 Vollständiger Text 
Verfahren : 2021/2023(INI)
Werdegang im Plenum
Entwicklungsstadium in Bezug auf das Dokument : A9-0124/2021

Eingereichte Texte :


Aussprachen :

PV 28/04/2021 - 15
PV 28/04/2021 - 17
CRE 28/04/2021 - 15
CRE 28/04/2021 - 17

Abstimmungen :

PV 29/04/2021 - 4
PV 29/04/2021 - 19
CRE 29/04/2021 - 4

Angenommene Texte :


Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte
XML 39k
Mittwoch, 28. April 2021 - Brüssel

17. Beziehungen zwischen der EU und Indien (Fortsetzung der Aussprache)
Video der Beiträge

  Der Präsident. – Wir setzen nun unsere Aussprache über den Bericht von Alviina Alametsä zu den Beziehungen zwischen der EU und Indien (A9 0124/2021) fort.


  David McAllister, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, at the European Union, we share strong political, economic, social and cultural ties with India, the world’s largest democracy.

For this reason, the news we are hearing from India about the critical situation related to COVID—19 in the country is so shocking. The European Union, in close cooperation with Member States, as we just heard, is mobilising support and assistance through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to help our trusted partner. It is crucial to quickly support India in these critical days.

I believe the full potential of our relations with India should finally be unleashed. It is about accelerating and strengthening the strategic partnership – a strategic partnership based on common values and principles, as well as on joint interests. With the roadmap to 2025, agreed on in July last year, there is a solid basis to do so; now it needs to be further implemented.

The EU–India leaders meeting on 8 May, as mentioned by the rapporteur and the Commissioner, will be a good occasion to take stock of the progress achieved so far and to intensify our future cooperation. Four areas will be key: global health issues, climate change and sustainable growth, technology, trade and investment, and foreign security and defence.

A final remark: India is an important partner for the EU when it comes to preserving and promoting the rules—based multilateral order. Therefore, let us improve our cooperation on geopolitical challenges, especially in the Pacific and in international organisations. The upcoming summit should create positive momentum and clear steps to deepen our strategic partnership. This is the expectation of the EPP.


  Katarina Barley, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, let me also start by expressing solidarity with the people of India, who face a terrible worsening of the COVID—19 situation. Again, we see that the poorest people suffer the most.

The EU is ready to help and quickly provide medicine, ventilators and oxygen. We have seen that especially India has been very helpful towards other poorer countries like Bangladesh. Even more we should now be solidary with them.

The European Commission has activated the EU’s Civil Protection Mechanism to coordinate the aid. We’re in this together.

I would like to, first of all, thank rapporteur Alametsä for the very good cooperation on this balanced report.

We all agree, of course, that India is one of the fastest—growing economies, and the world’s largest democracy. It has been a strategic partner of the European Union since 2004 and, rightly, our relations are a priority of the Portuguese Presidency.

Based on our shared values, we can boost our cooperation in many areas, for mutual benefit. Let me state a few examples.

First, India is one of our key partners in tackling climate change and biodiversity degradation. As two major global greenhouse gas emitters, a joint commitment and shared plans for the full implementation of the Paris Agreement can make a great contribution towards a just and safe clean energy transition and reaching climate neutrality.

We should also encourage further convergence in the area of protection of personal data and privacy to facilitate safe and secure cross—border cooperation. And we need closer coordination to counter terrorism, violent extremism, and disinformation campaigns.

We have to overcome the issues that have hampered our trade relations in recent years and work together on closer value—based trade relations within EU. We have also to promote people—to—people exchanges, including education and culture, and a stronger dialogue.

But let me also say that human rights must be at the heart of the EU’s engagement with India. We do have issues with human rights here in Europe, but we also have to encourage India to take further steps to ensure a safe environment for the work of independent journalists, human rights defenders and civil society.


  Klemen Grošelj, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Mr President, India has seen incredible growth in its global economic and political weight. This is why the EU—India strategic partnership is of ever greater importance for international cooperation in general. The Porto Summit is an excellent opportunity for the further strengthening of our political, economic and social ties.

The stability of the Indo—Pacific area is of common strategic interest, where mutual cooperation should be strengthened in light of China’s growing influence in the region. This should not be seen as a tool for confronting China, but as a tool for limiting its narrow regional agenda.

Bilateral trade with India has seen extraordinary growth over the years but there are many opportunities that remain unexploited. We need strong political will to negotiate a comprehensive and mutually—beneficial agreement, which should include all aspects of trade, from investor protection to social and workers’ rights.

The EU and India could and should intensify cooperation on digitalisation and climate change. Opportunities for cooperation are practically unlimited in fields such as research, innovation and the development of new technologies. This would enable us both to achieve ambitious climate goals and foster international cooperation in combating climate change.

Respect for the rule of law, human rights and good governance are fundamental values that should be addressed in an open and constructive dialogue. Some recent trends in India raise particular concerns. We call on India to fully implement the recommendations made by several international institutions.

We expect the world’s largest democracy to demonstrate its commitment to respect and fully enforce the constitutionally guaranteed rights of all of its citizens and to put an end to all forms of discrimination. India needs an open and vivid civil society, and civil society organisations must be able to carry out their work without any obstacles.

We hope for India to make further progress as regards gender equality, especially in effectively combating and preventing gender—based violence. We believe that increased cooperation can, and will, help India to overcome its deep social stratification, contributing in this way to its overall progress and development.


  Thierry Mariani, au nom du groupe ID. – Monsieur le Président, je tiens d’abord à exprimer ma solidarité au gouvernement et au peuple indiens qui affrontent aujourd’hui de violents pics de contamination à la COVID. L’Inde est un grand pays et l’avenir des nations européennes passe par l’amélioration de nos relations avec son gouvernement. Nous étions tous ravis que le premier ministre Modi rencontre, à Porto, les dirigeants des États européens afin de resserrer nos relations. Malheureusement, nous comprenons bien que son rôle est de se tenir aux côtés de la nation indienne si durement éprouvée.

Je note cependant que mes collègues de la commission des affaires étrangères avaient largement abîmé le texte et le climat de cette réunion, en transformant ce texte que nous étudions en un tract d’ONG plutôt qu’en une stratégie politique. Ce qu’ils croient être la démonstration de leurs vertus n’est qu’une preuve supplémentaire donnée au monde que l’arrogance et l’aveuglement sont devenus les maîtres mots de la politique étrangère européenne. Beaucoup vous diront que l’Union européenne est un partenaire commercial essentiel pour l’Inde. C’est nous donner une puissance que nous n’avons pas. Seule l’Allemagne fait partie des dix partenaires commerciaux principaux de l’Inde. La France doit par exemple intensifier ses échanges avec Delhi, notamment.

Du fait de l’ouverture économique et des progrès de la puissance indienne, il est donc essentiel que nous nous libérions des préjugés de nombreux idéologues de la Commission pour négocier avec l’Inde autour de nos intérêts mutuels bien compris. En somme, il faut sortir d’une situation où l’Union européenne accorde le statut SPG+ au Pakistan, qui soutient l’islamisme, notamment au Cachemire, mais refuse de s’entendre avec l’Inde, à cause de préjugés idéologiques contre le premier ministre Modi. Le sommet de Porto, même s’il se tient en ligne, doit être l’occasion, enfin, de changer de ligne.


  Bert-Jan Ruissen, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Voorzitter, mevrouw de commissaris, allereerst sluit ik me aan bij de woorden van meeleven die zijn uitgesproken richting India, nu COVID daar opnieuw heel hard toeslaat. De Commissie bood dit weekend royaal hulp aan en daarvoor past alleen maar waardering. Maar ook los gezien van deze situatie is er alle reden om te investeren in contacten met India, vanwege de onderlinge handelsrelaties, maar ook vanwege de stabiliteit in de regio.

Daarbij mogen we echter niet uit het oog verliezen dat een aantal zaken in India niet goed gaan. Ik denk bijvoorbeeld heel concreet aan pastor Sanjay Bhandari, die eerder deze maand in elkaar werd geslagen door een groep hindoe-extremisten, want het moest maar eens afgelopen zijn met die bekeringsactiviteiten van hem.

Godsdienstvrijheid blijkt in India maar al te vaak slechts een papieren werkelijkheid te zijn. In onze resolutie leggen we daarom de vinger op de kwalijke antibekeringswetten en roepen we India op meer te doen om christenen en andere religieuze minderheden te beschermen.

Ik roep het voorzitterschap en de Europese Dienst voor extern optreden op hetzelfde te doen. De mensenrechtendialoog van begin deze maand moet absoluut een vervolg krijgen. Dat is in het belang van de godsdienstvrijheid, in het belang van de mensenrechten en in het belang van de religieuze minderheden.

Versterking van de economische samenwerking moet hand in hand gaan met verbetering van de mensenrechtensituatie.


  Mick Wallace, on behalf of the The Left Group. – Mr President, I too favour a strong relationship between the EU and India, but not as a geopolitical tool to challenge the rise of China in the region and the world. That’s exactly what the Americans want to do when it comes to India.

I would like to see the EU play a different role, to play an independent role and have a healthy relationship with India. We shouldn’t pretend that we’re going there and engaging with them because of shared values. The truth is that Modi is a far—right—wing racist. He’s a nasty piece of work, but that doesn’t stop us from actually engaging with India. Hopefully he won’t be there forever.

But the idea that we can use India as a vehicle to stop China, as if China was the baddy and India was the goody, is absolute nonsense. The human rights record in India is much worse than it is in China. There is no comparison. The Chinese have performed miracles with challenging poverty unheard of in humankind. They have so much to offer and we have so much to learn from them.

If you want to compare the two, look at how both of them have dealt with COVID. Let’s be realistic in our relationship and stop pretending.


  Michael Gahler (PPE). – Mr President, today’s discussion on India comes at a very dark time for the country facing the biggest numbers of COVID infections: more than 300 000 per day over the last few days.

I’m very glad that the European Union has reacted quickly and, via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, has made shipments of urgently needed oxygen, medicine, and equipment available. I would like to thank those Member States who have worked within this mechanism, and there are others who have helped bilaterally.

Today’s debate was designed to be ahead of the planned leaders’ meeting between the EU and India in Porto. It has been cancelled due to the surge of infections in India, however, topics on the bilateral agenda remain valid. The EPP Group believes that the bilateral relationship requires a constant improvement and deepening. We have by no means achieved our full potential.

India will be, in a couple of years, the most populous country in the world. Its rise since the start of economic reform at the beginning of the 1990s has been spectacular. Our trade in the last decade has increased by 70%. The EU is ready to launch negotiations on the stand—alone investment protection agreement, which would increase legal certainty for investors on both sides.

As a friend, I say we can also address some issues of human rights where we see negative tendencies. India prides itself on being a country that treats human rights with respect and care, but I think one aspect is important: the Citizenship Amendment Act. I have studied it. I think it is about temporary privilege for some, but not for discrimination for others, so we should not criticise from this angle but look at other issues that are at stake.


  Bernd Lange (S&D). – Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Natürlich unterstützen wir Indien in dieser aktuellen Krise, wir müssen aber, glaube ich, noch mehr tun als bisher. Insofern schönen Dank an alle, die bisher geholfen haben. Aber ich glaube, wir müssen medizinische Güter und Impfstoffe verstärkt auch nach Indien liefern.

Aber neben der aktuellen Situation müssen wir natürlich auch gucken, wie wir langfristig mit unseren wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen weiterkommen. Wir verhandeln ja schon seit Jahren über ein Handelsabkommen, ohne signifikanten Erfolg. Und deswegen, Frau Kommissarin, müssen wir vielleicht a) überlegen, ob das Mandat dieser Handelsverhandlungen noch stimmt. Denn inzwischen ist klar, dass wir in bestimmten Bereichen mit unserem Partner Indien nicht übereinkommen. Von daher, glaube ich, müssen wir das Mandat – wo wir uns drauf konzentrieren wollen – wirklich verändern.

Und ein Bereich ist sicherlich der Investitionsschutz. Indien hat ja bekanntermaßen die alten ISDS—Regeln außer Kraft gesetzt, was ich sehr begrüße. Da haben die Recht, da waren die schneller und besser als die Europäische Union. Aber jetzt haben wir uns auch bewegt und diese privatrechtlichen Streitschlichtungen auf den Müllhaufen der Geschichte geworfen und wollen, wenn überhaupt, eine gerichtliche Situation. Und da können wir über einen Investitionsschutz, glaube ich, sehr genau miteinander verhandeln.

Neben der Frage von Zöllen, neben der Frage von geistigem Eigentum geht es natürlich auch um Nachhaltigkeit. Ich glaube, wir können kein Abkommen mehr schließen – weder ein Investitions— noch ein Handelsabkommen –, wenn nicht gesichert ist, dass Arbeitnehmerrechte, dass Umweltstandards, dass das Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen umgesetzt wird, und vor allen Dingen, dass es auch Durchsetzungsmöglichkeiten gibt. Und das ist, glaube ich, die Lehre unserer bisherigen Handelsabkommen. Wir brauchen bessere und stärkere Durchsetzungsmöglichkeiten, und das müssen wir mit Indien auch vereinbaren.


  Sandro Gozi (Renew). – Monsieur le Président, tout d’abord, je tiens à témoigner tout mon soutien au peuple indien pour l’épreuve qu’il traverse dans cette crise de la COVID—19. Je salue, à mon tour, l’envoi par l’Union européenne de médicaments grâce au mécanisme de protection civile. Cela montre que l’UE est un partenaire de confiance pour l’Inde et un ami dans les moments difficiles.

Le choix du premier ministre Antonio Cósta d’organiser ce sommet euro-indien, même virtuel, le 8 mai prochain est donc excellent. Nous devons entrer dans une nouvelle phase des relations avec Delhi, relancer les partenariats stratégiques comportant une forte dimension parlementaire, promouvoir un dialogue ouvert et exigeant sur le respect des droits humains et le rôle de la société civile, travailler pour un accord de protection des investissements, agir ensemble contre le changement climatique.

Les équilibres géopolitiques dans le monde et en Asie bougent et une alliance solide entre l’Europe et l’Inde est fondamentale. On n’a pas besoin d’être complètement d’accord sur tout pour s’entendre sur l’essentiel.


  Lars Patrick Berg (ID). – Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin! Indien ist die größte Demokratie der Welt und ein wichtiger Handelspartner Europas. Und so ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, dass wir alles in unserer Macht Stehende unternehmen, um unsere Beziehungen zu diesem Land zu harmonisieren und deren Potenzial voll auszuschöpfen. Zudem müssen wir anerkennen, dass Indien als Nuklearmacht in einer instabilen Region – Stichwort Kaschmir—Konflikt – ein unverzichtbarer Partner in Sicherheits— und Verteidigungsfragen ist.

Die indischen Beziehungen zu China sind für uns alle von eminenter Bedeutung. Am wichtigsten ist jedoch, dass wir uns mit Indien in dieser beispiellosen Gesundheitskrise, die das Land derzeit überrollt, solidarisch zeigen. Dass Krankenhäuser gezwungen sind, Schwerkranke abzuweisen, und viele Menschen keine andere Lösung haben, als ihre Angehörigen selbst einzuäschern, sollte uns zu denken geben.

Deshalb begrüße ich die Initiative für eine weitere Vertiefung der Beziehungen zwischen Europa und Indien – insbesondere in Bezug auf eine gemeinsame Indopazifik—Strategie –, hoffe jedoch, dass wir auch praktische Hilfe leisten können, um zur Linderung der gegenwärtigen Krise beitragen zu können.


  Sandra Pereira (The Left). – Senhor Presidente, como portuguesa e comunista, não posso deixar de referir que este ano se comemoram os 60 anos da libertação de Goa, Damão e Diu do colonialismo português. Uma efeméride que nos recorda que as relações internacionais devem ser pautadas por princípios como o respeito pela soberania e a independência, o desenvolvimento de relações mutuamente vantajosas nos planos económico, científico, social, cultural, princípios que devem pautar as relações de cada um dos diferentes países que integram a União Europeia com a Índia.

Tal significa a rejeição de políticas que visam a imposição de relações de domínio e de dependência, o primado dos interesses dos grupos financeiros e económicos sobre os direitos dos trabalhadores e dos povos, a confrontação no plano internacional.

Gostaria de saudar nesta ocasião todos quantos, seja nos países que integram a União Europeia, seja na Índia, lutam pelos seus legítimos direitos ao trabalho com direitos, a produzir, a um rendimento justo e digno, à saúde, à educação, ao progresso social.


  Paulo Rangel (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária, como membro da delegação para a Índia, como deputado português, do Porto, e como português, que foi o primeiro povo da Europa a chegar por via marítima à Índia e a criar uma relação de mais de 500 anos de profunda intimidade, devo dizer que considero que, nas prioridades da Presidência portuguesa, esta é, com certeza, a mais feliz.

E é a mais feliz, por um lado, porque, com o Brexit, deixámos de ter um interlocutor privilegiado para a Índia, que era o Reino Unido, e temos que ocupar esse espaço, por outro lado, porque os avanços da China, que é uma ditadura e que tem uma estratégia expansionista agressiva, implicam que haja um equilíbrio geopolítico na Ásia, na região do Indo-Pacífico e, por isso, a Índia é um parceiro fundamental. E é um parceiro fundamental também porque ela é a maior democracia do mundo e, portanto, está em condições de representar valores que são valores fundamentais para aqueles que têm a dignidade da pessoa humana em primeiro lugar.

E, por isso mesmo, será fundamental que nesta Cimeira tenhamos reforçado a solidariedade com as autoridades indianas no momento dificílimo que é o momento da pandemia que afetou agora o subcontinente indiano. É fundamental que essa solidariedade seja a marca de uma relação de longo alcance que comece a partir da Cimeira do Porto.


  Pedro Silva Pereira (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, a Presidência portuguesa e o Primeiro—Ministro António Costa fizeram a escolha certa ao dar prioridade à Índia e ao convocar para o próximo dia 8 de maio uma cimeira, agora virtual, entre a União Europeia e a União Indiana.

De facto, é tempo de reforçar a nossa parceria estratégica com a Índia, um país amigo e uma potência cada vez mais importante na região do Indo—Pacífico e na economia global. E é muito o que podemos fazer em conjunto na cooperação bilateral e multilateral, a favor do desenvolvimento, no combate às alterações climáticas, na regulação da globalização, na defesa da segurança e da paz.

Mas é tempo também de assumir a ambição de negociar com a Índia não apenas um acordo de investimento, mas também um acordo comercial a favor das nossas economias e do desenvolvimento sustentável. Mas, com a terrível tragédia que a pandemia está a causar na Índia, a prioridade só pode ser uma: fazer chegar à Índia todo o apoio possível em termos de assistência médica, equipamento, proteção civil e oxigénio.

As medidas de ajuda já anunciadas pela União Europeia são importantes, mas vai ser preciso fazer mais. Este é o momento de dar um testemunho vivo de solidariedade com a Índia.


  Marco Campomenosi (ID). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, sicurezza, sostenibilità ambientale: l'India sta facendo tanti investimenti sulle energie rinnovabili. Sono solo alcuni dei temi su cui sarà importante discutere a Oporto in un vertice che viene in un momento importante.

Viene in un momento importante perché ci sono tensioni nell'area dell'Indo-Pacifico. Ad esempio l'India, abbiamo parlato molto di quello che avviene all'interno del paese, che è un paese che ha anche dei vicini ingombranti. Le provocazioni cinesi sono molto forti. Il Pakistan, ricordiamo con che veemenza aveva esponenti politici che, guidati da una certa visione estremistica dal punto di vista religioso, attaccavano la Francia che proteggeva un certo sistema di valori.

Insomma, con l'India è importante stabilire rapporti che siano duraturi e che vedano una condivisione di valori ovviamente relativi, ovviamente tenendo conto anche di differenze enormi.

Ho visto in alcune critiche che sono avvenute in questi giorni un atteggiamento strumentale e ovviamente dobbiamo essere tutti solidali con un paese che oggi vive un picco della pandemia.


  Ylva Johansson, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice—President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, more than before, the EU and India now realise the convergence of our shared interest to strengthening a rules-based world order. We are working now on the translation of this realisation into concrete joint initiatives and actions.

The connectivity partnership to be concluded next week is an excellent tool in this respect. There are also other examples in line with your report. We intend to coordinate positions and initiatives in the UN World Trade Organization (WTO) and the G20. We intend to work jointly on both the reform of the World Health Organization to enhance global health preparedness and the WTO reform. And, as called for in your report, we are working with India to explore the feasibility of resuming trade negotiations and of launching investment negotiations.

We hope to be able to work with India as well towards a bilateral agreement on the protection of geographical indications. We also expect India to address the numerous trade barriers our companies are facing in the Indian market.

With a deepening of our partnership comes the responsibility but also the opportunity to address more sensitive issues. As many of you have mentioned, human rights and democracy should be at the heart of EU-India relations, and there lies an important role for the European Parliament and the Lok Sabha in India.

I trust that enhanced and structured parliamentary exchanges will help to foster greater mutual understanding and reinforce democratic structures.


  Der Präsident. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung über die Änderungsanträge findet heute, Mittwoch, 28. April 2021, statt, die Schlussabstimmung morgen, Donnerstag, 29. April 2021.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 171)


  Krzysztof Hetman (PPE), na piśmie. – Indie to największa demokracja świata, a także ważny gospodarczy partner Unii. Powinniśmy więc dołożyć wszelkich starań, aby budować z Indiami dobre, oparte na wspólnych wartościach relacje. Istnieje szereg obszarów o dużym potencjale do współpracy. Nasze priorytety w relacjach z Indiami to przeciwdziałanie zmianom klimatycznym, poszanowanie praw człowieka, działania na rzecz bezpieczeństwa i pokoju, współpraca w zakresie ochrony zdrowia i walki z COVID-19. Powinniśmy łączyć siły wszędzie tam, gdzie jest to możliwe i realizować wspólne interesy, np. poprzez koordynację stanowisk i inicjatyw na forach międzynarodowych jak ONZ czy WTO. Budując nasze relacje z Indiami, musimy też jednak pochylić się nad kwestiami problematycznymi. Niepokojąca jest sytuacja mniejszości religijnych w Indiach. Konieczne jest zagwarantowanie prawa do swobodnego praktykowania wybranej religii i przeciwdziałanie dyskryminacji i przemocy wobec mniejszości religijnych. Problem może stanowić też ustawa o zagranicznym wkładzie. Dochodzą do nas sygnały mówiące o tym, że może ona utrudniać funkcjonowanie, a nawet wypierać z Indii niektóre organizacje społeczeństwa obywatelskiego i działające na rzecz praw człowieka. To ważne kwestie, które powinniśmy podnosić w dialogu z Indiami. Dlatego zgadzam się, że należy przywrócić regularny dialog między UE a Indiami na temat praw człowieka, abyśmy mogli wspólnie pochylić się nad wyzwaniami i udzielać Indiom potrzebnego wsparcia.


  Βαγγέλης Μεϊμαράκης (PPE), γραπτώς. – Είναι πολύ σημαντικό το ότι έχουμε την ευκαιρία να συζητήσουμε σήμερα σχετικά με τον φάκελο των σχέσεων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης με την Ινδία, μια χώρα που διαδραματίζει και αναμένεται να διαδραματίσει σημαντικό ρόλο σε οικονομικό και γεωπολιτικό επίπεδο. Ως εκ τούτου, πρέπει να εξεταστούν ενδελεχώς οι τομείς στους οποίους μπορεί να υπάρξει κοινός τόπος συνεργασίας μεταξύ ΕΕ-Ινδίας, ιδιαίτερα σε θέματα εμπορίου και επενδύσεων, προκειμένου να ενδυναμωθεί η συνδεσιμότητα των δύο εταίρων, χωρίς ωστόσο να γίνουν εκπτώσεις στα θέματα της κλιματικής αλλαγής, της ψηφιακής μετάβασης, της ασφάλειας της ναυσιπλοΐας και των ανθρωπίνων και εργασιακών δικαιωμάτων. Η συγκυρία είναι ευνοϊκή, δεδομένου ότι η ΕΕ και η Ινδία θα έχουν σύντομα τη δυνατότητα να συζητήσουν και να ανταλλάξουν απόψεις στην επικείμενη Σύνοδο Ηγετών ΕΕ - Ινδίας, η οποία δυστυχώς αναβλήθηκε λόγω της υγειονομικής κρίσης που αντιμετωπίζει η χώρα. Αυτό που προέχει τώρα, είναι η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να δείξει την έμπρακτη αλληλεγγύη της προς στην Ινδία, σε αυτήν την ιδιαίτερα δύσκολη κρίση που καλείται να αντιμετωπίσει λόγω της ραγδαίας αύξησης των κρουσμάτων από την ινδική μετάλλαξη. Αν η ΕΕ δεν συμβάλλει αποφασιστικά και καθοριστικά στην επίλυση αυτής της κρίσης, το πρόβλημα αυτό της Ινδίας ενδέχεται να γίνει και πρόβλημα της ίδιας της Ένωσης.


(Die Sitzung wird um 20.26 Uhr unterbrochen)


Puhetta johti HEIDI HAUTALA

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