Menetlus : 2019/2850(RSP)
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O-000020/2021 (B9-0018/2021)

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CRE 23/06/2021 - 25

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Kolmapäev, 23. juuni 2021 - Brüssel

25. Rahvastiku ja arengu rahvusvahelise konverentsi 25. aastapäev (ICPD/15) (Nairobi tippkohtumine) (arutelu)
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  Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la discussione su:

- l'interrogazione con richiesta di risposta orale al Consiglio su 25° anniversario della Conferenza internazionale sulla popolazione e lo sviluppo (ICPD25) (vertice di Nairobi), presentata da Evelyn Regner e Tomas Tobé, a nome della commissione per lo sviluppo e della commissione per i diritti delle donne e l'uguaglianza di genere (O-000020/2021 - B9-0018/21) (2019/2850(RSP)),

- l'interrogazione con richiesta di risposta orale alla Commissione su 25° anniversario della Conferenza internazionale sulla popolazione e lo sviluppo (ICPD25) (vertice di Nairobi), presentata da Evelyn Regner e Tomas Tobé, a nome della commissione per lo sviluppo e della commissione per i diritti delle donne e l'uguaglianza di genere (O-000021/2021 - B9-0019/21) (2019/2850(RSP)).


  Evelyn Regner, Verfasserin. – Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin! Vom 12. bis zum 14. November 2019 waren wir mit einer starken Delegation aus dem Europaparlament beim Weltbevölkerungsgipfel in Nairobi vertreten, also vor Corona, schon lange davor. Unsere Botschaften dort waren und sind klar – auch eineinhalb Jahre später noch: Wir Frauen müssen überall auf der Welt das Recht haben, selbst über unseren Körper zu entscheiden. Die Zeit der Hinterzimmerabtreibungen mit vielen Todesfällen muss endlich vorbei sein.

Ähnlich wie beim Matić-Bericht über die sexuellen und reproduktiven Rechte von Frauen geht es auch hier um Grundrechte. Es geht um die Gesundheit von Frauen. Wir müssen all unsere Anstrengungen intensivieren, um Gewalt gegen Frauen endgültig zu beenden. Genitalverstümmelungen an Mädchen haben keinen Platz im 21. Jahrhundert. Der Zugang zu modernem Sexualkundeunterricht und Verhütungsmitteln muss in Europa und international ermöglicht werden. Die Sterblichkeitsrate bei der Entbindung und von Neugeborenen muss drastisch gesenkt werden.

Wenn wir also über nachhaltige Entwicklung reden, müssen Frauenrechte und vor allem die sexuellen und reproduktiven Rechte ganz klar im Zentrum stehen. Frauenrechte sind und bleiben Menschenrechte. Und die Abschlusserklärung der Nairobi—Konferenz macht das deutlich. Seit der letzten vor über 25 Jahren hat sich demokratisch sehr viel verändert, es wurden aber reichlich wenige Ziele erreicht.

Wir müssen also verstärkt daran arbeiten, alle Maßnahmen für Gleichstellung umzusetzen. Sonst erreichen wir sie nie. Und daher ist ein essenzieller Teil der Erklärung der universelle Zugang zu sexuellen und reproduktiven Rechten von allen Menschen. Wir in Europa haben hier eine wichtige Verantwortung, und der müssen wir nachkommen. Wir müssen das role model für die Rechte von Frauen sein. Wir müssen auch Geld in den Schutz von Frauen, in wichtige Entwicklungsprojekte investieren.

Es ist daher sehr enttäuschend, dass aus der guten Zusammenarbeit bei der Formulierung und der Verhandlung dieser Entschließung nun so viel Widerstand kommt. Es zeigt sich hier das wahre reaktionäre Gesicht von einigen. Und ich erwarte daher, dass die europäischen Staaten in Zukunft mit einer starken Stimme nach außen Frauenrechte innerhalb und außerhalb Europas verteidigen.


  Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, auteure. – Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, à Nairobi, en novembre 2019, plus de 1 200 engagements ont été pris autour d’un objectif: accélérer l’autonomisation des filles et des femmes. Comment? Avec l’accès universel à la contraception, la planification familiale, l’éducation sexuelle et surtout la lutte globale contre tous les types de violences de genre, et beaucoup d’autres.

Parmi les grands absents de ces engagements figuraient les États-Unis de M. Trump, le Brésil, la Biélorussie ainsi que deux de nos États Membres. Malgré cela, les engagements de Nairobi avaient amené une nouvelle dynamique mondiale.

L’arrivée de la pandémie a bouleversé le monde et en particulier la vie des femmes. Elles subissent une «double pandémie» comme l’a rappelé M. António Guterres. Les chiffres parlent d’eux-mêmes: les violences conjugales ont augmenté de 25 % partout dans le monde, 11 millions de filles pourraient abandonner l’école, 1,4 million de grossesses non désirées ont dû être menées à terme

De plus, certains gouvernements ont saisi l’opportunité d’imposer leur idéologie conservatrice en interdisant de facto l’interruption volontaire de grossesse, en se retirant de la Convention d’Istanbul

Alors, plus d’un an et demi après le sommet, il me semble pertinent de vous demander, Madame la Commissaire, quelles mesures concrètes ont été mises en place et quels financements sont prévus pour ces questions dans le cadre de «Global Europe», alors qu’un nouveau «Gender Action Plan» a été lancé.

L’Europe, par sa diplomatie féministe, inspire les autres nations par ses positions fortes, et ses législations mais, pour continuer à être crédibles, il faut un engagement conjoint de l’Union et de tous nos États Membres. Mes chers collègues, notre diplomatie féministe doit être portée par chacun d’entre nous. L’engagement des hommes et des garçons est déterminant pour parvenir à un nouveau modèle de société.

La semaine prochaine à Paris aura lieu le Forum Génération Égalité. J’appelle l’Union européenne, tous les gouvernements, les organisations et la société civile à se mobiliser pour que chaque fille et chaque garçon puisse trouver sa place dans la société et s’épanouir dans le respect et la dignité de chacun. Pour construire une vraie «Generation Equality».


  Ana Paula Zacarias, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, Commissioner, honourable Members, thank you for this oral question, which provides us with the opportunity to address this very relevant question on women’s and girl’s rights, also in connection with our development policies.

As you rightly point out in your question, more than 25 years after the International Conference on Population and Development that was held in Cairo and the adoption of the landmark programme of action, there is still a long way to go in ensuring that women and girls enjoy full respect of their fundamental rights, including their sexual and reproductive and health rights.

The epidemic has affected, as we all know, in a negative and disproportionate way, the rights of women and girls.

The EU remains nevertheless committed to the promotion, protection and fulfilment of all human rights and to the full and effective implementation of the Beijing platform of action and the ICPD programme of action and the outcomes of their review conferences. In this context, it also remains committed to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

In addition to the European consensus on development, jointly signed by the Presidents of the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council in 2017, where this commitment is clearly reflected, let me highlight two recent deliverables that were achieved during our Presidency.

Firstly, the Council approved unanimously the conclusions on the human rights based post—COVID 19 recovery on 22 February, as well as on strengthening Team Europe commitment to human development on 14 June.

Here we reaffirmed our commitment to the rights of every individual to have full control over, and decide freely and responsibly on, matters related to their sexuality and sexual and reproductive health, free from discrimination, coercion and violence.

The document also stresses the need for universal access to quality and affordable, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and education, including comprehensive sexuality education and healthcare services.

Secondly, through the NDICI, through Global Europe, the EU will have the funds needed to advance gender equality and fight against gender—based violence globally, highlighting two spending targets.

First on human development, with at least 20% of EU ODA going to social inclusion and human development, including basic social services, notably health and sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Secondly, on gender equality, with at least 85% of new actions implemented under the instrument, having gender equality as a principal or a significant objective as defined by the gender equality policymaker of the OECD Development Assistance Committee. At least 5% of those actions should have gender equality and women’s and girls’ rights and empowerment as principal objectives.

In conclusion, the EU and its Member States remain committed to the promotion of women’s and girls’ full enjoyment of all human rights, gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, including their sexual and reproductive health and rights, as a priority across all areas of action.

We have the political will. We have the right legislative toolbox, and now we have a set of resources to mainstream this important dimension of our external and development policy. So it’s really time to deliver together.


  Jutta Urpilainen, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members of Parliament, thank you for the opportunity to address this very important topic.

I can assure you that the Commission is committed to continue playing a leading role in women’s and girls’ empowerment and access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and to promote the commitments reached in Nairobi.

I would like to make three points. First, our increased ambition is exemplified by the new Gender Action Plan (GAP) III that the Commission and High Representative presented last November. We support gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights through a range of interventions at bilateral, regional and global levels. We closely partner with the United Nations Population Fund to strengthen SRHR and increase access to family planning in low and middle income countries through the UNFPA supplies partnership.

We are further increasing support for SRHR with a focus on vulnerable adolescents in Africa. I am pleased to confirm we issued last year a call for proposals to civil society organisations with an initial investment of EUR 30.5 million. It will address critical gaps and needs such as teenage pregnancy, early marriage and family planning.

The EU-UN Spotlight initiative, the biggest ever global effort to eliminate violence against women and girls, is up and running in 26 countries across six regions, with total funding of EUR 500 million. Of this amount, 100 million is specifically earmarked for SRHR.

Second, with its 20% spending target for human development, the new Neighbourhood Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) – Global Europe will further accelerate our support to help SRHR and gender equality. NDICI incorporates the GAP III targets on gender mainstreaming in projects and programmes. At least 85% of all our new actions will contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment, and out of this a minimum of 5% will have gender equality as the principal objective. A number of Team Europe initiatives promoting gender equality and SRHR are being explored with Member States at country and regional level.

Finally, these investments in equality go hand in hand with our broader initiatives to support girls’ education. This is all the more relevant today as COVID—19 has led to one of the worst education crises in history for children around the world, with young girls bearing the brunt of the suffering. This is why we strongly support the objective of 40 million more girls in schools by 2026 and 20 million more girls reading by age 10 or end of primary school. To achieve these goals, we need sustainable financing and this is why I am especially proud of our recent release of EUR 700 million to support the Global Partnership for Education over the next seven years.

I look forward to continuing working with this House to contribute to providing every girl and every woman the opportunities to build their future.


  Frances Fitzgerald, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, Commissioner, thank you for the important work you are doing that you have outlined. The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Nairobi in 2019 was a landmark moment, celebrating 25 years since the initial ICPD in Cairo. It highlighted how far we have come, but we have much to do.

I believe that the ambitions highlighted during the conference are not only achievable, but imperative. We need strong political commitment to make it a reality. Women’s rights are at the centre of development policy, and achieving gender equality will have a ripple effect moving forward in other crucial areas, too, like healthcare, economic development and reducing poverty. We must act now.

Three quick points. The first is the need to tackle FGM, this horrific violence against women. Secondly, we need male champions. It’s time to take the burden of gender equality off the shoulders of women and move forward on this shared goal together. Finally, I want to express my outrage at the alternative statement that was issued at the end of the summit by some countries, including the US, Poland and Hungary.

Opposing reproductive rights only forces women to make harder decisions, one that puts their lives in danger. It doesn’t eradicate the problem. Those countries should be ashamed of their statement. And I want to really applaud the EU delegation for taking action and standing up in opposition to that text in Nairobi. That was an important statement.


  Evin Incir, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, the commitment by the countries attending the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development were clear. It was about ensuring sexual and reproductive health and rights for women and girls, as well as eliminating gender—based violence.

However, when evaluating the progress today, it is clear that in many parts of the world we have seen a bigger backlash in the last years than we have seen progress, including in the EU. Colleagues, SRHR and the right to be protected from violence is not to be taken for granted. Even in this Parliament we have anti—gender equality advocates, clunky anti—human rights advocates.

These last days I have been, as many others, focusing on different resolutions. One of them is the resolution by my Social Democratic colleague Fred Matić in the report on SRHR, and the other is a report I myself am shadow for the S&D for, and that is on making gender—based violence an EU crime in the whole European Union. I must say that the resistance against a gender—equal world from the right wing in this Parliament is not encouraging, if we really want a Union for all women and girls and a Union that takes global leadership.

My question to the Commission and the Council is, how are we making sure to step up the efforts?


  Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. – Monsieur le Président, à Nairobi, nous avons pris l’engagement de créer les conditions pour accélérer les droits des femmes, c’est à dire l’autonomisation des femmes et des filles et la lutte contre les violences subies par les femmes, c’est-à-dire aussi les grossesses non désirées, la lutte contre les abandons scolaires dus au mariage précoce, comme nous l’ont demandé les jeunes, afin que les femmes et les filles jouissent de leurs droits, notamment ceux de la santé sexuelle et génésique.

Nous devons soutenir les résultats du sommet de Nairobi afin d’accélérer la mise en œuvre et le financement du programme d’action. Nous devons nous concentrer sur la recherche de solutions viables avec les communautés concernées pour arriver à l’égalité de genre, à la santé sexuelle et reproductive. Nous devons également garantir une participation effective et inclusive des adolescents à toutes les étapes de la prise de décision. Il est donc important de promouvoir une éducation sexuelle qui favorise leur épanouissement, comme nous l’ont demandé les jeunes, lors de notre mission à Nairobi.


  Sandra Pereira, em nome do Grupo The Left. – Senhor Presidente, na Cimeira de Nairóbi foram traçadas novas estratégias para atingir metas concretas até 2030, eliminar as necessidades não atendidas no planeamento familiar, acabar com a morte materna que pode ser evitada, assim como a violência e outras práticas prejudiciais contra mulheres e raparigas.

Reconhecemos o progresso alcançado em áreas específicas como o aumento da disponibilidade de contracetivos ou a redução da mortalidade materna e neonatal, mas são necessários esforços e medidas concretas para atingir os objetivos do programa. É, pois, necessário garantir o direito à saúde sexual e reprodutiva, a plena acessibilidade à IVG, a liberdade de escolha da mulher do método contracetivo, mais educação sexual, mais campanhas de informação e sensibilização das mulheres sobre os direitos da saúde sexual e reprodutiva, a formação contínua dos técnicos na área do planeamento familiar e, claro, o reforço dos serviços públicos de saúde que garantam a universalidade destes direitos.

Está na altura de garantirmos que estes compromissos políticos saem do papel e se concretizam para todas as mulheres, raparigas e jovens.


  Λευτέρης Χριστοφόρου (PPE). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κυρία Επίτροπε, κυρία Υπουργέ, εκπρόσωποι του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου, η σθεναρή προάσπιση των δικαιωμάτων των γυναικών και ο αγώνας μας για εξάλειψη κάθε είδους διάκρισης σε επίπεδο πολιτικό, οικονομικό, κοινωνικό αλλά και σε θέματα εκπαίδευσης και υγείας, πιστεύω ότι αποτελεί απροϋπόθετη προϋπόθεση και δεν είναι απλά μια υποχρέωση όλων εμάς στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο και στα όργανα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, αλλά αποτελεί υπέρτατο καθήκον.

Πιστεύω ότι ήρθε η ώρα, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση επιτέλους να αναλάβει πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση για την προάσπιση των δικαιωμάτων των γυναικών — και όχι μόνον των Ευρωπαίων γυναικών, αλλά των γυναικών των όπου γης, σε ολόκληρο τον πλανήτη. Γιατί η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση έχει καθήκον, από τις αρχές και τις διακηρύξεις της, να το πράξει εδώ και τώρα.

Αποτελεί πρόκληση, σήμερα, αυτήν τη στιγμή που συζητάμε για την προάσπιση των δικαιωμάτων των γυναικών, το ότι η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση δεν παίρνει κανένα μέτρο εναντίον εκείνων των χωρών που τα παραβιάζουν. Αυτήν τη στιγμή, συζητείται στο Ευρωπαϊκό Συμβούλιο θέμα χρηματοδότησης και στήριξης της Τουρκίας που αποχώρησε από τη Συνθήκη της Κωνσταντινούπολης.

Πέραν τούτου, θα καλέσω, μέσα από τη Διάσκεψη για το Μέλλον της Ευρώπης — μια ιστορική απόφαση του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης — όλες τις γυναίκες να συμμετάσχουν για να συνδιαμορφώσουν πολιτικές για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση με κεντρικό ρόλο στη γυναίκα.


  Carlos Zorrinho (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária, Senhora representante da presidência, a defesa intransigente dos direitos individuais, em particular dos direitos consagrados na Cimeira de Nairóbi em matéria de combate à morte materna, planeamento familiar, violência baseada no género ou o combate a práticas nocivas contra mulheres e raparigas, constitui um passo determinante para que sejamos mais capazes de cumprir os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável até 2030 num mundo cada vez mais complexo.

Temos de fazer da próxima década também a década da igualdade de género e dos direitos das mulheres. As consequências da epidemia da COVID-19 limitaram ainda mais o acesso aos serviços à educação em matéria de saúde sexual e reprodutiva, agravaram o problema da discriminação e da violência contra as mulheres e as raparigas.

Temos que assegurar que cada pessoa tenha pleno controlo e direito a decidir, de forma livre e responsável, em relação a questões ligadas à saúde, sexualidade, direitos sexuais e reprodutivos sem discriminação, coerência e violência.

É fundamental, para terminar, que a União Europeia continue empenhada no cumprimento dos princípios emanados da Cimeira de Nairóbi e que o Global Europe seja aplicado tendo em conta a promoção das várias dimensões da valorização das mulheres, da afirmação dos seus direitos e da promoção da igualdade de género.


  Marlene Mortler (PPE). – Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Europäische Entwicklungspolitik orientiert sich an den SDG der Vereinten Nationen. Insbesondere das fünfte Ziel, nämlich die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter, ist mir heute und darüber hinaus wichtig. Wir müssen der Frauenförderung in der Entwicklungspolitik noch mehr Platz einräumen.

Denn die Frauen sind die wahren Perlen, vor allem in Afrika, und die starke, zuverlässige Konstante für den Zusammenhalt und die Entfaltung ihrer Familien. 80 Prozent der Nahrung werden z. B. in Afrika von Frauen produziert. Sie sind das Rückgrat der afrikanischen Wirtschaft – ob Landwirtschaft, Handel oder Einzelvermarktung.

Deshalb muss die flächendeckende Schulbildung, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit sowie die Gesundheitsversorgung und Aufklärung der Mädchen und Frauen endlich höchste Priorität für unsere Partnerländer haben. Dazu zählt auch die Vermeidung der Müttersterblichkeit oder der Kampf gegen Gewalt und Diskriminierung. Der Nairobi—Gipfel sollte die Erreichung dieser Ziele dringendst beschleunigen.

Für mich ist aber auch klar als Christin: Lebensschutz darf nicht unter die Räder kommen. Es gibt ein Recht auf Leben, auch des ungeborenen Kindes.


  Jutta Urpilainen, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, thank you for the debate. I really welcome Parliament’s support, and also the recommendations contained in the resolution.

Together with our partners, we must continue striving to achieve the goal of three zeros by 2030: zero unmet needs for contraception; zero preventable maternal deaths; and zero gender—based violence and harmful practices.

The Generation Equality Forum and its action coalitions, including on fighting gender—based violence, which we are co—leading, will happen next week. It will also provide a unique opportunity to scale up actions at the global level.

In terms of following up efforts under GAP III, we will report on the results and impacts of EU funding throughout all key areas of engagement. We will assess the impact of EU action in line with the EU results framework, selected SDGs and other indicators and other reporting commitments.

So thank you once again for the opportunity to discuss this issue, which is very close to my heart. The EU will play its full part to support the empowerment of women and girls around the world.



  Ana Paula Zacarias, Presidente em exercício do Conselho. – Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária, Senhores Deputados, Senhoras Deputadas, muito obrigada por este debate tão relevante na promoção e na defesa dos valores da União.

Como tive oportunidade de dizer, a proteção dos direitos das mulheres e das raparigas, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à saúde sexual e reprodutiva e aos direitos conexos, o respeito pelos objetivos e pelos princípios da Cimeira de Nairóbi continua a ser uma das principais prioridades do Conselho. E ficou claro neste debate que ela é também uma prioridade do Parlamento Europeu e da Comissão. Estamos também de acordo que esta matéria se tornou ainda mais prioritária no atual contexto de pandemia face aos numerosos desafios colocados no respeito pelos direitos das mulheres e das raparigas, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à saúde sexual e reprodutiva.

Foi por esse motivo, repito, que a Presidência se empenhou em conseguir alcançar conclusões do Conselho sobre uma recuperação pós-COVID baseada nos direitos humanos que tenha em conta a dimensão do género, em especial a necessidade de assegurar o pleno exercício dos direitos humanos pelas raparigas e pelas mulheres.

Sabemos que, 25 anos depois do Cairo, falta ainda muito. Sabemos que, quase dois anos depois de Nairóbi, ainda precisamos de trabalhar muito. Mas estamos de acordo, as três instituições aqui presentes hoje nessa sala. E sabemos que só juntos, que só trabalhando em conjunto, poderemos alcançar estes objetivos e encontrar finalmente uma fórmula para que as mulheres vejam os seus direitos respeitados, vejam a sua possibilidade de viver sem violência e alcançar uma verdadeira igualdade.

Vamos trabalhar por isso.


  Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.

La votazione si svolgerà domani, giovedì 24 giugno 2021.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 171)


  Dominique Bilde (ID), par écrit. – Force est de constater tout d’abord l’impact de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur certains objectifs de la Conférence internationale sur la population et le développement en matière de condition féminine, du fait de la désorganisation des soins de santé. Cette situation aura en effet affecté les femmes en Afrique, en particulier, du fait des difficultés accrues d’accès aux soins néonatals et ce, alors même que ce continent affiche déjà la plus forte mortalité maternelle au monde. L’amélioration de la condition des femmes implique de prendre en compte certaines causes sous-jacentes, en particulier culturelles et religieuses. L’ancien Président du Niger Mahamadou Issoufou avait par exemple souligné la responsabilité d’une « mauvaise interprétation de l’islam » dans les mariages précoces, conduisant à une véritable explosion démographique dans ce pays, qui se distingue par le plus fort taux de fertilité au monde, avec près de 7 enfants par femme en 2016. Une scolarisation prolongée des filles permettrait également de réduire leur vulnérabilité face au VIH, qui constitue l’un des grands défis de santé publique en Afrique et dans le monde. Il nous faut donc aborder l’ensemble de ces éléments, sans tabous ou faux-fuyants.


  João Ferreira (The Left), por escrito. – Na Cimeira de Nairobi foram traçadas novas orientações para atingir, até 2030, as seguintes metas concretas: eliminar as necessidades não atendidas no planeamento familiar, acabar com a morte materna que pode ser evitada, acabar com a violência e outras práticas prejudiciais contra mulheres e raparigas.

Reconhecemos o progresso alcançado em áreas específicas, como o aumento da disponibilidade de contracetivos ou a redução da mortalidade materna e neonatal. Todavia, são necessários esforços e medidas concretas para se ir mais longe do que até aqui. É ainda longo o caminho a percorrer.

Concretamente, é necessário garantir: o direito à saúde sexual e reprodutiva, a plena acessibilidade à interrupção voluntária da gravidez, a liberdade de escolha da mulher quanto ao método contracetivo, mais educação sexual, mais campanhas de informação e sensibilização das mulheres sobre os seus direitos no que se refere à saúde sexual e reprodutiva, formação contínua dos técnicos na área do planeamento familiar. E, claro, é necessário o reforço dos serviços públicos de saúde que garantam a universalidade destes direitos.

Está na altura de garantirmos que estes compromissos políticos se concretizam para todas as mulheres, raparigas e jovens.


  Jadwiga Wiśniewska (ECR), na piśmie. – Międzynarodowa Konferencja Ludności i Rozwoju (ICPD) w Kairze zobowiązała się do osiągnięcia celów zrównoważonego rozwoju do 2030 r. poprzez położenie kresu m.in. przypadkom zgonów okołoporodowych matek, przemocy wobec kobiet i szkodliwym praktykom wobec kobiet i dziewcząt. Niestety po szczycie przyjęto rezolucję, która zawiera wiele kontrowersyjnych elementów. Niejednokrotnie występuje w niej termin „zdrowie i prawa seksualne i reprodukcyjne”, który nie został przyjęty przez międzynarodowy konsensus i nie posiada definicji prawnej, natomiast często jest interpretowany jako promocja aborcji. Należy podkreślić, że nie istnieje międzynarodowe prawo do aborcji. A dostęp do aborcji, który w żadnym wypadku nie może być promowany jako metoda planowania rodziny, co zostało zapisane w 8.25 ICPD, podlega prawu krajowemu. Małżeństwa z dziewczynkami, okaleczanie narządów płciowych, ograniczony dostęp do edukacji – na zwalczaniu tych szkodliwych praktyk należy się skupić, a nie na promocji lewicowej agendy.

Viimane päevakajastamine: 29. september 2021Õigusteave - Privaatsuspoliitika