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Miercuri, 7 iulie 2021 - Strasbourg Ediţie revizuită

6. Încălcarea legislației UE și a drepturilor cetățenilor LGBTIQ în Ungaria ca urmare a modificărilor legislative adoptate de parlamentul Ungariei - Rezultatul audierilor din 22 iunie în temeiul articolului 7 alineatul (1) din TUE cu privire la Polonia și Ungaria (dezbatere)
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  Il-President. – Il-punt li jmiss fuq l-aġenda huwa d-dibattitu konġunt dwar:

- id-dikjarazzjoni tal-Kunsill u tal-Kummissjoni dwar Ksur tad-dritt tal-UE u tad-drittijiet taċ-ċittadini LGBTIQ fl-Ungerija b'riżultat tal-bidliet legali adottati fil-Parlament Ungeriż (2021/2780(RSP)) u

- id-dikjarazzjoni tal-Kunsill u tal-Kummissjoni dwar L-eżitu tas-seduti ta' smigħ tat-22 ta' Ġunju skont l-Artikolu 7(1) tat-TUE rigward il-Polonja u l-Ungerija (2021/2789(RSP)).


  Anže Logar, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, thank you for the invitation to participate in this debate on the important issue of the rule of law and fundamental rights, including in connection with LGBTIQ rights.

Let me start with the latter issue, as this topic is essential to all those who suffer discrimination and hatred because of their sexual orientation. There is no place for homophobia in the European Union. No one should feel a need to conceal their true selves in order to avoid discrimination, hate or even violence. All citizens of our union are equal and should be able to live in freedom and safe from discrimination based on their age, sex, race, colour, religion or sexual orientation. These are principles and values solemnly enshrined in the EU treaties, the Charter of Fundamental Rights and EU legislation. Our common European commitment to decency, acceptance and equal treatment is the very foundation of the idea of a just society.

The Council is fully committed to upholding the rule of law and protecting fundamental rights. In view of recent legislative developments in Hungary, it is clear that family law and schools’ curricula are within the national competence. Yet the principle of non-discrimination is enshrined in the EU treaties. It was the right to equal treatment that featured prominently in the exchange that Ministers had in the framework of Hungary’s Article 7(1) procedure at the General Affairs Council meeting on 22 June. As President Michel said earlier today, the recent legislative developments in Hungary were also discussed by leaders at the European Council on 24 and 25 June. He stressed today that in the European Union, we do not discriminate, but we integrate.

Coming now to the two ongoing Article 7(1) procedures, as I mentioned earlier, the Council heard Hungary as well as Poland at the latest General Affairs Council on 22 June. By these two hearings, the Council formally resumed the procedure which had to be put on hold due to the COVID—19 pandemic and the impossibility to convene formal Council meetings. In fact, it is crucial that hearings are held in full compliance with all legal requirements in order to ensure that the procedure is balanced and fair towards all the parties and institutions involved.

Each of these hearings covered all the issues contained in the Commission’s recent proposal of 20 December 2017 for Poland and the European Parliament’s recent proposals of 12 September 2018 for Hungary. At the end of the meeting, the Council committed to remaining seized under these two Article 7(1) procedures. The Presidency will therefore bring forward both procedures in accordance with its duties.

In addition, the Slovenian Presidency will continue the rule of law dialogue in the Council to pursue the essential work carried out during the German and Portuguese presidencies. It will do so on the basis of the 2021 rule of law report, which will be issued by the Commission in the coming weeks. We will hold both a horizontal discussion on the rule of law report in October and a country-specific discussion featuring Croatia, Cyprus, Italy, Latvia and Lithuania in November. The annual rule of law dialogue is crucial to develop a preventive and constructive approach on rule of law issues, to allow Member States to share best practices and learn from each other, and to strengthen a shared European rule of law culture.

Thank you very much for your attention and I look forward to your speeches.


  Věra Jourová, Vice-President of the Commission. – Madam President, honourable Members, Minister, thank you for having put on your agenda these topics which relate to the raison d’être of the Union: our common values enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty.

Let me start on the situation of rights of LGBTI citizens in Hungary. As stressed by the Commission President just earlier today, several provisions of the act adopted by the Hungarian National Assembly on 15 June 2021 clearly discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation and go against the fundamental values of the European Union.

Human dignity, equality and respect for human rights – on these values, we cannot compromise. Protecting children against paedophile offenders is without any doubt a shared objective, pursued by all institutions and EU Member States. However, our legitimate public interest is not a valid pretext to introduce provisions that violate fundamental rights and discriminate against a minority group based on their sexual orientation and gender identity.

When implementing EU law Member States must fully respect the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. They must also comply with the EU internal market rules. In the letter mentioned by the Commission President sent by Commissioners Breton and Reynders on 23 June this year to the Hungarian Minister of Justice, the Commission expressed its doubts about the compatibility of the act with EU law, including the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

The provisions of this act prohibit or limit access to content that propagates or portrays divergence from self-identity corresponding to sex at birth, sex change or homosexuality for persons under 18 years. Such content is put on the same footing as pornography and considered as such to be capable of exerting negative influence on the physical and moral development of minors.

By doing so, when it applies within the scope of Union law, this act violates the prohibition of discrimination based on sex and on sexual orientation enshrined in Article 21 of the Charter. These provisions also deny people the freedom to express themselves and hold their own opinion, as well as the right to be informed enshrined in Article 11 of the Charter, as well as to enjoy the right to a private and family life enshrined in Article 7 of the Charter.

In its letter, the Commission set out its legal concerns and asked for clarifications on the act. The Commission stressed in particular that some of the provisions of the act would violate EU law, including the Audiovisual Media Services Directive. Some provisions at issue are also very likely to violate the e-Commerce Directive.

The Commission's assessment of the act is done also with regard to the Treaty governing freedom to provide services and free movement of goods, which are amongst the fundamental principles of the EU internal market and the EU legal order.

The Commission expressed the concern that some of the provisions of the act constitute a restriction to both these fundamental freedoms. According to the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, any restriction to a fundamental Treaty freedom must genuinely pursue a legitimate objective, be necessary, non-discriminatory and proportionate. Moreover, such a restriction cannot violate the prohibition of discrimination based on sex and on sexual orientation enshrined in Article 21 of the Charter.

The act also potentially raises issues as regards the implementation of the EU budget in Hungary, in particular, funds in the shared management. Member States shall implement shared management funds in compliance with the Charter. Under shared management, the rules for both 2014-2020 and the new programming period require Member States and the Commission to prevent any form of discrimination in the preparation and implementation of programmes supported by the funds.

In addition for the new period 2021-2027, the Commission will carefully monitor these enabling conditions throughout the programming period, starting with the preparation of the partnership agreements and of the programmes. The European Social Fund Plus Regulation emphasises that all operations must be selected and implemented in respect of the Charter. In cases of infringement of the Charter, the Commission will consider them when determining corrective measures in line with the Common Provisions Regulation.

The Commission will actively monitor the respect of fundamental rights, including the principle of non-discrimination in the execution of the EU budget. On 30 June the Commission received the reply of Hungary to the letter concerning this new act. We are assessing this reply and we will not hesitate to put forward actions in accordance with our role of guardian of the treaty.

To conclude on this point, let me recall that the Commission has already shown its firm commitment to address LGBTI discrimination by adopting the equality strategy for 2020-2025. Driven by the belief in a Europe which embraces choice and diversity, the Commission will use all its powers to ensure that the rights of all EU citizens are fully guaranteed.

Let me now turn to the outcome of the hearings of 22 June in the General Affairs Council under the procedure set out in Article 7(1) of the EU Treaty regarding Poland and Hungary. I would like to thank the outgoing Portuguese Presidency for its decision to schedule these two hearings. It had been quite some time since the last formal hearings in these two proceedings had taken place, also due to COVID-19 restrictions. I represented the Commission at the occasion and updated the Council on 22 June on the developments.

As regards the procedure in respect of Hungary, the Commission stressed again that the Council must ensure a fair handling of the recent proposal tabled by the European Parliament. The Commission noted that the situation in Poland and Hungary is not improving and that new developments have given rise to further concerns.

As regards Poland, the Commission updated on concerns around the questioning of the primacy of EU law by the Polish authorities and the seizing of the Constitutional Tribunal in that respect, as well as on further deterioration of the situation of judges in the context of the activity of the Disciplinary Chamber. The Commission notes that the concerns regarding the legitimacy and independence of the Constitutional Tribunal, as set out in the recent proposal, have still not been resolved.

On 1 April 2021, the Commission brought a new infringement procedure before the Court of Justice covering a number of judicial reforms set out in the new law on the judiciary. In this procedure the Commission has asked the Court of Justice to impose interim measures suspending all activities of the Disciplinary Chamber as regards cases concerning judges, including decisions to lift the immunity of judges. In their interventions Member States expressed concerns and asked for clarifications related to these developments.

As regards Hungary, the Commission presented key developments raising concerns. These included areas such as the independence of the judiciary and of other institutions, the rights of judges, corruption and conflicts of interest, freedom of expression and media pluralism. The Commission also addressed academic freedom and freedom of association linked to judgments of the European Court of Justice, finding that national provisions in these areas breach EU rules.

The Commission also updated on developments as regards the right to equal treatment and the rights of persons belonging to minorities and the rights of asylum seekers. Many Member States focused their questions on the anti—LGBTI aspects of the recent Hungarian legislation, also referring to a joint statement signed by a number of Member States.

Against this state of play in the two concerned Member States, the Commission considers that it is essential to keep the Article 7 of the Treaty proceedings on the agenda of the General Affairs Council for as long as the underlying concerns that triggered these procedures continue to persist.

The Commission continues to stand ready to provide updates to the Council as regards the rule-of-law-related developments falling under the ongoing Article 7 proceedings, as well as to present its views in the context of formal hearings. The Commission will continue to support the Council in that respect.

The Commission remains open and available for a dialogue with the Polish and Hungarian authorities in order to resolve the concerns. And the Commission remains fully committed to continue using all the tools at our disposal to address concerns relating to the respect of our fundamental values, including the rule of law in all the Member States of the European Union.


  Jeroen Lenaers, namens de PPE-Fractie. – Voorzitter, ik wil dit debat over de rechtsstaat graag beginnen met de schokkende gebeurtenis die gisteravond in Nederland heeft plaatsgevonden. Journalist Peter R. de Vries is gisteren namelijk tijdens een laffe aanval neergeschoten en vecht op dit moment voor zijn leven. Dit is niet alleen een schokkende aanslag op hem, maar ook op onze rechtsstaat in brede zin. Onze gedachten gaan uit naar Peter R. de Vries en zijn naasten en we bidden voor zijn herstel.

I also thank Commission President von der Leyen and all others today for their words of sympathy and solidarity. This is not the first attack against a journalist in Europe, but let’s make sure it is the last one, because when journalists are not safe, our democracy is in danger, our rule of law is in danger, and ultimately our society is in danger.

Just like we need, to come back to today’s debate, a society where you are free to be who you want to be instead of being told by a government who you ought to be. A society where you can love whoever you want to love. Because what kind of message are we sending as a government to young people by insisting that even the mere portrayal of homosexuality in itself is already so abnormal or so dangerous that young people should be shielded from it? What message does it send to a boy or a girl who falls in love for the first time with another boy or another girl that their feelings aren’t normal, that they have something to be ashamed about, that there is something wrong with them? Of course there is not. The only one who has anything to be ashamed of is a parliament who sends such a message.

It was good to see the strong response by the European Commission. It was good to see all those heads of state and government who send a strong message standing up for equality and non—discrimination, standing up for our fundamental values. We call on them not to let this be a one—off event. Don’t travel back to your capitals feeling very good about your statement and leave it at that. The rule of law in Europe is in need of some long overdue maintenance and the Member States have all the tools necessary to make the difference. And it is time now to put your money where your mouth is and finally act.




  Iratxe García Pérez, en nombre del Grupo S&D. – Señor presidente, el viernes pasado, en España, Samuel fue asesinado con 24 años; le dieron una paliza mortal mientras le gritaban «maricón». Esta última víctima es la horrible constatación de hacia dónde nos lleva el discurso del odio y anti-LGBTI; discursos y políticas discriminatorias impulsadas en toda Europa por movimientos de extrema derecha y sus Gobiernos cómplices, en una cruzada homofóbica y contra los derechos humanos.

Porque sí, los derechos LGBTI son derechos humanos. Y, en la Unión Europea, actuar contra ellos es ilegal. Por eso, la nueva ley en Hungría debe ser derogada por atentar contra los derechos humanos y por ser una indecencia y una vergüenza. Porque estas leyes retrógradas son germen de odio y de violencia, para discriminar según a quien ames, para insultar en una marcha del Orgullo en Zagreb, como ocurrió el sábado, o para matar a un chico de 24 años.

Déjenme ser clara: en la Unión Europea cualquier persona debe tener los mismos derechos y oportunidades ame a quien ame. El Consejo reaccionó contra el Gobierno húngaro, pero hay que concretar acciones, desde el uso del mecanismo de condicionalidad a sanciones vía el artículo 7, y desbloqueando de una vez por todas la Directiva antidiscriminación.

Esta Cámara no puede aceptar el blanqueamiento de los discursos anti-LGBTI que se lanzan desde las tribunas que incitan al odio, como tampoco lo hicieron ayuntamientos, estadios y lugares públicos que se iluminaron con el arcoíris, frente a la sombría y oscura política del Gobierno húngaro; incluso el de Budapest. Porque seamos claros: Hungría no es Orbán.

Para acabar, permítanme mandar un mensaje a todas aquellas personas LGBTI que quizá nos estén escuchando, que tienen miedo a decir a quién aman, que sufren porque se sienten solas y amenazadas: estamos a vuestro lado, os queremos y os defendemos. No dudéis jamás de vuestros sueños ni de vuestros derechos. Quienes no tienen cabida son los Gobiernos que odian y discriminan, no vosotros y vosotras, porque hacéis una Unión orgullosa de sí misma, una Unión orgullosa de vuestra libertad y de vuestro amor.


  Liesje Schreinemacher, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Mr President, this is actually quite simple. When you decide to join the European Union you sign up to its Treaties, to our values and principles. This is not a kind of pick-and-choose situation. It’s not an à la carte menu. When you become a member you sign up to all of it. So if you then adopt a law that goes against this, goes against everything we stand for, there will be consequences, and this Hungarian anti-LGBTIQ law does just that. Taking away young people’s access to information about all forms of sexuality and their opportunity to recognise themselves in mainstream media, you take away their freedom, their freedom to be who they are and love whom they want.

Unfortunately, this is yet another example of the gradual dismantling of fundamental rights by the Hungarian Government. So let’s make Mr Orbán listen the only way he knows how. If the law is not revoked, bring Hungary to court, repeal its voting rights, and stop EU funds ending up in his pockets.

This Parliament is doing everything in its power to make this happen. We are doing our job. And now we are urging the Commission, but especially the Council, to finally do theirs. Discussions behind closed doors are all very well but where are the conclusions, where are the recommendations, the vote, to eventually get to the sanctions? Please do your job.

So let me conclude by saying that this is not about pushing away one Member State or another. This is about protecting what is most precious: the freedom of our people.



  Terry Reintke, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, Minister, dear Commissioner, dear colleagues, when I wake up next to my girlfriend in the morning and I’m filled with happiness and gratitude, I sometimes ask myself, how can you hate that the two of us love each other? When I see beautiful pictures from gay weddings I ask myself, how can you hate this kind of joy? And when I see a young trans person living a life as their true, authentic self, I ask myself, how can you hate someone just for wanting to be who they are?

In Europe today we are faced with a choice, a choice between a Europe of freedom, of equality and diversity, where I can love and care for my girlfriend, where two men can get married and where a young trans woman can live her life without being afraid of violence or discrimination. And a Europe of hatred and oppression, driven by Orbán and Kaczyński and other people on this continent, where governments sponsor homophobic campaigns to cover up their systemic corruption, where our community is used as a distraction from the blatant failures of government politics.

Now some of you might say, well, but this is only affecting a small part of the population because you are after all only a minority. But actually this is not true. It affects all of us. All of our freedoms are at stake here. And they might attack us first and in the most aggressive way but in the end this is about freedom of expression for all of us. This is about the fundamental rights of all of us, and this is about democratic principles for all of us.

And between a Europe of freedom and a Europe of hatred and oppression, the choice is very clear. We choose freedom, we choose equality, we choose democracy. And we choose a European Commission that will stand up for this freedom, for the freedom of trans people in Hungary, for the freedom of judges in Poland, for the freedom of everyone in the European Union to love who they want to love and to be who they are.



  Jörg Meuthen, im Namen der ID-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, verehrte Kollegen! Wieder einmal ist Ungarn Ziel einer Kampagne der EU gegen seine Souveränität. Vorwand diesmal: das ungarische Kinderschutzgesetz. Viele von Ihnen waren in den letzten Tagen derart mit dem Schwenken der Regenbogenfahne beschäftigt, dass Sie offenbar keine Zeit gefunden haben, einmal wirklich in dieses ungarische Gesetz hineinzuschauen. Täten Sie dies, würden Sie sehen: Es diskriminiert in keiner Weise Homosexuelle. Es ist schon gar nicht homophob. Und nein, es ist auch nicht hasserfüllt, sondern es wendet sich gegen den sexuellen Missbrauch von Kindern. Hören Sie also bitte endlich auf, Unfug über dieses Gesetz zu verbreiten.

Ich würde mir von der EU, aber auch von vielen nationalen Regierungen eine solche Entschlossenheit beim Schutz unserer Kinder wünschen, wie sie die Regierung in Budapest an den Tag legt. Wenn die EU-Kommission von Prinzipien und Verträgen spricht, dann ist das oberste Prinzip der Verträge die Subsidiarität. Und damit ist klar: Es steht der EU und ihren Institutionen nicht zu, sich in demokratisch getroffene Entscheidungen in den Mitgliedstaaten einzumischen. Das ungarische Parlament hat das Gesetz rechtmäßig und demokratisch erlassen. Die EU muss das akzeptieren, ob es ihr nun passt oder nicht.

Ungarn, Polen, das Vertragsverletzungsverfahren gegen Deutschland – es ist überhaupt nicht zu übersehen: Die EU—Zentralisten werden immer übergriffiger. Sie greifen immer unverhohlener nach Machtzentralisierung. Und genau dieses Machtstreben ist ein nicht hinnehmbarer Angriff auf das Europa Adenauers, Schumans und de Gaulles, auf das Europa der Vaterländer. Die Menschenrechte in Ungarn und Polen sind gewiss nicht in Gefahr, die Demokratie in Europa schon, wenn die EU nicht umgehend wieder die Entscheidungen der Parlamente und Gerichte in den souveränen Mitgliedstaaten respektiert.

Frau von der Leyen muss sich sagen lassen: Nicht irgendein ungarisches Gesetz ist eine Schande, sondern ihre machthungrige Übergriffigkeit auf unsere souveränen Nationen.


  Joachim Stanisław Brudziński, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Rządy w Polsce i na Węgrzech chcą zbudować brunatną koalicję, autorytaryzm, dyktatura, rasizm, prześladowania osób LGBT, prześladowanie kobiet. Co zrobić? Najlepiej zastosować sankcje i przeprowadzić kolejną debatę. A może znowu wezwać, aby Polskę i Węgry zagłodzić. Gdzie są granice absurdu? Jaki sens ma apelowanie w tej sali o elementarną uczciwość i prawdę? Jaki sens ma przypominanie, że My, Polacy, doświadczaliśmy głodu i głodzenia na śmierć. Zapraszam do niemieckiego obozu zagłady Auschwitz Birkenau, gdzie jest bunkier głodowy, w którym zagłodzono polskiego kapłana Maksymiliana Kolbego. Jaki sens ma przypominanie Wam, że kiedy w Hiszpanii, Francji, Niemczech palono na stosach i prześladowanych Żydów, to w Polsce znaleźli schronienie i bezpieczeństwo. W języku jidysz Polin znaczy „tutaj spocznij” „tutaj spocznij bezpiecznie”. Jaki sens ma przypominanie Wam, że w Polsce homoseksualizm nigdy nie był karany, a Polki jako jedne z pierwszych kobiet w świecie miały prawa wyborcze. Polscy żołnierze ratowali Europę przed nawałą bolszewicką i przelewali krew na wszystkich frontach II wojny światowej, a następnie oddaliście Polskę w Jałcie i Poczdamie pod sowiecką okupację na dziesięciolecia, odbierając nam szansę na ekonomiczny i gospodarczy rozwój. Mówicie o tolerancji i szacunku, ale wystarczy że do władzy dojdzie partia konserwatywna i natychmiast tolerancja i szacunek idą na bok. Ale czy to się Wam podoba czy nie, Polska i Węgry są integralną częścią Europy. Jesteśmy i będziemy w Europie, bo nikt nie dał prawa lewicy do decydowania, kto jest Europejczykiem. Rządy w Polsce i na Węgrzech mają mocny demokratyczny, podkreślam, demokratyczny mandat, aby realizować swój program, w tym również reformę wymiaru sprawiedliwości i chronić prawdziwe wartości, te wynikające ze Starego i Nowego Testamentu, prawa rzymskiego, filozofii greckiej, a nie lewackiego bełkotu.


  Malin Björk, on behalf of The Left Group. – Mr President, let’s be honest, dear colleagues in Strasbourg, and all LGBTI friends in Hungary and elsewhere, we saw this coming. Viktor Orbán and his gang have been directing their hate and right-wing authoritarianism against LGBTI people for some while now. But that doesn’t make it less painful and it doesn’t make it less dangerous. It makes the inaction by the other EU governments and the Commission even more unacceptable. And let’s be honest, the attacks are not against only LGBTI people, they’re against the rights of women, they’re against refugees, they’re against Roma. And the attacks have everything to do also with the rule of law.

Orbán’s government, just as in Poland, has dismantled not only fundamental rights, but also media freedom, the independence of the judiciary and they are attacking civil society and making it more difficult for all democracy defenders to act. And these things spread, we know that they do that. And that’s why it’s a relief that at least we see some action now. And let’s be honest, we want action to protect our rights to protect LGBTI rights in Hungary and everywhere, but we also want actions for rule of law and for defending democracy and the rights of all.

So we don’t want one more month of inaction, not one more month of silence. The Council has to outline the course of action, take Orbán to court, take Poland to court and stop the funding to authoritarian regimes and projects...

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Balázs Hidvéghi (NI). – Elnök Úr! Szavakat is nehéz találni arra az őrületre, ami itt ma zajlik az Európai Parlamentben. Hogyan lehet az, képviselőtársaim hogy önök itt az európai értékekre és jogra hivatkoznak, miközben fittyet hánynak a szerződésekre és az azokban foglalt hatáskörmegosztásra. Az uniós jog sérelmét kiáltják, miközben éppen maguk élnek vissza ezekkel, a saját politikai érdekeik szolgálatában. Az önök által pocskondiázott magyar törvény egyedül a gyermekek védelmét szolgálja, és az ő mindenek felett álló érdeküket nézi. Azt rögzíti, hogy a gyermekek neveléséről szóló döntés a szülők joga marad, és hogy a legfiatalabbakat nem szabad kitenni öncélú szexuális propagandának, semmilyen irányú szexuális propagandának.

Minden más, ami ennek kapcsán elhangzik: hazugság. A törvény nem érinti a felnőtteket. Magyarországon mindenki úgy él ahogy akar. Az LMBT-szervezetek szabadon működhetnek, de semmi keresnivalójuk az óvodákban és az iskolákban. Semmilyen beavatkozást nem fogadunk el olyan kérdésekben, amelyekben soha sem ruháztunk hatáskört az Európai Unióra. Visszautasítjuk a régi időket idéző felsőbbrendű hangnemet és gyarmatosító arroganciát.


  Andrzej Halicki (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Tak, Europa ma dosyć tego, co wyprawiają Kaczyński i Orbán, ma dosyć polityki opartej na nienawiści, na nietolerancji, na dyskryminacji. Europa ma dosyć niszczenia tego, co jest podstawą państwa demokratycznego.

Panie Brudziński, proszę się nie powoływać na tradycję polską, bo polska tradycja to tolerancja, to szanowanie wolności, to szanowanie drugiego człowieka, bliźniego – to nasza chrześcijańska tradycja.

Chcę użyć słów Donalda Tuska, który wrócił niedawno do polskiej polityki, bo powiedział wprost „my się do tego nie przyzwyczaimy”. Polacy się do tego nie przyzwyczają i nie może przyzwyczajać się Europa. I poradzimy sobie z tym właśnie jako Polacy. Ale proszę bardzo z tego miejsca, by procedury art. 7 używać wobec rządu Prawa i Sprawiedliwości, a nie Polski, bo to rząd Prawa i Sprawiedliwości zawiera brunatną koalicję ze spadkobiercami właśnie tych najgorszych idei w Europie, które tyle złego uczyniły. Zapisujecie się do klubów przyjaciół Putina – wroga demokratycznej Polski i wspólnej Europy.

Obiecuję z tego miejsca jedno: Polacy załatwią ten problem w Polsce. Wykreślimy słowo Polska z procedury art. 7, jeżeli wy nie zmienicie swojego postępowania.


  Cyrus Engerer (S&D). – Mr President, in the past days, working on the resolution on Hungary, the only picture that kept coming to mind was of friends I had as I was growing up in my teenage years in a very conservative society. Friends like François who were burdened with facing a society that they believed could never understand them, that their only hope was that of leaving this world, and unfortunately, that is what they did. This is how serious this discussion is. This is why we are here today, and this is why it is so important to make sure that all children and teenagers have access to information: to let them know that if they feel they are different to others, it is fine to be different, and that there are many others outside of that classroom who are as different as they are.

We are also here today because it is important for every child and teenager to know that if they have someone in their classroom that looks or behaves differently, it is fine to befriend them and accept them the way they are – because we are all different in all our own different ways. We are here today to give hope. I know people in Hungary, people like Vikki, who I have spoken to during the past days, are on the edge of their seats waiting for us to give them hope, because they know that the European Union that they aspired to, that they aspired for their country to join in 2004, was a union that held fast to its values of equality, human rights and the protection of minorities. These values transcend any national laws, and they expect action to be taken because that is the European dream that they believe in.

Colleagues, as we are seeing, hate is contagious and we have seen how fast it is travelling. But I believe that courage is contagious, too, the courage being shown by the oppressed community in Hungary, Poland, in Georgia yesterday, and elsewhere all around the world, to feel proud of whoever they are. The same courage that was shown by Marsha P. Johnson at Stonewall 52 years ago. We must, as the European Union, now show the same courage and take all the necessary action, as per the resolution, to protect European values and protect European citizens.

There is so much courage being shown by the queer community around the world from Hungary to Poland, from Poland to Georgia, from Georgia to Ghana and all across the world, the courage to be who we are, the courage to love who we love, the courage to come out of the closet, the courage to assemble even when police state that they would not protect us, the courage to go in the streets and affirm our identity, and the courage to be seen in front of those who believe we should not exist.


  Guy Verhofstadt (Renew). – Mr President, I see that you are very active with your hammer today.

So I have, first of all, a question to the Commission, can that be done independently from my speaking time? Because I hear, in the German press, that there is a suspension of the recovery plan of Hungary. But the German press is not the official gazette of the European Union. My question: is this the truth? Has that been done?

(A voice responds ‘I will reply to it)

OK, that is confirmation that you will reply to it. This House has a right to know if there is a suspension of the recovery plan of Hungary; that is a major decision. We also need to know because Ms Von der Leyen didn’t say anything about that this morning in her intervention, and we need to know that. So, that was outside my speaking time, if would allow me.

Saying that, I have followed this debate since this morning, and I’m stunned. I say that to Slovenian Presidency. After three years, closing the university, closing a radio station like Klubradio, going after the judges, the only thing that you can say here is: oh, we got the debate, and it was an interesting debate, and we didn’t apply Article 7 Paragraph 1, because we had no time to do it; we cannot decide.

I think that’s a shame! When are you going to take the only decision that you need to take, that is to request from Hungary to repeal the LGTBI law that had been voted. That is what you have to decide. No, Madam Commissioner, it is not sufficient to hold it on the agenda; there needs to be a decision. Article 7 was launched by this Parliament three years ago. It’s a shame that, after three years, the only thing you have to tell us is: oh, we will come back later on in autumn.


  Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, I think this will follow on well after Guy Verhofstadt’s speaking time.

I really fail to understand how it is possible that the situation in Hungary cannot be dealt with in a calm, straightforward, consistent and legitimate way with the tools we have, and they are efficient. The Article 7 procedure needs to be pursued. It needs a new set of hearings during the Slovenian Presidency, and it needs recommendations during the French Presidency. Then, if at the end of 2022, rule of law is not back in Hungary, we will need to follow up and to think about sanctions and maybe we will need to think about withdrawing voting rights, because that is what happens when a Member steps out of democracy. It cannot still have a say in an overall democratic, crucial organisation.

We need Hungary’s recovery plan to be scrutinised more than the others; not because we want to punish the Hungarian Government by this means for all the outrageous laws that they’ve been making for a decade. No, simply because we know we have a huge problem of corruption in Hungary.

I’m not inventing it. The Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), academic research and your own internal assessment in the Commission are saying it. The public procurements are fake. There’s no transparency on how the EU money is used, and we know that there is a risk that the final beneficiary will not get the funds. So it’s simple. Then we will need to activate the EU rule of law mechanism regulation about all the other European money that goes to Hungary because, there again, we have serious doubts.



  Jérôme Rivière (ID). – Monsieur le Président, les politiques en matière familiale et sociétale appartiennent au seul domaine discrétionnaire des nations, ce sont les traités qui en décident. En essayant de condamner la Hongrie de Viktor Orbán, vous voulez condamner le choix souverain de ce peuple qui a élu et réélu ses représentants largement, avec des scores qui vous font évidemment pâlir de jalousie. Cette condamnation s’inscrit dans un débat idéologique soi-disant progressiste. Vous affirmez vouloir défendre les droits de l’homme, mais vous voulez soumettre les populations des nations européennes à un communautarisme agressif, poussé par des lobbies mercantiles, encourageant la destruction de toutes les structures traditionnelles, de tous les murs porteurs ayant fait la civilisation européenne.

Votre logique, partout où elle s’impose, détruit les rapports sociaux et favorise l’exclusion parce qu’elle se fonde sur des revendications minoritaires au service du marché, que vous avez l’audace de baptiser «droits de l’homme». Oui, la Hongrie a le droit de promouvoir le modèle de la famille traditionnelle. Oui, la Hongrie a le droit de protéger les enfants de sujets qui ne sont pas de leur âge. Ne vous en déplaise, l’état de droit dont vous vous gargarisez, c’est le respect de la liberté, du choix des peuples.


  Jorge Buxadé Villalba (ECR). – Señor presidente, cualquier europeo sabe que un homosexual anda más tranquilo por las calles de Budapest o Varsovia que por las de Molenbeek, Gaza o Teherán. Pero ustedes prefieren someterse a la agenda del lobby y pasarse todo el día despotricando de Hungría o Polonia.

¿Cómo se atreven a dar lecciones de democracia a Hungría o Polonia? ¿Cómo se atreven a dar lecciones sobre el Estado de Derecho y los derechos humanos a quienes han luchado y vencido al movimiento totalitario más conocido en Europa y más brutal, que es el comunismo? Precisamente ustedes, los de los cordones sanitarios, los que amenazan con cortar los fondos europeos a cualquiera que no se someta a su camisa de fuerza ideológica.

¿Cómo puede un socialista maltés condenado a dos años de prisión por difundir pornografía homosexual de su expareja hablar de los derechos de los gais en Hungría?

Con ustedes siempre es el mundo al revés. Pero no nos asustan. La ola de patriotismo y sentido común que recorre Europa está aquí para quedarse. Quienes fundaron la Unión se revuelven en sus tumbas viendo lo que están haciendo con su proyecto, con la dictadura ideológica que utiliza las instituciones comunitarias no para servir a los Estados miembros, como mandan los Tratados, sino para amenazarles, acosarles y darles órdenes. Se les ve desesperados. Nosotros seguimos con el sentido común.


  Κωνσταντίνος Αρβανίτης (The Left). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, να εκφράσω καταρχήν τη μεγάλη μου θλίψη και την ανησυχία μου για τη χθεσινή δολοφονική επίθεση κατά του συναδέλφου δημοσιογράφου στην Ολλανδία. Και να έρθω στο θέμα. Η ομοφοβία σκοτώνει! Η έλλειψη της ελευθεροτυπίας, η άρνηση να προστατεύσουμε τη δημοσιογραφία σκοτώνει! Χθες πέθανε ο Σάμουελ στην Ισπανία. Στην Ελλάδα χάσαμε τον Ζακ, δολοφονήθηκαν ο Ζακ και η Δήμητρα, θύματα ομοφοβίας. Ακούμε πράγματα εδώ φοβερά και τρομερά. Είναι δικαίωμα του κράτους, λέει, του κάθε κράτους η καταπάτηση των δικαιωμάτων. Από πού προκύπτει αυτό; Η ομοφοβία σκοτώνει, όταν στην Ουγγαρία οι ΛΟΑΤΚΙ ως προσωπικότητες ποινικοποιούνται, μπαίνουν στο στόχαστρο, υφίστανται τις μεγαλύτερες διακρίσεις από το ίδιο τους το κράτος. Είναι θέμα της Ευρώπης, λοιπόν. Δεν είναι θέμα της κυβέρνησης της οποιασδήποτε χώρας. Στην Πολωνία, ζώνες ελεύθερες από ΛΟΑΤΚΙ, ίδιες διακρίσεις, ίδια καταπάτηση δικαιωμάτων και ένας κυβερνητικός πόλεμος απειλών και χειραγώγησης. Χωρίς δικαιοσύνη δεν υπάρχει δημοκρατία. Η καθυστέρηση είναι συνενοχή και νομίζω ότι πρέπει να μπούμε στη διαδικασία των κυρώσεων άμεσα.


  Tiziana Beghin (NI). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il tempo è scaduto e noi dobbiamo guardare in faccia la realtà. In Polonia è iniziata una vera e propria emigrazione, una fuga dalle parti più conservatrici del paese dove si moltiplicano i casi di omofobia che sfociano fino alla violenza. In Ungheria dal primo luglio è persino vietato trasmettere un film dove compare una persona omosessuale.

Ma dove siamo arrivati? Tutto questo sta accadendo in casa nostra, in Europa. Come possiamo permetterlo? Come possiamo far finta di niente? In questi due paesi il clima di odio e la caccia alle streghe sollevata dai governi ha trasformato la comunità LGBTQI nel nemico pubblico della nazione. Questi cittadini europei si sentono soli nei loro paesi. Non possono nemmeno contare sui giudici, che sono ormai allineati con i politici, se non addirittura scelti proprio da loro.

Questi cittadini hanno solo noi. A loro resta l'Unione europea, noi siamo la loro speranza e non possiamo tradire le loro aspettative. Voglio ricordare – mi dia solo un secondo – Raffaella Carrà che è mancata in questi giorni. Tutti la conoscete. Lei diceva: "Il mondo non è fatto di gay e etero, ma di creature", ricordiamocelo, noi dobbiamo fare qualcosa anche in Ungheria, anche in Polonia.


  Paulo Rangel (PPE). – Mr President, there will be a day when the Polish people and the Hungarian people will ask ‘Where were the European institutions when they attacked the independence of the judiciary, when they closed universities, when they got all the media in their hands, when they started to persecute LGBTQI people, when they heard hate speech against migrants, where were the European institutions?’

The Parliament was acting, the Commission was acting, but the European Council does nothing. Until now. It’s not only the problem of the presidency: even the Portuguese Presidency decided to remain neutral about this law in Hungary.

And so there will be a day when there will be a democratic question in these countries and they will say, ‘Where were you? You were not able to protect our rule of law. You were not able to protect our separation of powers. You were not able to protect our fundamental rights’.

What really causes damage to the European Union is not this kind of breach. It is our absence of action. That is what really damages the European Union. So I urge the European Council to act immediately on Article 7, and if Article 7 doesn’t work, to do a political movement on this way. That will be enough to change things in Hungary and in Poland.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D). – Señor presidente, vicepresidenta Jourová, ¿quién discute en esta Cámara el derecho de los padres a velar por la educación de sus hijas e hijos? Nadie. Pero pretender que este debate sobre la infame ley húngara va sobre eso es el colmo de la hipocresía.

Los menores en la Unión Europea no necesitan ser protegidos contra la difusión de contenidos educativos ni informativos sobre diversidad, orientación sexual o identidad de género. Pero una ley que lo prohíba, que prohíba hablar de ello, es contraria no solo a los valores, sino al Derecho de la Unión Europea. ¿Es que no han leído el artículo 21 de la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea, que es vinculante como los Tratados?

Asociar la homosexualidad con la pedofilia es una infamia abyecta. La pedofilia es un delito grave en toda la Unión Europea, pero la igual dignidad de todas las personas, sin discriminación por orientación sexual, no solamente no es un delito, sino que es un derecho fundamental.

El Parlamento Europeo ha hecho de todo para hablarle claro a Orbán: ha activado el artículo 7 y solo falta que el Consejo haga su parte del trabajo; ha urgido procedimientos de infracción; ha regulado la condicionalidad del acceso de los fondos europeos al cumplimiento del Estado de Derecho; y dice con toda claridad que la ley húngara no tiene lugar en Europa, como tampoco el crimen homófobo contra Samuel en España o el atentado contra el periodista Peter R. de Vries en los Países Bajos.

Sí tienen lugar en Europa esos millones de europeos que resisten contra Orbán en Hungría; no están solos, el Parlamento Europeo los representa; y su lucha y su indignación son las nuestras.


  Ramona Strugariu (Renew). – Mr President, my thoughts are today with Peter de Vries and his family. And I have had enough of Orbán, Kaczyński, and others like them. I’ve had enough of their lies, of their propaganda, of the way they dismantle media freedom every single day, of the way they disrespect EU law, of the way they target minorities, of the way they attack fundamental freedoms every single day. I’ve had enough of it!

We’ve all had enough of it. The question is: is the Council aware of this? Has the Council had enough of it? Are you aware, Council, that through your silence you are a ram for this vicious agenda?

I’m calling for a vote under Article 72 and I’m calling on you to end this circus. This is if we still want to have a European project, if we still want to have a Union and if we still want to have a Council after all.



  Sylwia Spurek (Verts/ALE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Pani Komisarko! Sytuacja na Węgrzech pokazuje, czym kończą się bierność i zaniechania. Kiedy Orbán spacerował po europejskich salonach, na Węgrzech budziły się demony homofobii. Pani Komisarko! Mówicie, że działacie, a w tym samym czasie nasi przyjaciele i przyjaciółki z Węgier są ofiarami kolejnych naruszeń praw człowieka. Wiemy, że artykuł siódmy nie działa, dlatego upominamy się o mechanizm warunkowości. Apelujemy, prosimy Was: zacznijcie działać! Zacznijcie bronić demokracji i praw człowieka! Co jeszcze musi się stać, żeby Pani powiedziała dość? Gdzie jest Ursula von der Leyen, kiedy ludzie tracą kolejne prawa, kiedy naruszana jest ich godność, kiedy o wolności mogą tylko pomarzyć? Pani Komisarko! Za chwilę miną dwa lata nowej Komisji, a na Węgrzech z każdym dniem jest coraz gorzej.


  Paolo Borchia (ID). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, è paradossale che gli stessi che hanno inventato il cordone sanitario oggi siano qui a cercare di dare lezioni di democrazia.

Stamattina ho sentito ricatti, minacce, prova tangibile che a troppi di voi la democrazia non piace e non viene accettata. State sottraendo tempo e risorse a quest'Aula strumentalizzando una legge che si basa sulla protezione della difesa, dell'interesse dei minori in base a quanto disposto dalla Convenzione ONU sui diritti dell'infanzia. Una legge che è di competenza nazionale, non comunitaria e soprattutto è stata votata quasi all'unanimità.

Ma di cosa stiamo parlando? Io aspetto il giorno in cui i veri vulnerabili, ad esempio gli anziani, i disabili riceveranno la stessa attenzione che presunte minoranze ricevono da quest'Aula. Minoranze per giunta ben finanziate e ben protette a livello internazionale. Riflettete colleghi, perché è vero che la democrazia è a rischio, ma a Bruxelles, non a Budapest.


  Jadwiga Wiśniewska (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Po raz kolejny Parlament Europejski daje dowód łamania praworządności, bowiem zgodnie z art. 5 Traktatu Unia działa wyłącznie w granicach przyznanych jej kompetencji przez państwa członkowskie, a także zgodnie z art. 4 Traktatu Unia szanuje tożsamość narodową państw członkowskich, a więc prawo do decydowania o edukacji, ochronie dzieci, prawodawstwie.

Przyjęta przez parlament węgierski ustawa ma umocowanie nie tylko w prawie unijnym, ale także w prawie międzynarodowym. Niestety lewicowo-liberalna większość Parlamentu Europejskiego chce nawet ingerować w węgierską konstytucję, kwestionując oczywisty zapis potwierdzający, że to kobieta jest matką, a mężczyzna ojcem. Lewicowa agresywna inżynieria społeczna, którą forsujecie, jest cywilizacyjnym zagrożeniem. Dlatego wzywam do poparcia rezolucji ECR, która przywraca porządek rzeczy i nie ma nic wspólnego z homofobią. Nie przypisujcie nam swoich negatywnych emocji.


  Silvia Modig (The Left). – Arvoisa puhemies, Unkarin uusi laki on jatkumoa kehityksessä, jossa naisten ja vähemmistöjen oikeuksien vastustaminen on valjastettu synkän politiikan välineeksi. Kyse ei ole yksittäisestä asiasta, vaan se on osa laajempaa kehitystä, jossa järjestelmällisesti kavennetaan sateenkaari-ihmisten oikeuksia ja vapautta ja näin asetetaan ihmiset eriarvoiseen asemaan sukupuolen ja seksuaalisen suuntautumisen perusteella.

Erityisen vastenmielistä Unkarin laissa on se, että se rinnastaa homoseksuaalisuuden ja pedofilian ja lain väitetään suojelevan lapsia. Tämä on ainoastaan vastenmielinen sumuverho, jolla yritetään peittää ihmisoikeuksien loukkaaminen. Tässä laissa on kyse järjestelmällisestä syrjinnästä ja rasismista, joka on täydessä ristiriidassa yhteisten arvojemme kanssa.

Komissiolle ja neuvostolle haluan todeta, että me emme kaipaa enää yhtään kaunista juhlapuhetta yhteisten arvojemme tärkeydestä. Me kaipaamme nyt tekoja niiden arvojen puolustamiseksi. Keinoja on, välineitä on, mutta tahtoa puuttuu. Ilman tekoja sananne kaikuvat hyvin onttoina.


  Enikő Győri (NI). – Elnök Úr! Tisztelt baloldal és az EPP 68 százaléka! Önök ezt a parlamentet rögtönítélő bírósággá változtatták. Már a vita címével megelőlegezték az ítéletet, hogy Magyarország uniós jogot sértett, pedig a kötelezettségszegési eljárás legelején tartunk.

Önök meg akarják vonni az uniós pénzeket Magyarországtól a jogállamisági mechanizmus révén. Beteljesült, amit mondtunk: Önök megerőszakolják az uniós jogot, nemzeti hatáskörbe eső ügyben fenyegetőznek. Önök a magyar vita ürügyén elterelik a figyelmet Európa húsbavágó kérdéseiről, mint a Covid-válság vagy a migráció.

A hisztéria, amit kreáltak, azt mutatja, hogy Önök idegesek. Idegesek, mert múlt pénteken minden korábbinál világosabbá vált, hogy van életképes alternatíva a jobboldalon. 16 párt 15 országból kész szembeszállni önökkel, és kiáll a szabadság, a nemzetek, a családok és a hagyományos keresztény értékek mellett. Szokjanak hozzá, Európa nem csak az Önöké, hanem a mienk is. Mi nem akarjuk megmondani Önöknek, hogyan neveljék a gyerekeiket. De Önök se mondják meg nekünk, hogy mi hogyan járjunk el, és mi hogyan éljünk.


  Isabel Wiseler-Lima (PPE). – Monsieur le Président, avec cette résolution, le Parlement européen condamne sans équivoque et dans les termes les plus clairs la loi adoptée récemment par le Parlement hongrois restreignant les droits et libertés des personnes LGBTQI+, et aussi, ce faisant, la liberté d’expression et la liberté des médias. Cette loi constitue une atteinte claire aux valeurs, principes et lois de l’Union européenne.

Je suis convaincue qu’une très vaste majorité des personnes dans l’Union européenne ont conscience qu’il s’agit ici de protéger la dignité inhérente à chaque être humain, qu’il s’agit de la liberté de chacun à pouvoir s’exprimer tel qu’il est, qu’il s’agit du respect dû à chaque être humain. C’est l’une des valeurs, sinon la valeur fondamentale sur laquelle est fondée notre Union: cette conviction intime que nous sommes tous égaux, quelles que soient nos orientations sexuelles, notre religion, notre couleur de peau, notre couleur des yeux, que nous soyons roux ou blonds, noirs ou blancs, petits ou grands, jeunes ou âgés, que nous portions des lunettes ou non, que nous ayons un handicap apparent ou non, que nous nous estimions normaux ou différents. Aucune, aucune discrimination n’est justifiable. C’est aussi simple que cela.

Aussi suis-je fière que nous ayons à la tête de la Commission une présidente qui n’a pas hésité à qualifier cette loi de honte et que notre président du groupe PPE, Manfred Weber, l’ait repris aujourd’hui à cette même tribune. L’Union européenne a à maintes reprises affirmé les droits des personnes LGBTQI et proclamé son combat contre les discriminations à leur égard. Il faut maintenant que nos paroles, nos intentions, décisions et mesures aient des conséquences concrètes. Nous devons faire respecter le droit européen au sein de l’Union.


  Marc Angel (S&D). – Mr President, conflating homosexuality and transidentity with paedophilia is yet another episode of the Hungarian Government looking desperately for election topics to distract from corruption. It is yet another attack on fundamental rights, and as the EU, we have the tools to protect our values. But what is missing is the political will in the Council to use them. Signing statements at Council is not enough. The Council must address the deterioration of fundamental rights in Hungary by issuing concrete recommendations, including a call to repeal this misleading law.

The new Hungarian law is not only homo- and transphobic: it is severely restricting the rights of children, rather than protecting them.

Mr Orbán, you will never prevent one single young man or woman from being lesbian, from being gay, from being bisexual, transgender or intersexual, because this is an identity! So please stop talking about ideology. What you are doing is forcing young people to hide their identity, which often ends in suffering and in suicide. Rather than protecting anyone, you foster hate, intolerance and aggression towards vulnerable groups.

And we don’t have to look far to see what happens when politicians follow Russia-style narratives on LGBTI people. On Monday, thousands of far-rightist hooligans violently disrupted Tbilisi Pride. The organisers had to flee for their lives, and journalists have been beaten up.

Is this the direction we want for the European Union? Will we allow the Hungarian and Polish governments to use violence against people like me and others? No, the Council and the Commission must take bold actions now and give hope to people in Hungary and Poland.



  Sophia in ‘t Veld (Renew). – Mr President, we can already congratulate Mr Orbán on winning the European Championship for the most homophobic law on the continent. Last week, the new European far-right alliance has signed up to a common declaration of their values that are profoundly homophobic and sexist. And the only answer to such an alliance is a passionate defence of European values of equality.

Yet the European Council, it has already been said by many, stubbornly and shamefully refuses to act. No wonder, because the main defenders are actually members of that same European Council, and the others are their enablers, let’s say the European Mitch McConnells.

Now, last week, the government leaders spoke strong words on LGBTI rights, and even suggested the expulsion of Hungary. But expulsion is no solution, and it even betrays the millions of Hungarian people who count on Europe for support. The government leaders finally have to choose what side of history they want to be on, and vote on Article 7.


  Diana Riba i Giner (Verts/ALE). – Señor presidente, señora comisaria, señor ministro, el pasado sábado un joven gallego, Samuel, era asesinado tras una paliza. La misma noche en mi ciudad, San Cugat, otro joven era agredido hasta quedar inconsciente. Las dos agresiones se llevaron a cabo al grito de «¡maricón!».

La escalada de violencia contra el colectivo LGTBI es una emergencia que debemos combatir sin paliativos. Y esto significa combatir todos aquellos movimientos, organizaciones y Gobiernos que en toda Europa normalizan la persecución y estigmatizan a las personas por su forma de querer o pensar.

La ley aprobada en el Parlamento húngaro es un ejemplo de la institucionalización de esta deriva reaccionaria, como también lo es el hecho de que partidos políticos que están en esta Cámara, como Vox, señalen el lugar de trabajo del editor de la revista satírica El Jueves, incitando así a la violencia contra él. Ellos señalan para que otros actúen. La extrema derecha siempre trabaja contra la libertad al grito de «¡a por ellos!» o «¡maricón!». Pero nosotros les aseguramos, de nuevo, que «no pasarán».


  Tom Vandendriessche (ID). – Voorzitter, terwijl in Boedapest ongehinderd lhbt-feesten plaatsvinden, slaat de politie in Istanboel de pride-parade uiteen. Orbán wordt veroordeeld, maar Erdoğan heeft onlangs nog eens drie miljard euro gekregen. De Europese Unie is hypocriet.

Het propageren van genderideologie aan kinderen is een persoonlijke keuze voor ouders en een beleidskeuze voor kiezers. Dit is niet het geval in de Europese Unie, waar we blijkbaar enkel nog de vrijheid hebben om het eens te zijn als we niet willen worden vervolgd en bestraft. De Europese Unie is autoritair.

We hebben na twee wereldoorlogen geleerd dat we de vrede kunnen handhaven door diversiteit, democratie, identiteit en soevereiniteit te eerbiedigen. Nu wil men echter opnieuw met brute macht en vanuit een superioriteitsgevoel – ik citeer – “achterlijke landen op de knieën krijgen”.

Dit eurofanatiek imperialisme is totalitair, gevaarlijk en ronduit anti-Europees.


  Patryk Jaki (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Otóż, udajecie jak zwykle, że w tej dyskusji chodzi o tolerancję dla osób LGBT. Tymczasem, jak wiecie, w Polsce jest mniej przemocy wobec osób LGBT niż w waszych krajach. I to wasze statystyki to pokazują. Ale wy celowo kłamiecie, aby ludzie nie dowiedzieli się, o co chodzi naprawdę. A chodzi o to, że my uważamy, że są dwie płcie. A wy uważacie, że jest 250 ileś. Biologia jest po naszej stronie. Wy uważacie, że to skandal. My chcemy zakazać sugerowania dzieciom możliwości zmiany płci. Wy chcecie to promować. W końcu my nie chcemy w szkołach wczesnej seksualizacji dzieci, bo dla katolików prawdziwa miłość to coś znacznie więcej niż pożądanie. Efekty tych waszych antywartości widać: rosnąca ilość rozbitych rodzin, samotnych ludzi, przemocy seksualnej. Do śmietnika wyrzucacie naukę, doświadczenie, dorobek pokoleń i zamieniacie je na wasze polityczne przekonanie. Dokładnie według tego, co mówił Marks i Engels, że aby zbudować nową rzeczywistość, trzeba zniszczyć tradycyjne wartości i tradycyjną rodzinę. Idziecie dokładnie tą samą drogą, która doprowadziła do tragedii w Europie. Jeszcze uważacie, że łamaniem praw człowieka jest obrona wartości, na których Schuman budował Europę. Wstyd.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, ponder this: Poland and Hungary are the biggest beneficiaries of European funding. In 2018, Poland paid in EUR 3.98 billion and, in return, received EUR 16.35 billion, four times more than they paid in. Hungary paid in EUR 1.076 billion and received six times more than that, EUR 6.298 billion.

At least the Portuguese Presidency moved forward on the Article 7 suspension procedure by organising hearings on Hungary and Poland. It is my hope that this will provide a sufficient basis to stop the rule of law backsliding in these and, potentially, other Member States. Without respect for the rule of law, we cannot have a fair and just society.

With regard to Poland, we see major issues with the Constitutional Tribunal, the disciplinary regime against judges and a muzzle law against judges who criticise the Government’s judicial overhaul and the dismissal of judges. In bullyboy Viktor Orbán’s Hungary, attacks against LGBTI people, judges, journalists, academics and activists have increased since the beginning of the pandemic.

Hungary’s new law will have devastating effects. It means that vulnerable young people will be deprived of important support. It is essential that young people especially be ensured access to comprehensive sexuality and relationship education, which is non—judgmental and objective. The adopted law is a direct contradiction of the values and respect for human dignity on which the Union is founded. There are conditionality clauses in relation to European funding. We should use them.


  Klára Dobrev (S&D). – Elnök Úr! Tudják, ebben a teremben nincs egyetlenegy olyan ember sem, aki Magyarország ellen szólalna fel, és bármit is hazudozik Önöknek összevissza Orbán Viktor, nincs itt senki, aki a magyar emberek ellen összeesküvést szervezne. Mert Magyarország továbbra is ugyanaz a gyönyörű, lélegzetelállítóan gyönyörű ország, Budapesttel, egy kicsit nosztalgikus hangulatú Balatonnal, a tokaji vagy villányi borokkal, és mi, magyarok is ugyanazok vagyunk, akiket az egész világ vendégszeretetünkről ismert meg. És lehet velünk hatalmasakat nevetni, vagy éppen bulizni a fesztiválokon, a Szigeten, Kapolcson vagy a Balaton Soundon, vagy éppen egy nagy magyar ebéd után megváltani a világot, kicsit nehéz gyomorral. És ezt a csodálatos országot ejtette túszul egy velejéig korrupt politikus. Cinikusan, rasszista és homofób politikával.

Úgyhogy Önöknek, tisztelt Bizottság és Tanács, egyetlenegy dolguk van. Hagyják abba és fejezzék be Orbán Viktor családtagjainak és oligarcháinak a finanszírozását, és akkor mi is tudjuk a dolgunkat. Be fogjuk bizonyítani, hogy Magyarország nem egyenlő Orbán Viktorral, és Magyarországot visszahozzuk, ide, ahova való, Európába, a barátai és a szövetségesei közé. Én erre vállalkoztam.


  Anna Júlia Donáth (Renew). – Elnök Úr! Ez már a sokadik vita, ahol Orbán Viktor igazságtalan rendszeréről beszélünk. Évek óta vitázunk, de a magyar nép eddig üres szavakon kívül valódi segítséget nem kapott az embertelen rendszerrel szembeni harcában. Pedig ez nemcsak a magyar nép, hanem egész Európa harca, és miközben Európa vitázik és tétovázik, addig Orbán Viktor nem ül tétlenül. Kínai kommunista egyetemet, a Fudant hozza Európa szívébe, ezzel generációkat eladósít. Fideszes alapítványokon keresztül a saját zsebébe szervezi ki a nemzeti vagyont és a magyar felsőoktatást, és koncesszióban árulja ki Magyarország autópályáit. Végül, hogy mindezekről elterelje a figyelmet, olyan megosztó törvényt hoz, mely magyart fordít magyar ellen, megbélyegez, megoszt és gyűlöletet kelt.

Képviselőtársaim, szeretném ha végre megértenék, hogy Magyarországnak nem üres szavakra, hanem valódi tettekre van szükségük. Meg kell védenünk a magyar embereket, hiszen Magyarország nem egyenlő Orbán Viktorral. Ezt jelenti az európai szolidaritás, és miközben mi jogállamiságról és megosztott törvényekről vitázunk, ne feledjék: emberi sorsokról és életekről van szó.


  Kim Van Sparrentak (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, when my niece was born I gave her a picture book called Filola wants a crocodile. In this book, Filola’s mums go out on a mission to find her a crocodile for her birthday. Mums, yes, because I want her to know that having a gay aunt isn’t something to be embarrassed about, but can give you a life full of adventures.

In Hungary, from tomorrow onwards, this is a crime, because it’s forbidden to teach children about different sexualities and identities. And I’ve heard the Commission say over and over, ‘this is not in line with European values’. So do something about it. Launch an accelerated infringement procedure, freeze EU funds, make use of all the tools you have. But I’m also calling on the Member States to act because you have been bystanders while bill after bill has diminished the rights of our community and not only in Hungary and Poland. But using our community as a distraction to undermine the rule of law will not change who we are or who we love. Our community is strong and we will continue to fight for our rights together.


  Susanna Ceccardi (ID). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, nell'epoca dell'inganno universale, dire la verità è un atto rivoluzionario.

Oggi siamo qui a parlare dell'inganno della sinistra europea che, aiutata dai media, vuol tacciare di omofobia i governi di due paesi europei democraticamente eletti. Avete letto la legge ungherese che tanto state contestando?

La legge ungherese non viola in alcun modo i principi e le prerogative dell'Unione europea. L'Ungheria ribadisce che l'educazione sessuale dei figli è di competenza dei genitori, esattamente come stabilito dall'articolo 14 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea.

La stessa sinistra che oggi accusa Budapest è la stessa sinistra che nel 1956 applaudiva i carri armati sovietici che massacravano operai e studenti riportando in Ungheria la dittatura comunista. Quella sinistra sbagliava e mentiva ieri come sbaglia e mente tutt'oggi.

Chiedo a tutte voi, tra le libertà dell'Unione europea, c'è quella per una donna di poter passeggiare da sola all'imbrunire con gli abiti che preferisce? Sapete che questo in moltissime città della Francia, della Germania e del Belgio è di fatto un'impresa ad altissimo rischio, mentre in Ungheria e Polonia è ancora possibile.

Bisogna saper sempre ricordare che senza la Polonia che salvò l'Europa sotto le mura di Vienna, oggi non saremmo qui a discutere. Viva l'Europa dei popoli, delle libertà, delle radici. Chiediamo ai governi di Polonia e Ungheria di continuare a difendere i bambini ed i valori europei, quelli per i quali i nostri antenati hanno duramente combattuto e che talvolta l'Unione europea vorrebbe disconoscere.


  György Hölvényi (PPE). – Elnök Úr! Fontosnak tartom, hogy a vitában legalább egyszer elhangozzék, amiről beszélnünk kéne, a törvény címe: „a pedofil bűnelkövetőkkel szembeni szigorúbb fellépésről, valamint a gyermekek védelme érdekében egyes törvények módosításáról”. A témáról csak ezek alapján lehet higgadtan vitázni. Politikai hisztériakeltés, választási propaganda helyett beszéljünk – legalább próbáljunk meg – a tényekről.

A gyermekek érdeke mindenek felett áll, és a szülőknek joguk van ahhoz, hogy gyermekeiket saját meggyőződésük szerint neveljék, ezt erősíti meg az Alapjogi Charta. A szülői választás a döntő a gyermek szexuális nevelésében, senki sem kötelezheti arra a szülőket, hogy beleegyezésük nélkül a gyermekek olyan szexuális nevelésben részesüljenek, amelyek őt nem fogadtak el. A matematikatanításhoz is tanári képesítés kell, a gyermekek szexuális nevelését sem bízhatjuk semmilyen formában, se így, se úgy, aktivistákra. Egy példa: a jelentés 1. pontja egyszerűen konkrétan nem igaz. A magyar igazságügyi miniszter egyhetes határidőt kapva, időben nyújtotta be a jelentését. Egyszerűen szó szerint nem igaz, ami le van írva.

Tisztelt Képviselőtársaim, engedjék meg, hogy feltegyek egyetlenegy kérdést Önöknek. Nem várok rá választ. Önök valóban elolvasták a jogszabályt? Ugyanis annak a szövegéből, az itt elhangzó dolgok legnagyobb többsége egyszerűen nem olvasható ki. Kérem utólagosan is, hogy tegyék meg! Ha a törvény valóban támadná a homoszexuálisok jogait, elsők között lennék én magam, aki fellépne ellene.


  Robert Biedroń (S&D). – Panie Przewodniczący! Jestem Polakiem. Jestem gejem. Moim krajem rządzi prezydent, który uważa, że tacy jak ja to nie ludzie, to ideologia. W tym roku mija 20 lat, od kiedy jestem z moim partnerem. W moim kraju takie związki nazywa się tęczową zarazą. Każdego dnia, kiedy mój partner wychodzi z domu, boję się, że spotka go przemoc, przemoc, która spotyka moich przyjaciół, znajomych, najbliższych. Żyję w kraju, w którym 70% młodych ludzi, osób LGBT, myśli o samobójstwie. Mieszkam w Polsce, w mojej ojczyźnie, w której 30% kraju to strefa wolna od osób LGBT. Czym moje życie różni się od Waszego życia? W czym jestem gorszy? Nie możemy być obojętni. Nie możemy być obojętni, bo od mowy nienawiści, od tego typu deklaracji do przestępstw nienawiści jest bardzo krótka droga.

Pan Brudziński wspomniał o obozach koncentracyjnych. Obozy koncentracyjne powstały dlatego, że ktoś kiedyś na czas nie zareagował. Pani Komisarz, proszę Panią: żeby nie było za późno, zacznijcie działać. Zegar tyka.


  Katalin Cseh (Renew). – Mr President, in 2014, Hungarian gay rights activist, Milan Rozsa, climbed into the fortified Russian embassy in Budapest. He held up a rainbow flag and called out Putin’s anti-gay law and the violence unleashed by it. Milan was a friend of mine, one of the most passionate and brave people I ever knew, and a few months later, he took his own life. His tragedy sheds light on all the mental pain that LGBTI people very often suffer from. And this is beyond tragic that we are here today to witness the exact replica of Putin’s law being adopted in the EU.

Right now, in Hungary, it’s illegal for teachers to talk to high-schoolers about diversity and acceptance, or for kids to watch cartoons with queer characters in it. This law conflates gay people with paedophiles, and it incites violence and hatred – and we already see that.

If this is not enough for the EU to take action, then nothing else will be. So I tell you what to do: stop funding Viktor Orbán’s corruption. Apply the rule of law mechanism. Because human rights abuses are only a means for him, and kleptocracy is the ultimate end.


  Damian Boeselager (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, Commissioner Jourová, today, despite all odds, is a day of hope. It has been three years since we initiated Article 7 against Hungary. Three years of big words and empty threats. Three years over which the deconstruction of the Hungarian democracy has accelerated. Every day Orbán's government violates the rules that our freedom as a European community are built on. Rules to safeguard the free press and show fair elections, to ensure the independence of judges, rules to protect the diversity of our societies.

The new law is another terrible example of how Orbán violates these rules. But today still is a day of hope, because today the European Commission has the power to change this course; because today Parliament and Council stand behind you asking for a strong response; because today the rule of law mechanism is in place; and finally, because today you have the power to make the payment of seven billion euros, equalling 5% of Hungary’s annual GDP, conditional on the change of course. So I urge you to use these powers, then today can be a day of hope.


  Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Pane předsedající, maďarský zákon, o kterém diskutujeme, si zaslouží pozornost především občanů v Maďarsku, kteří by se k němu měli vyjádřit, protože organizace a obsah vzdělávání je v kompetenci členských států. Maďarsko i Polsko musí mít při jejich naplňování na paměti ochranu lidské důstojnosti všech svých občanů, skutečně všech. A já chci ujistit své kolegy, kolegu Biedroně, že má moji podporu a nemusí se obávat, budeme hájit jejich lidskou důstojnost. A zdá se, že tyto zákony skutečně provokují a mezi občany tedy vyvolávají velké rozpory, ale na jiné členské státy nemají dopad, a to já považuji za důležité, proto tedy si myslím, že mají být posuzovány především na národní úrovni.

Co je závažné a proč jsem se rozhodla vystoupit: jsou zde věci, jsou zde iniciativy maďarské vlády, které mají dopad na další členské státy, a to je štvavá dezinformační kampaň maďarské vlády otištěná v některých evropských denících jako placená inzerce 29. června. Stalo se tak v České republice, ve Španělsku a Dánsku a jinde možná nevyšla jenom proto, že ji deníky odmítly vytisknout. Evropská unie je podle maďarské vlády impérium a Evropský parlament je slepá kolej. Tyto a další manipulační a nepravdivá tvrzení musíme odmítnout. A není náhoda, že tato dezinformační propaganda maďarské vlády se objevila právě v novinách vlastněných českým premiérem. Z politického pohledu jsou tyto inzeráty zasahováním do veřejného prostoru jiných států, jako to dělá Rusko. A já si myslím, že se musíme ohradit, a proto vyzývám také Komisi, aby posoudila, zda se Maďarsko nedopouští porušování právního principu loajální spolupráce mezi členskými zeměmi EU. Paní komisařko, prosím, zasáhněte.


  Bettina Vollath (S&D). – Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin, geschätzte Vertreter vom Rat, liebe Kolleginnen! Wie lange kann man eigentlich zuschauen, wenn etwas völlig in die falsche Richtung läuft? Eine Universität wurde aus dem Land vertrieben, die Pressefreiheit massiv reduziert, Hetzkampagnen gegen unabhängige Journalistinnen und Journalisten geschürt, hart erkämpfte Frauenrechte massiv beschnitten, Angriffe gegen die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz, Menschen werden aufgrund ihrer sexuellen Orientierung einfach lautstark mit Pädophilen gleichgesetzt.

Menschen werden also von oberster Stelle diskriminiert, und gleichzeitig wird der Raum für kritische Stimmen massiv eingeschränkt. Das Denken soll gleichgeschaltet werden mit dem der Orbán‘schen Regierung. Ist das Demokratie? Ist das noch unsere Union?

Nein, ganz sicher nicht. Daher wurde schon vor dreieinhalb Jahren das Artikel-7-Verfahren gegen Polen gestartet, ein paar Monate später gegen Ungarn – beide bis heute ohne Ergebnis. Dabei sprechen sowohl der Rechtsstaatlichkeitsbericht der Kommission als auch die vielen Verurteilungen durch den EuGH eine klare Sprache. Der Rechtsstaats— und Demokratieabbau in Ungarn ist systematisch und schon sehr weit fortgeschritten.

Wie lange wollen Sie im Rat noch zuschauen? Wann werden Sie in der Kommission endlich die Instrumente anwenden, die wir ja haben?

Mein dringender Appell heute: Bitte setzen Sie diesem Herunterwirtschaften der europäischen Idee endlich ein Ende. Verteidigen Sie unsere offene, liberale Gesellschaft mit aller Kraft. Die Zivilgesellschaft in diesen Ländern braucht unsere wachsamen Augen, aber sie braucht vor allem unsere Taten.


  Moritz Körner (Renew). – Herr Präsident! Weil ja hier einige argumentieren, es ginge nur um das Erziehungsrecht der Eltern, will ich noch einmal auf die Inhalte zu sprechen kommen, die auch verboten werden sollen. Das konnte man doch in regierungsnahen ungarischen Zeitungen lesen. Da wird gesprochen von der Schwulenpropaganda auf Netflix: „Glee“ ist eine besonders gefährliche Serie. Oder: Bei „Game of Thrones“ auf HBO, da sind viel zu viele schwule Charaktere. Auch dagegen richtet sich das.

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, ich sage hier ganz klar: Wer glaubt, dass man vom Netflix-Gucken schwul wird, der hat überhaupt nichts verstanden, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Und das wäre nur lächerlich, das wäre nur lächerlich, wenn es nicht so ernst wäre, wenn es nicht um die Zukunftsexistenz von Vereinen, von Hilfsorganisationen, von der Öffentlichkeit, der LGBT-Community in Ungarn insgesamt ginge. Das ist die Putinisierung Ungarns, die wir da erleben. Und Toleranz ist nichts Westliches oder Liberales, sondern es ist etwas Menschliches. Und der Schutz von sexuellen Minderheiten ist auch nichts, was hier von Brüssel aus über die Mitgliedstaaten gebracht wird. Es ist etwas, zu dem sich alle Mitgliedstaaten in Artikel 2 bekannt haben.

Und verdammt nochmal, ich erwarte, dass jetzt reagiert wird und dass wir endlich Handeln sehen in dieser Frage! Ich kann es nicht mehr erklären, hier zu stehen, und ich kann es keinem Schwulen, keiner lesbischen Frau in Europa mehr erklären, dass das nicht endlich passiert.


  Salima Yenbou (Verts/ALE). – Monsieur le Président, lundi, Reporters sans frontières a publié sa galerie 2021 des «prédateurs de la liberté de la presse», avec pour la première fois un Européen, Viktor Orbán, aux côtés de 36 autres chefs d’État et de gouvernement, Messieurs Poutine, Xi, Erdoğan et ben Salmane. Quelle honte, quelle tristesse pour l’Europe d’avoir un Européen parmi cette sombre liste!

En Pologne, la société civile, elle aussi, est très inquiète de cette prétendue «repolonisation» des médias par le gouvernement pour influencer leur politique éditoriale. Depuis 2011, alors que la Hongrie prenait la présidence du Conseil de l’Union européenne, nous exprimons des préoccupations quant à l’état de droit dans le pays et les répercussions que l’inaction pourrait avoir sur les autres États membres, comme un vieux disque rayé. Pendant combien de temps allons-nous encore être «préoccupés»? Car les répercussions sont là.

Les institutions de l’Union européenne doivent se montrer à la hauteur de leurs responsabilités et faire bien plus que discuter et se préoccuper. Nous devons défendre les droits fondamentaux, la liberté d’expression et la liberté de la presse, pierres angulaires de nos démocraties. Et c’est maintenant, Madame la Commissaire. Nous avons les outils pour ça.


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Pane předsedající, vážená paní komisařko, já chci zde podpořit stanovisko těch kolegů, kteří jasně popsali problémy maďarského zákona, který výrazně poškozuje práva sexuálních menšin. Ten zákon jen symbolicky útočí na principy právního státu, ale fakticky, a bylo to tady řečeno, výrazně bude zasahovat do života mladých lidí, kteří hledají svoji sexuální identitu, kteří třeba zjistí, že jsou odlišní oproti většině a místo, aby od společnosti dostali oporu, aby dostali informace, tak se budou bát kriminalizace a postihu. Ten zákon v praxi může způsobit opravdu velké škody a je třeba ho odmítnout.

Já jsem byl z vystoupení ze strany jak Komise, tak i Rady zklamán, protože v rámci takového toho evropského speaku jsme zde slyšeli, co všechno bylo uděláno. Ale já si myslím, že bude strašně citlivé a důležité a všichni budou sledovat v Evropě, nakolik tento maďarský zákon se podaří nakonec zrušit, anebo nakolik tento zákon zůstane a budeme svědky toho, jak Evropská komise je slabá a obecně Evropská unie.

A já moc prosím Evropskou komisi i Radu, nepodceňujte tento problém, není to pouze problém Maďarska. Pokud nic neuděláme, anebo uděláme pouze administrativní kroky a ten zákon zůstane platný a účinný, bude to signál pro všechny populisty v Evropě, aby útočili na sexuální menšiny. Uvedu příklad od nás z České republiky. Vy to víte, paní komisařko, český prezident Miloš Zeman řekl, že transgender lidé jsou mu odporní, a to je další příklad toho, jak populisté dneska útočí na sexuální menšiny v Evropě. Prosím, konejte.


  Valérie Hayer (Renew). – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, Viktor Orbán nous dit que sa loi n’est pas homophobe. De qui se moque-t-on ici? De qui se moque-t-on? Bien sûr que cette loi est homophobe. Bien sûr qu’elle va discriminer les personnes LGBTI. Personne n’est dupe. Personne. Votre ultraconservatisme rétrograde – vous ici, le vôtre, à droite de cet hémicycle – porte atteinte aux droits d’Européens qui ne demandent rien d’autre que d’aimer et de vivre librement.

Mais ce n’est pas tout. Non content de briser des espoirs, vous entretenez la fraude et la corruption en Hongrie. Il est donc impératif, Madame la Commissaire, que la Commission n’approuve pas le plan de relance hongrois en l’état. Orbán et ses acolytes ne peuvent pas s’enrichir aux frais du contribuable européen. Alors, Monsieur le Ministre, vous voulez vraiment mettre l’état de droit au cœur de votre présidence slovène? Eh bien, allez-y, faites respecter l’état de droit en Hongrie et en Pologne, faites respecter l’état de droit et gardez-vous de rejoindre ces gouvernements dans leur projet illibéral.


  Marcel Kolaja (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, Madam Vice-President, the Hungarian anti-LGBTI law violates European legislation. This law does not protect minors – quite the opposite. This law makes it difficult for teenagers who are struggling with their coming out to receive information. Viktor Orbán makes this part of their lives even more complicated for them, on purpose. This is shameful. I am glad that 18 Member States co-signed a statement condemning the law.

Unfortunately, the signature of the Czech Prime Minister, Andrej Babiš, is missing. Therefore, let me make it clear that many Czech citizens stand behind the Hungarian LGBTI community. Attacks on freedom of expression and other fundamental rights must not be tolerated. Having listened to some of you today, I recall that human rights are universal. We must defend them equally, not to cherry—pick which ones we defend and which ones we don’t. Madam Vice-President, I ask the Commission to act.


  Magdalena Adamowicz (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Pani Komisarz! Wspólnota – tak siebie nazywamy. Czas przypomnieć sens tego słowa szczególnie tym, którzy świadomie dążą do rozpadu Unii. Wspólnota jest dobrowolna, a jeżeli nie chcesz w niej być, to jej nie niszcz, tylko wyjdź z niej. Wspólnota jest wtedy, gdy wszyscy jej członkowie starają się przestrzegać unijnych, ustalonych i oczywistych zasad. Nie bądź jak pijany kierowca, któremu wydaje się, że jego zasady na drodze nie obowiązują, bo stwarzasz zagrożenie nie tylko dla siebie, ale i dla wszystkich innych. Wspólnota musi się rozwijać. Nie ma powrotu do czasu, gdy Unia była jedynie strefą wolnego handlu, co postuluje nowy antyunijny sojusz partii nacjonalistycznych. Naprawdę nie chcesz dopłat dla rolników, pomocy dla biedniejszych regionów? Naprawdę chcesz sam radzić sobie z kolejnymi pandemiami, katastrofą klimatyczną, Putinem i Chinami? Dlatego właśnie zgodziliśmy się na wspólne reguły i na to, że ich przestrzegania pilnują europejskie, czyli nasze wspólne instytucje i sądy. Naszą europejską siłą są prawa człowieka, każdego człowieka, a wielką hańbą są czasy, gdy ich nie przestrzegano. Naszą siłą są zasady i współpraca, bo jej brak to rozpad naszej rodziny. To przecież agenda Putina i zaprzeczenie naszym wspólnym interesom i wartościom. Nazizm i jego skutki nie spadły z nieba, ale tuptały małymi krokami. Pani Komisarz, Rado, czas na działania!


(Die Aussprache wird unterbrochen.)

Ultima actualizare: 11 octombrie 2021Aviz juridic - Politica de confidențialitate