11. Uitvoering van het gemeenschappelijk buitenlands en veiligheidsbeleid – jaarverslag 2020 - Uitvoering van het gemeenschappelijk veiligheids- en defensiebeleid - jaarverslag 2020 - Mensenrechten en democratie in de wereld en het beleid van de Europese Unie op dit gebied - jaarverslag 2019 (debat)
– Sven Mikserin ulkoasiainvaliokunnan puolesta laatimasta mietinnöstä yhteisen turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikan täytäntöönpanosta – vuosittainen kertomus 2020 [2020/2207(INI)] (A9-0265/2020) ja
– Isabel Santosin ulkoasiainvaliokunnan puolesta laatimasta mietinnöstä vuosikertomuksesta ihmisoikeuksista ja demokratiasta maailmassa 2019 ja
Jäsenille ilmoitetaan, että tällä istuntojaksolla keskusteluissa ei anneta pyynnöstä myönnettäviä puheenvuoroja eikä sinisen kortin kysymyksiä hyväksytä. Huomautan vielä, että puheenvuoroja voi käyttää etäyhteydellä jäsenvaltioiden yhteystoimistoista.
David McAllister, rapporteur. – Madam President, the year 2020 was in many ways unprecedented for all of us. The COVID-19 pandemic has had, and continues to have severe economic, social and political consequences. It also had and has geopolitical consequences, and they will inevitably affect key aspects of the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy.
The last year has reminded us that the European security environment is today more volatile, more unpredictable, more complex and more ambiguous than at any time since the end of the Cold War.
Potential threats have become reality, and in the wake of a global pandemic, democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms are deteriorating in many parts of the world. Disinformation campaigns and cyber-attacks have increased, isolationist trends and competition between major international actors are on the rise.
Let me underline three main findings of my annual Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) report.
Firstly, the European Union should position itself as a partner of choice in a changing geopolitical order. We are living in a weakened global system where multilateralism is being heavily attacked. It is essential to quickly adopt and adjust our European response to this new geopolitical reality.
The European Union is a partner of choice for third parties guided by the promotion of democracy and the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. We are a reliable actor and mediator in conflict resolution, but also a leader in promoting multilateral frameworks. However, too often, the European Union was and is divided, lacking the necessary weight and credibility to have a decisive impact on the geopolitical developments.
A second point: a new level of ambition is required to shape the CFSP. What the European Union needs, first and foremost, is a genuine political will from all Member States to jointly push our common foreign policy goals and counter third countries’ attempts to divide us.
There is still a large untapped potential in combining and integrating all strands of the European Union’s external actions, hard power and soft power to achieve our common goals.
And thirdly, concrete steps are necessary to strengthen the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and thereby our global influence. We need to consolidate our strategic alliances with like-minded partners across the world, and also diversify our cooperation on an ad hoc basis.
We need to reinforce our strategic sovereignty and need a common understanding of what this actually means. We need a quicker and more effective decision-making process.
This means, for example, as often discussed in this plenary, to move from a unanimity to qualified—majority voting at least in selected areas of CFSP or to consider additional formats to improve our external actions such as a European Security Council.
On our common security and defence policy, we need to strengthen the capacity at EU and also at Member State level to establish a fully-fledged defence union.
Finally, the Common Foreign and Security Policy and our external actions as a whole require appropriate financial resources. In this regard, I welcome the breakthrough in the trilogue concerning the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument to name just one.
All financial instruments including the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) III and others need to be finalised and become operative soon.
Dear colleagues, to conclude, no single EU Member State can respond effectively to today’s global challenges on its own. We must continue to strengthen our Common Foreign and Security Policy, we must continue to reinforce our global influence and we must continue to enhance our capacity to act.
I would like to thank the shadow rapporteurs for the good, constructive and fruitful cooperation on finalising this document and, dear High Representative Vice-President, let me also thank you personally and your team for the helpful support in writing down all these parts of this report.
Sven Mikser, rapporteur. – Madam President, in addition to the CFSP report and the human rights report, at this plenary session we are also debating and voting on the report on the implementation of the common security and defence policy (CSDP).
I believe that every pro-European group in this Parliament shares the position that the Union must play a major role as a provider of sustainable peace and stability on the European continent and its immediate neighbourhood, as well as beyond, and that we should be a strong promoter and defender of rules—based multilateralism on the global stage. The Union’s ability to deliver on these fronts depends on a variety of different factors, but it is inevitable that, in order for our diplomatic, political and humanitarian efforts to bear fruit, we must also be a strong, capable and credible player in the area of defence and security. This involves a greater strategic autonomy and an increased ability to plan and conduct operations without having to rely on external assistance regarding critical enablers and capabilities.
But, before getting to the capabilities and strategic autonomy, let me first say a few words regarding the ongoing CSDP missions and operations. While the report obviously goes into greater detail regarding individual missions, I would like to share some more general remarks.
First, in order for our civilian and military CSDP missions and operations to be successful and achieve the long-term goals of producing sustainable stability, it is of paramount importance that they be properly resourced. Therefore, let me repeat the call on all the Member States to contribute all necessary forces and assets to those CSDP missions. Let me also stress the importance of a conflict—sensitive and people-centric approach, which puts human security at the core of our engagement. This should go hand in hand with an effective strategic communication strategy that prevents the spread of misinformation and provides adequate and accurate information about our operational goals, as well as broader policy objectives.
In several theatres where we are currently engaged, other external actors are also operating. Some of them do not share our goals and our value system and in some instances they are actively trying to subvert our efforts. If we want our achievements to be sustainable and if we do not want to see other potentially hostile parties reaping the benefits of our sacrifices, we must also work towards the implementation of the future European peace facility. Needless to say, this has to be done with all the necessary safeguards in place.
Similarly to every other policy area and undertaking of this past year, the CSDP missions and operations have also been directly affected by the COVID pandemic, which has exposed a number of our vulnerabilities. The lessons learned here must be thoroughly analysed and all the shortcomings must be swiftly addressed.
Let me now move to the issue of European defence capabilities. I sincerely believe that if we want to achieve strategic autonomy in the area of defence and security, if we truly aspire to technological sovereignty and if we want our defence industries to be competitive, we must also be serious about the need to invest in defence—led research and technology and to address the existing capability shortfalls. We need to enhance the coherence and consistency of the EU’s defence planning and development tools – the European defence fund (EDF), the European defence industrial development programme (EDIDP), permanent structured cooperation (PESCO), the coordinated annual review on defence (CARD) – and we must properly resource capability development initiatives. A failure to do so from the Union’s long-term budget is not only regrettable, but it will directly and negatively impact our ability to achieve the ambitions we have set for ourselves.
All the Member States operate on the principle of a single set of forces so, even with the best cooperative efforts, our collective capability continues to be, to a large extent, the sum of our national capabilities and therefore I believe it’s also imperative that individual Member States honour their commitments regarding the defence expenditure. Let me stress that a more autonomous European defence capability will in no way be in contradiction with our goal of strengthening our cooperation with other organisations, notably NATO. The EU’s quest for greater strategic autonomy is fully compatible with the aim of strengthening EU—NATO cooperation and the transatlantic relationship.
In addition to our traditional or, if you wish, conventional, capabilities, I would also like to underscore the need to strengthen the European Union’s collective resilience to hybrid and cyber threats. This call has a particular urgency since hybrid and cyber operations are increasingly used by our adversaries, both to interfere with the democratic processes in our Member States, as well as in our partner countries, and they are also used to undermine our missions and operations abroad.
Finally, another growing threat to stability and security in the world, including on the European continent, is the gradual weakening and erosion of the global arms control architecture. The non—compliance by certain parties with the existing treaties or the collapsing of those treaties altogether increases unpredictability in the European area and the likelihood of a sudden escalation of tensions and conflicts.
To conclude, I would like to express my thanks to the shadow rapporteurs for their contributions to this report and for the constructive spirit in which all the compromise amendments of the final text were negotiated.
Isabel Santos, Relatora. – Senhora Presidente, Senhor Alto Representante, Senhoras e Senhores Deputados, começo por dirigir uma palavra de reconhecimento aos relatores—sombra e a todos os colegas pela intensa colaboração e diálogo. Sem isso, não teria sido possível produzirmos um relatório tão abrangente e equilibrado.
O facto de este ser o relatório anual não o transforma nem pode transformar num mero ritual. É um documento esperado por muitos que, em todo o mundo, veem os seus direitos violados e tantas vezes negados e olham para a União Europeia na expectativa de um sinal de alento.
Ao longo deste relatório, comparando-o com os anteriores, verificamos que as melhorias são lentas e os desafios cada vez mais complexos. A ameaça global à democracia e ao Estado de Direito, resultante da combinação de fatores como o erguer do autoritarismo e do populismo, o aumento das desigualdades e da pobreza, o restringir do espaço da sociedade civil, o uso malévolo das tecnologias de informação e a interferência política por atores externos interpelam-nos a cada instante.
Quadro em que se pede à União Europeia uma ação cada vez mais orientada para o fortalecimento das instituições democráticas e dos processos eleitorais transparentes e credíveis, a luta contra as desigualdades e o apoio às organizações da sociedade civil.
O combate às alterações climáticas e a defesa do ambiente e dos direitos humanos surgem cada vez mais interligados e exigem uma resposta assente no multilateralismo. Ataques a defensores de direitos humanos, ambientalistas, povos indígenas, jornalistas, opositores políticos e minorias continuam a ser uma constante. Colocar-lhes um fim e combater a impunidade de que gozam os perpetradores de violações de direitos humanos exige a convergência dos Estados, não só na adoção de conclusões firmes pelos Negócios Estrangeiros, mas também numa ação firme e assertiva.
Os retrocessos em matérias de igualdade de género, saúde e direitos sexuais e reprodutivos em diversos pontos do globo não podem contar com a nossa complacência, tal como a estigmatização e a perseguição das pessoas LGBTI. A saúde infantil e a educação, a erradicação do trabalho infantil e a luta contra todo o tipo de abusos contra as crianças continuam a ser batalhas que não admitem tréguas. A necessidade de resposta ao drama vivido por migrantes e refugiados impõem uma ação determinada, solidária e sustentável, alinhada com o Pacto para as Migrações. O aumento das tensões internacionais e o efeito da atividade de grupos armados não estatais e organizações terroristas no crescimento da violência são fontes de graves atropelos aos direitos humanos e requerem um cada vez maior esforço na cooperação para a paz e o desenvolvimento.
Para vencermos estes e tantos outros desafios, é imperioso colocar os direitos humanos e a democracia e o Estado de Direito no coração da nossa política externa e no centro das políticas europeias. Isso implica utilizar todos os instrumentos ao nosso dispor, introduzir de forma sistemática cláusulas de direitos humanos em todos os acordos internacionais da União, com uma especial atenção para os de comércio e associação, fazer da implementação do Plano de Ação para a Democracia e os Direitos Humanos 2020-2024 uma tarefa aberta e participada, promovendo a consulta e o diálogo estruturado com a sociedade civil e o Parlamento, assumir a defesa intransigente do multilateralismo e da reforma das Nações Unidas e apoiar o Tribunal Penal Internacional, exponenciar a efetividade da nossa política externa através do voto por maioria qualificada no Conselho em matérias de direitos humanos, avançar com o estabelecimento de um mecanismo de urgência devida, que afaste das nossas cadeias de abastecimento produtos e matérias—primas cuja obtenção redunde em violação de direitos humanos, entre outros.
A excecionalidade do momento de pandemia vivido entre o tempo de referência deste relatório e a sua apresentação fez com que este não ficasse incólume ao tema. Saudamos a resposta à COVID-19 por parte dos Estados que fizeram do direito à vida e à saúde a sua prioridade, mas não podemos deixar de expressar a nossa preocupação por em alguns países a COVID-19 ter levado ao declínio dos standards da democracia e dos direitos humanos.
Esta crise não pode ser aproveitada para consolidar poderes autoritários ou enfraquecer o Estado de Direito e todas as medidas de resposta à pandemia devem ser baseadas nos direitos humanos, na não discriminação seja no que for e seja de quem for.
Mas, para encararmos o futuro, importa não ceder à densidade de todo este quadro e agarrar os sinais de esperança. O novo mecanismo global de sanções por violação de direitos humanos, há tanto tempo reclamado neste Parlamento, representa um marco no combate à impunidade e, aqui, dirijo uma saudação ao Alto Representante pelo seu papel nesta matéria.
Apesar da persistente tendência de compressão do espaço da sociedade civil, ver cidadãos, sobretudo jovens, mobilizarem-se em torno de causas políticas e sociais, na exigência de mais e melhores respostas no combate às alterações climáticas, na defesa da democracia e dos direitos humanos, mostra-nos que é possível um outro amanhã. A exigência do tempo presente não admite a nossa resignação. É tempo de agir.
Parafraseando Churchill, diria que não basta dizermos que estamos a fazer o melhor que podemos, temos de conseguir fazer o que é necessário.
Josep Borrell Fontelles,Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, honourable Members, thank you to the three Members who have presented this report: David McAllister, Mr Mikser and Ms Santos. Three reports, Article 36 TEU: common foreign and security policy; common security and defence policy; and Human Rights. I wish we could have several differentiated strategic debates to discuss all the interesting points you have raised, but how do we do that? We have a very limited time for three reports, so allow me to cover the most important aspects of them.
First, all reports stress that this year – 2020 – the pandemic has accelerated political trends and revealed a weakness in global governance and also in European governance. Facing the COVID—19 challenge has been very challenging, but I think we can be proud that we not only stuck together but grew together, and now our bloc is a more cohesive one. We have been fighting for multilateralism – the rules—based order for global solidarity – as the only sustainable way out of the crisis, when others have been pushing to narrow nationalist agendas. I hope in 2021 multilateral cooperation will make a strong comeback and, at the same time, I hope that we will pursue our open strategic autonomy and apply the concept in concrete ways, to stop discussing about theology and going to practicalities. In everything we do, we will continue to defend our values of freedom, democracy, rule of law, human rights, as your reports have underlined. I cannot agree more on that.
On the geographical front – you will understand it is impossible to cover everything; let’s go to the telegraphic style: USA, transatlantic partnership, we have been talking a lot about it; ask tomorrow. The Biden administration, I hope, will be finishing with governing by tweeting and offering another approach and to try to make multilateralism great again. It will require closer cooperation between the EU and the US, at least on three areas: climate change, Iran nuclear deal, and regulating big technological platforms, among others. And Latin America, we have just talked about it.
Africa remains a top priority for us. COVID shapes our agenda. We had to postpone the African Union summit: we are still waiting for it. We have been supporting Africa. We need to do more together. Debt relief initiative, very much important. Our relationship with Africa is such a strategic one that we should invest much more on getting an equal partnership. When you see the demographic imbalance between Africa and Europe, one has to ask every day that we should engage more with them, otherwise we will pay the price.
On Asia, we have to work with like—minded partners. We have upgraded our relation with ASEAN to the level of a strategic partnership, and we are proud of it – I think it’s a good achievement. We overcame the difficulties related with palm oil, and now we are on the way to becoming a strategic partner with these countries. This is going to give us a solid basis to improve our influence in a region where there is a growing demand for a growing EU presence.
China: maintain both a principled and pragmatic approach. We have signed a comprehensive agreement on investment. It shows our effort to address economic imbalances and improve our access to the Chinese market. I’m sure there will be a very lively debate in this Parliament about this agreement. But keep in mind, you have to engage with China. We cannot expect China to stop being China before engaging with China on challenges such as climate, Covid and debt relief. No one can talk about debt relief today in the world without taking into account the fact that China has become the biggest creditor of the emerging countries. And at the same time we must stay firm on defending human rights in Hong Kong: that’s clear.
On the wider neighbourhood – Western Balkans, Eastern Mediterranean, North Africa and the Sahel – there, Belarus has been remaining the most important actor on our agenda. Russia and Turkey, you make a particular mention of these countries: yes, they play a key and often complicated role – we have been talking about that with respect to Russia. Tomorrow I will have a long meeting with the Foreign Affairs Minister of Turkey. We are going to engage on trying to look for a better understanding. The leaders of the European Union Council send a clear signal of willingness to engage with Turkey on a better neighbourhood but, as with the tango, you need to be two to be good neighbours. We will try. And it seems that the ambiance is much better than in the last summer. Let’s hope that my meeting with Minister Çavuşoğlu will be at least longer than the one I had in Malta during the month of August, which lasted no more than one hour. So let’s see if we can change the dynamics. I’m sure we will.
UK: the new trade and cooperation agreement to be ratified by this House will provide the basis for a new start, and then we’ll have to deal with our friends and neighbours as a third country to the European Union.
Let’s go to the horizontal issues, or let’s go to the issues that go beyond the geographical approaches. The first one is disinformation. More and more, disinformation plays a crucial role. Disinformation has always existed. In Spain, before we talked about fake news we were saying bulos: something that is not true, and everybody tells it, and at the end everybody believes it and it changes mentalities and changes the perception. They have always existed. Now the problem today is the incredible power that the social networks give to disinformation: the amplification of any bulo, of any fake news. And if people believe that the election has been stolen from them: do they believe it, true or not? Well, it doesn’t matter, they believe it and they act accordingly with it. And the assault on the Capitol is a good example of this combination of disinformation plus the power of the social networks on disseminating it.
I would like to stress the importance of the StratCom in the European External Action Service to fight disinformation and the support that this Parliament has given to the StratCom services. I think that in cooperation with Member States, we have to do more and to counter any threat, especially to the elections interference.
On security and defence: I would like to commend our colleagues in our 17 missions and operations for delivering on their mandates in this difficult situation. I also appreciate a lot your support. You have helped navigate this common foreign and security policy budget to a safe harbour during 2020 as well as the multiannual financial framework. Particularly important is the political agreement reached on the European Peace Facility: 5 billions, 7 years, for sure it will make our CFDP more effective and respond better to our partners’ needs.
Operation Irini deserves a special mention. It has made an important contribution to improving security in the Mediterranean. And Atalanta? And if we want to be a global maritime security actor or provider, we have to expand the mandate of Atalanta and to introduce this idea of the coordinated maritime presences. Member States always have a warship somewhere. Not all of them at the same time in the same place, but look at any geographical position and you will find that, a certain amount of the time, there are some warships from some Member States. Why don’t we coordinate their presence and make all of them together an EU presence through coordinating the presences of the Member States? We are going to launch our first pilot initiative in the Gulf of Guinea next week. Also, we launch a new civilian mission in the Central African Republic, a country in a very difficult situation, complementing the existing military mission.
Our partnership in nature remains strong, but we need to strengthen our role in security and defence. It is not one thing or the other; it is not one thing against the other; it is not more of one and less of the other – they are complementarities. And now we are building on a threat analysis conducted for the first time at European Union level: the so—called Strategic Compass. And I think this is going to be very important to define which are the challenges that we are going to face in all critical domains.
I think that this is complementary also of other reports, like the first strategic review of the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) that has been focusing on how the Member States have been fulfilling their commitment. There are 26 out of 46 PESCO projects that will deliver results by 2025, but I think that the PESCO project has to be much more operational: less focusing on capabilities and more on operability.
Finally, the area of human rights. I think there is one achievement that I have to mention: the EU global human rights sanctions regime. Your support was vital. Remember that we launched this initiative in December 2019 in the first foreign affairs meeting that I had the honour to chair, and now I am expecting the first proposal for listing to come from Member States. It is a tool and it has to be used. If you keep the tool in the toolbox, it is useless, so let’s wait and see if the Member States have the will, once they agreed in the Council by unanimity to use it.
In tangible terms, through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, we have supported nearly 45 000 human rights defenders in the last five years. Well, this is a figure to take into consideration. When people say: what are you doing? What do you do?, please give this kind of answers. We have been supporting financially 45 000 human rights defenders during the last five years, and we remain particularly committed to women’s and girls’ human rights, as reflected in our Gender Action Plan.
Dear Members, I would like to talk a lot about other things in our foreign and security policies. We have to work more on the security side of this policy; we have to work more in order to make human rights taken seriously by third countries.
And there are also some successes – we should not be hiding our successes, we should be proud of what we have achieved. Mongolia and Pakistan agreed to conduct a child labour survey; in Sri Lanka child labour has been down from 16% to 1%, through the pioneering child labour—free zones. In Bolivia the minimum age to work has been raised to 14 years. Fourteen is still too low for us, for our standards – it is still too low, but it was even lower.
Through the implementation of the third Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy, we will increase our resilience even more. We have approved the European Democracy Action Plan. We have a lot of plans and a lot of strategies, but the important thing is at the end, how do you implement it? You should be more attentive to the implementation than to the drafting. The important thing is action. Yes, I know we have to have a plan, have to have a strategy, but this is just a starting point. What really matters is what comes later. And a funny thing; people, the media, even the parliamentarians pay more attention to the plans than to the implementation of the plans. And I think it would be much better to have the debate not about the plans but about how they have been implemented, because these are the real things that matter.
Thank you for your work, and especially to the ones who have been participating as chief observer on electoral observation missions. The last three were Guyana, Peru and Ghana. I’m sorry, this year has been a very meagre year from the point of view of electoral observation missions – it’s one of the effects of the virus, sorry. I know that the parliamentarians are very much involved in that and are eager to participate in these missions – it is an important part of our external action. I hope that we will be able to do more in 2021, even if the prospects for the time being are quite dire.
We have done a lot, and for sure, we will do more. This year will be a year of recovery, hope and delivery. We have demonstrated the added value of the European Union in 2020. I think the Union is more cohesive. It is much more difficult to doubt about the utility of the European Union after the pandemic because of the answer of the European Union. And if you compare with the answer that we gave to the euro crisis is still more, has been impressive, both internally and externally, be it on the pandemic or in the wider set of challenges that we are facing. So, many thanks to all of you. I am now listening to your comments in order to learn from what and how we can improve our work.
Arnaud Danjean, au nom du groupe PPE. – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Haut représentant, chers collègues, permettez-moi d’abord d’avoir une pensée pour les cinq soldats français qui sont morts ces dernières semaines au Mali, tués en opération. Ils nous rappellent que nos débats ne portent pas que sur des sujets désincarnés mais que, sur des théâtres opérationnels, aujourd’hui, de jeunes Européens meurent pour notre sécurité.
Sur le rapport annuel de la PSDC, je voudrais saluer et remercier notre collègue Mikser, avec lequel nous avons bien coopéré, et je voudrais soulever deux points particuliers.
Notre débat intervient à la veille de l'investiture du nouveau président américain et nous voyons combien la tentation est forte ici à Bruxelles, dans notre assemblée, de considérer que la fin de la présidence Trump referme une mauvaise parenthèse et permet un retour au confort d’avant, si tant est qu’il ait jamais existé, au confort de la protection américaine tous azimuts et du moindre effort européen.
Je pense que ce serait une profonde erreur d’aborder ainsi les années futures. L’amélioration souhaitable des relations transatlantiques ne peut exonérer les Européens de leurs responsabilités, pour leur propre sécurité et pour être aussi des alliés fiables dans un monde toujours plus imprévisible. On appelle cela l’autonomie stratégique. Je sais que le terme fait débat mais je pense que cette ambition ne doit pas être abandonnée.
Le deuxième point que je souhaitais souligner concerne nos missions de la politique de sécurité et de défense commune. Les récents développements sur notre flanc sud, et en particulier en Afrique, illustrent la fragilité de nos engagements. Au Sahel, en Somalie, en Centrafrique, nos missions et opérations européennes sont de plus en plus dépassées par l’activisme de nouveaux acteurs qui n’ont aucune de nos contraintes juridiques, politiques, morales et matérielles.
Nos modèles basés sur la formation et le conseil ont leurs vertus, mais ils ne sont pas décisifs et il nous faudra donc réfléchir rapidement aux formats et aux objectifs de nos missions et opérations pour être efficaces, car si nous voulons, à l’avenir une PSDC plus efficace et plus pertinente dans ce monde instable, il faut que nos États membres soient plus volontaires et plus robustes.
Kati Piri, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, let me first of all thank Isabel Santos for her excellent report.
The deterioration of the human rights situation around the world is rapid and severe. At this very moment, authoritarian leaders are increasing their repression of independent journalists, political opposition and human rights activists, and their cruelty is not confined to borders. They are trying to rewrite the rules. Autocrats have launched the most comprehensive attack on the human rights system in decades and these regimes do not have any red lines. China’s atrocious crime against the humanity of the Uighurs is a clear demonstration of that, and what is more, many blatantly use the cover of today’s pandemic to undermine the rule of law, weaken democracy and trample on fundamental rights, and the freedom of expression was the first to suffer the consequences.
For instance in Morocco we saw a further clamping down on any journalist reporting on the Hirak movement and when the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights called for the release of political prisoners to protect them from the virus, these autocrats flatly refused. And Turkey’s unwillingness to release Osman Kavala and opposition leader Selahattin Demirtaş is just one reprehensible example. I sincerely hope the High Representative will raise these two issues in his meeting with the Turkish Foreign Minister tomorrow.
What is more, autocrats are stepping up their disregard for international law, with Putin first trying to assassinate Navalny and then arresting him on political grounds the moment he returned. Human rights are not optional. They are universal and indivisible; they need protection, and we must continue to be extremely firm today, and every day.
Hilde Vautmans, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Madam President, we are supposed to be a geopolitical union, but 2020 has shown the opposite. Lukashenko rigged an election and stayed in power. In Nagorno-Karabakh, Putin and Erdoğan shared the loot. Russia and China launched a COVID disinformation campaign in the heart of Europe, with the devastating effect that more than 20% of our population does not believe in vaccination. Chinese money redraws the geopolitical map in Africa and, although we suffered the biggest migration crisis as a direct result of the war, we have given up playing a role in Syria. And to top the year off, the EU agreed a deal with a China, which is going through its most repressive phase since the Tiananmen Square massacre.
Mr Borrell, it’s not your fault. You have said it yourself: the underlying structure is broken. Europe always acts too little, too late, because we are paralysed by the unanimity rule. We don’t have a defence union and we have no real strategy with Russia or China.
So, please, let’s start the Conference on the Future of Europe and fix this broken system. Otherwise, colleagues, we will remain a playing field instead of the global player that we aspire to be.
Thierry Mariani, au nom du groupe ID. – Madame la Présidente, une heure trente pour discuter des engagements de l’Union européenne en matière de droits de l’homme, de politique étrangère et de stratégie de défense, autant dire que notre contrôle parlementaire est un mirage.
L’Union européenne préfère les postures à l’action réaliste, elle apprécie les sanctions plutôt que la diplomatie, elle a une grosse voix mais de petits bras.
Qu’avons-nous fait cette année? Nous avons parlé de l’adhésion de l’Albanie et de la Macédoine quand la Turquie multipliait les provocations et les ingérences dans les Balkans. Nous avons parlé d’Alexeï Navalny quand la guerre éclatait entre l’Arménie et l’Azerbaïdjan, tous deux membres du Partenariat oriental. Nous avons parlé des événements du Bélarus, alors que les soldats français se battent et meurent parfois seuls face aux islamistes dans le Sahel.
Bref, l’Union européenne a été absente des grands enjeux, pire, elle est tombée dans tous les pièges de la politique internationale. Bruxelles n’a pas soutenu la Grèce et la France autrement que par quelques discours quand Erdoğan multipliait les provocations. Bruxelles a été humiliée par le retrait unilatéral des Américains des accords de Vienne, Bruxelles n’a pas dit un mot quand Milo Đukanović a violemment réprimé des manifestations pour la liberté religieuse au Monténégro.
La réalité est cruelle, partout et tout le temps, l’Union européenne abandonne ses principes dès que l’Alliance atlantique le réclame. Le constat est accablant: un élargissement précipité, la soumission à l’OTAN actée dans nos traités, la jalousie générale contre les pays qui maintiennent une indépendance diplomatique et militaire conjuguent leurs effets pour faire de l’Union européenne un nain international.
Comme les communistes autrefois, la Commission européenne nous répond par la même phrase, nous ne serions pas assez fédéralistes, nous sommes encore trop attachés aux souverainetés nationales. À l’indépendance, c’est l’inverse, l’Union européenne, à cause de ses préjugés idéologiques ralentit l’émergence de la coopération nécessaire entre États européens alors que naît un monde multipolaire.
Reinhard Bütikofer, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich spreche zu dem Bericht über die gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der EU. Lassen Sie mich dabei zunächst unserem Berichterstatter, dem Kollegen McAllister, herzlich danken für die außerordentlich gute und konstruktive Zusammenarbeit, die dem Ergebnis, das wir hier vor uns haben, zugrunde liegt.
Der Bericht zeigt, dass es bei uns im Parlament ein großes Maß an Übereinstimmung gibt, und das ist gut so. Ich teile ausdrücklich die drei zentralen Botschaften, von denen Herr McAllister vorhin gesprochen hat. Andererseits sehen wir in dem Bericht aber auch, dass in der heftigen Debatte um die sogenannte strategische Autonomie, die mir manchmal vorkommt wie ein Tanz ums goldene Kalb, nach wie vor keine Klarheit herrscht. Ich würde mir wünschen, wir kommen gemeinsam zu dem Ergebnis, dass es die Leitlinie sein sollte, überall dort, wo es überhaupt möglich ist, mit anderen zu kooperieren, und nur dort alleine zu marschieren, wo es unbedingt notwendig ist.
Meine Fraktion hat einige Änderungsanträge vorgelegt, etwa zur Unterstützung des UNO-Nuklearwaffenabkommens oder zur Streichung einer unnötigen Erwähnung eines unnötigen Bekenntnisses zum Mercosur-Abkommen. Ich hoffe, dass Sie diesen Änderungsanträgen zustimmen, damit wir alle dem ganzen Bericht zustimmen können.
Witold Jan Waszczykowski, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Dziękuję panu Davidowi McAllisterowi za ciekawe sprawozdanie, dość pozytywne, ale nadal mam wrażenie, że rozmawiamy jak o yeti. Wszyscy o nim mówią, ale mało kto go widział, ale też mało kto widział wspólną i solidarną politykę zagraniczną Unii Europejskiej. Mamy sprawozdanie, ale właśnie, czy mamy wspólną politykę, czy mamy ją solidarną? Czy rozwiązaliśmy któryś z konfliktów, który nas otacza: rosyjsko-ukraiński, bliskowschodni, syryjski, libijski? Czy mamy wspólne stanowisko wobec Chin i Tajwanu? Wymuszone ostatnio porozumienie z Chinami pokazuje, że reprezentuje w zasadzie interesy tylko części Unii – najbogatszych i największych państw Unii.
Gazociąg Nord Stream II jest też ikoną braku solidarności, ta solidarność leży na dnie Morza Bałtyckiego. Wspólnie udało nam się wyrzucić Wielką Brytanię z Unii, ale chyba szkoda. Jakie proponujemy recepty? Strategiczną autonomię, ucieczkę od współpracy transatlantyckiej, od zobowiązań wobec NATO, od Stanów Zjednoczonych. Nie dajemy jednak od 30 lat rady rozwiązać wielu konfliktów, o których wspomniałem. To nie jest recepta. Czy receptą jest qualitative majority voting? Też nie – to oznacza, że interesy bezpieczeństwa wielu państw unijnych będą marginalizowane.
Częścią sprawozdania jest też odniesienie się do praw człowieka. Ta część jest jednak dość słaba, nie wymienia żadnego z państw. W przypadku łamania praw podstawowych, w przypadku tortur, egzekucji nie powinniśmy bać się wskazywać winnych palcem i głośno o tym mówić. Sprawozdanie nie odnosi też się do kwestii prześladowań chrześcijan. Uważamy, że kwestia ta powinna zostać podjęta, i apelujemy o poparcie poprawek ECR. Wstrzymamy się od głosu z nadzieją na lepsze sprawozdanie i lepszą współpracę w przyszłości.
Özlem Demirel, im Namen der Fraktion The Left. – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Borrell! Der ESVP-Bericht reiht sich, ebenso wie Ihre Rede, in die ausgebreitete Logik von Militarisierung und Aufrüstung ein. Dabei müsste aber eigentlich allen klar sein: Wenn Konflikte sich verschärfen, dann muss Deeskalation oberstes Gebot sein. Wenn soziale Verwerfungen sich ausweiten, dann muss investiert werden – in Soziales, Gesundheit und Bildung und nicht in Rüstung.
Mit Ständiger Struktureller Zusammenarbeit, Militärischer Mobilität, EDF und Co. stopft die EU Geld in den Rachen der Rüstungsindustrie. Schnelleres, größeres und intelligenteres Kriegsgerät soll damit geschaffen werden. Doch wofür? Verteidigt man so den Frieden? Ist das Sicherheitspolitik? Nein!
Kolleginnen und Kollegen, insbesondere künstliche Intelligenz im Militärbereich ist brandgefährlich. Die Kriegsgefahr wird erhöht und internationales Recht belanglos. Killerdrohnen und Co., die Hochzeiten in ein Blutbad verwandeln oder Kriegsbereitschaft erhöhen wie kürzlich in Bergkarabach, sind kein Fortschritt, sondern ein Rückschritt.
Deshalb lassen Sie uns also nicht Großmachtinteressen der EU in den Vordergrund stellen, etwas von Hard Power reden, sondern uns einsetzen und gemeinsam streiten für Deeskalation, Diplomatie, Abrüstung und für ein Verbot von Killerrobotern und Co. und für ein Verbot von nuklearen Atomwaffen.
Fabio Massimo Castaldo (NI). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Alto rappresentante, la crisi legata alla COVID-19 ha messo a dura prova, in tutto il mondo, la tenuta democratica e il rispetto dello Stato di diritto e dei diritti umani, ma dalla crisi e dalle avversità dobbiamo trarre maggiore slancio per le nostre ambizioni.
Questo Parlamento ha fortemente sostenuto l'adozione di un meccanismo globale di sanzioni in materia di diritti umani, un meccanismo che permetta finalmente di adottare sanzioni mirate, ma che non rappresenta un punto di arrivo, piuttosto un punto di partenza. Andrà rivisto e allineato alle ambizioni del Parlamento europeo, ritirando la regola dell'unanimità e includendo la corruzione tra le fattispecie effettivamente previste.
La sfida consisterà però nel recuperare credibilità e coerenza e questo sarà possibile solo attraverso un rigido rispetto dei diritti umani e un controllo più rigoroso sulle violazioni da parte dei nostri partner commerciali, tramite un utilizzo stringente delle clausole sui diritti umani negli accordi con i paesi terzi e un regime di due diligence effettivamente efficace per le nostre imprese.
Accontentarsi del business as usual, appiattirsi sempre e solo sulla realpolitik erode la nostra credibilità. Colleghi, la globalizzazione per cui dobbiamo batterci è e deve essere quella dei diritti, ben più importante di quella dei mercati.
Isabel Wiseler-Lima (PPE). – Madame la Présidente, les rapports annuels sur les droits de l’homme et de la démocratie dans le monde se suivent et malheureusement se ressemblent. Les atteintes aux droits des enfants, des femmes, des minorités, des journalistes, des défenseurs des droits de l’homme restent une constante. Les crimes commis à leur égard dépassent souvent même notre entendement. Il est crucial que ces crimes soient dénoncés. Le minimum est d’élever notre voix et de dénoncer afin que ces crimes ne se perdent pas dans l’ombre de l’impunité, allant jusqu’à permettre que les crimes soient ignorés et leurs auteurs couverts par l’anonymat.
La question de l’impunité est au cœur de nos préoccupations et je voudrais à ce propos saluer la création d’un mécanisme permettant de cibler précisément les individus coupables de graves atteintes à l’encontre des droits humains, notre Magnitski Act européen. Encore faut-il maintenant que le Conseil, donc les États membres, et aussi le service d’action extérieure aient le courage de le mettre en œuvre rapidement, il y va tout simplement de notre crédibilité.
Quant à l’état de la démocratie dans le monde, j’ai personnellement tenu à ce que nous relevions les dangers que constituent pour les démocraties les restrictions aux droits fondamentaux, inévitables toutefois durant cette pandémie de la COVID-19. Il faut toujours avoir à l’esprit la défense de la démocratie encore et partout, même là où elle semble évidente.
Si besoin en était, les événements outre-Atlantique nous l’ont cruellement rappelé: aucune démocratie n’est à l’abri, même les plus solides. Quand le mensonge remplace les faits, quand la désinformation s’institutionnalise dans les médias, quand l’intérêt politique particulier et les carrières prévalent sur la défense de l’état de droit. Restons donc vigilants.
Maria Arena (S&D). – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Haut représentant, en matière de droits de l’homme, on peut dire qu’il reste des défis à relever.
Dans le rapport 2019, on voit que les défenseurs des droits de l’homme, les journalistes, les professionnels des médias étaient menacés et attaqués en raison de leur travail quotidien. L’espace civique et démocratique continuait de se restreindre, les droits fondamentaux des femmes et des filles étaient loin d’être respectés et les groupes vulnérables étaient souvent laissés pour compte et exposés à de nouvelles inégalités.
Que dire de l’évolution en 2020, où la pandémie a non seulement aggravé les situations déjà précaires des populations les plus vulnérables, et je parle particulièrement des personnes incarcérées pour avoir défendu les droits de l’homme, Nasrin Sotoudeh par exemple en Iran, mais on a vu également émerger des approches autoritaires dans la gestion de cette pandémie.
S’il est vrai que l’Union européenne reste un des facteurs essentiels de la défense des droits de l’homme dans le monde, on a aussi vu ses capacités d’action concrète affaiblies d’une part par les montées des sceptiques en matière de défense des droits de l’homme, comme l’a été l’administration Trump sur le plan multilatéral, ou comme le sont les régimes autoritaires tels que la Chine, la Biélorussie, l’Égypte, la Turquie ou encore les démocraties illibérales telles que l’Inde, le Brésil, le Venezuela, et malheureusement la liste est bien longue.
Dans ce contexte, il me semble essentiel pour l’Union de mener cette bataille de la défense des droits de l’homme sur un plan international et de souligner que les clauses relatives aux droits de l’homme, tant dans les accords internationaux que dans les accords bilatéraux doivent être respectées. Et là je m’étonne, Monsieur Borrell, de la signature de l’accord avec la Chine, au moment même où celle-ci viole, je dirais même extermine, une population, celle des Ouïgours.
Monsieur Borrell, si l’Europe veut rester crédible sur ses valeurs fondamentales, tant pour défendre son modèle en interne que sur la scène internationale, il est important d’être cohérent et de ne pas appliquer deux poids deux mesures. À ce titre, je soutiens aussi les outils multilatéraux tels que la Cour pénale internationale et je serai aussi attentive à la mise en œuvre concrète et efficace du plan d’action tel que vous le suggérez.
Je vous remercie également pour le travail que vous avez fait sur l’instrument mondial de lutte contre les violences et contre les violations des droits de l’homme. Le règlement européen sur le devoir de vigilance de nos entreprises devra également être un outil efficace de la lutte contre les violations en matière de droits fondamentaux. Le travail est encore long mais nous travaillerons ensemble pour le faire.
Klemen Grošelj (Renew). – Gospa predsednica, skupna varnostna in obrambna politika je odraz ambicij EU, a vedno bolj tudi nuje postati samostojen globalni akter, ne samo na gospodarskem, ampak tudi na varnostnem in obrambnem področju. EU mora sodelovati pri zagotavljanju globalnega miru in stabilnosti v vse bolj nepredvidljivem varnostnem okolju, še posebej v naši neposredni soseščini.
V obrambne zmogljivosti je potrebno vlagati premišljeno in racionalno, brez podvajanj. Nujna so torej skupna vlaganja v nove tehnologije in zmogljivosti. Zahtevni časi, ko so potrebe državljanov mnogotere in različne, pa ob tem zahtevajo širši družbeni in politični konsenz.
Epidemija je ponovno izpostavila potrebo po krepitvi strateške avtonomije Evropske unije, ki pa je brez enotne strateške kulture nemogoča. Zato je nujna krepitev skupnih evropskih operativnih zmogljivosti, kot tudi oblikovanje enotne evropske strateške misli, ki se bo odsevala v odločitvah sprejetih v prenovljenem in demokratičnem sistemu odločanja.
S tem bodo postale misije in operacije EU uspešnejše, še posebej v naši neposrednih soseščini, kjer se soočamo z vse agresivnejšim delovanjem regionalnih sil, tudi skozi vedno bolj agresivne kibernetske napade in kampanje lažnih novic. Hkrati se zaradi populističnih politik rušijo mehanizmi nadzora in zmanjševanja oboroževanja, ki so ključni za mir in varnost na evropskem kontinentu.
Očitno je, da v svetu, v katerem smo in ki se zaradi posledic pandemije šele oblikuje, potrebujemo, trdnejšo in močnejšo skupno varnostno in obrambno politiko. Skupaj imamo možnost postati eden izmed globalnih akterjev, neenotni in razdeljeni pa bomo žal samo bogat plen.
Lars Patrick Berg (ID). – Frau Präsidentin! Lassen Sie mich zunächst die gute Arbeit loben, die mein Kollege David McAllister bei der Erstellung des GASP-Berichts geleistet hat. Dieser ist sehr ausführlich, liefert viele Denkanstöße und stellt sehr klar heraus, wo Herr McAllister die Europäische Union in Bezug auf die Ausrichtung ihrer Außenpolitik in Zukunft verorten möchte.
Dies vorausgeschickt, kann ich diesen Bericht hingegen nicht in Gänze guten Gewissens unterstützen. Ich vertrete nach wie vor den Standpunkt, dass der Nationalstaat Vorrang hat. Die im Bericht verankerte Bekenntnis zu einer globalen EU-Strategie, die auch eine Militarisierung vorsieht, geht mir somit einen Schritt zu weit. Der strategische Kompass, auf den der Bericht ebenfalls Bezug nimmt, klingt zunächst harmlos, kommt einer Militärdoktrin der EU jedoch gefährlich nahe und ist mit dem strategischen Konzept der NATO vergleichbar. Die immer rascher vorangetriebenen Bemühungen, die EU-weite Zusammenarbeit in Verteidigungsfragen zu vertiefen, und die fortschreitende Festlegung und Ausgestaltung einer gemeinsamen Verteidigungspolitik halte ich für zumindest bedenklich.
Ebenfalls unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Vorrechte des Nationalstaats kann ich die Beschlussfassung nach qualifizierter Mehrheit, DQM, nicht befürworten. Und hierbei handelt es sich um eine Kernfrage. Die Europäische Union verfügt nicht über das moralische oder politische Recht, Menschen in den Krieg zu schicken, und hierum geht es in Wahrheit. Es ist naiv, davon auszugehen, dass alle Mitgliedstaaten dieselben außenpolitischen Ziele verfolgen, und wir haben im Verlauf des zurückliegenden Jahres erlebt, dass unsere Bürger in Krisenzeiten Schutz seitens ihres Staates und nicht seitens der Europäischen Kommission erwarten.
Hannah Neumann (Verts/ALE). – Madam President, the discussion on the EU’s strategic autonomy gained quite some momentum last year, but sadly it was often those putting forward the term and the concept who were actually undermining the EU’s ability to act as a global player. How can we have an EU-led mission and a Berlin peace process for Libya while France continues unilaterally to support Haftar? How can the EU put pressure on Egypt for its human rights record, also against Giulio Regeni, when Italy sends more weapons than ever to el-Sisi? And how can the Council sanction Turkish officials for the escalation in the Mediterranean when Germany continues to send submarines to Erdoğan that may be turned against Greece?
Member States undermining European efforts by egoistic national deals and policies: that’s our biggest problem and that’s what needs to stop. So, from now on, I really want to see every Head of State who uses the term ‘strategic autonomy’ to clearly outline in which areas they are actually willing to delegate national sovereignty to European level; what they are doing to strengthen European capabilities to act; and what role they see for the European Parliament in all of this. Because what we need is the ability of the European Union to protect peace and human rights – at best with its partners, independently where necessary. But what we don’t need is another round of fuzzy concepts and inconsistent action by Member States.
Elżbieta Kruk (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Polityka zagraniczna Unii Europejskiej zbyt często kończy się na medialnej propagandzie i pozostawieniu problemu, gdy zniknie z pierwszych stron gazet, czy też na mało znaczących rezolucjach Parlamentu Europejskiego, czego przykładem są poddawane dzisiaj debacie sprawozdania.
Nic nie przyniosły puste słowa Unii dotyczące integralności terytorialnej Ukrainy czy Gruzji oraz pogarszającej się sytuacji praw człowieka na terytorium Federacji Rosyjskiej. Sprawa Aleksieja Nawalnego najlepiej to pokazuje. Zetknęliśmy się w Polsce z tym problemem, gdy 10 kwietnia 2010 roku pod Smoleńskiem w Rosji rozbił się samolot z prezydentem i całym dowództwem wojskowym państwa członkowskiego na pokładzie. Gdzie była wówczas Unia?
Kolejna kwestia: w sprawozdaniu dotyczącym zagadnień praw człowieka i demokracji na świecie ani razu nie wspomniano o prawach chrześcijan, gdy tymczasem prawa osób LGBT wymienia się 26 razy. Tymczasem chrześcijanie są najbardziej prześladowaną grupą religijną na świecie: 80% przypadków prześladowań religijnych dotyczy właśnie chrześcijan, a niektóre z nich odpowiadają definicji ludobójstwa. Unia nie robi nic. Z takim myśleniem o polityce zagranicznej i o prawach człowieka nie można się zgodzić.
Manu Pineda (The Left). – Señora presidenta, el nuevo presupuesto plurianual de la Unión Europea contiene, por primera vez en la historia, una partida propia para seguridad y defensa.
Es un paso más en el proceso de militarización que veníamos denunciando desde hace tiempo: 13 000 millones de euros para financiar misiones militares, casi un 50 % más de lo que se destina al orograma europeo de salud. Fondos para financiar misiones militares en el exterior —como la que tenemos en Níger o en Mali— para controlar la migración o para financiar la industria armamentística. La Unión Europea inyecta miles de millones a las empresas productoras de armas que luego vendemos a Israel o Arabia Saudí para que continúen atacando al pueblo palestino o bombardeando Yemen.
Tenemos una política de seguridad y defensa totalmente militarista, cuando en realidad la Unión Europea no está siendo atacada. El mayor beneficiario de todo esto sigue siendo Estados Unidos, con su política de agresión constante, mientras mantiene bases militares y armas nucleares en nuestro territorio. Los recursos de la ciudadanía no pueden seguir empleándose para engordar la OTAN.
Antoni Comín i Oliveres (NI). – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur Borrell, parmi les droits de l’homme les plus importants, certains visent à assurer le bon fonctionnement de nos systèmes judiciaires, par exemple le droit au juge naturel ou le droit à la présomption d’innocence, et pour les exiger des autres, il faut d’abord les respecter chez nous.
Le 7 janvier, la cour d’appel de Bruxelles a rejeté l’extradition d’un des membres du gouvernement catalan en exil, le conseiller Lluis Puig, au motif que, s’il était extradé, il ne serait pas jugé par le juge naturel prédéterminé par la loi et aussi parce que la Cour suprême espagnole, dit le juge belge, ne lui garantit pas le droit à la présomption d’innocence, Monsieur le Vice-présiden. Et par conséquent, en Espagne, il ne lui serait pas assurer un procès impartial. Ce n’est pas moi qui le dis, c’est un tribunal belge, pas un tribunal de première instance, un tribunal supérieur, il y a à peine dix jours et la sentence est ferme.
De plus en plus d’acteurs montrent l’évidence: en Espagne, certains droits fondamentaux sont violés quand il s'agit des Catalans. L’Union européenne continuera à détourner le regard afin de protéger l’Espagne. Est-elle déterminée à ruiner définitivement son autorité morale aux yeux du monde en matière de droits de l’homme?
President. – (In response to Mr Fest’s off-mic request to raise a point of order) We do not allow points of order during these sittings as these are extraordinary times.
(In response to further comments from Mr Fest)
Colleague, I was informed by the services – and this we should, of course, know – that a point of order can be requested before a plenary, before a debate, but not during a debate.
Michael Gahler (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin! Entschuldigung für den unfreundlichen deutschen Kollegen. Die Welt ist bereits seit geraumer Zeit in vielen Teilen von Spannungen und Konflikten gekennzeichnet gewesen. Die Corona-Pandemie hat all dies noch einmal verschärft, weil fast überall die Wirtschaft eingebrochen ist und damit Arbeitsplätze weggefallen sind und viele Lebensumstände sich konkret verschlechtert haben. Solche Entwicklungen machen die Notwendigkeit entschlossener gemeinsamer europäischer Antworten im Bereich der Außenpolitik noch dringlicher.
Multilaterale regelbasierte Zusammenarbeit wird hoffentlich einfacher durch eine neue US-Politik, die morgen um 18.00 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Zeit beginnt. Wenn wir Europäer wissen, was wir wollen, und uns einig sind, werden wir auch bessere Partner für die USA sein, wenn es zum Beispiel um gemeinsames Handeln gegenüber China, Russland oder bei der Bekämpfung des internationalen Terrorismus geht. Da, wo wir eigene Interessen haben – auf dem Balkan, in der östlichen Partnerschaft, in Nordafrika, im Sahel –, müssen wir auch handeln können, wenn ein Rückgriff auf NATO-Ressourcen zum Beispiel nicht möglich ist. Das nennt man dann strategische Autonomie.
Um ernst genommen zu werden, erwarte ich, dass wir die Instrumente, die wir haben, auch nutzen. Es sind ja moderne Instrumente genannt worden – wie unser europäischer Magnitsky Act oder auch Wahlbeobachtung, das ist auch ein wichtiges Instrument. Aber insgesamt besteht der außenpolitische Werkzeugkasten in der Tat von der Verbalnote über Verträge, Sanktionen bis hin zum Waffengebrauch als letztes Mittel, wenn tatsächlich nötig. Wenn wir das glaubwürdig tun, dann können wir auch als Partner, aber auch als relevanter Faktor der Außenpolitik auf dieser Welt bestehen.
Juozas Olekas (S&D). – Gerb. Pirmininke, gerb. kolegos, sveikinu šiandien diskutuojamų pranešimų autorius su gerai parengtais ir subalansuotais pranešimais. Pritariu minčiai, kad nė viena ES šalis negali pati viena išspręsti pasaulinių iššūkių, todėl gerai koordinuota Europos Sąjungos bendra užsienio ir saugumo politika yra ypatingai svarbi.
2020 metais ir toliau stiprėjo daugiapolis pasaulio modelis su silpnėjančia tradicinių pasaulio jėgos centrų įtaka ir stiprėjančiomis konkuruojančiomis pasaulinėmis ir regioninėmis jėgomis. COVID pandemija šias tendencijas tik dar labiau paryškino.
Reikia siekti, kad Europos Sąjunga taptų patraukli ir pageidaujama partnere kitoms pasaulio šalims. Bet tai pasieksime tik turėdami aiškią vertybių sistemą ir jos laikydamiesi ̶ būsime patikima partnerė, reikalui esant galinti atstovėti savo interesus bei žmogaus teises ne tik diplomatinėmis formomis. Kol kas, kaip parodė kariniai konfliktai Kalnų Karabache, Sirijoje, autoritarinio režimo siautėjimas Baltarusijoje, tai yra tik siekiamybė...
Pritariu, kad ES turi siekti strateginės autonomijos, kad pati galėtų vykdyti efektyvią bendrą užsienio saugumo politiką, bet tai turi būti derinama su tolesniu ir geresniu bendradarbiavimu su mūsų partneriais NATO, Jungtinėse Tautose ir kituose tarpvalstybiniuose forumuose. Tačiau reali strateginė autonomija užsienio politikos ir saugumo srityje bus galima tik tuomet, jeigu ji bus pagrįsta realiais finansiniais įsipareigojimais.
Katalin Cseh (Renew). – Madam President, reports like these give us an opportunity to set our priorities straight, to move beyond deeply concerned statements in our foreign policy and to formulate a strategy. The Santos report clearly highlights that corruption and human rights abuses are two sides of the same coin. The retreat of democracies is the rise of kleptocracies all around the world, and that’s why anti-corruption belongs at the top of the European Union’s human rights agenda, and that’s why we need to protect journalists and activists who are under increased pressure all over the world. A pro-democracy fight is always an anti-corruption fight, and leaders like Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, Juan Guaidó, Aleksei Navalny or Uighur activists all understand this very well, and they keep telling us over and over again that political oppression is always rooted in a corrupt and repressive state and in a network of cronies tormenting everyday people. So that’s why instruments like the Magnitsky sanctions are so crucial. They hit the perpetrators and hit them where it hurts – freezing their assets and cancelling their luxury shopping trips to Paris and Milan. And colleagues, let’s not forget that the EU is the world’s largest market. We could force higher human rights standards on businesses all around the word. So let’s stop allowing products on our market which are tainted by torture and crime. Authoritarianism is a global pandemic as well, and the voice and leadership of the European Union is gravely needed to stop the spread.
Jérôme Rivière (ID). – Madame la Présidente, dans cette enceinte, vous êtes nombreux à vouloir mettre en place une politique de sécurité et de défense commune, avec une armée européenne, deux outils de ce que vous baptisez de cette expression dénuée de sens réel: l'autonomie stratégique européenne. Alors que nous débattons aujourd'hui de ce sujet, je veux réaffirmer que sécurité et défense sont des prérogatives exclusives des nations, le reste n'est qu'une aventure fédéraliste qui n'ose pas dire son nom. Plutôt que de chercher à bâtir une politique de défense et de sécurité européenne, c'est la grandeur et l'indépendance des nations qui doit nous occuper ici.
Sans cesse, je réaffirmerai cette doctrine fondamentale énoncée par le général de Gaulle: il faut que la défense de la France soit française. Un pays comme la France, s'il lui arrive de faire la guerre, il faut que ce soit sa guerre. S'il en était autrement, notre pays serait en contradiction avec tout ce qu'il est, depuis ses origines. Et ce qui vaut pour la France vaut aussi pour les autres pays européens. On voit mal comment ils pourraient envoyer leurs compatriotes en opération risquer leur vie hors de ce cadre-là. D'ailleurs, ils le font peu, et je pense à cet instant au prix payé par la France, aux cinq militaires français récemment tués au Mali.
Le seul cadre possible d'une défense de l'Europe réside dans la souveraineté de chaque nation européenne. À ce titre, la France doit quitter le commandement militaire intégré de l'OTAN, alliance dont la mort cérébrale effectivement constatée par Emmanuel Macron ne masque plus l'usage qu'en font les États-Unis pour imposer leur hégémonie – et les propos du président élu Biden font craindre le pire – et ne réfrène pas non plus les violentes attaques d'Erdogan, qui rêve d'imposer sur notre continent le califat islamiste qu'il appelle de ses vœux.
Loin de cette ambiance qui hante cet hémicycle de sortir de l'histoire en se fondant dans une Europe que vous voulez puissance douce, le groupe ID continuera de défendre ici la dissuasion nationale, la souveraineté nationale, notre modèle d'armée nationale et son financement national.
Salima Yenbou (Verts/ALE). – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur Borrell, je remercie chaleureusement Isabel Santos et mes autres collègues avec qui nous avons réussi à nous mettre d’accord sur un texte fort, montrant l’attachement du Parlement européen au respect des droits humains. Je regrette cependant l’association du PPE avec l’extrême droite pour essayer, après les négociations, d’affaiblir le rapport par des amendements et des votes séparés d’un agenda commun rétrograde et misogyne.
En tant que négociatrice pour mon groupe des Verts/ALE, j’ai particulièrement été attentive à la protection des lanceuses et des lanceurs d’alerte; aux liens entre droits humains, climat et biodiversité, avec notamment la notion d’écocide; à tout ce qui concerne le droit des femmes et les violences systémiques; à la défense de la liberté de croyance, mais aussi de non-croyance; à dénoncer le racisme systémique, les violences à l’encontre des populations autochtones mais aussi la nécessité de forcer nos entreprises à agir de manière responsable et raisonnable dans leurs investissements. Enfin, j’ai tenu à une forte dénonciation des crimes sexuels commis par des casques bleus en Afrique. C’est une horreur inexcusable qui doit être sérieusement investiguée et punie.
Bien sûr, ce rapport annuel ne réglera pas à lui tout seul les problèmes et atrocités dénoncés, mais il était important de montrer que nous ne fermons pas les yeux, que le Parlement européen entend et soutient les victimes. Merci, merci à toutes les ONG et les citoyennes et citoyens qui nous ont aidés pour ce rapport annuel. Vous en êtes aussi les coauteurs et coautrices. Merci pour votre engagement, merci de continuer inlassablement à vous indigner, merci de ne pas vous taire, merci de ne pas abandonner et merci de nous aider à porter les voix de celles et ceux qui souffrent.
À vous maintenant de faire vivre ce rapport, utilisez-le dans vos plaidoyers, n’hésitez pas à nous mettre, nous le Parlement, la Commission mais aussi toutes les autres institutions, gouvernements et entreprises internationales, devant nos responsabilités sur la base de ce rapport des droits humains.
Margarita de la Pisa Carrión (ECR). – Señora presidenta, señorías, el Estado de Derecho será sólido mientras los derechos humanos mantengan su conexión con el Derecho natural, que es inmutable e inherente a la condición humana. Es, por tanto, imprescindible reconocer que la piedra angular de los derechos humanos es la protección de la propia vida, desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural.
Denunciamos, por tanto, prácticas que acaban con la confianza que debe existir en la defensa de la vida, como es la eutanasia o el aborto. Legislar con base en el capricho del propio deseo o de las apetencias da lugar a nuevas formas de esclavitud, como es el caso de la gestación subrogada.
Cuando se legisla con base en cualquier ideología, se pervierte la objetividad y la universalidad de los derechos humanos. Estos pierden su condición de pilar fundamental. Esto está ocurriendo con la ideología de género, una visión contra natura que está disolviendo la objetividad de las normas, minando los derechos fundamentales. ¿Han pensado qué consecuencias puede tener esto?
Legislar desde el imperio del deseo al albur de la opinión de moda supone la extinción del Estado de Derecho y la aparición de un nuevo Estado: el «Estado de deseo», del deseo de los más fuertes, es decir, el Estado del más fuerte. ¿Han pensado dónde queda entonces el amparo de los más vulnerables?
Miguel Urbán Crespo (The Left). – Señora presidenta, no podemos olvidar cómo, en el 2019, las movilizaciones que en América Latina se levantaron contra décadas de expolio neoliberal fueron reprimidas en medio del silencio internacional.
Fue el año en el que la Unión Europea volvió a poner delante los intereses comerciales, avalando acuerdos ilegítimos como el de Marruecos, que incluyó los territorios ocupados ilegalmente del Sáhara. A pesar de las sistemáticas violaciones de los derechos humanos en los centros de detención libios en el 2019, los países de la Unión Europea continuaron cooperando con este país para seguir externalizando nuestras fronteras a costa de miles de muertos.
En Europa nos llamamos garantes de los derechos humanos, pero nuestras políticas dicen lo contrario: generan pobreza y desigualdad, expolian recursos y permiten que seres humanos se ahoguen en nuestras fronteras. Juzguen ustedes mismos, señorías. Yo lo tengo claro. Dejemos de dar lecciones y empecemos a dar ejemplo.
Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (NI). – Poštovana potpredsjednice, danas govorimo o ljudskim pravima. Ne treba ići do Nikaragve čak niti do Bjelorusije da bi se govorilo o velikim kršenjima ljudskih prava. Dovoljno je otići svega nekoliko stotina metara od zgrade Europskog parlamenta u Strasbourgu. Sud u Strasbourgu, Sud za ljudska prava bio je zadnja nada mnogim Hrvatima koji su iscrpili sve mogućnosti hrvatskoga pravosuđa. Sve je krenulo 2010. godine nizbrdo usvajanjem takozvanog protokola 14, odnosno uvođenjem instituta suca pojedinca i izvjestitelja. Na tom sudu se krši načelo jednakog pristupa sudu na način da se 97 posto svih predmeta iz Hrvatske proglašava nedopuštenima. Hrvatski pravosudni kadar koji tamo radi na hrvatskom odjelu pažljivo filtrira one predmete koji bi mogli ugroziti hrvatske moćnike i režim. Donose se neobrazložene sudske odluke, mada članak 45. Konvencije jasno kaže da moraju biti obrazložene, čime se opet krše ljudska prava i negira se sam smisao i postojanje suda. Ljudima se onemogućava odnosno otežava uvid u spis, a kad i uspiju doći do spisa u njemu jednostavno sudske odluke nema, odnosno proglašena je tajnom. Dakle, o kakvim mi ljudskim pravima govorimo kad Hrvati koji traže svoja ljudska prava u Strasbourgu na Sudu nađu isti kadar od kojega su iz Hrvatske pobjegli.
Kinga Gál (PPE). – Tisztelt Elnök asszony! A világjárvány nagy tanulsága, hogy mennyire számít, milyen súlyunk van a világban, és ezt a súlyunkat érvényesíteni tudjuk-e A közös védelempolitikában a tagállamok közötti együttműködés erősítése a kulcskérdés, hiszen az Unió jövőbeli sikerének záloga a közös katonai védelmi kapacitás kialakítása. A közös külpolitikában az egyhangúságon alapuló döntéshozatalt eltörölni kívánó javaslatok szembemennek az uniós szerződésekkel. Végső soron az Unió érdeke is, hogy megmaradhasson a kisebb tagállamok súlya is a közös külpolitikában.
Szomszédságpolitikánkban kiemelt fontosságú a nyugat-balkáni országok csatlakozási folyamatának felgyorsítása. A bővítés folytatása meghatározó jelentőséggel bír az egész Unió stabilitása és biztonsága szempontjából. Az éves emberi jogi jelentés legnagyobb problémája az, ami kimaradt belőle. Az üldözött keresztényeket a 135 bekezdésében egyszer sem említi. Mindezt annak ellenére, hogy a keresztények képezik ma a világ egyik legüldözöttek kisebbségét, 340 millió embert. Csak az elmúlt évben naponta 13 keresztényt öltek meg. Számos néppárti kollégámmal adtunk be erre vonatkozó módosítókat, amelyek teljesen figyelmen kívül maradtak. Ezt csak az ideológiai megfontolásoknak tudhatom be.
Raphaël Glucksmann (S&D). – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Haut représentant, chers collègues, Rahil Dawut, Perhat Tursun, Nurbulat Oraz, ce dossier contient des dizaines de milliers de noms, les noms des victimes ouïgoures de la répression chinoise.
Que valent ces vies? Que valent ces vies lorsque nous négocions et signons un accord d’investissement avec leurs bourreaux? Que valent ces vies face aux intérêts de Volkswagen, de Siemens et de tant d’autres? Nous disons partout avoir des principes alors défendons-les. Nous avons aussi des intérêts stratégiques, alors défendons-les aussi car les deux, nos principes et nos intérêts, se rejoignent et s’épousent.
Cessons d’avoir peur de notre ombre: nous sommes le premier marché du monde, nous serons puissants lorsque nous voudrons l’être, nous avons les instruments de la puissance, alors utilisons-les! Nous avons mis en place un mécanisme de sanctions pour les droits humains, alors utilisons-le! J’ai même un premier nom, Chen Quanguo, le responsable en chef de la répression des Ouïgours, après avoir été celui de la répression des Tibétains. Les Anglais et les Canadiens ont banni de leur marché les produits de l’esclavage ouïgour, faisons de même! Qu’est ce qui nous empêche de faire cela?
Chers collègues, le commerce n’est pas une fin en soi, ce n’est qu’un moyen, alors mettons la puissance commerciale européenne au service de nos principes et de nos intérêts stratégiques. En bref, soyons des politiques et pas simplement des marchands et alors, alors seulement, serons-nous puissants.
Urmas Paet (Renew). – Madam President, the European Union still has some way to go in order to realise its full potential in world politics. All EU foreign policy instruments must work together: that is diplomacy, foreign trade policy, development cooperation, security and defence policy. The weakest link here is the EU defence policy, since it is only just developing. But without it, the whole picture is incomplete. Another important element is the willingness of the EU Member States to actually have a truly common EU foreign policy. This is not always the case. To speak of the latest examples, finding common ground in sanctioning the Lukashenko regime took too long. Disagreements in matters like Nord Stream 2 weaken the image. We are also still lacking a clear common approach as regards China, for example the continuation of the weird format of 17+1. So much needs to be done for EU to become a serious global player, but the ball is in our own hands.
Simona Baldassarre (ID). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, oggi sono qui per chiedere che quest'Aula prenda posizione su un business vergognoso da oltre 6 miliardi di dollari l'anno: la maternità surrogata.
Il tema è trasversale e non di parte: già lo scorso giugno, con i colleghi dell'Intergruppo per la demografia, abbiamo presentato una lettera alla Commissione per denunciare proprio questo neoschiavismo del terzo millennio.
Oggi voteremo su un emendamento, il numero 24 alla relazione annuale sui diritti umani, presentato grazie al supporto di molti di voi, con ben 42 firme di colleghi di paesi e gruppi politici diversi. Queste firme sono la dimostrazione evidente che la condanna della gravidanza per terzi non ha né deve avere colore politico.
Sono in gioco i diritti umani, la dignità e la libertà delle tante donne e dei tanti bambini che quotidianamente sono vittime dell'industria e del mercato della riproduzione. Un sistema che vede la donna, spesso giovane e vulnerabile, come un mero prodotto di mercato; vede il bambino come una merce da spedire ai committenti; vede la gravidanza e il parto come dei meccanismi commerciali da sfruttare. Inaccettabile.
La tanto sbandierata difesa della donna non può rimanere una parola vuota. Questo Parlamento, come ha già fatto nel 2011, nel 2015 e nel 2018, deve ribadire il suo "no" alla gestazione per conto terzi e ogni vostro voto consapevole sarà fondamentale.
Alviina Alametsä (Verts/ALE). – Madam President, the EU has all the possibilities to build peace and human rights and, if the EU does it well, we can prevent conflicts that force people to leave their homes as refugees. Building global stability should be the goal of every political group.
How do we do this? One solution is including young people, who form the majority of the population in many countries, in all decision-making and in building societies peacefully. And now, for the very first time, this annual report on the common security and defence policy acknowledges the role of youth in maintaining and promoting peace and security and implementation of related UN Resolution 2250. I hope that, in the next annual report, the Parliament is able to record progress in this.
Our Green Group also calls on the Member States to protect our societies by signing the new historic UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Joachim Stanisław Brudziński (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Głos Unii Europejskiej powinien być wyraźnie słyszalny wszędzie, gdzie ludzka godność i prawa człowieka są zagrożone. Tymczasem z niepokojem należy zauważyć pogarszającą się sytuację praw człowieka w Federacji Rosyjskiej, na Białorusi oraz na terytoriach Gruzji i Ukrainy, znajdujących się poza kontrolą władz w Kijowie i Tbilisi. Tereny takie jak Abchazja, Osetia, Krym od lat pozostają wbrew prawu międzynarodowemu w strefie wpływów putinowskiej Rosji.
Co robi Unia Europejska? Debatuje po raz kolejny nad ciekawymi sprawozdaniami, ale nic nie wnoszącymi do realnej polityki. Śmieszkuje się tutaj, na tej sali, i kpi z byłego prezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych, ale to on miał to, na co Hiszpanie mają znakomite określenie – ale z powodów oczywistych nie będę tego słowa przywoływał – aby realnie przeciwstawić się Chinom czy putinowskiej Rosji. A co w tym czasie robi Unia Europejska i jej urzędnicy? Ano publikują kolejne ciekawe rezolucje albo tak jak Niemcy wbrew solidarności europejskiej, wbrew solidarności energetycznej wraz z Putinem budują drugą nitkę gazociągu Nord Stream II.
Mislav Kolakušić (NI). – Poštovana potpredsjednice, proteklih skoro godinu dana svjedoci smo teškog kršenja temeljnih ljudskih prava, kako u državama članicama Europske unije tako i diljem svijeta. Krše se temeljna prava na rad, na slobodu kretanja, na idealnu i kvalitetnu zdravstvenu skrb, na slobodu govora. Uvedena su paradržavna tijela, parapolitička tijela, različiti nacionalni stožeri koji su, između ostalog, i protuustavni i oni donose odluke kojima se ukidaju temeljna ljudska prava. Tako nešto je nedopustivo. Krši se sloboda govora. Imamo privatne kompanije koje uvode cenzuru. Šutljiva većina jednostavno nema pristupa mainstream medijima. Istina postaje laž, a laž postaje istina. Šutljiva većina neko vrijeme može to trpjeti, ali neće cijelo vrijeme.
Eugen Tomac (PPE). – Doamnă președintă, domnule vicepreședinte Borrell, vreau și eu să salut astăzi eforturile imense pe care le face Uniunea Europeană pentru protejarea drepturilor omului în întreaga lume.
Salut că în acest raport pe care îl dezbatem acum este prevăzută și o situație legată de minoritățile naționale. Noi în acest Parlament am dezbătut mult despre cât de mult trebuie respectat statul de drept în Uniunea Europeană și am cerut ca finanțările să fie condiționate de respectarea statului de drept.
Vin, domnule vicepreședinte, și ridic aici, în plenul Parlamentului, următoarea întrebare: dacă putem condiționa partenerii noștri care sunt susținuți de Uniunea Europeană să respecte drepturile fundamentale ale omului prin prisma situației minorităților noastre naționale, pentru că avem un stat cu acord de asociere la Uniunea Europeană, cum este Ucraina, care începând de la 1 ianuarie al acestui an îngrădește accesul la educație în limba minorităților naționale care provin din rândul polonezilor, maghiarilor, bulgarilor sau românilor. În această țară avem o comunitate de peste 500 000 de români și sunt revoltat pentru că accesul la educație în limba maternă este îngrădit în această țară. Cred că trebuie să condiționăm aceste state de respectarea dreptului minorităților de a-și păstra propria identitate, limbă și acces la educație.
Νίκος Ανδρουλάκης (S&D). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, αγαπητέ κύριε Ύπατε, η κοινή εξωτερική και αμυντική πολιτική υπονομεύεται από τον κανόνα της ομοφωνίας, με αποτέλεσμα να περιορίζεται σε μια αέναη προσπάθεια εξεύρεσης ενός ελάχιστου κοινού παρονομαστή. Ζητήματα υψίστης γεωπολιτικής σημασίας απαιτούν καθαρές και γρήγορες αποφάσεις, και όχι να «βάζουμε κάτω από το χαλί» της αναβλητικότητας ό,τι δυσαρεστεί ορισμένους Ευρωπαίους ηγέτες. Χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα οι ευρωτουρκικές σχέσεις: παρά την αποσταθεροποίηση που προκαλεί η Τουρκία σε Ναγκόρνο Καραμπάχ, Συρία και Λιβύη, και βεβαίως τις συνεχείς παραβιάσεις στα κυριαρχικά δικαιώματα της Ελλάδας και της Κύπρου, οι αποφάσεις μετατίθενται συνεχώς από τον Αύγουστο για τον Οκτώβριο, μετά για τον Δεκέμβριο και τώρα για τον Μάρτιο.
Κύριε Borrell, στηρίζουμε τη θετική ατζέντα που προωθείτε, όμως, εκτός του «καρότου», στο επόμενο Ευρωπαϊκό Συμβούλιο του Μαρτίου πρέπει να καθορίσετε και το «μαστίγιο». Γιατί να συνεχίζονται οι πωλήσεις όπλων από ευρωπαϊκά κράτη προς την Τουρκία, όταν ακόμη και οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες σταματούν; Πριν από μερικούς μήνες, είχατε πει στην ολομέλεια ότι δεν θα γίνετε ο Πάπας Πίος Β΄. Το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο δεν σας ζήτησε ποτέ κάτι τέτοιο. Δεν θέλουμε, όμως, να εξελιχθείτε και σε Πόντιο Πιλάτο, κάνοντας ότι δεν βλέπετε... (η Πρόεδρος αφαιρεί τον λόγο από τον ομιλητή).
Petras Auštrevičius (Renew). – Madam President, actions which we take within the Union’s foreign security and defence policy grant a safer tomorrow for the people of the Union and beyond. Given the situation we find ourselves in today, I draw attention to two intertwined challenges: cyberattacks and disinformation.
The European Union is as strong as the strength of our institutions and public trust in them. The recent decision to establish the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre, which in my opinion should include a stand-by unit, will definitely contribute to protecting the essential infrastructure.
Disinformation is literally taking lives by turning people against COVID-19 vaccination. We must do better in refuting these lies and we need to step up in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Starting tomorrow, we might be able to restore trust in transatlantic cooperation and to rebuild the much-needed Western partnership. I am looking forward to watching this.
Jordan Bardella (ID). – Madame la Présidente, Dorian, Loïc, Yvonne, Quentin, Tanerii, voici les prénoms des cinq de nos soldats morts pour la France ces 30 derniers jours. Ils s’en vont rejoindre les 50 autres fils de France tombés au combat depuis 2013, dans le cadre des opérations Serval et Barkhane.
Nous sommes en guerre, l’Europe est en guerre contre le totalitarisme qui hait et veut détruire absolument tout ce que nous sommes: l’islamisme. Cet ennemi, il nous faut le combattre à l’intérieur de nos frontières, mais aussi en amont, à la racine du mal, notamment au Sahel et au Sahara, pour empêcher que ne se reconstitue un nouveau califat islamique aux portes de la Méditerranée.
Vous devez être conscients, mes chers collègues, qu’en frappant les groupes djihadistes là-bas, c’est aussi votre sécurité, celle de vos pays, celle de vos enfants qu’assurent 5 200 soldats de l’armée française. Car si nous avons bien une chose en commun ici au sein de ce Parlement, c’est l’appartenance à une civilisation commune et c’est précisément ces valeurs qu’ils veulent attaquer.
La France a une voix singulière à porter et à défendre sur la scène internationale, mais la France est aujourd’hui seule à payer le prix du sang pour combattre un ennemi commun sur un territoire aussi vaste que l’Europe. Ces sacrifices, vous ne pouvez les ignorer. Appuis humains, logistiques ou budgétaires, voilà autant d’initiatives à prendre par les États européens pour renforcer et soulager le fardeau de la France au Sahel.
Thomas Waitz (Verts/ALE). – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar! Ich beziehe mich auf den Bericht von Sven Mikser zur Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik, und ich danke ausdrücklich für die gute Zusammenarbeit. Es ist uns doch gelungen, die Nichtverbreitung von Atomwaffen unterzubringen oder kritische Reflektionen zu den Einsätzen in Mali und Sahel oder auch sogar ein Stück Text zur Abrüstung.
Dieser steht nur in einem krassen Gegensatz zu einem Zwei-Prozent-Verteidigungshaushalts-Ausgabenziel, das hier eingeführt werden soll. Ist das nicht der Versuch, hier ein NATO-Ziel von 2014 auf die gesamte Europäische Union umzulegen? Ist uns bewusst, dass sechs Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union Nicht-NATO—Mitglieder und neutrale Staaten sind? Und überhaupt: In Zeiten wie diesen brauchen wir jeden Euro, um Menschenleben zu retten, um Jobs zu retten, um neue grüne Jobs zu schaffen und um unsere Wirtschaft wieder auf die Beine zu bringen. Gerade im Lichte der EU als Friedensnobelpreisträgerin ersuche ich Sie und fordere Sie auf: Stimmen Sie mit uns gegen das Zwei-Prozent-Ausgabenziel für Rüstungs- und Verteidigungsausgaben!
Jadwiga Wiśniewska (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Sprawozdanie o polityce Unii Europejskiej wobec praw człowieka nie diagnozuje i nie opisuje wielu ważnych problemów. Poprawność polityczna bierze niestety górę nad faktami. Nie dziwi zatem, że sprawozdanie pomija kwestię prześladowania chrześcijan. Przecież Unia Europejska wszelkimi sposobami odcina się od europejskiego dziedzictwa chrześcijańskiego, a to przecież 80% prześladowań religijnych dotyczy właśnie chrześcijan. Wiele z nich ma niestety charakter ludobójstwa. 250 mln chrześcijan żyje w różnych formach dyskryminacji.
Kolejna, bardzo ważna, kwestia dotyczy ochrony praw kobiet i dzieci. Chcę powiedzieć o surogacji, która jest współczesną formą niewolnictwa, handlu ludźmi, jest inżynierią społeczną, gdzie dziecko staje się towarem. Upokarza zarówno dziecko, jak i kobiety. Dlatego też apeluję do Parlamentu Europejskiego o poparcie poprawek w tych ważnych kwestiach. Dajcie, państwo, świadectwo prawdzie!
Andrius Kubilius (PPE). – Madam President, globally, last year was an important year from a democracy point of view. From one side we have seen that democracy was spreading in the Eastern Part of the European Continent. From Minsk to Chabarovsk, people started to demand change. The authoritarian regimes of Lukashenko and Putin are afraid of free elections. That is why Babaryka, Tikhanovskaya, Kalesnikava and now Navalny were arrested, and some of them poisoned. From another side, we have also witnessed how people of Hong Kong defended their democracy tradition against the brutality of the authoritarian Beijing regime.
We are living through a time when authoritarian regimes are testing democracies. Are they able to defend the people’s right for democracy? And that is why for us during this year, the biggest task will be to stand up and to defend democracy on the European continent and globally. And this is why tomorrow we shall celebrate not only the inauguration of the new US President Joe Biden, but also the return of the US to global democracy, defence and promotion. I call on all of us on the European side during this year to join the fight for the future of democracy.
Javi López (S&D). – Señora presidenta, señor alto representante, hoy lo que querría hacer es reivindicar los dos principios rectores que, a mi modo de ver, deberían guiar la acción exterior para los siguientes años en la política de la Unión Europea.
En primer lugar, multilateralismo y, luego, autonomía estratégica. Dos principios que son dos caras de la misma moneda. Multilateralismo reforzado y eficaz para desplegar nuestra agenda: la protección de los derechos humanos, una globalización justa e inclusiva, la igualdad de género o el combate contra el cambio climático. Y, obviamente, defendiendo un mundo basado en normas y en el diálogo.
Y, al mismo tiempo, autonomía estratégica. Autonomía estratégica, que no es más que ser autónomos en nuestras posiciones, con capacidades propias para ser defendidas. Algunas decisiones de los últimos años, como la cooperación reforzada en materia de defensa, son un buen ejemplo.
Es obvio que esta semana van a llegar cambios esperanzadores en Washington, pero quisiera reivindicar y pedir que la Unión Europea continuara desplegando su propio camino, porque es cierto que Trump se va, pero nadie nos asegura que no haya nuevos «Trumps» en el futuro.
Željana Zovko (PPE). – Madam President, I would like to thank the rapporteur David McAllister for this excellent report on the common foreign security policy. In this volatile world, we need a European Union that is more vocal in mediation and peaceful resolutions of ongoing frozen conflicts. We witnessed that in South Caucasus. Moreover, we must help our partners in capacity-building for peace and security in Africa. We must rebuild our Transatlantic relations with the new Administration, based on a common interest in foreign and security policy, while working on our strategic autonomy. Finally, I will end on a personal note. 25 years ago, one of the most televised wars on European soil ended in a peace agreement in the American base in Ohio. To end this war, Croatia offered itself to its American partners to do the dirty job on the ground, in order to prevent another carnage that was menacing the town of Bihać after Srebrenica. The West Balkan Summit tried to focus European attention back to this region. As a frontier country and member of NATO, Croatia was vigilant regarding its responsibilities in this respect.
Elena Yoncheva (S&D). – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur Borrell, je salue le rapport annuel sur la politique de sécurité de défense commune, qui est un formidable outil de l’Union européenne renforçant son rôle de promoteur et de gardien du multilatéralisme. Dans le monde d’aujourd’hui, notre contexte de sécurité est malheureusement instable en raison du grand nombre de problèmes de sécurité, anciens et nouveaux.
Ce rapport aborde ces défis qui existent dans la compétitivité industrielle et militaire de l’Union européenne et dans la recherche et le développement. À cet égard, je rappelle une fois de plus le rôle crucial des initiatives de défense commune de l’Union européenne. Ces initiatives contribuent non seulement à renforcer une coopération et une intégration durables et efficaces en matière de défense mais contribuent également à maximiser l’efficacité des dépenses de défense de l’Union européenne.
Par conséquent, fournir des moyens suffisants pour mener à bien ces initiatives conjointes est le moyen le plus simple de s’assurer que nous aurons le progrès que nous aimerions voir.
André Rougé (ID). – Madame la Présidente, chers collègues, sous la présidence de Jacques Chirac, que j'ai eu le privilège de servir, la France s'est honorée en reconnaissant l'esclavage comme crime contre l'humanité. Dans son rapport, notre collègue Santos appelle une réponse internationale plus forte pour lutter contre l'esclavage moderne et la traite des êtres humains. Elle a raison. Malheureusement c'est le laxisme de l'Union européenne pour lutter contre ces trafics d'êtres humains qui encourage le sinistre commerce des passeurs et alimente une immigration irrégulière et massive vers l'Europe.
Souvent exploités par des réseaux de passeurs et des entreprises sans scrupules, sans autre ressource légales, beaucoup de ces migrants ne survivent que grâce à la délinquance et sont condamnés à errer dans nos villes et dans nos campagnes, souvent contre la volonté des habitants. Cette réalité doit interpeller les dirigeants européens qui font croire qu'une politique d'accueil généreuse possible.
Le premier ministre socialiste Michel Rocard déclarait en son temps que la France ne peut pas accueillir toute la misère du monde. Il en va de même pour l'Europe. Contre ces insupportables forme modernes d'esclavage, l'Union européenne doit fermement combattre les filières d'immigration et farouchement contrôler ses frontières.
Stelios Kympouropoulos (PPE). – Madam President, to protect, support and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms everywhere and anywhere. Nevertheless, the national authorities are ever present. People that speak out about human rights violations, journalists and media workers, even educators, are threatened, and women’s and children’s human rights are being violated.
Looking at our neighbour in the east we cannot help but underline the importance of a fair and unburdened judicial branch to safeguard and promote the fundamental human rights of our citizens as well as the utmost importance of enabling a free space for civil society for the democratic governance of any state. In this regard, I would like to personally work on the efforts made by the Council, working towards a possible EU global human rights sanctions regime to tackle serious human rights violations worldwide committed by state and non—state actors.
Nacho Sánchez Amor (S&D). – Señora presidenta, señor Borrell, quiero agradecer el trabajo de los colegas McAllister, Santos y Mikser.
Un elemento esencial de nuestra política exterior —lo ha dicho usted— es la promoción de nuestros valores: la extensión de las libertades, del Estado de Derecho, la construcción de democracias maduras y la lucha contra el autoritarismo. Y nuestros principales instrumentos —al menos de momento, vamos a ver lo que puede dar de sí el esquema Magnitsky— son los acuerdos comerciales y el soft power, a la espera de lo que usted ha llamado «el lenguaje del poder», que hay que desarrollar y que requerirá nuevos desarrollos europeos en diplomacia, defensa y seguridad.
Pero hay que analizar un profundo cambio que puede minar nuestros esfuerzos: el europeo está dejando de ser el modelo para los países en transición, para los regímenes iliberales y para las democracias incipientes. Hasta ahora, esos regímenes nos pedían tiempo para adaptarse, pero no cuestionaban que nosotros éramos el modelo. Ahora se sienten mucho más seguros en la construcción de lo que llaman «su modelo de democracia», muy lejos de nuestros estándares, pero siempre intentando acudir a una apariencia de legitimación democrática con elecciones que no suelen ser libres y justas.
Este cambio erosiona nuestra capacidad para influir y nos debilita como exportadores de democracia. Y nos obliga a repensar nuestro sistema para sumar una diplomacia plenamente europea —no construida con retazos estatales— y una renovación de los mecanismos de observación electoral.
Λουκάς Φουρλάς (PPE). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, κύριε Borrell, η εφαρμογή όλων των πολιτικών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης θα πρέπει να βασίζεται στην προάσπιση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων και της δημοκρατίας. Είναι καθήκον της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης να προστατεύσει τα παιδιά και τις γυναίκες που υπόκεινται στις μεγαλύτερες αδικίες· να ενισχύσει την ελευθερία της έκφρασης και να υπερασπιστεί τους δημοσιογράφους που εκφοβίζονται και δολοφονούνται παγκοσμίως· να προστατεύσει αυτούς που καταδιώκονται για τις πεποιθήσεις τους ή τη θρησκεία τους ή την ταυτότητά τους. Οφείλουμε να υπερασπιστούμε τους υπέρμαχους των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων σε όλο τον κόσμο.
Κύριε Borrell, στην Τουρκία το αυταρχικό καθεστώς φυλακίζει παράνομα αντιφρονούντες, απομακρύνει εκλεγμένους αξιωματούχους, καταπιέζει βασικές ελευθερίες των πολιτών και προκαλεί συγκρούσεις με άλλες χώρες. Σας καλούμε να υπερασπιστείτε τα θεμελιώδη δικαιώματα που καταπατούνται κατά κόρον από τον Ερντογάν, τόσο στην Τουρκία όσο και στις γειτονικές χώρες. Έχουμε υποχρέωση, ως Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, να το πράξουμε.
Tonino Picula (S&D). – Poštovana potpredsjednice, dan uoči inauguracije novoizabranog američkog predsjednika Bidena očekivanja su velika, ali izazovi su još veći. Trumpova administracija aktivno je hladila naše odnose i oni se ne mogu popraviti preko noći. Bit će potrebno puno političke volje i rada pogotovo u suočavanju sa zajedničkim problemima. U izvješću o stanju zajedničke vanjske politike bilo je riječi i o zapadnom Balkanu. Regiji trebamo pomoći cjepivom u borbi protiv virusa i podrškom procesu proširenja. Pandemija ne poznaje granice. Europska unija mora pružiti pomoć najbližim susjedima kao i zemljama u razvoju. Glede izvješća o Zajedničkoj sigurnosnoj i obrambenoj politici pozdravljam politički sporazum o Europskom fondu za obranu. On će unaprijediti našu sposobnost djelovanja, razviti konkurentnost naše industrije, poboljšati istraživanja te razviti zajedničke kapacitete. To služi interesima Unije i našim ambicijama za većom strateškom autonomijom u ovim nesigurnim vremenima. Obnovljeno transatlantsko partnerstvo može doprinijeti očekivanom jačanju naše zajedničke vanjske sigurnosne i obrambene politike na globalnoj razini, kao i razvoju strateškog kompasa Europske unije. Ipak strateški ciljevi i političke smjernice tek trebaju biti definirani. Nakon što nas je 2020. suočila s novim prijetnjama, ova godina mora biti obilježena s više opreza, sigurnosti i suradnje. Suradnja s partnerima koji dijele naše vrijednosti je i najbolji odgovor na globalne izazove, posebno na sustavno kršenje ljudskih prava širom svijeta na što izvješće kolegice Santos ispravno upozorava.
Vladimír Bilčík (PPE). – Vážená pani predsedajúca. V prvom rade sa chcem poďakovať veľmi pekne všetkým trom spravodajcom za dobre pripravené správy. Začiatkom minulého roka sme mali veľké očakávania vo vzťahu k zahraničnej politike Európskej únie. Očakávali sme, že naozaj budeme zohrávať úlohy, ktoré súvisia s cieľom geopolitickej komisie, geopolitickej únie. Všetko však zmenila zásadným spôsobom pandémia. V dôsledku pandémie pociťujeme oveľa intenzívnejšie geopolitické rivality v našom susedstve. Oveľa viac zápasíme s Ruskou federáciou, s Čínou, s Tureckom v našom bezprostrednom susedstve. Takisto dezinformácie sa stali oveľa väčšou súčasťou našej zahraničnej politiky a problémom úspešnej zahraničnej politiky Európskej únie. A v neposlednom rade, aj udalosti u nášho najväčšieho transatlantického partnera ukazujú, že demokracia ako taká je krehká. Potrebujeme naozaj v zahraničnej politike zabojovať o naše hodnoty a potrebujeme tak urobiť veľmi účinne v našom bezprostrednom susedstve, kde musíme byť opäť vplyvným hráčom. A to sa týka zvlášť politiky rozšírenia. Rozšírenie bolo vždy najúspešnejšou zahraničnou politikou Európskej únie a nesmie sa stať obeťou bilaterálnych a historických sporov. Pre pár stromov musíme vidieť celý les. Európska únia musí byť schopná meniť svoje susedstvo, pretože tak ukáže, že je silná ako jeden projekt, ktorý stojí na pevných hodnotách. A tieto hodnoty musia byť aj hodnotami, ktoré vieme presadzovať za našimi hranicami, na západnom Balkáne, v našom susedstve.
Sunčana Glavak (PPE). – Poštovana potpredsjednice, krizne situacije pa i ova s Covidom neposredno utječu na globalne promjene u svakom smislu, što pokazuje i ovo izvješće, kako na geopolitičkoj razini, tako na gospodarskoj nužno se reflektirajući i na područje ljudskih prava, ali i dosegnutih demokratskih standarda. Doba kriza plodno su tlo za zanemarivanje brojnih vrijednosti na kojima se baziraju naša demokratska društva, ali i za populizam, autoritativnost koji izlaze na površinu. Preispitivanje onog što se događa u pozadini aktualne pandemijske krize mora osvijestiti našu ulogu u jačanju Europe, zajedničkom djelovanju i štitu europskih vrijednosti i interesa. S krizom nisu nestala sva ostala pitanja: neravnopravnost, migracije, kršenje ljudskih prava, klimatski izazovi, zanemarivanje brojnih ranjivih skupina, ograničavanje građanskog i demokratskog prostora, prijetnje, siromaštvo, dezinformacije. To ne smije biti ponovljena slika svijeta kakvu smo vidjeli u 2019. godini. Završit ću jer smatram posebno važnim i jačanje napora u promicanju i zaštiti ekonomskih, socijalnih i kulturnih prava putem vanjske politike i vanjskog djelovanja Europske unije učinkovitim korištenjem klauzula o ljudskim pravima iz međunarodnih sporazuma. To su naši vektori trajnih promjena.
Rasa Juknevičienė (PPE). – Madam President, the report recalls the ambition of the EU to be a global actor for peace and security. I agree. How to achieve that? Europe is more than the EU. Until Europe becomes a continent of democracies, nations will suffer from dictators who poison and shoot people on the streets. Europe needs democracies in the Western Balkans and in the Eastern Neighbourhood. We see that people no longer support Kremlin-controlled regimes.
Belarus and Moldova want transparent and democratic government. Ukraine and Georgia have decided even earlier. Finally, the EU must show its strategic ambition and, together with the new US Administration, become an important factor in the Eastern Neighbourhood.
‘Do not be afraid’, Pope John Paul II told the Poles. We must not be afraid either. The best strategy for our own security is to contain brutal regimes and give a European perspective for our neighbours.
Francisco José Millán Mon (PPE). – Señora presidenta, señor alto representante, yo quiero dar las gracias en primer lugar al ponente, el señor McAllister, por su informe, que pone de manifiesto la importancia que este Parlamento otorga a la cada vez más necesaria política exterior de la Unión.
Son muchos los temas en los que me gustaría detenerme: vecindad sur, América Latina, el Sahel. Pero hoy estamos en un momento especial para el futuro de nuestras relaciones con los Estados Unidos. En efecto, tras unos años de debilitamiento de la relación, no exenta de algunas tensiones, ahora podemos intensificar el diálogo con la nueva Administración en Washington y llegar a una agenda de trabajo compartida y ambiciosa en la que los europeos asumamos también nuestra responsabilidad.
¿Por qué no incluir en esta agenda bilateral el relajamiento de las negociaciones de un acuerdo transatlántico comercial y de inversiones? Estamos en una coyuntura particularmente grave: la crisis de la COVID, con sus duraderas secuelas económicas y sociales. El acuerdo supondría un impulso a la recuperación económica y sería también un mensaje a China de que los socios occidentales vuelven a trabajar juntos para reforzar su relación y fijar también nuevas reglas útiles para el comercio mundial.
Λευτέρης Χριστοφόρου (PPE). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, κύριε Ύπατε Εκπρόσωπε της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, έχω την ισχυρή πεποίθηση ότι δεν νοείται ισχυρή Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση χωρίς την ύπαρξη ισχυρής ενιαίας άμυνας, ασφάλειας και ευρωστρατού. Άλλωστε, δεν είναι τυχαίο ότι οι ίδιες οι Συνθήκες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, η Συνθήκη του Άμστερνταμ, η Συνθήκη της Λισαβόνας, καθώς και η Σύνοδος Κορυφής του Ελσίνκι του 1999 προέβλεπαν άμυνα και ασφάλεια και μάλιστα ζήτησαν τότε τη δημιουργία μιας μονάδας ταχείας επέμβασης εξήντα χιλιάδων στρατιωτών.
Για αυτόν τον λόγο, είναι για εμάς αδιανόητο και απαράδεκτο σήμερα, χωρίς την ενιαία άμυνα και ασφάλεια, κράτη μέλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης να συνεχίζουν να πωλούν όπλα σε χώρες οι οποίες παραβιάζουν τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα αλλά και την κυριαρχία κρατών μελών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, όπως είναι η Ελλάδα και η Κύπρος. Για εμένα καθίσταται αδιανόητο ότι οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες έχουν την τόλμη και το θάρρος να επιβάλουν κυρώσεις στην Τουρκία, ενώ η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση όχι μόνο δεν επιβάλει κυρώσεις στην Τουρκία, που συνεχίζει τις παραβιάσεις και τις προκλήσεις από το Ναγκόρνο Καραμπάχ μέχρι τη Μεσόγειο, αλλά συνεχίζει να την στηρίζει οικονομικά, να την χρηματοδοτεί και να την θεωρεί και εταίρο.
Πιστεύω, κύριε Borrell, ότι σε εσάς επαφίεται να αναλάβετε αυτήν την πρωτοβουλία για ισχυρή άμυνα και ασφάλεια και να στείλετε το μήνυμα ότι η ισχυρή Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση δεν ανέχεται συμπεριφορές όπως αυτή της Τουρκίας.
Miriam Lexmann (PPE). – Madam President, freedom of religion and belief is an inalienable human right and yet it is in peril across the world. Freedom of religion is also an important indicator of the state of other rights and freedoms and thus an important part of supporting freedom, democracy and prosperity across the globe.
From the Xinjiang region of China to the Middle East or countries across Africa, such as Mozambique, Ethiopia and Nigeria, freedom of religion continues to be under constant severe threat, be it from the Islamist fundamentalists or other radical groups, the Chinese Communist Party or other authoritarian regimes, or from the far left or far right of the political spectrum.
Persecution based on religion or belief contributes to the unprecedented level of migration facing Europe, and hundreds of thousands of people are uprooted. According to the organisation Open Doors, in the past year there has been a 60% increase in the number of Christians killed for their faith. Supporting the freedom of religion and belief and religious tolerance more broadly is therefore key to addressing many of the challenges we are facing today.
It is also why, together with other colleagues from this House, we continue to call on the European Commission to renew the post of the EU Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief as soon as possible so that the EU is a leading voice in defending those whose rights and freedoms continue to be violated. As the situation worsens, the current pandemic and its consequences do not merely make our leadership more pressing; it makes it absolutely necessary.
Josep Borrell Fontelles,Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, I would like to thank all the honourable Members. I am very much aware that it’s very late. We have been accumulating delays and I have also contributed to that because I was too long in my first intervention.
I am not going to try to answer all the questions that you have put in your interventions. I have to summarise by saying that, overall, all in all, I think we can be relatively satisfied by what we have achieved in 2020. I will not make hyperbolic declarations about how well we have been doing on everything, because I am very much aware that we have to do more. I prefer to say that we have to do more and better.
But, at the same time, let’s value what we have done on the CFSP, CSDP and human rights. COVID has accelerated changes in the international landscape and this means that we have to continue working on our strategic autonomy. This only means a capacity to act, nothing more and nothing less, working with partners – and tomorrow we will have a new and important partner – reinforcing multilateralism, and remaining multilateral and autonomous – autonomous when it’s needed, and together with others when we can.
In these efforts the European Parliament has played, and will continue to play, an important role. I thank all of you for your contributions, and I continue to count on you to push forward the agenda of building a security and foreign policy for the European Union and to protect human rights worldwide.
Przewodnicząca. – Zamykam debatę łączną.
Głosowanie nad poprawkami odbędzie się dzisiaj. Głosowanie końcowe odbędzie się w środę 20 stycznia 2020 r.
Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 171)
Sandra Kalniete (PPE), in writing. – The European Union continues to encounter multi-faced threats to its regional security and the annual CSDP report of 2020 provides a comprehensive summary of the current global issues. The report reflects on and sets main goals for the CSDP accentuating the need to increase the EU`s resilience and preparedness. I want to highlight that international society must keep a unified standing and continue to condemn Russia`s military intervention and illegal annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and the keeping of the frozen conflict in Moldova. We strongly disapprove of Russian violations of international law, attempts to destabilise the region and oppression of opposition. I support the need to introduce more robust strategy and endorse the necessity to proactively counter aggressive and malicious disinformation campaigns coming from third countries and non-state actors. Attention must be paid to the fact that EU is witnessing an unprecedented scale of state-sponsored disinformation campaigns in the Eastern Neighbourhood countries and other regions. This calls for a need to also strengthen the mandate of the EEAS Strategic Communication team to address foreign interference. I will express strong support to the annual CSDP report with my vote.
Valdemar Tomaševski (ECR), raštu. – Šiandien norėčiau pabrėžti svarbų europarlamentarės Santos pranešimą, nes žmogaus teisių ir demokratijos klausimas pasaulyje yra svarbi Europos Sąjungos politikos dalis. Tai įtakoja tarptautinius santykius, o taip pat yra atskaitos taškas Bendrijos vidaus santykiuose. Krizė, kurią sukėlė pasaulinė COVID-19 pandemija, ir tai, kaip šalys į ją reagavo, sumažino ekonominio ir teisinio saugumo jausmą, ypač silpniausių ir labiausiai atstumtų grupių atveju. Tai sukėlė tarptautinių santykių krizę. Be to, labai pakenkė veiklai, susijusiai su pagarba žmogaus teisėms. Pandemijos sukelta krizė paskatino daugelį šalių imtis priemonių, kurios apribojo pilietines laisves. Atsirado pagrįstų abejonių dėl jų būtinumo, proporcingumo ir nediskriminacinio pobūdžio. Ypač nerimą kelia religinių ir tikėjimo laisvių pažeidimas. Nepamirškime, kad svarbi žmogaus teisių dalis yra ir tautinių mažumų, ypač vietinių, teisės, kurių negalima nei apriboti, nei kaip nors pažeisti, o tai, deja, vyksta daugelyje pasaulio šalių bei Europos Sąjungoje. Todėl naujausia Europos iniciatyva „Minority SafePack“, kuriai pritarė daugiau nei milijonas piliečių ir kurioje aktyviai dalyvavo Vilniaus regiono lenkai, turėtų tapti teisinių sprendimų pavyzdžiu tautinių mažumų teisių apsaugos srityje Europoje ir pasaulyje, nes teisė išlaikyti savo tautinį, kalbinį ir kultūrinį identitetą yra neatimama žmogaus teisė.