7.5. Consolidarea aplicării principiului egalității de remunerare pentru aceeași muncă sau pentru o muncă de aceeași valoare între bărbați și femei (A9-0056/2022 - Samira Rafaela, Kira Marie Peter-Hansen) (vot)
Der Präsident. – Frau Kollegin Rafaela hat darum ersucht, zugunsten des Antrags zu sprechen.
– Vor der Abstimmung:
Samira Rafaela, rapporteur. – Mr President, because today’s vote is about gender equality, I would like to share the floor with another woman, Kira Peter—Hansen.
We need women supporting women, but this is not enough. We also need this Parliament to support women. The gender pay gap stubbornly hovers around 14% in the European Union. The COVID—19 pandemic halted the slow progress we made, and if we do not intervene, this gap will only be resolved by 2059. I can’t wait this long. I won’t let other women wait this long for receiving what they deserve. We need to renew our economy now. The economy will truly thrive if women take up their rightful place in it with their rightful compensation. We are dealing with fundamental rights here.
You see standing here two of the youngest elected MEPs in 2019. We are the generation that wants to get rid of this injustice. We do this for the generation of our mothers, our generation, and the generations after us. There is no time to waste.
Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, rapporteur. – Mr President, today’s vote is about gender equality. It is that simple. It was about gender equality when the FEMM and the EMPL Committees voted in favour with a big majority and it is about gender equality today. Since then, some have argued that the pay transparency directive is unnecessary because we have almost succeeded in closing the gender pay gap. But honestly, we are tired of women being put into this category of people who have almost the same rights as men, who have almost the same opportunities, who have almost the same pay. What is this almost? Almost is unfair, outdated, and is just not enough.
So, colleagues, now is your chance. Now is your chance to vote with us to achieve change. European women need your votes today and we as co—rapporteurs hope that we can stand united as a Parliament when we will vote in favour of gender equality.
Der Präsident. – Es spricht nun Frau Kollegin Skyttedal, die darum ersucht hat, gegen den Antrag zu sprechen.
Sara Skyttedal (PPE). – Mr President, I know my colleagues are all very eager just to get on with the voting and probably, colleagues, just to vote on the voting lists that are ahead of you and not bother with the concerns of the PPE on pay transparency. You might think that the PPE Group just doesn’t care enough about gender equality but, honestly, do you know the details on this matter? Are you prepared for the phone calls from your constituencies?
I wonder, do you know that this will affect every single company with more than 50 employees? What will you say to the entrepreneur that got sued for pay discrimination, even though the woman suing doesn’t even have male colleagues in the same line of work, and when another company has to pay fines and be branded as discriminating against women because apparently there were other men in other sectors that had higher wages? What will you say to the trade unions when they are no longer free to set wages in the manner that they felt best suited for their members, and when the social partners lose influence?
Honestly, you’re not listening and not interested in even hearing reasons for a legislative proposal that affects your constituencies, and this is a shame. You don’t deserve the trust of your voters if you cannot even listen to the opponents of the ideas you proposed. This is the responsibility you have, and you obviously have not read this proposal because it’s not in favour of gender equality. It’s just increasing red tape and it’s diminishing the power of social partners. Read it before we have this in plenary. That’s what it’s about, and vote minus.
Der Präsident. – Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, ich darf Sie bitten, Platz zu nehmen.
Es ist völlig in Ordnung, dass Sie sich freuen, auch, dass Sie Kolleginnen Beifall spenden. Ich möchte nur auf zwei Dinge hinweisen: Ich wollte heute die Stimmung nicht verderben, zumal in einem offensichtlich umkämpften Dossier, aber ich weise darauf hin, dass ich mit der Präsidentin über den Vorgang heute sprechen werde, dass zwei Rednerinnen gesprochen haben, obwohl die Geschäftsordnung sehr klar ist.
Und ich glaube, wir müssen uns an Regeln halten, die Regeln, die Sie ganz offensichtlich erreichen wollen mit Ihrer Gesetzgebung. Da wollen Sie ja auch, dass die eingehalten werden. Wir müssen uns an Regeln halten oder wir müssen die Regeln ändern. Aber hier kann nicht jeder machen, was er will, und das ist hier kein Stadion.
Die Ausschüsse können nach dieser Abstimmung die interinstitutionellen Verhandlungen aufnehmen. Der Bericht wird dann entsprechend hier im Plenum wieder auf der Tagesordnung erscheinen.