 Texto integral 
Processo : 2021/2786(RSP)
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Debates :

PV 08/07/2021 - 9.2
CRE 08/07/2021 - 9.2

Votação :

PV 08/07/2021 - 11
PV 08/07/2021 - 19

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Quinta-feira, 8 de Julho de 2021 - Estrasburgo

9.2. Hong Kong, em particular o caso do Apple Daily
Vídeo das intervenções

  President. – The next item is the debate on six motions for resolutions on Hong Kong, notably the case of Apple Daily (2021/2786(RSP))*.


*See Minutes.


  Miriam Lexmann, author. – Madam President, across the world communist totalitarianism is responsible for some of the worst crimes in human history. These crimes are real and they are still occurring today. Let us not forget that many European states still continue to suffer the consequences of communist totalitarianism – murder, terror and oppression, communities destroyed, families torn apart, no basic freedoms. These are but some of the deepest traumas left upon us. My great uncle, Páter Mikuláš Lexmann, died in a communist forced labour camp for priests. Before, he was saving the lives of Jews during World War Two. My other family members were forced to work in mines as forced labour, and I grew up in a society unable to exercise the very same liberties which we today take for granted.

As countless millions across Europe, and indeed the world, longed for freedom, so do the people of Hong Kong today. As President Ronald Reagan said: ‘In the communist world men’s instinctive desire for freedom and self-determination suffers again and again.’

The people of Hong Kong prize their freedoms and liberties and I admire their boldness and determination. They cherished the high degree of autonomy which, just 24 years ago, the Chinese Communist Party had pledged to uphold. The CCP has reneged on the promises to the people of Hong Kong and it has reneged on its international obligations. Across mainland China, and now in Hong Kong, it has imposed a cruel regime which is growing more oppressive every day. The UK Conservative Party Human Rights Commission, in their latest report on the human rights situation in China, noted that the darkness deepens. The CCP is engaging in the worst human rights abuses since the Tiananmen Square massacre. The free world cannot stand by and so, on the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party, in words and in deeds, let us send a strong message that we stand with the people of Hong Kong. We stand with all victims of CCP terror and oppression and with freedom-loving people everywhere.

We cannot remain silent or pretend that what is happening in Hong Kong or across mainland China does not concern us. Today, in the interconnected world, we have a moral obligation to do our utmost for the people across the world and at least make them free to determine their own destiny.


  Evelyne Gebhardt, Verfasserin. – Frau Präsidentin, Frau Kommissarin, liebe Freunde, Freundinnen der Freiheit! Manch einer wird sagen: Ja, China, schon wieder China auf der Tagesordnung. Warum denn eigentlich? Ich sage auch: Mir wäre es viel lieber, wenn wir nicht so häufig über die Menschenrechtslage, über die Bürgerrechte, über die Freiheiten in China diskutieren müssten, wenn ich nicht so häufig an dieser Stelle darüber diskutieren müsste im Rahmen der Dringlichkeiten. Es gäbe viel schönere Themen, über die wir reden können.

Allerdings wird die erzwungene Schließung von Apple Daily als weiterer dunkler Meilenstein im fortschreitenden Abbau der Hongkonger Demokratie in die Geschichtsbücher eingehen. Die Medienfreiheit ist ein Grundpfeiler einer Lebensweise, unserer Gesellschaft, der Demokratie. Ohne Pressefreiheit haben wir keine Freiheiten für die Bürger und Bürgerinnen. Ohne Pressefreiheit haben wir keine Informationen, auf die wir uns stützen können, damit wir die Informationen, die wir brauchen, um richtige, gute Entscheidungen zu treffen, auch tatsächlich haben.

Ja, ich begrüße den heutigen überparteilichen Beschluss, und ich hoffe sehr und erwarte, dass wir eine sehr große Mehrheit erhalten werden. Die Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union müssen unverzüglich Sanktionen gegen die verantwortlichen Personen in der Verwaltung Hongkongs und auf dem Festland Chinas erlassen und der demokratischen Bewegung in Hongkong den Rücken stärken.

Der Schutz von Journalistinnen und Journalisten und Demokratinnen und Demokraten muss hohe Priorität genießen. Deshalb fordern wir die Mitgliedstaaten auf, auch Notfallvisen auszustellen, um deren Schutz zu gewährleisten. Ja, wir fordern auch dazu auf, diplomatische Besuche der Olympischen Winterspiele 2022 in Peking abzulehnen, wenn sich die Menschenrechtslage nicht signifikant verbessert. Leider müssen wir das immer noch und immer wieder einfordern.


  Engin Eroglu, Verfasser. – Frau Präsidentin, sehr geehrte Frau Kommissarin! Explizit möchte ich am Anfang den Berichterstattern danken: Herzlichen Dank an Miriam, an Anna, an Reinhard – und vor allem an Dich, Reinhard, für diese exzellente Zusammenarbeit. Und diese exzellente Zusammenarbeit bei dem Bericht ist schon die erste Botschaft, die wir heute nach China senden. Das Parlament arbeitet gemeinsam und entschlossen, das nationale Sicherheitsgesetz in China mit der Zielsetzung, die Öffentlichkeit und die Freiheitsrechte einzuschränken, zu bekämpfen.

Die erzwungene Schließung von Apple Daily hat uns gezwungen, heute hier gemeinsam diesen Bericht zu verfassen, nicht weil wir es wollten, sondern weil die Kommunistische Partei uns dazu auffordert. In dieser Entschließung stehen gezielte Sanktionen gegen die Kommunistische Partei, das ist ganz wichtig, nämlich die Rettungsbootpolitik für Hongkonger, die in Hongkong Angst haben, aber auch die klare Aufforderung, keine Menschen mehr aus der Europäischen Union nach China auszuliefern.

Und was mir sehr wichtig war, auch der politische diplomatische Boykott der Olympischen Spiele. Wir dürfen uns hier nicht zum Symbol der Kommunisten machen und dürfen aus meiner Sicht auch nicht nach China reisen. Und ich wünsche unseren Olympiateilnehmern aus der Europäischen Union viel Erfolg bei den Spielen.

Wir sind hier heute im Haus hoffentlich einig und entschlossen und werden ein großes Signal nach China zeigen. Wir dürfen unseren Worten jetzt auch Taten folgen lassen. Es ist enorm wichtig, dass wir der Kommunistischen Partei zeigen: Es gibt Grenzen, und die sind mit uns hier erreicht. Wir werden nicht mehr aufhören, über diese Themen hier in diesem Haus zu sprechen, solange die Hongkonger um ihre Freiheit kämpfen müssen.


  Reinhard Bütikofer, author. – Madam President, this is not the first time today that we are discussing Hong Kong in this House. It is important that we do it because we stand with Hong Kong’s fight for their freedoms and for democracy. This is not an internal affair. Upholding human rights is our common global responsibility. Systematically in Hong Kong the freedoms that were once guaranteed for 50 years to come are being dismantled. I’m very grateful that we have such a good consensus between the five big democratic groups in this House to stand against that.

Today, we can – we must – say that free media are a thing of the past with the closure of Apple Daily. But this is just one additional step. The Legislative Council (LegCo​) has seen the Democrats evicted. The new electoral law is perverse. Universities, educators and public servants have been told that they now owe loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). On the basis of spurious excuses, the traditional 4 June vigils have been denied, as have other demonstrations. Businesses like HSBC have been forced, or lured, into doing the regime’s bidding in the unjust persecution of democratic activists, and the judiciary has been put on notice that, in the future, they are expected not to apply the law, but to apply Beijing’s will.

The European Parliament speaks up. It does so today, and it will do so in the future. But we will need some more voices from Member States’ capitals to join the chorus. Human rights stand at the centre of European foreign policy, not just for the European Parliament. That’s why we also call on political leaders to refrain from accepting invitations to the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing unless the situation changes fundamentally.


  Anna Fotyga, author. – Madam President, I align with my colleagues, and actually I would like to praise the European Parliament and leading groups in finding this unity in defence of the people in Hong Kong protesting against the imposition of laws that try to curb the hard-won and long-standing liberties they were able to enjoy for quite a long time.

We stand by the people of Hong Kong. It is our particular responsibility.

I’m really happy that the European Parliament is able to adopt the comprehensive resolution, acknowledging many facts that are needed by the public opinion of the whole of Europe in order to create proper policies, foreign policies.

I also join my colleagues in appealing to the EU and EU Member States’ diplomacies to decline invitations to participate in the events of 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing.


  Manu Pineda, autor. – Señora presidenta, señora comisaria, es realmente conmovedor ver el sufrimiento y la preocupación que determinados grupos de esta Cámara manifiestan por el cierre de un periódico en China, pero sería más creíble si esas preocupaciones no se manifestasen solo cuando los hechos suceden en países que los Estados Unidos tienen en su diana.

Esta Resolución, en nuestra opinión, es una nueva excusa para echar más gasolina en esta nueva versión de la guerra fría anunciada sin ambages por los Estados Unidos. Si este Parlamento manifestase esa misma preocupación por hechos de este tipo cuando son los países amigos de la UE los que los realizan, entonces podríamos empezar a creérnosla. Mientras tanto, esto no es más que una nueva injerencia burda contra un Estado soberano, que, sin duda, nos servirá para que los Estados Unidos nos den una palmadita en la espalda, pero que, desde luego, a los trabajadores, a las empresas de los países miembros de la Unión Europea solo les va a generar pérdidas.

Una vez más, insisto: dejemos la subordinación a los Estados Unidos y relacionémonos con los otros Estados con una vocación inequívoca de cooperación horizontal, respeto a la soberanía y beneficio mutuo.


  François-Xavier Bellamy, au nom du groupe PPE. – Madame la Présidente, à Hong Kong, la presse libre est désormais traitée comme une menace pour la sécurité nationale. Mais les accusations de terrorisme ne trompent personne. La liberté de la presse n’est une menace que pour le Parti communiste chinois, qui a entrepris de détruire méthodiquement toute résistance démocratique à son projet totalitaire. Il y a quelques jours, le dernier quotidien indépendant a publié sa dernière édition. Après deux raids de la police, l’arrestation de son fondateur, Jimmy Lai, enchaîné devant les caméras, l’incarcération de ses principaux cadres, le gel de ses comptes bancaires, le journal a été contraint de cesser de paraître. C’est évidemment un message. Désormais, toute parole libre est menacée à Hong Kong.

Depuis ce Parlement, nous devons dire notre immense admiration pour le courage de ceux qui payent le prix de cet engagement auquel ils n’ont jamais renoncé en faveur de la démocratie: les journalistes d’Apple Daily, mais aussi Joshua Wong, Ted Hui, Claudia Mo et tant d’autres. Nous sommes à leurs côtés parce qu’à 10 000 kilomètres de là, l’Europe est directement concernée. Et il ne s’agit pas, contrairement à ce que prétend le régime chinois, d’une affaire interne à la Chine. D’abord parce qu’il s’agit de la rupture unilatérale d’un accord qu’elle avait signé avec un pays européen il y a seulement 35 ans.

Ce n’est donc pas seulement à la liberté de Hong Kong que la Chine s’attaque, mais aussi à tout le monde occidental. Elle fragilise de fait tout le climat des relations que nous pouvons construire avec elle, y compris sur le plan commercial. Qu’en sera-t-il des investissements que nous prétendons sécuriser avec la Chine, si cette plateforme que Hong Kong a toujours représentée pour les relations commerciales devait disparaître définitivement, dans sa liberté, au profit du Parti communiste chinois?

L’Europe doit promouvoir les principes de l’état de droit auxquels elle s’honore de tenir dans ses négociations commerciales et politiques. Elle doit ici prouver sa cohérence. Nous sommes attendus parce que, de fait, c’est l’avenir de la liberté qui est en jeu. Si nous ne réagissons pas, nous laisserons la Chine imposer son modèle, qui est en réalité un contre-modèle global.


  Maria Arena, au nom du groupe S&D. – Madame la Présidente, l’arrestation du fondateur d’Apple Daily, Jimmy Lai, et l’arrêt de la publication du journal est un nouveau coup dur, et mon collègue Bütikofer a fait la liste de toutes les difficultés rencontrées aujourd’hui par les activistes pro-démocratie à Hong Kong. Les arrestations arbitraires menées ces dernières années envers les journalistes et les manifestants pacifiques sont évidemment inadmissibles, tout comme l’est la nouvelle loi aujourd’hui au niveau électoral à Hong Kong.

Rappelons-le, la liberté d’expression et d’informer est un droit fondamental inscrit dans le droit national et international de Hong Kong. Toutes les tentatives de museler les militants pro-démocratie en vertu de la loi sur la sécurité nationale doivent être condamnées.

J’appelle également le Conseil à imposer rapidement des sanctions ciblées dans le cadre du nouveau régime de sanctions global pour les droits de l’homme de l’Union européenne aux personnes qui ont entravé cette liberté à Hong Kong. N’oublions pas également qu’il est important de continuer à soulever les questions de violations des droits de l’homme graves commises par la Chine. Parce que Hong Kong, bien entendu, est un exemple, ici, de contre-valeurs démocratiques imposées par la Chine; mais sur le territoire chinois, nous avons déjà eu l’occasion de parler des Ouïgours, du Xinjiang, du Tibet et de toutes les autres violations de droits de l’homme sur le territoire chinois que nous devons absolument poursuivre.




  Hilde Vautmans, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Mr President, let us be very clear: China has killed democracy in Hong Kong. And Xi Jinping has made it very clear that Taiwan is the next station.

With our resolution, we give a very clear message: a China that tramples on human rights cannot be a close partner to the EU; a China that is exporting its authoritarian model is a threat to our way of life.

It is our duty, colleagues, to defend the rule of law, human rights, and a world order based on values. Let us work closer together with democracies such as India, Japan, Canada, Australia and the US. Let us stand with Hong Kong. Let us stand up for human rights and let us stand up for freedom.


  Jordi Solé, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, a year ago, almost to the day, the National Security Law entered into force. Our concerns and those of the people of Hong Kong proved to be right. This law is a pretext for restricting human rights, silencing dissenting voices and dismantling democracy and freedom in Hong Kong.

The case of the forced closure of Apple Daily is the latest regrettable example. The once vibrant democratic civil society in Hong Kong that should have been protected under its basic law, as well as its high degree of autonomy, are, as a matter of fact, being destroyed at full speed. It has to be remembered, over and over again, that all this is happening in breach of international commitments undertaken by China by which Hong Kong’s existing system and way of life had to remain unchanged for 50 years.

It is commendable that, despite the crackdown, Hong Kongers still demonstrate support for human rights and democracy, as happened a couple of weeks ago when, despite the police ban, hundreds commemorated the anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre outside Victoria Park. We need to cooperate with like—minded countries to halt the erosion of Hong Kong’s freedoms, and we reiterate that, as long as human rights violations continue in Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia and elsewhere in China, and targeted sanctions against individuals – MEPs amongst them – and entities of the EU are in place, no further steps on the EU—China investment agreement should be taken. The Council should take good note of that.


  Thierry Mariani, au nom du groupe ID. – Monsieur le Président, nous ne pouvons évidemment que comprendre des habitants qui cherchent à préserver leur liberté, à Hong Kong ou ailleurs. Qui ne le ferait pas? Qui n’éprouve pas une certaine sympathie en voyant des étudiants, des prêtres, des journalistes se lever pour maintenir l’esprit très particulier qui règne à Hong Kong?

La diplomatie n’est pas cependant une affaire de sympathie ou de sentiments. C’est une affaire d’intérêts nationaux. En 1997, l’Angleterre a décidé de rétrocéder Hong Kong à la Chine et d’abandonner de facto la souveraineté sur l’île. Et chacun savait déjà la suite de l’histoire... On peut le regretter. On peut regretter que les nations européennes aient été et continuent d’être incitées à réduire leur influence à travers le monde. Mais je suis également réaliste: l’Union européenne n’a aucune influence à Hong Kong et nos nations n’ont aucun intérêt à adopter une rhétorique belliciste contre la Chine, comme on peut le constater déjà dans certains propos. Ouvrons les yeux et cherchons notre propre voie, l’intérêt de l’Europe, au milieu de l’adversité entre la Chine et les États-Unis. Ne nous laissons pas entraîner à nouveau dans une nouvelle guerre froide.


  Assita Kanko, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, abusive legal procedures or abuse online, financial pressure, cyberespionage, physical violence and murder, or intimidation by states like in Malta where Daphne Caruana Galizia was assassinated; in Hong Kong, where the press is intimidated and the press room invaded in the name of a stupid law; and by drug criminals like in the Netherlands where journalist Peter R. de Vries has been shot this week and is still fighting for his life.

Many remain under threat in Hong Kong, but also here in Europe. As a kid, I wanted to become a journalist because this is how you inform citizens and protect democracy. It was journalists who informed the little girl I was in a remote African village about the world. There are still many little girls out there who need to be informed. As politicians today, we must fight crime and do all we can to give the press the opportunity to do their job and play their part of the democracy partition. As citizens, we need to do something too: to pay for news. As long as we want all news for free, we forget that we build financial vulnerability for many journalists and newsrooms. We have a choice to make here, now and every day: there is no democracy without a free press.


  Nikolaj Villumsen, on behalf of The Left Group. – Mr President, the forced closure of Apple Daily is unacceptable. Media freedom, freedom of speech, as well as freedom of assembly and organising, are fundamental human rights, rights that the people of Hong Kong are being denied.

Today our message from the European Parliament is clear. We stand in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong in their fight for democracy and freedom. We stand in solidarity with the political prisoners and the democratic opposition. We call on the EU leaders to act.

The European Union should impose targeted sanctions against those responsible for human rights violations. Carrie Lam and those responsible for the oppression and breach of international law in Hong Kong and mainland China must face the consequences.


  Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (NI). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, cijelo jutro razgovaramo o ljudskim pravima u Bangladešu, Iranu ili Hong Kongu. S pravom. Međutim, Europa se žali što se njezino mišljenje ne poštuje, što već nakon većeg broja rezolucija nema pomaka. Poštovalo bi se to mišljenje više kada bismo prvo pomeli u našem vlastitom dvorištu. Ne treba totalitarne ideje tražiti u Bangladešu, imamo ih nažalost i ovdje kod nas, u Europi.

Hrvatska vlada prijeti radnicima i poslodavcima. Krizne covid potpore uvjetovat će, nažalost, cijepljenjem. Prvo su promašenim mjerama devastirali gospodarstvo, a sada bi HDZ-ov stožer provodio u Hrvatskoj diskriminaciju i segregaciju, a vlada prijeti egzistencijom vlastitim građanima. Unatoč svim međunarodnim dokumentima kao što su Nürnberški kodeks, Rezolucija Vijeća Europe 2361 iz 2021. u kojoj stoji da nitko ne smije vršiti politički društveni ili drugi pritisak i da se ne smije vršiti diskriminacija između cijepljenih i necijepljenih.

Znače li išta ti međunarodni dokumenti? Što će napraviti Europa po tom pitanju? Što će napraviti Vijeće Europe po tom pitanju? Kao što pozivamo na rješavanje problema koji guše slobodu prava i misli onih koji nisu na strani vlasti u Bangladešu ili Iranu, tako trebamo početi i u Europi.


  Krzysztof Hetman (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Pani Komisarz! Szanowni Państwo! 30 czerwca minął rok od przyjęcia kontrowersyjnej ustawy Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej o bezpieczeństwie narodowym w Hongkongu. Już wtedy w rezolucji Parlament Europejski zaznaczył, że nowe prawo naruszyło zasadę „jeden kraj, dwa systemy”, ale także niosło za sobą ryzyko ograniczenia praw i wolności obywatelskich.

Nasze obawy niestety się ziściły. Rok po uchwaleniu kontrowersyjnej ustawy Hongkong zmienił się nie do poznania. Kwestie bezpieczeństwa narodowego stały się pretekstem usprawiedliwiającym cenzurę, prześladowania i aresztowania przedstawicieli opozycji demokratycznej i aktywistów. Właśnie upadł ostatni bastion wolnego dziennikarstwa. Do zamknięcia została zmuszona ostatnia prodemokratyczna i niezależna od władz gazeta Apple Daily, a jej założyciel i pracownicy mierzą się z dużo większymi konsekwencjami niż tylko utrata źródła utrzymania.

Unia Europejska powinna w stosunkach z Chinami stanowczo opowiedzieć się po stronie ochrony praw człowieka i demokracji. Musimy wzywać Chiny do uwolnienia wszystkich osób aresztowanych pod zarzutami wynikającymi z ustawy o bezpieczeństwie narodowym, wycofania kontrowersyjnych przepisów, poszanowania zasady „jeden kraj, dwa systemy”, a także wolności słowa, w tym niezależnego dziennikarstwa i prawa do protestu. Powinniśmy też wprowadzić ukierunkowane sankcje wobec osób odpowiedzialnych za łamanie praw człowieka. Bardzo ważne jest też zaangażowanie europejskiego personelu dyplomatycznego w samym Hongkongu, np. poprzez obserwację procesów i wsparcie dla aktywistów.


  Isabel Santos (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, a liberdade de expressão e a imprensa livre e independente são pilares de qualquer sociedade democrática. O encerramento do Apple Daily representa mais um passo no resvalar de Hong Kong no caminho da censura, da repressão e do desrespeito pelas convenções internacionais e pela Lei Básica.

Em Hong Kong e noutras regiões da China, como Xinjiang e o Tibete, e até Macau, a lei de segurança nacional é usada para perseguir, prender e reprimir tantos quantos não obedecem cegamente às ordens das autoridades centrais ou tentam defender os seus direitos básicos e liberdades. E aqui não podemos esquecer o caso de Macau e o caso da TDM e o condicionamento imposto aos jornalistas quando a Lei Básica acordada com Portugal vigorará até 2049 e nela está inscrita a liberdade de imprensa.

Estas perseguições a órgãos de comunicação livres são mais uma tentativa de ocultar e calar todas as vozes críticas. Beijing não admite veleidades e é necessário dar sinais claros e sancionar quem está envolvido nestas violações de direitos humanos.


  Petras Auštrevičius (Renew). – Mr President, Madam Commissioner, colleagues, the city of Hong Kong, which once was the most free and admired economic centre in Asia, attracting professionals and investments from the European Union, is being turned into yet another authoritarian dominion of the Chinese Communist Party.

A year ago, we warned for good reason, the Chinese Government against the national security law, which violates the autonomy of Hong Kong. Hong Kongers are losing their long-enjoyed civil and political rights. They are deprived of freedom of speech and assembly, and with the closure of Apple Daily, they no longer have any independent and reliable media.

The Communist Party’s control over free elections and independent judiciary is also growing. The European Union must support pro-democracy activism in Hong Kong as we believe in human rights and democracy.


  Salima Yenbou (Verts/ALE). – Monsieur le Président, quoi de plus classique pour une dictature que d’accuser les personnes critiques de travailler pour des forces étrangères, même lorsque les critiques viennent de l’intérieur, de leur propre société civile, de leurs propres journalistes? Molière écrivait: «Qui veut noyer son chien l’accuse de la rage.» C’est le cas à Hong Kong avec la dramatique disparition du quotidien prodémocratie Apple Daily, accusé de «conspiration et collusion avec des pays étrangers».

Bilan d’un an de loi sur la sécurité nationale pilotée par Pékin: des bureaux de presse fouillés, des journalistes harcelés et arrêtés, la confiscation des avoirs de médias. Comment ne pas penser à cette réplique si sibylline, mais si lucide du chef-d’œuvre Chungking Express de Wong Kar-wai en 1994, «Tout a une date d’expiration»? Prophétie? Cassandre?

Au peuple hongkongais, mais aussi au peuple du Xinjiang, du Tibet, de Mongolie intérieure, je veux témoigner notre soutien et notre solidarité. Au peuple européen, je veux rappeler à quel point nos libertés sont précieuses et fragiles, et qu’il ne faut jamais baisser la garde. Nous devons défendre les droits humains et la liberté de la presse, aussi bien à l’extérieur de l’Union qu’à l’intérieur.


  Bert-Jan Ruissen (ECR). – Voorzitter, geachte commissaris, met de inval bij Apple Daily heeft China een nieuw dieptepunt bereikt in het afbreken van de democratie in Hongkong. De oppositie was al monddood gemaakt, en nu dus ook nog de laatste vrije actieve krant.

Dit alles mag niet zonder consequenties blijven. Zolang China doorgaat met het schenden van de mensenrechten in Hongkong, in Xinjiang, waar dan ook, kan van ondertekening van het investeringsakkoord geen sprake zijn. En wat mij betreft ook niet van technische voorbereidingen van dit akkoord. Kan de commissaris mij op dit punt geruststellen?

Ook inzet van Magnitskisancties tegen Carrie Lam en anderen is dringend geboden.

Voorzitter, hoe staat het trouwens met de oproep van het Europees Parlement, gedaan in het kwijtingsverslag voor 2019, om de camera’s van Chinese makelij te verwijderen uit het Europees Parlement? Waarom is daar nog geen invulling aan gegeven?

Verbeter de wereld, begin bij jezelf.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (NI). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, gentile Commissaria, chiunque voglia togliere la libertà di una nazione deve iniziare a proibire la libertà di parola.

Basterebbe questa citazione a farci capire il senso delle azioni intraprese dalle autorità di Hong Kong, ormai sempre più identificabili come un proxy di Pechino. Il disegno è chiarissimo: ricondurre una regione democratica, libera, multiculturale e aperta al mondo come Hong Kong nell'alveo del pensiero unico propugnato dalla Repubblica Popolare Cinese, rinchiuderlo in una prigione dove non potrà esserci spazio per le voci dissidenti e dove ogni giorno si smantelleranno i diritti umani.

Del principio "una Cina, due sistemi" rimane ben poco. È penosamente evidente quanto il sistema ormai sia solo uno ed è quello di Pechino. Con Apple Daily non chiude soltanto uno degli organi di informazione, uno degli ultimi che prova a spezzare la diffusione del pensiero unico, a essere messo in ginocchio è anche il sentimento popolare a favore della democrazia, fortemente radicato nei singoli cittadini, che finiranno per rassegnarsi e piegarsi di fronte a questo sopruso.

Se vogliamo che ciò non accada, la realpolitik in Europa non può e non deve prevalere. Non dobbiamo esitare a rispondere con decisione a queste violazioni, anche con le sanzioni mirate del regime globale contro i responsabili che le stanno perpetrando.

Non possiamo restare in silenzio perché anche noi oggi siamo cittadini di Hong Kong.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, when Hong Kong’s largest pro-democracy paper, Apple Daily, was forced to announce its closure, a chilling message was sent to the people regarding the freedom of expression, as well as a blow to media freedom in the city.

Let us not forget the valuable role played by the media. Freedom of the press is vital for informing citizens about public affairs and monitoring the actions of governments at all levels. Yes, we all may get frustrated by the opinions and actions of some journalists at times, but as a whole, they’re a necessity for a free and just society, and they should be protected.

I would therefore like to join the calls for the Hong Kong authorities to release all detained journalists, as well as all peaceful protesters, activists and political representatives, the charges against whom appear to be purely political.

Several months ago, we spoke in this Chamber about the unilateral introduction of national security legislation by the government in Beijing and what that would mean for the city of Hong Kong’s autonomy, rule of law and the integrity of one country, two systems. Unfortunately, since then we’ve continued to see a deterioration in the situation of human rights in Hong Kong.

The strict application of the national security legislation, the erosion of rights and the increased crackdown on any dissent prevents a relationship of trust between China and the EU, undermines future cooperation and leads to further erosion of Beijing’s credibility on the international stage.

I would also like to take this opportunity to once again mention the case of Richard O'Halloran, whose case has been spearheaded here by my colleague Barry Andrews. Richard is an Irish citizen and father of four from Dublin, who has been refused permission to exit China since March 2019. I sincerely hope that there can be a resolution to this case as soon as possible. We stand with Hong Kong.


  Kathleen Van Brempt (S&D). – Voorzitter, ik denk dat we allemaal met grote afschuw kijken naar wat er zich in Hongkong afspeelt. Van het democratische regime dat Hongkong ooit was, schiet niets meer over. Onder het mom van nationale veiligheid worden de rechten van de bevolking alsmaar meer ingeperkt, met het de facto opheffen van de persvrijheid als het absolute, trieste dieptepunt. Geen democratie meer. En wij in de EU hebben dat wel laten gebeuren.

We stood by, we watched and we did nothing.

We hebben met andere woorden de bevolking van Hongkong in de steek gelaten.

We weten allemaal dat het regime in China nu naar Taiwan kijkt. Gaan we hetzelfde doen? Gaan we woorden gebruiken, opkomen voor de democratie en de mensenrechten, en vervolgens niets doen? Ik stel voor dat de Commissie het geweer van schouder verandert en bijvoorbeeld met Taiwan begint te onderhandelen over een investeringsakkoord, om duidelijk te maken aan de wereld dat we niet ook de Taiwanezen in de steek gaan laten.


  Nicolae Ştefănuță (Renew). – Mr President, a few months ago Carrie Lam said that foreign powers should not intervene in Hong Kong’s affairs because they are China’s affairs and this jeopardises national security.

But what does national security really mean? Let me tell you, for the people of Hong Kong, it is the forced shutdown of the only pro-democracy newspaper, Apple Daily. It is journalists that are being detained and arrested just for doing their job. It is children being taught under suppressive methods that do not encourage critical thinking. And it’s the 100th anniversary: the CCP is ruthlessly expanding its power, trampling on Hong Kong’s sovereignty.

It is no longer enough for us just to be concerned. It is high time we changed into actions and applied the EU Magnitsky Act. Let’s send China a clear message. We stand for the people of Hong Kong and we won’t move aside. That’s not foreign interference, I’m sorry: that’s just doing our job. That’s protecting freedom.


  Joachim Stanisław Brudziński (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Zamknięcie dziennika Apple Daily, który przez ostatnie 26 lat bronił wolności i autonomii Hongkongu, narażając się nie tylko władzom w Pekinie, ale również władzom Autonomii oraz dużym korporacjom, biznesmenom zorientowanym politycznie na władzę w Chinach, jest symbolicznym wyczerpaniem się formuły z lat 80tych ogłoszonej przez Deng Xiaopinga „jeden kraj, dwa systemy”. Dzisiaj niestety z przykrością należy stwierdzić, iż możemy mówić „jeden kraj, jeden system”.

Zamknięcie w więzieniu w roku ubiegłym przeszło 70-letniego właściciela gazety Jimmy'ego Lai i postawienie mu absurdalnych zarzutów spiskowania z zewnętrznymi siłami, za co może mu grozić nawet dożywocie, pokazuje wyraźnie, że władze w Pekinie nie cofną się przed represjami, aby zdusić jakąkolwiek krytykę ze strony niezależnych mediów. Jakże cynicznie brzmieć muszą słowa władz w Pekinie, które, uzasadniając likwidację gazety, mówią, że działania te były jedynie krokami w celu zwalczania przestępczości oraz utrzymania praworządności i porządku społecznego.

Dzisiaj wszyscy musimy być z mieszkańcami Hongkongu, tymi którzy dali piękne świadectwo, stojąc w nocy w kolejce po ostatnie wydanie tej niezależnej gazety.


  Evin Incir (S&D). – Herr talman! Yttrande- och pressfriheten har alltid och kommer alltid utgöra ett hot mot diktatur- och förtryckarregimer. Därför är det där attackerna är som mest intensiva, även i Hongkong.

Enligt Reportrar utan gränsers pressfrihetsindex för 2021 fortsätter kommunistdiktaturen i Kina att leda ligan i antalet fängslade pressfrihetsförsvarare i hela världen. Sedan förra året styr de dessutom Hongkong med hjälp av den nationella säkerhetslagen de satte på plats. De som inte faller på knä framför diktaturen och Xi Jinping fängslas och många mördas. Det enda brott de begick var att törsta efter frihet och låta ordets makt tala sitt eget språk om förtrycket i Hongkong av regimen i Kina. Nu senast är det tidningen Apple Daily som stängdes den 24 juni, och grundaren Jimmy Lai sitter fängslad med hittepå-anklagelser om att han deltog i demonstrationen 2019 som skulle utgöra ett säkerhetshot.

De nationella säkerhetslagarna måste upphöra på en gång och politiska fångar måste släppas. För EU:s del går det inte att fortsätta med business as usual i handelsförbindelser när läget fortsätter att förvärras.


  Nathalie Loiseau (Renew). – Monsieur le Président, Viktor Orbán et Carrie Lam ont deux points en commun: ils ne savent pas dire non à Pékin et ils détestent la presse libre. Reporters sans frontières vient d’ailleurs de les distinguer parmi les dirigeants mondiaux qui s’en prennent le plus aux journalistes. Ce n’est donc pas un hasard si le premier ministre hongrois a volé au secours de la dirigeante de Hong Kong et empêché l’Union européenne d’ouvrir ses portes aux démocrates hongkongais qui fuient une répression devenue systématique. Ce n’est pas un hasard, mais c’est une honte. Vingt-six États européens étaient prêts à lancer une bouée de sauvetage aux journalistes et aux militants que les dirigeants de Hong Kong veulent réduire au silence en les accueillant dans l’Union européenne. Mais Viktor Orbán veillait et il a dit non. Les démocrates de Hong Kong, l’Australie, le Canada et notre voisin, le Royaume-Uni, sauront les accueillir, mais pas nous. Il est temps de changer nos règles et d’abandonner la règle de l’unanimité en politique étrangère. Il est temps de demander des comptes à Viktor Orbán sur son combat acharné contre les libertés.


  Marie-Pierre Vedrenne (Renew). – Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, une nouvelle fois, la Chine ne respecte aucun de ses engagements – dont le principe «un État, deux systèmes». Une nouvelle fois, la Chine demeure prête à tout pour faire taire opposition, critiques ou même once de liberté à Hong Kong.

Nous, Parlement européen, portons un message de solidarité et de soutien inconditionnel avec les démocrates hongkongais. La Chine ne nous fera pas taire. La liberté de la presse n’est pas négociable. Utilisons notre régime européen de défense des droits de l’homme pour sanctionner les responsables de cette répression ignoble; utilisons nos relations commerciales avec la Chine comme levier et soyons clairs sur l’avenir.

Aujourd’hui, l’accord sur les investissements avec la Chine est gelé. Demain, si les sanctions chinoises contre notre institution et nos collègues sont levées, nous devrons être et nous serons fermes, et nous nous positionnerons à la lumière du respect des droits de l’homme par la Chine, non seulement au Xinjiang, mais aussi à Hong Kong. Solidarité avec Hong Kong, fermeté avec la Chine, voilà notre ligne de conduite.


  Dita Charanzová (Renew). – Mr President, Madam Commissioner, one year ago this House condemned the introduction of Hong Kong’s national security law for violating the city’s autonomy, rule of law and fundamental freedoms. The Hong Kong government ensured that this law would ensure stability.

One year later we stand here again, witnessing the brutal attack on freedom of press, freedom of speech, as China cements its control. The message from the European Parliament is clear today. The forced closure of Apple Daily and harassment of journalists are unacceptable, and the EU must take action.

But while China desperately tries to silence voices, it can never silence ideas. The seat of democracy is planted firmly in the minds of the people of Hong Kong, and the European Union will stand firmly beside them in their defence of their freedom.


  President. – Before I give the floor to our final speaker Commissioner McGuinness, let me say something on one of the comments that was raised by Mr Ruissen which concerned the use of Chinese cameras in the European Parliament. As Vice—President of Parliament, I will make sure we look into this. If you have any more details feel free to send them to me and we will look into it and see if anything needs to be done when it comes to this.


  Mairead McGuinness, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members of the European Parliament, today’s debate on Hong Kong, as you’ve all pointed to, is taking place in the week following the first anniversary of the draconian national security law.

On 24 June Hong Kong’s main pro-democracy media outlet, Apple Daily, printed its final edition, after several of its leading journalists, including the owner Jimmy Lai, were arrested.

This is just the latest step in a severe political deterioration over the past 12 months. Political activists have been imprisoned. Opposition parties oppressed. Civil servants compelled to take oaths of loyalty, and media, civil society and academia confronted with new restrictions and the need to self-censor.

As stated by HR/VP Borrell on 9 June, the European Union will continue implementing the response package agreed in July of last year. We will also intensify our response through increasing support to civil society – including those outside Hong Kong – and the media, promoting freedom of expression, facilitating mobility, as well as ensuring observation of the trials of pro-democracy activists.

The EU Office, EU Member States and other like-minded missions are systematically monitoring court proceedings. A visit of high-level EU officials will be considered once conditions allow. The European Union will step up coordination and consultation with international partners, including in multilateral fora.

The EU is also committed to responding to any extraterritorial application of the national security law against any EU citizen or business. Since imposition, this law has been used by the Hong Kong and mainland authorities to stifle political pluralism and the exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms that are protected under Hong Kong law and international law.

China claims that what is happening in Hong Kong is an internal matter and that the EU’s reaction is interference. We reject this. What is happening in Hong Kong constitutes a breach of international commitments. In particular of the Sino-British joint declaration, which was registered with the UN as an international treaty.

As HR/VP Borrell has said, it is a question of trust and of whether prior international commitments are respected. These actions undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy under the ‘one country, two systems’ principle and contradict China’s international commitments. The European Union will continue to stand by the people of Hong Kong.


  President. – The debate is closed.

The vote will take place shortly.

Última actualização: 11 de Outubro de 2021Aviso legal - Política de privacidade