności i zastoju gospodarczym jest coraz bardziej powszechne, a skutki zmian klimatu dotykają najbardziej podatnych na zagrożenia. Przewiduje się, że od 2030 r. na rynek pracy będzie wchodzić 30 mln młodych Afrykanów rocznie. Wyzwania te wymagają pilnej reakcji, ale nie muszą być okupione nowymi środkami, jeśli wdrożymy mechanizmy skutecznej pomocy, walkę z korupcją i koordynację oraz spójność działań na rzecz rozwoju.
Sprawozdanie posła Tobé, które przyjęliśmy, zawiera listę praktycznych zaleceń dla Komisji i państw członkowskich, które sprawią, że działania pomocowe będą efektywne. Żałuję, że z projektu sprawozdania została usunięta wzmianka o szkodliwości wiązania pomocy rozwojowej. Uważam, że wprowadzanie warunkowości w pomocy rozwojowej w zakresie migracji i kontroli granicznej stoi w sprzeczności z kluczowymi zasadami skuteczności rozwoju.