 Texte intégral 
Procédure : 2021/3020(RSP)
Cycle de vie en séance
Cycles relatifs aux documents :

Textes déposés :


Débats :

PV 16/12/2021 - 6.3
CRE 16/12/2021 - 6.3

Votes :

PV 16/12/2021 - 9
PV 16/12/2021 - 15
CRE 16/12/2021 - 9

Textes adoptés :


Compte rendu in extenso des débats
XML 40k
Jeudi 16 décembre 2021 - Strasbourg

6.3. Travail forcé dans l'usine Linglong et manifestations pour la protection de l'environnement en Serbie
Vidéo des interventions

  Der Präsident. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über sechs Entschließungsanträge zu Zwangsarbeit in der Fabrik von Linglong und Umweltprotesten in Serbien (2021/3020(RSP))*.


* Siehe Protokoll.


  Miriam Lexmann, author. – Mr President, the Linglong tyre factory construction is emblematic of the current growing impact of China’s economic footprint in Serbia and across the Western Balkans. We observe the potentially devastating impact of these projects on the wider environment and on human rights, as well as the surrounding population, all covered under a veil of non-transparency.

This extremely sad situation highlights the consequence of the Chinese investments. Although political leaders may be swayed by grand projects and the promise of jobs and investments, it is impossible to ignore the corrosive impact that Chinese investments have on society, governance and on the environment.

The protests of the Serbian people over the past weeks show that they care about their country and the environment in which they live. After all, we are all home-building creatures, and it is a basic human instinct to care for one’s home.

This is why I call on the Serbian Government to provide a clear action plan moving forward on how they are going to address the existing issues, to honour and follow both their own domestic legislation to the full extent of the law, as well as the regulations passed down as part of the EU accession process. This is particularly important in cases of corrosive investments from authoritarian and totalitarian countries.

Also, let me welcome the decision of the Serbian Government to withdraw the law on expropriation and the amendments to the law on referendum, and to investigate and address the conditions at the Linglong factory.

At the same time, let me welcome the opening of cluster 4 of the negotiating chapters with Serbia. I sincerely hope that the opening of the new chapters will provide the Serbian authorities with the impetus to ensure the relevant legislation concerning the mentioned cases. It is very important. In this context, it is also important to ensure that investors – regardless of their origin – are not above the law.

To conclude, let me highlight that it is imperative that the European Union supports the resilience of the neighbourhood and candidate countries.


  Tonino Picula, autor. – Poštovani predsjedavajući, nije čest slučaj da kao o hitnom slučaju ugroze ljudskih prava raspravljamo o zemlji kandidatkinji za članstvo u Europskoj uniji. Međutim, trenutna situacija s ljudskim i radničkim pravima u Srbiji u potpunosti opravdava ovakav presedan.


U Srbiji nisu usamljeni slučajevi vanjskih utjecaja kroz sumnjive investicije neusklađene s europskim standardima i vrijednostima. A takve rezultiraju  prisilnim radom.


A sve to uz direktnu podršku vladajućih struktura koji prosvjednike za očuvanje okoliša uspoređuju s fašistima, dok huligani uz zaštitu policije brane murale osuđenim ratnim zločincima.


Jučer je održana međuvladina konferencija za otvaranje novog klastera pregovaračkih poglavlja sa Srbijom. Ironično, otvoren je baš klaster za okoliš.


I to nekoliko dana nakon masovnih prosvjeda u Srbiji upravo protiv zakonodavnog prijedloga vlade kojima bi se opasno ugrozio okoliš i narušilo zdravlje građana.


Građanski otpor uspio je dovesti do povlačenja spornog zakona, ali je otpor Bruxellesa prema takvim politikama vlade, nažalost, izostao.


Poruka koju time šaljemo glasi da jedino Srbiju, zemlju koja pokazuje znakove nazadovanje u području vladavine prava, nagrađujemo otvaranjem novih poglavlja. I dok su Albanija i Sjeverna Makedonija, koje su ispunile sve uvjete za početak pregovora i dalje u čekaonici, a građani Kosova i dalje jedini trebaju vizu za Europsku uniju.

Ovakve odluke neće obnoviti kredibilitet politike proširenja.


  Klemen Grošelj, Avtor. – (nerazločno) ni usmerjena zoper Srbijo, njene državljane, ampak je opozorilo srbskim oblastem, da so kršitve temeljnih pravic, kakršnim smo priča v primeru tovarne Linglong in okoljskih protestov, za državo, ki želi postati članica Evropske unije, popolnoma nesprejemljive.

Oba primera kljub svoji ekstremnosti opozarjata na širši problem Srbije kot države kandidatke. V primeru kršitev temeljnih pravic vietnamskih delavcev je v ozadju tudi vprašanje odnosa srbskih oblasti do kitajskih investicij, še posebej njihovega posebnega položaja glede na srbski pravni red, ki je popolnoma nesprejemljiv za državo, ki se pogaja za članstvo v Evropski uniji in se pripravlja na sprejem evropskega pravnega reda.

Nasilje huliganov nad okoljskimi protestniki ob milo rečeno nenavadni pasivnosti policije pa opozarja, da imajo srbske oblasti velike težave pri implementaciji dogovorjenega v pogajanjih, še posebej pri tako temeljni pravici, kot je pravica do mirnega protesta. Resolucija opozarja, da srbske oblasti kljub zagotovilom ne uresničujejo v praksi, kar je bilo dogovorjeno v pridružitvenih pogajanjih.

Naj poudarim, da je z vsemi odprtimi klasterji, novo metodologijo, usoda pogajanj o pridružitvi Srbije Evropski uniji v rokah srbskih oblasti. Na njih je, da zaveze udejanjijo, ne samo na papirju, ampak skozi konkretna dejanja.

Kot zagovornik širitve Evropske unije na Zahodnem Balkanu ob tem ne morem skriti razočaranja nad dogajanjem v Srbiji.


  Viola Von Cramon-Taubadel, author. – Mr President, it is nothing new that Serbia is a captured state with a very weak reform track record. The Serbian regime has widely opened its doors to Chinese investment, but has no respect whatsoever for labour and environmental rights and, above all, human dignity.

What is, however, new is the way Vietnamese workers are treated in Serbia, while working on the Linglong tyre factory construction site. This is what you call modern slavery: no water, food and heating. Is this the picture Europe wants to send as a global leader in fighting for human and labour rights? Other, but related, stories are the ongoing environmental protests. Why do both the Serbian Government and Rio Tinto keep secrecy around the plan of what to do with lithium mining in Loznica? Citizens are rightly worried.

So let me be clear. The environmental protests in Serbia are not just about the environment, nor about laws on the referendum. The protests are equally as much about the widespread corruption, inaction of state institutions, lack of transparency and any progress on Serbia’s European path.

It is, therefore, high time for us in the EU to react. We risk our credibility by allowing the practice of slave labour and environmental barbarism to take root in the middle of Europe in an EU candidate country. We risk the democratic transformation of Serbia. Instead of opening the cluster, we have to support democratic pro-European voices in the country and show them that the EU is not ready to compromise on our standards.


  Joachim Stanisław Brudziński, autor. – Panie Przewodniczący! We wtorek dyskutowaliśmy w tej Izbie na temat współpracy z państwami Bałkanów Zachodnich w walce z przestępczością zorganizowaną. Mówiłem z tego miejsca, że pozostawienie państw tego regionu samym sobie nieuchronnie będzie powodowało, że coraz większą rolę w tych państwach, obok niestety zorganizowanych grup przestępczych, będą odgrywać takie państwa jak Chiny, Rosja czy Turcja. Państwa te będą wykorzystywać Bałkany Zachodnie nie tylko do robienia interesów, ale również będą czynić wszystko, aby destabilizować sytuację polityczną w całej Europie.

W ostatnich latach coraz częściej słyszymy o efektach ubocznych działalności biznesowej prowadzonej w Serbii przez wielkie międzynarodowe koncerny, w tym zwłaszcza koncerny chińskie. Chiny od kilku lat realizują swoją politykę w odniesieniu do regionu Bałkanów Zachodnich w oparciu o inwestycje w projekty infrastrukturalne, ale to tylko jedna strona medalu. O tej drugiej, ciemnej, dzisiaj dyskutujemy. Nieludzkie traktowanie wietnamskich pracowników, zasilanie inwestycji kapitałem korozyjnym, trudnym do rozliczenia, mało przejrzystym, przepływy kapitału z państw autorytarnych – to wszystko musi zostać potępione. Ale nadal otwarte pozostaje pytanie: czy Unia Europejska odda państwa Bałkanów Zachodnich? Czy oddamy naszych przyjaciół w ręce Chin i Rosji?


  Miguel Urbán Crespo, autor. – Señor presidente, en los últimos años, Serbia ha aplicado reformas neoliberales para atraer la inversión extranjera y como respuesta a las exigencias europeas en el marco del proceso de adhesión.

Reformas que, como denuncia la sociedad civil, han afectado a los derechos laborales de los trabajadores con casos especialmente graves que el Gobierno serbio ha pretendido esconder, como el de la fábrica de Linglong.

Pero reformas que también han devaluado las normativas medioambientales serbias. No podemos olvidar que Serbia es el país de Europa más contaminado. En las últimas semanas se están celebrando movilizaciones masivas contra el expolio de los recursos naturales del país. Una de esas empresas criticadas en estas movilizaciones es la de Rio Tinto y su proyecto Jadar, uno de los mayores proyectos de extracción de litio que abastecerá principalmente al mercado europeo y que devastará el medio ambiente local.

Qué casualidad que la Resolución no lo ha querido mencionar. Los derechos laborales y medioambientales se deben defender independientemente de la nacionalidad de la empresa que los viole. Basta ya de hipocresías y de mirar hacia otro lado cuando se salpica a Europa y se desnudan las vergüenzas de su imposible capitalismo verde. Porque no tenemos planeta B.

Es urgente cambiar el sistema para no cambiar el clima.


  Tomislav Sokol, u ime kluba PPE. –Poštovani predsjedavajući, povjereniče, kolegice i kolege, posljednjih nekoliko tjedana svjedočimo velikim ekološkim prosvjedima u Srbiji gdje desetine tisuća građana sudjeluju u blokadi cesta te zahtijevaju ukidanje Zakona o eksproprijaciji, izmjene Zakona o referendumu kako bi se spriječila eksploatacija litija u toj zemlji.

Mirne prosvjede prati niz incidenata i provokacija, sporadični sukobi, naguravanja i tučnjave koje izazivaju skupine provokatora i pristaša vlasti, uz upadljivo odsustvo uniformirane policije. Očito je da vladajuća Srpska napredna stranka ugrožava politička prava i građanske slobode u ovoj zemlji. Također, vladajući u Srbiji su pod velikim pritiskom vezano za progon nekoliko stotina radnika iz Vijetnama angažiranih na gradnji kineske tvornice automobilskih guma u toj zemlji. Postoje ozbiljne indicije da radnici iz Vijetnama rade u nehumanim i higijenskim uvjetima ali i da se u Srbiji nalaze protupravno odnosno da postoje elementi kaznenog djela trgovine ljudima što je vrlo zabrinjavajuće.

U širem kontekstu stanja u Srbiji, istaknuo bih činjenicu da pristupni pregovori o ulasku Srbije u Europsku uniju stagniraju. Dva osnovna razloga za manjak napretka u otvaranju novih poglavlja su stanje demokracije, vladavina prava te sporost reformi. Čak je došlo do nazadovanja u pogledu pitanja kao što su ključna za pristupanje EU-u kao što su temeljna ljudska prava, borba s korupcijom, neovisnost medija i razvoj civilnog društva te se ne vide konkretni rezultati i vidljivi napori u tim područjima. Dapače, ako pogledamo situaciju s medijskim slobodama možemo vidjeti da je situacija u tom segmentu gora nego ikad. Na taj način, Vlada Srbije šalje poruku da nije sigurna želi li uopće nastaviti svoj put prema europskim integracijama a postaje sve jasnije da predsjednik Vučić zapravo nikada istinski nije bio odan europskim idejama i vrijednostima.

Srbija ne može ući u EU dok ne riješi temeljna pitanja vezana uz vladavinu prava, u što spada i procesuiranje ratnih zločina, rasvjetljavanje sudbine nestalih osoba iz agresije na Hrvatsku te zaštita prava manjina. Njeno vodstvo se jednostavno mora suočiti s ovim problemima te djelima a ne riječima pokazati da je osvojilo europske vrijednosti.


  Vlad Gheorghe, în numele grupului Renew. – Domnule președinte, am tolerat prea mult amenințările venite din interiorul Uniunii și, mai ales, din afara ei. Nu mai putem ignora încălcările flagrante ale valorilor care ne-au adus împreună de către membri sau de către cei care doresc să devină membri în familia noastră. Timpul discuțiilor a trecut. Este nevoie de acțiuni concrete, cu rezultate reale.

Fake news și propaganda antieuropeană, discursul care incită la ură, discriminare și violență, îngrădirea libertății presei, îngrădirea libertății de mișcare, a dreptului la muncă, sclavie modernă - se întâmplă toate pe teritoriul nostru și la granițele noastre, toate au ca autori și finanțatori entități cu interese clare în destabilizarea Uniunii.

Este cazul să îi tratăm așa cum merită: ca pe amenințări la adresa securității și a prosperității cetățenilor europeni care ne-au trimis aici. Nu putem fi lideri pe continent și în lume prin comunicate date din birouri călduțe ca răspuns la atacuri repetate, organizate, nesancționate. Pentru europeni nu suntem diplomați, doar absenți, iar dușmanii își permit să țipe și mai tare.


  Thierry Mariani, au nom du groupe ID. – Monsieur le Président, tout est bon dans ce Parlement pour attaquer la Serbie. Belgrade, honteusement bombardée par les forces de l’OTAN, est comme une mauvaise conscience permanente à notre porte.

La Serbie refuse de se plier à l’atlantisme forcené de l’Union européenne? Alors la Commission lui en fait une condition pour accéder à l’Union européenne, sans que ces dispositions ne figurent dans le traité sur le fonctionnement de l’Union européenne. La Serbie refuse de reconnaître le dépeçage de son territoire avec la création du Kosovo? Alors, ce Parlement essaie d’imposer la reconnaissance de Pristina. La Serbie accueille tous les investisseurs internationaux, qu’ils soient chinois, européens ou russes? Alors, Bruxelles voudrait la rendre dépendante de nos seules subventions.

Je suis le premier à défendre le droit à une concurrence loyale sur le continent européen. Toutefois, je souhaite que ces résolutions sur les droits de l’homme soient complètes et transparentes. D’où viennent les informations sur l’usine de Linglong? D’une association financée par l’Open Society de George Soros et dont le représentant est un ancien employé de ce même George Soros en Serbie. Chers collègues, il faut le dire, l’ingérence de M. Soros dans les affaires de ce Parlement est une insulte constante pour nos électeurs.

Les Balkans attirent énormément d’investisseurs et de réseaux divers. La Turquie, les pays du Golfe, la Russie, les États-Unis et la Chine s’y livrent une compétition permanente. Que leur oppose l’Union européenne? Une pluie d’argent arrose les dirigeants les moins vertueux, à l’image de M. Đukanović au Monténégro. Cette attitude se solde immanquablement par des échecs, car nous passons pour un acteur plus idéologue que réaliste.

Cette résolution, je le crains, restera donc lettre morte. Au lieu d’inciter à une enquête impartiale et complète, cette résolution condamne sans éléments précis. Au lieu de dialoguer avec la Serbie, nous instrumentalisons une enquête partiale contre Belgrade.


  Dorien Rookmaker, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Voorzitter, Servië is een Chinese kolonie aan het worden met Chinese fabrieken en Chinese arbeidsomstandigheden. Servië beschikt ook over strategische grondstoffen en is daardoor belangrijk voor de EU. Doordat de Nederlandse regering en, belangrijker nog, de Franse regering de toetreding van Servië en de andere staten in de Westelijke Balkan tegenhouden, heeft China alle gelegenheid om zichzelf een strategische positie in Europa te verschaffen.

China is de bron van schendingen van mensenrechten in Europa. Maar we moeten bij ons standpunt over de toelating van de Westelijke Balkanstaten de strategische en economische aspecten ook meenemen. De situatie in de Westelijke Balkan vormt door de veronachtzaming door de EU een grote en urgente bedreiging voor de economie en de politieke stabiliteit van Europa. Dit kan zelfs leiden tot oorlog en grote vluchtelingenstromen. Daarom roep ik de Europese Commissie en de Europese Raad bij dezen op om in actie te komen en zo snel mogelijk met het toetredingsproces van de Westelijke Balkanstaten te beginnen.


  Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (NI). –Poštovani predsjedavajući, rudnici litija predviđeni su na 20 lokacija u Srbiji a ključna je dolina Jadra koja ima 18 tisuća stanovnika s istaknutom poljoprivredom i potvrđuje tužnu neokolonijalnu stvarnost Europe i Kine.

Kod nedavne posjete Angele Merkel svom stranačkom kolegi iz EPP-a Vučiću, on je bio konobar a Srbija švedski stol. Merkel izjavljuje kako je Europa jako zainteresirana za srpski litij. Zašto Europa nije zainteresirana za svoj litij, pošto su najveće rezerve u Njemačkoj i Češkoj? Zato što se slijedi neokolonijalni koncept gdje dobit i ono što valja ide u središte a zagađenje ide na periferiju. Zamislite da je ispod plantaža vina oko Bordeauxa nađen litij, bi li Francuzi razgovarali o raseljavanju naroda koji tamo živi? Da je nađen u Toskani, da je nađen u dolini Rajne, naravno da ne bi. Nije prihvatljivo da zemlje periferije, bile članice Europe ili ne, budu deponij da bi se netko vozio električnim automobilima.

Također, za Srbiju je planirano čak šest novih termoelektrana dok se svuda po Europi gase. To što je u Europi zabranjeno, kada je u pitanju životna sredina i okoliš, ne može biti dozvoljeno u Srbiji i Bosni ili pak Albaniji, koja isto ima nalazišta litija, i koju je Merkel posjetila odmah nakon posjeta Beogradu.


  Katalin Cseh (Renew). – Mr President, Serbia is a country that wants to join the EU, and that’s great – as long as they fulfil the accession criteria. And the last time I checked, letting China export their harrowing labour standards to Europe was not among them. What’s happening at the Linglong tyre factory in Serbia is basically institutionalised human trafficking and organised slavery, with a front seat view for us to witness how China treats its so-called economic partners.

The Serbian authorities must step up and ensure that the rights of all factory employees are respected. The only question is: why haven’t they done this already? And the answer is obvious: China’s creeping influence prevents them from doing so.

This is what happens, dear colleagues, when we allow Beijing to dictate the terms of cooperation. And let this be a lesson for the Commission before negotiating another investment agreement with China. Let this be a lesson for all Member States who think that Chinese investment comes without any strings attached. And let this be a lesson for the EU as a whole. If we do not step up our efforts in our neighbourhood policy, other global powers will, with Europe picking up the pieces.


  Elżbieta Kruk (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! W ostatnich latach Chiny rozwinęły współpracę z kandydującymi do Unii państwami bałkańskimi, wykorzystując ich potrzeby inwestycyjne. Na chińskie propozycje pozytywnie zareagowała w szczególności Serbia. Wydaje się z kolei, że Pekin traktuje Serbię jako część globalnej inicjatywy „Pasa i Szlaku”, projektu logistycznego mającego doprowadzić do powstania współczesnego odpowiednika Jedwabnego Szlaku i zwiększenia chińskiej strefy wpływów gospodarczych. Wobec rosnącego zainteresowania Chin Bałkanami Unia Europejska winna dążyć do zwiększenia tam swojej obecności. Wymaga to przyśpieszenia negocjacji członkowskich i ułatwienia dostępu do funduszy przedakcesyjnych.

Istotną kwestią są rażące nadużycia wobec pracowników zatrudnionych przy chińskich inwestycjach w Serbii. Organizacje pozarządowe informują, że zatrudnieni tam wietnamscy robotnicy żyją i pracują w nieludzkich warunkach. Chcą wracać do Wietnamu, ale są pozbawieni paszportów i pieniędzy. Organizacje broniące praw człowieka donoszą, że pracownicy ci zostali przemyceni do Serbii i prawdopodobnie pracują jak niewolnicy. Serbski rząd przymyka na to oko. Konieczna jest więc pilna i konsekwentna interwencja w obronie praw tych ludzi.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (NI). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, sono 750, per lo più vietnamiti e lavorano alla costruzione di una fabbrica di pneumatici e vivono in condizioni da incubo. L'inverno è alle porte e non ci sono né riscaldamento né vestiti pesanti. Tanti vorrebbero tornare a casa loro in Vietnam ma non possono perché gli sono stati ritirati persino i documenti.

Si tratta di quella che viene definita schiavitù moderna. Non stiamo parlando di qualche situazione drammatica dall'altra parte del mondo, ma della Serbia nel cuore dell'Europa. La partnership sino-serba è fiorita negli ultimi anni, ma nasconde un lato oscuro nella forma di vistose violazioni ambientali e dei diritti dei lavoratori.

Gentile Commissario, sottoscrivendo il processo di adesione – processo che io sostengo pienamente peraltro – la Serbia ha accolto specifici obblighi ambientali e sociali che devono essere rispettati, dobbiamo ricordarlo con fermezza. Dobbiamo essere in grado però di fornire anche un'alternativa concreta ai soldi cinesi sia con il piano economico di investimenti dei Balcani occidentali sia con il prossimo Global gateway.

Dobbiamo fare sì che il messaggio che esiste un'altra strada arrivi forte e chiaro ai nostri partner di Belgrado affinché non si ripetano situazioni come quella di cui oggi stiamo discutendo.


  Nathalie Loiseau (Renew). – Monsieur le Président, à Bor, en Serbie, les routes de la soie sont devenues les routes de la honte. La Chine n’y exploite pas seulement le cuivre au mépris de l’environnement, elle y exploite aussi les hommes au mépris de leur dignité. Un nuage rouge de pollution flotte sur la ville. Un nuage d’opacité aussi, car ceux qui enquêtent sur les investissements chinois en Serbie sont accusés d’aller à l’encontre des intérêts du pays.

Mais de quels intérêts s’agit-il lorsque des ouvriers asiatiques viennent à bas coût et dans des conditions déplorables travailler au profit d’une entreprise chinoise qui se comporte en terrain conquis? De quels intérêts s’agit-il lorsque Pékin obtient sans appel d’offres les contrats de construction d’autoroutes, de ponts ou de chemins de fer, lorsque Huawei déploie un millier de caméras à reconnaissance faciale dans les rues de Belgrade?

Pouvons-nous rester indifférents alors que la Serbie est au cœur de l’Europe et candidate à l’adhésion à l’Union européenne? Il ne fait aucun doute que nous devons être plus présents dans les Balkans. À ce titre, je me félicite du sommet annoncé pour juin par le président français Emmanuel Macron.

Mais il ne fait pas de doute non plus que ce n’est pas en s’alignant sur Pékin et Moscou, contre les intérêts de sa propre population, en méprisant la protection des travailleurs et celle de l’environnement, que le gouvernement serbe fait avancer l’adhésion de la Serbie à l’Union européenne. Ce message-là, il doit l’entendre...

(Le Président retire la parole à l’oratrice)


  Janez Lenarčič, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, let me start by reiterating our commitment to Serbia and to its European integration. Let me also recognise the important role of this Parliament in this respect, and this includes the work of the Delegation for Relations with Serbia and the engagement of Members of Parliament in improving the electoral conditions in Serbia through the Parliament-facilitated inter-party dialogue.

I would also like to welcome the recent opening of accession negotiations in the chapters under Cluster 4. This sends a strong signal and one very relevant for this debate: namely that the EU and Serbia are stepping up their engagement on the Green Agenda. We look forward to the implementation of the EU standards in this area by Serbia as soon as possible.

Obviously, a lot of work is ahead of us, including on environmental issues, but also on the rule of law and fundamental rights. In this context, we have seen the recent reports about the working and living conditions of Vietnamese workers in a Chinese-owned factory in Zrenjanin in northern Serbia. Let me underline that the EU expects domestic legislation and relevant international and European conventions on labour and other human rights to be fully enforced for the benefit of all workers in Serbia. We understand that the relevant authorities of Serbia have started to investigate this case, and we will continue to monitor these developments closely.

We have also been closely following the recent protests in Serbia over the last two weekends. Freedom of assembly is a fundamental right. It needs to be exercised peacefully and in full respect of the rule of law and public order. The police has the duty to protect the exercise of this right while maintaining law and order, and the police are the only ones with legitimacy to use proportionate force for that purpose, if justified. Violence against peaceful protesters is completely unacceptable. We expect that any instances of violence are swiftly and thoroughly investigated by the competent Serbian authorities.

We take note of the recent decision by the government to withdraw the law on expropriation from the National Assembly and of the adoption of the amendments to the law on referendum by the National Assembly on 10 December.

More broadly, on environment, let me recall that the EU attaches great importance to, and advocates for, the highest sustainability requirements for all activities related to raw materials, from exploration, through mining, processing and trading, to post closure.

In view of minimising the environmental and social footprints of raw materials projects, the Commission published, in September this year, the EU’s principles for sustainable raw materials. The EU remains also the biggest donor and investor in environmental protection and addressing climate change in Serbia. In the past 15 years, the EU donated more than EUR 435 million in grant funding to Serbia for environmental protection. This demonstrates the EU’s commitment to continue supporting Serbia on its European path.


  Der Präsident. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet im Anschluss an die Aussprache statt.

Die Sitzung ist unterbrochen. Sie wird um 13.00 Uhr mit der Bekanntgabe der Ergebnisse der ersten Abstimmungsrunde des heutigen Tages wieder aufgenommen.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 171)


  João Pimenta Lopes (The Left), por escrito. – Condenamos qualquer forma de trabalho forçado ou outro qualquer violento desrespeito dos direitos laborais, em qualquer país do mundo. No entanto, basta ler o conteúdo desta resolução do Parlamento Europeu para constatar que o que a motiva não é o trabalho forçado, nem o direito a realizar protestos, mas tão somente pressionar a Sérvia para subordinar a sua política à União Europeia e aos interesses das suas grandes potências e grupos económicos e financeiros. Independentemente da solidariedade que nos possam merecer as lutas daqueles trabalhadores ou das populações pelos seus direitos ambientais, não é possível apoiar uma resolução que as instrumentaliza para escamotear um autêntico tratado de ingerência, incluindo através do financiamento de entidades que promovem os interesses da UE. Aliás a UE é pródiga no desrespeito da democracia e dos direitos humanos, que tão hipocritamente proclama, e na sistemática promoção do retrocesso social, incluindo dos direitos dos trabalhadores. Todos os povos são soberanos para decidir sobre o seu caminho. Se é legítimo a Sérvia propor a sua adesão à UE, isso não pode significar a abdicação da sua soberania e subordinação a interesses, a condicionalidades e chantagens da UE. É o que defendemos para a Sérvia como para Portugal. Algo que a UE não admite.


(Die Sitzung wird um 12.38 Uhr unterbrochen.)

Dernière mise à jour: 12 mai 2022Avis juridique - Politique de confidentialité