 Text integral 
Procedură : 2021/2693(RSP)
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Dezbateri :

PV 20/05/2021 - 10.1
CRE 20/05/2021 - 10.1

Voturi :

PV 20/05/2021 - 20

Texte adoptate :


Stenograma dezbaterilor
XML 48k
Joi, 20 mai 2021 - Bruxelles Ediţie revizuită

10.1. Prizonierii de război în urma celui mai recent conflict dintre Armenia și Azerbaidjan
Înregistrare video a intervenţiilor

  Przewodnicząca. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest debata nad sześcioma projektami rezolucji w sprawie jeńców wojennych pojmanych w czasie ostatniego konfliktu między Armenią i Azerbejdżanem (2021/2693(RSP))*.


* Patrz protokół posiedzenia.


  Andrey Kovatchev, author. – Madam President, the main aim of this urgency is to strongly demand an immediate and unconditional release of all Armenian prisoners – military and civilian – detained during and after the most recent war from last year between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Baku has to refrain from any arbitrary detentions in the future and to fully implement the Tripartite Ceasefire Statement, which foresees an exchange of prisoners of war, hostages and all other detainees, as well as the remains of fatalities.

Despite the various definitions Azerbaijan uses for these people – calling them criminals or terrorists – they are all protected by the Geneva Conventions and international humanitarian law and should be returned to their families. Azerbaijan should assist the European Court of Human Rights by providing it with reliable information on the detainees and their well—being. It should refrain from any mistreatment or humiliation of these people. Independent and effective investigations have to be carried out of all credible allegations of grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and other violations of international law and war crimes.

Baku should also close down the so-called ‘Trophy Park’, which exhibits degrading and dehumanising wax figures of Armenian soldiers, and which further intensifies long—lasting hostilities and undermines the trust between the two countries.

I would like to make reminder that the European Parliament has always tried to be as objective as possible. If we had reliable information that there were currently any Azerbaijani citizens in Armenian custody, we would be demanding the same things from Yerevan: immediate and unconditional release. Every human life is precious and has to be preserved.

Very soon this House will discuss the country reports on Armenia and Azerbaijan. We are going to evaluate if our demands of today have been fulfilled and then, accordingly, the texts of the future reports will be adopted.


  Isabel Santos, Autora. – Senhora Presidente, o conflito entre a Arménia e o Azerbaijão transformou a relação entre estes dois países desde 1988 e continua a causar sofrimento às populações. Na sequência da escalada do conflito no final do ano passado, que causou a morte a mais de cinco mil soldados em apenas 44 dias e um número incontável de pessoas que ficaram feridas ou tiveram de se deslocar dos seus locais de habitação, muitos outros foram tomados como prisioneiros de guerra e é sobre esta questão que esta resolução de urgência se pronuncia.

Na declaração tripartida de cessar-fogo entre os países, acordaram em realizar trocas de prisioneiros de guerra, reféns e outros detidos, bem como os restos mortais das vítimas, segundo um princípio de todos por todos. É, por isso, inaceitável que até hoje alguns prisioneiros arménios continuem detidos no Azerbaijão e que nos continuem a chegar relatos de tortura e tratamento degradante dos detidos numa clara violação da Convenção de Genebra.

Apelamos, por isso, à libertação imediata e incondicional de todos os prisioneiros e à completa implementação do acordo de cessar-fogo.

É fundamental que ambas as partes abandonem a retórica hostil e retomem rapidamente o diálogo político de alto nível, sob a direção dos Copresidentes do Grupo de Minsk. Só através de uma solução política negociada, respeitadora dos princípios básicos da OSCE, será possível determinar o futuro da região, de uma forma pacífica, duradoura e sustentável.


  Petras Auštrevičius, author. – Madam President, regrettably, conflicts and war in the South Caucasus are leading the way against dialogue, cooperation and peace. The most recent autumn war between Armenia and Azerbaijan is a tragedy resulting in grave suffering for both nations.

Everything possible must be done to move from conflict to peaceful coexistence. Release of prisoners of war, hostages and other detainees is a way forward. No matter how many prisoners of war remain, human life is sacred. International commitments to the safety, health and dignity of prisoners must be upheld.

One of the consequences of the conflict is the deployment of the so-called Russian peacekeepers to Nagorno-Karabakh, which raises another equally worrisome security concern. Russia’s presence might turn into a long-term process.

The European Union was a passive observer of the conflict and did not use its influence to prevent it. The European Union must initiate and actively participate in the peace process and help its highly valued eastern partners, Armenia and Azerbaijan, to meet the needs of their people, which include: confidence building, cooperation and a lasting peace.


  Viola Von Cramon-Taubadel, author. – Madam President, war is ugly and unjust. Thousands of killed soldiers from Armenia and Azerbaijan and many more displaced civilians – that is the price of what President Aliyev calls an unprecedented victory.

Mr President Aliyev, nothing suits a true winner more than humility to extend a helping hand to its defeated enemy, not only because it is morally correct but also it is strategically wise. True winners know that dehumanising the enemy in trophy parks and crossing the border only extends the vicious circles of violence. True winners know that indoctrinating your children with hate only maintains war and that short—sighted revanche will never lead into solid peace. And they also know that unjust done to displace Azeris can never justify similar unjust against Armenians. So, true winners know that every human life counts, no matter of which ethnicity.

President Aliyev, there was once a long—standing friendship between Armenians and Azeris, so you have a chance now to be a true winner, embrace your defeated enemy and turn them into loyal friends again, because if Nagorno—Karabakh is Azerbaijani – and it is – you are responsible for all the well—being of all of its inhabitants.


  Pernando Barrena Arza, author. – Madam President, the attack against Nagorno—Karabakh by the Azeri Government ended up on an agreement between the parties that has not been respected by Azerbaijan. Around 200 Armenians are still held in captivity by Azerbaijan and these prisoners of war are being mistreated by the Azeri military and there are allegations that prisoners have been subjected to extra—judicial killings or enforced disappearances that constitute war crimes.

It’s time for this Parliament to demand from Azerbaijan the immediate and unconditional release of all Armenian prisoners detained during and after the conflict, full implementation of the ceasefire agreement and to refrain from further military intrusion in Armenian territory.

As the joint motion for a resolution states, a long—standing political negotiated solution based on the principles of non—use of force, territorial integrity and the equal rights and self—determination of peoples, is crucial to determine the future status of Artsakh.

A comprehensive political solution will be needed. But meanwhile, we have to expose the Turkish—Azeri aggression against Armenia and Nagorno—Karabakh.


  Charlie Weimers, author. – Madam President, the acting OSCE Chair and Swedish Foreign Minister, Ann Linde, has called for ‘the sides to urgently complete exchange of detainees’. Sides? How many Azerbaijani prisoners of war does Armenia have yet to return? Minister Linde, there is only one side in this conflict that completely disregards international humanitarian law, and that is Azerbaijan.

Ann Linde, as a Foreign Minister and acting OSCE Chair, I ask you, as co—author of this resolution of the European Parliament, to heed this resolution and to call upon Azerbaijan to immediately and unconditionally release all Armenian prisoners – both military and civilian – detained during and after the conflict. Diplomacy is no excuse to conceal the truth.


  Tom Vandenkendelaere, namens de PPE-Fractie. – Voorzitter, het conflict rond Nagorno-Karabach sleept al veel te lang aan en blijft ook vandaag een grote zorg voor ons, de Europese Unie, in het bijzonder met betrekking tot de terugkeer van de krijgsgevangenen nadat de wapenstilstand werd bereikt. Er blijft heel veel onduidelijkheid over het lot van de Armeense krijgsgevangenen en vooral grote misnoegdheid over de manier waarop de Azerbeidzjaanse autoriteiten optreden.

Laat me duidelijk zijn: Armeense krijgsgevangenen mogen niet als criminelen worden bestempeld om zich zo te kunnen onttrekken aan het internationaal recht. Zowel Azerbeidzjan als Armenië zijn partners in ons oostelijk nabuurschapsbeleid, maar dit kader biedt helaas niet meteen nuttige hefbomen om de nodige druk te kunnen uitoefenen op Azerbeidzjan.

Toch kan de EU zich niet onbetuigd laten door des te meer in te zetten op actieve en maximale ondersteuning van de Minskgroep die hier in het kader van de OVSE wel effectief kan wegen en die door het Franse covoorzitterschap extra gevoelig moet zijn voor de impact van de EU. Ik roep daarom de Europese Dienst voor extern optreden op om zoveel als kan aan de inspanningen van de Minskgroep bij te dragen en zo een snelle en toereikende deblokkering van deze onaanvaardbare situatie te bewerkstelligen.


  Marina Kaljurand, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, war is never a good solution. It might bring a short—term victory, but it also brings unnecessary deaths and suffering, and it takes time to heal wounds. Let me focus on three very urgent issues in this context.

First, the need to release all Armenian prisoners of war and other detainees. I urge Azerbaijan to fulfil its international obligations, including the ceasefire agreement and the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights, which has granted interim measures with respect to more than 200 Armenian individuals.

Second, the inflammatory rhetoric and spreading of hatred needs to stop. The Military Trophy Park in Baku is the most serious example of it. It humiliates and dehumanises Armenians, glorifies violence and teaches the wrong lessons to Azerbaijani kids. It has to be removed.

Third, the border incident and ongoing crisis at the southern interstate border are deeply worrying. I urge Azerbaijan to withdraw and start proper border negotiations with Armenia. Removing these obstacles will bring closer the much—awaited peace and reconciliation to the people of Armenia and Azerbaijan.


  Ilhan Kyuchyuk, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Madam President, for a long time Azerbaijan and Armenia have been locked in the Nagorno-Karabakh territorial conflict that led to the loss of lives, including the civilian population, internally displaced people and many sufferings from the both sides.

The European Parliament has always stood for the respect of the sovereignty and territorial integrity and I welcome the agreement from November 2020 on a complete ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh. Despite the fact that the changes to the status quo were made through military force rather than peaceful negotiations, we have to admit that Azerbaijan acted exclusively within its internationally recognised borders.

I hope that this agreement will open now a brighter perspective for a peaceful settlement and good neighbourly relations in the future. However, recent developments show us that the confrontation is far from over. Therefore, I urge the European Union to play an active and important role in this conflict.


  Silvia Sardone, a nome del gruppo ID. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, è una vergogna che l'Europa non alzi la voce contro la pulizia etnica e religiosa che sta subendo l'Armenia cristiana, sotto i colpi dell'islamismo di Azerbaigian e Turchia.

Circa duecento soldati armeni sequestrati e non riconsegnati; anziani torturati; migliaia di case devastate; decine di chiese demolite e profanate; migliaia di lapidi e tombe distrutte. I crimini contro l'umanità, con mutilazioni e decapitazioni di soldati e civili, e la distruzione sistematica dei monumenti cristiani attestano il fanatismo degli aggressori. Il leader dell'Azerbaigian ha realizzato un'impresa macabra che nessuno aveva mai tentato prima di lui: ha istituito il Parco dei trofei, un vero e proprio museo ufficiale dell'odio, con gli elmetti dei soldati armeni uccisi e manichini in cera.

Fa male che oggi in Europa si parli più di islamofobia che di cristiani perseguitati. Dispiace vedere le istituzioni europee piegarsi ad Erdoğan, che ancora non riconosce il genocidio armeno, senza contare che ha usato questa guerra per mostrare la propria forza.

L'Europa è avvisata: il silenzio su cosa sta avvenendo in quelle terre è l'ennesimo segnale di una sottomissione sempre più evidente. È una vergogna il silenzio sul patrimonio culturale e religioso distrutto e sulla civiltà europea calpestata.


  Jordi Solé, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, six months after the ceasefire the situation on the ground remains fragile – as the recent incursion of the Azeri army into Armenian territory shows. The issue of the status of Nagorno—Karabakh is far from being settled.

War is being glorified and hatred against Armenians incited in the so—called Trophy Park, and the government of Azerbaijan refuses to comply with international obligations and is unlawfully keeping prisoners of war and civilian captives. All Armenian prisoners – military or civilian – detained during or after the conflict have to be immediately and unconditionally released.

The security of the Armenian population in Nagorno—Karabakh has to be ensured by all means, and their cultural heritage protected. The final status of Artsakh cannot be imposed by force of arms. There has to be a political solution that takes into account the democratic will of the population living there.

At the time of the ceasefire the EU was simply absent. Now it’s time for us to engage in the peace process in order to bring about stabilisation, reconciliation and a fair settlement.




  Ryszard Czarnecki, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Pani Komisarz! Szanowni Państwo! Byłem kilkanaście razy w obu tych krajach, a w sumie w górach południowego Kaukazu przeszło 20 razy, więc moja wiedza nie ma charakteru akademickiego. Znam tych ludzi, znam te kraje, znam ich specyfikę, znam ich historię. Przestrzegałbym przed takimi bardzo łatwymi, uproszczonymi sądami i ocenami, które nam, ludziom szeroko rozumianego Zachodu, przychodzą czasem tak bezrefleksyjnie. Chciałem powiedzieć, że jesteśmy politykami w tej Izbie, chociaż być może wielu z nas chciało być ombudsmenami, rzecznikami praw człowieka. Powinniśmy wybrać kontekst geopolityczny: co jest dobre dla Rosji? Dla Rosji jest dobre wpychanie tych krajów w rosyjską strefę wpływów i przed tym bardzo przestrzegam.


  Kateřina Konečná, za skupinu The Left. – Paní předsedající, paní komisařko, výměna válečných zajatců je velmi podstatnou součástí nacházení mírového soužití mezi dvěma znepřátelenými stranami. Navozuje pocit důvěry a je aktem naděje, že silová válečná řešení nejsou rozumnou cestou mezi civilizovanými státy. Není tedy za žádných okolností možné zastávat se strany, která dohody o výměně zajatců buď odmítá, nebo je neplní. Jedná se o chybu diplomatickou, politickou a primárně lidskou. Neochota participace na těchto výměnách dává signál, že pro minimálně jednu stranu není konflikt ukončen a může se tedy v brzké době znovu rozhořet. A to není přijatelné.

Stejně tak je nutné se postavit proti tomu, aby státy válečné zajatce odmítaly nahlásit, a tedy je tajily. Takovéto praktiky jsou nešťastné a zavrženíhodné. Domnívám se, že po krvavých lekcích z dob minulých by všichni měli dodržovat lidské principy, a solidarita demonstrovaná výměnou válečných zajatců mezi ně určitě patří.


  François-Xavier Bellamy (PPE). – Madame la Présidente, mes chers collègues, nous avons enfin réussi à mettre à l’ordre du jour cette urgence humanitaire absolue: la situation des prisonniers de guerre arméniens toujours détenus en Azerbaïdjan, au mépris des conventions de Genève, au mépris du droit international, au mépris même de l’accord de cessez-le-feu.

L’Arménie a libéré tous ses prisonniers. Aliyev garde des otages en prétextant qu’il s’agirait de terroristes; mais les seuls terroristes dans l’affaire sont ceux que M. Erdoğan a financés pour attaquer le Karabakh, les mercenaires djihadistes qu’il a fait venir de Syrie. Combien de prisonniers sont encore séquestrés par l’Azerbaïdjan? Il refuse de le dire.

Aujourd’hui même, en Arménie, des centaines de familles vivent dans l’angoisse absolue de ne pas savoir si leurs fils sont morts ou prisonniers, victimes de nombreux cas de tortures qui ont été documentés. L’Arménie a saisi la CEDH sur le cas de 19 prisonniers exécutés en détention: Micha, Narek, Yourik, Yelena... C’est d’eux que nous devons être la voix. Ces derniers jours, nous avons tous reçu un flot de menaces et de mensonges alternés, mais nous ne nous tairons pas.

Aliyev parle de paix et de respect, mais comment le croire quand il viole aujourd’hui encore la frontière de l’Arménie? Aucune raison, aucun désaccord, aucune diplomatie ne peuvent excuser que soient violés les droits les plus fondamentaux. Les prisonniers de guerre arméniens doivent être libérés sans délai.


  Klemen Grošelj (Renew). – Gospa predsednica! Pravzaprav je zadeva preprosta. Mednarodno humanitarno in vojno pravo predvideva, da po koncu sovražnosti vse sprte strani omogočijo izmenjavo oziroma vrnitev, repatriacijo zadržanih oseb oziroma vojnih ujetnikov.

Tako mednarodno pravo pravzaprav predvideva tudi instrument, ki bo to omogočil, to je Mednarodni odbor Rdečega križa, ki naj bi vodil evidence pridržanih oseb oziroma vojnih ujetnikov in njihovo repatriacijo.

Azerbajdžan lahko uporablja katere koli izgovore, ki jih sicer želi, a edina pot, ki mu bo omogočila, da potrdi svojo pripadnost mednarodni skupnosti in zavezanosti k mirnemu reševanju spora v Gorskem Karabahu, je, da omogoči mednarodnemu Rdečemu križu neodvisno in odkrito evidentiranje vseh zadržanih Armencev v njihovih zaporih in skupaj z mednarodnim Rdečim križem omogoči njihovo brezpogojno in takojšnjo vrnitev oziroma repatriacijo v Armenijo.

Vse druge poti vodijo v nadaljevanje in poglabljanje konflikta.


  Tomasz Piotr Poręba (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Mówimy dziś o poważnym problemie, jakim jest przestrzeganie prawa międzynarodowego oraz litery ustaleń zawieszenia broni między Armenią i Azerbejdżanem, i w moim przekonaniu tylko to powinno być tematem naszej rezolucji, bo nie ulega wątpliwości, że do rozwiązania kwestii wymiany jeńców powinno dojść jak najszybciej i ta kwestia powinna zostać jak najszybciej rozwiązana.

Pamiętajmy, że ostatniej wojnie towarzyszyła olbrzymia akcja dezinformacyjna na niespotykaną skalę, dlatego też bez bardzo wnikliwego śledztwa, sprawdzenia stawianych zarzutów nie będziemy mieć nigdy pewności, że przedstawione przez nas fakty są całkowicie zgodne z prawdą. Zupełnie też nie rozumiem, dlaczego rezolucja zawiera tak wiele dodatkowych elementów wykraczających poza jej temat. Nie powinniśmy na przykład wchodzić w kwestie przyszłego uregulowania statusu Górskiego Karabachu czy ewentualnej roli Unii Europejskiej w tym zakresie. Jednocześnie w rezolucji brakuje chociażby informacji o czterech żołnierzach azerskich postawionych w stan oskarżenia przez azerskie władze za łamanie praw człowieka.

W moim przekonaniu ta rezolucja nie daje możliwości na spokojną, rzeczową rozmowę z władzami Azerbejdżanu i rozwiązanie problemu, dlatego zarówno ja, jak i moi koledzy będziemy głosować przeciw.


  Lars Patrick Berg (NI). – Frau Präsidentin, Frau Kommissarin! Am 19. März berichtete Human Rights Watch über die Misshandlung von armenischen Kriegsgefangenen durch die aserbaidschanischen Behörden. Human Rights Watch wies auch auf das Versäumnis Aserbaidschans hin, die im Friedensvertrag enthaltenen Vereinbarungen zu befolgen, und darauf, dass die noch in Gefangenschaft befindlichen Armenier als Terrorismusverdächtige bezeichnet werden. Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte hat darauf hingewiesen, dass Aserbaidschan seinen internationalen Verpflichtungen leider nicht nachkommt. Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass es diesem Haus obliegt, jetzt zu prüfen, welche Maßnahmen erforderlich sind, um derartige Vorkommnisse zukünftig schnell und konsequent zu lösen.

Ein Staat, der so eklatant gegen internationale Abkommen verstößt und so leichtfertig Menschenrechtsverletzungen begeht, begibt sich ins Abseits. Präsident Alijew kann nun zeigen, dass er ein Staatsmann ist, ein wirklicher Staatsmann, ein Staatsmann, der die armenischen Kriegsgefangenen und die als Terroristen bezeichneten Gefangenen umgehend freilässt.


  Peter van Dalen (PPE). – Voorzitter, onze boodschap vandaag is heel eenvoudig. Azerbeidzjan moet alle Armeense krijgsgevangenen, civiel en militair, onvoorwaardelijk en direct vrijlaten, punt uit! En verder moet Azerbeidzjan dat walgelijke zogenaamde park van de militaire trofeeën in Bakoe ogenblikkelijk sluiten. Over de ruggen van Armeense krijgsgevangenen en soldaten heen wordt hier een vernederende tentoonstelling getoond en het is walgelijk. Dat moet gestopt worden, dat park moet dicht. Voorzitter, ik ben wel blij dat we nu eindelijk vandaag dit debat hebben met een resolutie, want we staan naast het volk van Armenië. De Europese Unie mag niet wegkijken van het onrecht dat de Armeniërs werd en wordt aangedaan.


  Clara Ponsatí Obiols (NI). – Madam President, the people of Nagorno—Karabakh have the fundamental right to peacefully and democratically decide their future. Resolving border problems between neighbours violently doesn’t work. The ceasefire agreement of November 2020 must be respected, and it is urgent that Azerbaijan abide by the Geneva Convention and that the Armenian prisoners of war are liberated.

The EU cannot continue to sit and watch. We must get involved to help construct a lasting solution for the region. The recognition of the Armenian genocide of 1915 is a necessary first step, and it is equally indispensable that Member States like Spain – that actively opposed sanctions on Turkey last autumn – stop supporting Erdoğan’s strategy of conflict for his benefit. If Europe wants to promote peaceful and democratic solutions rather than conflict, European support for Turkey must end.


  Στέλιος Κυμπουρόπουλος (PPE). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, κύριοι συνάδελφοι, κατά τη διάρκεια του 2020, με ευθύνη του Αζερμπαϊτζάν, εγκαταλείφθηκε ο διάλογος που διεξαγόταν από την Ομάδα του Μινσκ για την ειρηνική διευθέτηση του ζητήματος στο Ναγκόρνο Καραμπάχ. Η αναζωπύρωση αυτή σημαδεύτηκε κατά τη διάρκεια των εχθροπραξιών από εκτεταμένη χρήση βίας με θύματα πολλούς αμάχους και από την παρουσία ακραίων ισλαμιστών μισθοφόρων που στάλθηκαν με βοήθεια της Τουρκίας. Ο τερματισμός των εχθροπραξιών συνοδεύτηκε, όμως, από την ταπείνωση των Αρμενίων αιχμαλώτων πολέμου και τη δημιουργία εμποδίων στην επιστροφή τους, αλλά και από την καταστροφή πολιτιστικών και θρησκευτικών αρμενικών μνημείων στις υπό αζέρικη κατοχή περιοχές.

Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση υπήρξε δυστυχώς απολύτως ανέτοιμη στην αντίδρασή της στις νεοοθωμανικές βλέψεις της Τουρκίας και των εταίρων της. Οφείλουμε τουλάχιστον τώρα ως Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να δείξουμε την αποφασιστικότητά μας πετυχαίνοντας την ταχεία επιστροφή των Αρμενίων αιχμαλώτων με την προσαρμογή του Αζερμπαϊτζάν στους κανόνες του διεθνούς δικαίου και την εγκατάλειψη της χρήσης βίας. Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση είναι το φωτεινό παράδειγμα ειρηνικής επίλυσης των διαφορών σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο κι αυτό το υπόδειγμά της πρέπει να το διαδώσουμε.


  Λουκάς Φουρλάς (PPE). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε, όταν η πολεμική μηχανή των Αλίεφ και Ερντογάν ισοπέδωνε θρασύδειλα με drones το Ναγκόρνο Καραμπάχ και χτυπούσε ανελέητα τους Αρμενίους, ακόμα και αμάχους, η Ευρώπη ήταν απούσα. Όταν οι ηγέτες του Αζερμπαϊτζάν και της Τουρκίας πανηγύριζαν για το έγκλημά τους, η Ευρώπη απλά παρακολουθούσε. Σήμερα, τόσους μήνες μετά, δεκάδες Αρμένιοι παραμένουν αιχμάλωτοι στα χέρια του Αλίεφ, με το Αζερμπαϊτζάν να αρνείται να τους δώσει πίσω στις οικογένειές τους.

Ακούστε κάτι: στην Κύπρο, όταν οι Τούρκοι εισέβαλαν το 1974, πήραν χιλιάδες αιχμαλώτους, εκατοντάδες από αυτούς ουδέποτε επέστρεψαν. Ακόμα και σήμερα ανασύρουμε κόκαλα νεκρών μας από πηγάδια και ομαδικούς τάφους. Μην περιμένετε λοιπόν ότι ο Αλίεφ θα επιστρέψει αιχμαλώτους αν δεν αναγκαστεί να το πράξει. Σας καλώ να σώσουμε την αξιοπρέπεια της Ευρώπης. Σας καλώ να σταθούμε έστω και τώρα δίπλα στον αρμενικό λαό που ζητά επιστροφή αιχμαλώτων. Με όλη τη δύναμη της ψυχής μας ας δηλώσουμε ότι, μέχρι και ο τελευταίος Αρμένιος αιχμάλωτος να επιστρέψει στην οικογένειά του, δεν θα σταματήσουμε να το διεκδικούμε.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (NI). – Signora Presidente, gentile Commissaria, onorevoli colleghi, camminando per Baku in via 8 Novembre, celebrazione nazionale recentemente proclamata dal regime azero per commemorare l'esito della guerra di aggressione nel Nagorno Karabakh, vi troverete davanti a una placca molto strana che recita "Karabakh e Azerbaigian", posta all'entrata del nuovo Military Trophy Park.

Se decideste di visitare questo posto surreale, vedreste gli elmetti dei soldati armeni, forse abbandonati o magari presi dai loro corpi ancora caldi; trovereste poi 26 statue di cera di combattenti armeni. Guardandole bene, notereste qualcosa di strano: hanno tutti i lineamenti sproporzionati e il naso aquilino. Cari colleghi, quello che sembra un incubo, una storia grottesca, è invece realtà e gli stessi autori delle sculture hanno detto che, generalmente, volevano fare qualcosa di più bello e, invece, questa volta è stato ordinato loro di fare il contrario.

Condanno nel modo più assoluto il concetto stesso che sta alla base di questa esposizione. Questi tentativi di disumanizzazione e di svilimento di un popolo intero rievocano alcuni dei momenti più oscuri della nostra storia.

Oltre alla doverosa richiesta di liberazione immediata dei prigionieri di guerra, che non devono essere usati come sordido ricatto, chiedo l'urgente e definitiva chiusura di questo luogo grottesco, che non posso definire museo, e invito l'intera comunità e l'intero Parlamento a fare altrettanto.


  Helena Dalli, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, thank you, and I would like to thank Members of the European Parliament for raising the issue of prisoners of war and other detainees in the aftermath of the 2020 hostilities.

We took good note of the letter of more than 120 Members of this House on the same issue. The EU has taken a clear position. We have repeatedly called on both parties to fully implement the ceasefire agreement. We have also called on them to exchange prisoners of war and to release all remaining detainees regardless of the circumstances of their capture, in accordance with international humanitarian law and the ceasefire agreement. The release of all Armenian detainees is essential for building confidence and trust and would be an important political gesture.

We welcomed the release of five Armenian detainees on 29 January and of three on 4 May. We insist that all remaining detainees be released without further delay. The EU expects both parties to cooperate, not only on the return of detainees, but also on other important humanitarian issues. The recovery and repatriation of remains of the missing should continue. Urgent and decisive steps are needed on the exchange of information necessary for the conduct of humanitarian demining and including the sharing of any available maps of minefields to enable return to areas devastated by conflict.

To defuse tensions and allows societies to progress towards normalisation, it is also crucially important to refrain from inflammatory public rhetoric. The EU has called for accountability for any violation of international humanitarian law. Allegations of torture, ill-treatment or execution of captives and any other war crimes that might have been committed during the recent hostilities, must be thoroughly investigated. The EU stands ready to contribute to international and independent justice mechanisms and to support an independent investigation into such claims.

The cessation of hostilities and addressing the range of immediate humanitarian issues is only a first step to end the long lasting Nagorno—Karabakh conflict. Renewed efforts for a negotiated, comprehensive and sustainable settlement are needed. The EU fully supports the OSCE Minsk Group led by its co-chairs, and we stand ready to contribute in the shaping of a durable and comprehensive settlement including through support for stabilisation and confidence-building measures.


  Die Präsidentin. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet heute, Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2021, statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 171)


  Loránt Vincze (PPE), in writing. – I fully endorsed the demand of the European Parliament that all Armenian prisoners, both military and civilian, detained during and after the conflict must be released and that Azerbaijan must fully implement the tripartite ceasefire statement of 9 November 2020. The European Union was unjustifiably absent in the efforts to end the conflict. It can no longer stand idle while the soldiers of Armenia, its friend, are still held in prison by Azerbaijan. It must help Armenian families get their children back! Other top priorities are that humanitarian assistance urgently reaches those in need and that the security of the Armenian population and its cultural heritage in Nagorno-Karabakh is ensured. We must also emphatically stress that the ‘Park of Military Trophies’ inaugurated in Baku displaying wax mannequins depicting dead and dying Armenian soldiers and models of Armenian prisoners of war chained in a cell has no place in any country in the 21st century.


  Marco Zanni (ID), per iscritto. – Il conflitto tra Armenia e Azerbaigian ha causato grande distruzione ed enormi perdite umane: sono oltre 5mila i militari deceduti e migliaia i feriti e gli sfollati. Ad oggi, l'Azerbaigian non sta rispettando il punto 8 della dichiarazione tripartita di cessate il fuoco siglata con l'Armenia e la Russia, il quale stabilisce che i prigionieri di guerra, gli ostaggi, gli altri detenuti e i corpi delle persone uccise debbano essere scambiati. Secondo diverse fonti, l'Azerbaigian starebbe detenendo illegalmente e in condizioni disumane 200 prigionieri di guerra.

Le continue provocazioni e il mancato rispetto dell'accordo di cessate il fuoco sono inaccettabili, soprattutto quando provengono dallo stesso Paese che ha dato inizio al conflitto in quanto aggressore. Le autorità dell'Azerbaigian hanno addirittura giustificato gli arresti illeciti dei cittadini armeni, successivi alla fine delle ostilità, accusando i detenuti di terrorismo. Esprimo la mia vicinanza al popolo armeno, storicamente e culturalmente legato all'Europa. Rimanere in silenzio di fronte a questa situazione non è tollerabile. L'Europa deve alzare la voce, condannando le gravi azioni dell'Azerbaigian e richiedendo l'immediato rilascio dei prigionieri e la tutela del patrimonio culturale e religioso dell'Armenia.

Ultima actualizare: 23 septembrie 2021Aviz juridic - Politica de confidențialitate