Presidente. – Boa tarde a todos, caros colegas. O ponto seguinte da nossa ordem do dia é a pergunta oral à Comissão sobre a introdução de um passaporte europeu de segurança social para melhorar a aplicação digital dos direitos de segurança social e a mobilidade justa (O-000071/2021 - B9-0041/21). Cabe nas competências da Comissão do Emprego e dos Assuntos Sociais.
Eu gostaria de recordar aos Senhores Deputados que em todos os debates deste período de sessões não haverá o procedimento catch the eye nem perguntas sob a forma de “cartão azul”.
Além disso, tal como nos recentes períodos de sessões, estão previstas agora intervenções à distância a partir dos gabinetes de ligação do Parlamento Europeu nos Estados-Membros.
Gostaria ainda de recordar que as intervenções no hemiciclo continuarão a ser feitas aqui a partir da tribuna central. Por conseguinte, eu convido os Senhores Deputados a acompanharem a lista de oradores e a aproximarem-se da tribuna, de acordo com o procedimento que bem conhecem.
Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová,author. – Mr President, Commissioner Schmit, dear colleagues, it is a great honour to open this plenary session with the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL Committee) oral question on the European social security pass, since this is a topic that concerns millions of mobile citizens and workers within the European Union.
The European Parliament has been calling on the European Commission since 2014 to present a proposal for a European social security number so that we can facilitate the mobility of workers, combat social fraud and simplify administrative procedures. The Commission had announced in its work programme for 2018 that it would come up with a legislative proposal on such a European social security number, but in early 2021 we learned that this project was abandoned, which came as a surprise to us. Instead, the Commission announced that it would launch a pilot project to explore launching a digital European social security pass by 2023.
So this question for oral answer and the draft motion for a resolution which will be put to the vote on Wednesday: we would like to get more information about the social security pass and understand why the Commission abandoned the project of launching a European social security number. Allow me, therefore, to ask you the following questions.
First of all, for Parliament it is very important to know and understand the reasons why the Commission abandoned working on the European social security number and replaced it instead with a pilot project on a digital pass. On several occasions this year, a member of the Committee for Employment and Social Affairs therefore asked the Commission to give Parliament access to all relevant documents and evidence on which it had based its decision to discontinue the exploration and introduction of an ESSN.
I’m very pleased to announce that, in anticipation of today’s oral question and the debate, the Commission reacted to these repeated requests for transparency and explanations, and at the end of last week, I actually received a letter, together with the relevant internal documents and evidence that will allow us to better understand why the project of introducing a European social security number was abandoned.
My first question, in which I wanted to ask the Commission to give Parliament access to all relevant documents and evidence on which it has based its decision to discontinue the exploration of introducing an ESSN, has thus already been answered. But I would still be grateful if the Commission could explain again the reasons why the European social security number was replaced with the digital pass.
My second question is related to timing. Earlier this year in the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan, the Commission announced that it would launch a pilot project to explore launching a European social security pass by 2023.
We believe that a legislative proposal for such a pass is urgently needed. Therefore, we would like to ask the Commission if the timeline for the proposal can be moved from 2023 to 2022, to improve the chances of reaching an agreement within the current legislature.
My third question is related to real-time verification, which is a very important point for the European Parliament. Can the Commission explain how it will ensure that the social security pass will enable real-time verification of workers’ place of work, place of employment, employment relationship, identity and standardised social security benefits provisions and relevant certificates, as set out in Regulation 883 on the coordination of social security systems?
My fourth question: it is also very important for us that the European social security pass covers all mobile citizens and workers. Can the Commission confirm that the pass will indeed cover all mobile citizens and workers, including those ones who are self-employed, as well as mobile third-country nationals?
In some Member States, national cards or comparable instruments for labour law purposes exist already, and we ask ourselves how they will be linked to the European social security pass once created. Can the Commission explain how it plans to investigate the feasibility of allowing Member States to use the European social security pass to draw on information made available from national cards or comparable instruments for labour law purposes where they already exist?
Can the Commission also commit to assessing which other areas of EU labour law could be included within the scope of the European social security pass?
Data protection: it’s another question – another very important issue for the European Parliament – so I would be grateful if you could explain how the Commission will make sure that the EU data protection rules are strictly applied so that data is only available to the worker and the national authorities concerned.
My last question is about the connection between the European social security pass and other tools and initiatives. There are already several initiatives and digitalisation processes at European level which concern the area of social security coordination, such as prior notification for posted workers, etc. Can the Commission explain how these digital processes and tools will relate to the European social security pass?
Nicolas Schmit,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, let me first thank honourable Members for their very strong interest and support in the further digitalisation of social security coordination, which is also part of the broader goal to accelerate the European digital transition.
The delivery of digital public services is crucial to improve public sector efficiency and respond to evolving citizens’ needs and requests for more efficient interactions with administrations. The digitalisation of social security coordination is key to ensure the effective portability of social rights and therefore contributes to fairer mobility. The digitalisation of social security coordination should take place within the overall digital transformation of public administration across Europe, while taking into account the constantly evolving labour markets with a view to ensure a fair and sustainable mobility for workers. This is particularly relevant for workers and citizens who, in view of exercising their right to free movement, still need to deal with paper—based procedures, for instance to prove that they are covered by the social security of their home country.
A new system will also facilitate and simplify business for those enterprises that provide cross-border services in the internal markets.
To address these challenges, we announced in the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan the launch of the European social security pass project, first as a pilot project. This intends to substitute the European social security number initiative, which was discontinued following thorough assessments, as you may have also seen in the documents that my services shared with you.
In 2018, the Regulatory Scrutiny Board gave a very negative overall opinion on this project by the previous Commission. The European social security pass pilot project is exploring a digital solution to facilitate interactions of mobile citizens with social security institutions, healthcare providers, labour inspectorates and other relevant actors across Europe, thus allowing the cross-border verification of their social security coverage and entitlements. This will be relevant for the portable document A1 in the framework of the ongoing coordination of social security systems. The aim is not to create new rights, but to facilitate and simplify the portability of social security rights and thereby contribute to the exercise of the right to free movement of people. Notably, the portability of social security entitlements, which is enshrined in the EU’s social security coordination rules and prevents people from being left without protection in cross-border situations, is key to ensure that workers’ mobility is fair.
Aspects related to labour law and working conditions are outside the scope of this project, but it should be recalled that a number of concrete instruments and policies have been developed over recent years in the field of labour law and working conditions, such as the recent creation of the European Labour Authority, the European platform tackling undeclared work, and the adoption of the Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Directive that will enter into force next year.
The Commission stands firm in its commitment to upholding EU legislation and continues working with the Member States to ensure that the relevant rules are correctly transposed and applied. We are working on the S—pass project based on the lessons learned from setting up other digital systems in the field. We aim to leverage and build on other relevant initiatives, such as the Single Digital Gateway Regulation and possibly the proposed EU digital identity framework. We have also paid very close attention from the outset to technical feasibility, as well as to the concrete, political and financial commitment of the Member States. It is obvious that data protection plays an essential role in the whole approach.
The assessment of the results of this pilot phase – to be completed, I would like to say by the latest 2023 – will feed into our future initiative. The pilot, which started in March 2021, is led by the Commission and the Italian social security institutions. I am pleased to note that so far 14 countries have expressed their interest in the project, but I also have to say that I regret to see that none of them have committed to participate in the testing of the solutions with the Italian social security institutions. A further commitment of the Member States and their institutions, including the testing of the envisaged solution, is therefore essential for the pilot project to progress and finally to come to a final system.
It is of paramount importance that Member States commit to the full implementation of this pilot project as a preliminary step for the introduction of the fully fledged digital system we all want. Therefore, the Commission is actively calling on the Member States to join the project and to be more deeply involved in its activities. Their early involvement and active participation would be instrumental in assessing their national capacities and constraints, and we all know that all social security in the Member States is very specific. As you may know, this was a key message that I conveyed to the EU labour ministers during the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council meeting on 15 October this year – a few weeks ago. Moreover, I will also send a new letter to the ministers responsible for employment and social affairs to reiterate and forcefully confirm such a call.
I count on Parliament’s continuous support – as expressed today, I hope – in view of taking a decisive step towards the digitalisation of social security systems and towards a more efficient and fairer system of workers’ mobility. In this regard, I would also like to thank you for your work on the draft resolution on S—Pass, calling for an ambitious initiative to improve the digital enforcement of social security rights.
Jeroen Lenaers, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, thank you Commissioner. Next month we will be celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Commission’s proposal for the revision of social security coordination. It is not exactly a reason to pop the champagne, however, because after five years we still haven’t found an agreement on the topic.
So luckily, the work on this oral question and the resolution went a lot faster, which shows, I think, the great unity, at least, there is in this House to work on the issue of social security coordination and to see also the added value of digital tools and solutions in the field of that coordination, because it simply makes a lot of sense.
Digitalised procedures will improve enforcement, combat abuse and fraud and make cross-border operations easier and less burdensome for workers and employers. We want to facilitate free movement in a fair European labour market, and in that light I welcome the Commission’s pilot project on an ESSP. It’s an innovative idea that needs to be looked at carefully and has great potential, but especially for those colleagues in this House who already want to be more ambitious compared to the Commission, it’s something that we really need to look at carefully.
The technical feasibility and the costs are one aspect, but we also need to look at the wider data protection implications, the principle of non-discrimination, proportionality and the legal EU framework for all this. So the pilot project, together with the targeted impact assessment on the ESSN that the Commission finally made public today, is very important, and I really echo what the Commissioner said: we really need more Member States to join the pilot project. The more Member States join, the more representative it becomes, the better it will help us to feed this into a well-designed legislative proposal, which is really necessary.
Marianne Vind, for S&D-Gruppen. – Hr. formand! Det europæiske er samarbejde er bygget på princippet om fri bevægelighed. Det har skabt vækst og velstand på tværs af landegrænser gennem årtier. Men den frie bevægelighed har også ført til sociale tilbageskridt, hvor mange hårdtarbejdende europæere oplever et nedadgående pres på deres lønninger og deres arbejdsvilkår.
Heldigvis er det ikke en naturlov. Det behøver ikke at være sådan. Sociale tilbageskridt kan blive til fremskridt. Fri bevægelighed kan blive til fair bevægelighed. Men det kræver politisk vilje. I Københavns kommune resulterede den politiske vilje i et forsøg med ID-kort på flere offentlige byggerier. Det har lettet myndighedernes kontrol og fået fusk frem i lyset. Faktisk blev det så stor en succes, at ordningen nu er permanent. For selv virksomhederne var glade for det, for den nemme kontrol udryddede alle fuskerfirmaerne.
Men social dumping er ikke et problem, vi kan løse med et "vupti". Det er det lange, seje træk med organisering, lovgivning og kontrol, som kan bremse udviklingen og sikre lønmodtagerne en anstændig løn og ordentlige vilkår.
Alligevel har et ID-kort vist sig at være lavthængende frugt, som vi endnu ikke har plukket. Derfor bør vi følge i fodsporene på København og deres erfaringer. Vi bør følge trop på europæisk plan og indføre et ID-kort til alle de mange europæere, der arbejder i et andet land, end hvor de kommer fra.
Det vil gøre det lettere for myndighederne at kontrollere, at reglerne overholdes. Det vil føre til, at færre bliver snydt af griske arbejdsgivere. Og dermed kan vi sætte en stopper for det nedadgående pres, hårdtarbejdende mennesker oplever på deres løn- og arbejdsforhold.
Derfor håber jeg, at et flertal i Europa-Parlamentet vil være med til at lægge pres på EU-Kommissionen, så vi med et ID-kort i værktøjskassen kan tage hul på at gøre den frie
bevægelighed fair.
Dragoş Pîslaru, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Mr President, mobility is at the heart of the European Union and it is one of its key values. The debate today is not just on a pass of some sort. It’s about helping us envision how we can help more than 10 million citizens – mobile workers, especially cross-border, frontier and seasonal ones – from all corners of Europe, of all ages.They are the ones that suffered, and still suffer, the most from the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions thereby. For Europe it was clear even before COVID-19 that the current lack of accurate support and information for, and from, mobile workers in Europe is a major liability for everyone – the workers themselves, employers, and the Member States – and the pandemic has made everything worse.
Today, we are adding an integrated piece to the social security part of the discussion: the European social security pass, a piece that will benefit these workers, improve labour mobility and provide all stakeholders, including businesses, SMEs and employers, with clear information predictability, simplify administrative procedures and time efficiency. Imagine having a QR code that will provide the information on your social security rights. Imagine having a digital tool that allows real-time verification of identity, place of work, place of employment and employment relationship, as well as social security benefits. The European social security pass should be that digital solution, in full compliance with data protection rules, which will take us one step closer to social security coordination.
Mounir Satouri, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, chers collègues, la liberté de mouvement des personnes et la liberté de circulation des travailleurs sont le quotidien de millions d’entre nous. Alors que ces libertés définissent le projet européen, leurs droits associés sont un exercice négligé. Faire valoir ses droits au chômage, aux soins, à la retraite relève encore du parcours du combattant. L’exploitation et la mise en danger des travailleurs, comme la fraude massive via les filiales boîtes aux lettres, sont encore des dommages collatéraux du statut de travailleur détaché.
Face à un tel tableau, on comprend mal les réticences de la Commission à agir. Il est urgent de garantir la portabilité des droits des personnes et des travailleurs au sein de l’Union. La numérisation est une opportunité, à condition qu’on ne mélange pas les données et les institutions qui ont le droit d’y accéder; à condition qu’à chaque donnée collectée, un objectif particulier soit assigné et un accès spécifique défini; à condition que son fonctionnement en tiroirs soit rigoureusement contrôlé.
La Commission ne peut plus attendre pour proposer un outil européen qui protège les droits sociaux et la vie privée des travailleuses et des travailleurs européens.
France Jamet, au nom du groupe ID. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, mes chers collègues, après le règne du dumping généralisé et la destruction des frontières en Europe, l’Union européenne se soucie maintenant de la protection des travailleurs mobiles avec l’introduction d’un pass européen de sécurité sociale.
C’est un curieux paradoxe que cette multiplication des outils numériques de traçabilité regroupés sous le nom de «pass» – pass carbone, pass sanitaire, pass sécurité sociale, etc. Alors que nos frontières sont ouvertes aux quatre vents et qu’on serait bien en peine de connaître le nombre de clandestins qui entrent et traversent nos territoires, l’UE s’applique à contrôler, encadrer et, je dirais même, fliquer nos citoyens.
Nous ferions mieux de réfléchir aux solutions viables qui permettraient aux gens de trouver du travail auprès des leurs et tendre, non pas vers la nomadisation des travailleurs, mais vers les relocalisations. Mais l’UE préfère détacher les travailleurs de leur terre natale, de leur famille, de leurs racines. Vivre et travailler au pays: voilà le vrai défi de demain.
Elżbieta Rafalska, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Szanowni państwo! Priorytety grupy ECR w odniesieniu do Europejskiej Karty Ubezpieczenia Społecznego są następujące: nowe narzędzie musi mieć realistyczne ramy wdrożenia i równie realistyczny harmonogram wdrażania. Po drugie, nowe narzędzie musi respektować tak daleko, jak to możliwe, różnice w funkcjonowaniu systemów zabezpieczenia społecznego w poszczególnych państwach członkowskich. Po trzecie, nowy instrument powinien być uzupełnieniem istniejącego już systemu EESSI, czyli Systemu Elektronicznej Wymiany Informacji dotyczących Zabezpieczenia Społecznego, i nie powinien dublować istniejących możliwości i rozwiązań. Kolejny warunek: nowy instrument ma koordynować, a nie harmonizować funkcjonowanie systemów zabezpieczenia społecznego. Ale wydaje się, że wynegocjowany tekst rezolucji jest dobry, spełnia nasze oczekiwania i zasługuje na poparcie. EKR będzie głosował za tym projektem.
Nikolaj Villumsen, for The Left-Gruppen. – Hr. formand! Lige nu oplever vi et ræs mod bunden rundt om på de europæiske arbejdspladser. Udenlandske kollegaer bliver kynisk udnyttet, diskrimineret og underbetalt af grådige arbejdsgivere, der ønsker at presse løn- og arbejdsvilkår for os alle.
Det er fuldstændig uacceptabelt. Social dumping må og skal bekæmpes!
Lad os bruge de nye digitale muligheder til at gøre det lettere for Arbejdstilsynet og fagbevægelsen at håndhæve overholdelsen af gældende lovgivning og arbejdstagerrettigheder. Lad os sætte målrettet ind mod de arbejdsgivere, der fusker, og skabe en fair bevægelighed, hvor ingen udenlandske kollegaer udnyttes. Lad os sikre rettighederne for alle vandrende arbejdstagere i EU gennem et digitalt ID-kort.
Det vil stoppe ræset mod bunden. Det vil sætte en effektiv stopper for social dumping.
Daniela Rondinelli (NI). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Commissario, in questo momento storico le forze europeiste del Parlamento europeo stanno portando avanti una visione di quale debba essere la dimensione sociale di questa nuova Europa destinata al rinnovamento e alla rinascita.
Stiamo affrontando le grandi sfide legate all'evoluzione del lavoro, alle nuove professioni, al sostegno alle politiche occupazionali e sociali, persino al salario minimo europeo. E allora io credo che dobbiamo anche dare risposta a questi 13 milioni di lavoratori frontalieri, mobili, stagionali, distaccati, che ogni giorno faticano a vedersi riconosciuti i propri diritti.
Le norme ci sono, ma mancano gli strumenti per attuarle. Il numero di sicurezza sociale europeo è indispensabile allora per collegare i sistemi nazionali e permettere alle autorità di eseguire controlli, impedire abusi e sanzionare chi sfrutta, ma allo stesso tempo credo che sia uno straordinario strumento per favorire la mobilità geografica dei lavoratori e rendere il mercato del lavoro europeo più dinamico.
Come Movimento 5 Stelle sosteniamo con forza questa risoluzione e chiediamo alla Commissione di presentare una proposta legislativa entro il 2022, così possiamo restituire dignità a questi lavoratori e abolire la concorrenza sleale, perché non ci sia più spazio per chi approfitta dei più deboli.
Dennis Radtke (PPE). – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Das Thema, das wir heute Abend diskutieren, ist ja nicht ganz neu. Schon Jean—Claude Juncker hat im Jahr 2017 in seiner Rede zum State of the Union über dieses Projekt gesprochen.
Es ist höchste Eisenbahn, dass wir einen Schritt nach vorn machen. Denn da, wo Erwerbsbiographien immer europäischer werden, müssen wir auch Beiträge dazu liefern, wie Sozialversicherungen Schritt halten können.
Dieses Projekt bietet eine Menge Chancen – auf der einen Seite mehr Transparenz für Beschäftigte und Unternehmen, auf der anderen Seite auch wirksame Bekämpfung von Missbrauch. Aber was mir noch besonders wichtig ist: Wir sehen an der konkreten Umsetzung von Projekten wie RINA, lieber Nicolas, dass der Teufel an vielen Stellen im Detail steckt und es eben nicht reicht, die Dinge einfach nur anzuschieben. Sondern meine Erwartungshaltung ist dann, dass die Kommission sie auch bis zum Ende begleitet, damit sie auch ein entsprechender Erfolg werden.
Gabriele Bischoff (S&D). – Herr Präsident, lieber Kommissar, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Wir haben es schon gehört: Wir reden viel zu lange über etwas, aber es wird konkret nicht gemacht.
Das ist unser Problem hier: Seit 2014 reden wir darüber, und niemand wird doch abstreiten, dass wir im digitalen Zeitalter leben und jetzt ganz andere Möglichkeiten haben. Nur in der Welt der Koordinierung der sozialen Sicherungen ist das bislang überhaupt nicht der Fall. Da hängen wir seit Jahren hinterher. Wir könnten längst technisch in Echtzeit auf Daten zugreifen. Wir müssten keine umständlichen Verfahren haben. Das würde auch manchen Gordischen Knoten durchschlagen helfen, den wir im Moment bei bestimmten Verhandlungen haben.
Aber es ist nicht genug Mut da, hier wirklich voranzugehen und nicht immer wieder neue technische Sachen, neue Vorschläge vorzulegen, sondern wirklich gemeinsam zu handeln. Deshalb habe ich genau hingehört mit dem Jahr 2023, dass wir da voranschreiten können und Erfolg haben.
Ich höre die Botschaft gern, allein mir fehlt der Glaube, muss ich an dieser Stelle sagen. Deshalb müssen wir hier weiter Druck machen.
Nicolaus Fest (ID). – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, verehrte Kollegen! Tatsächlich, seit 2014 gibt es schon die Forderung des Parlaments nach Einführung einer EU-Sozialversicherungsnummer, und tatsächlich – das will ich gar nicht bestreiten – hätte so eine Sozialversicherungsnummer diverse Vorteile.
Aber man muss eben auch sehen: Die Europäische Kommission selber hat das Projekt irgendwann als aufdringlich und teuer beerdigt. Und folgen wir doch dem Vorschlag von Frau Nicholsonová: Lasst uns erstmal gucken, was die Gründe dafür waren! Die Europäische Kommission hat sich lange damit befasst, und deshalb wird es wahrscheinlich Gründe geben.
Ein wesentlicher Grund dürfte vor allem die ungeklärte Frage der Datensicherheit sein. Es wurde ja nicht nur der Deutsche Bundestag gehackt, sondern auch wichtige Sozialversicherungsträger in Italien und Griechenland. Und dass man jetzt die Sozialversicherungsdaten aller europäischen Mitbürger auch noch in anderen Ländern sozusagen frei flottierbar macht, das ist vielleicht nicht der Weisheit letzter Schluss.
Also warten wir doch erst einmal die Berichte oder Erwägungen der Europäischen Kommission ab, und dann sollten wir entscheiden, aber vorher nicht.
Cristian Terheş (ECR). – Mr President, it is shocking to see from plenary to plenary proposals put forward by the European Commission that are leading to the Chinafication of the European Union, where people are stripped of their basic fundamental rights and a Chinese-like social scoring system is applied.
We heard today that the reason why this system is implemented is to facilitate the freedom of movement. We heard the same narrative when the green certificate was implemented, and we see today in the European Union people who cannot go to a store or even enter the European Parliament to exercise the rights that they received from the people who elected them. The introduction of the European social security pass system is another step towards a centralised, bureaucratic, unaccountable mass control of the European citizens.
This means more power to the unelected bureaucrats and less rights for the people. We must not forget that the EU is an area of freedom, and we must fight to protect that.
Ádám Kósa (NI). – Tisztelt Elnök Úr! A közös informatikai rendszer kialakítása nélkül kivitelezhetetlen a digitális tb-kártya ötletének megvalósítása. Magyarország azon hét tagállam között szerepel, akiknek már sikeresen megtörtént ez a technikai elvárásoknak való megfelelés. Azonban az EU 27 tagállama közül ez még csak hét országban valósult meg. Tehát felmerül a kérdés, hogy hogyan legyen közös EU-s tb-szám, ha nincs meg a közös informatikai rendszer. Nem lehet, hogy az ötlet valójában csak egy eszköz a közép-kelet európai tagállamokkal szemben tévesen feltételezett szociális dömping ellen?
Elengedhetetlen, hogy az Európai Bizottság a keleti tagállamok körülményeit nehezítő helyzet kialakítása helyett a személyek szabad mozgásának védelmére összpontosítson és alapos, tényeken alapuló hatásvizsgálatot készítsen, mert korábban ezt a házi feladatát még nem végezte el.
Eugen Tomac (PPE). – Domnule președinte, domnule comisar, stimați colegi, libera circulație a lucrătorilor este un drept fundamental, garantat de tratate. În consecință, peste 17 milioane de cetățeni europeni locuiesc în alt stat decât statul de reședință, iar peste 70 % dintre aceștia sunt angajați. Românii reprezintă cel mai mare grup național dintre cetățenii mobili din Uniunea Europeană, reprezentând aproape o cincime din populația rezidentă în țară.
Având în vedere numărul în creștere continuă al lucrătorilor mobili, trebuie să ne asigurăm că drepturile sociale ale acestora sunt respectate, iar acest lucru nu se mai poate face la această scară, prin sisteme învechite și non-digitale. De aceea, domnule comisar Schmit, cred că este esențial ca Comisia să depună un efort consistent pentru a convinge statele să implementeze o reformă digitală, astfel încât să putem să le asigurăm securitatea socială tuturor celor care trebuie să se bucure de drepturile de securitate la nivel transfrontalier.
Milan Brglez (S&D). – Predsedujoči, spoštovani komisar, kolegice, kolegi! Evropska izkaznica za socialno varnost nas postavlja pred tri izzive: zagotoviti prost pretok ljudi, socialno unijo in takšno digitalno preobrazbo, ki bo ščitila pravice delavcev ter zagotavljala pravično mobilnost.
Skupni trg obstaja za vse, vendar ne za ljudi, ker je osnovna pristojnost za socialo v rokah držav članic in njihovih različnih sistemov socialne varnosti, ki ne komunicirajo med sabo, kar privede do kršenja pravic delavcev ter nepoštene konkurence.
Sploh ni važno, kako temu rečemo. Ali rečemo temu evropska izkaznica za socialno varnost ali evropska številka socialnega zavarovanja. Ampak pomembno je, koga in kako ščiti, ker namreč pri preteklih primerih zlorab napotenih delavcev iz Zahodnega Balkana preko Slovenije dokazujejo, da bi takšno kartico potrebovali vsi mobilni delavci na trgu EU, tudi tisti iz tretjih držav.
Nam pa dokazuje sprejemanje digitalnih covidnih potrdil iz tretjih držav, da je to možno uvesti. To je možno uvesti, če obstaja politična volja.
Elena Lizzi (ID). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Commissario Schmit, l'istituzione di un pass europeo di previdenza sociale, prendendo come riferimento il progetto pilota dell'Istituto di previdenza sociale italiano, potrebbe rivelarsi uno strumento efficace per rendere più visibili e accessibili digitalmente i diritti di previdenza sociale, al fine di provvedere all'identificazione e alla registrazione di casi di dumping sociale, di lavoro sommerso o di operazioni similari.
Gentile Commissario, i testi dell'interrogazione orale e della risoluzione sono stati ammorbiditi e ricentrati all'interno delle giuste competenze e prospettive, anche con il nostro contributo. Tuttavia, gli aspetti su cui rimaniamo ancora scettici o tiepidi sono: la richiesta di legiferare a priori e di rendere obbligatorio questo strumento in tutti gli Stati membri, senza aspettare i risultati delle valutazioni di impatto; il tentativo di collegare il pass europeo alla Carta del lavoro, estendendo di fatto il campo di applicazione dal coordinamento di sicurezza sociale al diritto del lavoro vero e proprio, mentre le informazioni di scambio dovrebbero riguardare solo identità, luogo di lavoro e i vari benefit legati alla sicurezza sociale.
Vedremo in futuro, sulla base della posizione che assumerà la Commissione, su quali aspetti eventualmente concentrare le nostre osservazioni e il nostro contributo.
Радан Кънев (PPE). – Г-н Председател, г-н Комисар, милиони граждани на Европейския съюз постоянно пътуват, сменят работата и условията си, за да се издържат и да изхранват семействата си. Много често те работят едновременно в различни държави, при различни работодатели, за различно работно време. Много често те комбинират работа като самонаети лица или като собственици на микрофирми с работа като наети лица в търговски дружества - работодатели. Много често, в десетки хиляди случаи годишно, заради хаоса от различни законодателства и уредби в различните държави на нашия Съюз тези хора губят пенсионните си и социалните си права или най-малкото правата, свързани с част от техния трудов стаж.
Проектът за европейски общ осигурителен номер до голяма степен даваше отговор на тези въпроси. Боя се, че проектът, който ни се представя сега, е може би добро начало, но много, много малка крачка във вярната посока, далеч от доброто начало, което беше поставено с проекта за общ социално-осигурителен номер преди години.
Estrella Durá Ferrandis (S&D). – Señor presidente, señor comisario, la introducción de una tarjeta europea de seguridad social contribuirá a garantizar unas condiciones laborales dignas, debido a la estandarización de las prestaciones de seguridad social y a un aumento de la trazabilidad, agregación y portabilidad de los derechos.
El Grupo Socialista lleva años solicitando la puesta en marcha de este instrumento común como medida para luchar contra el fraude y los casos de abusos que afectan tanto a la seguridad social como a los propios trabajadores.
Personas expuestas a situaciones intolerables de explotación laboral debido a prácticas fraudulentas por parte de operadores intermediarios; operadores que captan trabajadores en un país para llevarlos a otro, donde trabajarán en condiciones laborales muy diferentes a las preacordadas.
Este fue el caso de los trabajadores españoles en Holanda, totalmente desprotegidos durante la pandemia, hacinados en alojamientos insalubres y sin acceso a prestaciones mínimas de salud y seguridad.
Está en nuestras manos, aquí y ahora, acabar con estas malas prácticas de subcontratación y abuso y mejorar la coordinación de los sistemas de seguridad social.
Nicolas Schmit,membre de la Commission. – Monsieur le Président, chers députés, d’abord, je tiens à vous remercier pour le soutien très décidé que vous avez donné à la Commission. Mais j’ai bien entendu aussi l’appel que vous lui avez adressé: un appel à l’action.
Je vous le dis: la Commission veut agir. Le commissaire veut agir. Mais nous ne pouvons pas agir seuls. Nous devons agir avec les États membres et la mise en œuvre d’un processus est donc nécessaire, effectivement, avec les États membres. Nous avons cité quelques exemples – comme le projet RINA, qui n’est pas le meilleur exemple – de ce que les États membres ont fait et de cas où ils ont accompli leur devoir pour effectivement mettre en place des systèmes suffisamment efficaces.
Il y a un large accord entre nous pour reconnaître que la mobilité doit être juste et équitable, qu’elle doit éviter toute forme d’abus, de fraudes, de dumping social. Je pense que nous devons effectivement trouver les bons instruments. On a beaucoup parlé du numéro de sécurité sociale européen. Je crois que c’était peut-être aller un peu trop vite, trop loin. Nous devons chercher des solutions pratiques qui marchent et qui marchent rapidement puisque, même avec un numéro de sécurité sociale européen, on n’a pas résolu le problème. Encore faut-il que les systèmes soient coordonnés, interconnectés, pour qu’un numéro européen fasse sens et donne des résultats.
Je crois que la solution que nous avons choisie maintenant, qui est une première étape et qui s’intègre, notamment à l’avenir, dans le système global que nous voulons au service des citoyens européens, dans le respect de leurs droits, dans le respect aussi de leur droit à la protection, y compris à la protection de leurs données, est une bonne démarche. J’ai pris l’engagement que 2023 est le dernier délai et je vais faire mon possible et un peu mon impossible pour accélérer ce processus, parce que je crois que les citoyens, les millions de citoyens en mobilité nous le demandent – et ils y ont absolument droit.
Presidente. – O debate está encerrado.
A votação das alterações realizar-se-á na quarta feira e a votação final na quinta feira.
Declarações escritas (artigo 171.º)
Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D), raštu. – Siekdamas pagerinti darbuotojų judumą, kovoti su sukčiavimu ir supaprastinti administracines iniciatyvas, dar 2014 m. ragino Komisiją pateikti pasiūlymus dėl Europos socialinės apsaugos numerio, tačiau iki šiol šis klausimas buvo apleistas. Todėl labai džiaugiamės, jog Komisija pagaliau ėmėsi iniciatyvos pateikti pilotinį projektą, kuris, tikimės, leis sukurti efektyvią skaitmeninės socialinės apsaugos sistemą, užtikrinančią geresnį koordinavimą tarp valstybių narių. Skaitmeninė sistema yra svarbi piliečiams ir darbuotojams, besinaudojantiems laisvo judėjimo teise ir susiduriantiems su daug popieriniais dokumentais paremtų procedūrų. Pavyzdžiui, įrodant, kad jie yra drausti socialinės apsaugos draudimu jų kilmės valstybėje narėje. Tai ypač padės sezoniniams darbuotojams, dirbantiems ir gyvenantiems skirtingose narėse bei leis lengviau vykdyti kontrolę ir sumažinti darbo užmokesčio dempingą, kurio neturi likti.
Miroslav Číž (S&D), písomne. – Voľný pohyb pracovníkov patrí medzi základné zásady Európskej únie ustanovené v Zmluve o fungovaní EÚ, je jednou z výhod, ktoré si občania na EÚ cenia najviac, a tiež vytvára rast a prosperitu v rámci EÚ za hranicami jednotlivých členských štátov. No napriek tomu, koľko výhod so sebou prináša, sa stále nenachádzame v situácii, keď by sociálne práva mobilných pracovníkov boli naozaj garantované. A to je zásadný problém. Členské štáty a ich sociálne systémy nesú zodpovednosť za sociálne zabezpečenie ľudí, no tieto systémy ešte ani dnes medzi sebou nedokážu komunikovať, čo vedie k porušovaniu práv pracovníkov a nekalej hospodárskej súťaži. Európsky parlament už roky na tento problém upozorňuje, no zatiaľ bez konkrétnych výsledkov. Komisia sa vraj rozhodla upustiť od predloženia legislatívneho návrhu, ktorý by vytvoril európske číslo sociálneho zabezpečenia, a namiesto toho plánuje predložiť návrh na vytvorenie digitálneho európskeho preukazu sociálneho zabezpečenia. Názov tohto nástroja je podľa môjho názoru druhoradý, podstatné je, aby jeho návrh Komisia predložila čo najskôr. Riadna ochrana sociálnych práv mobilných pracovníkov sa musí stať realitou a musíme mať nástroje na efektívny boj proti cezhraničným sociálnym podvodom zo strany spoločností. Občania sa musia môcť spoľahnúť, že prácou v rôznych členských štátov neprídu o svoje nároky na sociálne zabezpečenie.
Alicia Homs Ginel (S&D), por escrito. – Como miembro de la delegación socialista española, he votado a favor de esta pregunta oral con resolución con el fin de establecer un mecanismo europeo que contribuya a la lucha contra el fraude y los abusos a la seguridad social y hacia los trabajadores. Todo ello, a través de una mejora en la coordinación de los sistemas de seguridad social europeos.
La libertad de circulación es uno de nuestros pilares fundamentales y necesitamos de instrumentos en Europa que combatan aquellas lagunas legales existentes y eviten la propagación del dumping social, la competencia desleal, y distorsiones producidas en nuestro mercado interior y de trabajo.
La introducción de una tarjeta europea de seguridad social contribuirá a garantizar unas condiciones laborales dignas, debido a la estandarización de prestaciones de la seguridad social, y a un aumento de la trazabilidad, agregación y portabilidad de los derechos de garantía.
Los socialistas llevamos años solicitando la puesta en marcha de este instrumento común y esperamos que la Comisión tome nota acerca de la necesidad de actuación a este respecto. Esperamos, además, que la esperada propuesta cubra de una forma justa y equitativa a todos los ciudadanos y trabajadores móviles, incluidos autónomos y nacionales de terceros países.
Csaba Molnár (S&D), írásban. – Az európai együttműködés és az európai belső piac egyik alappillére a szabad mozgás, mely évtizedek óta hozzájárul a növekedés és jólét biztosításához. Különösen sokat jelent ez az alapérték a nagy számban külföldön dolgozó és tanuló magyar állampolgárok számára. Polgártársainknak ezidáig az Unión belüli költözéskor, munkájuk vagy tanulásuk miatti ingázás során, esetlegesen a nyugdíjba vonuláskor és a szociális és családellátási juttatások jogosultságának megállapítása során nemritkán bonyolult adminisztrációs eljárásokkal kell szembesülniük társadalombiztosítási jogviszonyuk igazolásakor. Tekintettel erre, nagy örömmel köszöntöm az Európai Bizottságnak a digitális társadalombiztosítási kártyák 2023-ig történő bevezetésére vonatkozó javaslatát, mely megkönnyíti az állampolgárok számára a digitális közszolgáltatások elérését és növeli a közszféra hatékonyságát. Ez a javaslat különösen azoknak könnyíti meg az életét, akik az EU-n belüli szabad mozgás lehetőségével élve, külföldön vállalnak munkát, vagy tanulnak. A digitális társadalombiztosítási kártya bevezetése nézetem szerint egy lépéssel közelebb visz ahhoz a szociális és piaci integrációhoz, mely számos magyar ember életét könnyíti meg: az Egyesült Európai Államok víziójához, melyet a Demokratikus Koalíció politikusaként teljes meggyőződéssel támogatok.