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Torsdag den 11. marts 2021 - Bruxelles Revideret udgave

8. Respekt for partnerskabsprincippet ved forberedelsen og gennemførelsen af nationale genopretnings- og resiliensplaner og sikring af god regeringsførelse i forbindelse med budgetudgifterne (forhandling)
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  Przewodnicząca. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest oświadczenie Komisji w sprawie poszanowania zasady partnerstwa przy przygotowywaniu i wdrażaniu krajowych planów odbudowy i odporności oraz zapewnienia dobrego zarządzania wydatkami (2021/2583(RSP)).


  Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President of the Commission. – Madam President, it’s a pleasure to address this House on the recovery and resilience facility (RRF), which, as this House knows, is a powerful and ambitious tool for bringing about sustainable and inclusive recovery in Europe.

The Commission is currently engaging very intensively with Member States to help them improve and finalise as quickly as possible their recovery and resilience plans. In this context, I would like to thank you for highlighting the important issues of the partnership principle and governance.

The implementation of plans will only be successful with strong Member State ownership, as well as support from social partners and civil society at every stage of the process. The Commission, therefore, attached great importance to stakeholder involvement, as we already made clear in the annual sustainable growth strategy back in September.

Thanks to the efforts of co-legislators, the RRF Regulation contains strong provisions in this regard. Member States’ plans will need to include summaries of consultations with relevant stakeholders, for example with local and regional authorities, social partners, civil society organisations and youth organisations. And it’s not just a matter of carrying out the consultations; Member States will also need to explain how their plans reflect stakeholders’ contributions.

Given the scope and also the facility, this is only logical. For instance, Member States will need to explain how their plans contribute to enhancing cohesion, taking into account local, regional and national disparities. Strong ownership will be crucial for the facility to be a success. A strong governance structure will be important as well. It is Member States which are responsible for preparing and implementing their recovery and resilience plans, and payments will be made to them. However, it will be vital to involve local and regional authorities, social partners and civil society in putting plans into practice in the years ahead. This will play a key role in helping to translate ambitious objectives into concrete policy initiatives that will benefit people and businesses on the ground.

Honourable Members, the European Parliament will also have an important role to play in the governance of the facility. The Commission is looking forward to starting the recovery and resilience dialogues. We stand by our commitment to take into account the views expressed through these dialogues. We have also started work on delegated acts for the scoreboard, the common indicators and the methodology report on social expenditure under that facility.

I would also like to say a few words on the sound management of the funds committed under the facility. As this House knows well, the RRF is a performance-based instrument. This means that Member States will receive funds once they reach agreed milestones and targets as put forward in their plans and the Council implementing decisions. The performance-based nature of the facility is a primary and robust guarantee of sound financial management.

In addition, the Commission will assess Member States’ monitoring and control systems, which they will need to explain in their plans, and Member States will need to provide with each payment request a management declaration and a summary of audits carried out at national level, attesting to the fact that all checks and precautions have taken place.

These steps will be carried out openly and transparently, providing an opportunity to flag possible cases of serious irregularities, firstly before the RRF coordinators in each Member State, who will be obliged to examine if any irregularities took place, and secondly before the Commission, OLAF or the European Public Prosecutor, which have the powers to investigate and assess all relevant national records and data. As a last resort, the Commission will be able to reduce and recover any amounts affected by serious irregularities that have not been corrected by the Member State concerned.

In summary, we are confident that all these mechanisms, when applied together, will ensure the sound and correct use of funds committed under the RRF.

Honourable Members, let me conclude here and thank you for your attention. I look forward to your discussion today.


  Siegfried Mureşan, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Madam President, I would like to welcome Vice—President Dombrovskis back to the European Parliament.

Dear colleagues, more than one month ago, we approved with an overwhelming majority the recovery and resilience facility here in the European Parliament. Here we have fulfilled our mission to make sure that money reaches people, enterprises and regions affected by the pandemic.

Now it is the responsibility of Member States to make sure that they access this money fast. The first and most important thing which Member States have to do is to ratify the decision on own resources so that the Commission is given the permission to go to the markets and borrow money.

I would like to appeal to all national governments and parliaments not to delay the ratification of the own resources decision. Now is not the time to play domestic politics in delaying the ratification of the own resources decision, because this can delay the implementation of the recovery and resilience facility for the whole of the European Union.

This is why I call upon all pro-European groups here in the European Parliament to clearly instruct our national parties, irrespective of whether they are in government or whether they are in opposition, to facilitate a quick ratification of the own resources decision – this is the first and most important thing that national Member States have to do.

Secondly, they have to put forward their plans. We here in the European Parliament are ready to make full use of our right to scrutinise these plans, exactly along the lines also described by the Vice-President, including on whether local and regional authorities, the civil society, were properly involved.

We are looking forward to this work, to make sure that money is well spent, that investments and reforms are incentivised, and that Europe comes out of this pandemic stronger, also due to the recovery and resilience facility.


  Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, en nombre del Grupo S&D. – Señora presidenta, señor vicepresidente Dombrovskis, en el debate que acabamos de tener sobre el Estado de Derecho, empezaba diciendo que hay mucha expectación por la puesta en marcha del Reglamento. Y la verdad es que, cuando hablamos del Plan de Recuperación, yo diría que tenemos casi ansiedad, porque hemos trabajado intensamente en este Parlamento para conseguir un acuerdo y para que el Plan vea la luz lo antes posible y, sobre todo, para que el dinero llegue ya a nuestros países, tan azotados por la pandemia.

Pusimos muchos requisitos para estar seguros de que este Plan va a tener mucho éxito, y espero que todos los Estados miembros y la Comisión estén haciendo todo lo posible para lograr ese éxito.

Uno de esos requisitos que, para nosotros, para mi grupo, era prioritario era que se entablara un diálogo con regiones, con ayuntamientos, con sindicatos, con organizaciones de la sociedad civil. Esto es fundamental para asegurar la coherencia de un plan nacional pero que haga partícipes a todos los participantes, valga la redundancia. Por eso me gustaría saber qué valoración hace la Comisión Europea sobre esa cooperación que deben tener los Estados miembros con los diferentes niveles de la Administración.

Otro de los requisitos fue el establecimiento de diferentes indicadores, y, por lo tanto, me gustaría saber cómo va la Comisión trabajando en ese scoreboard.

Y, por último, el Reglamento: hemos establecido un diálogo con la Comisión para poder hacer un seguimiento del Plan de Recuperación, pero hasta que tengamos esa primera reunión, evidentemente, este Parlamento tiene que seguir desempeñando su función de control sobre la Comisión Europea. Así que me gustaría que nos cuente cómo ven ustedes los Planes de Recuperación y que nos haga una evaluación general del trabajo que se está haciendo de los Estados miembros.


  Katalin Cseh, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Madam President, local authorities and civil society need to have a say in the allocation of the recovery funds. The regulation is crystal clear about that. This is a guarantee to ensure that crisis relief reaches those communities who need it the most.

That is the reason why this Parliament and Renew Europe fought so hard for this provision because this money, the recovery money, belongs to the struggling citizens and businesses and is not for another luxury mansion for a well-connected oligarch or for another business opportunity for Viktor Orbán’s son—in—law.

But we see that this provision on a piece of paper is not enough. We need implementation and we need enforcement, and this is where the problems start. Local leaders and mayors all across Hungary are sounding the alarm that they have not even seen the recovery plan, that they are kept in the dark and that nobody asks them about the needs of their constituents.

The message these leaders are sending to the Commission is that they are worried that the recovery plan will be used as an instrument of political favouritism. All across Hungary, we are witnessing opposition—led municipalities being kept at a disadvantage when it comes to crisis relief, and they are afraid that the recovery fund will be yet another one of these stories. We cannot allow that.

These leaders are pleading to the Commission just about wanting to enforce the law. So I’m asking you, Vice—president, what efforts the Commission is actually making to ensure that Member States adhere to their consultation requirements? And why have these efforts, if there were any, not been successful so far?

Vice—President, anti—corruption guarantees need to be enforced before handing out the money to governments, especially to governments with a proven track record of fraud. Vice—President, the time to act is now. This Parliament demands this from you.


  Joachim Kuhs, im Namen der ID-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Guten Tag, Herr Kommissar, meine Damen und Herren! Es ist schon ein kühnes Unterfangen, den Wiederaufbaufonds mit 750 Milliarden Euro unters Volk zu bringen, und jetzt kommt noch ein weiteres dazu.

Sie wollen, dass die nationalen Wiederaufbaupläne gemacht werden, und da müssen unglaublich viele bürokratische Hürden überwunden werden. Glauben Sie wirklich, dass Sie das schaffen, dass Sie dieses Mammutprojekt, das zu einem Bürokratiemonster zu werden droht, dass Sie das bewältigen?

Sie schaffen das nur, wenn Sie hier auch eine klare Kontrolle einrichten. Und es kann nur funktionieren, wenn die Gelder, die verteilt werden über ein Programm, das in allen Mitgliedsstaaten einheitlich angewendet wird, wenn es dann damit kontrolliert werden kann – sonst werden Sie scheitern.


  Ernest Urtasun, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, I would say to the Vice-President that I think we are all aware that cities are playing a crucial role in the middle of the pandemic. They are at the forefront of fighting the social consequences of the pandemic, but they are also at the forefront of a transformation towards a more digital and sustainable society. We can see, for instance, in my city, in Barcelona, where the urban transformation, the mobility transformation is really leading the way towards a carbon neutral economy.

That is why, Mr Vice-President, we absolutely need cities to play a crucial role in the recovery plans. I’m a bit worried to hear from Eurocities that 70% of cities are not satisfied with how national governments are dealing with that and including them in the dialogue. I want to be clear on that. Parliament wanted cities to be involved, and in the regulation, Article 15 is crystal clear. What we as a Parliament also wanted and was approved was for cities to have a role, to be consulted and also to be included in the implementation of the national plans.

My message to you, Mr Vice-President, is that we have a problem with the involvement today of cities and we need that the Commission asks and urges the Member States to comply with what the regulation states about this.


  Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová, za skupinu ECR. – Vážená pani predsedajúca, ako europoslankyňa zo Slovenska mám svoje dôvody nato, aby som v úvode svojho vystúpenia pozdravila odborníkov z Európskej liekovej agentúry a poďakovala sa im za ich nezávislosť pri posudzovaní jednotlivých vakcín. A teraz k veci.

Národné plány obnovy presahujú volebné obdobie, a predovšetkým tie krajiny, ktoré nemajú v politickej kultúre kontinuitu a každé volebné obdobie začínajú od nuly, musia pri plánoch dosiahnuť absolútnu širokú spoločenskú zhodu vrátane sociálnych partnerov a vrátane širokej občianskej spoločnosti. Posledná platba z obrovského balíka peňazí príde na členské štáty 31. decembra 2026. Času je málo, tých peňazí je veľmi veľa a zobudiť by sa mali najmä tie členské štáty, ktoré dlhodobo nedokážu čerpať európske zdroje, a to kvôli prehnanej byrokracii a kvôli tomu, že na každého žiadateľa pozerajú ako na potenciálneho zlodeja, pretože sa nedokázali doteraz systematicky vyrovnať s korupciou pri eurofondoch. Ako predsedníčka Výboru pre zamestnanosť dohliadnem na to, aby investície a reformy prispeli k spravodlivej obnove po kríze a aby sa dostali predovšetkým k tým, ktorí boli krízou najviac zasiahnutí.


  José Gusmão, em nome do Grupo The Left. – Senhora Presidente, é muito importante que a implementação dos planos de recuperação seja pensada e executada em conjunto com as autarquias e os parceiros sociais. Isto consta do regulamento que aqui aprovámos e é um princípio de boa governação.

Parece-me, no entanto, importante clarificar que essa boa governação resulta do funcionamento dos parceiros sociais e dos poderes democráticos nacionais. Não deve ser confundida, do nosso ponto de vista, com o significado que esta expressão teve no passado, nomeadamente a interferência das equipas técnicas, que a Comissão Europeia quer enviar para os diversos países, nas escolhas políticas que só às autoridades nacionais democraticamente eleitas cabe fazer.

É, por isso, importante esclarecer qual é o mandato das equipas técnicas associadas a este fundo de recuperação e se haverá novamente, como houve no passado, pressões sobre governos democraticamente eleitos para implementar estas políticas em vez de outras. Tivemos em Portugal muita experiência com o que a Comissão Europeia chama de boa governação. Fomos, inclusivamente, elogiados pela nossa disciplina na implementação dessa boa governação e o resultado foi a maior recessão da nossa história democrática, o desemprego e a pobreza a disparar e o rácio da dívida pública a aumentar. Se é para isso, mais vale que as equipas técnicas fiquem em Bruxelas onde causam menos estrago.


  José Manuel Fernandes (PPE). – Senhora Presidente, Senhor Comissário, caras e caros colegas, os planos nacionais de recuperação e resiliência têm de respeitar o princípio do envolvimento e da adicionalidade.

Senhor Comissário e Vice-Presidente, espero que a Comissão seja vigilante e monitorize estes princípios. O Plano Nacional de Recuperação e Resiliência não pode servir para fazer mais do mesmo e para substituir a despesa do Estado. Os enormes recursos financeiros têm de ser bem investidos, nomeadamente, para reforçar a competitividade, a produtividade, mas também a inclusão, a coesão territorial, económica e social.

Para além disso, e chamo a atenção para este ponto que é crucial, Senhor Vice-Presidente, tem de existir uma articulação entre os acordos de parceria e os planos nacionais de recuperação e resiliência. Também os acordos de parceria devem envolver os cidadãos, os beneficiários, as regiões, o poder local. Mas a Comissão Europeia deve analisar os planos de recuperação e os acordos de parceria em conjunto, para evitar sobreposições e exigir sinergias e complementaridade. Por isso, pergunto ao Senhor Comissário, a Comissão está a analisar também os acordos de parceria em conjunto com os planos nacionais de recuperação? Quantos Estados-Membros estão a fazer este exercício?


  Κώστας Μαυρίδης (S&D). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, αυτή η πρωτοφανής κρίση με καταστροφικές επιπτώσεις στην οικονομία και στην κοινωνία απαιτεί πρωτοφανή μέτρα. Διανύσαμε μεγάλο δρόμο για να καταλήξουμε σε αυτό το ευρωπαϊκό πλαίσιο για ανάκαμψη και ανθεκτικότητα, που εκφράζει την αποφασιστικότητά μας για κοινή ευρωπαϊκή δράση. Τώρα όμως είναι η ώρα των κρατών μελών να προχωρήσουν στην κατάθεση των δικών τους σχεδίων, στο καθορισμένο πλαίσιο για σωστή χρήση και αξιοποίηση των επιχορηγήσεων, για πραγματική στήριξη της δημόσιας υγείας, των εργαζομένων, των νέων, των ευάλωτων ομάδων, του πολιτισμού, των μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων, του περιβάλλοντος και πολλών άλλων. Επιπλέον τα σχέδια θα πρέπει να περιλαμβάνουν την ουσιαστική συμβολή των κοινωνικών εταίρων, και αυτό θα πρέπει να αντικατοπτρίζεται στις προτεραιότητες του κάθε κράτους μέλους. Τέλος, εξαιρετικά σημαντικό, η αποτελεσματικότητα του μηχανισμού κρίνεται στην πράξη από το αν οι οικονομίες των κρατών μελών ανακάμψουν το γρηγορότερο. Γι’ αυτό θα πρέπει απαραίτητα να υπάρξει παράταση της γενικής ρήτρας διαφυγής και αναθεώρηση του συμφώνου σταθερότητας.


  Luis Garicano (Renew). – Señora presidenta, señor vicepresidente ejecutivo Dombrovskis, gracias por su trabajo.

El Parlamento Europeo consiguió introducir dos principios clave en el Reglamento del Fondo Europeo de Recuperación: el primero, que las inversiones deben hacerse con transparencia y controles para evitar la corrupción; el segundo, que los Gobiernos deben consultar a la sociedad, deben consultar a las comunidades autónomas, deben consultar a los ayuntamientos, porque son ellos, son la sociedad civil, las comunidades autónomas, los ayuntamientos, los que tienen la información sobre lo que realmente le hace falta a la sociedad.

Ya no estamos en ese mundo de ordeno y mando, con la información vertical, donde todo se decide desde arriba, la participación es esencial; desgraciadamente, esto no se está cumpliendo en muchos países, y les voy a poner un ejemplo, que es el de mi país, España.

En cuanto al principio de transparencia y buen gobierno, el Consejo de Estado ha elaborado un informe demoledor en el que ha criticado la decisión del Gobierno de eliminar los controles al gasto de los fondos europeos. En lo que se refiere a la implementación y a la participación de la sociedad, llevo meses hablando con presidentes de comunidades autónomas, con sindicatos, organizaciones empresariales, etcétera, y les debo decir, desgraciadamente, que no hay una participación efectiva de la sociedad en la elaboración de los planes.

La Comisión debe dejar claro a los países que los únicos que ponen en riesgo los fondos europeos son los Gobiernos que pretenden gastarlos sin controles y sin tener en cuenta a la sociedad.


  Gunnar Beck (ID). – Frau Präsidentin! Im Februar billigte dieses Haus den schuldenfinanzierten und somit vertragswidrigen 670 Milliarden schweren EU-Aufbaufonds mit fast stalinistischer Mehrheit.

Die Schulden wurden nirgends verbucht. Das Geld sei Konjunkturprogramm für Südeuropa, doch vorgemerkt ist es bereits für McKinsey-Beraterhonorare, Steuersenkungen und Einreiseprämien für Migranten. Nehmerstaaten sollen bis Ende April nationale Sanierungs- und Aufbaupläne vorlegen. Beurteilt werden die Pläne von der EU-Kommission und ungewählten NGOs, die jetzt schon die Politik viel zu sehr mitbestimmen.

Die EU braucht Investitionen in Bildung und Zukunftsbranchen, keine kulturrevolutionäre Wirtschaftspolitik oder Staatsaufträge für zwielichtige Consultants, die Unternehmen zerlegen und Europa nicht reindustrialisieren, sondern deindustrialisieren.


  Damian Boeselager (Verts/ALE). – Madam President, a month ago I praised the EU recovery fund as a game-changer for European solidarity and recovery, as our key tool for tackling the dual transition of greening and digitisation.

Since then, businesses have been engaging with national governments to express their ideas when it comes to digital infrastructure or hydrogen, and this can be positive for modernisation. But when it comes to other interests, say, from civil society actors, unions, local and regional governments or even national parliaments, this is completely different.

Almost all governments are refusing to engage in serious consultations. Even though this is a requirement within the text. This is a mistake. Let’s make sure that this recovery fund is best practice, a beacon for a future of common European macro-economic governance where all interests are represented and, frankly, the best ideas win.

Furthermore, I urge countries like Germany and the Netherlands to commit to additional investments and actual reforms, to not waste this chance, even though elections might be looming.


  Δημήτριος Παπαδημούλης (The Left). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, οι σημαντικοί πόροι του Ταμείου Ανάκαμψης πρέπει να πιάσουν τόπο υπέρ της ανάκαμψης της κοινωνίας και της οικονομίας και τα κράτη μέλη μέχρι τις 30 Απριλίου πρέπει να καταθέσουν τα εθνικά τους σχέδια. Αυτά που έχουμε συμφωνήσει και θεσπίσει είναι: χρηστή διαχείριση, για να πιάσουν τόπο τα χρήματα και να μην καταλήξουν στις τσέπες ημετέρων, και διαβούλευση με την κοινωνία, την αυτοδιοίκηση, τους φορείς, γιατί αυτά τα χρήματα δεν είναι προίκα κανενός κόμματος και καμιάς κυβέρνησης. Στην πατρίδα μου, την Ελλάδα, δεν υπάρχει καμία ουσιαστική διαβούλευση, ούτε με τη Βουλή ούτε με την αυτοδιοίκηση ούτε με κανέναν, και αυτό νομίζω ότι συμβαίνει και σε αρκετές ακόμη χώρες. Και είναι λάθος. Το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο ζητά να πιάσουν τόπο αυτά τα χρήματα, μακριά από διαφθορά και πελατειακά δίκτυα και με την ουσιαστική συμμετοχή των πόλεων και των περιφερειών.


  Dolors Montserrat (PPE). – Señora presidenta, hoy Día Europeo de las Víctimas del Terrorismo, quiero recordar a todas las víctimas y a sus familias: hoy y siempre memoria, dignidad, justicia y verdad. Gracias, presidenta.

Los Estados miembros tienen que presentar con urgencia sus planes nacionales de recuperación. La COVID—19 sigue robando miles de vida; cada día se cierran negocios y se destruye empleo. Los fondos europeos son la respuesta para construir una Europa más competitiva e industrializada que apueste por una economía sostenible y digitalizada, que fortalezca nuestros sistemas sanitarios, que invierta en educación e investigación, que apoye a sus pymes y a sus autónomos y ayude a todas las familias. Estos fondos son para crear empleo, empleo y más empleo. Por ello se deben repartir con criterios transparentes, contando con las comunidades autónomas, ayuntamientos, parlamentos nacionales y sectores económicos.

Estos fondos son para los europeos. No son propiedad de ningún Gobierno. Y no vamos a permitir que aquellos que dejan descansar la gobernabilidad en fuerzas radicales gestionen los fondos sin control —como ocurre en España— para despilfarrar, creando un nuevo episodio del conocido Plan E, creando redes clientelares o ignorando a las comunidades autónomas, los ayuntamientos y la sociedad.

Los españoles necesitan más que nunca estabilidad. Mientras la maquinaria estratégica del Gobierno de Sánchez aprovecha la peor crisis para desestabilizar institucionalmente España, intentando derribar en los despachos Gobiernos autonómicos. Los españoles se van al paro, las colas del hambre aumentan, los autónomos no reciben ninguna ayuda y hay miles de ciudadanos esperando la vacuna.

España necesita un Gobierno que gobierne, un Gobierno que haga reformas. Lo demás sobra.


  Margarida Marques (S&D). – Senhora Presidente, para que a resposta europeia à crise chegue aos cidadãos, às empresas e aos Estados, exige-se o bom funcionamento das parcerias entre as instituições europeias e nacionais. Desde já, na aprovação dos Planos Nacionais de Recuperação e Resiliência. Palavra chave: urgência.

O Parlamento Europeu, num quadro interinstitucional, definiu os objetivos para a União, para um crescimento verde, digital, inclusivo, para a valorização dos jovens, mas também para a realização de reformas que possam tornar os sistemas públicos, designadamente da educação, da saúde e da justiça, mais bem preparados para lidar com os desafios globais. Cabe aos Estados-Membros, num diálogo aberto com os autarcas, os parceiros sociais e a sociedade civil, como fez o governo do meu país, decidir sobre as suas políticas e os projetos para usar da melhor forma o financiamento europeu disponível, numa base de complementaridade entre o Next Generation EU e o QFP, para benefício das suas economias, da economia europeia e dos europeus.


  Dragoș Pîslaru (Renew). – Madam President, as a co-rapporteur on the file, together with my colleagues, I have defended from Parliament’s side the principle of consultation with stakeholders: local and regional authorities, social partners, entrepreneurs, civil society, youth organisations and many others.

Thanks to the European Parliament, with the support of the European Commission, we now have a mandatory provision in the Recovery and Resilicience Facility (RRF) Regulation for Member States to run such consultations. I actually organised consultations through the EP offices in no less than 13 Member States even before the debate on the RRF file, and I can testify how rich, useful and rewarding that dialogue was in documenting and reinforcing the arguments for the best possible RRF.

The consultations are not just a source of legitimacy, a natural alignment with our democratic values, an expression of a citizen-centred approach to European policy that is so dear for our group in Europe, but more importantly, the consultation with stakeholders, including local authorities, are critical for the quality of both the design and the implementation of national plans.

I am really glad to see that my constituency in Romania recently had consultations attended by more than 4 000 stakeholders, and we have decided to create a local resilience fund for local authorities as part of the national plan for recovery and resilience. I also support strongly the appeal for not transforming national plans into political battlefields. This is not what the European citizens expect from us.

The European Commission was our ally on these matters during the negotiations. We ask you to be our partner again and use your power to require national governments to fulfil their obligations. This is how we truly renew Europe.


  Marie Toussaint (Verts/ALE). – Madame la Présidente, notre modèle de développement nous a menés à la plus grande crise sanitaire, économique et sociale que nous ayons jamais traversée. Nous avons le devoir de transformer en profondeur notre économie afin qu’elle protège enfin le vivant et garantisse enfin l’égalité sociale.

L’ONU nous alerte: nous ne pouvons pas rater l’occasion de ces plans de relance pour sauver le climat. C’est une possibilité technique, c’est une nécessité éthique, c’est un impératif vital. Nous mobilisons aujourd’hui plus d’argent que nous ne l’avions jamais fait par le passé et que nous ne l’avions prévu pour financer le pacte vert européen.

Alors soyons sérieux et exigeons de consacrer au moins 50 % de ces plans de relance au climat: le minimum pour financer le pacte vert, selon les estimations de la Commission européenne. Alors soyons inflexibles et exigeons d’exclure de ces plans de relance tout projet climaticide comme les aéroports, les fossiles ou le nucléaire. Soyons réalistes, cessons d’accompagner les entreprises qui persistent à dépasser les limites planétaires.

Enfin, je le répète, ces plans de relance ne peuvent bénéficier aux plus riches et seulement aux plus riches. Nous devons garantir un impact positif de ces fonds investis sur les 10 % les plus pauvres de nos sociétés.


  Chris MacManus (The Left). – Madam President, it is imperative that the spending of Ireland’s modest share of the recovery fund is done in maximum partnership with regions, and especially my own, the North and Western Regional Assembly.

Post-Brexit, the distance from Galway, the largest western city in Ireland, to Brest, the nearest point in any other EU State, is over 800 kilometres. Our region has actually slipped in terms of being a developed region to one of being in transition. It begs the question: in transition to what? It is appalling that this has come to pass, but it highlights deep structural and investment issues in the North-West and Border area of the Irish State, further exacerbated by Brexit.

The status quo cannot remain. Our government needs to listen. Ireland’s recovery funding needs to be concentrated into the North and West region, and an investment plan with the RRF structural funds and regional aid put in place for that part of Ireland.


  Monika Hohlmeier (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Das Partnerschaftsprinzip sorgt dafür, dass im Rahmen der Kohäsionspolitik Partner aller Ebenen im Programmplanungsverfahren eingebunden werden sollten. Ich halte es für außerordentlich wichtig, dass dieses Prinzip tatsächlich angewandt wird und dass die Mittel des RRF nicht nur einigen wenigen oder gar oligarchischen Strukturen zugutekommen, sondern dass sie der Breite der Wirtschaft, der Breite der Menschen zugutekommen, damit wir uns aus den entsprechend schwierigen Zeiten, die wir derzeit in Corona haben, wieder befreien können und mit wirtschaftlichem Aufbau nach vorne gehen können.

Ich halte es für außerordentlich wichtig, dass wir auch als Parlament die Möglichkeit erhalten, möglichst rasch einsehen zu können, welche Pläne die Mitgliedstaaten tatsächlich haben bzw. wofür das Geld dann konkret ausgegeben wird, und sehr, sehr rasch auch digital erfahren, wofür es ausgegeben worden ist, wer die Gelder empfangen hat und wohin es gegangen ist. Denn Transparenz ist ein wichtiges Prinzip, das wir auch hier gelten lassen müssen. Der Widerstand von einigen Seiten hier ist hinderlich.


  Jonás Fernández (S&D). – Señora presidenta, señor vicepresidente ejecutivo, tenemos hoy aquí un debate que podríamos decir que es preliminar: las instituciones de la Unión cumplieron en tiempo y forma la negociación del Reglamento por el que se establece el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia, y en estos momentos los Estados miembros están desarrollando los correspondientes planes nacionales.

Me uno desde aquí a la petición que hacía mi compañero el señor Mureşan, del Partido Popular Europeo, al solicitar a los Parlamentos nacionales una rápida aprobación de la Decisión sobre los recursos propios, que tanto necesitamos para conformar ese programa de inversión.

Y me gustaría también hacer referencia al plan español, aunque yo intento no hablar aquí de asuntos nacionales: ni cuando mi partido estaba en la oposición, ni ahora que está en el Gobierno. La semana pasada pregunté en la Comisión de Asuntos Económicos y Monetarios al vicepresidente ejecutivo Dombrovskis y al comisario Gentiloni sobre ese plan, del cual dijeron que avanzaba razonablemente y que continuaban los contactos. Por lo tanto, yo pido desde aquí a sus señorías Garicano y Montserrat que, por favor, no cooperen desde esta Cámara con aquellos que cuestionan la democracia en nuestro país.


  Alexandra Geese (Verts/ALE). – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Vizepräsident, sehr verehrte Damen und Herren! 23 von 27 Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU sind Männer, und auch 23 von 27 Wirtschaftsministern sind Männer. Das ist eine Männerquote von sage und schreibe 85 %. Und wie man auf Englisch so schön sagt:

When you’re not at the table, you’re probably on the menu.

Und genau das ist hier passiert: In der Covid-Krise sitzen die Frauen nicht mit am Tisch, sondern zahlen den höchsten Preis – auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und mit der zusätzlichen unbezahlten Sorgearbeit. Aber NextGenerationEU hat sie vergessen, denn dort fließt ein Großteil der Mittel in genau die Branchen, in denen der Männeranteil ungefähr so hoch ist wie unter unseren Wirtschaftsministern – so ein Zufall.

Umso wichtiger ist jetzt endlich eine intensive Konsultation der Frauen in den Mitgliedstaaten. NGOs und Kommunen, aber auch Frauenrechtsorganisationen, Gleichstellungsexpertinnen und vor allem die Vertreterinnen der Care-Berufe – sie wissen, wie wir resilientere, gerechtere und erfolgreichere Gesellschaften für alle schaffen.

Das, Herr Vizepräsident, muss diese Konsultation, muss die Kommission jetzt einfordern und sicherstellen, denn diesen Frauen müssen wir endlich zuhören.


  Lídia Pereira (PPE). – Senhora Presidente, os planos nacionais de recuperação e resiliência são um pilar do relançamento da economia europeia. A recessão económica de 2020 e este primeiro trimestre de 2021, marcado pelos confinamentos, pedem respostas urgentes. É preciso apresentar, discutir, aprovar rapidamente os planos para que os fundos cheguem, o quanto antes, à economia real. Às empresas que geram riqueza, criam valor e multiplicam o emprego e às famílias que se encontram desprotegidas e sem rendimento.

Por isso, e para que se cumpra verdadeiramente o princípio da parceria com os Estados e a sociedade civil, precisamos de transparência. Transparência no processo de decisão, mas também ao longo de toda a execução, pois só com um acesso integral à informação podemos garantir que as empresas acedem às oportunidades e que os cidadãos podem avaliar os resultados. E o resultado que queremos é o crescimento económico e a geração de emprego.

Se, por um lado, não podemos desperdiçar recursos ou transigir em fraudes ou corrupção, por outro, não podemos aceitar a concentração no Estado dos fundos que pertencem aos europeus, às pessoas. É fundamental que o dinheiro seja investido na economia e não sirva para financiar os gastos das administrações públicas ou para alimentar instrumentos de propaganda dos governos.


  Rovana Plumb (S&D). – Doamna președintă, nimic nu poate fi mai adevărat în contextul actual decât respectarea principiului parteneriatului și al transparenței în pregătirea planurilor naționale de reziliență și redresare. Transparența, buna guvernare și consultarea publică reprezintă cheia pentru asigurarea planurilor naționale durabile. Este vorba, până la urmă, de bani europeni care trebuie să fie în beneficiul tuturor celor care au suferit în urma acestei crize.

Pentru noi, social-democrații români, trei elemente sunt esențiale: reflectarea obiectivelor prin investiții în educație, sănătate, mediu și digitalizare, reducerea decalajelor regionale și respectarea procesului de consultare a autorităților locale, regionale, a partenerilor sociali și prezentarea planului în fața Parlamentului.

To conclude, Romania fully supports the EU own resources decision.

We are not seeking to block anyone but we, as Social Democrats, call for transparency and democratic control over the national plan.

This is not an electoral programme, but a plan for our citizens!


  Jordi Solé (Verts/ALE). – Madam President, as we are entering the final phase of the preparation of the recovery plans, we need to emphasise once again the need to involve regional and local governments in putting them together. It’s indeed an obligation established in the regulation. However, we know that this consultation is not taking place on a general basis.

So we expect the Commission to make sure that sub-state governments are being heard and having their say, not only in the preparation phase of the recovery plans but also in their implementation. Because sub-state authorities, especially those regional governments with significant powers, know better than anyone else the needs of the local economies, businesses and citizens, and many of them have a long and successful experience in managing EU funds and programmes.

Some of them, like the Catalan Government, even propose their own ambitious plans. So, ensuring a shared governance of the recovery plans will allow for more efficiency and better results.


  Άννα-Μισέλ Ασημακοπούλου (PPE). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, κύριε Αντιπρόεδρε της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής, όπως έχει πει ο πρωθυπουργός της Ελλάδας, ο κ. Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης, η απόφαση για το Ταμείο Ανάκαμψης είναι ιστορική. Το Ταμείο Ανάκαμψης αποτελεί ένα συλλογικό τείχος προστασίας και αλληλεγγύης για τις χώρες της Ευρώπης που χρειάζονται επανεκκίνηση στην οικονομία τους και μια ανάσα για τους εθνικούς προϋπολογισμούς λόγω των επιπτώσεων της πανδημίας. Μένει πλέον να περάσουμε από τη θεωρία στην πράξη, και αυτό που θα μετρήσει καταλυτικά στη διαδικασία αναστροφής της ύφεσης σε ανάπτυξη θα είναι ο παράγοντας του χρόνου. Η επίσπευση δηλαδή της εκταμίευσης, ώστε τα χρήματα άμεσα να διατεθούν στην πραγματική οικονομία, αναχαιτίζοντας κύματα λουκέτων στις επιχειρήσεις και νέων ανέργων. Η Ελλάδα ήδη έχει καταθέσει στην Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή το δικό της εθνικό σχέδιο για την αξιοποίηση του Ταμείου Ανάκαμψης και έχει λάβει εξαιρετικές κριτικές. Δεν συμφέρει κανένα κράτος μέλος να καθυστερεί. Η Επιτροπή από την πλευρά της δεν πρέπει να αγγυλωθεί σε δυσθεώρητες γραφειοκρατικές διαδικασίες και εμπόδια.

Η κινητήρια δύναμη της οικονομίας είναι η ψυχολογία της αγοράς και, για να αναστραφεί το κακό κλίμα, θα πρέπει να δοθεί έγκαιρα μια γενναία οικονομική ενίσχυση. Κύριε Dombrovskis, βρισκόμαστε σε ένα κρίσιμο σημείο καμπής, εξερχόμαστε σταδιακά από την πανδημική κρίση, αλλά ρισκάρουμε να εισέλθουμε σε ένα νέο αδιέξοδο την επόμενη κιόλας μέρα, αν δεν κινηθούμε αποφασιστικά και με ταχύτητα. Η ταχύτητα στην εκταμίευση πόρων από το Ταμείο Ανάκαμψης είναι το κλειδί για να πετύχει τους στόχους για τους οποίους σχεδιάστηκε.


  Rosa D'Amato (Verts/ALE). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Commissario, la verità è che nella preparazione dei piani di ripresa e resilienza i territori non sono stati né coinvolti né consultati dagli Stati membri.

Eppure l'articolo 15 del regolamento prevede una relazione sul processo di consultazione di comuni, regioni, società civile, organizzazioni giovanili. Che piani saranno e che risultati daranno senza gli input degli stakeholder?

Inoltre in alcuni paesi, e penso al mio, c'è il rischio che i piani di ripresa non riflettano le esigenze delle regioni meno sviluppate, come il Mezzogiorno. Quelle risorse in più, ottenute per la grave situazione economica e sociale in cui versa il Sud devono essere ad esso destinate.

E che dire della riscrizione del piano di ripresa, affidato a società di consulenza americane come la McKinsey? Il coinvolgimento di aziende di consulenza e di multinazionali è sicuro, è compatibile con gli interessi dei cittadini europei? Noi crediamo di no.

Cosa pensa la Commissione?


  Krzysztof Hetman (PPE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Panie Przewodniczący! Unia Europejska przeżywa obecnie ogromny kryzys, zaś straty w gospodarce są gigantyczne. Kryzys to jednak przede wszystkim tragedia milionów pojedynczych Europejczyków, którzy często z dnia na dzień pozbawieni zostali pracy lub możliwości prowadzenia swoich biznesów. Cieszę się z odpowiedzi Unii Europejskiej i stworzenia funduszu odbudowy. Aby ten fundusz jednak został skutecznie wykorzystany i trafił tam, gdzie jest najbardziej potrzebny i gdzie wniesie największą wartość dodaną, krajowe plany odbudowy muszą być przygotowywane w oparciu o rzetelne, przejrzyste i szeroko zakrojone konsultacje społeczne.

Fundusz ten jest zobowiązaniem wobec naszych dzieci i wnuków. W końcu to one będą go spłacać. Musimy zostawić im silną, zdrową i odporną gospodarkę. Jednocześnie musimy pozostawić im może coś cenniejszego: lekcję solidarności i jedności, o których tak często w tej Sali się mówi. Jedności i solidarności z najbardziej poszkodowanymi sektorami: sektorem turystycznym, gastronomicznym, targowym, eventowym, sektorem kultury – długo mógłbym wymieniać. Ci ludzie nie mają dzisiaj żadnej zdolności inwestycyjnej i tylko ograniczone możliwości sięgnięcia po tak skonstruowane w funduszu odbudowy i zapisane w krajowych planach odbudowy środki. Jedyne, co mają, to długi i brak zdolności kredytowej.

Często słyszę w instytucjach unijnych slogan: „Aby nikt nie został z tyłu”.

So no one is left behind.

Mam nadzieję, że okaże się, że było to prawdziwe przesłanie, a nie tylko zgrabny, ale jednak slogan.


  Ciarán Cuffe (Verts/ALE). – Madam President, I would say to the Executive Vice—President that local and regional authorities are on the front line when it comes to recovery from COVID. So let’s ensure that these local and regional voices are heard as we rebuild. They have the wisdom and the knowledge to do things right. It has to be a bottom—up as well as a top—down recovery.

In Ireland, the government asked the public for their views, and that is informing the recovery plans. This hasn’t been the case in every country in Europe.

Yet, across Europe, we can see local and regional authorities are ready. They are ready to build A—rated homes. They’re ready to roll out walking and cycling infrastructure and public transport. They’re ready to help communities with the digital transformation.

National governments must listen. Local and regional authorities are ready to fast track a green and digital recovery to the crisis. We must respect their views.


  Niklas Nienaß (Verts/ALE). – Madam President, dear colleagues, Mr Dombrovskis for the Commission, by the way we are missing the Council. It’s very sad that when we talk about them that they’re not here.

When we talk about the partnership principle, we acknowledge that we politicians in Brussels, but also the politicians and the capitals, don’t know everything and they don’t know how to recover every aspect of the regional economy. Therefore, we involve the regions in the question of how to ensure that the recovery really belongs to the people, how we ensure that the recovery facilitates matters in every region of Europe. Then the question is, why aren’t we using it? Why isn’t it used for this recovery as well?

This endangers the whole recovery project because it makes it possible that funding goes into fraud, but it also makes it possible that we lock in regions into useless investment programmes that the people on the ground don’t want.

So please, to the Commission, you need to ensure that the that the partnership principle is valued, that the democratisation of this project, of this recovery programme is valued, and you need to ensure that no plan comes through that doesn’t value the partnership principle.


  Rasmus Andresen (Verts/ALE). – Frau Präsidentin! 672,5 Milliarden – das Wiederaufbauinstrument kann sich sehen lassen. Jetzt geht es aber auch darum, dass die Mittel zukunftsfähig eingesetzt werden. Der Wiederaufbau nach Corona muss klimagerecht, sozial und digital werden. Die Mitgliedstaaten müssen in ihren nationalen Plänen mindestens 37 % für Klima, mindestens 20 % für die Digitalisierung und keinen einzigen Cent in klimaschädliche Projekte stecken.

Wir Grüne sind deshalb von SPD-Finanzminister Olaf Scholz und CDU-Wirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier enttäuscht. Die Große Koalition in Berlin recycelt ohne jegliche Beteiligung ihr altes Konjunkturprogramm. Gerade einmal 22 % will die Große Koalition in Berlin für Klimainvestitionen ausgeben. Das ist beschämend.

Herr Scholz, Herr Altmaier: Lassen Sie die EU-Milliarden nicht in Ihrem Bundeshaushalt versickern, sondern setzen Sie sich dafür ein, dass Sie mit Umweltverbänden, mit Gewerkschaften, aber auch mit den Bürgermeisterinnen und Bürgermeistern vor Ort dafür sorgen, dass das Corona-Programm zum Zukunftspaket wird.


  Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President of the Commission. – Madam President, honourable Members, first of all, thank you very much for the discussion. I very much welcome your broad support to ensuring broad ownership in setting up and implementing the recovery and resilience facility. And on this, we have a shared commitment. This is why the Commission has been engaged intensively with all interested stakeholders and Member States, and we will continue to do so.

Broad ownership will be crucial for bringing about investments and reforms set by Member States’ recovery and resilience plans and by turning them into reality on the ground. As I mentioned earlier, local and regional authorities, social partners and civil society will play a key role in doing this and in making recovery a success for all.

As others have said today, green and digital investments will need to be accompanied by growth—enhancing reforms so that recovery is not short—lived. The European Semester’s country—specific recommendations will act as our compass for achieving this goal.

In terms of next steps, Member States must move faster with finalising their plans. We are not yet there. We need to ensure high—quality plans that set the requirements set out by this House, and that includes good and efficient governance.

So to conclude, let me thank you again for our exchanges today, as this provides very useful input as we continue our dialogue with Member States.


  Przewodnicząca. – Zamykam debatę.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 171)


  Sara Cerdas (S&D), por escrito. – A União Europeia uniu esforços para garantir uma resposta à altura - um instrumento financeiro de recuperação robusto para os Estados-Membros - face a uma crise sem precedentes. Devido à COVID-19, empresas, trabalhadores, famílias, educação, turismo e muitos outros setores foram afetados e precisam urgentemente de apoio.

Os planos nacionais de recuperação e resiliência devem centrar-se nas políticas sociais, como o emprego, a educação, as competências e a saúde, além das reformas estruturais e de investimentos que promovam uma transição verde, socialmente inclusiva, para assegurar valor acrescido. Devem ainda melhorar a competitividade a longo prazo e as perspetivas de crescimento sustentável dos Estados-Membros, enfrentar os desafios e obter os benefícios das transições ecológica e digital e dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS).

O nível de ambição deve ser elevado, mas nunca centrado sobre si mesmo e descoordenado daqueles que são os objetivos deste plano: recuperação e resiliência são as palavras de ordem. Só atingiremos melhores indicadores de progresso social e só seremos mais fortes se enfrentarmos esta crise com investimentos estratégicos que têm por base a política social, de coesão e as necessidades específicas de cada país e região.


  Enikő Győri (NI), írásban. – Az uniós forrásokat felelősen, célszerűen és hatékonyan kell felhasználni, s a tervezés folyamatába be kell vonni az önkormányzatokat, érdekképviseleteket, társadalmi szervezeteket. Magyarországnak 6 ezer milliárd forint áll rendelkezésére a válságkezelési eszközből; ennek az óriási összegnek az elköltése komoly felelősség. Mindenkit meg kell hallgatni ahhoz, hogy összekapaszkodva, a legjobb projektek mentén indítsuk újra az országot. Sajnálatos, hogy a magyar baloldal csak egyet tud szajkózni: nincs társadalmi párbeszéd. Nem hagyják magukat megzavarni a tények által. A kormány mintegy ötszáz partner véleményét kérte ki, és december óta elérhető az interneten a Nemzeti Helyreállítási Terv első változata, amelyhez várják az észrevételeket.

A Fővárosi Közfejlesztések Tanácsa, mely a legmagasabb szintű egyeztető fórum a mindenkori kormány és a budapesti városvezetés között, folyamatosan egyeztet a Budapestnek és az agglomerációnak járó több ezer milliárd forint fejlesztési forrás ügyében. A kormány szilárdan elkötelezett: a főváros egyetértése nélkül nem valósít meg fejlesztést Budapesten. Mindezek után napnál világosabb, hogy az ellenzék csak ártani akar. Ezúttal már nemcsak Magyarország jó hírének árt, hanem még a fejlesztési forrásoktól is megfosztaná a válság által leginkább sújtott kis- és középvállalkozásokat, illetve a polgárokat, éljenek a fővárosban vagy vidéken. Bízom benne, a Bizottság kellő objektivitással jár majd el, és nem ül fel a hazug állításoknak.


  Έλενα Κουντουρά (The Left), γραπτώς. – Στις 20 Απριλίου 2020 στην Επιτροπή Μεταφορών και Τουρισμού, ο Επίτροπος Μπρετόν απαντώντας σε ερώτησή μου για την ανάγκη στήριξης του τουρισμού δήλωσε ότι το 20-25% του σχεδίου ανάκαμψης θα πρέπει να κατευθυνθεί στον τουρισμό. Η δήλωσή του έδωσε ελπίδα σε εκατομμύρια εργαζομένων και μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων, για τους οποίους η πανδημία αποτελεί πραγματική απειλή για την επιβίωσή τους. Σχεδόν ένα χρόνο μετά τις δηλώσεις του Επιτρόπου, δεν υπάρχει ακόμα ευρωπαϊκή στήριξη για τον τουρισμό που συνεχίζει να αιμορραγεί. Ούτε γνωρίζουμε αν ο τουρισμός θα λάβει τελικά τη στήριξη που του αναλογεί στα εθνικά σχέδια ανάκαμψης και ανθεκτικότητας. Δεν υπάρχει δεσμευτική ποσόστωση και είναι στη διακριτική ευχέρεια των κρατών μελών να αποφασίσουν το ποσοστό στήριξης.

Καλούμε λοιπόν την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή και ειδικά τον Επίτροπο Μπρετόν να μείνει συνεπής στις δικές του αναγγελίες και να εξασφαλίσει ότι κάθε εθνικό σχέδιο ανάκαμψης και ανθεκτικότητας που θα εγκρίνει η Επιτροπή το προσεχές διάστημα θα δεσμεύει τουλάχιστον 20% των πόρων για τη στήριξη του τουρισμού. Το όφελος για την ευρωπαϊκή οικονομία θα είναι πολλαπλάσιο, καθώς ο τουρισμός, που αντιστοιχεί σε πάνω από το 10% της ευρωπαϊκής οικονομίας, δημιουργεί εκατομμύρια θέσεις εργασίας, είναι επιταχυντής της ανάπτυξης και συμπαρασύρει πολλούς παραγωγικούς τομείς της οικονομίας.


  Victor Negrescu (S&D), în scris. – Planurile naționale de redresare și reziliență trebuie să cuprindă reforme reale, discutate deschis și transparent cu partenerii sociali, societatea civilă, autoritățile locale și partidele parlamentare pentru a oferi un răspuns sustenabil și coerent la criza actuală. Aceste planuri trebuie discutate în Parlament și trebuie să prevadă un set de soluții pentru relansarea economică, clădirea rezilienței sociale dar și pentru transformările digitale și de mediu. Obiectivul este ca fondurile să fie accesate cât mai repede, iar proiectele să poată fi implementate eficient în timpul limitat alocat.

Din păcate, există guverne, precum cel din România, care au politizat PNRR și nu doresc să respecte aceste recomandări sau cerințele impuse la nivel european. Țintele digitale sau de mediu nu sunt respectate, recomandările pentru educație și sectorul cultural și creativ sunt ignorate, iar dialogul cu partenerii sociali este superficial. Mai mult, recomandările specifice de țară sunt uitate.

În acest sens, este nevoie ca Parlamentul European să fie implicat alături de Comisia Europeană în procesul de definire și setare a PNRR pentru a ne asigura că obiectivele europene sunt îndeplinite de toate guvernele. De acest plan de relansare depinde modul în care vor arăta țările noastre și Europa pe viitor.

Seneste opdatering: 25. juni 2021Juridisk meddelelse - Databeskyttelsespolitik