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Procedure : 2021/2703(RSP)
Stadium plenaire behandeling
Documentencyclus : B9-0276/2021

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Debatten :

PV 18/05/2021 - 2
CRE 18/05/2021 - 2

Stemmingen :

PV 20/05/2021 - 20

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Dinsdag 18 mei 2021 - Brussel

2. Recht van het Parlement op informatie over de lopende beoordeling van de nationale plannen voor herstel en veerkracht (debat)
Video van de redevoeringen

  President. – The next item is the debate on the Council and Commission statements on the right of information of the Parliament regarding the ongoing assessment of the national recovery and resilience plans (2021/2703(RSP)).

I should like to inform Members that this debate is foreseen with one round of political group speakers. I should also like to remind Members that for all debates of this part—session there will be no catch—the—eye procedure and no blue cards will be accepted. Furthermore, as during the last part—sessions, remote interventions from our liaison offices in the Member States are foreseen.


  Augusto Santos Silva, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, Commissioners, honourable Members, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a once-in-a-generation crisis with deep social and economic impacts, which are likely to leave a mark on our societies for years to come. The EU designed some emergency instruments, like the SURE, and in the meantime the EU institutions have designed tools that are expected to ensure that recovery will be robust, sustainable, inclusive and fair.

Time is pressing. The pandemic hit Europe back in the beginning of 2020, one year and a half ago. We have come a long way since an agreement on the biggest ever multiannual financial framework and on an unprecedented recovery instrument, Next Generation EU, was reached in July last year. These two instruments, amounting to more than EUR 1.8 trillion over the next seven years, are endowed with ambitious climate and digital targets and have a very strong social focus, addressing challenges to employment, sustainability, resilience and competitiveness through reforms and investments.

The RRF (Recovery and Resilience Facility) is a key element of the Next Generation EU. It was built together by the Council, the Parliament and the Commission. It is based on a strong agreement reached in December last year. This is the beginning of a long journey which the Parliament, the Council and the Commission will make together with each and every Member State.

The regulation reflects many elements that are important for both Parliament and the Council, such as the six pillars, European added value, the reference to the European pillar of social rights, which is particularly important for the Portuguese Presidency, and also the rights of information. The Commission will have to properly take these elements into account in its swift assessment of the plans, while the other two institutions will play a key role in ensuring transparency and accountability through regular exchanges with the Commission, all the way up to 2026.

The Commission has already received and shared with the Parliament and the Council several recovery plans. It is now up to the Commission to assess them and keep us informed on the result of its analysis in a prompt but proportionate way. We understand the enormous challenge for the Commission to assess thoroughly and consistently 27 plans, sometimes featuring thousands of pages, and to do that as soon as possible within the timeline provided by the regulation.

For this reason, the Council is as eager as the Parliament to understand how the Commission assessment of the plans proceeds. We should, however, all be aware of the risk of slowing down the process and pre-empting the quality and horizontal consistency of the assessments if our request for information arrives too early in the process.

The Council expects the first official updates by the Commission on the assessment of the plans in the context of the preparation of the June Ecofin. The Council also stands ready to adopt the first RRPs (Recovery and Resilience Plans) in June. Indeed, once the Commission adopts its proposals for draft Council implementing decisions, which will be public, the Council will do its utmost to adopt them as soon as possible to make sure that part of the pre-financing can start reaching at least some Member States before the end of the summer.

European citizens and firms are waiting for the RRF. We have to bring together quality and speed and deliver this instrument.


  Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President of the Commission. – Madam President, I would like to thank honourable Members for today’s opportunity to exchange with the European Parliament on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). As of today, 18 Member States have submitted their plans. The Commission has two months to perform the assessment, during which we will be guided by the assessment criteria of the regulation and by our common goal to deliver high—quality plans. The Recovery and Resilience Facility regulation includes a number of important provisions to ensure the involvement of the European Parliament during the implementation of the facility.

The Commission fully understands and supports the need for transparency and scrutiny of the recovery and resilience plans. The Commission is committed to ensuring maximum transparency with the Parliament during this process, as foreseen in the regulation. For instance, the Recovery and Resilience Dialogue, which took place last week for the first time, will be an important central forum for the Commission to exchange with the Parliament. In addition, the Parliament has initiated a working group on the scrutiny of the RRF, which has met three times until now. The Commission is committed to contributing actively to the working group by providing necessary information to the Parliament. For instance, the Commission has participated in two meetings so far, one on the overall assessment framework and one on the digital dimension, and other meetings are scheduled in the coming weeks.

As foreseen in the regulation, the Commission shares the national recovery and resilience plans simultaneously with the Parliament and the Council, in the languages we receive them in, without delay. When translations from Member States are available, the Commission commits to transmit those as well, provided the relevant Member State agrees. The Commission also commits to provide a summary of the reforms and investments of the submitted plans if and when the Commission adopts the proposal for a Council implementing decision. This will provide you with more structured information.

The Commission fully understands the need of the Parliament to ensure proper democratic oversight and parliamentary scrutiny during the implementation of the facility. This was an important element of the negotiations between co—legislators a few months ago, where the Commission supported the achievement of a fair balance. The Commission is willing to orally share its findings from the overall reading of the plans, for instance with respect to green and digital targets, as well as the social components of the plans submitted. Other aspects based on the overall reading can also be discussed within the context of that dialogue. At the same time, the RRF regulation, as agreed between Parliament and Council, does not foresee the preparation of a preliminary assessment of individual plans.

For the RRF implementation to be successful, broad ownership and support is crucial. The regulation requires Member States to provide a summary of the national consultation process and the Commission is strongly encouraging their involvement in interactions with all Member States. The active involvement of stakeholders will be vital throughout all stages of the implementation process. The submission of the national recovery plans is only the first step. I welcome the letter that some of you have addressed to Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni and myself, supporting us on this front.

Regarding the delegated acts on the recovery and resilience scoreboard and on the methodology for reporting social expenditure, the Commission will assure the Parliament’s involvement, in accordance with the interinstitutional agreement of 2016 between our institutions. The Commission is currently drawing up these acts and will, in the coming weeks, discuss them at a technical level with the Member States’ experts in the presence of observers from both the Council and the Parliament in line with the agreed process. The Commission will also discuss the delegated acts with the European Parliament’s RRF working group.

The Commission is committed to the swift adoption of the delegated acts, well before the deadline of December 2021 foreseen by the regulation. We aim to be faster than this and allow for an earlier adoption even if it will be more likely to be after the summer recess than before it. To conclude, the Commission is fully committed to continue close cooperation with the European Parliament in the coming weeks and months.


  Manfred Weber, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Vizepräsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Herr Ratsvertreter! Unsere Antwort ist richtig, sie lautet Solidarität. Die Corona-Pandemie hat viele Menschenleben gekostet, hat viel Einsatz im Gesundheitswesen gefordert und großen ökonomischen Schaden angerichtet, mit sieben Prozent Wirtschaftseinbruch im letzten Jahr. Wir werden das nur beantworten, wenn wir gemeinsam agieren. Wir sitzen in einem Boot. NextGenerationEU ist die richtige Antwort. Das ist die europäische Solidarität, die dahintersteht, und wir alle wollen den Erfolg dieses 750—Milliarden—Paketes.

Die Rahmenbedingungen für unsere EVP—Fraktion sind dabei klar. Erstens: Wir wollen Zukunftsinvestitionen, nicht Investitionen in die Vergangenheit. Vor allem grenzüberschreitend, Wasserstoff, Elektro, 5G. Wir wollen zweitens Solidarität und Eigenverantwortung zusammenbringen. Wer den Nachbarn um Hilfe bittet, der muss auch selbst sich anstrengen, seine Reformen durchzuführen und umzusetzen. Wir wollen drittens, dass wir als Europäische Union klarmachen, dass alle beteiligt werden bei der Erarbeitung dieser Programme, dass nicht nur einige wenige Beamte auf der Chefebene der Staatsministerien entscheiden, wie die Gelder verwandt werden, sondern dass alle Bürgermeister, Regionenvertreter, alle beteiligt werden bei der Verwendung dieser Gelder, dass es ein inklusiver Prozess ist, der sicherstellt, dass der Reformplan umgesetzt wird. Und wir wollen, dass die Europafahne sichtbar ist. Bei jedem Programm, das die Menschen spüren, muss klar sein, dass Europa die Solidarität praktiziert, dass Europa hilft. Das ist das, was wir erreichen wollen. Und das gilt es jetzt zu bewerten.

Leider Gottes sind der Haushaltsgesetzgeber und auch die Haushaltskontrollinstitution, nämlich das Europäische Parlament, bis dato in die Entscheidungen nicht adäquat eingebunden. Die Vorbedingung für eine ordentliche Kontrolle ist Transparenz. Und diese Transparenz ist bisher nicht gewährleistet. Das ist das, was die Kollegen in den zuständigen Gremien leider Gottes zum Ausdruck bringen.

Am Ende der Tage dürfen nicht nur administrative, bürokratische Prozesse die Bewertung vornehmen, ob die Programme gut sind. Es müssen politische Prozesse werden. Es müssen gewählte Vertreter darüber diskutieren, ob die Programme sinnvoll sind, ob sie Europa voranbringen, ob sie einen Europa-Mehrwert bringen. Das Europäische Parlament ist die einzige demokratisch legitimierte Institution auf europäischer Ebene, und die Kommission basiert auf dem Vertrauen in dieser Volkskammer, in dem Europäischen Parlament.

Es besteht das Risiko, dass Vertrauen ein Stück weit verspielt wird, weil die Kooperation, weil die Transparenz derzeit nicht gegeben ist. Und deswegen ist die Entschließung diese Woche notwendig, und ich möchte mich bei Valdis Dombrovskis und Paolo Gentiloni herzlich bedanken für die Offenheit, die Themen aufzugreifen, die Vorschläge, die das Parlament jetzt mit der Entschließung einbringt, aufzugreifen, dass dies in wenigen Tagen abgestellt werden kann und wir volle Transparenz herstellen.

Das ist das gute Miteinander, das wir uns wünschen, dass am Schluss die Antwort richtig ist, nämlich Solidarität in Europa zu praktizieren, mit vollem Respekt gegenüber der Institution des Europäischen Parlaments.


  Iratxe García Pérez, en nombre del Grupo S&D. – Señora presidenta, señorías, hace casi un año la Unión Europea dio un paso histórico al aprobar el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia, que supone un desembolso de 672 000 millones de euros en préstamos y subvenciones. Es el oxígeno que necesitan tantos trabajadores y trabajadoras, tantas empresas, tantos autónomos, tantos jóvenes y tantos servicios sociales que están sosteniendo, en estos momentos, a los más golpeados por la pandemia. Yo creo que nuestro deber aquí es conseguir que ese dinero llegue cuanto antes a las personas que lo necesitan, es una gran responsabilidad que tenemos sobre nuestras espaldas.

Por supuesto que queremos transparencia y una buena cooperación entre las instituciones, porque la lealtad, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas siempre redundan en beneficio de la ciudadanía y de la democracia; sin embargo, no querría tener que pensar que algunos en esta Cámara estén usando este debate para intentar volver a incorporar criterios de macrocondicionalidad y austeridad por la puerta de atrás. Si de verdad tienen tanto interés en este plan, yo me preocuparía más por presionar a los jefes de Gobierno y a sus partidos para que saquen adelante la ratificación parlamentaria del Mecanismo, para no tener secuestrado el futuro de este fondo. Es un fondo de emergencia porque la situación es de emergencia; quizá la de algunos aquí no, pero sí la de millones de familias y de empresas en nuestros países. Yo les pediría sinceridad, que la exigencia de transparencia no parezca una coartada para otros fines: no vayamos a montar aquí un enfrentamiento inexistente entre la Comisión y el Parlamento por algunos intereses.

Hay veces que parece que vamos incluso a contracorriente con este tipo de debates: cuando la ciudadanía está pidiendo que aceleremos el paso para que llegue el dinero del fondo, nadie entendería que nos enzarzáramos ahora en una disputa entre las instituciones que retrasara el proceso, eso solo podría alimentar el euroescepticismo y la desafección por Europa. Aprovechemos este fondo de recuperación para ganarnos la confianza de los europeos y las europeas. Para que las instituciones europeas funcionen, es necesaria la lealtad institucional: yo confío en los comisarios y las comisarías, en los populares, en los socialistas, en los liberales, que están trabajando con seriedad y rigor en los planes de recuperación; no tengo por qué dudar de ninguno, tampoco del vicepresidente ejecutivo Dombrovskis.

No podemos permitir que las presiones internas de algunos grupos pongan en cuestión la gestión de esta crisis, que es una gestión muy diferente a la del 2008. Todos queremos ver reflejadas nuestras prioridades políticas, eso es normal: nosotros, el Grupo de Socialistas y Demócratas, hemos peleado por introducir los criterios de sostenibilidad ambiental, de justicia social, de igualdad entre hombres y mujeres, y lo hemos hecho abiertamente en las negociaciones, no con otro tipo de tácticas dilatorias; también hemos insistido en incluir los indicadores sociales que garanticen que nadie se quede atrás, y esto creo que la Comisión lo ha entendido muy bien. Los socialistas y demócratas defenderemos siempre la responsabilidad del Parlamento en la gobernanza económica, que los fondos se usen para emprender reformas profundas que hagan que la Unión Europea se adapte a los retos y a los desafíos que tiene en estos momentos, por supuesto que sí. Me alegra que en la negociación de esta Resolución finalmente hayamos llegado a un acuerdo equilibrado. Los socialistas y demócratas aceptaremos todos los debates, todos. Seguiremos hablando y negociando, pero no nos vamos a distraer de lo que realmente importa, que es presionar para la ratificación en los Parlamentos nacionales, y estamos ya trabajando en la adopción de los criterios técnicos para el gasto social.

Yo comprendo que algunos entre ustedes, señorías, se hayan puesto nerviosos cuando escuchan al Consejo decir que hay que superar la lógica del PIB para pensar en las personas —claro, esto lo llevamos los socialdemócratas diciendo mucho tiempo—, pero los tiempos cambian y la ciudadanía exige una respuesta diferente en la gestión de la crisis. Me imagino que se habrán puesto más nerviosos al leer las conclusiones del Consejo Europeo informal en Oporto, pero lo que necesitamos es un liderazgo colectivo, lealtad institucional y capacidad de forjar mayorías porque aquí, sin consensos, no prospera ninguna iniciativa, ninguna, y las grandes ambiciones personales se pueden esfumar con gran facilidad.


  Dacian Cioloş, au nom du groupe Renew. – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Vice-président exécutif, Monsieur le Commissaire, vous avez mentionné que plus de la moitié des États membres avaient envoyé leur plan d’investissement et de réforme, ce qui leur permettra d’accéder à l’argent de la relance européenne.

Comme vous êtes en train d’analyser ces plans, pourrez-vous nous dire s’ils respectent les conditions que nous avons votées ici même en février dernier? Nous faisons bien sûr confiance à la Commission et nous savons qu’elle évaluera ces plans dans l’esprit des objectifs européens. Cependant, cette confiance n’exclut pas le contrôle parlementaire. C’est notre rôle d’autorité budgétaire de contrôler que l’argent de la relance ira vers de bons projets et de bonnes réformes; mais ce contrôle parlementaire est extrêmement difficile dans la situation actuelle. Mettez-vous à la place des députés au Parlement européen: chacun aura pris le temps de lire plusieurs centaines de pages en langue originale, mais ce n’est pas suffisant. Moi, par exemple, je suis Roumain, mais je suis aussi député au Parlement européen, et je m’intéresse, au-delà du plan roumain, au plan italien, au plan hongrois, au plan danois et ainsi de suite, car c’est aussi la valeur ajoutée de notre Parlement d’assurer la dimension européenne de ce plan.

Pour cela, il faut une vue d’ensemble; or, nous ne l’avons pas ici au Parlement. Pourtant, la Commission européenne, dans un vrai esprit de collaboration institutionnelle, pourrait nous la donner. Vous êtes en contact avec les ministères depuis plusieurs mois déjà, vous savez donc ce qu’il y a dans ces plans, vous avez vu des brouillons que vous avez commentés. Ce que nous demandons, c’est que vous partagiez avec nous votre analyse. L’idée que l’exercice de contrôle parlementaire retarde le processus n’est pas vraie et n’a pas sa place ici. Nous ne demandons pas que vous fassiez des choses exprès pour le Parlement, mais tout simplement que vous partagiez cette information dans le bon esprit de collaboration.

Monsieur le Vice-président exécutif, nous ne sommes pas là dans une bagarre institutionnelle; nous sommes ici pour une bataille commune pour la réussite de ce plan de relance, car pour beaucoup de citoyens, il n’y a pas le Parlement, la Commission ou le Conseil; il y a l’Europe. Et quand on parle de l’Europe, sur les marchés ou au contact des entreprises ou des associations, c’est à nous, parlementaires européens, que les citoyens demandent ce qui se passe et ce qui a été décidé au niveau européen. Donc nous devons nous assurer ensemble que ces plans ont aussi la dimension de ce grand projet européen, au-delà des objectifs de chaque État membre et de chaque région pour financer leurs projets de réformes. C’est là que se trouve la complémentarité du Parlement avec la Commission, c’est ce que nous avons demandé depuis que nous avons négocié ce règlement, et c’est tout simplement ce que nous vous demandons maintenant: partagez avec nous l’information que vous avez et sans le souhait, Monsieur le Ministre, de retarder le processus. L’information est là et si elle est partagée, on pourra tous accomplir notre rôle.


  Jörg Meuthen, im Namen der ID-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar, werte Kollegen! Wir sprechen heute über Ihr sogenanntes Wiederaufbauprogramm, diese beispiellose milliardenschwere Umverteilung namens RRF, Recovery and Recilience Facility. Dabei ist doch vollkommen klar: Es geht mitnichten um einen Wiederaufbau der europäischen Volkswirtschaften. Es geht allein darum, der Europäischen Kommission noch mehr Macht zu geben und die Mitgliedstaaten auf Schulden- und Umverteilungskurs zu bringen – auf den Kurs Brüssels, auf den Kurs von der Leyen, auf den Kurs Merkel und Macron.

Wie bereits beim ESM werden die Gelder an Bedingungen für innere Reformen geknüpft. Die EU dringt also wieder einmal in Sphären ein, die sie schlicht nichts angehen: ein Angriff auf die Souveränität der europäischen Nationen und ihre demokratisch gewählten Parlamente und Regierungen, den wir als ID-Fraktion garantiert nicht mittragen. Die EU-Kommission missbraucht die Corona-Pandemie schamlos, um sich als Wirtschaftsregierung aufzuspielen und unverhohlener denn je in die inneren Angelegenheiten von Mitgliedstaaten hineinzuregieren – mit dem Geld anderer Leute, wie immer bei Sozialisten.

Die gegenwärtige Krise der Pandemie kommt Ihnen offenkundig sehr gelegen. Leichter lassen sich auf dem Weg in den EU-Zentralismus kaum Tatsachen schaffen. Leichter lässt sich die Vergemeinschaftung von Schulden nicht verwirklichen. Doch Sie täuschen sich, wenn Sie glauben, die unübersehbare Unzufriedenheit ließe sich damit beheben. Nein, ganz im Gegenteil! Wir brauchen keine Schuldenunion und keinen Zentralismus. Was wir brauchen, ist ein geeintes Europa freier und souveräner Nationalstaaten.


  Philippe Lamberts, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. – Madame la Présidente, chers collègues, à l’exception peut-être de M. Meuthen et de ses amis, je pense que nous sommes très nombreux ici à considérer le succès de NextGenerationEU, de ce plan de relance commun, comme absolument crucial, absolument essentiel, je ne dirais pas à la survie de l’Union, mais à son avenir, tout simplement. Parce que nous le savons, le succès de ce plan peut être un formidable catalyseur de confiance.

D’abord, contrairement à ce que M. Meuthen dit, la confiance de nos citoyens dans la capacité des Européens à agir ensemble face à des défis communs: le défi de la pandémie, bien sûr, mais le défi de la transition écologique et solidaire probablement encore plus.

Un catalyseur de confiance aussi entre les gouvernements européens et entre les peuples européens dans la capacité de chacun à défendre l’intérêt général européen et à ne pas se servir de l’Union européenne quand ça lui convient et, au contraire, de la miner quand ça ne lui convient pas.

Une confiance en notre capacité à investir dans l’avenir. Trop souvent, les Européens ont regardé en arrière, ont regardé dans le rétroviseur vers une gloire passée; ici, nous avons la possibilité de nous forger un avenir. Alors, quelle est la définition du succès du plan? La rapidité: vous l’avez souligné, Monsieur le Vice-président, pour que ce plan soit un succès, il faut qu’il soit réalisé promptement, que les résultats soient rapidement visibles. Il faut aussi de l’efficience, autrement dit que nous atteignons les objectifs, et je voudrais reciter ce que Dacian Cioloş a dit, en ce qui concerne la réussite à remplir les objectifs relatifs à une transition numérique et à des investissements qui soient socialement soutenables; l’efficacité, pour que chaque euro dépensé le soit avec un résultat maximal; enfin, la légitimité, et c’est ce qui nous occupe aujourd’hui: pour prouver que M. Meuthen a tort, il faut que ce plan européen jouisse d’une très forte légitimité démocratique et cela, c’est le rôle du Parlement. Je sais que la Commission a déjà fait beaucoup d’efforts pour associer le Parlement à son travail et c’est sûr que nous devrons aller vite mais comme le disait Dacian Cioloş, la vitesse n’est pas exclusive du contrôle démocratique. Il faut que chaque citoyen puisse se dire: «Tout s’est passé de manière transparente et mes représentants ont pu s’assurer que les objectifs étaient bien respectés.»

Je pense qu’il y a encore un effort supplémentaire à faire, je dirais, Monsieur le Vice-président, parce que nous avons deux formes d’inertie à contrer. La première, ce sont les querelles de territoire: chaque institution pense que l’autre institution est une rivale. Je pense qu’au niveau des dirigeants du Parlement et des dirigeants de la Commission, cette rivalité appartient au passé; mais il ne faut pas exclure qu’au niveau des structures de nos institutions respectives, cette forme de rivalité continue à exister. L’autre forme d’inertie, c’est le fait que pendant des années, nous avons fait autre chose que la transition verte, nous avons fait autre chose que la transition numérique, tout ceci représente un changement de cap et pour s’assurer qu’il se passe, je pense qu’il faut mettre le système en tension et le contrôle démocratique est le meilleur moyen de le faire.


  Raffaele Fitto, a nome del gruppo ECR. – Signora Presidente, signor Commissario Dombrovskis, signor Commissario Gentiloni, signor ministro Silva, onorevoli colleghi, da sempre riteniamo che il rispetto dei principi di democrazia, trasparenza e responsabilità debbano essere alla base del funzionamento delle Istituzioni europee. Ed è evidente che, a maggior ragione, questi principi sono fondamentali quando si muovono importanti risorse in un rapporto che deve ricostruire una credibilità con i singoli Paesi e con i cittadini.

Non possiamo negare, però, il fatto che fino a questo momento ci sono state varie difficoltà: solo quindici Stati sono stati in grado di presentare i propri piani nazionali di resilienza entro la scadenza fissata dalla Commissione; molti parlamenti nazionali sono stati totalmente svuotati della possibilità e della capacità di esprimere un giudizio di merito e dare un contributo fondamentale in questo senso. E soprattutto hanno dovuto ratificare delle decisioni assunte nel rapporto tra i governi nazionali e la Commissione europea.

È necessario, quindi, nei prossimi passaggi che la trasparenza sia messa al primo punto, partendo dai contenuti e dall'implementazione degli stessi piani. Uno degli aspetti chiave di questi investimenti sarà infatti la rapidità di attuazione e il relativo tasso di assorbimento delle risorse.

Ebbene, basta vedere le esperienze precedenti sull'utilizzo delle risorse dei Fondi strutturali per capire, collegandolo ai limiti e ai vincoli che vengono giustamente stabiliti come percentuale di impegno sulla parte di risorse a fondo perduto entro il 2022 – 2023 da impegnare in modo giuridicamente rilevante, per capire quali sono i rischi che oggi noi abbiamo di fronte.

In questo senso abbiamo bisogno di un ruolo forte del Parlamento, che non venga visto come una perdita di tempo, anzi, ma che sia in grado di poter dare una risposta concreta a quelle che sono le esigenze. Questo Parlamento è fortemente legittimato per poter verificare l'attuazione di questi piani, per poter capire quali sono le possibilità di intervento e soprattutto per poter svolgere un ruolo che sia di sostegno, di sollecito, di attenzione e di verifica nel rapporto tra la Commissione e i governi nazionali. È questo un passaggio decisivo per il futuro della credibilità delle Istituzioni europee.


  Δημήτριος Παπαδημούλης, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας The Left. – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, το Ταμείο Μετάβασης και Ανθεκτικότητας είναι ένα σημαντικό θετικό βήμα και πρέπει να πετύχει. Αυτή την πολιτική βούληση εκφράζουμε με το κοινό μας ψήφισμα όλες οι πολιτικές ομάδες, από την Αριστερά μέχρι την κοινοβουλευτική Δεξιά, με την εξαίρεση της άκρας Δεξιάς. Θέλουμε να μειώσουμε τις ανισότητες. Θέλουμε η οικολογική μετάβαση και η ψηφιακή μετάβαση να είναι δίκαιες, να μη μείνει κανείς πίσω. Θέλουμε τα χρήματα αυτά να αποτελέσουν αντικείμενο διαφανούς διαχείρισης, με δημοκρατική λογοδοσία και εντιμότητα, να ωφεληθούν και οι μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις και να μην πάνε μόνο στις τσέπες μικρών επιχειρηματικών ελίτ. Να παίξουν ρόλο οι περιφέρειες και οι δήμοι και να μην τα χρησιμοποιήσουν οι κυβερνήσεις σαν να είναι το ταμείο του κόμματός τους. Να εμπλακούν τα εθνικά Κοινοβούλια, γιατί υπάρχουν χώρες, όπως δυστυχώς και η δική μου, η Ελλάδα, όπου ούτε οι δήμοι ούτε οι περιφέρειες ούτε το Κοινοβούλιο ούτε τα συνδικάτα και οι εργοδοτικοί φορείς έπαιξαν ρόλο στη δημιουργία του εθνικού σχεδίου.

Αυτό πρέπει να αλλάξει και πρέπει και οι δήμοι και οι περιφέρειες και οι εργοδότες και οι εργαζόμενοι να παίξουν ρόλο, γιατί χωρίς δημοκρατική νομιμοποίηση δεν θα πετύχει αυτό το σχέδιο. Αυτό ακριβώς είναι το μήνυμα του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου προς την Επιτροπή και προς το Συμβούλιο. Δεν θέλουμε να καθυστερήσουν αυτά τα προγράμματα, θέλουμε ίσα ίσα να προχωρήσουν γρήγορα γιατί τα περιμένουν οι πολίτες, αλλά θέλουμε να πιάσουν τόπο και τα χρήματα. Γι’ αυτό ζητάμε, κύριε Dombrovskis, κύριε Gentiloni, το δικαίωμα του Ευρωκοινοβουλίου, δηλαδή το να ασκεί δημοκρατικό έλεγχο και λογοδοσία, να πραγματωθεί σε πνεύμα συνεργασίας με εσάς. Δεν είναι εναντίον της Επιτροπής, είναι προκειμένου να πετύχει η κοινή προσπάθεια.

Θα δούμε στο τέλος αν είναι επαρκές αυτό το ταμείο. Προσωπικά πιστεύω ότι δεν είναι επαρκές, αλλά για να πετύχει πρέπει όλοι να συνεργαστούμε, έτσι ώστε να γίνει αυτό που ενοχλεί την ακροδεξιά γιατί βαθαίνει την ενοποίηση της Ευρώπης, που συνιστά μόνιμο χαρακτηριστικό της Ένωσης. Θέλουμε περισσότερη αλληλεγγύη, περισσότερη αποτελεσματικότητα, περισσότερη δικαιοσύνη μέσα στην Ευρώπη.


  Mario Furore (NI). – Signora Presidente, Commissario Gentiloni, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio la Commissione per la condivisione dei documenti, come stabilito dal regolamento sullo strumento per la ripresa e la resilienza.

Tuttavia vorrei sollevare un punto che mi sta a cuore per ciò che riguarda la trasparenza: la trasparenza dovrebbe essere garantita soprattutto ai cittadini europei. Questi piani sono essenziali per i cittadini e non dobbiamo dimenticare che sono loro il miglior strumento di scrutinio e controllo che abbiamo sulla spesa pubblica.

Noi possiamo valutare grazie alla documentazione fornita se gli obiettivi e i vincoli siano rispettati ma è soprattutto nostro dovere garantire la massima trasparenza per i cittadini, che sono i veri contribuenti e i veri beneficiari di questo strumento.

Chiedo quindi alla Commissione uno sforzo in tal senso: fornire più informazioni possibili anche ai cittadini, perché questo piano sia davvero una ripartenza per l'Unione.


  Paolo Gentiloni, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, Minister, honourable Members, let me first thank you, all of you, for your engagement, for transparency and accountability, not only this morning but at each and every single step of this unprecedented decision that we took one year ago. Your ambition and expectation as co-legislators of the RRF oblige us. It is my deep conviction that, without the political inputs of this House, its fight for EU added value and against fragmentation, we would never have achieved this crucial and unprecedented step. The Commission is the Guardian of the EU Treaties and the Parliament is the expression of the European citizens. Together, we are more than the addition of 27 national interests. We act to defend the European common good.

Our intense cooperation on the recovery plans is cooperation for the recovery of Europe, to give hope to our citizens that to build back better our societies is possible. It is my utter conviction that the expectations raised and the commitments taken bind us. We have no choice but to deliver and to succeed, and your role is to ensure the parliamentary and public scrutiny in order to make this happen, and speed and scrutiny can and should coexist.

We are bound by a legal framework that we are a co-legislator of, that assigns clear responsibilities and stringent timelines. I would like to reiterate that it is the prerogative of the college to give the assessment when deciding to adopt or not the proposal for a Council implementing decision, and the regulation as agreed between Parliament and Council doesn’t foresee a preliminary assessment, as Valdis just underlined.

Let me add also that we will strongly reflect on the way Member States approach the consultation process. This is important to ensure a lasting impact of reforms and investment by creating broad ownership. The active involvement of stakeholders will be vital throughout all the stages of the implementation process, and the submission of the national recovery plan is only the first step. Also, the involvement of local authorities is crucial for having successful implementation of the plan. For instance, Member States have an obligation to ensure close cooperation with regional levels to achieve the objectives of the facility, and the Commission will pay close attention to this, because the success of this very important operation will not be achieved behind closed doors. It should be achieved with involvement at national and European level.

What we can certainly say and what one can see, reading the plans which have been presented, is that all plans so far address the six pillars, but with different emphasis on the individual six pillars. I would like to underline that the plans have to explain how Member States will strengthen job creation and their economic and social resilience in the long term, and contribute to the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

Honourable Members, Parliament has access to the full plans. We very much encourage the Members, with your unique expertise and understanding, to provide your views in the context of the recovery and resilience dialogue or through resolutions. We have a very short time but we can do this, I think, in this short time. The preparation of the RRPs has somehow created a new form of dialogue between the Commission and Member States, and I really thank the Presidency of the Council for this. It is to be welcomed that this translates also into a strong engagement for the accountability of the Commission towards Parliament. For sure, we are fully committed to report to this House, its plenary, competent parliamentary committees and dedicated bodies, and this debate is a confirmation of this.

Concluding, let me stress one thing: we are all doing something new. We are learning something new – new resources, new procedures, new shared responsibility and accountability. We will certainly jointly improve what is to improve, but we have common principles, purpose and priorities, ensuring the conditions for a swift and sustainable recovery of our common economy.


  Augusto Santos Silva, Presidente em exercício do Conselho. – Senhora Presidente, Senhor Vice-Presidente, Senhor Comissário, Caras e Caros Membros do Parlamento, em primeiro lugar, quero saudar e agradecer este debate sobre o direito à informação na avaliação dos planos nacionais de recuperação e resiliência. É um debate muito oportuno e é um debate muito importante.

O Fundo de Recuperação e Resiliência e os planos nacionais que o materializam são instrumentos importantíssimos para combater a crise que vivemos em consequência da pandemia, mas também para tornar a economia europeia e a sociedade europeia mais resilientes.

Cada plano nacional de recuperação e resiliência, desenvolvendo as reformas e facilitando os investimentos necessários, destina-se a tornar as economias e as sociedades mais fortes e apoiar os nossos países na transição verde, na transição digital e também na transição justa e, portanto, o conjunto dos planos nacionais de recuperação e resiliência preservará o mercado interno da União Europeia, preservará o modelo social europeu, permitirá à Europa continuar a liderar a transição climática e a transição digital.

Para isso, precisamos todos de fazer ainda várias coisas. Em primeiro lugar, precisamos de concluir o processo de ratificações nacionais da decisão sobre recursos próprios. Sem os 27 Estados-Membros terem concluído os respetivos processos nacionais de ratificação da decisão de recursos próprios, será impossível à Comissão Europeia levantar nos mercados os 750 mil milhões de euros previstos e indispensáveis.

Em segundo lugar, precisamos que todos os Estados-Membros entreguem os respetivos planos nacionais de recuperação e resiliência. Até agora, entregaram 18, o que é um bom resultado até ao momento, mas precisamos que todos estejam implicados neste nosso processo.

Precisamos, depois, que a Comissão Europeia avalie, cuidadosamente, cada plano nacional entregue no prazo que o regulamento lhe dá, mas o mais depressa possível dentro desse prazo e precisamos, finalmente, que o Conselho aprove cada plano nacional de recuperação e resiliência.

Do lado da Presidência, os prazos são claros. Nós estamos inteiramente disponíveis para que seja já em junho, no Conselho Ecofin de junho, disse junho, que os primeiros planos nacionais de recuperação e resiliência sejam aprovados e contamos trabalhar com a Comissão Europeia para cumprir esse propósito, porque, aqui, a questão do tempo é decisiva.

Nós precisamos de reagir com a urgência que a crise exige. Nós precisamos de responder positivamente aos anseios e às necessidades dos nossos cidadãos, ao que nos propõem os parceiros sociais, ao que nos propõem as entidades territoriais, ao que nos exigem os nossos parlamentos nacionais e o Parlamento Europeu e, portanto, a questão do tempo é decisiva.

Mas ser rápido não quer dizer ser opaco. Pode e deve ser-se rápido e ser-se transparente e, portanto, o pedido do Parlamento Europeu, para que haja partilha de informação, para que o Parlamento Europeu possa exercer os seus poderes de escrutínio, é um pedido bem-vindo, é uma proposta bem—vinda.

Quero, aliás, agradecer em nome do Conselho ao Parlamento Europeu a forma impecável como colaborou na qualidade de colegislador na aprovação rápida e bem-sucedida do regulamento sobre o instrumento de recuperação e resiliência, como tem exercido os poderes que esse regulamento lhe confere e como tem colaborado com as restantes instituições europeias. Esta é uma tarefa de todos.

Quero agradecer também, penhoradamente, à Comissão Europeia a excelência do trabalho que tem realizado e a forma como tem procurado que esse trabalho garanta, ao mesmo tempo, a qualidade na avaliação dos planos nacionais de recuperação e resiliência e a rapidez na sua aprovação.

O tempo é essencial e, para isso, nós contamos, desde a Cimeira do Porto, também com um outro apoio muito importante, subscrito por todos os parceiros sociais europeus, no compromisso social do Porto. Temos os parceiros sociais connosco, temos também a cidadania connosco e a Conferência sobre o Futuro da Europa prová-lo-á mais uma vez e temos todas as instituições trabalhando em conjunto para que os planos nacionais de recuperação e resiliência sejam um sucesso e por isso, com isso também, sejam um sucesso a transição europeia, a recuperação da economia europeia, a transformação da economia e da sociedade europeia numa economia mais verde, numa economia mais digital, mas sempre, sempre, com o modelo social, a coesão social no seu coração.


  President. – The debate is closed.

The vote will take place on Thursday, 20 May 2021.

Written statements (Rule 171)


  Josianne Cutajar (S&D), in writing. – The recovery phase we have ahead of us will represent a collective effort that requires to pool together the best energies and talents at the European, national and local level. The inclusion of a wide range of institutions and stakeholders will be crucial to ensure the success of the national recovery and resilience plans. European families as well as our businesses, especially the small ones, do expect swift and effective answers to the economic and social rubble the pandemic has caused. While the recovery we envisage is the result of a shared European vision, we must not overlook the national dimension. A strategy that strikes the balance between a common vision and domestic needs, avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach, will be beneficial to our Union and its citizens. Yet we must enhance the democratic legitimacy and the citizen ownership of the national recovery plans through proper accountability, including towards the elected representatives of the European citizens at the European Parliament.


  Enikő Győri (NI), írásban. – Mára a legtöbb tagállam benyújtotta nemzeti helyreállítási tervét, most folyik azok értékelése. Megkezdődött a párbeszéd a Bizottsággal, a biztosok megerősítették, a Bizottság meg fogja osztani a tervek értékelését a Parlamenttel. Rendben elindult tehát a trilóguson a felek között kitárgyalt és az RRF jogszabályban rögzített folyamat, minden résztvevő végzi a dolgát. De a Parlament újra boldogtalan, semmi nem elég neki. Emlékezzünk, tavaly is hónapokat vesztettünk, mert a jogállamisági mechanizmus erőltetésével az EP politikai feltételeket akart kicsikarni az uniós pénzosztáshoz.

A mai vitához hasonló öncélú, hamis demokrácia-akciók se az oltások felgyorsítását, sem pedig a gazdaság helyreállítását nem szolgálják. A Parlament a szerződéseket felrúgva teljes szereptévesztésben van, végrehajtói jogkörre tör. A nemzeti tervek értékelése a Bizottság feladata, elfogadása pedig a Tanácsé. Arra kérem képviselőtársaimat, hogy ne akarják átpolitizálni, sem pedig befolyásolni a Bizottság szakmai munkáját. A baloldali ma hozzászólásaiból kiderült, ők megint csak büntetni akarnak egyes országokat; céljuk hogy amagyarok és lengyelek forrásoktól essenek el.

Én büszke vagyok, hogy Magyarország benyújtotta a nemzeti helyreállítási tervét, amely a források 42%-át zöld, 34%-át pedig az egészségügy fejlesztésére különítené el. A felelős költségvetés híveiként egyelőre nem veszünk igénybe hitelt, sőt a nemzeti költségvetés terhére előre megindítjuk a programokat, hogy minél előbb forrásokhoz juttassuk a magyar gazdaságot.


  Victor Negrescu (S&D), în scris. – Planurile naționale de redresare și reziliență negociate de statele membre cu Comisia Europeană trebuie să ofere o perspectivă de dezvoltare reală și sustenabilă pentru cetățenii europeni. Resursele puse la dispoziție trebuie să asigure transformarea sustenabilă și digitală a societății europene prin mecanisme concrete menite să reducă inegalitățile și să dezvolte oportunități pentru viitoarele generații. Investiția în educație (pentru care am inițiat solicitarea Parlamentului European ca minimum 10 % din MRR să meargă către această zonă), îmbunătățirea accesului la servicii medicale de calitate și dezvoltarea unui mediu economic rezilient care respectă cele mai înalte standarde sociale reprezintă priorități cheie.

Parlamentului European trebuie să îi fie respectat dreptul la informare pentru a crește transparența dezvoltării, evaluării și implementării planurilor naționale de redresare. Trebuie evitată situația în care actualele guverne ale statelor membre decid singure dezvoltarea planurilor având în vedere că implementarea acestora se va desfășura până în anul 2026, dată până la care unele executive își vor încheia mandatele. Accesul Parlamentului European la evaluarea continuă a planurilor naționale este necesar pentru a asigura o procedură transparentă pentru evaluarea și punerea în aplicare a PNRR-urilor. Comisia ar trebui să respecte și să sprijine rolul Parlamentului European, oferind acces adecvat la materiale și documente.


  Roberts Zīle (ECR), rakstiski. – Parlaments ir secinājis, ka Atveseļošanās un noturības mehānisma pārbaudes process neatbilst izvirzītajām prasībām. Komisijas pienākums ir informēt Parlamentu par dalībvalstu atveseļošanās un noturības plānu izvērtēšanas procesu. Šo informāciju nedrīkst aizturēt, un tā sniedzama saprotamā formātā. To nedrīkst izmantot kā iespēju bezatbildīgi piešķirt līdzekļus, kas īpaši paredzēti katras dalībvalsts atveseļošanai no Covid-19 pandēmijas sekām. Šie procesi ir ieviesti, lai nodrošinātu pilnīgu pārredzamību un atbildību, kā arī plānu demokrātisko likumību. Plāniem jāatspoguļo valsts saziņa ar visām attiecīgajām ieinteresētajām personām, jo īpaši ar vietējām un reģionālajām pašvaldībām un pilsonisko sabiedrību. Es aicinu savus kolēģus atbalstīt šo rezolūciju un izvērst atklātu un konstruktīvu dialogu par atveseļošanos un noturību kopā ar Eiropas Komisiju.

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