 Texto íntegro 
Procedimiento : 2021/2605(RSP)
Ciclo de vida en sesión
Ciclos relativos a los documentos :

Textos presentados :

O-000025/2021 (B9-0012/2021)

Debates :

PV 28/04/2021 - 21
CRE 28/04/2021 - 21

Votaciones :

Textos aprobados :

Acta literal de los debates
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Miércoles 28 de abril de 2021 - Bruselas Edición revisada

21. Garantía Infantil Europea (debate)
Vídeo de las intervenciones

  Przewodnicząca. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest debata nad:

– pytaniem wymagającym odpowiedzi ustnej skierowanym do Rady przez Lucię Ďuriš Nicholsonovą, Eugena Tomaca, Brandona Benifei, Dragoșa Pîslaru, Elenę Lizzi, Katrin Langensiepen, Elżbietę Rafalską, Sandrę Pereirę w imieniu Komisji Zatrudnienia i Spraw Socjalnych w sprawie Europejskiej gwarancji dla dzieci (O-000025/2021 - B9-0012/2021) (2021/2605(RSP)) oraz

– pytaniem wymagającym odpowiedzi ustnej skierowanym do Komisji przez Lucię Ďuriš Nicholsonovą, Eugena Tomaca, Brandona Benifei, Dragoșa Pîslaru, Elenę Lizzi, Katrin Langensiepen, Elżbietę Rafalską, Sandrę Pereirę w imieniu Komisji Zatrudnienia i Spraw Socjalnych w sprawie Europejskiej gwarancji dla dzieci (O-000026/2021 - B9-0013/2021) (2021/2605(RSP)).


  Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová, author. – Madam President, 18 million children in the European Union live in poverty. That’s 22%. We need to give to these figures the real faces of children who struggle in poverty.

A few years ago, as a journalist, I covered a story about a young mother, Blažena, and her son Andrej from a very poor Roma community, Sása Lomno. This is a segregated settlement ten kilometres away from the nearest village on the top of a mountain with no road. When we entered the settlement, we asked for Blažena and her son Andrej, and the locals instructed us, ‘There, by the shed where the two kids froze last winter. You have to turn to the right’.

Andrej was born with glaucoma. This is an eye disease that can be treated only on a regular basis. When I interviewed the doctor, she told me, ‘You know gypsies, they do not treat their children as we do ours. I told the mother to come on a regular basis, and she did not. The authorities should be taking their children away from them. They are not good parents.’

But was Blažena really to blame for her son going blind? She lived in a forest 20 kilometres away from the doctor and five kilometres away from the nearest bus stop. She did not have the money for travelling costs, nor the strength to carry her son all the way through the woods. Could she get a job? I suppose, in a very romantic world, she could – but who would hire a poorly educated Roma mother of a blind boy living in a forest? No public water, no central heating, no electricity, no gas, no hope, nothing. In Sása Lomno there is no educational facility for children with special needs, and the nearest special school is 20 kilometres away. No education, no health care, no future. Andrej is a perfect picture of a child that needs our attention.

There is a serious concern that it will be too tempting for the Member States to focus rather on low—hanging fruit, to meet the superficial quantity indicators in the implementation of the European Child Guarantee. We have to focus more on quality than on quantity indicators. We have to ask the right questions. Who are these children that we help through the Child Guarantee? How was their life before and how did it improve?

First, we need robust data at national level to identify the children in need, and these data cannot avoid children like Andrej. Only when we know our national target groups can we come up with meaningful projects. Secondly, we need a horizontal approach in national governments. We ought to get rid of resortism and we have to take on board municipalities and the NGOs. Every euro from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) or the NextGenerationEU fund that is reserved for the Child Guarantee has to be spent effectively to help children in need. Thirdly, the only sustainable way to pull children out of poverty is by helping their parents. They need job opportunities and a way out of the vicious circle.

Now, on behalf of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL), I have several oral questions, firstly to the Commission, on the effective use of the EU funds for the implementation of the Child Guarantee, on the reduction of educational inequalities deepened by the pandemic, and on the inclusive approach to tackling child poverty.

Secondly, to the Council: how to meet the 2030 targets to lift five million children out of poverty, including policies in the fields that are covered by the Guarantee, on the effective use of EU funds and the national resources for the Guarantee, and, finally, on the monitoring of national policies. I am very much looking forward to the debate.


  Ana Paula Zacarias, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, dear Commissioner, honourable Members, what the Chair of the Committee on Employment Committee and Social Affairs, Ms Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová, said is absolutely impressive, so my answers will be a bit technical compared with the heartfelt story that she gave us. I hope that whatever I say will help Andrej.

Child poverty is a critical issue that we must commit to addressing with energy and urgency. I would like to thank the European Parliament for the resolution adopted in November 2015, which cleared the way for the current proposal for a Council recommendation establishing a European Child Guarantee. I’ve also read with a lot of interest the resolution from 22 April that will be voted upon tomorrow in this House.

In 2019, more than 91 million were at risk of poverty or social exclusion, which is about 3.4 million people fewer than the previous year, and yet the risk of social exclusion and poverty for children aged below 18 remains extremely high, and the COVID—19 pandemic and its dramatic social and economic consequences has put national health, education and social protection systems under unprecedented pressure, leaving millions of children and their families in precarious socio—economic situations. In particular, households with children from disadvantaged groups have been disproportionately hit by the consequences of the ongoing crisis. It is in this very difficult context that the Commission presented the action plan for the implementation of the European pillar of social rights, and on 24 March the Commission adopted its long—awaited proposal for a Council recommendation establishing a European Child Guarantee.

The Council welcomed this proposal, and within three weeks the Council started its examination. I have to say this is a real priority for the Portuguese Presidency of the Council. We have put this forward and immediately all delegations, without exception, are constructively contributing to this debate with a view to its use and quick adoption.

The proposal aims at supporting Member States’ strategies for preventing and combating child poverty and social exclusion by allowing children in need to have access to high—quality key services. We are all aware that child poverty and social exclusion are the result of different interconnected factors.

National plans are essential to address the root causes of this phenomenon, and these plans should be coordinated at different policy areas involving all relevant actors – so, as was said here, a horizontal approach with the involvement also of local communities.

Poverty and social exclusion dramatically affect present and future opportunities for children, too often triggering their generational transfer. Ensuring quality education, including childhood education and care, is the only way to break this cycle. To find the right solutions, national circumstances such as the design of social protection systems, social services and the organisation of education systems must be taken into account.

In particular it should be for the Member States to identify the categories of children in need and the specific challenges to be addressed, taking into account their country—specific situation and regional differences.

While further coordinated efforts are needed to combat the risk of poverty, a number of valuable measures have already been implemented by Member States to ensure that children, including those with special needs, can access high—quality essential services.

Responding to the COVID—19 crisis, Member States have put together a wide range of measures – short—time work schemes, special income support mechanisms for households with children, and extension of social protection coverage. In order to help Member States in their efforts, the Council and European Parliament swiftly endorsed extraordinary financial support, as proposed by the Commission. The efficient use of the available national and European funds is key to successfully tackling child poverty and social exclusion.

The financial resources allocated in the 2021—2027 budget will support implementation of the European Child Guarantee, in particular the European Social Fund, the Recovery and Resilience Facility, through the national recovery funds or the national recovery plans, the ERDF, the REACT—EU. A coordinated approach to reform and investment at Union and national level is fundamental to reach the ambitious target of reducing the number of children at risk of poverty and social exclusion by at least five million by 2030, as set out in the European pillar of social rights.

This is a target that we hope could be supported at the Porto Social Summit, a key moment for the Portuguese Presidency. We sincerely hope that by then we can bring in Member States, the European Union institutions, as well as the social partners and civil society, to adhere to this target.

Finally, we concur with the European Parliament on the fact that the European Semester represents the main instrument to ensure the coordination and the monitoring of employment, social and macroeconomic policies at national and Union level. In the last years, the social dimension of the Semester has become more prominent, thanks also to the integration of the European pillar of social rights and other relevant international instruments in the Semester process.

The Council supports the cooperation between Member States and the Social Protection Committee aiming to facilitate mutual learning, exchange of best practices and monitoring of the measures promoted in the framework of the recommendation on the Child Guarantee. We will continue to work hard in order to adopt this recommendation during the Portuguese Presidency.


  Nicolas Schmit, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, first I want to thank the honourable Members for putting the newly adopted Commission proposal for a Council recommendation establishing a European child guarantee on the agenda of the European Parliament. I would also express my gratitude to the European Parliament, and particularly to those who have asked these questions on the implementation of the European child guarantee.

You have played a pioneering role in encouraging this ambitious Commission proposal and you have played an active role in our common efforts to reduce child poverty and social exclusion. And we just now heard that this has to be a priority. This is not a question of choice. This is a question of moral obligation, and I was very glad to hear from the Council President that the Council sees that the same way.

I do not need to remind you of the shocking reality that in today’s Europe, more than one out of five children face poverty and social exclusion risk. Ms Nicholsonová you have given a name to this shocking reality. You have given a name to these children, with their needs, with their dreams and their hopes, which will stay unfulfilled forever, and their future which will not be, in many cases, a bright future.

I think there is a problem beyond child poverty as such. There is also the issue of communities suffering most from exclusion and especially children from these communities suffering from exclusion. We also all know that the current crisis is particularly affecting children and families from disadvantaged backgrounds, but also from families that have lost their income and single-parent families.

Because we want to build a better and fairer Europe, we need to tackle inequalities, poverty and social exclusion at their roots. We need to break the intergenerational cycle of disadvantage, and invest in children now, in their well-being and in their equal opportunities to safeguard their economic and social and, I would say, personal future, but also our future, our collective future.

The European child guarantee is only part of the overall response. Reducing child poverty requires contribution from other initiatives as well. Improving the income situation of families in poverty is linked to improving the performance of our economies, labour market participation, working conditions and strengthening social protection systems, investment in affordable housing and also financial support for families. That is why further implementing the European pillar of social rights, in line with our recent action plan, is key.

We all need to work towards the target set to reduce the number of children at risk of poverty or social exclusion by at least 5 million by 2030, and this is an important contribution for our general objective to reduce poverty by at least 15 million.

Social investment requires not only decisive policy actions but also well—devised financial support. The major part of funding supporting the implementation of the child guarantee needs to come from the Member States themselves, obviously. They should realise that if they invest and put in place the right policies now, they avoid much higher costs for individuals and society at a later stage.

The EU budget will have different EU funds available to fight child poverty and social exclusion. Those Member States with a level of children at risk of poverty above the EU average for the years 2017 to 2019, meaning above 23.4%, will have to use at least 5% of their European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) resources to targeted actions and structural reforms to tackle child poverty. Eleven Member States are concerned by this requirement.

The remaining Member States should allocate an appropriate amount of their ESF+ resources to targeted actions to combat child poverty. The Commission will assess whether an amount is appropriate depending on each Member State’s particular national situation.

In addition to the ESF, the Commission will call upon the Member States to maximise synergies and make optimal use of the European Regional Development Fund, ReactEU, InvestEU, the recovery and resilience facility, and the technical support instrument.

In line with the objectives set by one of the pillars of the recovery and resilience facility, focusing on children and youth, it is important that adequate investments and reforms are covered in the national recovery and resilience plans with a view to boosting inclusive and quality early—childhood education and care and health care, if we want to create the conditions for more resilient economies and societies.

The pandemic has interrupted the education of an entire generation. Children living in poverty pay the heaviest price as inequalities in learning widen. Many children and young people do not have access to remote learning. For those who rely on school-based nutrition programmes, closures of their schools means being cut off from the food they need to learn and thrive. We must do more to reach out to those children and families to understand their needs better and offer them tailor-made support.

The child guarantee encourages Member States to develop effective outreach strategies, particularly at local level. It also highlights the role of schools, civil society organisations, the social economy, social and family services, and other actors in raising awareness and encouraging the take-up of the services covered by the child guarantee.

Honourable Members, I appreciate your question on the integrated and multi-dimensional approach to tackling child poverty and social exclusion. This is what the Commission has been strongly encouraging for many years. Now is the time to act more decisively. Child poverty and social exclusion can only be effectively addressed if we put in place a comprehensive strategy encompassing all relevant policy areas, social employment, economic and also transfer policies.

The child guarantee offers guidance to Member States on how to build a strong, enabling framework and a multi-dimensional approach to support children in need, and encourages them to develop effective prevention measures based on encompassing national plans and the leading role of national coordinators.

At the European level, we will support Member States in this endeavour through the range of initiatives in the framework of the European pillar of social rights.

Finally, the monitoring of the impact of the child guarantee is key. Indeed, the adoption of the recommendation, which we hope to have happen soon – and I appreciate very much the ambition of the Portuguese Presidency – is only a first step in our work. We will need to concentrate on its successful implementation. Supporting the quantitative and qualitative monitoring and evaluation of the child guarantee is crucial and remains a priority for the Commission. The proposal envisages strengthened arrangements in this regard.

We will monitor the child guarantee in the framework of the European Semester, supported by the revised social scoreboard and its new headline indicator on children at risk of poverty or social exclusion. We will work closely with Member States and national child—guarantee coordinators. The Social Protection Committee will be our partner in the joint effort to develop a common monitoring framework. In this spirit, the Commission will also review the implementation of the child guarantee if necessary five years after its adoption.


  Eugen Tomac, în numele grupului PPE. – Doamnă președintă, domnule comisar, doamnă secretară de stat, stimați colegi, cred că a sosit momentul să discutăm deschis despre o mare vulnerabilitate care există în Europa și mă bucur că răspunsul nostru este Garanția pentru copii, pentru că ea trebuie să fie un angajament ferm al Europei în fața copiilor, pentru a le asigura un trai decent, pentru a le garanta accesul gratuit la educație și asistență medicală, precum și locuințe decente și o alimentație adecvată.

Cei mai vulnerabili și marginalizați vor fi echipați cu necesarul de bază pentru a reuși în viață. Acest obiectiv trebuie atins pentru că sărăcia este scumpă. Costurile ei prejudiciază societățile noastre și, doar să ne uităm la prietenii noștri din Statele Unite, acolo unde, de exemplu, sărăcia în rândul copiilor costă Statul anual peste 1 000 de miliarde de dolari, ca urmare a pierderii productivității economice, a creșterii costurilor în materie de sănătate și criminalitate.

Subnutriția și locuințele insalubre în rândul familiilor cu copii duc la costuri adiționale de miliarde în asistența medicală și în educația specială pentru copiii deveniți adulți - toate acestea, complet evitabile. Europa are nevoie să implementeze eficient Garanția pentru copii, pentru a nu mai avea generații pierdute.


  Brando Benifei, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, desidero salutare il Commissario Schmit e la sottosegretaria Zacarias e ringraziarli per i loro interventi e per l'impegno sulla garanzia per l'infanzia. Per questo Parlamento si tratta di una priorità assoluta.

Sono passati diversi anni da quando, come socialisti e democratici lanciammo la campagna per creare questo nuovo strumento, anni di impegno portati avanti insieme alle organizzazioni che si occupano delle politiche per i diritti dei bambini. Ci tengo a ringraziare in particolar modo le organizzazioni della Alliance for investing on children.

La Commissione ha messo sul tavolo un'ottima proposta capace di affrontare la natura multidimensionale della povertà infantile in maniera concreta, per offrire un accesso gratuito effettivo a servizi di qualità per tutti i bambini, in particolare per coloro che si trovano in situazioni di vulnerabilità: misure per la cura della prima infanzia, istruzione, assistenza sanitaria, un alloggio dignitoso, un pasto sano e nutriente, tutte cose che dovrebbero essere la normalità per tutti i bambini. Purtroppo oggi non è così. Un bimbo su 5 in Europa si trova sulla soglia di povertà: sono 18 milioni, quasi 3 milioni nel mio paese, l'Italia.

Vorrei dunque fare un appello al Consiglio: adottate con estrema urgenza questa raccomandazione con le indicazioni del Parlamento europeo che la rafforzano; adottate rapidamente i piani d'azione nazionali; integrate la garanzia con i Piani nazionali di ripresa con il Fondo sociale europeo, con la strategia per i diritti delle persone con disabilità; usate ogni centesimo a disposizione, perché non basta ridurre la povertà infantile, bisogna sradicarla completamente. Non esiste un livello accettabile di questa povertà dei bambini.

Servono perciò misure strutturali, risorse adeguate, investimenti in politiche abitative, educazione, formazione, asili nido, servizi sociali e sanitari, ma soprattutto serve la volontà politica di battersi per una nuova agenda sociale per l'Europa.

Al summit per l'Europa sociale, il prossimo 7 maggio a Porto, l'Unione europea dia un segnale forte, non basta essere adulti per essere grandi: per essere davvero grande, l'Europa deve aiutare le future generazioni, partendo dai bambini.


  Sylvie Brunet, au nom du groupe Renew. – Madame la Présidente, Madame la Secrétaire d’État, Monsieur le Commissaire, cher Nicolas, mes chers collègues, il est bien tard ce soir pour parler de notre avenir, de nos enfants, des 18 millions d’enfants qui, en 2019, vivaient en dessous du seuil de pauvreté ou exposés à un risque de pauvreté en Europe. C’est dire à quel point la garantie européenne pour l’enfance longtemps appelée de nos vœux est bienvenue.

Il est désormais essentiel que les États membres l’adoptent rapidement et qu’elle devienne un instrument permanent. Nous le soulignons: les États membres devront consacrer toutes les ressources nationales possibles, complétées par les différents instruments de financement européen pour lutter contre la pauvreté infantile. En ce sens, la garantie propose des objectifs qui vont dans la bonne direction, mais elle n’est pas suffisante en elle-même. Nous avons besoin d’un cadre complet, s’attaquant aux racines structurelles de la pauvreté, et d’une approche globale du développement de la petite enfance.

La lutte contre la pauvreté des enfants doit se concentrer sur des solutions nouvelles et durables, des solutions qui réunissent des partenaires publics et privés. Ces dépenses peuvent générer un retour sur investissement au niveau sociétal au moins quatre fois supérieur aux coûts initiaux.

Par ailleurs, au-delà des fonds et des mesures politiques, nous devons garantir une véritable coordination au niveau de l’Union pour les mettre en œuvre. Une autorité européenne pour l’enfance pourrait constituer le cadre idéal pour réunir les parties prenantes, échanger les meilleures pratiques et assurer une mise en œuvre effective de la garantie européenne pour l’enfance. Cela n’implique aucune modification du traité, ni aucune perte de souveraineté nationale, ni même la création de nouvelles compétences.


  Catherine Griset, au nom du groupe ID. – Madame la Présidente, chers collègues, sur un sujet aussi sensible et universel que celui des enfants, nous devrions être d’accord et nous le serions à l’unanimité si l’Union européenne n’avait pas l’art de transformer en arme idéologique tout ce qu’elle touche. Que viennent faire dans ce texte la mention des LGBTQI+ et de l’égalité des sexes? Pourquoi évoquer la directive sur le salaire minimum européen, ou encore les objectifs de développement durable?

En revanche, le texte se garde bien d’aborder de front une autre question, celle des migrants mineurs. Derrière des généralités un peu floues, avec en arrière-plan la question transfrontalière, on attend les recommandations sur les mesures à envisager pour y faire face. On pourrait par exemple faire valoir la notion d’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant, en ne laissant pas venir ou en renvoyant auprès de leurs familles les mineurs isolés issus de pays tiers, et cela en mobilisant des fonds européens, tels que le Fonds «Asile et migration».

Puis, sans surprise, les rédacteurs de la résolution demandent à la Commission de créer une autorité européenne pour l’enfance. Derrière cette manœuvre, l’Union tente de s’immiscer dans les compétences des États membres, ici la politique sociale. Le meilleur moyen de protéger les enfants européens victimes de pauvreté, d’exclusion et de violence – et ce texte est légitime sur ces points –, c’est de compléter l’action des États et non de s’y substituer par des politiques globales.


  Katrin Langensiepen, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Armut ist manchmal sichtbar, manchmal unsichtbar. Armut sieht man manchmal klar und deutlich, manchmal versteckt. Besonders schlimm ist die Armut für Kinder – wenn man die Einladung für den Geburtstag nicht annehmen kann, weil man eben kein Geld für ein Geschenk hat; selbst keinen Geburtstag ausrichten kann, weil man eben kein Geld hat. Armut sieht man vielleicht auch nicht immer sofort, weil man sich das gesunde Essen nicht leisten kann, davon zu wenig hat, zu unregelmäßig isst oder das Essen einfach zu schlecht ist. Armut sieht man vielleicht auch nicht, wenn man kein eigenes Zimmer hat und nicht gut genug lernen kann. Allerdings sieht man Armut, wenn man überhaupt kein Dach über dem Kopf hat und obdachlos ist.

Corona verstärkt die Armut der Kinder, weil das Schulessen wegfällt, weil eben keine Schule stattfindet. Das Zuhause ist nicht mehr ein sicheres, es ist eine Falle und manchmal die Hölle auf Erden. Die Kinder verschwinden gerade in dieser Zeit des Lockdowns aus dem Sichtfeld der Gesellschaft. Die Lebensrealitäten der Kinder und Jugendlichen in der EU sind unterschiedlich, die Armut der Kinder in der EU kommt unterschiedlicher daher.

Aber gerade in diesen Zeiten brauchen wir eine starke Kindergrundsicherung. Diese Grundbedürfnisse für Kinder und Jugendliche müssen gesichert sein. Zahlreiche Menschen sind an COVID erkrankt und verstorben. Es gibt Kinder in der Europäischen Union, die beide Eltern an COVID verloren haben und jetzt Waisen sind. Mit der Entschließung für eine Kindergrundsicherung schicken wir Parlamentarierinnen und Parlamentarier ein deutliches und starkes Zeichen nach Porto zum Sozialgipfel. Wir erwarten eine starke Ratsempfehlung, in der sich unsere hier und heute gemachten Vorschläge wiederfinden, bestenfalls sogar darüber hinaus.

Denn wenn wir über Kinder sprechen, sprechen wir nicht über kleine Erwachsene, sondern über Kinder, egal welcher Herkunft, Geschlecht, sexuellen Orientierung, sozialen Status, mit und ohne Behinderung, Romani-Kinder. Sie haben das Recht auf Bildung, Zugang zum Gesundheitssystem, Essen und das Recht auf Wohnen. Nur in einem adäquaten Wohnraum mit einem sauberen Abwassersystem, aber auch Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser ist man als Kind sicher, gesund und kann lernen. Nur wenn ein Kind vor Gewalt, Hunger, Kälte, Krankheit geschützt ist, kann ein Kind sich frei entwickeln.

Die Aufgabe der Entscheidungsträgerinnen und Entscheidungsträger in der EU ist es, diese Kinder zu schützen. Stimmen wir heute ab für eine starke Kindergrundsicherung!


  Beata Szydło, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Nie ma ważniejszego priorytetu niż walka z ubóstwem, wykluczeniem i dyskryminacją dzieci. Cieszę się bardzo i szczerze liczę na to, że gwarancja dla dzieci spełni pokładane w niej oczekiwania i że będzie to instrument, który rzeczywiście da szanse, równe szanse, wszystkim dzieciom mieszkającym, żyjącym w Europie. To jest nasza przyszłość. Inwestowanie w przyszłość dzieci jest inwestowaniem w przyszłość świata, a więc należy zrobić wszystko, by rzeczywiście ten instrument był skuteczny i realnie rozwiązywał problemy. Czy jest to możliwe? Jest to możliwe.

Dzielę się z państwem własnymi doświadczeniami: kiedy byłam premierem polskiego rządu, wprowadziliśmy program Rodzina 500+, powszechny prosty program wspierający rodziny i dający właśnie możliwość wyrównywania szans dla wszystkich dzieci. Ten program odmienił losy i życie tysięcy rodzin i tysięcy dzieci w Polsce i wierzę, że ta gwarancja, nad którą w tej chwili pracujemy, również odmieni los milionów dzieci w Europie.


  Sandra Pereira, em nome do Grupo The Left. – Senhora Presidente, as medidas de contenção da COVID-19 expuseram a situação precária em que vivem milhões de crianças e mostraram a importância do acesso universal e gratuito a cuidados e serviços.

A Garantia para a Infância poderá ser uma resposta aos problemas das crianças em situação de pobreza ou de exclusão social, mas não podemos esquecer as causas estruturais deste flagelo. Não podemos apagar a enorme responsabilidade das instituições europeias e das suas políticas que têm atirado milhares de trabalhadores para a pobreza, arrastando as suas famílias e crianças, cortes nos salários, nas pensões e nas prestações sociais, encerramento de serviços públicos essenciais, sobretudo nas zonas rurais, subfinanciamento dos sistemas nacionais de saúde e de educação ou o papel das recomendações específicas por país que, em nome do Santo Graal do défice da dívida e do mercado, pretenderam aprofundar desigualdades económicas, sociais e territoriais.

O melhor do mundo são as crianças. Os direitos das crianças defendem-se com políticas públicas que abordem e multidimensionalmente as suas necessidades. Passam pelo direito a uma educação universal, gratuita e de qualidade, logo desde a primeira infância, o direito a serviços de saúde, também universais, gratuitos e de qualidade, o direito à habitação, o direito a brincar, o acesso ao desporto, à cultura, à participação cívica, a viver num ambiente de paz e solidariedade, e o direito a ter pais e cuidadores com trabalho e remunerações dignas e tempo para se dedicarem às suas crianças, o nosso futuro. A Garantia para a Infância é uma resposta, mas não a resposta, não tenhamos ilusões.


  Chiara Gemma (NI). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Dante Alighieri sosteneva che tre cose ci sono rimaste del paradiso: le stelle, i fiori e i bambini. Istituire una Garanzia europea per l'infanzia che li protegga significa sì, accedere gratuitamente ad assistenza sanitaria, alimentazione adeguata e istruzione oggi digitale, senza discriminare né i bambini con i bisogni speciali che vivono in povertà e in zone emarginate, né i minori con disabilità vittime di segregazione scolastica, ma significa anche garantire il diritto di navigare in sicurezza per rendere protetta l'esperienza online.

Ho chiesto alla Commissione europea un intervento immediato per porre fine alle sfide violente promosse sui social e causa di numerosi suicidi tra gli adolescenti. Ancora, il diritto di essere liberi da violenze attraverso la creazione di sistemi integrati di protezione e infine il diritto ad una giustizia a misura di minore, potenziando azioni giudiziarie alternative alla detenzione e alla mediazione nei casi civili.

Non perdiamo tempo: i bambini hanno diritto non solo al paradiso.


  Dennis Radtke (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin, lieber Nicolas, Frau Staatssekretärin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Im Jahr 2019 – die Kollegin Brunet hat darauf hingewiesen –waren 22,2 %, also 18 Millionen Kinder, in der EU von Armut und sozialer Ausgrenzung bedroht – 2019. Das heißt, die Corona-Pandemie ist in diesen Zahlen noch gar nicht enthalten, und jeder weiß, da gibt es keinen Dissens, die Corona-Pandemie richtet wirtschaftlich vor allen Dingen bei den Familien mit kleinen und mittleren Einkommen die größten Schäden an. Das heißt, wenn wir die nächsten Zahlen auf den Tisch bekommen, wird die Entwicklung noch dramatischer.

Ich gehe noch einen Schritt weiter. Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, wenn jemand bei euch zu Hause im Wahlkreis mit dem Satz konfrontiert würde „Kinder müssen einen Anspruch haben auf Zugang zu fließendem Wasser und sanitären Einrichtungen, zu Hause und in der Schule“, und ihr würdet fragen: „Mit was beschäftigen wir uns eigentlich im Europäischen Parlament?“; dann würden die meisten Menschen vor Ort antworten: „Mit der Situation von Kindern in der Dritten Welt“; und ich müsste antworten: „Nein, wir reden über die Situation von Kindern in der Europäischen Union“.

Das ist beschämend, und deswegen ist es wichtig, dass wir wenige Tage vor dem Sozialgipfel in Porto als Parlament hier ein starkes Signal setzen, dass wir einen echten game changer wollen.

Abschließend möchte ich noch ein Wort an die Frau Kollegin Griset richten. Ich finde, es ist geradezu ein Treppenwitz, dass jemand, der angeklagt worden ist, europäische Steuergelder für Parteimittel missbraucht zu haben, sich hier hinstellt und Angst hat, dass wir für Migranten, für jugendliche unbegleitete Flüchtlinge europäische Gelder ausgeben. Da gebe ich lieber das Geld für unbegleitete Flüchtlinge und für Jugendliche aus als für Ihre faschistische Partei in Frankreich.


  Agnes Jongerius (S&D). – Voorzitter, commissaris, mevrouw de staatssecretaris, de getallen zijn al genoemd maar een op de vijf kinderen in Europa leeft in armoede, en dat is dus inderdaad 18 miljoen kinderen in heel Europa. Voor mijn eigen land, Nederland, komt dat neer op 250 000 kinderen: 250 000 kinderen die in onzekerheid leven. En volgens mij hoeven we er niet veel woorden aan vuil te maken. Dat is simpelweg onacceptabel.

Alle kinderen verdienen het om zeker te zijn van een veilige haven waar ze ’s avonds hun hoofd kunnen laten rusten. Ze verdienen het om zeker te zijn van eerlijke kansen in het onderwijs, zodat ze hun dromen kunnen najagen. En ze verdienen het om zeker te zijn van een gevulde broodtrommel als ze naar school gaan. Daarom stem ik, stemmen wij, voor het plan van kindergarantie voor kwetsbare kinderen. Want ieder kind heeft recht op een onderdak, op gezondheid en op goed onderwijs.

Vanuit Europa hebben we ervoor gezorgd dat er fondsen beschikbaar zijn om kinderarmoede aan te pakken, en het is aan de lidstaten om daar nu gebruik van te maken. Daarom ook mijn oproep aan de Nederlandse regering: steden en regio’s willen dolgraag kinderarmoede aanpakken. Het is nu aan de regering om deze kans te grijpen. Wacht niet langer. Elk kind verdient een goede start in het leven.


  Атидже Алиева-Вели (Renew). – Г-жо Председател, г-н Комисар, г-жо Секретар, колеги, всички деца в Съюза следва да имат достъп до качествени социални услуги, образование, здравеопазване, достойно жилищно настаняване, подходящо хранене. За огромно съжаление обаче това не е така.

През 2019 г. почти 18 милиона деца в Съюза са били изложени на риск от бедност или социално изключване. Кризата, породена от пандемията, допълнително задълбочи проблема, като постави още милиони деца и техните семейства в несигурно социално и икономическо положение. Липсата на достъп до интернет, дигитални устройства, ниските нива на дигитални умения от децата и родителите им създадоха сериозни пречки за ефективното онлайн обучение. Особено засегнати са децата от уязвимите групи и тези, живеещи в селските райони.

Считам, че създаването на европейската детска гаранция ще спомогне за преодоляване на тези проблеми. Вярвам, че доброто бъдеще на децата следва да е наш основен приоритет. Децата винаги са били приоритет и за политическата ми партия. Съзнавайки факта, че те са нашето бъдеще и са образ на надеждата за промяната и по-доброто утре, Движението за права и свободи винаги е „за“ инициативи в тяхна полза, а работата ни в тази посока ще продължи, докато се убедим, че нито едно дете не е изложено на риск и не живее в бедност.


  Elżbieta Rafalska (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Panie komisarzu! Szanowni państwo! To kolejna debata na temat ubóstwa dzieci i społecznego wykluczenia. Padają przykłady biedy tak skrajnej, że aż wstrząsającej, dramatycznej. Wzruszamy się, boli nas serce, bo przecież nikt nie jest obojętny na taką biedę, na to, że ta bieda od tylu lat dotyka tylu milionów dzieci.

Ale przecież jesteśmy politykami i to my mamy zmieniać rzeczywistość. To my mamy odpowiedzieć, czy zrobiliśmy absolutnie wszystko, żeby tej biedy od lat w Unii Europejskiej nie było – a ona ciągle jest, czy mamy gwarancję, że ona się zmieni, i co jest potrzebne, żeby tę biedę zmienić. W przypadku dzieci, jeżeli chcemy poprawić ich dobrostan, to możemy powiedzieć: dostęp do zdrowia, edukacja, edukacja i jeszcze raz edukacja. Ale gdybyśmy mieli powiedzieć coś politykom, to co jest potrzebne nam, rządom? Determinacja. Determinacja w zwalczaniu tej biedy i nieodkładanie tego na potem, po kryzysie, na czas lepszego wzrostu gospodarczego. Tu i teraz trzeba powiedzieć: dość biedy dzieci w Europie!


  Eugenia Rodríguez Palop (The Left). – Señora presidenta, en 2019 casi dieciocho millones de niños y niñas vivían en riesgo de pobreza o exclusión social en Europa, y cabe esperar que tras la pandemia sean muchos más; niños y niñas que no tienen acceso a una vivienda adecuada y reciben una educación insuficiente y segregada, una asistencia sanitaria deficiente o una mala alimentación.

Yo vivo en Madrid, ¿saben que, en la OCDE, Madrid es la región que más se agrega a su alumnado pobre después de Turquía? ¿Que hay 1 800 niños y niñas que llevan más de seis meses sin electricidad en la Cañada Real?

Esta propuesta de Garantía Infantil es absolutamente necesaria y tiene que ir acompañada de una estrategia de lucha contra la pobreza que vaya más allá del Plan de Acción para la Aplicación del Pilar Europeo de Derechos Sociales, de las Directivas sobre transparencia salarial y salario mínimo, porque, cuando los padres son pobres, los hijos y las hijas también lo son, de una revisión de los objetivos de Barcelona y de un pacto europeo de cuidados que garantice servicios públicos.

Es lamentable que en Europa todavía hoy la pobreza sea la única herencia que reciben muchos.


  Λουκάς Φουρλάς (PPE). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε, κυρία Υπουργέ, όσο υπάρχουν παιδιά που πεινούν, κανένας από εμάς δεν μπορεί να κοιμάται ήσυχος. Όσο υπάρχουν παιδιά που δεν έχουν πρόσβαση σε υγειονομική περίθαλψη, όσο υπάρχουν παιδιά που κακοποιούνται, που δεν έχουν πρόσβαση σε καθαρό περιβάλλον και αντιμετωπίζουν συνθήκες κοινωνικού αποκλεισμού, δεν έχουμε το δικαίωμα να εφησυχάζουμε. Όσο υπάρχουν παιδιά που δεν μπορούν να μορφωθούν διότι δεν υπάρχουν υποδομές, όσο υπάρχουν παιδιά που δεν έχουν στέγη πάνω από το κεφάλι τους, δεν μπορούμε να μιλάμε για Ευρώπη της ασφάλειας, της αλληλεγγύης και της κοινωνικής δικαιοσύνης.

Κυρία πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε, κυρία Υπουργέ, ζητούμε μια εγγύηση για τα παιδιά, που θα τους επιτρέπει να ζουν σε συνθήκες ασφάλειας και να μεγαλώνουν απολαμβάνοντας όλα όσα δικαιούται ένα παιδί να απολαμβάνει. Έχουμε υποχρέωση να αγωνιστούμε εδώ, σε αυτό το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο, για να το εξασφαλίσουμε. Επενδύοντας και προστατεύοντας τα παιδιά μας διασφαλίζουμε καλύτερο μέλλον για όλους μας. Για όσο μας χρειάζεται έστω και ένα παιδί, οφείλουμε —αν θέλουμε να λεγόμαστε άνθρωποι— να είμαστε εκεί, δίπλα του.


  Heléne Fritzon (S&D). – Fru talman! I en rapport om barnfattigdom från organisationen Rädda barnen citeras en 15-årig pojke. Han säger: ”Jag tänker på vår situation rätt ofta även på lektioner, och då försvinner jag iväg i tanken och så missar jag vad de har pratat om. Och ibland hänger jag inte med i skolarbetet på grund av vår situation.” Förutsättningarna för god hälsa, lyckad skolgång och meningsfull fritid är mycket sämre för barn som växer upp i ekonomisk utsatthet.

Miljontals barn inom EU lever i dag i en situation där man riskerar att drabbas av fattigdom, och pandemin försvårar det ytterligare. Det är helt oacceptabelt. Barnfattigdomen drabbar barnets barndom och riskerar att påverka barnens liv på lång sikt och få konsekvenser också för samhället. Därför välkomnar jag barngarantin, som ger oss möjligheter att lyfta barns rättigheter i EU.


  Margarita de la Pisa Carrión (ECR). – Señora presidenta, la pobreza infantil es un asunto crítico que debe solucionarse poniendo todos los recursos que la Unión tiene a su alcance. Es a los niños a quienes deben llegar los fondos, pero no debemos imponer para conseguirlo una ideología o socavar la soberanía de los Estados miembros siguiendo el dictado de entidades supranacionales o la Agenda 2030.

Esta propuesta solicita el desbloqueo de la Directiva antidiscriminación y pide la creación de una autoridad europea para la infancia que supervise a nuestros países. Ni la educación ni las políticas sociales son competencias de la Unión. Proclama una educación pública universal, como si la privada fuera menos legítima. También pretende acabar con la educación diferenciada, tratándola de segregadora, cuando es una opción más que ha demostrado científicamente sus beneficios.

Necesitamos una visión plural de la educación que ofrezca a los padres la posibilidad de elegir. No se puede imponer un modelo único de vida, y menos con un enfoque interseccional o basado en la ideología de género, que destruye la armonía de las relaciones y la familia. Si queremos una sociedad esperanzadora para nuestros niños, planteemos políticas sociales que pongan la prosperidad de la familia en el centro de sus prioridades.


  Leila Chaibi (The Left). – Madame la Présidente, aujourd’hui, la France a transmis son plan de relance à la Commission européenne et manifestement, aucune leçon n’a été tirée de la crise que nous traversons. C’est le retour au grand galop du monde d’avant et de ses mesures austéritaires. En effet, en échange des financements européens, la France s’engage à réformer l’assurance chômage et à relancer en profondeur la réforme des retraites.

Alors, Monsieur le Commissaire Schmit, Madame Zacarias, vous êtes venus ici nous parler de la stratégie de l’Union européenne sur les droits des enfants. Mais comment l’Union européenne peut-elle protéger les enfants si leurs parents sont confrontés à une austérité et une précarité que vous entretenez? La crise nous l’a montré: vos coupes budgétaires à tout va nous ont menés droit dans le mur. Et si nous commençons à nous en sortir, c’est grâce au service public, aux investissements publics et c’est grâce à la solidarité. Alors demandez plutôt aux États membres d’investir dans l’éducation, dans les logements, dans la culture, dans l’emploi, dans la protection sociale pour que la garantie pour l’enfance garantisse réellement un avenir aux enfants européens.


  Cindy Franssen (PPE). – Voorzitter, commissaris, staatssecretaris, collega’s, met deze kindergarantie zetten we een belangrijke stap vooruit in een ruimere strategie voor de rechten van het kind en deze strategie moet gebaseerd zijn op de drie grote pijlers van het VN-Kinderrechtenverdrag: “Participation”, “Protection” en “Provision”. Het is goed dat meer dan tienduizend kinderen werden betrokken bij het opstellen van de strategie, maar wat mij betreft mag die participatie van kinderen ook structureel verankerd worden.

We moeten onze kinderen, álle kinderen, beschermen tegen allerhande vormen van misbruik en geweld. De pijler “Protection” kan geen dode letter blijven en daarom is het hoog tijd dat er wetgevende initiatieven komen.

Last but not least: “Provision”. Meer dan een op de vijf kinderen in de EU leeft in armoede. Dit is onaanvaardbaar. De kindergarantie moet de sociale grondrechten van alle kwetsbare kinderen garanderen: het recht op opvang, onderwijs, gezondheidszorg, gezonde voeding, huisvesting. Met het actieplan van de sociale pijler willen we tegen 2030 vijf miljoen kinderen uit de armoede halen. Helaas mag deze ambitie nog sterker zijn als het van de interfractiewerkgroep Armoedebestrijding afhangt.

Wie niet inzet op jonge kinderen dreigt een ganse generatie te verliezen. En vergis u niet, als we kinderarmoede willen aanpakken, kunnen we dit niet los zien van de gezinnen waarin ze opgroeien. We hebben ook structurele maatregelen nodig.


  Manuel Pizarro (S&D). – Senhora Presidente, Senhor Comissário, Senhora Secretária de Estado, a dura realidade de 18 milhões de crianças em risco de pobreza corrói os fundamentos da União. Assumo, por isso, a proposta de uma Garantia para a Infância que existe graças à persistência do S&D. Ela contém aspetos positivos, mas é, ao mesmo tempo, dececionante porque não é vinculativa, ao contrário, por exemplo, dos 5% do Fundo Social Europeu que terão de ser canalizados para programas de combate à pobreza infantil nos Estados-Membros mais afetados.

Realço, aliás, um problema estrutural que pode pôr em causa a eficiência desta Garantia: a falta de dados rigorosos sobre os números da pobreza infantil na maioria dos Estados—Membros. Sem dados de qualidade será difícil monitorizar e avaliar a implementação da Garantia para a Infância. Apelo, por isso, à Comissão para que mobilize recursos para apoiar o Eurostat e os Estados-Membros na recolha e tratamento de dados de natureza multinacional. Sem boa informação não haverá boa execução e é isso que as crianças europeias nos exigem, uma mudança de paradigma.


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Г-жо Председател, г-н Комисар, г-жо Представител на Съвета, колеги, тук днес изразявам своята позиция, позицията на родителски организации, между които организацията „РОД“ е най-голямата и най-значимата и най-стойностната в България. Ние сме против разглеждането на детето като самостоятелен субект извън семейството.

Конституцията на нашата държава възлага задължението за отглеждането на децата и възпитанието им на техните родители и държавата само подпомага, само и единствено подпомага, не се меси безпричинно, не определя, не взема решения, а подпомага. Семейството в България се състои по Конституция от жена, мъж и техните деца. Това ще рече, че децата се отглеждат и възпитават от техните родители, а не от някого извън семейството, а не от някого, който взема решение някъде другаде.

По въпроса с доходите обаче, средният доход на българските семейства ще бъде далеч по-нисък от средния доход, сметнат в Европейския съюз. Това обаче ще постави много от българските семейства в риск децата им да бъдат квалифицирани като семейства в риск и ще ги заплаши с рестриктивни мерки, като крайната от тях е отнемането, разбира се. Видяхме това вече в т. нар. „Стратегия за детето“. Не може да се поставят такива критерии, средни за Съюза, при положение че има държави, които не отговарят. При тази заплаха много от семействата ще бъдат изправени пред риска да имат само едно дете.

Ние, в България, обичаме децата си, гледаме ги и знаем как да се грижим за тях. Има и законодателство, което помага, когато има истински въпрос, истински проблем, а не някой гратанджийски измислен, така че не на нас тези номера.


  Gabriele Bischoff (S&D). – Frau Präsidentin, Frau Staatssekretärin, lieber Kommissar, werte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Armut macht krank. Armut macht Stress. Armut macht Angst. Armutserfahrungen von Kindern prägen diese ihr ganzes Leben lang, und das betrifft im Moment bei uns 18 Millionen Kinder. Diese Kinder erleben früh, was Ausgrenzung ist, wenn sie nicht teilhaben können, wenn sie in engen, dunklen Wohnungen wohnen, in schlechten Gegenden, und es an vielem fehlt. Und wenn sie denken, schlimmer geht es nicht, dann kommt eine Pandemie, die ein Brandbeschleuniger für Armut ist, und trifft sie auch noch besonders hart.

Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass wir jetzt den Schritt gehen für eine europäische Kindergarantie und dass wir verbindliche Schritte gehen. Dafür haben wir als S&D—Fraktion lange gekämpft, damit die EU und die Mitgliedstaaten die notwendigen Ressourcen bereitstellen und die Initiativen starten. Kindergarantie, armutsfeste Löhne der Eltern, gute soziale Dienste – das ist der Dreiklang, der diese Kinder retten kann.


  Alicia Homs Ginel (S&D). – Señora presidenta, señor comisario, señora secretaria de Estado, durante los últimos siete años, desde el Grupo S&D, hemos defendido la necesidad de atajar los niveles de pobreza y exclusión social de la generación más joven.

Nos ha costado dar el paso, alcanzar un consenso, pero por fin hemos entendido que invertir en infancia es invertir en estabilidad y en prosperidad. La Garantía Infantil es, junto a la Garantía Juvenil y la Directiva sobre salarios mínimos justos, una herramienta clave a la hora de asegurar el bienestar de las generaciones presentes, pero, sobre todo, de las generaciones futuras.

E implementarla de forma efectiva no solo supone garantizar el acceso a servicios básicos dentro y fuera de la escuela a millones de niños y niñas europeas, va mucho más allá: implica romper el círculo vicioso de pobreza y de transmisión de falta de oportunidades entre generaciones. En definitiva, implica evitar tener otra generación perdida en Europa.

Ahora más que nunca necesitamos la Europa social.


  Nicolas Schmit, membre de la Commission. – Madame la Présidente, Madame la Secrétaire d’État, chers députés, à cette heure tardive, je crois qu’un message fort a été exprimé dans cet hémicycle: il y a zéro tolérance pour la pauvreté des enfants.

C’est un message, mais ce message doit être traduit en actes. C’est un message qui va aller à Porto, que j’emporte à Porto, et j’espère que tous ceux qui ont la possibilité d’aller à Porto l’exprimeront. S’il y a un engagement clair, ferme, concret – oui, concret – qui doit être pris à Porto, c’est que nos enfants nous sont chers et parce qu’ils nous sont chers, nous ne pouvons tolérer qu’ils soient pauvres, qu’ils soient exclus, que leurs rêves soient brisés. Merci pour ce débat, j’ai reçu le message.


  Ana Paula Zacarias, Presidente em exercício do Conselho. – Senhora Presidente, Senhor Comissário, as suas palavras foram eloquentes. Muito obrigada. Senhoras deputadas, Senhores deputados, obrigada por este debate.

As nossas duas instituições têm reafirmado de forma reiterada a importância da luta contra a exclusão social e a discriminação, bem como da proteção dos direitos das crianças. Estou, pois, confiante de que, enquanto União, estamos no bom caminho. Coincidimos no diagnóstico da situação.

O nosso empenho deve ser agora transformar tudo isto em estratégias e programas concretos. Estes devem ser concebidos de modo a possibilitar o acesso efetivo e livre das crianças a serviços essenciais, abordando a questão da transmissão intergeracional da pobreza e da exclusão social, a fim de permitir a participação plena das crianças na sociedade.

O pilar europeu dos direitos sociais e o seu plano de ação e a Garantia para as Crianças, a garantia europeia de proteção infantil, será um instrumento muito importante para os Estados-Membros estabelecerem e implementarem os planos nacionais de forma a que nos permita alcançar o objetivo de, até 2030, reduzir em, pelo menos, 5 milhões o número de crianças em risco de pobreza ou exclusão social.

Só de uma forma conjunta, com uma cooperação positiva e produtiva entre o Conselho e este Parlamento, poderemos ajudar a alcançar reais progressos e ajudar a construir o futuro das nossas crianças, acabando, de uma vez, com a pobreza infantil e com a exclusão.


  Przewodnicząca. – Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się w czwartek 29 kwietnia 2021 r.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 171)


  Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D), raštu. – Europos Sąjungoje vaikai vis dar skursta ir jų yra daug. Iki šiol turime beveik 18 milijonų skurstančių ar socialinę atskirtį patiriančių vaikų. Tebesitęsianti COVID-19 pandemija tik dar labiau pagilino buvusią nelygybę ir kelia reikšmingą padidėjusio skurdo ir socialinės atskirties problemą. Moterys tapo pagrindinėmis pandemijos aukomis , jos prarado ar dalinai prarado ir taip mažas pajamas, o tai tiesiogiai atsiliepia ir jų vaikams bei dar labiau gilina skurdą. Uždarius mokyklas vaikai neteko patikimo mitybos šaltinio, nes daug vaikų prarado galimybę valgyti mokykloje, nes ne visi vaikai turi būtinas priemones nuotoliniam mokymuisi ar interneto ryšį ir tai labai neigiamai paveiks tokių vaikų padėtį. Labai sveikinu Komisijos pateiktą Europos vaiko garantijų sistemą. Mes, socialistai ir demokratai, buvome šios idėjos iniciatoriai ir labai džiaugiuosi, jog ji pamažau virsta konkrečiomis priemonėmis. Dabar svarbiausia bus sutelkti politinę valią ir šią priemonę konkrečiai įgyvendinti visose valstybėse narėse, todėl labai noriu paraginti valstybes nares nepraleisti šios progos ir pasinaudoti visomis esamomis galimybėmis sukurti tvirtas vaiko garantijos sistemas, nes investicijos į vaikus, jų saugumą, išsilavinimą yra investicijos į mūsų visų ateitį.


  Klára Dobrev (S&D), írásban. – Az európai gyermekgarancia kiemelkedő eredménye az európai szocialisták és demokraták képviselőcsoportjának. Ma is majdnem minden negyedik gyermek él szegénységben Magyarországon, ezért kérem, hogy a tagállamok minél hamarabb indítsák el a gyermekgaranciát, és az Európai Szociális Alapból különítsenek el minimum 5%-ot a gyermekekre, hogy késlekedés nélkül felszámoljunk a gyermekek társadalmi kirekesztettségét. A gyermekgarancia ugyanis biztosítja majd, hogy minden gyermekek ingyenesen hozzáférhessen a koragyermekkori neveléshez és gondozáshoz, az oktatáshoz, az egészséges étkeztetéshez, az egészségügyi ellátáshoz és a megfizethető lakhatáshoz. Különösen fontos, hogy a rászorulók szüleit is támogassuk, megőrizve ezáltal annak lehetőségét, hogy a gyermekek szüleikkel maradhassanak, illetve megfelelő támogatórendszerrel, és ingyenes koragyermekkori gondozással a szülő könnyebben visszamehessen dolgozni.

Számoljuk fel az iskolai szegregációt, valamint a digitális különbségeket az oktatásban, különösen a COVID-válság okozta nehézségeket orvosoljuk sürgősen. A gyermekek kapjanak kiemelt figyelmet a helyreállítási tervekben is. A gyermekgarancia az első lépés afelé, hogy minden egyes gyermek egyenlő esélyt kapjon Európában, ehhez azonban szükség van az európai családi pótlék bevezetésére. Nyújtsunk megfelelő jövedelmi támogatást a családoknak, és teremtsünk minden gyermek számára egyenlő esélyeket, hogy megtörjük a szegénység csapdáját.


  Guido Reil (ID), schriftlich. – Alle Kinder haben das Recht auf eine gute Ernährung, eine gute Bildung und sorgenfreie Kinderjahre. Nur die Eltern können ihren Kindern Liebe und Erziehung bieten. Es ist die Aufgabe der Politik, des Staates, um für die Rahmenbedingungen zu sorgen. Aber die Politik versagt hier. Kinderarmut ist ja Familienarmut. Familien leiden unter hohen Steuern, Sozialabgaben, hohen Mieten und Energiepreisen. Die Politik ist dafür verantwortlich. Klimapolitik, Energiewende, Steuerpolitik und die Öffnung der Grenzen haben dazu geführt, dass immer mehr Familien in Armut leben. Im vermeintlich reichen Deutschland wächst jedes fünfte Kind in Armut auf. Das sind 2,8 Millionen Kinder und Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren. Dabei spielt die Einwanderung eine sehr große Rolle. Sie hat zu einer dramatischen Erhöhung der Kinderarmut geführt. Die Stadt Gelsenkirchen, wo ich aufgewachsen bin, die Hauptstadt der Kinderarmut in Deutschland, ist dafür das beste Beispiel. Wir brauchen aber keine Überwachung von der Kommission. Kinderarmut soll und muss intensiv bekämpft werden; dies gehört aber zur Sozialpolitik und soll und muss daher eine Befugnis der Mitgliedstaaten bleiben, ohne EU—Überwachung. Die Mitgliedstaaten sollen die Kinderarmut durch gezielte Maßnahmen in den Bereichen Bildung, Ernährung, Wohnraum und Gesundheitsversorgung intensiv bekämpfen. Genau das haben wir in unseren Änderungsvorschlägen zu der Entschließung betont.

Última actualización: 16 de mayo de 2024Aviso jurídico - Política de privacidad