Πρόεδρος. – Συνεχίζουμε τώρα τη συζήτηση πάνω στη δήλωση της Επιτροπής σχετικά με τη Διεθνή Ημέρα για την Εξάλειψη της Βίας κατά των Γυναικών και την πορεία της κύρωσης της Σύμβασης της Κωνσταντινούπολης (2021/2979(RSP)).
Frances Fitzgerald (PPE). – Mr President, today we mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – for the 30th time. However, it is simply not good enough to mark this day each year and talk about the significant achievements we have made, or the challenges that are still there. Violence against women remains a scourge. Women are dying. Women are suffering every single day across Europe, and you have to ask the question: how do we tolerate this as a society?
We saw a 30% increase during the COVID pandemic in the number of cases – physical, sexual, psychological, online, offline, sexual, coercive control, financial control. Transnationally we have taken significant steps, of course, with the Istanbul Convention – but what has happened to it? It’s extraordinary. Despite having the Istanbul Convention, which was a seminal moment, a game changer, we now see it used as a target, a Trojan horse. To those who have not yet ratified the Istanbul Convention, let’s be clear: you are sitting back and letting violence against women happen. Shame on you. Shame on those countries that will not take the steps that are needed to eliminate violence against women.
The European Commission, of course, needs to ramp up pressure with its proposal to combat violence against women, because women in Europe should be safe everywhere – in their homes, in the street, in their workplaces. So let’s make a pledge now that we shall not come back here year after year. Let’s ensure that drastic action is taken in the coming months so that in a few short years we can proudly proclaim that Europe is the first continent in the world to eradicate violence against women. That is not too tall an order. That’s where we should be. That’s where we need to be. And if women are to be safe, those are the steps that we need to take to ensure a quality life for all our citizens, including women.
Łukasz Kohut (S&D). – Panie Przewodniczący! Mamy 2021 rok. Przemoc ze względu na płeć dawno powinna już należeć do przeszłości, ale tak niestety nie jest. To codzienność w wielu domach Europejek. Akcesja całej Unii do konwencji stambulskiej jest zablokowana. Tymczasem polski premier skierował konwencję do pseudo-Trybunału. Nie miejmy złudzeń, gdy tylko zwietrzą okazję i znajdą coś, co odwróci uwagę ludzi, tak jak to się stało w przypadku aborcji, wysadzą konwencję w powietrze.
Należy sięgać po alternatywne rozwiązania. Unijna dyrektywa o przeciwdziałaniu i walce z przemocą ze względu na płeć jest konieczna. Ciężar takich przestępstw jest wystarczający, by uznać je za europrzestępstwa. Oczekuję, że Komisja przedstawi propozycje prawa w tym zakresie. Unijne instytucje muszą działać, gdy prawa podstawowe obywatelek nie są respektowane, gdy ich bezpieczeństwo jest zagrożone. Tego także oczekują obywatelki Polski. Do znudzenia będę powtarzał: Polska to nie PiS, Polska to Sosnowiec, w którym dzięki inicjatywie aktywistek i poparciu prezydenta od paru dni mamy Rondo Praw Kobiet. Takie oddolne działania pokazują, co obywatele myślą o postępowaniu rządu wobec ich babć, matek, sióstr i córek.
I na koniec trochę bolesnej prawdy do was, prawico. To wy jesteście zagrożeniem dla rodziny, a nie mityczny gender. Wy, którzy przymykacie oko na przemoc domową, uderzając w zapisy konwencji stambulskiej, które zobowiązują do wprowadzenia konkretnych rozwiązań na rzecz ochrony ofiar i profilaktyki przemocy. Kaczyńskiemu marzy się już nawet rejestr ciąż. Doprowadzacie do katastrofy demograficznej. Młode Polki nie chcą rodzić w Polsce. Fizycznie jesteście tutaj w Europie, ale mentalnie bliżej wam do Afganistanu i do rządzących tam talibów.
Chrysoula Zacharopoulou (Renew). – Monsieur le Président, coups, menaces, humiliations, exploitation sexuelle, cyberharcèlement, féminicide... Et la liste est malheureusement encore très, très longue. Soyons réalistes, nous ne pouvons pas atteindre l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes tant que les violences continuent, que les victimes sont stigmatisées et que les agresseurs restent impunis.
Pourtant, nous avons un instrument fort et contraignant, la convention d’Istanbul, qui définit des normes de protection minimales pour tous les types de violences basées sur le genre. Alors que l’adhésion des 27 États membres de l’Union européenne pourrait changer la vie de millions de femmes européennes, six pays continuent à refuser de la ratifier. Nous demandons aux chefs d’État de la Bulgarie, de la Slovaquie, de la Hongrie, de la Lettonie, de la Lituanie et de la République tchèque: ne considérez-vous pas que vos citoyennes méritent d’être écoutées, d’être crues, d’être protégées? La décision récente de la Cour de justice européenne confirme que vos excuses ne sont pas recevables.
Et vous, Madame la Commissaire, nous attendons depuis deux ans et demi un paquet législatif ambitieux contre les violences et l’ajout de la violence de genre comme crime dans le droit européen. Vous connaissez la chanson «Paroles et paroles et paroles»; et les actes, c’est pour quand?
Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, when an increasing number of countries decide to attack the Istanbul Convention and to use disinformation in order to undermine the protection of women and LGBTI people, the EU and its institutions must more than ever be exemplary and ambitious, not only by reaffirming our shared values on equality and fundamental rights but also by using the tools that we have to react when they are under attack, and that we under-use systematically on these sorts of topics.
In May 2020, the Hungarian Parliament rejected the ratification of the Istanbul Convention under the pretext that it promotes destructive gender ideologies and illegal migration. At the same moment, civil society organisations reported an alarming increase of reports of domestic violence during the first COVID-19 lockdown. Today it is not even possible to understand the extent of gender-based violence in Hungary, as the government simply does not collect data on this issue. Instead of properly funding services for victims of gender-based violence and enacting adequate legislation to eradicate gender-based violence, the Hungarian Government spends its energy in rejecting any international or EU text excluding the word gender.
Every time people talk about not ratifying the Istanbul Convention but fighting anyway, every time they want to protect some women but not others, every time they avoid the word ‘gender’, the word ‘intersectionality’, the word ‘minorities’, they do not really want to act. They are just using this. And every time they use also the word ‘ideology’, they are just using the combat of women to use their own purpose, and they’re not doing anything.
Assita Kanko (ECR). – Mr President, I would like to share a short story that many of you have probably heard already from a neighbour, from a family member, from a friend, or maybe it was your own experience. The girl came to my office. She told me that it was 11 years ago. She was 11 years old and the man was someone that the family knew. She was raped. She told me that this year her mother finished paying the debt that she contracted to pay lawyers. And what for? For no justice. This girl was strong. She’s going to become a police officer, because she wants to help fight sexual crimes.
But if, for every mayor, every policy-maker, the European Commission, the European Parliament, for all of us, law enforcement is not becoming a reality, this girl will have become a police officer for nothing. Is her daughter, in turn, going to tell a story like this to a policy-maker? This is just one of the many examples of problems that women are facing, and together we need to make change happen. This is only what I wanted to share with you.
Sandra Pereira (The Left). – Senhor Presidente, violência no trabalho, violência doméstica, violência no namoro, ausência de acesso a direitos sexuais e reprodutivos, mutilação genital feminina, assédio moral e sexual, prostituição ou a mercantilização do corpo da mulher como objeto sexual: diferentes formas de violência sobre as mulheres que têm de ser reconhecidas como expressões extremas de desigualdade e discriminação que se manifestam na humilhação, no desrespeito pela integridade física e psicológica das mulheres que as sofrem. Formas de violência que atentam contra a dignidade, o estatuto social e os direitos de todas as mulheres.
O tratamento autónomo de cada uma destas diversas formas de violência deve ser assegurado, reconhecendo o que isto representa na vida das mulheres. A adoção de medidas no combate e prevenção às discriminações, desigualdades e violências sobre as mulheres é essencial para a emancipação e para a igualdade na lei e na vida.
Hoje, 25 de novembro, Dia Internacional para a Eliminação da Violência Contra as Mulheres, saudamos a valiosa intervenção das organizações de mulheres na prevenção e combate às diversas formas de violência e exploração sobre as mulheres. Esse é também o nosso compromisso.
Clara Ponsatí Obiols (NI). – Mr President, last week, Mr Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, the Prime Minister of Spain, went to Istanbul to visit his friend, President Erdoğan. They appeared before the press and Erdoğan took the occasion to speak strongly against the Istanbul Convention, with very offensive remarks about women. Mr Sánchez listened impassively, he smiled and uttered no words beyond friendship, investment or economic times. Erdoğan’s remarks were as offensive as his behaviour over the ‘sofagate’ scandal. But no one in Brussels has bothered to react, not even to express concern.
This Spanish talk of friendship is a dangerous liaison indeed, and the Commission should be watching it, because beyond undermining the Istanbul Convention, the close friendship between Spain and Turkey is a threat to European security and stability much more widely. Spain sells Turkey the boats that threaten the security of Greece and Cyprus, and weapons that fuel the conflict in the Middle East. And meanwhile, Spanish banks are investing in a very volatile Turkish economy that can bring big risks to the eurozone.
Commissioners, please watch out for Spain and Turkey.
Isabella Adinolfi (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, pace, diritto, rispetto per ciascun essere umano. Quando siamo giovani pensiamo che siano parole scontate, che tutti abbiamo questi principi positivi dentro di noi. Quando sei adulto, invece, ti rendi conto che esiste il bene ed esiste il male.
Oggi voglio usare parole molto semplici e comprensibili per tutti quelli che ci stanno ascoltando. La Convenzione di Istanbul è "il primo strumento internazionale giuridicamente vincolante che crea un quadro giuridico completo per proteggere le donne da qualsiasi forma di violenza." Quindi la Convenzione di Istanbul è un trattato, e i trattati vanno prima firmati e poi ratificati dagli Stati, in modo che gli Stati siano vincolati a rispettare questi trattati.
In questa Convenzione parliamo di concetti molto semplici. Si dice che gli Stati dovrebbero inserire nei propri codici penali una serie di reati perpetrati contro le donne: violenza psicologica, violenza sessuale, stalking, violenza fisica, stupro, matrimonio forzato, mutilazioni genitali, aborto forzato, sterilizzazione forzata, molestie sessuali. Reati aberranti, eppure ci sono paesi dell'Unione europea che ritengono che non sia un atto di civiltà ratificare l'accordo.
Cittadini e cittadine europei, donne, padri, oggi dovete chiedere ai vostri governi e ai vostri politici che vi rappresentano: perché? Perché è difficile metterci la faccia contro una violenza sessuale o una mutilazione genitale? Perché è difficile metterci la faccia contro un matrimonio forzato o uno stupro?
Il compito dei politici è quello di prendere delle decisioni e rappresentare la democrazia. E allora io voglio sapere perché ci sono paesi dell'Unione europea che sono omertosi verso questo trattato e se questi paesi rappresentano veramente i valori dell'Unione europea.
Evelyn Regner (S&D). – Mr President, 28 – 28 women were killed this year in Austria. 28, nearly all of them by men close to them, murdered simply because they are women.
But violence against women and children doesn’t start with these femicides, it starts in the heads, the words, the first black eye hidden from others. Why hidden? Because still today, instead of holding the men responsible who use violence against women, we blame often the women. We often hear ‘not all men’. But most men haven’t yet understood: this issue of violence is theirs to solve. They can’t be bystanders looking away, laughing, uncomfortable at a misogynistic joke.
And therefore, today I call on all those men who already know violence is not OK: you need to call out your friends and brothers, and you need to believe women when they tell you about the violence that they experience. Every third woman you meet is a survivor of violence. Every third.
Michal Šimečka (Renew). – Vážený pán predsedajúci, I will be speaking my mother tongue,po slovensky, vážení kolegovia, 600, 600 žien, vyše 600 žien bolo podľa tých posledných dostupných dát Eurostatu zavraždených v roku ešte 2018 intímnym partnerom alebo rodinným príslušníkom alebo svojim príbuzným v 14 štátoch Európskej únie, a to sú dáta ešte spred pandémie.
Koľko ďalších žien prišlo o život odvtedy v iných krajinách Európskej únie, o ktorých nemáme bližšie dáta? Koľko žien denne čelí fyzickému a psychickému násiliu? A koľko nahlásených prípadov sa nikdy neobjaví v týchto dátach? Naozaj násilie páchané na ženách je jedným z najväčších problémov, ktorým ako demokratická a moderná spoločnosť čelíme. V Únii dokážeme veľmi efektívne chrániť spotrebiteľov a ich práva, no nedokážeme dostatočne chrániť ženy pred fyzickým a psychickým násilím. Sme na seba hrdí, že sme veľmocou regulácie, ale v mnohých členských štátoch sme nedokázali ratifikovať Istanbulský dohovor. Preto vyzývam Komisiu na urýchlené prijatie opatrení na úrovni EÚ, ktoré budú ekvivalentom toho ratifikovaného dohovoru.
Alice Kuhnke (Verts/ALE). – Herr talman! Varje dag misshandlas, våldtas och dödas eller mördas kvinnor av män i sin närhet. Varje dag utsätts också barn för det övergrepp som det faktiskt också är att se och höra sin mamma bli utsatt. Vi kan fortsätta att prata om att det är så här. Eller så bestämmer vi oss för att göra mer för att få stopp på det. Det går, men det krävs att vi använder de verktyg som finns, som fungerar.
Med andra ord är den politiker, den partigrupp, det parlament, den regering eller den kommission som inte gör vad som krävs, som inte använder de verktyg som faktiskt finns, alla politiker som accepterar att män misshandlar, våldtar och dödar kvinnor. Ni vet vilka ni är och vi vet vilka ni är.
Julie Lechanteux (ID). – Monsieur le Président, Madame le Commissaire, l’ordre du jour est point d’étape et état d’avancement sur l’élimination de la violence à l’égard des femmes. La conclusion est que rien n’est fait, rien n’avance. En France, 220 000 femmes par an subissent des violences conjugales; plus de 100 000 femmes sont violées ou agressées chaque année; 120 000 sont excisées chaque année; le nombre de viols a augmenté de 32 % ces deux dernières années. La preuve encore que rien n’est fait, ni en France, ni en Europe.
Vous préférez investir dans de la publicité pour le port du hidjab et faire preuve d’hypocrisie, voire d’ironie, en signant un accord international dénommé «convention d’Istanbul», ville turque dont le président Erdoğan est un islamiste. Cet islamiste a relégué Mme von der Leyen sur un canapé comme une petite écolière, laissant aux hommes les discussions sérieuses. Rien ne pourra jamais améliorer la condition des femmes dans cette Union européenne victime du syndrome de Stockholm.
Si un jour vous souhaitez remettre les pieds sur terre, revenir à la réalité, c’est 35 % des femmes qui indiquent avoir été exposées à des violences physiques ou sexuelles au cours de leur vie. Ce sont 101 femmes qui ont péri sous les coups, en France, depuis le 1er janvier de cette année. Voilà ce qui arrive quand on veut confier le destin, le sort des femmes à leurs pires ennemis. Michel Sardou chantait «Femmes, je vous aime». Il serait vraiment temps de les aimer, et de les aimer vraiment.
Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Г-н председател, насилието над жени трябва да бъде преследвано и наказвано. Това трябва да става, разбира се, през наказателните кодекси на всяка една държава. Така работи правната система на държавите. Истанбулската конвенция обаче няма нищо общо с това. Това е една пропаганда, в която под легитимния знак за борба срещу насилието над жени беше вкарана идеология. И вие отлично знаете това. Идеология, която е част от триадата, заедно с климатичната истерия и утопичния „зеленизъм“ на някаква идея за нов световен ред, който се опитвате да налагате. Идеология, която ще бъде пометена, разбира се, от вашите нови приятели, клетите бежанци. Това ще се случи и то е неизбежно. Ако за да проверите и да видите каква пропаганда е така наречената „Истанбулска конвенция“, просто ми кажете каква е статистиката за насилието в ислямските общности във Франция. И тогава ще разберете за какво говорим. Вие всички знаете за тази статистика, но тя не е удобна и затова не говорите за нея. Ако искате да предложите ефективна борба срещу насилието, която трябва да се води, разбира се, това трябва да се прави през наказателните кодекси на съответните държави, а не да се провежда безумна пропаганда, нито да се прави някакъв опит за промяна на нашето общество през така наречената „джендър идеология“.
Eugenia Rodríguez Palop (The Left). – Señor presidente: María Isabel, Erika, Mónica, Zuita, Pamela, Amal, María de los Ángeles, María Pilar, Hazna, África, Consuelo, Alicia, Rocío, Nicoleta, María Teresa, Betty, Lucía, Jordina, Mari Cruz, Mari Carmen, Conchi, Flora... algunas de las 37 mujeres asesinadas por sus parejas y exparejas, por quienes decían quererlas.
Y mientras, en la Unión Europea, a pesar de los esfuerzos de este Parlamento, sigue paralizada la ratificación del Convenio de Estambul, la Comisión plantea dudas sobre la violencia de género como eurodelito y hay controversia sobre el alcance de la propuesta legislativa que pretende plantear.
Solo espero que la Comisión no dé alas a los negacionistas y a los Gobiernos de extrema derecha que nos boicotean en el Consejo. Esos Gobiernos y sus aliados son los que amparan la cultura de la violación, los que avanzan sobre los cuerpos de las mujeres en su particular «cuento de la criada», convencidos de que somos propiedad de varones, Estados o iglesias.
Miles de mujeres esperan nuestra respuesta y no podemos dejarlas solas.
Miroslav Radačovský (NI). – Vážený pán predsedajúci, ochrana žien pred násilím a takúto ochranu je potrebné považovať za prioritu číslo jedna nielen v legislatíve, ale predovšetkým v hlave človeka.
Veľmi dobre poznám kontroverzný a právne nedokonalý Istanbulský dohovor. Ako sudca so 40-ročnou praxou tiež veľmi dobre poznám legislatívu Slovenskej republiky. Musím skutočne objektívne a bez emócií konštatovať, že legislatíva Slovenskej republiky, pokiaľ sa týka ochrany práv žien pred násilím, je dokonalejšie a lepšia, objektívnejšia a nekomplikovaná. Navrhujem preto, aby sa legislatívci Európskej únie oboznámili s jurisdikciu Slovenskej republiky, prevzali a implementovali ju do práva Európskej únie a potom ten Istanbulský dohovorík môžeme kľudne hodiť do kanálu La Manche.
A ešte niečo na záver. Ohradzujem sa proti výrokom niektorých europoslancov, ktorí tvrdia, že krajiny, ktoré neprijali Istanbulský dohovor, sú akési zaostalejšie. Na Slovensku to tak nie je. My, Slováci, máme svoje ženy radi, pretože to sú najkrajšie ženy na svete.
Nathalie Colin-Oesterlé (PPE). – Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, la lutte contre les violences à l’égard des femmes est un sujet qui nous concerne tous, sur lequel nous devons agir et sur lequel nous ne pouvons pas échouer. L’Europe a un rôle à jouer. Aujourd’hui, évidemment, les États membres peuvent légiférer, mais c’est à leur bon vouloir.
Alors l’Europe, oui, a le devoir d’agir. Agir en ratifiant la convention d’Istanbul, premier instrument international contraignant pour lutter contre la violence à l’égard des femmes et des enfants. Et l’Europe doit faire pression sur les six pays qui ne l’ont pas encore ratifiée, car cela n’est pas acceptable. L’Europe doit aussi agir en légiférant. La Commission européenne a annoncé qu’elle présenterait un texte en décembre prochain visant à créer une base commune et contraignante pour tous les États membres afin de lutter contre ces violences. Alors, j’attends que cette nouvelle législation intègre trois volets: un volet prévention, pour mieux former, dès le plus jeune âge, les citoyens européens à l’égalité des sexes; un volet protection, pour mieux accueillir, écouter et protéger les femmes victimes de violences; et un volet poursuites, pour définir un cadre commun au niveau européen et faire de la violence fondée sur le genre un nouveau domaine de criminalité.
Il est urgent de former tous les professionnels qui sont amenés à traiter des affaires de violence à l’égard des femmes. Il est urgent de créer un numéro d’appel gratuit européen, ouvert 24 heures sur 24 et disponible dans tous les États membres et dans toutes les langues. Il est urgent de créer un réseau européen de guichets uniques sécurisés d’assistance aux femmes victimes de violence et il est urgent d’augmenter le budget de Daphné, ce programme de l’Union européenne qui finance des projets visant à prévenir et à combattre la violence et à protéger les victimes.
Heléne Fritzon (S&D). – Herr talman! Ja, mäns våld mot kvinnor är ett av våra största samhällsproblem. Det är både en orsak till och en konsekvens av ojämställda samhällen, och våld i alla dess former går att förebygga, men det krävs politisk vilja. Vi har inte råd att vänta en enda dag till på att kvinnor ska få åtnjuta sina mänskliga rättigheter.
Det handlar också om barnen. Alla barn har rätt till en trygg och kärleksfull barndom, och inget barn ska behöva uppleva våld. Inget barn ska se sin mamma bli misshandlad av en man, och alla flickor och kvinnor ska ha rätt att leva sina liv utan våld och övergrepp. Därför är det viktigt att både EU och samtliga medlemsstater ratificerar Istanbulkonventionen. Vi kan inte vänta en enda dag till. Kvinnor och flickor har rätt att leva ett liv fritt från våld och övergrepp.
Katalin Cseh (Renew). – Mr President, Bernadett Orosz, a mother of six from Hungary, was brutally and repeatedly beaten by her partner. Her nose got fractured, her eardrum exploded and her face was disfigured. When she asked for a restraining order, she couldn’t get one. Out of desperation, she took pictures of her injuries and posted them on social media, and then she was sued for invasion of privacy.
Colleagues, Bernadett is an EU citizen. Her story clearly shows that our system is broken. Our system is failing victims, and the Istanbul Convention is our most powerful tool to repair it. There is clear evidence of that from countries that have ratified it. There is a clear positive change from prevention to prosecution. Let me just say that the populist right’s shameful attacks and the smear campaign against the Convention is absolutely horrendous. We have also already heard in this Chamber that this is against their values – as if violence could ever be a value. Hungarian Minister Judit Varga talks about political hysteria as if the victim’s cry for help could ever be mistaken for hysteria.
It’s time for the EU to step up. It’s time for an EU-level ratification of the Istanbul Convention. We call on the incoming French Presidency to put it on the Council agenda, because women in the EU deserve much better.
Ernest Urtasun (Verts/ALE). – Señor presidente, un tercio de las mujeres europeas ha vivido algún episodio de violencia a lo largo de su vida. En el caso de España llevamos ya treinta y siete muertes este año. Desde hace algunos años, desde 2003, desde que se cuentan, más de mil víctimas.
Es una auténtica plaga y hoy nos hemos levantado con la cifra —atiendan— de 53 000 mujeres que tienen vigilancia policial porque son perseguidas por sus parejas o exparejas, amenazadas por la violencia. Es una auténtica plaga. La mitad de la población, señora comisaria, vive bajo la amenaza de la violencia machista.
¿Hay algo más urgente en materia de política pública que afrontar este fenómeno? Y el marco europeo es totalmente insuficiente. Sí, es una vergüenza que seis países no quieran ratificar el Convenio de Estambul, pero pónganlo ya en la agenda del Consejo y ratifíquenlo por mayoría cualificada si es necesario.
Por último, no puede ser que aún no tengamos un marco propio europeo. Esperamos mucho de la Directiva que nos ha prometido. Esperamos que sea comprensiva, amplia —que abarque el fenómeno de una manera muy muy muy amplia— y ambiciosa para poner fin a esta lacra. Muchas europeas que hoy en sus países no tienen un marco propio de lucha contra la violencia machista necesitan de esta Directiva para que sus países impongan normas de una vez.
Gunnar Beck (ID). – Mr President, the Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence is the first European convention to impose legal duties specifically to protect women. It’s been ratified by most EU Member States. The EU is now calling on the remaining six members to follow soon.
Two comments. Of course, women should be protected against violence. However, why only women? Men are as likely to suffer domestic violence as women. Why don’t they merit protection? Second, some States object to ratification because they fear the courts may interpret the convention too broadly and apply it to gender matters unrelated to domestic violence and violence against women. The convention is specifically aimed at both, and the text freely refers to both, but little else.
The Vienna Convention on the Laws of Treaties requires that treaties be interpreted in good faith and according to their ordinary meaning, unless that meaning is woefully unclear or absurd. Yet the EU, and some national courts, commonly construe legal provisions dynamically, that means against their wording and to further purposes the courts invent and impose.
The only safeguard against this undemocratic practice of judicial lawmaking by unelected and politically appointed officials, is the literal, or text-based, interpretation. What there is need for is a convention against judicial lawmaking, not the judicial extension of the Istanbul Convention.
Beata Mazurek (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Pani Komisarz! Szanowni Państwo! Przemoc wobec kobiet nie ma narodowości – występuje na całym świecie i jest obecna we wszystkich grupach społecznych, niezależnie od wieku, wykształcenia, wyznania czy statusu społecznego. Przemoc wobec kobiet może mieć różne oblicza i nie ma tu znaczenia, jaką formę przybiera, ponieważ każda, ale to każda przemoc wobec kobiet powinna być skutecznie karana przez przedstawicieli wymiaru sprawiedliwości i stanowczo potępiana.
Tworzenie spójnego i skutecznego systemu przeciwdziałania przemocy, nie tylko wobec kobiet, ale wobec każdego człowieka, to zadanie, które spoczywa na państwach członkowskich. Tylko dobrze egzekwowane prawo może w znaczny sposób ograniczyć zjawisko przemocy wobec każdej osoby, która się z nią zetknęła.
Na koniec, szanowni państwo, chciałabym zwrócić uwagę i przypomnieć o sytuacji kobiet w Afganistanie, które każdego dnia doświadczają różnych form przemocy. Czy świat zapomniał już o ich cierpieniu? Te kobiety, jak każda z nas, zasługują na życie w poczuciu bezpieczeństwa i godności. Niestety tak nie jest i nic nie wskazuje na to, by cokolwiek się zmieniło, ponieważ my nic albo niewiele robimy.
Niyazi Kizilyürek (The Left). – Mr President, unfortunately, domestic violence remains a widespread phenomenon in Europe. One in five women in a relationship have experienced physical and or sexual violence by a partner or ex-partner. In many countries, half of family murder victims are killed by a partner or a relative.
Despite all of these undeniable facts, some EU Member States are refusing to ratify the Istanbul Convention. Some go so far as to consider it as promoting destructive gender ideology or same sex marriage. This is virtual patriarchy, which is one of the main reasons for the victimisation of women. It is a fact that low-level gender equality is one of the causes of gender violence. So also is toxic masculinity.
Let’s ratify the Istanbul Convention, but be aware that patriarchal structures cannot be deconstructed only with legal measures. We need also deep-rooted changes in all levels of life. We need absolute gender equality. Above all, we need to raise our voice against patriarchy.
Laura Ferrara (NI). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la violenza contro le donne rimane una delle più diffuse e gravi violazioni dei diritti umani. Le sofferenze e le conseguenze negative sulla salute fisica e psicologica, così come nella sfera pubblica e privata, si amplificano in condizioni di vulnerabilità, di crisi umanitarie e con l'attuale pandemia. Femminicidio, tratta, mutilazioni genitali, abusi e molestie sessuali, online e offline, sono solo alcuni dei fenomeni attraverso cui si manifestano i comportamenti violenti, ai quali non è estraneo il contesto familiare.
Occorre allora condannare con forza l'atteggiamento di quegli Stati membri che mettono in discussione la Convenzione di Istanbul, ritardandone la ratifica e l'attuazione o anche manifestando la volontà di recedere. Questo tipo di comportamento vanifica gli sforzi nell'Unione europea per ampliare le azioni rivolte a prevenire la violenza di genere, per rendere agevole la protezione e l'assistenza delle vittime, la denuncia e il perseguimento dei colpevoli.
Gli obiettivi della Convenzione rappresentano una sfida prioritaria da vincere in campo legislativo, sociale e culturale per contrastare la violenza contro le donne e affermare i loro diritti fondamentali.
Aušra Maldeikienė (PPE). – Gerbiamas Pirmininke, mieli kolegos, prieš keletą metų mano aštuoniolikos metų mokinę ir jos mamą nušovė pavydo apakintas tėtis. Žiaurų šeimos problemų sprendimo būdą pasirinkęs vyras buvo garsus gydytojas, profesorius, su kuriuo kartu dirbau mokyklos tėvų komitete.
Kas lemia, kad net 31 procentas Europos moterų patiria fizinę ir seksualinę prievartą, kuri kartais baigiasi net mirtimi? Pagrindinė priežastis – dar neįveikta patriarchalinė šeimos samprata bei lyčių stereotipai, kuriuos vis dažniau kartoja vadinamosios tradicinės šeimos apologetai.
Prieš penkerius metus popiežius Pranciškus paskelbė raginimą tikintiesiems ir ten aiškiai pasakė, kad smurto prieš moteris ištakos yra vyriškas mačizmas, su kuriuo būtina kovoti.
Vis dėlto bent jau mano šalyje Lietuvoje Stambulo konvencija neratifikuojama visų pirma dėl politikų pataikavimo vietiniams hierarchams, kurie aiškina, kad konvencija įstatymo lygmeniu įtvirtina stereotipinį požiūrį, supriešinantį vyrus ir moteris. Sunku suvokti turinį.
Panašios mintys randa puikią dirvą visuomenėje, kurioje smurtas dažnai net neatpažįstamas. Seksualinė prievarta šeimoje laikoma santuokinių pareigų vykdymu, o smurto aukos kaltinamos, kad smurtą iššaukia jų pačių, esą, netinkami veiksmai.
Norint perkirsti smurto ratą, būtina imtis aktyvesnio švietimo. Smurtą patiriančioms moterims privalu suteikti pagalbą, saugią gyvenamąją vietą, skaitmenines platformas, kurių pagalba jos galėtų informuoti apie savo problemas. Kad šios priemonės būtų ne vien formalios, jas būtina deramai finansuoti.
Cyrus Engerer (S&D). – Mr President.
Caroline, Elenor, Maria, Antonia, Shannon, Lourdes, Marija Carmela, Angele and Chantelle. Our sisters, our mothers, our friends. The nine women who have been killed in my country, Malta, only in the past five years because of a very specific disease: hatred and violence towards women. And despite the 137 women who are murdered every day in the world, femicide continues to be a de facto definition, and no single Member State seems to have a concrete taxonomy defining the murder of a person which is the direct result of hatred because of their gender.
The root cause when it comes to gender-based violence is gender stereotyping, which not only harms women, but harms all those who identify with their gender, and those who don’t. The ratification of the Istanbul Convention is key in the fight against gender-based violence. It is unacceptable that Bulgaria, Czechia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary and Slovakia have still not ratified it. Enough time-wasting. Ratify the Convention now.
Abir Al-Sahlani (Renew). – Herr talman! Redan innan pandemin var våldet mot kvinnor på tok för utbrett här i EU. En tredjedel av alla europeiska kvinnor har blivit utsatta för någon form av våld, alltså var tredje kvinna härinne i rummet och i hela EU. Varje dag dör en kvinna på grund av våld i nära relationer. Den här pandemin har inneburit att våldet i hemmet har fått florera fritt, och vissa konservativa krafter har utnyttjat pandemin för att ytterligare inskränka kvinnors mänskliga rättigheter.
Istanbulkonventionens mål är ju att skydda kvinnor från våld, men den utmålas som genuspropaganda och ett hot mot kärnfamiljen. Den polska regeringen, ledd av partiet Lag och rättvisa, är, som första europeiska land, på väg att lämna konventionen. I stället för att arbeta mot alla former av våld mot kvinnor har samma regering föreslagit att införa ett nationellt register över gravida kvinnor och på så sätt institutionalisera kränkningar av kvinnors mänskliga rättigheter – samma regering vars strikta abortlagar har lett till att en kvinna har dött.
Kära kommissionsledamot, detta är inte ett jämställdhetsproblem för EU i vårt samhälle –det här är en skam för oss. Jag förväntar mig konkreta åtgärder så att vi kan sätta stopp för våldet mot kvinnor i hela EU.
Kim Van Sparrentak (Verts/ALE). – Voorzitter, elke week sterven er vijftig vrouwen in Europa aan geweld, puur omdat ze vrouw zijn. Transgenders worden in elkaar geslagen op straat en vermoord. Vrouwen worden gedrogeerd in de kroeg en vervolgens bruut verkracht. Jonge meisjes plegen zelfmoord omdat ze intieme beelden met een jongen hebben gedeeld, die hij vervolgens zonder toestemming online gooit.
Mevrouw Dalli, we zitten in een pandemie, en dan heb ik het niet alleen over covid. Elke minuut dat we geen actie ondernemen, is er een te veel. Twee jaar geleden heeft u aangekondigd met Europese wetgeving te komen om dit geweld te criminaliseren en te voorkomen. Volgende maand zou u het dan eindelijk presenteren, maar nu is het weer uitgesteld. We kunnen niet langer wachten. Ook wordt het hoog tijd dat de EU het Verdrag van Istanbul ratificeert. Vrouwen in heel Europa rekenen op u. We verwachten actie, en geen lege woorden meer!
Jorge Buxadé Villalba (ECR). – Señor presidente, ayer estuve buscando información para saber cuánto ha aumentado o disminuido la violencia sobre las mujeres desde que se aprobó el Convenio de Estambul: no encontré nada. Pregunté a los servicios del Parlamento Europeo, que tampoco tienen nada.
La Unión Europea destina miles de millones de euros al año para fomentar la igualdad —o eso dice—. Tenemos observatorios de la mujer, comisiones de igualdad, organizaciones no gubernamentales, organizaciones gubernamentales, ministras, consejeras, comisarias e incluso cátedras en las universidades, pero es imposible encontrar una cifra oficial de qué está sucediendo.
No sabemos si la violencia sobre las mujeres aumenta o disminuye, pero, oyéndoles a ustedes, parece que aumenta, lo cual quiere decir que sus políticas de género no sirven para nada. De hecho, la realidad nos dice lo contrario: en 2015, cuando se permitió la entrada masiva de inmigración islámica en Alemania, se produjo un aumento drástico de la violencia contra las mujeres.
Nosotros lo tenemos claro: la violencia contra las mujeres se combate con control de las fronteras, apoyo a las familias y penas severas contra los criminales y los maltratadores. Ustedes hacen lo contrario: enfrentan a hombres y mujeres, hablan de la «masculinidad tóxica» y consideran a todos los hombres, en general, violadores en potencia. Así no haremos nada.
Pernando Barrena Arza (The Left). – Señor presidente, desde que en 2003 se empezaron a recoger datos sobre violencia hacia las mujeres, han sido asesinadas en Euskal Herria 112 mujeres, 11 menores.
Detrás de este número inaceptable hay nombres y existencias, proyectos de vida robados. Especialmente queremos tener en la memoria a Erika Tavares, Conchi González, Aintzane Pujana, María Pilar Berrio y la vecina de Biarritz de 75 años que han sido asesinadas a lo largo de 2021 en Euskal Herria.
Para hacer frente a esto necesitamos herramientas y compromisos claros, y uno de ellos es el Convenio de Estambul, una herramienta que abrió la perspectiva de lo que son las violencias machistas y exigió a los Estados compromisos y respuestas claras, con medidas de verdad, justicia, reparación y garantías de no repetición.
Como ya han dicho otros compañeros precedentes, a día de hoy solo veintiún Estados miembros han ratificado el Convenio y la Unión todavía no lo ha hecho como tal. Pedimos de manera urgente que la Unión Europea ratifique el Convenio de Estambul y que entre ya en la agenda del Consejo. Sabemos que los domicilios no son seguros para muchas mujeres, del mismo modo que los Estados e instituciones tampoco lo son si no se hacen cargo de convenios como estos.
Quiero acabar agradeciendo al movimiento feminista la labor incansable de concienciación y actuación. Si hoy estamos aquí, evidentemente es porque ellas siguen abriendo camino.
Luisa Regimenti (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signora Commissaria, l'odierna ricorrenza ci induce a riflettere su un fenomeno che costituisce non solo un'emergenza pubblica e sociale, ma una delle più vergognose violazioni dei diritti umani.
Arriviamo a questa giornata simbolica con un bilancio tragico: solo in Italia nel 2021 si conta un femminicidio ogni tre giorni. Ma chi pensa che le donne siano il sesso debole, si sbaglia. Vivere una vita da donna richiede molta più forza e determinazione rispetto a quella di un uomo e spesso il dover resistere davanti alle ingiustizie, le oppressioni, le sopraffazioni e gli abusi.
In una società democratica non può e non deve esserci spazio per nessuna forma di violenza contro le donne, ma ciò si realizza mediante una rivoluzione in termini di sensibilizzazione della comunità e non può certo prescindere da un sostegno europeo e nazionale.
La Convenzione di Istanbul è il più completo trattato internazionale sui diritti umani per prevenire e combattere la violenza contro le donne, e se è vero che tutti gli Stati membri hanno firmato la Convenzione, permangono ancora delle sfide relative alla sua ratifica.
È quindi necessaria un'azione urgente per porre fine alle errate interpretazioni della Convenzione di Istanbul e per porre al centro dell'agenda politica europea la tutela dei diritti fondamentali, l'uguaglianza fra i sessi, la sicurezza e la giustizia, per poter dire oggi: "non vi lasciamo sole, noi ci siamo!"
Maria Noichl (S&D). – Herr Präsident! Ich spreche als Europäerin, als Frau, als Mutter, als Oma, und ich möchte es ganz deutlich sagen: Wer die Werte, wer die Inhalte, wer die Handlungsaufträge der Istanbul-Konvention nicht teilt, kann nicht Teil dieser EU sein. Denn diese EU ist ein Versprechen, vor allen Dingen auch ein Versprechen an die Frauen. Die Istanbul-Konvention ist so etwas wie ein Sammelband. Die Istanbul-Konvention ist ein Sammelband für Schutzaufträge, ein Sammelband für Aktionen, für ein Friedensversprechen den Frauen gegenüber und vor allen Dingen für ein einheitliches Schutzniveau für alle Frauen in der EU.
Die Istanbul-Konvention ist somit das weitreichendste Instrument, das wir derzeit zum Schutz gegen Gewalt an Frauen haben. Und es ist ganz klar, dass es endlich an der Zeit ist, dieses Papier zu ratifizieren, es als EU zu ratifizieren, mit qualifizierter Mehrheit zu ratifizieren, keine Zeit mehr zu verlieren und sich damit ganz, ganz klar auf die Seiten der Frauen und auf die Seiten der Männer zu stellen, die klar gegen Gewalt an Frauen kämpfen.
Es ist eine Gruppe von Frauen und von Männern, die einen Schritt in die Zukunft machen wollen. Und die ewiggestrigen Männer, die müssen wir überwinden.
Irène Tolleret (Renew). – Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, Jennifer en France, Angelica en Allemagne, Sylvia en Italie, Anna en Pologne. Quelques noms de femmes qui sont des sœurs, des cousines, des amies, des mères, des filles. Quatre groupes humains détruits parce que ces femmes ont été tuées par leur conjoint ou leur ex-conjoint, cette année, en 2021, dans l’Union européenne, ici et maintenant.
Malheureusement, la liste est plus longue. Chaque année, des centaines de femmes meurent en Europe, tuées par leur conjoint ou leur ex-conjoint. Chaque jour, des femmes sont violentées, harcelées, dans la rue, sur internet. Nous vivons aujourd’hui dans une société qui est gangrénée par les stéréotypes de genre. Le patriarcat, le machisme, le sexisme sont toujours une réalité.
Nous, législateurs européens, avons une responsabilité. Nous ne pouvons pas seulement nous protéger derrière l’idée que la convention d’Istanbul doit aller plus loin. Nous avons aussi besoin d’une directive pour lutter contre les violences, mais nous devons également mener une réelle révolution culturelle pour qu’au niveau de l’éducation que nous offrons à nos filles et à nos garçons, à la maison comme à l’école, dès le plus jeune âge, nous transmettions aux garçons et aux filles la culture de l’égalité. Pour que cette liste de femmes tuées n’existe plus.
Malin Björk (The Left). – Herr talman! När Istanbulkonventionen antogs var vi många som jublade. Äntligen ett internationellt instrument för att bekämpa det könsbaserade våldet – det som förminskar våra liv, som tar liv. Men i dag attackeras Istanbulkonventionen av högerkonservativa, auktoritära krafter. Vi ser hur våldet mot kvinnor och hbtqi-personer förminskas och till och med ursäktas. Vi kan inte låta det ske.
Inget EU-land ska kunna avsäga sig åtagandet att bekämpa våld mot kvinnor, varken Polen eller något annat land. Kvinnorna har sagt sitt. Vi har modigt brutit tystnaden. Vi stöttar varandra. Men jag undrar: Var är männen? Var är åtgärderna? Var är resurserna? Var är pengarna? Var är den krismedvetenhet som vi ser när det gäller annat? Det här är terror mot kvinnors kroppar.
Ni agerar som om politiken inte hade någon möjlighet att göra någonting. Det har den. Vi ska ha nolltolerans mot alla former av könsbaserat våld. Vi ska ha mer resurser till kvinnojourerna. Vi ska tro på den som vågar berätta. Det är modigt att bryta tystnaden. Vi ska säga att det är förövaren som bär all skuld. Vi ska säga att lagen står på din sida. Vi kommer inte att vila förrän vi har satt stopp för våldet mot kvinnor och flickor.
Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, violence against women can take many forms, from coercive control to physical abuse. Earlier this month, my colleagues and I were delighted to welcome Sarah Benson of Women’s Aid Ireland to the European Parliament. The charity was a very deserving recipient of the 2021 European Citizen’s Prize, in recognition of the frontline support that they have provided since the outbreak of COVID-19.
Figures show an increase of over 40% in calls to the charity’s helpline after March 2020. The figure is stark, and even more so when you remember that many instances of domestic abuse go unreported, due to the stigma and shame imposed on victims. My own country of Ireland signed the Istanbul Convention in 2015, and I am pleased to say that we ratified it in March 2019.
Many policy and legal improvements were made leading up to the ratification, but that does not mean we should stop here. Recent progress includes the commencement of Coco’s Law, which criminalises the taking and distribution of intimate images without consent. While I believe that we are seeing real and positive change, violence against women inside and outside the home in Ireland and across the EU remains far too common. We must continue to fight to end it.
Predrag Fred Matić (S&D). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, povjerenice, na Međunarodni dan borbe protiv nasilja nad ženama prvo bih izrazio žaljenje zbog činjenice da o ovom problemu ne postoji relevantna i ažurira statistika. To znači da brojke koje imamo ne ocrtavaju realnost koja je danas još gora. A trenutno statistika govori: svaka treća žena je tijekom života bila žrtva fizičkog ili seksualnog nasilja, svaka četvrta mlada žena bila je izložena obiteljskom nasilju i nasilju od strane intimnog partnera. U prosjeku dvije od tri žene nisu prijavile nasilje policiji. Iz ovoga možemo zaključiti: problem nasilja nad ženama s godinama ne jenjava već, nažalost, raste. Postojeći programi prevencije i zaštite ne donose rezultate. Mali postotak prijave nasilja govori o nepovjerenju prema institucijama. I ono najbolnije, ove nam brojke vrlo jasno pokazuju da naš ključni dokument, Istanbulska konvencija, nije zaživjela na način na koji smo zamislili i da je vrijeme da se povuku hrabriji potezi.
Naša je odgovornost da pratimo implementaciju Istanbulske konvencije, a od Europske komisije iščekujemo novu direktivu za borbu protiv nasilja nad ženama, obećanu do kraja ove godine. Želim vjerovati da Komisija neće ostaviti žene na cjedilu.
Hilde Vautmans (Renew). – Mr President, for already almost an hour and a half today, we have listened to the stories and we have listened to the numbers. But, Madam Commissioner, did we really hear them? I will repeat them: nearly one in three women have been abused in their lifetime and, since the COVID pandemic, the figures are even worse. Since the COVID—19 pandemic, we see a real shadow pandemic. Since the start, two in three women report that they have experienced some form of violence.
Colleagues, we must act and we must act together. Luckily, there were a few men talking today, but most of us talking here were women. We need the men also to fight. May I say that? We also need you, because what is happening is no longer acceptable. For me, what should be done is that we need to believe the survivors. We must tackle the root causes and we should introduce one European helpline. We should take care of the victims.
Madam Commissioner, we should make gender-based violence a European priority. There are many priorities, but for me, it’s a very important one that we can no longer accept. So please, push those six Member States to ratify the Istanbul Convention. Colleagues, altogether here, say no to violence to women.
Katarina Barley (S&D). – Mr President, gender-based violence has many forms and faces, and we see it everywhere. We have a tool to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence: the Istanbul Convention. It does not solve the problem all by itself, but it is a commitment to take action.
Now we see that this Convention is being framed by autocratic regimes. They say it is against their history and culture to fight against gender—based violence. Are you serious? Some of them have even signed it themselves.
We have to see it as part of the bigger picture. We currently witness the increase of transnational, highly-organised and well—funded anti—gender movements in the European Union and worldwide that go hand—in—hand with anti-democratic movements. These movements put into question the achievements of women’s rights and endanger, at the same time, our democratic foundation. Because it all goes together when you look at these regimes: fight against the independence of judiciary, fight against free media, fight against critical culture and the rights of women. That’s always the same pattern.
Now, we have to fight for the rights of women, and I’m happy to say that the new coalition contract in Germany includes the full implementation of the Istanbul Convention. There are still small parts missing in the digital space, and this contract also makes clear that Germany will fight for the ratification and implementation in our Council of Europe partner countries. This is the way to go.
Marc Angel (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, c’est un scandale! Aujourd’hui, six États membres – la Bulgarie, la Hongrie, la Lettonie, la Lituanie, la Slovaquie et la Tchéquie – n’ont toujours pas ratifié la convention d’Istanbul, qui protège les femmes, les filles et la communauté LGBTI. En plus, le gouvernement polonais menace de se retirer. Voilà pourquoi la ratification par l’Union européenne reste bloquée au Conseil.
Refuser cette convention qui sauve des vies est un geste insensible et d’une terrible cruauté face aux violences faites aux femmes en Europe. Considérant le nombre croissant de féminicides, je ne peux que me tourner vers ces six gouvernements et leur rappeler qu’au travers de leur attitude, c’est du sang qu’ils ont sur les mains.
Nous, Parlement européen, ne pouvons pas rester insensibles à cette réalité. Voilà pourquoi une très grande majorité, Madame la Commissaire, va faire avancer les propositions législatives qui incluent les normes d’excellence de la convention d’Istanbul et l’initiative d’ajouter les violences faites aux femmes et aux filles à la liste des crimes inscrits dans le droit européen.
Madame la Commissaire, comptez sur nous pour renverser le patriarcat. Comptez sur nous pour combattre ensemble les mouvements antigenres et leur idéologie. Ce sont eux les idéologues dans cette histoire.
Helena Dalli,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, Europe is the frontrunner when it comes to elimination of violence against women and girls. Women and girls deserve to live free from violence in Europe and beyond. This is why the Commission is not only working on EU-wide action and legislation, but is combating gender-based violence across the world.
Our main tools in this respect are the Gender Action Plan III and the ongoing EU-UN Spotlight Initiative. Earlier this year, the Commission, as Action Coalition leader of the UN Generation Equality Forum on gender-based violence, committed itself to act through policy proposals, actions and funding, in combating gender-based violence across the world. Ensuring that sufficient protection and support is available for all women and girls will help us achieve a world free from violence.
I thank this Parliament for its continuous support in our common goal by recalling this year’s theme for 25 November, ‘Orange the World: END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN NOW!’.
President. – The debate is closed.
Written statements (Rule 171)
Атидже Алиева-Вели (Renew), в писмена форма. – Безспорен е фактът, че насилието, основано на пола, остава ужасяваща реалност за твърде много граждани в ЕС. Въпреки високите цели, които постави Комисията, все още няма задоволителни конкретни резултати. Много от жените, подложени на насилие, мълчат, защото вярват, че насилниците ще се променят. А всъщност статистиката сочи, че 33% от жените в ЕС са били подложени на физическо и/или сексуално насилие, а 55% са били сексуално тормозени. Затова сега, ние, ясно и на висок глас трябва да говорим за този проблем. Стотици животи можеха да бъдат спасени, само ако имахме адекватни мерки и бяхме приложили категорични политики в областта на домашното насилие и насилието, основано на пола.
Трябва да гарантираме безопасността на жените по света чрез премахване на насилието, основано на пола, в многобройните му форми, за да постигнем равенство между половете. Насилието не е непредотвратимо. Изход има. Един ефективен инструмент в борбата срещу насилието над жените е Истанбулската конвенция. За съжаление, България все още е една от страните, които не са я ратифицирали. ДПС е единствената партия, която от самото начало изразява подкрепата си за конвенцията. Искрено вярвам, че ратифицирането й ще има ключова роля, за да можем да изкореним насилието срещу жените и да осигурим пълно равенство между половете.
Rovana Plumb (S&D), in writing. – Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today. While gender—based violence can happen to anyone, anywhere, women and girls are particularly vulnerable, for instance young girls and older women, migrants and refugees, indigenous women and ethnic minorities. Violence against women continues to be an obstacle to achieving equality, development, as well as to the fulfilment of women and girls’ human rights. All in all, the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals to leave no one behind cannot be fulfilled without putting an end to violence against women and girls. As long as women are traumatised, beaten, raped, trafficked, murdered or in other ways denied their bodily autonomy, and while girls are still harassed in school and online, exposed to female genital mutation and forced marriage, Europe is not equal and not free from gender—based violence. I welcome the European Commission’s intention to put forward an EU Directive to combat gender—based violence and domestic violence before the end of 2021. Ambitious and progressive legislation coupled with sufficient funding for anti—violence initiatives are urgently needed. Europe must become a zero—tolerance zone for gender—based violence.
Christine Schneider (PPE), schriftlich. – Geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt ist nach wie vor ein globales und europaweites Problem. Ich bedauere ausdrücklich die mangelnden Fortschritte bei der Ratifizierung der Istanbul-Konvention. Ich stimme mit der Kommission überein und befürworte die geplanten Maßnahmen, denn die Zahlen sind erschreckend: Eine von drei Frauen in der EU hat seit ihrem 15. Lebensjahr körperliche Misshandlung und sexuelle Gewalt erfahren. Jede Woche verlieren etwa 50 Frauen ihr Leben durch häusliche Gewalt durch ihre Partner. Nach Angaben der Vereinten Nationen wurden im Jahr 2019 weltweit 243 Millionen Frauen und Mädchen misshandelt, aber nur 40 Prozent zeigten dies an. Die Situation hat sich während der COVID-19-Pandemie noch verschärft, da die Frauen gezwungen waren, zu Hause bei ihren Missbrauchern zu bleiben.
Stefania Zambelli (ID), per iscritto. – I numeri inerenti alla violenza contro le donne in Europa, sono ancora oggi allarmanti. Si stima infatti che in Europa il 33% delle donne sia vittima di violenza fisica o sessuale. Purtroppo, a perpetrare violenza contro le donne sono proprio le persone ad esse più vicine, come il padre o il partner. La pandemia da COVID-19, non ha fatto altro che esacerbare questa situazione, con picchi di femminicidi durante i mesi di lockdown. Dobbiamo garantire sostegno alle donne vittime di violenza e alle famiglie che hanno perso una donna a causa di femminicidio: aiuto psicologico, compensazioni economiche celeri e giuste, pene severe per chi ha perpetrato il reato. I sistemi giudiziari devono dare risposte rapide e certe, a chi ha perso una madre o una figlia. È inammissibile che in Europa ci siano ancora enormi differenze tra i vari schemi nazionali di compensazione per le vittime di reato.
È nostro dovere far sì, che chi ha subito un reato e le lo ro famiglie, ottengano giustizia velocemente.