Puhemies. – Meillä on työjärjestyspuheenvuoro. Kollega Weber, olkaa hyvä.
Manfred Weber (PPE). – Madam President, only 30 years ago, Europeans witnessed how a war can tear up a country in its struggle for independence and liberty.
Last week, on 18 November, Croatia marked the 30th Remembrance Day for the Vukovar and Škabrnja and the horrific massacre that followed. These places were symbols of liberty and resistance. And we recall all the heroes to whom the Croatian people owe their freedom and democracy.
Their sacrifice should be embedded in European collective memory. The same as the sacrifice of millions of other Europeans throughout the 20th century. I would therefore ask you, Madam President, and dear colleagues, to honour their memory with a minute of silence.
President. – Thank you very much, colleague Weber. We will do it now.