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PV 27/04/2021 - 4
PV 27/04/2021 - 6
CRE 27/04/2021 - 4
CRE 27/04/2021 - 6

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PV 28/04/2021 - 2

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Wtorek, 27 kwietnia 2021 r. - Bruksela

6. Umowa o handlu i współpracy między UE a Zjednoczonym Królestwem - Wynik negocjacji między UE a Zjednoczonym Królestwem (ciąg dalszy debat)
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  Der Präsident. – Wir setzen nun unsere gemeinsame Aussprache über das Abkommen über Handel und Zusammenarbeit zwischen der EU und dem Vereinigten Königreich und das Ergebnis der Verhandlungen zwischen der EU und dem Vereinigten Königreich fort.


  Charles Goerens (Renew). – Monsieur le Président, échec. Une réponse à un échec. Je vais quand même le voter, parce que les alternatives à cet accord sont exécrables, au point qu’on ne puisse pas s’imaginer un seul instant ne pas prendre ses responsabilités en la matière. Mais il sera dorénavant plus difficile d’assumer nos responsabilités face à des situations complexes et inquiétantes que nous rencontrons de par le monde. Je pense notamment à la sécurité, je pense au domaine sanitaire, au changement climatique, où nous avons besoin de tous et d’alliés pour faire peser de tout notre poids le point de vue de l’Union européenne dans le monde.

Nous avons pour cela besoin d’une lecture commune des grands phénomènes qui secouent notre planète, et j’invite le Royaume-Uni, avec la part de sa population assez forte qui adhère encore à l’idée européenne, à nous appuyer en la matière. Je crois que nous devons le faire dans notre propre intérêt, à moins que nous ne voulions jouer en seconde ligue, ce qui serait fatal. Il est donc question de nous ressaisir, et il est temps de le faire tout de suite.


  Deirdre Clune (PPE). – Mr President, I thank the Commissioner for being with us today. I intend to support this agreement. It brings clarity and it’s important to have an agreement in place and the structures that are needed for citizens and for business operators on all sides to get on with things. It’s absolutely so much better than a no—deal situation.

The term peace and prosperity on the island of Ireland has been used by quite a number of speakers this morning and it is really important because without peace you won’t get prosperity, you won’t have investment and you won’t be sending a message to young people that this is a place where you can put down your roots and settle and look forward to a long, happy and contented life. Ireland is really important and the Protocol there on the island of Ireland is so important to protect and I thank all those who are involved in ensuring that we have a resolution that recognises the importance of the island of Ireland.

The Good Friday Agreement, voted on in 1998, was voted by the people of Ireland. It’s not an agreement between two Member States, it’s a referendum of the people, it’s a statement that they want to see a united Ireland and they want to get on and live side by side and it is so important that it is protected and supervised by both governments: the UK and Ireland Government and now by extension the European Union as well.

Now, there will be difficulties – I absolutely understand that, we’re experiencing them now – but the most important thing is that we engage in dialogue and I acknowledge, Commissioner, that you are engaging with Mr Frost and that there are issues on the table, but without dialogue we can’t make progress.

So, I respect the rights of the UK absolutely to leave. I think we ourselves need to examine why they did leave, who’s right, who’s wrong. I think we’re absolutely right, but we need to explain that as well to our citizens. And the conference on the future of Europe that we’re now embarking on is a very important place, it’s not just a statement, it’s really important that we listen to our citizens from the bottom up and not from the top down.


  Manuel Pizarro (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, Senhora Secretária de Estado, apoiamos este acordo. A situação seria muito mais grave se ele não existisse. Mas a sua implementação terá que ser acompanhada de forma muito atenta e firme por parte da União Europeia. Nestes 4 meses já se sentiram dificuldades. As pescas estiveram no centro de muitas das falsidades ligadas ao Brexit e foram um dos pontos mais difíceis de negociar. No acordo há um conjunto de regras aplicáveis de forma progressiva até junho de 2026.

É imperioso garantir que as regras acordadas são cumpridas. Há sinais, aliás, de que isso está a ser dificultado pelo Reino Unido, em particular no que diz respeito à repartição das possibilidades de pesca. As empresas de pesca necessitam de previsibilidade na sua operação. Não podemos estar a chegar a maio sem saber que quantidades podem ser capturadas até final do ano. O preço do pescado não é constante ao longo do ano. Se não houver previsibilidade não poderá haver garantias de estabilidade económica das empresas.

O setor das pescas está a enfrentar a tempestade perfeita entre a incerteza do Brexit e as consequências da pandemia pela COVID-19. Temos também, por isso, a obrigação de garantir que, pelo menos, o que acordámos com o Reino Unido é escrupulosamente cumprido por ambas as partes e eu exorto a Comissão a assegurar que isso acontece em cada momento.


  Nicola Beer (Renew). – Herr Präsident! Mit der Zustimmung zum Abkommen verhindern wir heute endgültig einen harten Brexit. Der Weg hierhin war steinig – viel mehr hätte erreicht werden sollen, müssen. Aber, wieder einmal: Der Klügere gibt nach. Nachgeben, nicht aufgeben! Der aufgeblasenen Backen aus London wird sich das Vertragsverletzungsverfahren annehmen. Denn es kann nicht sein, dass die Regierung Johnson kontinuierlich gegen den Austrittsvertrag verstößt, das Protokoll von Nordirland verletzt. Diese Ratifizierung aber ist der Beginn der zukünftigen Beziehungen zwischen der EU und dem Vereinigten Königreich.

Das Europäische Parlament will den Menschen Rechtssicherheit geben. Weitere Gewalt, insbesondere in Nordirland, muss verhindert werden. Wo Fronten verhärtet sind, wo Gemüter erhitzt sind, sollen Perspektiven der Gemeinsamkeit und der Verbundenheit zwischen den Menschen entstehen, und genau da muss es jetzt weitergehen. Besonders dringlich ist ein Ersatz für Erasmus plus, damit der Austausch von Schülern und Studierenden ohne Hürden lebendig bleibt, für eine gemeinsame weltoffene junge Generation.

Unser Parlament wird am Ball bleiben, hoffentlich zusammen mit vielen britischen Kolleginnen und Kollegen, damit ein vereinigtes Europa ein Vereinigtes Königreich als starken Partner hat.


  Loránt Vincze (PPE). – Mr President, Brexit was never going to be a single event, but a process of rebuilding and managing our relationship in a new framework. I also hope that we will strengthen our cooperation in areas not yet covered by the agreement – more ambitious mobility arrangements and stronger cooperation in the area of student exchanges. We must overcome the loss of Erasmus. Youth and education exchanges need a new format and financial support on both sides. We need to create an EU-UK university student mobility scheme.

Colleagues, I would like to echo what the President of the Commission said this morning: the commitments printed on paper are only as good as they are put in practice. The signs we have seen so far are not encouraging. This concerns primarily the Northern Ireland Protocol, but also other areas where we have seen the UK already acting against its commitments. In spite of the non-discrimination clause in visa policies, the UK is already applying different fees for seasonal work visas, health and care worker visas, for citizens from Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, Lithuania and Slovenia. This is not acceptable.

It is clear that the reasons for imposing different visa fees are of an artificial and political nature. The inclusion of a stronger non-discrimination clause was a huge success but regrettably, we see that the UK Government is trying to circumvent it at the earliest opportunity. This sets a dangerous precedent. The European Commission will have to use all legal instruments in the agreement to ensure its full implementation, including that of the reciprocity principle in mobility and visa issues. From all signals received so far, it will not be an easy task, and I wish Vice-President Šefčovič all the best on this.


  Inma Rodríguez-Piñero (S&D). – Señor presidente, en primer lugar, mis felicitaciones al comisario Barnier y a su equipo por el excelente trabajo realizado, también a los miembros del Grupo de Trabajo de este Parlamento. También me gustaría desearle lo mejor a nuestro vicepresidente Šefčovič.

Estamos ante un momento histórico que culmina un error histórico, el Brexit, del que hemos de aprender para no repetir errores. Las desventajas de estar fuera del club de la Unión Europea serán, sin duda, cada vez más evidentes para los ciudadanos del Reino Unido. Hoy votamos las bases sobre las que construir una sólida relación futura con el Reino Unido, que debe comportarse como un aliado, respetando y cumpliendo siempre lo acordado. Por eso es fundamental la implementación del Acuerdo y el papel de supervisión democrática de este Parlamento.

La Unión Europea y el Reino Unido tenemos mucho más en común que lo que nos separa, y por eso valoro positivamente el Acuerdo alcanzado, aunque lamento que el Gobierno de Boris Johnson no haya querido incorporar un capítulo sobre política exterior y defensa y haya decidido excluir a los ciudadanos de los beneficios del Erasmus.

Quisiera también resaltar el amplio consenso alcanzado por los grupos políticos de esta Cámara, tanto por el consentimiento como por el texto de la Resolución. Nos queda mucho trabajo por hacer, señor Šefčovič. Le deseo lo mejor. Ahora toca mirar hacia adelante y trabajar conjuntamente con el Reino Unido para aprender juntos a gestionar la nueva relación.


  Claudia Gamon (Renew). – Herr Präsident! Der Brexit ist ein Ende; die vereinigten Staaten von Europa sind der Anfang der Zukunft – eine entschlossene, innovative, mutige und freie Europäische Union, die auf ihren Platz in der Welt besteht, die dem Klimawandel den Kampf ansagt und gewinnen wird.

Die große Lehre, die wir meiner Meinung nach aus dem Brexit ziehen müssen, ist die über die Verantwortung einzelner Politiker. Vermeintliche Demokraten, die zum eigenen Vorteil zu Populisten werden und eine Kettenreaktion auslösen – an deren Ende stehen Generationen junger Menschen, die keine gemeinsame Zukunft in der Europäischen Union haben. Da steht die Zerstörung gemeinsam erwirtschafteten Wohlstands.

Das nächste Kapitel der europäischen Geschichte muss geprägt sein von großen gemeinsamen Fortschritten, statt kleinstaatlichen Rückschritten – auf in die vereinigten Staaten von Europa!


  Γεώργιος Κύρτσος (PPE). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η μέχρι τώρα πορεία του Brexit έχει δικαιώσει τον Michel Barnier σχετικά με το ότι τα δύο μέρη θα βγουν χαμένα από το διαζύγιο. Το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο έχει αρχίσει να πληρώνει τον οικονομικό λογαριασμό, ενώ εμείς ζημιωθήκαμε —για παράδειγμα— με την υπόθεση της AstraZeneca. Η ζωή όμως συνεχίζεται και γι’ αυτό θα προχωρήσουμε στην έγκριση της συμφωνίας Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης-Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου για το εμπόριο και τη συνεργασία.

Θέλω να κάνω δύο πολιτικές επισημάνσεις. Πρώτον, η κυβέρνηση Johnson συμπεριφέρεται με κακή πολιτική διάθεση, σε συνεργασία με ισχυρά βρετανικά μέσα ενημέρωσης, και προσπαθεί να μας φορτώσει τις αρνητικές συνέπειες δικών της επιλογών. Χειρίστηκε με προκλητικό τρόπο την υπόθεση του εμβολίου της AstraZeneca, σε μια προσπάθεια να δικαιολογήσει το Brexit. Ο επιθετικός εγγλέζικος εθνικισμός που εκφράζει με το Brexit ο Johnson μπορεί να δημιουργήσει προβλήματα συνοχής στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, εφόσον μεγαλώνει η δυσαρέσκεια στη Βόρεια Ιρλανδία και τη Σκωτία.

Δεύτερον, αποχαιρετήσαμε το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο και καλά θα κάνουμε —κατά την άποψή μου— να αποχαιρετήσουμε και τη βρετανική νοοτροπία, που δυστυχώς εξακολουθεί να είναι ακόμη μαζί μας. Πολλοί στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση θεωρούν τα χρήματα που καταλήγουν στον ευρωπαϊκό προϋπολογισμό χαμένα για τους φορολογούμενους πολίτες των χωρών τους. Άλλοι διεκδικούν rebates με λογική Margaret Thatcher. H έλλειψη ευρωπαϊκού ζήλου ενισχύει κατά την άποψή μου την επιχειρηματολογία που οδήγησε στο Brexit.


  Robert Hajšel (S&D). – Pán predsedajúci, dnes uzatvárame zvláštnu kapitolu v európskej integrácii nazývanú brexit. Nová dohoda o obchode a o spolupráci medzi Úniou a Spojeným kráľovstvom, ktorú dnes odsúhlasíme v tomto dome, nie je ideálnou. Chýbajú v nej viaceré dôležité oblasti spolupráce, ale zabezpečuje aspoň štandardnú úroveň sociálnych a environmentálnych práv. Naši, ako aj britskí občania by si zaslúžili viac, ale vláda z Londýna chcela brexit za každú cenu.

Ja osobne som sklamaný postojom Londýna, ktorý už porušil aj predchádzajúcu dohodu o brexite, ako aj protokol o Severnom Írsku. Ihneď po ratifikácii tejto dohody musíme preto dbať na jej férové uplatňovanie oboma stranami. Bude to najmä na pleciach komisára Maroša Šefčoviča, ktorému treba poďakovať za jeho doterajšiu prácu pri presadzovaní záujmov občanov, ako aj celej Únie.

Zostáva nám veľa urobiť pre ochranu práv našich občanov, tak pre francúzskych rybárov, ako aj slovenských študentov študujúcich v Británii, ktorí už nemôžu počítať s podporou z programu Erasmus.

This trade and cooperation agreement (TCA) includes a binding dispute settlement system. I would prefer it if we are not obliged to use it, but we can’t hesitate if it’s necessary.


  Nicola Danti (Renew). – Signor Presidente, signor Commissario, onorevoli colleghi nell'avviarci a votare l'accordo sulle relazioni future con il Regno Unito, non possiamo non ribadire quanto la Brexit ci lasci tutti più deboli.

Più deboli da un punto di vista commerciale con i significativi cali nelle esportazioni, i controlli alle frontiere interminabili, le code dei Tir. Più deboli perché il governo britannico ha scelto di frapporre barriere ben più alte di quelle doganali, mettendo fine alla partecipazione del Regno Unito al programma Erasmus, rinunciando a promuovere gli scambi culturali tra i giovani.

Certo, dovremmo tenere alta l'attenzione, soprattutto in relazione alla questione irlandese, ma al contempo le nostre aziende potranno beneficiare di regole chiare contro qualsiasi forma di concorrenza sleale e a sostegno dei più alti standard in materia ambientale e sociale.

Come accade con i paesi terzi, infatti, sarà importante continuare ad esercitare un monitoraggio adeguato sull'attuazione dell'accordo anche da parte del Parlamento. Un lungo e complesso negoziato che limita gli effetti negativi della Brexit: potremmo dire l'accordo migliore possibile per la peggiore delle decisioni.


  Tom Vandenkendelaere (PPE). – Voorzitter, collega’s, commissaris, we komen aan het einde van dit debat, het einde ook van een vijf jaar durend turbulent echtscheidingsproces na het brexitreferendum. En wat voor een echtscheiding is dit jammer genoeg geweest. We zijn op een punt gekomen waarbij er geen ruimte meer is voor onderhandeling, noch tijd voor opnieuw maanden van onzekerheid. Een no deal vermijden is altijd de opzet geweest, en dat zal straks ook realiteit zijn. Dat is de beste uitkomst voor onze burgers en bedrijven. Maar laat dit vooral geen eindpunt zijn. Laat het graag een beginpunt zijn. Een nieuwe duurzame relatie met het Verenigd Koninkrijk is cruciaal, maar deze moet gebaseerd zijn op vertrouwen.

Aan het Verenigd Koninkrijk wil ik zeggen: “pacta sunt servanda”. We hebben onze nek uitgestoken als Europeanen voor een omvattende deal. Bewijs nu ook dat jullie het waard zijn. Begin met de volledige naleving van het terugtrekkingsakkoord, inclusief het Noord-Ierse protocol. De beelden van de rellen in Belfast gaven me echt rillingen. Laat het asjeblieft niet ontsporen.

Commissaris, u roep ik op om het onderste uit de kant te halen mochten de Britten zich andermaal niet naar het akkoord willen schikken. Gebruik die overeenkomst echt als een hefboom om de volledige naleving van alle gemaakte afspraken af te dwingen. De beslissing van het Europees Parlement om het akkoord goed te keuren is geen toegeving maar getuigt van verantwoordelijkheid. We blijven vastberaden en waakzaam en we verwachten hetzelfde van u, commissaris.

Tegelijk moeten we durven vooruitkijken. Brexit zadelt de bedrijven op met extra kosten en plaatst grensregio’s voor nieuwe uitdagingen, ook bij ons in West-Vlaanderen. Om die samenwerking zo vlot mogelijk te laten verlopen, roep ik ertoe op om alle opties in overweging te nemen, inclusief green lanes. Wederzijds vertrouwen is de sleutel tot succes. Ook al bleek dat vertrouwen de afgelopen weken en maanden wankel, het zal de basis moeten zijn om op verschillende domeinen versterkt samen te werken.


  Carmen Avram (S&D). – Domnule președinte, (cuvinte care nu se aud) dăunează grav umorului britanic, pentru că explicația oferită de Regatul Unit pentru a justifica discriminarea unor cetățeni europeni, dacă e o glumă, e nereușită.

În realitate, situația legală a României, Bulgariei, Lituaniei, Estoniei și Sloveniei nu diferă cu nimic de cea a celorlalte 22 de state membre și deci nu are cum să devină argument într-o atât de gravă discriminare. Totuși, cetățenii celor cinci țări sunt pedepsiți acum cu vize mai scumpe cu 55 de euro decât cele plătite de restul cetățenilor europeni. Este cu atât mai de neînțeles, cu cât această discriminare îi vizează exact pe cei care au ajutat la dezvoltarea Marii Britanii în ultimii 20 de ani și care au adus țării miliarde de lire sterline.

Prin această măsură, Regatul Unit își arată lipsa de respect față de cele cinci țări și, mai ales, față de Uniunea Europeană. Sper ca amendamentul inițiat de social-democrații români să fie primul pas pentru revenirea la normalitate. Susținerea lui nu înseamnă o favoare făcută celor 33 de milioane de europeni pe care Marea Britanie reușește să îi jignească, ci un mesaj clar că Uniunea nu negociază drepturile fundamentale și nici nu lasă pe nimeni în urmă.


  Ondřej Kovařík (Renew). – Mr President, we have arrived at an important moment where the European Parliament is set to ratify the future terms of the EU’s relations with the UK. Now we should remain vigilant, ensuring both the withdrawal agreement and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement are implemented, limiting the economic and social damage of Brexit as much as possible.

The UK has left the EU. But it remains a partner and ally in many other important areas of cooperation, and this should include cooperation in trade, research, student exchanges or security matters. And in this regard, as a Czech citizen, I would like to salute the support of the UK in dealing with the recent revelation of the Russian security services involvement in the incidents in the Czech Republic.

Colleagues, while this is the end of the UK’s chapter as an EU member, it is also the beginning of a new relationship between allies and partners and friends across Europe.


  Łukasz Kohut (S&D). – Mr President, to quote William Shakespeare, ‘true it is that we have seen better days’. Days when the United Kingdom was a member of our grand European project. But we must accept the facts, and in this spirit, I welcome the Agreement. It is far better than a no—deal scenario, with one exception: Erasmus. The UK decision not to participate in this flagship academic exchange programme is simply an act of cultural vandalism, as Scotland’s Prime Minister called it. Scotland wishes to stay in the programme. I do not agree with President von der Leyen that it cannot be possible while Scotland is a constituent nation of the UK. We must explore pathways to keep in the programme those who want to be in it: Scotland, Wales and others. This House must insist on that, and the message to all governments: do listen to all your nations so that ‘to be or not to be’ is not the question.


  Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, today’s discussion, its depth and its profound interest, expressed in the speeches of what I remember was the highest number of speakers in the recent history of plenary debates in the European Parliament, clearly demonstrates the importance of the vote that you honourable Members are about to take as the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) forms the basis of our relationship with the UK after its departure from the Union.

Many of you have underlined that this is an historic fact in itself. We are now called upon, together with the United Kingdom, to write the next chapter of our common history. But before coming to the future, I need to start by thanking you for the four—month scrutiny work by all parliamentary committees and, beyond that, to thank you for your continuous support during the negotiations of both the TCA and the Withdrawal Agreement and now their implementation.

Many of you worked very hard throughout this period, but please allow me to thank, in particular, the co-chairs of the United Kingdom Coordination Group (UKCG), Mr David McAllister and Mr Bernd Lange, and all the members of the Coordination Group and, of course, our two co—rapporteurs, Mr Christophe Hansen and Mr Andreas Schieder, who took over the file from our great colleague who is now working in the Dutch Parliament, Ms Kati Piri.

As I said, and I underline again, many more Members of the European Parliament have been doing thorough work on the TCA scrutiny, while the President of this House and the leaders of all political groups have been equally coordinating this exercise at the highest political level. As we have repeated many times, unity among institutions and among Member States is, and must remain, a cornerstone of our EU—UK relations. Only when we as the EU present a united front can we interact with such a close partner as effectively as possible.

This scrutiny work on the implementation of the TCA is, of course, far from over. I take note of your strong support for the TCA today and in the votes in the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and the Committee on International Trade (INTA). I hope it will be reflected in the plenary voting result as well, but I also take good note of your concerns and remarks. Mr Weber, Mr Azmani and Mr Lamberts called for the restoration of trust and the full implementation of the TCA, the Withdrawal Agreement and especially the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland as soon as possible, and, of course, under the condition that this Parliament grants its consent to the TCA and the Council then adopts it. We need to accelerate the joint work with the UK on the implementation of the TCA and its instruments.

To do this, I have to say that your scrutiny work and identification of your points of concern will be helpful to me and will reinforce my negotiating position. Therefore, honourable Members, your work will continue as well. I count on our continuous close cooperation for the monitoring of the European Parliament and this is why the Commission has committed to giving full effect to the Treaty prerogatives of the European Parliament in the statement officially submitted to Parliament. Transparency and trust will be key to keeping our unity.

The Trade and Cooperation Agreement is strongly connected to the Withdrawal Agreement and we will, therefore, now accelerate our constructive engagement with our UK counterparts to ensure the full implementation of the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland. As John Hume was already quoted by our President, let me do it again, because he was absolutely right. There are no easy answers and no quick—fix solutions. Therefore, our aim is – and must be – to find mutually agreeable pathways towards full implementation of the Protocol, as was highlighted by Ms Iratxe García Pérez, Mr Lamberts and Mr Hansen. We have to work at all levels, as was suggested by Mr Kelleher, and here I want to comment on the very constructive and good work which is done by our co-chairs on the specialised committees on Ireland and Northern Ireland.

That being said, and as the President has already indicated, the TCA provides for more effective means, like cross—retaliation and the suspension of market access, in the event of a breach of the good faith obligation to implement the Withdrawal Agreement, including the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland. Brexit has, unfortunately, revived the tensions on the island of Ireland, as was highlighted by Mr Schirdewan, Mr Kelly and many others. But Ms Fitzgerald reminded us that the Protocol is the only viable solution to guarantee peace, stability and prosperity there by protecting the Good Friday Agreement in all its dimensions, avoiding a hard border and upholding the integrity of our single market at the same time.

I am planning to intensify my outreach to Northern Ireland, to listen to the stakeholders and to civil society, and to help them turn the change into a real opportunity, as was proposed by Mr MacManus and Mr Scholtz. Indeed, Northern Ireland is in a unique position to be part of both the UK’s internal market and the EU’s single market, so let’s turn this uniqueness into real opportunity.

I would also like to tell honourable Members that I understand and I acknowledge the attention that honourable Members drew today to the question of citizens’ rights, data adequacy, fisheries and the supply of medicines. We are working very intensely on all of them. I listened very carefully to your comments and concerns and will be in very close touch with all of you. I am also convinced that the singling out of five Member States on such a sensitive issue as work visas definitely falls into the category where we need to seek corrective action from our UK partners. If we are not able to resolve it by other means, I will insist that it be put on the agenda of the first session of the Partnership Council we will have once the TCA is approved and ratified.

Many of you have underscored that the TCA is very important for our economy and businesses to make sure that they are able to trade with the UK without tariffs and quotas. At the same time, the TCA provides for unprecedented level-playing-field obligations to protect our businesses from unfair competition when it comes to issues like unlawful state aid or the lowering of labour or environmental standards. This is underpinned by an effective governance system, allowing for unilateral measures by the parties in the event of a breach of the obligations by the parties.

It is indeed important that the TCA starts to be fully applied in practice. The ratification will mark an end point to the long negotiation period and the beginning of another chapter in our relations with the UK, a relationship that will be framed by a strong trade and cooperation deal, but will not be limited to it. Apart from all this, the UK remains a key partner and a like-minded ally when it comes to issues like climate change and relations with other partners around the globe. Although not even the best agreement can amount to advantages of being part of the European family and although there are limits to what we can do with a third country, we both have an interest to explore the possibilities to the maximum and build on our inevitably common future to face our common challenges ahead.

Thank you very much for this profound debate. I hope that this debate clearly confirmed how important the TCA is for all of us. Therefore, I would make a plea for your positive consent vote.


  Der Präsident. – Herr Vizepräsident, wir bedanken uns auch bei Ihnen für die Ernsthaftigkeit und Konstruktivität der Zusammenarbeit, genauso wie bei Michel Barnier und der Kommissionspräsidentin.


  Ana Paula Zacarias, Presidente em exercício do Conselho. – Senhor Presidente, que honra poder encerrar este debate, um debate intenso, vivo, rico, profundo, que abordou o futuro da nossa relação com o Reino Unido, mas, ao mesmo tempo, nos interpela sobre a nossa própria União e sobre a importância de continuarmos a trabalhar em conjunto, Parlamento, Conselho, Comissão, assegurando a cooperação interinstitucional e a nossa unidade.

Gostaria de agradecer, uma vez mais, o trabalho extraordinário do nosso negociador-chefe, Michel Barnier, e também o enorme profissionalismo e o trabalho já desenvolvido e a desenvolver pelo vice-presidente Maroš Šefčovič.

Com a aprovação de hoje no Parlamento e a adoção em breve no Conselho da decisão relativa à celebração do Acordo de Comércio e Cooperação poderemos avançar para uma nova etapa mais positiva nas relações entre a União Europeia e o Reino Unido. Continuaremos vigilantes em relação à implementação do acordo de saída e também deste acordo de comércio e cooperação e isso exigirá um trabalho constante de monitorização e de acompanhamento pragmático.

Confiamos plenamente nos esforços da Comissão para assegurar que o Reino Unido esteja em plena conformidade e continuaremos a contribuir para a boa implementação dos compromissos assumidos.

Temos todos a ganhar com a estabilização da relação entre a União Europeia e o Reino Unido e com o reforço de uma relação construtiva e de confiança mútua.

A aprovação do Acordo de Comércio e Cooperação é um passo importante nesse sentido de um novo caminho de cooperação e parceria com o Reino Unido no futuro e isto é importante para as instituições, é importante para os governos, é importante para as empresas, mas acima de tudo é importante para os cidadãos da Europa de um lado e de outro do canal.


  Der Präsident. – Die gemeinsame Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmungen über die Empfehlung von Herrn Schieder und Herrn Hansen und über die Entschließungsanträge finden heute statt.

Ich unterbreche die Sitzung jetzt bis 15.00 Uhr. Um 15.00 Uhr fahren wir mit der Aussprache über die Entlastung 2019 fort.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 171)


  Victor Negrescu (S&D), în scris. – Acordul comercial și de cooperare UE-UK oferă bazele unei viitoare cooperări în acord cu obiectivele europene, prin care vizăm menținerea unor standarde înalte și conservarea unui mediu concurențial echitabil pentru toate părțile implicate. Acordul, ratificat de PE, stabilește regimuri preferențiale în mai multe domenii și participarea la programele Uniunii. Documentul cuprinde, la solicitarea PE, referiri explicite la protejarea drepturilor cetățenilor europeni din UK, reiterând o parte din prevederile acordul de ieșire din UE.

În calitatea mea precedentă de ministru delegat pentru Afaceri Europene am pus un accent deosebit pe această componentă în discuțiile purtate la nivel european și cu partenerii britanici. Am denunțat, printr-un amendament scris, aprobat cu o largă majoritate, discriminarea generată de impunerea unei taxe mai mari pentru vize pentru cetățenii români. Cinci state din UE întâmpină aceste dificultăți, ceea ce presupune ca executivul european să insiste pentru ca UK să ofere un tratament egal tuturor cetățenilor europeni.

În acest sens, am solicitat, în scris, atât Comisiei Europene, cât și guvernului britanic, să găsească rapid o soluție. Acordul comercial depășește acordurile tradiționale de liber schimb, dar nu asigură nivelul de integrare economică din perioada apartenenței Regatului Unit la UE. Acesta oferă însă bazele unei cooperări pe termen lung.


  Urmas Paet (Renew). – Euroopa Liidu ja Ühendkuningriigi kaubandus- ja koostöölepe paneb paika edasise koostöö raamid. On muidugi kahju, et Ühendkuningriik üldse otsustas Euroopa Liidust lahkuda. Käesolev lepe aitab siiski leevendada Brexiti halvimaid mõjusid. Ühtlasi annab lepe õiguskindluse nii kodanikele kui ettevõtjatele. Heakskiidu andmisega siiski ei lõpe veel Euroopa Parlamendi liikmete roll. Meie ülesanne on ka edaspidi tähelepanelikult jälgida, kas Ühendkuningriik ikka täidab koostööleppe kohustusi täies mahus. Jääb ka probleemkohti, mis vajavad lahendust. Näiteks on kahetsusväärne, et Ühendkuningriik ei osale enam Erasmuse programmis. Noortelt ei tohiks ära võtta seda suurepärast võimalust oma silmaringi laiendada. Samuti peaks Ühendkuningriik kiiremas korras tühistama oma otsuse, mis diskrimineerib Eesti, Leedu, Bulgaaria, Rumeenia ja Sloveenia kodanikke, sest nemad peavad Ühendkuningriigi tööviisa eest (nt hooajatööviisa) rohkem maksma kui teiste liikmesriikide kodanikud. Kõiki ELi kodanikke tuleks kohelda võrdselt. Ühendkuningriik ei tahtnud lepingu osana pidada läbirääkimisi välispoliitika, julgeoleku ja kaitse valdkonnas. Sellegipoolest tuleb meil neis valdkondades tihedat koostööd teha. Selleks on meil õnneks kõik eeldused olemas ning selleks on ka selge vajadus, kui vaadata praegust geopoliitilist olukorda.


  Sirpa Pietikäinen (PPE). –Euroopan unionin ja Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan kauppa- ja yhteistyösopimus on saatettava pysyvästi voimaan sopimuksen väliaikaisen soveltamisen jälkeen. EU:n ja myös tämän parlamentin täytyy kuitenkin sopimuksen hyväksymisenkin jälkeen tarkasti seurata sitä, että Pohjois-Irlannin riippumattomuudesta ja asemasta pidetään huolta sovitusti. Brexit on surullinen esimerkki politiikan epäonnistumisesta. Se on maksanut Isolle-Britannialle satoja miljardeja puntia, ja Euroopan komission arvioiden mukaan maan bruttokansantuote pienenee brexitin vuoksi 2,25 prosentilla vuoteen 2022 mennessä. Toisaalta sopimusneuvottelut on nyt käyty, ja on aika kääntää sivua. Brexit on kolhinut pahasti EU:n ja Ison-Britannian suhteita, joita täytyy viritellä uudelleen positiiviselle taajuudelle.

Ilmastopolitiikka tarjoaa hyvän tilaisuuden EU-UK-suhteiden uudistamiseen, ja se on mahdollisuus positiiviseen yhteistyöhön. EU-Iso-Britannia-Yhdysvallat-rintamalla voidaan tehdä yhdessä töitä, jotta YK:n marraskuussa järjestettävä ilmastokokous COP26 Glasgow’ssa onnistuisi sopimaan riittävän kunnianhimoisista tavoitteista CO2-päästöjen vähentämiseksi niin, että maapallon lämpeneminen voidaan pysäyttää alle kahteen asteeseen. EU:ssa päästiin vastikään sopuun ilmastolaista ja vuoden 2030 tavoitteista. Tavoite on vähentää päästöjä vähintään 55 prosenttia verrattuna vuoteen 1990. Tieteellisen tiedon perusteella meidän olisi pitänyt tavoitella vähintään 70 prosentin vähennystä vuoteen 2030 mennessä. COP26-isäntämaalle Isolle-Britannialle on syytä antaa tunnustusta, sillä se on asettanut kunnioitettavan 78 prosentin päästövähennystavoitteen vuodelle 2035. Tavoite perustuu kansallisen ilmastonmuutospaneelin tieteelliseen arvioon. Onnistuaksemme ilmastonmuutoksen torjunnassa tarvitsemme ehdottomasti tieteeseen perustuvaa ilmastopolitiikkaa.


  Jan Zahradil (ECR), písemně. – Jsem velmi rád, že dnes konečně hlasujeme o schválení dohody mezi EU a Spojeným královstvím, která položí základy našim společným vztahům po odchodu Spojeného království z EU. Přál jsem si, tak jako většina z nás tady, aby Britové zůstali. Nnicméně musíme akceptovat a respektovat realitu a svobodnou vůli občanů Spojeného království. Vždy jsem říkal, že nemá smysl se snažit o nějakou symbolickou odplatu nebo dokonce potrestání Britů za jejich rozhodnutí, ale musíme se soustředit na budoucnost. Spojené království nadále zůstává naším nejbližším partnerem a spojencem a obě strany mají zájem o těsnou a oboustranně výhodnou spolupráci. Jsem rád, že tato dohoda takovému partnerství pokládá silné základy a podporuji plně její schválení. Je pravda, že obě strany musely přistoupit na mnoho kompromisů, z nichž některé byly bolestivé, ale celkově se podařilo najít dohodu, která je vyvážená. Pokud by dnes ztroskotala na odmítnutí tímto parlamentem, jednalo by se o velkou chybu s nedozírnými následky. Neprotahujme tedy dále tuto nejistotu. Pojďme dnes dohodu schválit a pracujme nadále na dalším prohlubování naší vzájemné spolupráce v ekonomice, obchodu, vědě a vzdělávání, bezpečnosti i dalších otázkách.


(Die Sitzung wird um 13.39 Uhr unterbrochen)



Ostatnia aktualizacja: 7 września 2021Informacja prawna - Polityka ochrony prywatności