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Terça-feira, 8 de Junho de 2021 - Estrasburgo Edição revista

18. Fundo Social Europeu Mais (FSE+) 2021-2027 (debate)
Vídeo das intervenções

  President. – The next item is the recommendation for second reading from the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs on the Council position at first reading with a view to the adoption of a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1296/2013 (06980/2/2021 – C9—0195/2021 – 2018/0206(COD)) (Rapporteur: David Casa) (A9—0197/2021).


  David Casa, Rapporteur. – Sinjura President u grazzi kollegi għaliex illum nistgħu ngħidu li wasalna. Wasalna wara snin twal illi qed iwasslulna biex ikollna l-aħħar vot 'kk Alla jrid, għada. Ħidma li bdiet fl-2018 meta l-Kummissjoni ressqet 'il quddiem il-programm ta' fondi għall-FSE+ għas-seba' snin, bejn l-2021 u l-2028.

Għal aktar minn 60 sena, il-FSE kien l-għodda ewlenija biex l-Unjoni Ewropea tinvesti fin-nies. Flus li jgħinu miljuni ta' nies kull sena. Għajnuna konkreta u li tinħass, u ma hemmx dubju li dawn il-flus ikunu tajbin biex iħallu impatt, naturalment, pożittiv ħafna fuq il-ħajja taċ-ċittadini Ewropej. U issa, għandna FSE ikbar u estiż li jinkludi fih dak kollu li aħna naħsbu illi huwa importanti. Qed ngħid dawk kollha għaliex ix-shadow rapporteurs kollha kienu jaqblu li dan il-FSE għandu jinkludi l-FEAD. Jinkludi wkoll l-EaSI, u għandna wkoll li nilħqu l-għanijiet kollha tal-inizjattiva Garanzija għaż-Żgħażagħ.

Il-FSE+ li, bi struttura ġdida, se jgħaqqad flimkien il-fondi li qabel kienu separati. Għala? Biex nagħtu aktar valur lin-nies, lill-familji, lill-ħaddiema, liż-żgħażagħ, lit-tfal, lill-anzjani, lill-persuni bi bżonnijiet speċjali u lil dawk li jħaddmu.

Naturalment, fin-negozjati, il-prijoritajiet tal-Parlament kienu ċari. Ridna nassiguraw li dawk l-aktar fil-bżonn ma jistgħux ikunu esklużi. Ridna nkunu ċerti li n-nefqa f'ċerti setturi tkun assigurata, li jkun hemm biżżejjed flus għaż-żgħażagħ, li jkun hemm biżżejjed flus biex jintużaw għal dawk it-tfal li jgħixu fil-faqar u biex niġġieldu l-esklużjoni soċjali.

Meta bdejna n-negozjati tagħna żgur ma konniex nafu li se tfaqqa' din il-pandemija. U l-isfidi soċjali u ta' xogħol li din ġabet magħha. Fil-passat, il-FSE dejjem kien kruċjali, dejjem, imma aktar u aktar hu bżonjuż illum biex ngħinu lil dawk li tilfu xogħolhom, biex ngħinu lil dawk li tilfu xogħolhom biex ikollhom it-taħriġ li jixtiequ biex jerġgħu jidħlu fid-dinja tax-xogħol, biex dawk vulnerabbli, mhux talli ma jingħatawx il-ġenb, imma jkunu reintegrati. Biex ngħinu lil dawk l-iktar fil-bżonn fis-soċjetajiet tagħhom, li aktar sabuha diffiċli biex jixtru anke l-aktar affarijiet bażiċi. U għalhekk, il-ħidma tagħna f'dan il-perjodu ma setgħetx, kienet iktar importanti u rilevanti, u li se tħalli l-frott. U llum, b'sodisfazzjon ngħidilkom li l-isforzi tagħna kienu ta' suċċess. Il-Parlament, naturalment grazzi għat-tim ta' negozjaturi li kien b'saħħtu u magħqud, ġab dawn ir-riżultati li ried.

Il-prijoritajiet tagħna lħaqniehom, fl-interess taċ-ċittadini kollha tal-Unjoni Ewropea, b'mod partikolari, ilħaqna dawn l-għanijiet. Il-Parlament assigura li dawk l-aktar fil-bżonn ma neskluduhomx. Assigurajna li 3% tal-fondi tal-FSE+ jintużaw għal dan il-għan, u l-ammont ma jinbidilx. Assigurajna li kwart tal-fondi tal-FSE+ jintużaw biex nippromwovu l-inklużjoni soċjali. Assigurajna li l-Istati Membri kollha jassiguraw u jallokaw biżżejjed riżorsi biex jindirizzaw il-qgħad fost iż-żgħażagħ, il-faqar fost it-tfal, b'ammonti minimi li jintużaw fl-aktar Stati naturalment Membri affettwati. Assigurajna li jkun hemm flus biżżejjed biex jassistu l-istakeholders u s-soċjetà ċivili. Imma fhimna wkoll l-importanza li nkunu lesti biex nadattaw f'sitwazzjonijiet ta' kriżi. Anke hawn ridna nsibu bilanċ. Biex ikun possibbli li l-flus jintefqu fejn l-aktar hemm bżonn, bis-salvagwardji kollha. U l-abbozz li se nivvutaw fuqu jirrifletti dawn l-għanijiet tagħna.

Fl-aħħar nett nixtieq minn qalbi nirringrazzja, l-ewwel nett Sinjura President, lix-shadow rapporteurs kollha li ħdimt magħhom, u rrid ngħid li qatt ma ħdimt, fi 17-il sena li ili hawn, f'tim daqshekk magħqud, kemm ili nagħmel rapporti. Irrid nirringrazzja naturalment lill-Kummissarju Schmit, li mingħajr l-interventi tiegħu, ħafna drabi, ma konniex naslu għal dan il-ftehim li se nivvutaw fuqu għada. Imma rrid nirringrazzja wkoll lill-Kunsill, lill-Presidenza Kroata, lill-Presidenza Ġermaniża u lill-Presidenza Portugiża.

Nirringrazzja wkoll lit-tim tekniku li jiġi mill-amministrazzjoni għall-ħidma impekkabbli. Naturalment, u mhux l-inqas, lill-assistenti tiegħi, għaliex, naturalment, kellhom jaħdmu miegħi l-ħin kollu u, ħafna drabi, għal sigħat twal. Nistgħu verament, ħbieb tiegħi, inkunu kburin b'dak li se nagħmlu għas-seba' snin li ġejjin.

FSE+ li se jagħti appoġġ kbir lill-Istati Membri biex jindirizzaw il-kriżi li ġabet magħha l-pandemija. Biex nindirizzaw il-qgħad, biex nagħtu protezzjoni għal soċjetà ġusta, u lill-ħaddiema li lesti jadattaw għal ekonomija ambjentali u diġitali. Se nimplimentaw il-prinċipji tal-Pilastru Ewropew tad-Drittijiet Soċjali.

Għalhekk, kollegi, nappellalkom biex għada tivvutaw favur u, minn qalbi, nerġa' nirringrazzja lil dawk ħadmu miegħi.


  Nicolas Schmit, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, because he finished by thanking everybody, I will start by thanking the rapporteur, Mr David Casa, and the Parliament’s negotiating team for what has been achieved, for the very constructive work throughout sometimes more difficult negotiations. But, you know, you forget how difficult negotiations were once you look at the result. And the result, I think, is extremely positive. It’s a good compromise that was found between co—legislators. It is now being put to the vote and I trust that you will confirm the adoption of the Fund at this crucial moment.

Indeed, today more than ever – and you already insisted on the different aspects the Social Fund has to support – we need to put people first and centre, both to succeed in the green and digital transitions and to shape a recovery that is fair, inclusive and sustainable. We will simply tackle these important challenges if we really do take people along. At the Porto Social Summit, the EU leaders, the European institutions – and particularly also the Parliament – social partners and civil society reaffirmed their pledge to work towards a strong social Europe.

The implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan is the right way to achieve this goal. But, also in this context, the adoption of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) represents an important step in this direction and, I would say, an indispensable tool to achieve this goal. It is vital that we can now programme concrete measures under the Fund with legal certainty in order to facilitate the transitions, support the most vulnerable and contribute to the social recovery of Europe by creating a positive dynamic towards upward social and economic convergence within and between Member States.

The final agreement reached by co—legislators is indeed balanced. It is a credible response to the economic and social challenges we are currently facing. As you did already, rapporteur, let me also highlight also a few key aspects. All Member States will invest 25% of their ESF+ resources in social inclusion measures and, in addition, all Member States will use 3% to address material deprivation. This important outcome was driven by the European Parliament’s negotiating team and is the right response to the challenges that the pandemic has indeed amplified. It is an imperative to tackle poverty, inequalities and social exclusion in order to avoid permanent scars from the pandemic crisis and also to reduce pre-existing long—term negative trends in this relation.

I also emphasise that the agreed text ensures that sufficient funding will be allocated to the key target groups who have been disproportionately affected by the COVID—19 pandemic: children at risk of poverty and social exclusion, and especially young people in search of finding their place in the labour market and finally in society. This is a very important signal that we are giving. We want to invest in children and youth to build fairer and more resilient economies and societies. As stated in the Porto Declaration by Heads of State and Government – and I quote this, because this is a very strong commitment – ‘We will prioritise action to support young people who have been very negatively affected by the COVID—19 crisis. Young people represent an indispensable source of dynamism, talent and creativity for Europe’.

The Commission will do its utmost to foster this dynamism, these talents and this creativity by using the European Social Fund Plus resources. This is also why the Commission stands by its two statements to do the utmost to ensure that all Member States shall programme an appropriate amount of their ESF+ national resources to tackle child poverty and to support youth employment. The ESF+ must effectively contribute to the implementation of both the Child Guarantee and the Youth Guarantee. Work is already ongoing in that regard within the bilateral negotiations on the programmes between the Member States and the Commission. This is absolutely key to establish a strong and inclusive recovery.

Finally, I would like to highlight the importance of the contribution of social partners and civil society. The negotiations have strengthened their involvement and ensured sufficient funding. It is by involving these actors that we can reach the best results.

The European Social Fund Plus is our main tool to invest in people. This is the best answer we can give to the challenges we are facing with the ongoing transitions, and I know I can count on you and on this Parliament, and look forward to continued fruitful cooperation.



  Dennis Radtke, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich möchte zunächst einmal meinem Freund David Casa als Berichterstatter ganz herzlich gratulieren und mich auch bei allen bedanken, die konstruktiv mitgewirkt haben, um zu diesem Ergebnis zu kommen.

Es ist zu Recht von David Casa und von Nicolas Schmit angesprochen worden: Es ist ein Ergebnis, das sich sehen lassen kann. Man kann natürlich noch weiter gehen und man kann sagen: Das ist ein Ergebnis, auf das wir zu Recht stolz sein können, und es kommt zur richtigen Zeit.

Denn zur Wahrheit gehört auch dazu: Wir waren eigentlich schon vor der Pandemie und damit auch vor der schwersten Wirtschaftskrise in der Geschichte der Europäischen Union in einer komplizierten Lage an einigen Stellen, was die Bekämpfung von Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit angeht. Wir hatten besorgniserregende Entwicklungen mit Blick auf die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit. Und niemand glaubt eigentlich, dass durch diese Pandemie sich die Probleme verkleinern oder auf gleichem Level bleiben, sondern natürlich werden die Probleme größer werden. Nicht einmal die zehn Prozent, lieber Nicolas, die gegen das soziale Europa sind, werden das bestreiten.

Von daher kommt der ESF+ in dieser Form zur richtigen Zeit. Er setzt die richtigen Schwerpunkte. Ich glaube, er ist ein ganz wichtiges Signal – auch mit Blick auf die Jugendgarantie, auch mit Blick auf die Bekämpfung von Kinderarmut in der Europäischen Union –, und deswegen werbe ich ganz ausdrücklich für Zustimmung am morgigen Tage. Er bringt uns einen wichtigen Schritt weiter auf dem Weg zu einem sozialeren Europa.


  Brando Benifei, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, siamo finalmente giunti al traguardo del nostro lavoro sul Fondo sociale europeo Plus dopo anni di difficili negoziati. Tra tutti i fondi strutturali l'FSE+ è quello con la missione più importante: realizzare l'obiettivo di una società più giusta, creare occupazione di qualità, sostenere la formazione permanente, promuovere le pari opportunità, sradicare la povertà e fornire aiuto alle persone con disabilità.

Abbiamo dovuto lottare partendo dalla Garanzia per l'infanzia, la grande novità che il nostro gruppo, quello dei Socialisti e Democratici, ha proposto già dal 2014 e che adesso è realtà. Tutti gli Stati membri dovranno investire risorse adeguate per la sua messa in atto, mentre quelli con una povertà infantile sopra la media europea dovranno dedicare almeno il 5 % del Fondo sociale a tale scopo.

Per l'Italia, il mio paese, per esempio, ciò significa 650 milioni di EUR di cofinanziamento europeo per offrire ai bambini bisognosi un accesso effettivo e gratuito ai servizi essenziali. Parliamo dell'educazione, della cura della prima infanzia, dell'istruzione e delle attività scolastiche, dell'assistenza sanitaria, di almeno un pasto salutare al giorno, alloggi dignitosi e una dieta equilibrata. Oggi ci sono 18 milioni di bambini in Europa che vivono in povertà. Una cifra inaccettabile che dobbiamo sradicare completamente e definitivamente.

Abbiamo dovuto lottare anche per difendere il programma FEAD che fornisce aiuto materiale alle persone più bisognose. Basti guardare come la pandemia abbia fatto allungare in maniera spaventosa le code alle mense per i poveri. Non sono solo le persone senza fissa dimora ad aver bisogno di aiuto di un pasto caldo, ma sempre più persone. Per difendere il FEAD è stata una linea rossa invalicabile, un atto necessario e doveroso di giustizia sociale.

Abbiamo dovuto lottare, infine, affinché il Fondo fosse all'altezza delle esigenze di un mondo che cambia. Abbiamo chiesto e ottenuto un aumento dei fondi per la Garanzia per i giovani, abbiamo rafforzato gli strumenti per la formazione permanente e le competenze digitali, abbiamo reso il programma EaSI per l'innovazione sociale più capace di valorizzare i progetti locali.

Vorrei perciò ringraziare il nostro relatore David Casa, il Commissario Nicolas Schmit e la Presidenza portoghese per l'impegno comune su questo regolamento. Credo che con il nostro lavoro possiamo dire di avere davvero aggiunto qualcosa in più. Un vero plus al nuovo Fondo sociale, che da 65 anni già aiuta i cittadini europei con programmi concreti. L'espressione tangibile quindi dell'Europa sociale a cui ci ispiriamo e che vorremmo rafforzare sempre di più.


  Sylvie Brunet, au nom du groupe Renew. – Madame la Présidente, cher Commissaire, chers collègues, je me réjouis que notre Assemblée soit appelée à approuver formellement l’accord politique trouvé sur le Fonds social européen plus (FSE+).

Grâce à cet accord, l’Union disposera d’un instrument renouvelé ambitieux pour bâtir une Europe plus sociale, plus résiliente et plus inclusive. Je salue la dimension d’inclusion sociale renforcée via l’intégration du Fonds européen d’aide aux plus démunis au sein du nouveau FSE+, d’autant que la part minimale des ressources FSE+ que les États membres devront consacrer au soutien aux plus démunis a été portée à 3 %. Ce fléchage, qui est un minimum et qui vient en plus des 25 % en faveur de l’inclusion sociale, est éminemment important alors que, dans le contexte que nous traversons, la pauvreté augmente et l’aide alimentaire et l’assistance matérielle de base apparaissent de plus en plus nécessaires.

En outre, ce FSE+ renouvelé sera un instrument primordial pour soutenir l’emploi des jeunes, notamment en mettant en œuvre la garantie européenne pour la jeunesse. Une attention particulière doit être portée aux NEET, les jeunes ni étudiants, ni stagiaires, ni en emploi. D’ailleurs, Monsieur le Commissaire, ce serait bien de leur trouver un nouveau nom, car je pense que ce doit être terrible de s’appeler «ni, ni, ni». Et leur nombre a été porté à 13,7 % en 2020, en un an. Donc, dans cet objectif, il était vital que les États membres consacrent un montant approprié à des actions en faveur de leur emploi.

Avec cet accord, l’Union se dote, pour la période 2021-2027, d’un puissant outil pour contribuer à émerger progressivement de la crise et à répondre aux grands défis d’une transition vers une économie plus numérique et climatiquement neutre, en laissant le moins possible de nos concitoyens sur le bord du chemin. J’espère donc qu’une très large majorité se réunira pour le soutenir.


  Terry Reintke, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, the growing social divide is one of Europe’s biggest challenges today. Over 20% of Europeans are at risk of poverty or social exclusion. That is more than 92 million people in Europe. Every day, also directly here in front of the European Parliament, we can see people living in the streets without shelter.

But poverty and social exclusion cannot be understood with facts and figures alone. They shape lives. From stagnant wages, deteriorating mental health, bills that cannot be paid, and indeed people living without a roof over their heads. And the coronavirus has exacerbated all of these issues. Children and youth are the ones that are suffering the most.

For a better future for them, but for a better future for everyone in the European Union, we must be strong in solidarity. We must invest in opportunities, in fairness and in social justice. And the European Social Fund is one of the answers, with its social investment of EUR 88 billion for solidarity and social justice across and within borders. And we’re investing in children and young people so that they have the same chances, no matter where they come from and no matter who their parents are. Bringing people, especially women, back into jobs with decent wages and supporting the most marginalised people to create the conditions for a dignified life for all: that is the Europe I want and fight to live in.

And let me finish by thanking everyone, the rapporteur, the shadow rapporteurs, for the great work. I think we have really shown that, if we are together as one voice, unified in the debates with the Council and the Commission, we can have very strong outcomes. So I think this European Social Fund is also a great success of the European Parliament as a whole.


  France Jamet, au nom du groupe ID. – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Commissaire, chers collègues, l’Union européenne se dit sociale, mais elle sert en réalité le mondialisme et l’ultralibéralisme. Non seulement, avec l’argent qui n’est pas le sien mais celui des États contributeurs, elle se targue de renforcer les fonds structurels et de coûteux plans de relance, mais en plus, elle conditionne l’usage de ces fonds au respect des réformes dites structurelles, c’est-à-dire la poursuite de politiques d’austérité qui ont précipité les États membres, et plus particulièrement notre pays, dans une désastreuse situation.

La crise de la COVID-19 a dramatiquement dévoilé l’état indigne de nos hôpitaux et de leur personnel. Et il n’est pas interdit de penser que ce ne sera pas la dernière pandémie du XXIe siècle et que nos systèmes de santé et nos libertés n’ont pas fini d’être remis en cause. On ne protège pas non plus les travailleurs en poursuivant votre politique de submersion migratoire que le Fonds social européen, dont il est question ici, contribuera à financer.

Mes chers collègues, de l’Union européenne, nous n’attendons pas un énième fonds social, mais qu’elle en finisse avec les vieilles lunes du libre-échangisme et qu’elle laisse nos États-nations gérer leur politique sociale comme ils l’entendent.




(O debate está suspenso.)

Última actualização: 20 de Setembro de 2021Aviso legal - Política de privacidade