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Procedure : 2020/2914(RSP)
Document stages in plenary
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Debates :

PV 17/12/2020 - 8.3
CRE 17/12/2020 - 8.3

Votes :

PV 17/12/2020 - 9
PV 17/12/2020 - 15

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Verbatim report of proceedings
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Thursday, 17 December 2020 - Brussels Revised edition

8.3. Iran, in particular the case of 2012 Sakharov Prize laureate Nasrin Sotoudeh
Video of the speeches

  Przewodnicząca. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest debata nad siedmioma projektami rezolucji w sprawie Iranu, w szczególności przypadku laureatki Nagrody im. Sacharowa w 2012 r. Nasrin Sotoudeh (2020/2914(RSP))*.


* Patrz protokół posiedzenia.


  Dominique Bilde, auteur. – Madame la Présidente, le cas de Nasrin Sotoudeh souligne l’extrême précarité de la condition féminine dans tant de pays de par le monde, où la charia est élevée au rang de loi.

En effet, le scandale de cette avocate condamnée à 38 ans de prison, notamment pour s’être montrée sans hijab, n’est pas spécifique à l’Iran. En témoigne le procès, cette semaine, devant un tribunal spécial contre le terrorisme, de l’activiste féministe saoudienne Loujain Al-Hathloul après deux ans d’une détention ponctuée, selon ses proches, de mauvais traitements et d’humiliations. Ce scandale n’aura toutefois pas empêché l’Arabie saoudite d’accueillir le mois dernier le sommet virtuel du G20, illustrant le double discours permanent des puissances occidentales en matière de droits fondamentaux et de cause féminine.

Si le débat de ce jour a un seul mérite, c’est de rappeler qu’à l’heure où l’on accable d’un mauvais procès en islamophobie quiconque rejette certaines pratiques d’un autre âge, les libertés les plus élémentaires des femmes ne relèvent, hélas, pas partout de l’évidence.


  Nikolaj Villumsen, stiller. – Fru formand! I dag sender vi et klart budskab fra EU-Parlamentet: Stop undertrykkelsen i Iran! Det iranske præstestyre undertrykker groft den iranske befolkning og har sendt tusinder af politiske modstandere i fængsel eller i døden med henrettelser. Det er fuldstændig uacceptabelt. Men vi sender også vores solidaritet til den modige befolkning i Iran, som trodser undertrykkelsen i deres kamp for demokrati og retfærdighed. De modige iranske kvinder har brug for vores støtte, når de trodser de formørkede mullaher i kampen for retten til at bestemme over deres egen krop. Derfor siger vi: Løslad Nasrin Sotoudeh, løslad de politiske fanger, straf de ansvarlige for menneskerettighedskrænkelserne mod den iranske befolkning.


  Hannah Neumann, author. – Madam President, Nasrin Sotoudeh is a human rights lawyer. This means that she uses the laws of her country, Iran, to defend her clients, the people of Iran, against a regime that does not feel bound by any of these laws. The more Nasrin uses these laws, the more absurd become the charges of that regime. The latest one: 33 years and 148 lashes for defending women that took off their hijabs.

Nasrin has now been 10 years in and out of prison in one of the countries with the cruellest prison conditions, amidst the raging COVID pandemic. Nasrin Sotoudeh really pays a high price for her love of the law and of the people of Iran. I’m full of admiration for this unbreakable woman and I think she rightfully deserved the Sakharov Prize from this Parliament.

As you all know, Nasrin is not the only one. The regime’s repression got a lot crueller recently, with arrests and executions. Ruhollah Zam was executed last week, while Ahmadreza Djalali is threatened with execution, and no justice has been done for the thousands of protesters in the streets of Iran last year.

That is why I think it’s so important that we send two clear signals today. One signal to the regime that if they continue like this they will be even more isolated and subject to targeted sanctions. And one signal to the brave Iranians, the vibrant and diverse civil society. You have our full solidarity, our full attention, our full support, as long as this is needed. Because, just like Nasrin, I hope that one day all the prisons of Iran will be turned into museums and parks.



  Jytte Guteland, författare. – Fru talman! Fru kommissionär! Läget vad gäller de mänskliga rättigheterna i Iran är mycket allvarligt. Sacharovpristagaren Nasrin Sotoudeh – advokat, förkämpe för mänskliga rättigheter, barns försvarare, kvinnors försvarare, journalisters försvarare – denna modiga kvinna som under 15 års tid har vigt sitt yrkesliv åt att hjälpa människor får straffet att bli fängslad. Nu behöver hon, som har givit röst åt så många andra, vår röst. Vi behöver visa att vi står på hennes sida, och att vi kräver ett omedelbart frisläppande.

Vi kräver också att Iran slutar upp med de attacker som sker mot iranier med dubbelt medborgarskap. Vi ser just nu forskare, journalister, miljöaktivister fängslade. En av dem som vi ömmar väldigt mycket för och som vi lyfter fram särskilt är doktor Ahmadreza Djalali. Hans familj lider, han lider, han står inför ett förmodat dödsstraff. Vi kräver att han frisläpps, och vi vill se att kommissionen agerar till stöd för hans fall.


  Hilde Vautmans, author. – Madam President, ever since I heard the horrible news that the execution of Djalali was a matter of hours or days away, I have thought: what more can I do? I wrote letters, I spoke to the ambassador, but nevertheless. Now we finally have this resolution, and it sends a strong message to Iran. We have the new Magnitsky Act and we will use it if Djalali is not freed.

I’d like to convey a message from Djalali’s wife, with whom I spoke yesterday. She says: ‘Ahmadreza is nothing but an innocent scientist and father of two children. He worked to improve the lives of others through his research. If he is executed, nothing can bring him back. So please, put all your efforts in and make sure he’s freed before it’s too late.’ Colleagues, let us vote in favour of this strong resolution and make sure it’s not too late.


  Charlie Weimers, author. – Madam President, the Swedish citizen Ahmadreza Djalali faces imminent execution in the Islamic Republic of Iran for refusing to spy on European institutions on behalf of the mullahs. On behalf of conservatives, I demanded sanctions against Iranian authorities. I thank the lead negotiator, MEP Lega, for his leadership.

Swedes should note that a new conservative government in Sweden would bring hope for a less appeasing foreign policy. That shift is desperately needed. As my other Swedish colleague, MEP Guteland, exerted her and the Social Democrats’ influence to water down the text, MEP Guteland, I want you one day, as me, to clearly say that ‘I support the aspirations of the Iranian people who want to live in a free, stable, inclusive and democratic country.’ Please say it out loud. The Iranian people need it.


  Isabel Wiseler-Lima, auteure. – Madame la Présidente, Nasrin Sotoudeh est de retour en prison. Son crime? Avoir défendu, en tant qu’avocate, le droit des femmes, des enfants, des minorités religieuses, des journalistes, des artistes devant les tribunaux iraniens. Les autorités iraniennes l’ont condamnée à 33 ans de prison et à 148 coups de fouet pour cette raison. Nous, Parlement européen, lui avons décerné le prix Sakharov 2012 pour ses combats.

Nasrin est une femme particulièrement courageuse et qui mérite que nous la soutenions, comme elle a soutenu ceux qui avaient besoin d’elle. Elle l’a fait au prix de sa liberté. Nous continuerons à la soutenir tant que les autorités iraniennes ne l’auront pas libérée.

Nasrin Sotoudeh s’est toujours engagée pour que la peine de mort ne soit pas prononcée, pour qu’elle ne soit pas mise en œuvre. Il y a à peine cinq jours, le journaliste Rouhollah Zam a été exécuté par pendaison. La décision de la Cour suprême iranienne avait été prise seulement quatre jours plus tôt, sur la base de charges douteuses et d’aveux extorqués de force. Rouhollah Zam avait obtenu l’asile politique en France et a été kidnappé sur le territoire iraquien pour être amené en Iran. L’exécution de Rouhollah Zam est une violation flagrante du droit international et des droits de l’homme.

Il y a aussi Ahmadreza Djalali, ce médecin irano-suédois, professeur d’université à Bruxelles et en Italie. Soumis à des menaces de mort à l’encontre de lui-même et de sa famille en Suède et en Iran, il a été accusé d’espionnage. Des confessions ont été extorquées sous la torture et il a été condamné à mort. Il attend son exécution imminente. Nous demandons l’intervention urgente de l’Union européenne et des États membres auprès des autorités iraniennes afin de libérer Ahmadreza Djalali.

J’ai nommé trois personnes, l’une emprisonnée, une autre exécutée, une autre dans le couloir de la mort. Pour ces trois-ci et pour beaucoup d’autres encore nommées dans notre résolution, combien d’anonymes, arrêtés par les autorités iraniennes pour avoir exprimé leur pensée, pour avoir défendu la liberté de pensée, pour avoir refusé de se soumettre, pour avoir simplement protégé une autre personne qui ne voulait pas entrer dans le moule imposé?

Nous condamnons dans les termes les plus forts les atteintes aux droits de l’homme en Iran, les détentions arbitraires à la suite de manifestations pacifiques, les détentions de journalistes, de défenseurs des droits de l’homme. Nous demandons à ce que l’Iran respecte les droits des prisonniers, le droit à un procès équitable, le droit à choisir son avocat. Nous demandons la mise en œuvre du Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, pacte auquel l’Iran est partie. Nous demandons simplement que l’Iran respecte les droits humains, la dignité humaine inhérente à tous les êtres humains, égale pour tous les hommes et toutes les femmes.

L’Union européenne doit œuvrer pour mettre en œuvre tous les moyens dont elle dispose pour convaincre et amener les autorités iraniennes à changer de pratiques.


  Seán Kelly, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Madam President, in October the High Commissioner asked us to take a holistic approach to Iran. This was particularly so in relation to preserving the nuclear agreement, which I agree with, and the result, of course, was a triumph for European diplomacy. The other side of the coin is the human rights record in Iran, which is not pretty – particularly the case of the 2012 Sakharov Prize winner Nasrin Sotoudeh. We have a duty to follow all laureates of this prize and to speak out when they are being persecuted. We did this in the case of Nasrin in 2018, and it is deeply regrettable that we must return to renew our call on the Iranian authorities to release her from her arbitrary detention.

Today we call for the unconditional release of Nasrin Sotoudeh with renewed urgency. The people of Iran are struggling to battle the COVID—19 pandemic; prisoners – not just in Iran but around the world – are at an increased risk of infection. Nasrin unfortunately contracted the virus recently while she was granted temporary release. She was ordered to return to prison again against the advice of medical experts. Shameful – because this has the potential to be a fatal decision.

I’m also dismayed by the continuously high use of capital punishment in Iran. This is not acceptable under any circumstances. Certainly a journalist should not be executed for expressing their views, and laureates should not be tortured and imprisoned for peacefully working to preserve human rights. I call on Iran to call a halt to this practice immediately.

While we focus on the case of Nasrin, we must also think of all the other peaceful campaigners and activists, some of whom worked with her and who are facing a similar plight in Iran.

Tá súil agam go n-éireoidh linn Nasrin, agus daoine nach í, a shaoradh agus a thabhairt ar ais dá dteaghlach roimh Nollaig.


  Maria Arena, au nom du groupe S&D. – Madame la Présidente, hier, nous remettions le prix Sakharov au mouvement pour la démocratie en Biélorussie. Nasrin Sotoudeh est notre prix Sakharov depuis 2012 et, depuis 2012, Nasrin Sotoudeh est en prison.

Nasrin Sotoudeh – j’avais pris une photo que je ne peux pas vous montrer –, c’est une femme souriante, une femme forte. Nous avons eu l’occasion, pendant les deux semaines de répit que lui a octroyées la République islamique iranienne, de l’avoir dans la sous-commission DROI de ce Parlement. C’est toujours une femme forte, une femme souriante, mais c’est une femme terriblement affaiblie par le COVID et par l’emprisonnement qu’elle est en train de subir.

Nasrin Sotoudeh, on l’a dit, a défendu les droits des femmes, les droits des hommes, le droit à la justice dans ce pays. Nous exigeons que tout dialogue avec l’Iran ait pour prérequis la libération de Nasrin Sotoudeh. Je pense à son mari et à ses enfants. Courage.


  Frédérique Ries, au nom du groupe Renew. – Madame la Présidente, Madame la Commissaire, c’est une année particulière qui s’achève. 2020 s’efface et tout a changé.

Tout a changé – ou presque. À Téhéran, c’est business as usual: répressions et exécutions qui s’enchaînent inexorablement. Nous écrivions, en début de semaine, cette résolution sur Nasrin Sotoudeh, notre prix Sakharov 2012, quand nous avons appris lundi la condamnation d’une jeune femme à dix années de prison pour avoir posté sur Instagram un selfie controversé aux traits d’Angelina Jolie.

Deux jours plus tôt, deux crans plus haut dans la barbarie, les mollahs faisaient exécuter Rouhollah Zam, en vitesse, après un simulacre de procès. Le journaliste était coupable de dire la vérité. Le journaliste était coupable de débusquer les corruptions. Pour Téhéran, toujours business as usual et pas de raison de s’inquiéter que cela ait des conséquences sur les relations avec l’Union européenne. Et pourtant, le jour même, l’Union européenne annulait un forum économique Europe-Iran.

C’est ce que nous devons faire très clairement: retirer nos investissements, sanctionner économiquement, cibler les responsables. Il n’est pas trop tard pour libérer Nasrin Sotoudeh. Il n’est pas trop tard non plus pour le professeur Ahmadreza Djalali, qui attend son exécution en prison. 2020 s’efface, il faut que cela change.


  Marco Campomenosi, a nome del gruppo ID. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Commissione europea, il testo che affrontiamo oggi è assolutamente condiviso da tutti. Non è la prima volta che ci troviamo a redigere e votare risoluzioni contro regimi sanguinari, contro chi reprime la libertà di giornalisti, avvocati, uomini e donne che si battono per la libertà.

E io mi domando e vi domando, riflettiamo insieme se noi avremmo avuto il coraggio di questi uomini e di queste donne. Io vengo da una famiglia che ha combattuto il fascismo e mi immedesimo in chi combatte e ha combattuto in passato per la libertà. Oggi l'attualità è talmente rapida che avevamo già stabilito di lavorare sul caso di Nasrin Sotoudeh – che ovviamente speriamo sia presto liberata – ma dobbiamo affrontare anche la vicenda di Ruhollah Zam, il giornalista che è stato ucciso, la vicenda del dottor Djalali che attende una condanna a morte, che speriamo non avvenga.

Il caso di Nasrin Sotoudeh somiglia molto a quello di Nasibe Semsai, una donna arrestata in Turchia poche settimane fa, o di Fariba Adelkhah. Donne e uomini che hanno un coraggio che spesso manca anche a noi. Quindi, domandiamoci anche questo, anche per non rendere inutile un dibattito e una risoluzione che spero siano importanti e magari aiutarci – ne parlavamo con l'Alto rappresentante, qualche settimana fa – per capire cosa fare di questo accordo sul nucleare, cosa fare delle relazioni con gli Stati Uniti, che a mio avviso, non cambieranno tantissimo nella loro opposizione al regime iraniano, perché se il fronte occidentale è diviso, rischiamo di non essere efficaci nella lotta contro un regime che va combattuto e possibilmente abbattuto.


  Hermann Tertsch, en nombre del Grupo ECR. – Señor presidente, hoy vamos a exigir aquí la libertad del premio Sájarov de 2012, la abogada Nasrín Sotudé, presa en su patria, en Irán, pero sobre todo vamos a denunciar la conducta del régimen que tortura a los iraníes, invade la región, promueve el terrorismo, proclama querer exterminar a los judíos, como Hitler, y amenaza con su programa nuclear la paz en todo el mundo. Y penetra y sabotea las democracias en Iberoamérica y aquí en Europa, en España, financiando a un partido del Gobierno, a Podemos.

Denuncio también aquí la condescendencia europea con ese régimen asesino. En diciembre pasado, el régimen asesinó en sus calles a 1 500 jóvenes que pedían libertad. Dos meses más tarde, el señor Borrell, en Teherán, daba la mano sonriente a la cúpula de los verdugos, en busca del negocio europeo. Y, en esta Cámara, yo creo que la mayoría estuvo en su día a favor de levantar el embargo y volver corriendo a Irán a hacer negocios, mientras se insultaba a Trump por mantener el bloqueo a ese régimen criminal.

Por eso, lo contrario de lo que se hace es lo correcto. Vayamos a un cerco real del régimen, a un frente de firmeza con los Estados Unidos, para que Irán sepa que tiene que dejar de hacer lo que hace.


  Mick Wallace, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. – Madam President, these urgencies are the epitome of what you like to call disinformation.

In the US— and NATO—funded reports that are the basis for the Uyghur resolution, there’s not one named person interviewed who says that there is forced labour in Xinjiang, not to mention the completely fraudulent report by the American National Endowment for Democracy—funded Chinese Human Rights Defenders, which claimed there was a million Uyghurs in detention.

It’s just a weapon against China – the same with Iran. This is the fourth human rights—centred attack on Iran in just over a year. I’ll take these things seriously when we stop doing them selectively.

Where are the four resolutions addressing the European and US—supported genocide in Yemen? America is separating children from their mothers, and keeping them in cages by the thousands and has over two million mostly coloured people in prison carrying out forced labour. France is passing anti—Muslim legislation and still behaving like a colonialist in the Sahel, while Israel shoots children in Palestine. But that’s all okay.

When we stop weaponising human rights in this place, we might have a bit more credibility.


  Radosław Sikorski (PPE). – Madam President, Iran claims to be an Islamic republic. Yet, as this resolution makes clear, it is also one of the world’s most repressive regimes. I therefore have a question for the mullahs in Tehran.

If you represent a God that is good, powerful and merciful, then why do you need to repress, torture and murder your people to this extent? No. Your regime is blasphemous and an abomination to every decent Muslim, every person of faith and every person of conscience. You have brought your country to such desperate straits that you are now signing agreements with China to give away your energy sector and your critical infrastructure. They will not complain about your human rights abuses, but I’m not sure Allah will be pleased that you are becoming vessels to a godless Communist regime. However, if you want better relations and the easing of sanctions with us, stop this repression now! What you’re doing to your own people is inhumane.

And one last thing. I have a request to the diplomats from our nation states and from our European External Action Service. Next time you meet with Mr Zarif, who is a smiling Ribbentrop, just remember what kind of nasty regime he represents.


  Evin Incir (S&D). – Madam President, dear friends, human rights is the radical notion that all people are born equal and that we will never compromise on neither civil rights nor social rights. It is radical because we still see oppression in way too many countries. Yes, it is a paradox because, on the one hand, humanity is able to fly to the moon and back, but, at the same time, some people do not know how to respect all peoples, freedom and dignity.

One of the current worst oppressing regime is the Iranian one, but we will never be silent. Ahmadreza Djalali and Nasrin Sotoudeh, and other human rights defenders’ struggle for human rights, democracy and the rule of law, will continue being at the centre of everything we do.

To the Iranian regime, my message is very clear: we will continue to be vocal. We will continue to demand the release of all prisoners of conscience, the abolishment of the death penalty, and the time for an end to impunity will also come in your case. If history has taught us something, it is that dictators and oppressive regimes always fall – but the people always prevail.


  Petras Auštrevičius (Renew). – Madam President, it is already the third resolution of this Parliament addressing the gross human rights violations in Iran. There is no change or improvement in the situation.

The mullahs’ regime continues the fight against its own society and remains the main threat to the Iranian people.

Today we mourn Iranian journalist Ruhollah Zam, who was executed on Saturday. We worry that the Iranian-Swedish academic Ahmadreza Djalali might be the next, and express concerns over the deteriorating health of imprisoned Sakharov Prize laureate Nasrin Sotoudeh.

We deplore the oppressive actions of the Iranian regime, which is nothing more but weak in its incapacity to face critical political competition and embrace differences in opinion of people.

We have to insist on a full and impartial UN—led investigation of the 1988 massacre of thousands of political prisoners in Iran and secure accountability by prosecuting perpetrators.


  Anna Bonfrisco (ID). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, dedico oggi le mie parole alla signora Nasrin Sotoudeh.

Gli ayatollah alla guida della Repubblica islamica dell'Iran discreditano, offendono persino l'Islam. Nei loro documenti scrivono nel nome di Dio, il più compassionevole e il più misericordioso, ma la loro maligna e destabilizzante azione quotidiana si basa solo sull'oppressione. Sono uomini carichi di ira, sprezzanti della dignità umana e della ricchezza che viene dalla diversità.

Come Unione europea dobbiamo ammettere che è stato miope e anche un po' naif pensare di limitare l'accordo P5+1 alla sola questione nucleare, avremmo dovuto inserire anche la libertà di pensiero e i diritti umani. Noi pensiamo che governare uno Stato moderno con la religione sia da insani mentali. Non integrare la dignità umana nella propria azione di governo è da assassini e noi dobbiamo combattere gli assassini e stare dalla parte del popolo di Israele.


  Adam Bielan (ECR). – Madam President, fundamental rights such as freedom of expression and assembly must always be respected. I strongly condemn the steadily deteriorating human rights situation in Iran, including for persons belonging to ethnic and religious minorities suffering from systematic political and social discrimination. We deplore Iran’s abuse of the criminal justice system to repress peaceful activities that promote and defend human rights. I call on the Iranian authorities to live up to their international obligations.

In this context I welcome the adoption of the Magnitsky Act by the Council as an important EU instrument to sanction violators of human rights.

While maintaining the joint comprehensive plan of action and EU-Iran high-level political dialogue, the EU, and especially the High Representative, should continue raising human rights concerns with the Iranian authorities in bilateral and multilateral fora.


  Željana Zovko (PPE). – Madam President, yesterday we gave the Sakharov Prize to a woman, and to all those women who are opposing an authoritarian regime.

I grew up in a communist regime and remember when I had the right to vote for the first time. Now I’m standing here in the Parliament, as a woman, as a Member of Parliament, looking at you, as a Commissioner, a woman, and the President, who is a woman, and all these women who are fighting for the freedom of somebody when we still don’t know whether she is alive or dead or if she’s ill. She was the winner of our Sakharov Prize in 2012 and we are still negotiating and we are still talking to the regime that is holding this woman, scared, alone, forgotten by all of us.

I feel ashamed. I feel ashamed as a woman and I feel ashamed as somebody who is looking at all of you, divided by ideology: Who are we going to judge and condemn? Which regime, and who, are we going to talk to? There is no negotiation with the people who are holding women in prison. As women, they have the courage to defend and to defend against all those who are oppressing people, who are oppressing minorities and who are oppressing all those who have different beliefs to their beliefs.

Please let us fight for this woman. Let us fight for this man who is was waiting for his death sentence. Let’s use our instruments. Maybe we don’t have heavy weapons, but we have a new act that puts sanctions on all these regimes. Let’s use them in a proper way without discrimination and without division. Let’s use them and let’s make everybody not lose hope.


  Nicola Beer (Renew). – Frau Präsidentin! Wie viele Menschen noch müssen ihr Leben verlieren? Das war mein erster Gedanke, als ich von der Hinrichtung von Ruhollah Zam hörte. Mein zweiter? Das Regime der Mullahs kennt offenbar auf zunehmende Kritik und Druck aus der Bevölkerung keine andere Antwort als brutale Gewalt. Deswegen war es ein wichtiges Zeichen der betreffenden Mitgliedstaaten und von Josep Borrell, ihre Teilnahme am EU-Iran Business Forum am Montag abzusagen.

Doch ich vermisse deutliche Worte – vor allem Taten. So wurde vom EEAS mit keiner Silbe erwähnt, dass es sich bei der Hinrichtung um einen politischen Gefangenen handelte, dessen Hinrichtung die Meinungsfreiheit, Pressefreiheit, unsere europäischen Werte und die Menschenrechte mit Füßen tritt.

Herr Borrell, werte Vertreter der Mitgliedstaaten, wir müssen verhindern, dass weitere politische Gefangene hingerichtet werden. Legen Sie beim nächsten Austausch mit dem Regime Ihren Finger in die Wunde, sprechen Sie an, was gegen die Menschenrechte verstößt. Sprechen Sie direkt mit der demokratischen Opposition. Lassen Sie uns Vorbilder wie Nasrin Sotudeh oder die vierzehn Frauen, die Chameneis Rücktritt forderten, in ihrer Opposition zu dem Regime direkt unterstützen. Denn für eine friedliche Zukunft und ein Kräftegleichgewicht im Nahen Osten brauchen wir einen demokratischen Iran, der Menschenrechte verteidigt und nicht mit Füßen tritt.

Deshalb hoffe ich, dass wir im nächsten Jahr guten Grund haben, die iranische Opposition zum Sacharow-Preis auch entsprechend vorzuschlagen und ihr den Preis zu verleihen.


  Gianna Gancia (ID). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Commissione, Nasrin Sotoudeh, Ahmad Reza Jalali: i loro nomi sono un monito per noi europei. La loro vita è appesa a un filo e ogni giorno può essere l'ultimo, così come può esserlo per migliaia di oppositori politici e membri dell'opinione pubblica detenuti nelle carceri iraniane.

Noi dobbiamo dare voce anche a quelli che la voce non ce l'hanno più: 30 000 prigionieri politici massacrati nel 1988, 1 500 dimostranti assassinati nel novembre 2019. Tutto questo non può lasciarci indifferenti: il regime degli ayatollah continua a rifiutare di applicare le sessantasette risoluzioni delle Nazioni Unite sui diritti umani nel paese. Non è accettabile. Teheran continua a negare le evidenze, a disattendere gli impegni presi, a violare i trattati internazionali, non solo in materia di diritti umani.

L'Unione europea deve spingersi oltre il regime delle sanzioni, mettendo in campo ogni mezzo diplomatico affinché venga istituita una commissione d'inchiesta internazionale sul massacro del 1988 e si ponga fine a questo incredibile terrorismo.


  Patryk Jaki (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Po pierwsze to bardzo dobry zwyczaj, że monitorujemy to, co dzieje się z osobami, którym Parlament Europejski przyznał Nagrodę im. Sacharowa. Jest to również pozytywne w kontekście laureata z tego roku, czyli białoruskiej opozycji, która będzie jeszcze potrzebowała tego wsparcia, choć mam nadzieję, że jak najkrócej.

A wracając do Iranu, rzeczywiście reżim posuwa się coraz dalej, dlatego trzeba poprzeć wszystkie starania instytucji europejskich w walce z tym reżimem, w walce o wolność słowa. Dotarły do nas fatalne wiadomości o wykonaniu kolejnej kary śmierci za przestrzeganie podstawowych wartości i zasad w Iranie. Dlatego apeluję do Wysokiego Przedstawiciela Unii, by zintensyfikować wszystkie działania, naciskać na irański reżim i bronić tych najważniejszych zasad i podstawowych wartości. Poza tym musimy oczywiście zrobić wszystko, aby Nasrin Sotoudeh jak najszybciej opuściła więzienie. To jest wielkie zadanie dla instytucji unijnych.


  Karin Karlsbro (Renew). – Fru talman! Medborgaren Ahmadreza Djalali är läkare och forskare i katastrofmedicin. Han har suttit fängslad i Iran sedan 2016. År 2017 dömdes han till döden. Den 24 november i år ringde han till sin hustru, här i Sverige. Han lät henne förstå att detta förmodligen var deras allra sista samtal.

Ahmadreza Djalali är en av alla dem som fallit offer för det brutala ökade politiska förtrycket i Iran. Med denna resolution vill vi uttrycka vår avsky mot den iranska regimens övergrepp som riktas mot enskilda individer, mot kvinnor, mot män. Nu måste förföljelser av journalister och forskare och dem som bara utnyttjat sin yttrandefrihet få ett slut. De oskyldigt fängslade måste friges. Dödsstraffet måste avskaffas. Nu måste Ahmadreza Djalali få återvända hem till Sverige, till sin familj, till sin fru, till sina barn, där han hör hemma.


  Helena Dalli, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, Nasrin Sotoudeh has been recently returned to prison and is facing clear health difficulties. Once again, we have asked that she be released and reunited with her family.

The European Union is closely following human rights developments in Iran, and we are acutely aware of the deterioration that has occurred over the past year. Iran’s execution of dissident Ruhollah Zam last Saturday is of course deeply worrying. As noted in the statement issued by the spokesperson for the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the European Union condemns this act in the strongest terms and recalls once again its irrevocable opposition to the use of capital punishment under any circumstances. Iran continues to execute more than 200 individuals every year. We believe that it is imperative for the Iranian authorities to uphold the due process rights of accused individuals and to cease the practice of using televised confessions to establish and promote their guilt.

All individuals found to have been involved in serious human rights violations, including during the response to the November 2019 protests in Iran, should be held accountable. While we recognise that Iran continues to host hundreds of thousands of refugees, the human rights situation in Iran remains deeply concerning. The authorities’ repression of peaceful protest and other gatherings continues unabated. Such repression, the restriction of fundamental freedoms, and discrimination against religious and ethnic minorities are features of life for too many Iranian citizens. Iran also continues to hold a number of EU—Iranian dual nationals on doubtful grounds, following trials where the due process rights of the accused were not respected in full.

This includes Ahmadreza Djalali – whose situation many Members of this House are following – who remains at risk of imminent execution and whose life we ask be spared.

We regularly engage with the authorities to urge improvements in the human rights situation in Iran as part of our comprehensive policy towards Iran. This includes asking that the repression of human rights lawyers and defenders, peaceful protesters, ethnic and religious minorities cease, and that individuals detained as a result of their advocacy for universally recognised human rights be freed.

Iran should uphold its domestic and international commitments on human rights, including the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights, to which it is party. We have been vocal in this demand, including at international forums such as the United Nations Human Rights Council and through public statements whenever justified.

As the EU, we will continue to call for the release of all arbitrarily detained EU-Iranian dual nationals and Iranian human rights defenders. We also call on Iran to ensure that no individual is detained arbitrarily, that those who are detained are not subject to any form of mistreatment. All detained individuals should also have timely access to a lawyer of their own and to adequate medical care. This is particularly relevant to the cases of the eight environmentalists who have been detained since January 2018. One of these individuals, Morad Tahbaz, continues to experience severe health problems.

We are encouraged by the attention paid to these issues by individual Members of the European Parliament, and we will continue with our efforts to work together with you in order to promote access to fundamental human rights in Iran and across the world.


  Przewodnicząca. – Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się dzisiaj.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 171)


  Silvia Sardone (ID), per iscritto. – L'incarcerazione dell'avvocatessa Nasrin Sotoudeh, è la dimostrazione più evidente ,del carattere dittatoriale e contro la libertà, della Repubblica islamica d'Iran. Ci chiediamo fino a quando l'Europa starà zitta, di fronte alle reiterate violazioni dei diritti umani, portate avanti dall'Iran. La Commissione non ha fatto nulla per l'immediato rilascio di Nasrin Sotoudeh e di tutti i prigionieri politici nelle carceri iraniane Inoltre, non dimentichiamolo, l'Iran non rispetta i diritti fondamentali delle donne ma li calpesta in nome della religione. Noi siamo fermamente dalla parte degli attivisti che lavorano per difendere i diritti e che gridano al mondo, l'urgenza di libertà per le donne e per tutti gli oppressi. L'Europa troppo spesso per buonismo e paura, non ha condannato apertamente il trattamento subito dalle donne in molti Paesi islamici.

Non è più accettabile questo silenzio!



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