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Sreda, 7. julij 2021 - Strasbourg

11. Delovni program Komisije za leto 2022 (razprava)
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  President. – The next item is the debate on the Commission statement on the Commission Work Programme 2022 (2021/2781(RSP)).


  Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, thank you very much, honourable Members of the European Parliament and all of those who are on the speaker list. We know each other very well from our very good cooperation in preparation of the last Commission Work Programme. So it’s really a pleasure for me to discuss the preparation for 2022 Commission Work Programme with you today, because close collaboration with the European Parliament is a key aspect of a successful preparation of our annual priorities.

I would like to mention, with your permission today, in particular three elements of it: the structured dialogues between the Commissioners and the parliamentary committees; the close cooperation of our institutions under Article 225 resolutions prepared by many of the committees; and the annual summer report by the Conference of Committee Chairs that provides valuable input to our preparations for the annual work programme.

Honourable Members, the 2021 Commission Work Programme focuses on initiatives to overcome the COVID-19 crisis, kick our recovery into gear and plan the future we want for our Union. It marks a clear shift from strategy to delivery and has a focus on future proof solutions across all policy areas, supported by strategic foresight.

A big share of the announced initiatives have already been put forward, and important deliverables will follow in the course of the year. Major initiatives we will propose still before the summer break, and they include the 2021 annual Rule of Law Report and the big Fit for 55 package.

The letter will contain a number of legislative proposals that will be key to implementing the ambition of the new 2030 climate target to cut, by at least 55%, carbon emissions compared with 1990 levels. After the summer break, in autumn, important initiatives that the Commission will put forward includes the Data Act and policy programme on Europe’s digital decade, the sustainable products policy initiative, including a revision of the Ecodesign Directive, together with an initiative on empowering the consumer for the green transition and circular electronics; the new European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority, HERA; an action plan for the social economy, and the legal migration package accompanied by the revision of the Schengen border code.

You are also well aware that further important work beyond the Commission Work Programme initiatives is ongoing. We have, for example, the recovery and resilient strength. The adoption of the national recovery and resilience plan is well underway, allowing the swift implementation that will deliver benefits to the citizens and businesses alike.

I would like to thank the European Parliament for its central role in agreeing on the Next Generation EU and allowing it to get off the ground with unparalleled speed.

Honourable Members focusing beyond this year, we need to bear in mind that the year 2022 marks the mid-term of the current mandate. Our collective focus will need to be on delivering the outstanding legislative commitments set forth in the political guidelines of President von der Leyen.

This will allow sufficient time for co-legislators to find agreement on these files before the end of the mandate. At the same time, we will continue our joint work on the recovery process. Therefore, the next Commission Work Programme should set forth a limited number of new initiatives focusing on delivering on the remaining political commitments under this mandate.

For the 2022 Commission Work Programme, managing the exit from the pandemic and working on a recovery are likely to remain centre stage, and we will make sure that we turn this crisis into an opportunity to achieve a fairer, greener and more digital society.

Honourable Members, the full implementation of the ‘one-in, one-out’ approach will also begin with the next year’s Commission Work Programme. This involves offsetting new burdens resulting from the Commission’s legislative proposals by equivalently reducing existing burdens in the same policy area.

This new approach gives particular significance to Annex 2 of the 2022 Commission work programme on REFIT initiatives. In the preparation of next year’s Work Programme, we are paying close attention from the early planning stages to whether the envisaged measures are likely to add burdens or not, and for which stakeholders.

Let me also say two words about foresight. Our annual strategic foresight report, set to be adopted in September, focuses on the EU’s capacity and freedom to act in an increasingly multipolar and contested global order. As EU institutions, we must ensure that we develop policies that are robust and future-proof. Policy makers and institutions have to be prepared to anticipate changes to proactively shape the future according to the EU’s political priorities. This is where foresight comes in.

The Commission recently launched an EU foresight network with ‘ministers for the future’ from each Member State, and I am very much counting on the active role of the European Parliament too in this exercise. I am looking forward to your views on our priorities for the next year and to continuing our fruitful cooperation in the legislative planning.


  Jan Olbrycht, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, first of all, I would like to express my thanks to the Commission and the Council for the work we have done together. We were working on all the instruments like the MFF, like Next Generation EU, like the cohesion policy and the other elements, which will be based on solidarity and dedicated to a more resilient Europe.

As a representative of the EPP, I don’t want just to say what we think about the European Commission work programme, but I would just underline some of the elements we think as EPP are the most important. What do we expect? We expect more resilience towards the foreign interference and the attacks against democratic values and our way of life and reinforcement in the fight against corruption and the rule of law. But when we speak about the priorities, the main strategic objectives, there are several we think are most important, but let me just describe it as one main element, which is recovery. Recovery, because for us, there’s some elements which are the basis for the recovery. This is recovery and resilience, this is a question of the Green Deal but also digitalisation. All of them are the part of the main strategic goal, which is recovery.

When we speak about economic recovery, we should be concentrating on developing a convincing exit strategy that moves from the more targeted support measures to eventual phasing out and to address the issue of how to deal with the high levels of government debt accumulated during the crisis, and coordination policy removing tax-related obstacles to the single market. When we speak about the Green Deal, we would like to underline the question of the reduction of administrative costs and the regulatory burden and principle in connection with environment policy.

When we speak about digitalisation I think we should be concentrating on the question of education, administration, health and all the related challenges. So please, Commissioner, take also our remarks to show that the programme of the Commission is also dedicated and oriented towards the most important goals for the European Union.


  Simona Bonafè, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, grazie vicepresidente Šefčovič per la Sua illustrazione del programma di lavoro della Commissione, che contiene molti spunti utili.

Il programma di lavoro per il 2022 ci accompagnerà nell'anno che dovrà segnare la ripresa in Europa dopo la crisi pandemica ed è particolarmente importante perché i provvedimenti che vogliamo approvare entro la fine della legislatura dovranno essere messi sul tavolo proprio il prossimo anno e non ci sarà più il tempo per lavorarci.

Avremmo voluto, come gruppo dei Socialisti e Democratici, arrivare oggi con una risoluzione comune del Parlamento per indirizzare tutti insieme il programma di lavoro della Commissione, ma purtroppo non abbiamo trovato la disponibilità da parte degli altri gruppi politici.

Abbiamo tuttavia le nostre priorità. Il nostro gruppo ha sostenuto convintamente la Commissione von der Layen nel 2019 chiedendo coraggio e visione per un'Europa più inclusiva socialmente e più sostenibile ambientalmente. E oggi possiamo dire che molte delle nostre richieste sono state prese in considerazione.

Tuttavia oggi rispetto ad allora siamo in una situazione del tutto diversa. La pandemia ha avuto impatti profondi sul nostro stile di vita a livello sociale, economico e culturale. Abbiamo messo in campo uno strumento straordinario come Next Generation EU per far ripartire le nostre economie, ma non possiamo avere come obiettivo quello di tornare al punto di partenza. Dobbiamo cogliere le trasformazioni che erano già in atto nella nostra società e che la pandemia ha accelerato e mettere in campo politiche che sappiano imporre un profondo cambio di marcia al nostro modello economico e sociale.

Per questo chiediamo alla Commissione innanzitutto un provvedimento legislativo di ampio respiro contro la povertà, che preveda obiettivi ambiziosi e vincolanti in linea con il pilastro europeo dei diritti sociali e con la dichiarazione di Porto, se è vero, come è vero, che la pandemia ha acuito le disuguaglianze sociali e ha aumentato il numero di cittadini europei in situazioni di estrema povertà.

Ma sappiamo bene come dimensione sociale ed economica camminino insieme, ecco perché chiediamo un'ampia riforma del nostro sistema di governance economica, che non può prescindere da una capacità fiscale permanente dell'Eurozona e dall'integrazione nel semestre europeo degli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite, del Green Deal e del pilastro sociale.

Non possono più essere solo i parametri economici, non può più essere solo il prodotto interno lordo a misurare il benessere dei cittadini, la qualità dell'aria che respiriamo, l'offerta dei servizi sociali delle nostre città, il tasso di scolarizzazione sono dati che non possono più essere non considerati. Anzi noi crediamo che l'Unione europea dovrebbe proprio porsi oggi all'avanguardia di un processo globale di riscrittura delle regole economiche, che metta al centro la persona e non i numeri.

In ambito ambientale, dopo il pacchetto Fit for climate, ci aspettiamo una legge sulla biodiversità che, analogamente a quanto fatto con la legge sul clima, stabilisca obiettivi chiari e ambiziosi per la difesa della natura. In questi giorni il Parlamento ha ripetutamente affrontato il tema dello Stato di diritto. Il programma della Commissione per il 2022 deve prevedere delle iniziative per giungere a un efficace meccanismo europeo per la democrazia, lo Stato di diritto e i diritti fondamentali.

È infine tempo di sbloccare uno stallo ormai preoccupante sui dossier relativi all'immigrazione e alle richieste di asilo, prevedendo anche una proposta per l'immigrazione legale e in particolare per i lavori con retribuzioni medio basse. Se questo sarà il programma di lavoro della Commissione il nostro gruppo continuerà a garantire cooperazione nell'interesse dei cittadini che rappresentiamo.


  Malik Azmani, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Mr President, with vaccination campaigns rolling out throughout the European Union, we can look to 2022 with fresh hope. Later this year, we will pass the mid-term point of this election cycle. Soon, we will be closer to the 2024 European Parliamentary elections than the 2019 elections. It is time to take stock because our actions now and the outcome of the Conference on the Future of Europe will shape our legacy ahead of the next elections.

I have a question for the Vice-President – what do we want this legacy to look like?

Renew Europe sees that businesses have been through very rough times. And it is important that we now focus our efforts on our economic recovery. And in this context the recovery fund is the financial injection our economy needs but we need to get it right, by properly implementing the Recovery and Resilience Facility and by carefully scrutinising the recovery and resilience plans of our Member States.

But we also need to be mindful of how we legislate and regulate. We need to keep in mind that businesses are not abstract entities and that behind every company or SME there are people who have built those companies and are responsible for creating our jobs and our economic growth. ‘Less, but better regulation’ must therefore be our guiding mantra.

To further support our businesses and citizens our focus should be on deepening our single market, especially in the services sector. Renew Europe asks for bold new proposals, also on the digital single market. And whilst supporting a strong market, we cannot lose focus on strengthening our community of values. Respect for rule of law in the European Union faces serious challenges and we seem to be losing the progress we have made and this is unacceptable.

So Renew Europe calls for the annual rule of law report to be developed into a concrete mechanism for democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights. And we need to urgently implement the rule of law conditionality mechanism. But our ambitions do not stop there. Let 2022 become the official kick-off to the green transition, offering the prospect of millions of green jobs. 

On migration, where we have made disappointingly little progress, let’s finally put our joint weight behind a durable and sustainable migration system. Our citizens need a visible Europe that protects their interests and has the courage to speak with one voice on that world stage. And let’s start making bold choices to deliver on the promise of a geopolitical Commission.

Finally, strengthening the EU’s resilience, particularly against hybrid threats, and diversifying our energy supply should feature high on our agenda. I will finish with three simple words that are key to ensure we create a legacy that we can be proud of by 2024: implementation, implementation, implementation.

Dear Mr Vice-President Šefčovič, it’s time to get down to business.


  Sven Giegold, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Kommissar, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Wir stehen heute unter dem Eindruck eines neuen, schrecklichen Anschlags: Nach Daphne Caruana Galizia und Ján Kuciak ist es heute der investigative Kriminalreporter Peter de Vries in den Niederlanden, der um sein Leben ringt.

Dieser Anschlag ist ein Anschlag auf die Pressefreiheit in ganz Europa. Und was uns dabei besonders beunruhigen muss, ist die Tatsache, dass die mutmaßlichen Täter aus dem Milieu der organisierten Kriminalität keine Hemmungen davor hatten, auf offener Straße in Amsterdam auf Peter de Vries zu schießen. Dieses Sicherheitsgefühl der organisierten und grenzüberschreitenden Kriminalität liegt in der unzureichenden Sicherheitspolitik innerhalb Europas begründet. Es liegt begründet in der unzureichenden Zusammenarbeit der Behörden gegen Geldwäsche und Finanzkriminalität.

Grenzüberschreitende Kriminalität müssen wir endlich grenzüberschreitend bekämpfen. Dazu brauchen wir ein europäisches Kriminalamt, man könnte auch sagen, ein europäisches FBI zum Schutze der Bürgerinnen und Bürger und der Integrität unseres Binnenmarkts. Die Kommission sollte dazu in ihrem Arbeitsprogramm einen Vorschlag vorlegen.

Auch unsere gemeinsamen Werte müssen wir besser schützen. Die europäischen Werte zu verletzen, hat in immer mehr Mitgliedstaaten System. Wir sehen Beschränkungen der Pressefreiheit, der Justiz, Ausgrenzung von Minderheiten und Regierungen mit engen Verbindungen zur organisierten Kriminalität. Doch statt den europäischen Rechtsstaat entschieden zu verteidigen, statt wirklich Zähne zu zeigen, blockieren und verzögern die EU-Kommission und die Mitgliedstaaten wirksame Maßnahmen wie die Artikel-7-Verfahren, den Rechtsstaatsmechanismus und die konsequente Verfolgung aller Vertragsverletzungsverfahren im Bereich Rechtsstaat.

Das muss ein Ende haben, und deshalb gehört die Durchsetzung europäischen Rechts, gerade wenn es um Demokratie, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Grundwerte geht, in das Arbeitsprogramm der Europäischen Kommission. 2022 müssen wir auch Europas Zukunft nach der Pandemie gestalten. Und die Strategie dafür gibt es bereits: den europäischen Green Deal.

Gleichzeitig sehen wir, wie weltweit die Wälder brennen. Europa ist auch mit diesem Green Deal immer noch nicht auf dem 1,5-Grad-Pfad. Jetzt kommt es daher darauf an, während es in Skandinavien Hitzerekorde gibt, tatsächlich alle Maßnahmen des Green Deals, statt sie durch Lobbyisten verwässern zu lassen, konsequent umzusetzen und zu beschließen. Denn jetzt ist die Zeit dafür, dies zu tun. Daher erwarte ich von der Kommission einen Green Deal in Reinformat im Interesse unserer wirtschaftlichen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, unserer sozialen Rechte und vor allem unserer Verantwortung für zukünftige Generationen.

Seien Sie mutig! Europa hat jetzt die Chance, Geschichte zu schreiben. Machen Sie etwas daraus!


  Philippe Olivier, au nom du groupe ID. – Monsieur le Président, Mesdames et Messieurs, il y a au moins un domaine où l’Union européenne s’ingénie à ne pas mesurer l’impact budgétaire de ses décisions, pour elle-même ou pour les États membres: c’est l’immigration.

Le 23 septembre 2020, la Commission a présenté les contours de son pacte pour l’asile et l’immigration, qui s’appuie sur une logique coercitive à l’égard des nations, avec notamment des relocalisations forcées ou la mise sous surveillance des États membres, ce qui va aboutir à élargir les possibilités d’accès à l’Europe à une immigration planétaire sans limite. Concrètement, ce pacte pour l’immigration va ouvrir la voie à 70 millions de candidats à la migration vers l’Europe, selon l’étude Gallup sur les intentions de migration extra-européenne vers nos pays.

Ce qui est frappant dans la procédure, il est vrai très opaque, d’adoption de ce pacte, c’est, compte tenu des masses en jeu, l’absence totale d’étude d’impact. Accueillir des dizaines de millions de personnes, les assister pour tout, les soigner, les nourrir, les loger, les former: cela va coûter des sommes folles. Pour vous donner un ordre d’idée, pensez, mes chers collègues, qu’en France, l’Association des départements a évalué à 50 000 euros par an et par personne le coût d’un seul mineur migrant isolé, soit pour la France une facture de 2 milliards d’euros, avec une augmentation exponentielle.

Une étude de l’Université d’Amsterdam chiffre pour la seule Hollande le coût de l’immigration à 400 milliards d’euros pour la période 1995-2019 et à 600 milliards d’euros pour les 20 prochaines années, soit 1 000 milliards d’euros en quarante ans. Pour un pays comme la France, cela représenterait plus de 3 000 milliards d’euros. Et encore, je ne prends pas en compte le fait que mon pays subit une immigration plus importante et offre un État providence plus généreux.

C’est pourquoi je vous demande, au nom de la raison et de la démocratie qui vous impose de dire la vérité aux citoyens, d’évaluer l’impact de votre folle politique migratoire, tant pour l’UE que pour les pays membres. Si vous ne voulez pas le faire, c’est que vous êtes favorables à l’immigration quoi qu’il en coûte et que la submersion de nos pays n’est pas pour vous une catastrophe annoncée, mais un projet.


  Hermann Tertsch, en nombre del Grupo ECR. – Señor presidente, cuando vamos a hablar del programa de trabajo de la Comisión para 2022, nos enteramos de que la Comisión se plantea la desfachatez de suspender el plan de fondos de recuperación para Hungría.

En este pasado año la pandemia ha llevado a muchos Gobiernos a actuar de forma autoritaria, arbitraria y hasta ilegal. Ahí tenemos el Gobierno español, socialcomunista, que se ha saltado realmente todas las reglas y ha estado imponiendo unos estados de alarma perfectamente ilegales, y sigue con su golpe para acabar con la monarquía y con la democracia en España.

Pero, en la Comisión parecen ustedes imitar ahora esto, y vamos hacia las ilegalidades absolutas. En ningún Tratado está escrito que la Comisión Europea o ningún otro país tenga ningún tipo de competencias sobre la educación en Hungría. Y aquí de lo que se trata es, al parecer, de machacar a todos los demás países para que ideológicamente tengan que ir por la misma vía que la mayoría socialdemócrata, izquierdista y globalista. Estamos viendo realmente cosas insólitas.

Ustedes tienen todo el derecho de llevar a sus hijos a donde quieran, pero todos los países tienen su derecho. Y la Resolución que intentan presentar la mayoría de los grupos al Parlamento ahora solo rezuma odio, eso que ustedes atribuyen a otros. Es una Resolución llena de odio, hecha por una persona con antecedentes, con odio y, además, perfectamente incapacitada para hacer ese tipo de texto. Y a esa persona precisamente le han dado ustedes esa Resolución. Es odio, señores.


  Manon Aubry, au nom du groupe The Left. – Monsieur le Président, dans de nombreux pays européens, l’abstention monte. Beaucoup de citoyens se disent que la politique ne sert à rien, qu’elle ne change plus le quotidien, qu’elle est impuissante face au boulot perdu, aux fins de mois difficiles, aux hôpitaux qui ferment. Et franchement, quand j’entends parfois nos débats au sein de cet hémicycle, j’ai envie de dire aux gens qui doutent que je les comprends, parce que ce sont ces préoccupations concrètes qui devraient seules guider votre agenda politique et celui de la Commission.

Comment éviter que la planète ne brûle littéralement encore davantage, après des records de températures qui frôlent les 50 degrés au Canada? Comment atténuer le dérèglement climatique pour éviter le chaos généralisé annoncé par le GIEC et illustré déjà par la famine climatique de Madagascar? Comment sauver les emplois menacés, comme ceux des 300 salariés de la Fonderie du Poitou qui ont brûlé leur carte électorale pour dénoncer leur abandon? Comment venir en aide aux plus précaires qui n’arrivent plus à joindre les deux bouts quand les milliardaires, eux, ont vu leur fortune augmenter de 30 %? Imaginez seulement: si le SMIC en France avait augmenté à la même vitesse, cela représenterait 370 euros de plus par mois. Comment arrêter l’évasion fiscale de ces ultra-riches comme Bernard Arnault ou de ces grandes multinationales comme LVMH qui pillent les recettes de nos États?

Bref, comment répondre aux deux défis de notre temps: la crise des inégalités et la catastrophe climatique? Et comment s’attaquer aux responsables, au système économique néolibéral qui détruit tout? Un coup de peinture verte sur un paquet climat au rabais ne changera pas la donne. Nous devons nous attaquer aux problèmes structurels de l’Union européenne pour sortir du tout-marché et du tout-profit qui épuisent la planète et les gens.

Une taxation symbolique des multinationales et un mini-plan de relance déjà caduc n’auront aucun impact. Il faut de l’argent frais pour investir dans le service public et enclencher la bifurcation écologique. L’essence même de la politique est d’être au service des demandes des gens. Si vous persistez à les mépriser, ne soyez pas surpris qu’ils ne vous respectent plus. Alors, écoutez l’alerte des citoyens en grève civique. Car une démocratie sans électeurs n’est plus une démocratie.


  Daniela Rondinelli (NI). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, vicepresidente Šefčovič, il momento storico che stiamo vivendo ci consegna disoccupazione e diseguaglianze, al punto che un cittadino europeo su quattro oggi è povero o è a rischio di esclusione sociale.

È giunto il momento di riscrivere tutti insieme un nuovo modello sociale, di società fondato su equità, opportunità e benessere. Come Movimento 5 Stelle crediamo che il programma della Commissione per il prossimo anno debba avere il coraggio di riprogettare una nuova governance politica, che riveda i vincoli del patto di stabilità e crescita introducendo lo scorporo degli investimenti verdi e sociali.

Anche il semestre europeo dovrà essere riformato stabilendo obiettivi ambientali e sociali al pari di quelli macroeconomici. Questo percorso dovrà essere completato con urgenza prima della disattivazione della clausola di salvaguardia, per evitare un corto circuito istituzionale e finanziario che metterebbe a rischio la tenuta delle nostre stesse democrazie.

Signor vicepresidente, il Next Generation EU è per i cittadini una grande speranza per il futuro e per una nuova Europa basata su unità e solidarietà. Non possiamo deluderli proprio adesso, trasformiamo questo loro auspicio in realtà.


  Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, first and foremost, I would like to thank you for your valuable interventions, for the comprehensive overviews provided by the committees and for the fact that today’s exchange has clearly demonstrated there is close alignment on our key priorities.

I very much appreciated the very concrete remarks on solidarity and our common work by Mr Olbrycht because we exactly needed to respond in this way in a form of a beefed-up multiannual financial framework development of the new Next Generation EU instruments, because we need to move from the crisis management, from tackling pandemics, to the economic recovery.

Ms Bonafè was speaking about the need to have more inclusive growth, to be more green, to tackle the poverty, where I think it was very much echoed also by the statement by Ms Rondinelli and Ms Aubry.

And Mr Giegold was highlighting the importance of the Green Deal together with Mr Azmani, highlighting the urgency of the matter. And therefore I agree with Mr Azmani that 2024 is indeed around the corner and I also can subscribe to his suggestion what should be our recipe for success and this is three time implementation and this is, I think, what would be so important to do in the next year.

I also, in a nutshell, would like to reassure you that whether it relates to the response to the socio-economic crisis generated by the pandemic or the role of the twin green and digital transition to build Europe back better, more green, more resilient, more digital, or the swift implementation of the spending programmes of the multiannual financial framework, we share the same objective.

And as I stressed in my introductory remarks, we need to collectively focus on delivering the outstanding legislative commitments set forth in the political guidelines of President von der Leyen, and we know how important our work in the next weeks and months in this respect will be.

Honourable Members, dear colleagues, we are, as I said, still delivering on the current Commission work programme for this year. But the preparations for the 2022 Commission work programme are well under way. And I’m sure that in the meantime we will be in very close contact with you and following the September State of the Union address and accompanying letter of intent we will continue our interinstitutional dialogue on the programme for the next year.

So my colleagues and I are very much looking forward to exchanging further views with you to get your invaluable input and then to work on our priorities in the next year.


  President. – The debate is closed.

Written statements (Rule 171)


  Margarida Marques (S&D), por escrito. – A Comissão, na preparação do seu Programa de Trabalho 2022, deve ter em conta as posições expressas pelo Parlamento, em particular nas comissões que se seguem.

Comissão do Comércio Internacional: convidamos a Comissão a progredir nas negociações bilaterais em curso com o Chile, Nova Zelândia, Austrália, Indonésia e outros, garantindo que os Acordos refletem os mais recentes compromissos e ambição da UE; a dar seguimento à Declaração Conjunta da Reunião dos Líderes UE-Índia de maio último. Convidamos a Comissão a elaborar uma nova estratégia global para a região da Ásia-Pacífico. Acolhemos com agrado a nova agenda da UE sobre o reforço das relações comerciais transatlânticas e a moratória para o litígio Airbus/Boeing. Instamos a Comissão a concluir o processo do Mercosul, caso este não fique concluído este ano.

Comissão dos Orçamentos: instamos a Comissão a tomar todas as medidas necessárias para garantir a plena implementação do roteiro vinculativo para introduzir novos recursos próprios no decurso do atual QFP, incluindo um diálogo estruturado regular entre as instituições em linha com o AII. Instamos a Comissão, como Guardiã dos Tratados, a assegurar a aplicação do regulamento de condicionalidade do Estado de Direito.

Comissão dos Assuntos Económicos: aguardamos da Comissão as iniciativas legislativas necessárias para a revisão das regras de governação económica.

Zadnja posodobitev: 11. oktober 2021Pravno obvestilo - Varstvo osebnih podatkov