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Utorak, 5. travnja 2022. - Strasbourg Revidirano izdanje

4. Transeuropska energetska infrastruktura (rasprava)
Videozapis govora

  Predsedajúci. – Ďalší bod programu rokovania je správa, ktorú predkladá pán Zdzisław Krasnodębski v mene Výboru pre priemysel, výskum a energetiku, o návrhu nariadenia Európskeho parlamentu a Rady o usmerneniach pre transeurópsku energetickú infraštruktúru, ktorým sa zrušuje nariadenie (EÚ) č. 347/2013 (COM(2020)0824 – C9-0417/2020 – 2020/0360(COD)) (A9-0269/2021).

Ešte predtým vám chcem pripomenúť, že voľné sedenie sa uplatňuje s výnimkou prvých dvoch radov, ktoré sú pridelené vedúcim skupín.

Následne po vložení hlasovacej karty budete môcť požiadať o prihlásenie sa o slovo zdvihnutím ruky a modrou kartou prostredníctvom hlasovacieho zariadenia.

Zároveň by som vám chcel pripomenúť, že vystúpenia v rokovacej sále budú pokračovať z hlavného rečníckeho pultu, s výnimkou prihlásenia sa o slovo zdvihnutím ruky, resp. modrou kartou a procedurálnych námietok.


  Zdzisław Krasnodębski, rapporteur. – Mr President, as you said, I was appointed rapporteur for the Commission proposal on the revised guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure. But it was almost one year ago, and it took us one year of negotiation to achieve an agreement. First in the Parliament, what was not easy, then with the Council and the Slovenian Presidency. But I would like to thank my colleagues, shadow rapporteurs for their hard work, involvement in the process until the last all—night trilogue in December. It was very, I think, very productive and very interesting. We had a different position, but we find agreement.

And secondly, I have appreciated the pragmatic and efficient approach of the Slovenian Presidency. Thank you, Madam Ambassador Tamara Weingerl—Požar, you contributed very much to this agreement. And last but not least, I have to thank Commissioner Simson and your teams of Commissioner Simson for availability of advice and all expertise.

I wanted to say that it is the first revision of TEN—E policy and PCI guidelines since its creation in 2013. And we have made a number of substantive changes in the regulation – I just mentioned the main. First of all, the governance process has been strengthened with a better stakeholder involvement. We discussed this very intensely about governance but it was changed.

The second, the most important change is the mandatory sustainability criteria that have been introduced for all types of project. We have also extended the scope of the regulation in order to include some projects with third countries. These projects of mutual interest would have to demonstrate that they bring benefits for the Union and not for a single Member State. New categories of projects include hydrogen infrastructures, certain types of electrolysers, as well as smart gas grids to integrate low-carbon gases into existing gas network.

Concerning the electricity, there are two major changes. The eligibility criteria for smart electricity grids have been simplified to enable more projects of common interest in that field. And we have introduced an amendment allowing new sub-category of projects to apply for PCI status and financing in the regions with low levels of offshore renewable electricity. The projects will consist of direct connections of the offshore wind farms to the national power systems in so-called radial form. This is an important addition for Member States and sea basins where offshore wind farms are at the planning stage.

The final text of the revised regulation is a result of bargaining based on the Commission’s proposal, which, as you know, excluded from the start – and this is, I think, very important – further support for gas infrastructure in the framework of projects of common interest. And here I must say, in my draft report, published in March last year, I warned that the Commission may be over-optimistic in estimations of the level of connectivity and supply resilience for these natural gas networks, and that probably there are not yet enough interconnections in a lot of the smaller gas markets, for example in south—east Europe, and connectivity still poses a problem between some Member States and the rest of Europe.

In the draft report adopted by the ITRE Committee we have included a definition of ‘security of supply’, meaning also ‘energy security’, and we have stated that it cannot be achieved without reducing strategic energy dependencies, it was very important. And we know that in the tragic reality of war in Europe and the dramatically low level of the Union’s energy security proves that, since years, the EU has made serious mistakes in assessing the needs, including in terms of trans-European energy infrastructure. And I think that the Commission now seems to recognise it and it’s probably too late to reopen the TEN—E Regulation but we understand that the Commission is already preparing an instrument to foster gas-network interconnection and LNG terminals in a desperate attempt to reduce the Union’s dependence on Russian imports.


  Jutta Urpilainen, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, let me begin by saying thank you and congratulations, both to the rapporteur, Mr Krasnodębski, and the shadow rapporteurs for their relentless efforts in reaching an ambitious political agreement.

It was done with incredible speed, just within one year from the adoption by the Commission. And this speed was important. Once the proposal is officially adopted and in force, we are one step closer to a climate-neutral Europe because we will have a forward—looking framework for planning the infrastructure we need to deliver on our energy and climate goals.

As the one and only instrument for cross-border infrastructure planning in the EU since 2013, the existing TEN-E framework has been very successful, both for completing our single energy market and the broader energy union.

It has advanced energy interconnections across the EU. It has made our energy markets more secure, better integrated and more competitive, and it has made our energy systems more sustainable by boosting renewables. Despite its success, its ambition does not go far enough. Our decarbonisation goals have changed and for this we need a more integrated energy system, rapid electrification while doubling the share of renewable electricity production, decarbonisation of the gas sector, and a hike of uptake of innovative solutions.

When this agreement was reached in December, the world was a different place. In the geopolitics of today, it is even more relevant. Over the past years, the EU has diversified energy sources and strengthened its security of supply. We have more interconnectors and more LNG terminals across the EU, which has helped us to diversify gas imports. Even so, we are still dependent on Russian gas.

So, with our REPowerEU strategy, we are determined to phase out Russian gas well before 2030. This means ramping up the production of green energy, something that the revised TEN-E Regulation will help us to do by speeding up offshore projects development, by bringing forward new projects in hydrogen networks, electrolysers and smart gas grids, and by accelerating the permitting of grid projects to allow more renewables.

Of course, we know that a limited number of outstanding gas projects still need to be finished to achieve a fully resilient European gas infrastructure. This is the case especially in the south-east of Europe, which has been historically dependent on one supplier. These projects will continue to be implemented under the Fifth Union list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI), which will enter into force by mid-April. They will not be negatively impacted by the new TEN-E Regulation.

The European Council has tasked the Commission to come up with a more detailed REPowerEU plan by the end of May. As part of this, we will identify, together with the Member States, if there are any other cross-border infrastructure gaps in Europe besides what is already in the fifth PCI list. Any additional needs will be identified, including cross-border gas infrastructure projects. These could then be addressed outside the TEN-E PCI framework.

So I can tell you TEN-E is not simply about the physical infrastructure of our energy system, it’s a route to our future cause and it’s a protective shield for the energy that powers our Union.


  Marie Toussaint, rapporteure pour avis de la commission de l’environnement, de la santé publique et de la sécurité alimentaire. – Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, nous le voyons encore plus crûment, à la lumière de la guerre menée par Vladimir Poutine en Ukraine et des dépendances dans lesquelles il a su nous enfermer: la manière dont nous organisons, planifions et finançons nos infrastructures énergétiques est clé. C’est elle qui détermine notre capacité à faire face aux grands défis de notre temps: la paix et, bien évidemment, la lutte contre le dérèglement climatique.

Réviser ce règlement était donc indispensable et urgent pour donner corps à nos engagements climatiques, à ceux du pacte vert. Malheureusement – et je suis désolée d’être la mauvaise note dans ce débat –, le texte présenté à notre vote aujourd’hui, le fruit des négociations du trilogue, n’est pas à la hauteur des enjeux. Pourquoi?

D’abord parce que, là où António Guterres, hier encore, dénonçait comme de dangereux radicaux les pays qui continuent à investir dans les énergies fossiles, ce texte accorde des droits acquis aux projets gaziers. Ce texte autorise les mélanges de gaz et d’hydrogène, un tour de passe-passe pour poursuivre et maintenir les investissements publics dans les énergies fossiles, comme les terminaux GNL, dont nous parlions tout à l’heure – sans même parler de l’exception gazière accordée à Chypre, plus encore de celle accordée à Malte pour un projet qui a partie liée avec l’assassinat de la journaliste Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Enfin, en intégrant le transport et le stockage de CO2 aux projets financés, au vu de leur coût exorbitant, au vu de la faiblesse des fonds réellement disponibles, nous réduisons d’autant les sommes que nous pourrons consacrer à l’efficacité énergétique et à l’atteinte du 100 % renouvelable.

Nous devons cesser de gaspiller l’argent des Européens dans des infrastructures qui sont d’ores et déjà obsolètes. Un autre chantier nous attend, c’est le paquet gazier. L’enjeu de tous les enjeux, ce sera de prévoir, de programmer, d’organiser la sortie de la production et de la consommation de gaz d’ici 2035, ainsi que nous le recommandent les scientifiques, et de le faire avec leur contribution et celle de la société civile, en toute transparence, de sorte à contrecarrer le poids des lobbies de l’industrie fossile.

Tout n’est pas perdu, alors réagissons!


  Paolo Borchia, relatore per parere della commissione per i trasporti e il turismo. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, in qualità di relatore per parere della commissione TRAN, ritengo che, almeno una volta, il libro dei sogni andrebbe accantonato.

Servirebbe tenere conto che il settore dei trasporti ha bisogno di soluzioni praticabili e, soprattutto, soluzioni che in questa fase storica non vadano ad alzare i prezzi a carico delle imprese, un tema chiave, specialmente adesso che i prezzi dei carburanti sono letteralmente esplosi.

Non dimentichiamoci da dove eravamo partiti con la negoziazione di questo fascicolo: c'era qualcuno che addirittura voleva eliminare qualsiasi sostegno ai progetti infrastrutturali sul gas naturale. Guardiamo avanti, quindi, consapevoli che anche i progetti transfrontalieri RTE-E dovranno tenere conto delle esigenze di produzione e approvvigionamento. Per il settore dei trasporti sul gas naturale liquido e sui biogas necessari per la transizione, la commissione TRAN cerca di andare in questa direzione.

Poi, chi ragiona esclusivamente con l'ideologia, ha capito poco di cosa significhi, ogni giorno, prendere il camion e percorrere centinaia di chilometri.


  Vlad-Marius Botoş, Raportor pentru aviz, Comisia pentru dezvoltare regională. – Domnule președinte, doamna comisar Urpilainen, dragi colegi, realizarea unei infrastructuri energetice interconectate la nivel de Uniune Europeană este o condiție fără de care nu putem vorbi despre o piață comună a energiei. Este necesar să accelerăm proiectele din acest domeniu, iar coridoarele prioritare să devină o realitate cât mai repede. Și tocmai acest lucru l-am susținut în calitatea mea de raportor al Comisiei de Dezvoltare Regională.

Țintele Pactului Ecologic European vor putea fi îndeplinite doar dacă ținem cont, în domeniul energetic, de posibilitățile de dezvoltare și adaptare de la nivelul regiunilor și statelor membre, dând posibilitatea acestora de a înlocui actualele resurse de energie cu altele, care poluează mult mai puțin, indiferent care sunt acestea. Neutralitatea tehnologică este cea care va da libertatea domeniului de a face inovațiile necesare, iar noi trebuie să ne asigurăm că sprijinim soluțiile în funcție de reducerea nivelului de poluare, nu în funcție de combustibilul folosit. Pentru că doar așa ne putem asigura că niciun stat membru, nicio regiune din Uniunea Europeană nu sunt lăsate în urmă.


  Tom Berendsen, namens de PPE-Fractie. – Voorzitter, we hebben nachtenlang vergaderd en moeizame compromissen bereikt, maar ik wil de rapporteur bedanken voor het goede resultaat, en ook de collega’s, de andere schaduwrapporteurs en in het bijzonder commissaris Simson voor haar persoonlijke inspanningen – ook diep in de nacht.

En dit dossier gaat echt ergens over. Het is strategische wetgeving, want de enorme opgave die voor ons ligt op het gebied van de energietransitie, maar ook op het gebied van het minder afhankelijk worden van andere delen van de wereld, kunnen we alleen effectief aangaan door Europees samen te werken. Daar hebben we veel meer grensoverschrijdende infrastructuur en grensoverschrijdende energieprojecten voor nodig. Ik ben blij dat we in het bereikte akkoord ook de ruimte geven voor alle technologie die we voorhanden hebben. Want om het energiesysteem effectief te verduurzamen, kunnen we geen technologie uitsluiten. Die luxe hebben we eenvoudigweg niet.

De huidige energiecrisis, versterkt door de afschuwelijke oorlog in Oekraïne, maakt eens te meer duidelijk dat de Europese Unie te afhankelijk is als het gaat om energie, en daarmee ook chantabel op het moment dat we juist onze rug recht zouden willen houden.

Het pakket dat vandaag voorligt, is volgens mij een belangrijke stap naar meer Europese samenwerking op dit gebied. Er is veel meer samenwerking op dit gebied nodig. Op het gebied van energiebeleid is het namelijk nog veel te veel ieder land voor zich. Het is postzegelbeleid, daar zijn genoeg voorbeelden van. Waar bijvoorbeeld Duitsland en België overgaan op het uitfaseren van kernenergie, wil Nederland juist – terecht, denk ik – investeren in nieuwe centrales. En welke keuze landen ook maken, we hebben veel meer onderlinge afstemming nodig als het gaat om energieopwekking.

Het is wat mij betreft tijd dat we in de Europese Unie onze plannen voor een duurzaam energiesysteem beter op elkaar gaan afstemmen en afrekenen met dat postzegelbeleid. Zo verduurzamen we ons systeem, houden we de energierekeningen ook betaalbaar, en zorgen we er ook voor dat we minder afhankelijk worden van andere delen van de wereld.


  Erik Bergkvist, för S&D-gruppen. – Herr talman! Ledamöter! Först ett stort tack till mina kolleger, föredraganden, skuggföredragandena, kommissionen och ordförandeskapet för ett mycket konstruktivt och tidvis tufft förändringsarbete som ledde fram till ett bra resultat.

Europa har blivit kallare. Ett krig, ett fruktansvärt krig, har skapat en kyla som vi hade hoppats att vi aldrig skulle behöva återuppleva i Europa. Energikrisen har skapat kyla på ett annat, väldigt konkret sätt. Det finns de som menar att vi nu måste elda med olja och gas för att klara det här, men det är definitivt en återvändsgränd. Europa behöver mer grön energi, mer förnyelsebar energi, snabbare investeringar i detta.

Dagens beslut om Europas energiinfrastruktur kommer att underlätta och skynda på den här gröna omställningen och är absolut nödvändigt. Vi kan redan nu se hur Ukraina för några veckor sedan kopplades ihop med Europas energisystem, och det är bra, det skapar ökad stabilitet och trygghet. Ingen ska behöva frysa i Europa. Dagens beslut kommer att skapa ett grönare Europa, ett varmare Europa för Europas medborgare och ett Europa där fler av hoppets ljus kan tändas.


  Claudia Gamon, im Namen der Renew-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich möchte mich natürlich beim Berichterstatter bedanken und bei den Schattenberichterstatterinnen und Schattenberichterstattern für die Zusammenarbeit und beginne mal zuerst mit dem Positiven. Die Reform der transeuropäischen Energieinfrastruktur beinhaltet freilich einige grundlegende Verbesserungen. Es wird stärker auf Erneuerbare und Offshore gesetzt, es gibt einen Klima-Check, und bei der Steuerung haben die Gasnetzbetreiber endlich weniger Macht.

Aber in dieser TEN-E-Reform wäre so viel mehr drin gewesen. Dass es eine Ausnahme gibt, um die Pipelines EastMed und Melita zu finanzieren, ist schlichtweg skandalös – nicht nur, weil letzteres Projekt auch in den Mordfall von Daphne Caruana Galizia verwickelt ist.

Was uns im Moment hier auf zynische Weise ständig als Diversifizierung verkauft wird, bringt uns noch tiefer in die Abhängigkeit von Erdgas. Es regt mich grundsätzlich so maßlos auf, dass wir immer nur das Mindeste tun, anstatt mal visionär nach vorne zu denken, dass die Regel ist, wir tun immer nur das Nötigste, anstatt zu tun, was möglich wäre.

Die Reform ist eh okay, weil das, was vorher da war, im besten Fall als mittlere Katastrophe bezeichnet werden kann. Aber „eh okay“ ist nun einmal nicht das, was wir brauchen, um uns von den Fesseln des Diktatorengases zu befreien. Wir werden endlich unser Bestes geben müssen, weil alles andere schlichtweg nicht mehr gut genug ist.


  Jutta Paulus, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, meine Damen und Herren! Gestern hat der IPCC seinen neuen Bericht vorgestellt, und Herr Guterres, aber auch Inger Andersen haben sehr deutliche Worte gefunden.

Wir müssen jetzt handeln. Nicht nächstes Jahr, nicht nächsten Monat, nicht morgen, sondern heute. Aber heute stimmen wir über eine Verordnung zur transeuropäischen Energieinfrastruktur ab, die aus der Zeit gefallen ist, die Investitionen in fossiles Gas auf Jahre, wenn nicht Jahrzehnte zementiert.

Und überdies zeigt ja die aktuelle fossile Preiskrise, wie risikoreich diese Abhängigkeiten sind. Ich bin mir auch unsicher, ob Katar und Aserbaidschan so lupenreine Demokratien sind, aus denen wir sehr, sehr gerne fossile Energien weiter importieren wollen. Im Fall von Gas kommen ja noch die Methanemissionen dazu, die laut IPCC auch um mindestens ein Drittel reduziert werden müssen bis 2030.

Es gibt auch gute Punkte in dieser Verordnung – sie sind genannt worden –, aber mit diesem Regelwerk wird viel zu viel Förderung in fossile Projekte fließen und nicht in die Zukunft. Deswegen bitte ich Sie, meine lieben Kolleginnen und Kollegen: Wir müssen das, so wie es jetzt ist, ablehnen.


  Isabella Tovaglieri, a nome del gruppo ID. – Signor Presidente, signora Commissaria, onorevoli colleghi, l'aggressione all'Ucraina ha trasformato il tema dell'energia in una crisi economica che sta colpendo duramente famiglie e imprese. I nostri cittadini sembrano assistere impotenti ad aumenti di prezzi che rischiano di portarci presto ad una nuova recessione.

In questa fase, affrontare il ruolo delle reti energetiche transeuropee è strategico per tutti noi. Per questo abbiamo richiesto nelle negoziazioni di esaminare un tema così cruciale, in un'ottica di neutralità tecnologica.

Nessuno nega il progresso, la ricerca o le ambizioni per la decarbonizzazione. Ma per far fronte alla crisi attuale avremmo preferito un approccio meno ideologico: si continua infatti a marginalizzare il ruolo delle reti di trasporto del gas naturale, che invece è essenziale per la sicurezza energetica del continente, e soprattutto per abbattere le emissioni almeno finché non saranno maturate soluzioni alternative.

Si insiste a preferire elettricità o idrogeno, di cui nessuno nega le potenzialità, soprattutto quando saranno completamente basati su rinnovabili. Ma limitarsi oggi a queste tecnologie, senza considerare il ruolo di altre fonti, significa illudersi e, in termini pratici, significa non dare le risposte immediate che cittadini e imprese chiedono a gran voce.

Se la sfida di questo mandato è veramente l'autonomia strategica, non possiamo permetterci di scartare soluzioni disponibili solo per ragioni ideologiche. Come abbiamo ribadito spesso per altri fascicoli del Green Deal, chiediamo, soprattutto in questa fase di emergenza, più pragmatismo.


  Beata Szydło, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Wojna w Ukrainie pokazuje bardzo jasno, że naiwność, jeżeli chodzi o bezpieczeństwo energetyczne, przynosi katastrofę. To nie źródła energii, to nie zasoby źródeł kopalnych są problemem, tylko to, że Unia Europejska, poszczególne państwa członkowskie na własne życzenie oddały Putinowi pole. Wyzbywaliście się państwo, i w tej Izbie też zapadały te decyzje, własnych źródeł, pomniejszaliście bezpieczeństwo energetyczne Europy, a w to miejsce był wpuszczany Putin. Do dzisiaj wielu brak odwagi, żeby wzmocnić sankcje i odciąć Unię Europejską i kraje Europy od źródeł płynących z Rosji. Czas na to, żeby te sankcje wreszcie były zdecydowane i skuteczne, żebyśmy przestali udawać, że coś robimy, tylko żeby były konkrety.

To rozporządzenie jest kompromisem i jak każdy kompromis nie spełnia oczekiwań wszystkich, ale jest krokiem w dobrą stronę, bo dzięki temu będzie można myśleć o tym, że ta dyskusja o bezpieczeństwie energetycznym, o tym, żeby zabezpieczyć Europejczyków i pozbyć się tego uzależnienia od Rosji, jest możliwa. Mam nadzieję, że ona będzie przyspieszona. Takie inwestycje, jak te zrealizowane na przykład przez Polskę, jeżeli chodzi o dostawy LNG, gazoport w Świnoujściu czy rurociąg Baltic Pipe, pokazują, że to jest droga w dobrym kierunku.


  Sandra Pereira, em nome do Grupo The Left. – Senhor Presidente, temos defendido que o desenvolvimento de infraestruturas energéticas se deve alinhar com os planos energéticos nacionais e deve contribuir para a existência de um serviço público de abastecimento energético de qualidade, a preços justos e acessíveis para todos.

A atual situação caracteriza-se pela escalada de sanções que prejudicam todos os povos e pelos preços especulativos que pesam nos bolsos dos cidadãos e das pequenas e médias empresas. A designada exceção temporária concedida a Portugal e Espanha mantém intocados aspetos como a liberalização, privatização e segmentação do setor ou a metodologia de fixação de preços nos mercados grossistas que é responsável por diferenciais escandalosos entre os custos na produção e os preços ao consumidor. Mesmo a adoção de medidas tímidas de regulação do mercado, que agora já se atrevem a considerar, há muito que podia e devia ter sido concretizada.

O controlo público e democrático do setor energético é o único caminho que garante um sector económica, social e ambientalmente sustentável, assegurando estabilidade e a segurança do abastecimento.


  Clara Ponsatí Obiols (NI). – Mr President, this is a lost opportunity, because instead of using this regulation to really change our energy towards more renewables, we keep investing in gas infrastructure, staying vulnerable both to the climate and the geopolitical front.

Russian imports of oil, coal and gas are a huge share and they have not stopped – not even decreased – after the Ukraine invasion. The EU must be energetically independent, but the only path towards energy independence is to reach higher energy efficiency, wider deployment of smart grids and more renewables. With the entrenchment of incentives in some Member States, only the EU can really lead the way, and so far we are failing.


  Christian Ehler (PPE). – Mr President, to make the energy transition work for people and business in Europe, we need more European cooperation. Sustainability, security of supply and affordability are the main criteria, and we, the EPP Group, believe in these three aspects, and they are necessary.

I think we should highlight that there is a sharpened focus in this regulation on the needed infrastructure to deploy a robust European backbone for the production and transport of renewable and low—carbon hydrogen, that is actually needed to make the shift, the transition, possible.

TEN—E is of utmost importance for creating a hydrogen backbone in Europe. We managed to include electrolysers that have at least 50 MW capacity provided by a single electrolyser or by a set of electrolysers that form a single coordinated project. We don’t sing ideology here, we develop the needed infrastructure for what we want to achieve for the 2030 goals.

This project will enable a cumulative pathway to the larger—scale projects that we all aspire to develop and need in order to decarbonise our economies. In this regard, it’s also important to mention that we allow transitional for dedicated hydrogen assets converted from natural gas to be used to transport or to store a pre—defined blend of hydrogen with natural gas or biomethane. That is what industry asked us to do in order to make it possible to achieve the 2030 goals.

And at last, it’s rather cynical that you are also always referring to the situation in Malta. I think it’s important that Malta is adopted to the grid and it was very impressive that the Caruana Galizia family called on the EU not to fund this gas pipeline project that will link to a power station part—owned by the man on trial for her killing. But it was EPP and us together then lately, asking the Commission to vote for us, before we vote for a statement that no EU funding from CEF will go to this project as long as it is directly or indirectly linked with criminals. They confirmed, and it’s in the text, so that you should acknowledge.


  Dan Nica (S&D). – Domnule președinte, doamnă comisar, această revizuire a regulamentului, grupul nostru, S&D, a cerut-o încă din mandatul trecut și am cerut această revizuire pentru că este important să ne atingem obiectivele pentru anul 2030, obiectivele de climă, obiectivele pe care ni le-am propus cu toții ca să trăim într-o lume mai bună.

Și vreau să vă spun că am cerut aceste lucruri pentru câteva motive evidente.

În primul rând, am vrut să avem și vrem să avem o piață a energiei care să fie funcțională. Din păcate, această criză a prețului a arătat că suntem departe de a avea o piață europeană a energiei funcțională și cred că următoarele măsuri pe care le va anunța Comisia Europeană și dumneavoastră, doamnă comisar, se vor îndrepta în această direcție.

Și mai este ceva: securitatea aprovizionării. Spuneam că securitatea înseamnă să avem energia de care avem nevoie să ne putem încălzi atunci când este nevoie de ea și mai ales să nu punem niciun cetățean european să aleagă între a se încălzi sau a-și cumpăra mâncare sau medicamente. Și nu suntem acolo. Nu suntem pe drumul cel bun. Este bine că în acest regulament avem un lucru care este legat direct de utilizarea hidrogenului și creșterea accesului surselor de energie regenerabilă, în special offshore. Dar, în același timp, conflictul din războiul din Ucraina ne-a arătat că este nevoie să avem o siguranță a aprovizionării, o diversificare a surselor de aprovizionare și, în absența unor rețele transeuropene, acest obiectiv este greu sau imposibil de atins. Acestea sunt lucrurile pe care am vrut să le subliniez și vă cer, doamnă comisar, să veniți cu acele măsuri pentru ca aceste lucruri să fie rezolvate acum, pentru ca iarna viitoare noi să fim mai bine pregătiți.



  Karin Karlsbro (Renew). – Herr talman! Det finns två problem med rysk gas. För det första: den är rysk; för det andra: det är gas. Efter Rysslands invasion av Ukraina finns det ingen som kan blunda för problemen.

Att strypa beroendet av gas, i synnerhet rysk gas, är en frihetsfråga för hela Europa. Vi måste göra oss fria från rysk gas så att Putin inte har makten över vår energiförsörjning, över värmen i våra hem eller över om vår industri ska fungera eller stå stilla i dag eller i morgon. Dessutom är det akut att stoppa den ryska gasen nu för att hindra pengaflödet rakt in i Putins krigskassa.

Men vi måste göra oss fria från all gas, oavsett varifrån den kommer, om vi ska ha en chans att klara klimatmålen. Fossila bränslen kan inte vara en del av vår framtid. Europas länder behöver mer samarbete för att trygga energiförsörjningen utan koldioxidutsläpp. Stenåldern upphörde inte för att det tog slut på stenar.

Låt oss inte bygga oss fast i förlegade lösningar. Slösa inte nya pengar på gårdagens gasledningar. Låt oss satsa framåt för en europeisk, hållbar, modern, högteknologisk, koldioxidfri energiproduktion och energidistribution. Nu är tiden inne för oss att bygga gemensamma europeiska elnät och infrastruktur som gör den gröna omställningen möjlig.


  Ignazio Corrao (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, everyone seems to finally understand how important it is to fund our European energy independence. That doesn’t mean stop using gas today, of course, but we can’t repeat the same mistakes made in the recent past.

Relying on more gas through different suppliers only creates new dependencies, draws away funds from investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency, and locks us into fossil infrastructure for decades. The final text, for example, allows for the Melita and EastMed gas pipelines to become PCIs and so to pump EU public funds into future stranded assets.

Last week, the European Commission presented an entire greenwashing proposal. Well, considering the position taken on gas infrastructure subsidies, it sounds quite hypocritical. The narrative that more gas imported from the US, Qatar or other third countries will reduce the bill of the European citizens is a fairy tale. We have the solutions and we just need to use them. Just for example, in Sicily, on 1 April, the electricity generated by wind and sun has covered all the energy needed in the island.


  Ladislav Ilčić (ECR). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, poštovane dame i gospodo, podržavam ovo izvješće, no Europska unija može učiniti mnogo više.

40 % energije u Europi troši se na stanovanje, a upravo danas pri izgradnji novih kuća ljudi ugrađuju plinske bojlere jednostavno zato jer su im jeftiniji, primjerice, od dizalica topline. Kad jednom ugrade plinske bojlere, oni neće tu investiciju odbaciti za pet godina nego će dugi niz godina trošiti plin, a s obzirom da će trošiti plin, manje će im se isplatiti i ugradnja solarnih panela. I tako mi danas stvaramo nove proizvođače plina kojeg nemamo.

Upravo zbog toga nije dobro da Europska unija ulaže samo u renoviranje, kao što je činila do sad, već moramo davati subvencije za pametnija rješenja u trenutku nove gradnje. Na taj ćemo način pomoći ljudima da smanje režije, pomoći ćemo svakoj obitelji da ima topao i ugodan dom, smanjit ćemo stakleničke plinove i smanjit ćemo našu energetsku ovisnost o Rusiji. Zato budimo pametni i promijenimo europsku energetsku politiku nabolje!


  Sira Rego (The Left). – Señor presidente, ayer, el Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático de las Naciones Unidas lo decía claramente en su informe: estamos a tiempo de frenar el cambio climático, pero para ello debemos descarbonizar la vida y la economía, es decir, debemos dejar de quemar gas, petróleo y carbón, y además hay que darse prisa porque nos quedamos sin tiempo.

Sin embargo, aquí estamos, hablando de cómo invertir el dinero público europeo, el de todos y todas, en hacer nuevas infraestructuras para seguir quemando gas, infraestructuras que inevitablemente harán que nuestro modelo energético de las próximas décadas siga contaminando y, por supuesto, dando beneficios millonarios al oligopolio eléctrico: un error y una contradicción con los objetivos de reducción de emisiones.

Francamente, después del informe del GIECC, que señala el abismo, y de que la guerra en Ucrania haya demostrado lo vulnerables que somos dependiendo del gas, no parece sensato que aquí sigamos hablando de reforzar unas infraestructuras que nos debilitarán con los años; al contrario, nuestros debates y propuestas deberían centrarse en promover una red fuerte, distribuida y pública de energías renovables.


  Tiziana Beghin (NI). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, quando parliamo di rinnovabili non dobbiamo pensare solo a pannelli solari e pale eoliche, ma anche alle reti che trasporteranno l'energia verde per tutto il continente.

Perché se l'Unione europea vuole seriamente raggiungere la neutralità climatica, saranno necessari almeno 50 miliardi di euro di investimenti nell'ammodernamento della rete elettrica e almeno 65 per lo sviluppo di una rete di trasporto e stoccaggio di idrogeno, e questo entro il 2030, praticamente domani.

Questo regolamento è un passo nella giusta direzione: non solo getta le basi per potenziare e sviluppare queste grandi interconnessioni ma, per la prima volta, non saranno ammessi finanziamenti a nuovi progetti basati esclusivamente sulle energie fossili.

Certamente avremmo voluto un provvedimento più coraggioso ed è vero che ci sono ancora troppe eccezioni. Ma nel complesso riteniamo di non dover ostacolare questo percorso e, pur chiedendo alla Commissione maggiore ambizione, non ci opporremo a questo regolamento.


  Maria da Graça Carvalho (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Caros Colegas, o regulamento que nos preparamos para aprovar é muito importante, tanto para garantir a segurança do abastecimento de energia como para preparar uma infraestrutura adaptada ao combate às alterações climáticas, uma infraestrutura virada para o futuro que nos proporciona, por exemplo, o transporte do hidrogénio.

Contudo, como a realidade atual demonstra, continuamos a precisar de gás natural e não podemos depender da Rússia para o fornecer. Precisamos de mais ligações de transporte deste gás, ligações como o gasoduto dos Pirenéus, que permitirá fazer o transporte até ao centro da Europa a partir dos terminais existentes em Portugal e Espanha. Esta é atualmente a nossa melhor aposta para garantir a independência estratégica em relação à Rússia.

Nesse sentido, deixo aqui o meu apelo à Comissão Europeia para a criação de soluções, tendo em vista o financiamento e a rápida implementação destas ligações.


  Patrizia Toia (S&D). – Signor Presidente, signora Commissaria, onorevoli colleghi, l'accordo trovato al trilogo è un accordo positivo, penso anche ai progetti di mutuo interesse tra gli Stati membri e i Paesi terzi, che sono stati introdotti durante il trilogo, un aspetto molto importante anche con l'Africa e quindi noi lo sosterremo.

Tuttavia, nel giro di poche settimane siamo entrati in un'altra epoca, a causa della guerra di invasione della Russia in Ucraina, e penso che oggi vadano esplorate – con quella maggiore ambizione che è stata richiesta – tutte le possibilità e gli spazi che il regolamento fornisce per risolvere i problemi infrastrutturali che sono emersi e per superare quelle carenze e quei vuoti individuati nella nostra sicurezza e nel nostro approvvigionamento europeo in materia di energia.

Dunque la prossima lista dei progetti di mutuo interesse dovrà avere una visione, riflettere questi elementi e questa situazione nuovi e indirizzare i progetti lungo alcune priorità.

Ne indico per titolo tre: distacco totale dalle dipendenze russe e attenzione a non creare nuove dipendenze di materie prime, di fonti energetiche e di Paesi di provenienza; priorità alle infrastrutture per le nuove fonti: penso all'idrogeno, alle energie rinnovabili e ai gas rinnovabili, che sono ancora una quota troppo piccola; e, infine, la valorizzazione della capacità di mutua cooperazione con Paesi e con continenti come l'Africa, perché questo può aumentare la capacità di energie rinnovabili per loro e per noi.


  Christophe Grudler (Renew). – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, le règlement RTE-E est d’une importance capitale pour réaliser l’ambition de l’Europe de construire un marché de l’énergie qui soit plus intégré et plus résilient.

Les discussions ont abouti à un accord ambitieux, s’agissant par exemple des réseaux intelligents et des infrastructures relatives à la production d’hydrogène. Toutefois, des lacunes subsistent quant à la place prépondérante du gaz fossile dans notre système énergétique. Alors, efforçons-nous de minimiser l’utilisation des fonds publics pour les fossiles, car c’est le contraire de nos ambitions climatiques et géopolitiques.

Cette révision du RTE-E est nécessaire, mais elle est tardive. Elle aurait dû être faite il y a deux ans déjà. Cela retarde la rapidité de nos réponses. Il faut, à l’avenir, trouver davantage de réactivité dans nos outils juridiques afin qu’ils soient plus rapidement opérationnels. Essayons d’avoir un coup d’avance et pas un coup de retard.


  Ville Niinistö (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, the fossil economy is a huge part of the security risks of our time, and money from fossil income strengthens the power and wealth of despotic leaders. In Ukraine, we have seen the cruelty and horrors where that leads to. Us Europeans must hear Ukrainian pleas to stop funding Putin’s war. One thing should be crystal, crystal clear in this discussion to everyone: there is no room for more fossil gas infrastructure investments. We need to stop energy imports from Russia, but they should not be replaced by dependency on fossil imports from elsewhere.

The current energy price surge and the geopolitical situation have exposed vulnerabilities, especially in the form of energy bills in Europe. Relying on the recipe of more gas through diversification is only a short—term fix that creates new dependencies. Is it really better to depend on fossil gas from Azerbaijan or Qatar and fracking gas from the US rather than from Russia? In the long term this is not the case. So this is why the Greens/EFA Group rejects the revised TEN-E guideline regulation and demands that any infrastructure projects must be in line with the commitments made under the Paris Agreement. Investments must go into energy efficiency and renewables.


  Krzysztof Jurgiel (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Wysoka Izbo! Rozpatrywane rozporządzenie jest kluczowe z punktu widzenia finansowania projektów infrastrukturalnych o istotnym znaczeniu transgranicznym. Budżet to, przypomnę, 6 mld euro. Niestety rozporządzenie nie przewiduje już możliwości finansowania projektów gazowych.

W związku z wojną na Ukrainie Polska w swojej polityce energetycznej do 2040 r. wprowadza IV filar suwerenności energetycznej, którego najważniejszym celem jest szybkie uniezależnienie krajowej gospodarki od importowanych paliw kopalnych i pochodnych z Rosji. Uważam, iż inwestycje z krytyczną infrastrukturą gazową wspierające cel uniezależnienia się Europy od gazu z Rosji powinny być nadal wspierane poprzez utworzenie przeznaczonych do tego alternatywnych instrumentów.

Popieram też utworzenie specjalnej kategorii oraz możliwości finansowania dla inteligentnych sieci gazowych, a w szczególności możliwości wsparcia i modernizacji istniejących sieci infrastruktury gazu ziemnego.


  Mislav Kolakušić (NI). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, poštovani kolege, poštovani građani, suvremeni svijet i gospodarstvo ne mogu postojati bez konstantne opskrbe energijom. Nažalost, u prošlosti smo bili svjedoci izrazitih manipulacija cijenom nafte.

Sad ću vam pročitati kako se kretala cijena nafte proteklih četrdeset godina. Cijena barela, dakle cijene su svedene na 2015. godinu, cijena barela 1980. godine – 103 dolara, 1990. – 37 dolara, 1998. – možete li to zamisliti, 17 dolara i 70 centi, 2008. – 103 dolara i 70 centi, 2015. – 51 dolar.

Ono što sada slijedi je da ne dopustimo takve igre i takve kalkulacije s energentima budućnosti. Hvala.


  Cristian-Silviu Buşoi (PPE). – Domnule președinte, aș vrea să mulțumesc, să felicit echipa de negocieri a Parlamentului European condusă de profesorul Krasnodębski și să mulțumesc, de asemenea, Consiliului. Ca președinte ITRE, am condus câteva dintre trilogurile de negociere și știu că nu a fost simplu să se găsească un echilibru. În final, însă, noua legislație aduce un echilibru între atingerea țintei climatice stabilită pentru 2030 și realizarea tranziției energetice pentru toate sectoarele. Este important că s-a înțeles nevoia de a susține în continuare coridoare prioritare pentru a acoperi diferite regiuni geografice care au fost izolate de restul rețelelor energetice europene, de a consolida interconexiunile transfrontaliere existente și de a asigura securitatea aprovizionării, de a sprijini diversificarea aprovizionării, foarte important în contextul actualului război declanșat de către Rusia, dar și pentru stabilizarea prețurilor la energie. Așteptăm cu interes cea de-a șasea listă a proiectelor de interes comun și vrem să vedem în această listă proiectele moderne care să asigure mix-ul energetic necesar pentru 2030 și 2050.


  Nicolás González Casares (S&D). – Señor presidente, no habrá un verdadero mercado único europeo de la energía sin interconexiones. No sacaremos provecho de las renovables si no interconectamos e integramos las redes eléctricas.

Estamos viviendo ahora los errores del pasado. Apostamos por los fósiles, los cuales están siendo un arma de guerra, y eso aumenta nuestra dependencia energética y, de paso, los precios que pagan los consumidores.

El informe del GIECC fue claro ayer: más renovables, menos fósiles. Los fondos son limitados y debemos orientar nuestras inversiones a elementos compatibles con la neutralidad climática. Centrémonos en lo mejor de esta legislación: el despliegue y la integración de las tecnologías renovables con las nuevas disposiciones para la energía en alta mar, el proceso de gobernanza más inclusivo, la aplicación del principio de eficiencia energética y el fomento de infraestructuras solo compatibles con hidrógeno cuando transportemos gas.

Para alcanzar una verdadera unión de la energía, debemos enfocarnos en resolver los cuellos de botella que tenemos, como en la península ibérica con las islas. No podemos seguir así. Eso no es un verdadero mercado europeo de la energía.


  Valter Flego (Renew). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, pogledamo li, kolegice i kolege, malo unatrag onda vidimo da su ustvari europski temelji zasnovani na energiji. Možemo pričati o Europskoj zajednici za ugljen i čelik pa onda Europskoj zajednici za atomsku energiju i tako dalje. Ali, danas je Europa ovisnija o ruskim energentima nego ikada prije. I postavlja se, naravno, glavno pitanje: može li Europa preživjeti bez ruskog plina? Jasno je da europska ekonomija bez plina ne može, ali ono što može je minimalizirati svoju ovisnost o ruskom plinu.

Od 24.2. do danas, svjedočimo tektonskim poremećajima u europskoj energetici. Promjene koje će sigurno ubrzati naš zeleni plan, bolju međusobnu povezanost, ali i regionalnu suradnju u našoj bliskoj budućnosti. I ne možemo preko noći, naravno, riješiti nešto što nismo uspjeli riješiti desetljećima. I zato osim ušteda, poštovane dame i gospodo, i novih pravaca, treba nam financijski fond koji će ublažiti financijski udar na europsku ekonomiju i građane.

Ljudi, pomognimo svima nama, gospodarstvu i građanima kratkoročno, a razmišljajmo i djelujmo dugoročno i zeleno. Hvala.


  Jerzy Buzek (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Dziękuję panu sprawozdawcy prof. Krasnodębskiemu i innym sprawozdawcom. To sprawozdanie trzeba przyjąć jako wynik kompromisu i na dzisiaj jest ono absolutnie do zaakceptowania. Pamiętajmy: nas czeka zielony wodór. To jest najważniejsze. Energetyka ze źródeł odnawialnych, Europejski Zielony Ład to nasze cele. Ale mamy dzisiaj także inny cel ‒ dramatyczny, którego nie przewidzieliśmy ‒ natychmiast odciąć się od paliw kopalnych z Rosji. A to wymaga jednak przejściowo innego nastawienia naszych działań. Pamiętajmy o tym.

Dodatkowo wnoszę do Komisji Europejskiej o przygotowanie ‒ jak najszybciej po to, żebyśmy mogli budować wspólny rynek, żebyśmy mieli bezpieczeństwo dostaw i niższe opłaty za energię ‒ listy brakujących magazynów gazu, brakujących terminali gazu płynnego, interkonektorów między krajami. Musimy też mieć uproszczone procedury przy inwestycjach w tym przypadku, wsparcie finansowe z Unii i jasny sygnał dla producentów statków wożących płynny metan. Proszę państwa, my musimy zapewnić bezpieczeństwo dostaw na dzisiaj i odciąć się od paliw z Rosji! Zielony Ład to jest nasza wielka przyszłość i nigdy o niej nie zapomnimy.


  Robert Hajšel (S&D). – Mr President, dear colleagues, TEN-E is a key to connect our energy infrastructure within the EU. Without robust investments into infrastructure and interconnections between Member States it will not be effectively possible to decarbonise our economy and achieve our climate and energy goals, nor decrease our dependency and increase our autonomy. If Europe wants to decrease or even cut off dependency on Russian gas and strengthen its energy security, then cross-border energy infrastructure is crucial.

As a reaction to war in Ukraine, Commission has to assess new infrastructure needs, which will be carried outside the scope of the TEN-E Regulation. In this context, I welcome the REPowerEU plan of the Commission to urgently reduce EU demand for Russian gas, including measures to respond to rising energy prices, replenish gas stocks for next winter, diversify gas supplies, and above all speed up the rollout of the renewables.

We should not forget about the countries like mine, Slovakia, that have worse conditions for renewables such as photovoltaic or wind energy. If we want to increase our autonomy, we need solidarity within the Member States and infrastructure to distribute green energy and ensure no one is left behind.


  Klemen Grošelj (Renew).(začetek govora z izklopljenim mikrofonom) ... TEN-T mora zagotoviti infrastrukturo, ki bo zagotavljala zadostne količine energije za vse evropske potrošnike, tako gospodinjstva, ki so v danih okoliščinah še posebej ranljiva, kot tudi za industrijo.

Pri tem pa moramo zagotoviti, da bo ta energija bila cenovno konkurenčna za industrijo in gospodinjstva dostopna. Ključnega pomena seveda so tako imenovani projekti skupnega pomena oziroma PC-ji. Ti morajo biti usmerjeni k uresničevanju zastavljenih podnebnih ciljev kot tudi zanesljivi oskrbi.

Nikakor pa v tem okviru ne moremo dopustiti, da postanejo tako imenovane interkonekcije, ki jih danes potrebujemo kratkoročno zaradi zagotavljanja energetske varnosti, ne smemo dovoliti, da postanejo niti izgovor niti opravičilo za nespoštovanje podnebnih in trajnostnih ciljev, ki smo si jih zastavili.

To pomeni, da moramo v teh projektih, ki šele nastajajo, biti tehnično merjeni tako, da bomo z mislijo na njihovo prilagoditev novim okoljsko sprejemljivejšim virom energije.




  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Madam President, across Europe we are horrified by the barbaric, inhumane war crimes carried out on innocent civilians by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s army.

The EU has to do all it can to help Ukrainians defend themselves, and must also take action to stop funding Putin’s war machine. And this means fundamentally rethinking our energy policy. The revision of the trans-European network for energy (TEN-E Regulation) offers an important opportunity for the EU to give priority and funding to future-proof Europe’s energy infrastructure in a cost-effective manner in line with the Green Deal.

Our future lies in renewable generation. And urgent priority should be given to projects that are directly in line with the full decarbonisation objective. However, cost-effective transitions to decarbonisation must also be considered, including LNG. This is more important now than ever.


  Tomas Tobé (PPE). – Madam President, the past months have shown the importance of a strong, resilient and crisis—resistant energy market. The TEN-E Regulation, I would say, is actually the foundation for that.

Enhanced European connectivity will make Europe less dependent on third countries, and most importantly, on Russian gas and oil. This agreement shows that Europe has strong cooperation among Member States for more renewables. Europe will, with this agreement, promote and invest in clean energy that will be crucial for Europe to reach our climate goals.

However, in the next revision, I would wish for Europe to also value the need for low—carbon nuclear and include financing for small modular reactors in TEN-E. This will be needed for our energy, for our climate, and for our European security.


Spontane Wortmeldungen


  Radan Kanev (PPE). – Madam President, I think we need a certain degree of moderation and common sense in this debate. And I am listening to the debate for a full hour now. And I’m afraid I heard too many reasonable, clever, but far too extreme opinions. Of course we need more renewables, of course we need smarter grids, and of course we need it as fast as we can. But cutting off the Kremlin butcher’s gas supply, we need to do now – today, not in five years, not in three years, not even in six months. And this we cannot do without providing interconnections of our gas supply, without providing alternative sources. And when we say alternative sources, it cannot be a new dependency, because when you have alternatives, it means you don’t have dependencies. And in my country, we have 100% gas dependency on the butcher there in Kremlin.


  Michal Wiezik (Renew). – Vážená pani predsedajúca, energetická infraštruktúra Európy, tak, ako ukazuje klimatická kríza a ako ukazuje strašná vojna na Ukrajine, už dávno nie je len o prepojenosti a má to byť infraštruktúra, ktorá nám dovolí a umožní naplniť naše klimatické ciele a zaručí nám bezpečnosť.

To, čo destabilizuje našu klímu, to, čo ohrozuje našu bezpečnosť a v konečnom dôsledku ohrozuje našu budúcnosť a prežitie, sú fosílne zdroje a táto infraštruktúra nám musí umožniť odpútať sa od fosílnych zdrojov. Čo ale vidíme je obrovský balík pripravený na budovanie ďalšej plynovej infraštruktúry. Napojenie Cypru a Malty na našu plynovú infraštruktúru nebude projekt ani lacný, ani ľahký a bude trvať dlho, dokým ho dobudujeme.

Už teraz sa bojím toho momentu, keď bude dobudovaný a uvidíme, aký je zbytočný, aké zbytočné a drahé úsilie to bolo. Prosím, takto navrhnutý rámec má v sebe zakomponovanú systémovú chybu a ja ho momentálne podporiť nechcem a nemôžem.


  Niklas Nienaß (Verts/ALE). – Frau Präsidentin! Wir müssen unabhängig werden von russischem Gas und dafür natürlich unsere Importe diversifizieren. Aber wir müssen uns doch im gleichen Zuge nicht sofort wieder abhängig von den nächsten Diktaturen machen. Und das tun wir, wenn wir zu sehr in Infrastruktur investieren, mit der wir manifestieren, dass wir in Zukunft noch fossile Brennstoffe benötigen.

Stattdessen müssen wir unbedingt die Erneuerbaren ausbauen. Aber dafür brauchen wir Interkonnektoren, und wir brauchen einen europäischen Energiemarkt, vor allen Dingen für den Strombereich. Da muss man, finde ich, auch mal Ross und Reiter benennen. Frankreich blockiert in den Pyrenäen ganz vehement den Zugang für die Iberische Halbinsel auf den europäischen Energiemarkt. Und warum? Doch nur, um die eigene gescheiterte Atompolitik voranzutreiben.

Ich finde das extrem uneuropäisch von einem Präsidenten, der gerne das Geld seiner Bevölkerung in die Atommeiler versenken kann, aber doch nicht von ganz Europa verlangen kann, nun den Ausbau von Erneuerbaren zu blockieren. Stattdessen muss der Präsident von Frankreich und vor allem die Kommission darauf hinarbeiten, dass Frankreich endlich diese Interkonnektoren ermöglicht und wir einen wirklichen europäischen Energiemarkt bekommen und so Unabhängigkeit gewinnen und vor allen Dingen die Ukraine im Krieg unterstützen können.


  Mick Wallace (The Left). – Madam President, the revision of the trans-European Network Energy Regulation could have a huge impact on the EU’s chances of achieving its climate goals. The revision of the regulation appears to have got to grips with the conflict of interest in the current TEN-E process, where gas demand has been consistently overestimated by the European network of transmission system operators for gas. This remarkable conflict of interest means that the gas companies that build the gas infrastructure are the same companies that propose the projects.

However, the revision fails to exclude financial support in the form of subsidies for fossil fuel gas infrastructure and political support in the form of planning permissions. Europe’s still providing over EUR 112 billion a year towards the fossil fuel industry. We need a fossil fuel gas phase—out in Europe by 2035 at the latest. And we need an immediate end to fossil fuel gas subsidies. We are in breach of the Paris Agreement at the moment because we’re supposed to make finances work for the climate. We also need to make sure that public funding is available to support people and companies to move away from fossil gas.


(Ende der spontanen Wortmeldungen)


  Jutta Urpilainen, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, honourable Members, thank you very much for your support for the agreement, but also for your further comments and reflections on the current situation of Europe’s energy market. The Commission shares your concerns and the responsibility in swiftly coming forward with concrete solutions that will help us accelerate our transition to climate neutrality, but also the phase—out of Russian fossil fuels, while our security of supply is guaranteed and prices are kept under control.

Your vote for the revised TEN-E implementation will be part of this solution. It will allow us to focus on accelerating the offshore grids and replace natural gas by hydrogen and other renewable and low—carbon gases.

So thank you very much for this debate. I will also pass all your interventions and messages to my dear colleague, Commissioner Simson.


  Zdzisław Krasnodębski, sprawozdawca. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Dziękuję bardzo za tę dyskusję. Tak jak powiedziałem, staraliśmy się wypracować kompromis uwzględniający cele Unii, ale także interesy i położenie różnych krajów, także Malty i Cypru. I ten wyjątek, który zrobiliśmy dla tych dwóch krajów, jest obwarowany– jak Państwo wiedzą (ci, którzy to krytykowali) – wieloma zastrzeżeniami, tak aby wyeliminować osoby podejrzane o korupcję lub inne przestępstwa. Więc naprawdę nie ma żadnego powodu, żeby z tego powodu głosować przeciwko sprawozdaniu.

Natomiast chciałem powiedzieć jedno słowo do kolegów z grupy Zielonych. Otóż Państwo teraz współrządzą w jednym z najważniejszych krajów Unii, z największą gospodarką. Mogą Państwo natychmiast wprowadzić embargo na ropę i gaz z Rosji, i jakoś tego nie widzimy. Nie widzimy tej pryncypialności tak tutaj zademonstrowanej na tej sali, jeżeli chodzi o inne kwestie. Akurat w tej sprawie nie są Państwo tak zdecydowani. Też można spytać: Czy to dlatego, że chodzi o interesy innych krajów, o ich położenie, o sprawy Europy czy też właśnie tylko o własny kraj? No, jeżeli tutaj padł też głos, że Sycylia może już zaopatrywać się tylko ze źródeł odnawialnych, to proszę spróbować zrobić to tam, gdzie Państwo współrządzą, mianowicie w Niemczech. Zobaczymy, z jakim efektem.


  Die Präsidentin. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet heute, Dienstag, 5. April 2022, statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 171 GO)


  András Gyürk (NI), írásban. – A 2021 ősze óta tartó energiaválság és az Európai Unió szomszédságában zajló háború egyértelműen rámutattak az európai energia-infrastruktúra gyengeségeire. A klímacélok fontosak, azonban most elsősorban országaink biztonságos, diverzifikált energiaellátásának fenntartását kell szem előtt tartanunk. A transzeurópai energiaipari infrastruktúrával kapcsolatos rendelet – hiányosságai ellenére – egy fontos lépés lehet ebben az irányban. Egyrészt a felülvizsgált rendelet egyszerűsíti a jóváhagyási és az engedélyezési eljárásokat, amivel érdemben felgyorsulhat a beruházások megvalósítása. Másrészt az új szabályozás lehetővé teszi, hogy minden közös érdekű projekt megőrizhesse a gyorsabb jóváhagyás tekintetében fennálló jogait. Végül a rendelet hatálya alá kerültek az elektrolizátorok is, melyek a hidrogén előállításában tölthetnek be kulcsszerepet.

A felülvizsgált szabályozás egy jó kompromisszumot jelent, amiért köszönet illeti Krasnodębski jelentéstevő urat. Nem szabad engednünk azoknak a felelőtlen javaslatoknak, melyek különféle ideológiai megfontolásokból veszélybe sodornák Európa energiaellátását. Meg kell őriznünk társadalmaink és gazdaságaink működőképességét, amihez józan és kiegyensúlyozott szabályozásra is szükség van.

Posljednje ažuriranje: 17. lipnja 2022.Pravna obavijest - Politika zaštite privatnosti