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Procedure : 2021/2874(RSP)
Document stages in plenary
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Debates :

PV 16/09/2021 - 6.3
CRE 16/09/2021 - 6.3

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PV 16/09/2021 - 8
PV 16/09/2021 - 15

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Verbatim report of proceedings
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Thursday, 16 September 2021 - Strasbourg Revised edition

6.3. The situation in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya
Video of the speeches

  Przewodnicząca. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest debata nad siedmioma projektami rezolucji dotyczącymi sytuacji w obozie dla uchodźców w Kakumie w Kenii (2021/2874(RSP))*.


* Patrz protokół posiedzenia.


  Seán Kelly, author. – Madam President, Kenya’s Kakuma camp is currently a permanent home to more than 200 000 refugees and asylum seekers, coming mainly from the border regions plagued by conflict and growing instability. The camp provides a safe haven for many people forcibly displaced from their countries as a result of persecution, human rights violations, conflict, etc.

It has notably served as a place of refuge to many members of the LGBTIQ+ community, who may face the death penalty in their own countries – an appalling vista in this day and age. However, in Kakuma, temporary living circumstances have morphed into permanent ones, with no mechanism for review or change. With appalling living conditions, substandard housing, poor roads, inadequate water and poor sanitation, the camp is not a sustainable long-term solution to the displacement of people, nor was it ever meant to be.

The Kenyan Government has made several attempts in recent years to close the camp. However, with various solutions pursued, it is essential that protection services for asylum seekers and refugees are provided. It is essential that protection services for asylum seekers and human rights are upheld. Failure to establish and follow a carefully planned roadmap to closure would lead to an all-out humanitarian disaster.

Following a two-week ultimatum from the Kenyan Government to the UNHCR, Kenya has formally committed to closing the camp by June 2022. The Government plans to voluntarily integrate refugees back into their countries of origin in safety and dignity. However, in doing so, the root cause of this displacement needs to be addressed, and that is the crisis and conflict in the region.

The EU must recommit to prioritising timely conflict prevention, mediation and dialogue on the continent. Cooperation between Kenya and its neighbouring countries needs to be reinforced on political, security, humanitarian and development issues.

In 2022, the EU has allocated EUR 14 million in funding for humanitarian projects in Kenya, mainly for assisting refugees. Other EU resources that support Kenya, such as the European Development Fund and the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, need to be focused on development objectives. The implementation of a roadmap on the next steps to ensure the humane management of refugees from the camp is vital. However, the bigger issue of regional stability must be dealt with urgently.

I urge the EU to step up its efforts as a mediating partner in support of sustainable and long-term socio-economic development in the region. Cooperation on peace and security challenges is an essential aspect of the relationship between the EU and Africa.


  Maria Arena, auteure. – Madame la Présidente, Kyazike Reginah, qui est une résidente du camp de réfugiés de Kakuma, faisait partie des personnes situées dans le bloc 13 qui furent réveillées une première fois dans leur sommeil par le son de coups de feu, le 16 août dernier. Une heure plus tard, ce sont les flammes, l’odeur du feu et de l’essence, qui les réveillent à nouveau dans ce camp, bloc 13. Le lendemain, réalisant qu’ils n’avaient nulle part où aller, ni abri ni protection, pendant que les criminels, eux, erraient en liberté, ils ont décidé à l’unanimité, avec 25 enfants, de faire le trajet de trois heures jusqu’à un poste de police. Mais au poste de police, c’est par des policiers armés de fusils et de gaz lacrymogène que les réfugiés furent accueillis.

Cette attaque contre les réfugiés, et particulièrement les réfugiés LGBT du camp de Kakuma, n’est malheureusement pas la seule. Ces personnes sont victimes d’attaques au quotidien, on en compte des centaines l’an dernier. La situation des droits humains, de manière générale, mais de manière particulière celle des personnes LGBT, est déplorable dans le camp de Kakuma.

Cette résolution demande effectivement aux autorités kényanes de respecter les libertés d’opinion et d’expression, et rappelle leur obligation de le faire, mais aussi de protéger les réfugiés et particulièrement les réfugiés LGBT. Mais cette résolution demande aussi que l’Union européenne prenne part à sa responsabilité, à savoir qu’elle puisse donner la protection humanitaire à ces personnes lorsqu’elles le demandent à l’Union européenne.


  Hilde Vautmans, author. – Madam President, Madam Commissioner, colleagues, may I have your attention, because what we are discussing here today is really awful.

Today, at this very moment, around 300 LGBTIQ refugees are staying in Kakuma camp in Kenya. They fled their African countries and homes. They fled because, according to the ruling laws, they love somebody they cannot love. They fled to a country where they hoped to find safety. But nothing could be further from the truth. Aside from the fact that as many as 195 000 refugees are stacked together in the most inhumane and horrible circumstances, LGBTIQ people are also confronted with homophobia, stigmatisation, discrimination and violence, including bombs and fires.

It is incredible that in 2021, this still exists!

For me and Maria Arena, love is love. These people find themselves back in exactly the same situation as they did before, when they wanted to escape: one of fear and humiliation, one without freedom, one where love is banished once more. For a long time, they have been hoping for resettlement to Europe, the United States or Canada. Unfortunately, without any result.

Here today we must give them a new future. So I ask you, and encourage the government, to bring the offenders to justice, bring LGBTIQ refugees to safety in cooperation with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), and to the dialogue with African countries, so that this stops. Let love win, colleagues.


  Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana, auteure. – Madame la Présidente, aujourd’hui, nous voulons présenter une résolution commune qui met en lumière la situation désastreuse du camp de réfugiés de Kakuma, au nord du Kenya. Je souhaite souligner certains points essentiels qui montrent à quel point la situation du camp de Kakuma est également complexe.

Déjà, la fermeture prévue du camp, qui a été ouvert en 1992 comme solution temporaire, est un énorme défi en soi. En effet, actuellement, le camp compte aujourd’hui une génération d’enfants nés et grandis dans ce camp avec un avenir plus ou moins sombre.

Le fait que ce camp soit situé dans une zone déjà défavorisée, affectée par le changement climatique, l’insécurité alimentaire et le manque d’accès aux services de base, à l’eau et aux services de santé rend la situation encore plus désastreuse, en particulier pour la population des réfugiés. Bien sûr, les effets secondaires de la pandémie ainsi que le faible taux de vaccination au Kenya et plus encore au sein de la population réfugiée aggravent la situation.

Certes, nous saluons le travail des autorités kényanes qui accueillent des réfugiés de tout bord. Nous apprécions qu’ils aient ouvert une enquête sur les récentes attaques contre les membres de la communauté LGBTQI qui vivent au sein du camp. Nous encourageons l’enquête et aussi le fait que nos délégations européennes sur place soutiennent les efforts du gouvernement en ce qui concerne la situation des groupes marginalisés et vulnérables au sein de la population réfugiée, à savoir les enfants qui ne jouissent pas toujours d’une éducation appropriée, les femmes victimes de violences domestiques et sexuelles et aussi les membres de la communauté LGBTQI qui subissent des attaques comme celle du 15 mars dernier. La situation de cette communauté-là est particulièrement déplorable et les droits humains de ses membres doivent être respectés.

À ce stade, je voudrais souligner que lorsque nous demandons au gouvernement kényan de maintenir les camps de réfugiés de Kakuma et de Dadaab jusqu’à ce que la région soit plus stable et de respecter vraiment les droits humains des personnes réfugiées.

Nous réfléchissons également à la responsabilité de l’Union européenne. Soutenir le Kenya pour l’accueil des réfugiés ne signifie pas que l’Union européenne puisse se soustraire à sa propre responsabilité d’accueillir et de réinstaller une part équitable des personnes ayant besoin d’une protection internationale. Cela semble évident, mais il faut peut-être le rappeler: si nous nous adressons ici à un partenaire, comme nous l’avons toujours dit, sur un même pied d’égalité – et cela, nous l’avons non seulement dit, mais aussi répété – dans le contexte de nos accords et de nos relations avec l’Afrique, nous devons agir, nous devons nous engager afin que tous les réfugiés, particulièrement les LGBT, soient soutenus. Notre crédibilité pourrait être en danger si nous ne mettons pas en pratique ce que nous prêchons.


  Elżbieta Kruk, autorka. – Pani Przewodnicząca! W obozie Kakuma w Kenii przebywa prawie 200 tys. uchodźców, głównie z Sudanu, ale także z Konga, Somalii, Ugandy i Burundi. Zespół stworzony przez Wysokiego Komisarza Narodów Zjednoczonych do Spraw Uchodźców przedstawił rządowi Kenii mapę drogową obejmującą alternatywnie dobrowolny powrót uchodźców do domów w warunkach zapewniających bezpieczeństwo i godność, wyjazdy do krajów trzecich na podstawie odrębnych ustaleń oraz opcję pozostania w Kenii dla uchodźców z krajów Wspólnoty Wschodnioafrykańskiej. Unia Europejska udziela podstawowej pomocy humanitarnej uchodźcom, a fundusz powierniczy Unii Europejskiej dla Afryki wspiera projekty mające na celu zwiększenie ich samodzielności. Aby uniknąć zbyt szybkiej likwidacji obozu Kakuma bez dostatecznego przygotowania, Komisja musi kontynuować współfinansowanie pomocy humanitarnej, dążyć do zapewnienia gościnności dla uchodźców w rejonie Rogu Afryki zgodnie z zasadą przyjmowania ich w regionie pochodzenia oraz wywierać presję na rząd Kenii i Wysokiego Komisarza, aby kontynuowano dialog w celu znalezienia odpowiednich prawnie ugruntowanych rozwiązań dla tych procesów.


  Marisa Matias, Autora. – Senhora Presidente, Senhora Comissária, a situação que se vive no campo de Kakuma e também de Dadaab, no Quénia, é uma situação trágica e urgente, razão pela qual nos juntamos aqui nesta resolução. Lamento dizer, mas creio que ficamos sempre aquém das reais responsabilidades da União Europeia. Infelizmente, esta resolução é exemplo disso mesmo.

Apelamos, e bem, à manutenção dos campos de Kakuma e Dadaab, mas ao mesmo tempo falhamos na necessidade de garantir a recolocação de refugiados. Sim, a União Europeia e os Estados-Membros podem fazer mais em relação a isso.

Apelamos, e bem, à garantia do respeito dos direitos humanos dos refugiados, apelamos, e bem, à garantia dos direitos humanos dos mais vulneráveis, em particular da população LGBTQ+, mas não trabalhamos o suficiente na prevenção de conflitos nem na resolução das causas reais desses conflitos. Por isso, lamento que esta resolução não apele a essas nossas responsabilidades.

Sabemos que há muitos países da União Europeia, em particular quatro deles, que estão a conduzir operações militares na região e contribuem, assim, para os conflitos. Várias vezes tentamos introduzir nestas resoluções uma questão tão básica como o apelo ao fim da exportação das armas para as regiões em conflito e não conseguimos fazê-lo. E mais uma vez, não consta desta resolução.

Por isso, apelamos a que se olhe para estas questões, não apenas de um lado, mas dos dois lados, e também do lado da nossa responsabilidade. A exportação de armas para a região, para a Etiópia, para o Sudão do Sul, para a Somália, contribui sempre para a desestabilização e para estes conflitos que levam as pessoas a estar em campos de refugiados.

Colegas, espero que na próxima resolução não olhemos apenas para as responsabilidades externas, mas que assumamos a totalidade das nossas responsabilidades também.


  Hannes Heide, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, we have to recognise that Kenya remains the only country in the region that grants asylum to people fleeing persecution based on their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Since March, Kenya has been hosting more than 500 000 refugees, including an estimated 1 000 LGBTIQ+ refugees.

Therefore, I want to express my explicit appreciation for Kenya’s willingness to accept this huge amount of refugees. Nevertheless, same-sex relationships are still illegal and even punishable by up to 14 years’ imprisonment in Kenya. In addition, a major problem in refugee camps is the lack of security for LGBTIQ+ people. We have to view the human rights situation in Kakuma refugee camp with great concern. In recent months, there have been repeated violent attacks on LGBTIQ+ refugees by other refugees and locals, many of them reported by the UNHCR.

The refugees were attacked and injured. As a result, people who had already fled their countries have been forced to flee once again. In some cases, resettlement programmes have been carried out, which have not improved the situation of the discriminated person. The refugees end up in an area where they are not protected and where they are not allowed to stay legally. Chriton ‘Trinidad’ Atuhwera, a 22 year old, was killed by a firebomb after a homophobic attack in the Kakuma refugee camp. This case clearly shows that the situation is at a dramatic point.

I call on the Kenyan Government and the African Union to consider its approach on LGBTIQ+. I welcome Kenya’s commitment to be a country of refuge, but I also request strongly that the Kenyan Government ensures adequate security in refugee camps and launches full investigations into the attacks on refugees, including the death of Atuhwera, and holds those responsible accountable.


  Jan-Christoph Oetjen, im Namen der Renew-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, Frau Kommissarin, verehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Wir sprechen heute über das Flüchtlingscamp Kakuma. Das ist im Nordwesten Kenias, in der Grenzregion zu Uganda, Äthiopien und dem Südsudan. Dieses Flüchtlingscamp gibt es seit 1992, und in der Region leben insgesamt über 500 000 Flüchtlinge, 100 000 davon etwa in diesem Flüchtlingscamp. Davon auch in dem Flüchtlingscamp 300, in Kenia insgesamt 1 000 Menschen aus der LGBTIQ-Szene, wie wir hier sagen. Und Kenia ist das einzige Land in Afrika und in der Region, das diesen Menschen Asyl gewährt.

Und ich möchte mich ausdrücklich dem Dank anschließen, der hier schon geäußert wurde, weil es wichtig ist, dass Menschen, die aufgrund ihrer sexuellen Orientierung verfolgt werden, einen Ort haben, an dem sie Zuflucht bekommen können, an dem Asyl gewährt wird. Deswegen bedanke ich mich bei der kenianischen Regierung, dass sie das als Asylgrund anerkennt und dass sie so viele Flüchtlinge aufnimmt.

Aber am 16. August dieses Jahres gab es in diesem Flüchtlingscamp Feuer, Schüsse, Angriffe auf Menschen mit gleichgeschlechtlicher sexueller Orientierung. Und wir müssen hier klar sagen, dass die Regierung Kenias, wenn sie diese Menschen akzeptiert in ihrem Land, eben auch dafür sorgen muss, dass diese in Sicherheit leben können.

Und es ist wichtig, dass wir als Europäische Union alles daransetzen, dass Menschenrechte für alle gelten, für Flüchtlinge, aber eben auch für Menschen aus Minderheiten und für Menschen, die homosexuell sind. Und dafür sollten wir als Europäische Union alles tun und alle unsere Mittel einsetzen, um diese Menschen zu unterstützen und die Menschenrechte aufrechtzuhalten.


  Gunnar Beck, im Namen der ID-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Im Flüchtlingslager Kakuma beherbergt Kenia rund 200 000 Migranten, vor allem aus Äthiopien, Somalia und auch Eritrea. In diesem Jahr gab es im Lager Brandstiftungen gegen lesbische Bewohner. Jetzt sollen die sexuellen Minderheiten in die EU überführt werden, wenn sich ihre Situation nicht bessert. Ferner liebäugelt dieses Haus damit, das EU-Asylrecht auch auf Klimamigranten und schwangere Frauen, denen in Afrika eine Abtreibung verweigert wurde, auszuweiten. Wissen Sie eigentlich, was Sie da wollen?

Die Bevölkerung Afrikas wird bis 2050 von jetzt 1,4 auf über 2,5 Milliarden Menschen anwachsen. Wenn die EU davon auch nur einem winzigen Teil, sagen wir 0,5 Prozent, Asyl gewährt, wird das unsere Sozialsysteme ruinieren, ohne in Afrika das Los der Menschen in irgendeiner Hinsicht zu verbessern. Dennoch wollen Sie Dutzende, wenn nicht Hunderte Millionen Menschen aus Afrika in den nächsten Jahrzehnten nach Europa holen. Im Juni tötete ein 24 Jahre alter Somalier, der 2015 als sogenannter Flüchtling nach Deutschland kam, drei Frauen und verletzte fünf weitere in Würzburg, in Bayern. 2019 warf ein Eritreer einen achtjährigen Jungen vor einen einfahrenden Zug in Frankfurt.

Das Flüchtlingslager Kakuma ist 8 500 Kilometer vom Europäischen Parlament in Straßburg entfernt. Bevor wir hier über den Schutz afrikanischer Lesben vor somalischen und äthiopischen Migranten in Kenia debattieren, sollten wir nicht zuvor unsere eigenen Frauen und Bürger auch vor somalischen oder äthiopischen Migranten schützen? Was haben Sie hier eigentlich gegen Europäer?


  Joachim Stanisław Brudziński, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Szanowni Państwo! W Kenii przebywa kilkadziesiąt tysięcy uchodźców południowosudańskich oraz kilkaset tysięcy somalijskich. Problemem w całym regionie pozostają też uchodźcy z ogarniętego wojną domową Sudanu Południowego. Szacuje się, że w obydwu obozach w Dadaab i Kakumie jest około 500 tys. uchodźców z całej Kenii. Proszę Państwa, padało tu wiele słów. Ja ze zdumieniem przyjmuję takie argumenty, że mamy dzisiaj jako Parlament Europejski pochylić się nad cierpieniem tylko i wyłącznie tych ludzi, którzy są, że tak powiem, z jednego środowiska – środowiska LGBTQ.

Przestępstwo, przemoc wobec kogokolwiek, niezależnie od jego orientacji seksualnej, jest czymś godnym potępienia i należy te przestępstwa potępiać. Ale pamiętajmy, że mówimy o sytuacji, w której to cierpienie i przestępstwa dotykają bez mała pól miliona uchodźców z takich krajów jak Sudan, Erytrea, Etiopia, Somalia, gdzie prześladowani są ludzie nie tylko ze względu na swoją orientację seksualną, ale ze względu na religię. Spośród 50 krajów, w których prześladowani są chrześcijanie, 14 krajów jest właśnie z Rogu Afryki. Pamiętajmy o tym i nie twórzmy jakiejś nowej religii czy gradacji dotyczącej cierpienia. Cierpienia osób LGBTQ są tak samo istotne jak cierpienia chrześcijan, muzułmanów czy ludzi wyznających jakąkolwiek inną religię czy ludzi jakiejkolwiek orientacji seksualnej.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (NI). – Signora Presidente, signora Commissaria, onorevoli colleghi, la volontà di Nairobi di chiudere definitivamente i campi profughi di Kakuma e di Dadaab può avere conseguenze disastrose per più di 400 000 uomini, donne e bambini che vi sono ospitati.

Questa eventualità giustamente ci terrorizza, ma non possiamo svegliarci solo quando la situazione rischia di esplodere. I campi ci sono da quasi trent'anni: trent'anni in cui centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a vivere in condizioni infernali, e l'inferno, cari colleghi, "è lo stato di chi ha cessato di sperare", come affermava lo scrittore scozzese Archibald Cronin già a metà del secolo scorso.

Per troppo tempo la comunità internazionale è stata silente di fronte al dramma dei rifugiati e alla loro distribuzione geografica tutt'altro che bilanciata, con l'80 % di essi che si trovano stanziati in paesi in via di sviluppo.

È giunto il momento di invertire questa tendenza, incrementando il nostro impegno affinché milioni di persone in tutto il mondo possano tornare a sperare in un futuro dignitoso lontano dai campi profughi.

Essere paladini dei diritti umani significa adoperarsi affinché le sofferenze degli ultimi del mondo vengano alleviate. Finché rimarremo silenti di fronte a trent'anni di Kakuma e Dadaab non potremo certo fregiarci veramente di questo titolo.


  Carlos Zorrinho (S&D). – Senhora Presidente, Senhora Comissária, o campo de refugiados de Kakuma, o terceiro maior do mundo, acolhe requerentes de asilo de 20 nacionalidades diferentes que ali chegam. Muitos vivem ali há anos e anos sem solução à vista de regresso ou de realojamento fora do campo para começar uma nova vida.

É neste campo do Quénia que se tem assistido nos últimos meses a reiterados ataques dirigidos a minorias, colocando em causa a sua segurança, a sua dignidade e a sua liberdade, já de si tão limitada pelos muros do centro de acolhimento de refugiados.

A violência no campo de Kakuma aumentou exponencialmente com a pandemia da Covid-19 e os ataques homofóbicos são cada vez mais recorrentes. Um refugiado foi assassinado em abril deste ano. Desde esse mês paira a ameaça do encerramento do campo pelas autoridades do Quénia, deixando os refugiados num enorme grau de ansiedade e de incerteza sobre o seu futuro.

É fundamental assegurar que as autoridades do Quénia garantam a segurança, a dignidade e a proteção da vida dos refugiados que acolhe neste campo e para o qual vem recebendo desde 2012 financiamentos da União Europeia. Um financiamento que visa assegurar a segurança alimentar, a saúde, o combate à subnutrição, o acesso à água potável, higiene, proteção e educação.

Contamos, por isso, com as autoridades do Quénia para assumir os compromissos firmados no Acordo de Cotonou e também na Carta Africana no sentido de proteger os direitos, liberdades e garantias dos refugiados em busca de uma vida digna e melhor. Liberdades e garantias que não podemos permitir que sejam de novo postas em causa no campo de acolhimento, depois da fuga forçada por guerras, pela fome e pelas mais diversas perseguições nos países vizinhos.


  Evin Incir (S&D). – Madam President, Madam Commissioner, colleagues, we see a worsening situation for LGBTIQ+ people in many parts of the world. It is alarming. They are even being deprived of their human rights when seeking refuge. The responsibility to protect vulnerable groups is enriched in the mandate of all humanitarian interventions.

In March 2021 Chriton Atuhwera, an activist and refugee from Uganda, was killed in a homophobic attack in the UNHCR Kakuma camp in Kenya. This is and unimaginable and unacceptable failure for the international community. This year, several LGBTIQ+ refugees had to be relocated or forced to flee the Kakuma camp due to threats of being attacked, injured and even killed. Let me stress the absurdity of refugees having to flee a refugee camp where they are already seeking shelter, because their human rights cannot be secured there.

As an ally of the LGBTIQ+ community and a firm believer in the humanitarian system, I call on the UNHCR and the Kenyan government to act immediately to ensure sufficient protection in place for those subjected to homophobic violence. I also urge all safe countries around the world, including the EU Member States, to take their share of responsibility and increase their resettlement quotas in order to ensure that international protection of the most vulnerable groups is their shared responsibility.


  Ylva Johansson, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, I would like to thank the honourable Members for this debate, which I take on behalf of the High Representative Vice-President Borrell.

Kenya is a key partner of the European Union and a pillar of stability in a troubled East Africa. President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and President Kenyatta decided in June last year to further deepen EU—Kenya relations by launching a strategic dialogue on issues and agendas of common interest.

The EU and Kenya share common values and principles, and the EU recognises and appreciates Kenya’s long history of hosting hundreds of thousands of refugees and providing protection to those fleeing persecution, conflict and other forms of insecurity. The EU recognises the challenge faced by the Kenyan authorities in hosting a large number of refugees and shares the understanding that, for many refugees, the best durable solution will be a voluntary and sustainable return to their home country.

Still, the announced closure of Kakuma and other refugee camps in Kenya is a matter of great concern, for two main reasons: because the security situation in many parts of South Sudan and Somalia, where most refugees living in Kakuma come from, does not seem conducive to their safe return, and because it’s essential to avoid massive secondary displacement or further destabilisation in the region.

We are confident in Kenya’s will to continue to uphold its international commitments as it faces this challenging moment. Keeping open the right to seek asylum in Kenya is essential and the resumption of the registration of new asylum seekers is a positive sign. However, it’s important to give refugees access to basic services and enable them to live safe and productive lives. It’s also essential to protect refugees’ rights, including of those belonging to vulnerable groups, such as unaccompanied minors and LGBTIQ+, which many of you have raised here in the debate in a very good way.

On the attacks against LGBTIQ+ refugees, I can tell you that the EEAS has closely monitored last spring’s incidents and the response given by the Kenyan authorities and the UNHCR. We are consulting partners on the existing challenges for LGBTIQ+ persons and exploring possible additional measures for their protection.

Together with UNHCR and international partners, the EU will continue seeking orderly and sustainable solutions that respect refugees’ rights. We will also see how we can step up on resettlement, which was also mentioned by many of you.

On 9 July this year, I hosted a high—level resettlement forum where the EU, together with the US and Canada, agreed to step up on our ambitions to give protections to refugees through the UNHCR resettlement scheme. Moreover, we will continue supporting the Government of Kenya in providing protection and assistance to refugees in the country, as well as funding development oriented projects targeting refugees and host communities. We will also continue supporting countries of origin in creating conditions for the sustainable return and reintegration of refugees.


  Przewodnicząca. – Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się w czwartek 16 września 2021 r.

(Posiedzenie zostało zawieszone o godz. 12.26)



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