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Eljárás : 2022/2643(RSP)
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Válasszon egy dokumentumot : B9-0223/2022

Előterjesztett szövegek :


Viták :

PV 03/05/2022 - 15
CRE 03/05/2022 - 15

Szavazatok :

PV 05/05/2022 - 7.12
CRE 05/05/2022 - 7.12

Elfogadott szövegek :


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XML 72k
2022. május 3., Kedd - Strasbourg Lektorált változat

15. Az Ukrajna elleni illegális orosz agresszió hatása az EU közlekedési és idegenforgalmi ágazatára (vita)
A felszólalásokról készült videofelvételek

  Predsedajúci. – Ďalším bodom programu je vyhlásenie Komisie o vplyve nezákonnej agresívnej ruskej vojny proti Ukrajine na odvetvie dopravy a cestovného ruchu EÚ (2022/2643(RSP)).


  Ylva Johansson, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, the Commission would like to thank Parliament – in particular the Transport and Tourism Committee for having tabled this important and most timely resolution. Unfortunately, Commissioner Vălean was unable to be here this evening, so on her behalf please allow me to begin by putting this resolution into context.

Through its unprovoked and unjustified military actions, Russia is grossly violating international law and undermining European and global security and stability. The loss of life and human suffering is difficult to comprehend. The Commission condemns this aggression in the strongest possible terms. The transport sector and the individuals that keep it running are among the many victims of this needless violence. Ukraine’s airports are barely functioning. Its ports are blocked, impeding the delivery of food and grain in particular. And railway lines continue to be the targets of attack. Commercial maritime vessels have also been bombed.

At the same time, we can be proud of the way that our EU transport sector has responded to the crisis, carrying supplies to Ukraine while ferrying Ukrainians to safety, often for free. Transport operators and workers have shown us the meaning of the word solidarity. Commissioner Vălean herself witnessed the great efforts of our transport community during her visit to the Polish Ukrainian border on 11 March.

The Commission has fully supported these actions. We have applied maximum flexibility to road transport legislation, lifting toll obligations and relaxing driving- and rest—time rules. We have also issued guidelines on simplifying border checks for individuals such as transport workers, if the conditions allow. We are also recommending special lanes for lorries and we will need to ask the road transport sector to help Ukraine again, along with the rail and inland waterways sectors. With most of Ukraine’s sea ports out of bounds, we need to find other ways for Ukraine to export its goods into the EU. We are working in close collaboration with the Ukraine Support Group and Member States to identify how best to redirect freight transport, and we have already asked the Council for a mandate to negotiate an agreement with Ukraine and Moldova on the transport of goods by road.

This is a first step and we are confident that we will be able to start negotiations with both partners quickly. The agreement will also address EU recognition of driving licences and professional certificates issued in Ukraine. The Commission calls on the European Parliament to give its consent swiftly. We need the agreements to be in place within weeks, for our friends in Ukraine and for food security elsewhere.

When considering the many impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the people of Ukraine must always be first and foremost in our minds, as well as the very serious effect on the transport sector. Rising fuel costs are a very visible and direct impact on most transport modes and their users. But let us not forget: for the services that previously crossed Ukraine, the Black Sea, Russia, Belarus, rerouting also pushes costs upwards, and we are also seeing disruptions in our supply chains, including for food. It is clear that the war is having an impact, but for the time being, it’s difficult to quantify that impact. The Commission is closely monitoring the situation for transport and tourism and is working around the clock to mitigate the impacts. Asking slot coordinators to provide air carriers with sufficient flexibility to re-time their slots for routes affected by the war is just one example.

The tourism ecosystem has been among the most impacted by COVID and now faces further uncertainties due to the Russian aggression on Ukraine. While we have rather reassuring evidence for the upcoming summer seasons showing an overall strong demand for travel within the EU, you rightly mention in your resolution that Member States bordering Ukraine are facing particular difficulties due to the perceived risk of the military activities expanding. Nevertheless, the governments and businesses of these countries have shown particularly strong solidarity with Ukraine by hosting Ukrainian refugees and facilitating their employment and integration. In this context, the Commission has provided a number of measures to urgently redirect EU funds in support of these efforts to help Ukrainian refugees and to provide relief for businesses due to rising energy costs, in particular the temporary state aid crisis framework in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the ‘Cohesion’s Action for Refugees in Europe (CARE), allowing flexible and speedy relocation of available funding to such emergency support. Hotels and other accommodations can benefit from this support.

The Commission is committed to continue its support to the EU tourist ecosystem by addressing the lasting impacts of the pandemic and of the Russian war, as well as facilitating recovery and transformation of the sector towards increased sustainability and resilience to the future shocks through the implementation of the transition pathway for tourism.

While our transport and tourism sectors are certainly feeling the effects of Russian aggression, the impact is even greater for Russia. International Russian civil aviation connections have been drastically reduced. And closer to home, there are now no flights operated over EU territory by Russian or Belarusian registered aircraft. We are also working on securing the same conditions for aircraft registered in third countries, but under Russian ownership.

In road transport we are watching closely to ensure that the current situation is being observed by all parties. The same applies to maritime transport for both access to EU ports and export restrictions on certain vessels and marine equipment.

In rail transport Russian railways have been added to the list of legal entities and bodies subject to financial restrictions. And if the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate, I can assure you that the Commission will not hesitate to introduce additional measures.

So let me conclude again by thanking you very much for this opportunity to address you on this crucial issue. I very much look forward to your comments and questions.


  Pablo Arias Echeverría (PPE). – Mr President, thank you very much. We have problems with the Spanish translation. So it’s coming and going and we cannot follow the debate without the translation. In English it’s still fine, but if somebody else is going to use other languages, we have problems with that. If you can fix it, please.


  Marian-Jean Marinescu, în numele grupului PPE. – Domnule președinte, transportul european se luptă încă cu efectele pandemiei COVID-19, suportă cu greu presiunea schimbărilor cerute de Green Deal și, în același timp, trebuie să facă față consecințelor sancțiunilor împotriva Rusiei care, în pachetul al cincilea, vizează semnificativ transportul aerian și maritim.

Trebuie să acționăm rapid pentru a sprijini transportul, atât pentru a menține mobilitatea în Uniune și funcționarea economiei la nivel normal, cât și pentru a putea continua să ajutăm Ucraina.

Sper ca acest război să se încheie cu victoria Ucrainei și cu acceptarea noii realități. Rusia nu mai poate fi acceptată drept partener al Uniunii în niciun domeniu.

Comisia trebuie să reconfigureze programele astfel încât să îmbunătățim conectarea cu estul Europei. Trebuie să extindă rețeaua TEN-T către Republica Moldova, Ucraina și Georgia și să redeseneze hărțile de transport către estul Europei. EIB trebuie să propună un program de investiții pentru Ucraina, Moldova și Georgia.

Trebuie să creștem bugetul alocat mobilității militare, prin Facilitatea de conectare a Europei, buget redus drastic de Consiliu și care acum se dovedește a fi o mare greșeală. Se pot utiliza fondurile din pilonul II al RRF, care nu sunt utilizate în acest moment.


  Petar Vitanov, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, in today’s unprecedented crisis, transport is a strategic tool for the EU to provide solidarity and support to Ukraine and its suffering people, in terms of logistics, humanitarian aid and refugees’ evacuation and mobility.

Moreover, the rising fuel prices following the pandemic have been further exacerbated by the economic sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation. Higher prices for fuels and products will impact households and possibly lead to increased energy and transport poverty, but they will also have an impact on transport workers. And our reaction needs to show solidarity between all EU Member States, to our citizens, workers, families and vulnerable groups.

Proactive and preventive measures are crucially needed to support our citizens through the transition, including key incentives or direct support to keep their jobs, change their vehicles, make their homes efficient, and their fuels affordable. Our transition to climate neutrality is our transition to energy independence, which is now needed more than ever.

However, the transition can be called sustainable only if it shields the humble and vulnerable.


  José Ramón Bauzá Díaz, en nombre del Grupo Renew. – Señor presidente, señora comisaria, está claro que la guerra de Putin no solo se libra en Ucrania y que la Unión Europea dispone de mecanismos más que suficientes para debilitar más al régimen de Moscú: sanciones, sanciones y más sanciones.

Pero no debemos olvidar que todo ello tiene un coste y que puede situarnos al borde del abismo económico y también suponer el colapso de nuestro propio sistema energético.

Las sanciones, que son absolutamente necesarias, tienen consecuencias para nuestra red logística, para nuestra cadena de suministro y para nuestro transporte. Cada día incrementan más y más el precio del combustible y del gas, de manera desorbitada.

Señorías, acabemos de una vez por todas con la dependencia del gas y del petróleo ruso, pero también, preparémonos para el almacenamiento de ese gas y de ese petróleo a medio y largo plazo, especialmente en el invierno.

Para ello existe una solución, una solución alternativa viable, 100 % europea y estratégica, que también contrarresta los cortes de suministro de Putin y que nos permite acabar con la dependencia del gas ruso. Esa solución es España.

España cuenta con una capacidad de almacenamiento de gas y de petróleo única en Europa, de gas y de regasificación, capaz de importar gas natural licuado de cualquier otro mercado y de convertirse en la puerta de entrada del gas a Europa. Tiene seis plantas gasísticas únicas en Europa.

Sin embargo, existe un cuello de botella: la falta de conexión más allá de los Pirineos en lo que es el Sistema Central Europeo de Conexión. Lo que se necesita se llama «proyecto Midcat».

Señorías, en momentos de crisis hace falta voluntad política, y de igual modo que pedimos sanciones, que son absolutamente necesarias, no podemos tener la osadía de pedir sacrificios innecesarios a los ciudadanos europeos, sobre todo si no hemos hecho todo lo humanamente posible para que eso sea así.

Señorías, en este caso aún no lo hemos intentado todo. Precisamente esa oportunidad para España y para Europa es el proyecto Midcat.

Señorías, ahora ya no podemos echar la culpa a los demás. Depende de la voluntad política y depende de nosotros.


  Ciarán Cuffe, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, I want to pay tribute to the transport workers who risk their lives to keep transport in Ukraine running, without which millions of refugees would not have been able to flee Putin’s aggression, without which goods and supplies would not be able to go to where they are needed most, without which countless more lives would have been lost.

Putin’s armed forces have cruelly targeted transport vehicles and infrastructure, with tragic loss of human life. Almost one third of Ukraine’s infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, at a cost of EUR 100 billion. Bridges, highways, railways, airports and ports have been devastated. And that is why the European Union must provide a new Marshall plan to rebuild Ukraine and boost renewables.

We can help keep the Ukrainian transport sector intact and operating, but we need to help it rebuild from the damage caused and maintain open links with the European Union. These vital arteries are needed to help keep people alive.

So I repeat: the European Commission and Member States need to come forward with a new Marshall plan to rebuild Ukraine, to boost renewables, to wean us off oil and gas, and specifically Putin’s oil and gas, now and forever to protect Ukraine and the planet. Glory to Ukraine.


  Danilo Oscar Lancini, a nome del gruppo ID. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ferma restando la condanna unanime dell'invasione da parte della Russia e la necessità di intervenire con i mezzi pacifici a nostra disposizione al fine di fermare questa dannosa guerra, appare evidente che il continuo invio di armi all'Ucraina stia evidenziando che non si accorciano i tempi per la pace, ma si allungano solo le file dei morti.

Se l'invio di armi è volto a indebolire la Russia, allora la pace è lontana. L'escalation dei toni nei rapporti diplomatici con la Russia fa il gioco dei guerrafondai che stanno a 10 000 chilometri di distanza dal conflitto, quegli stessi che non rischiano alcuna penalizzazione energetica, ma che stanno di certo facendo il loro interesse economico e geopolitico sulle spalle di migliaia di morti.

L'Europa con coraggio deve cominciare a vivere ed esistere in autonomia, senza subire influenze di alcun tipo da chicchessia. Noi invece, continuando con l'attuale atteggiamento, rischiamo di compromettere anche gli obiettivi che con ambizione ci siamo prefissati con il New Green Deal. La carenza di fonti energetiche necessarie alla transizione non accelera di certo il processo, ma lo mina irreversibilmente, perché acquistare gas liquefatto dall'America con costi maggiori del 30 per cento e soprattutto maggiori emissioni inquinanti di trasporto e di estrazioni non solo rappresenta un affare per gli USA e un cerotto per l'Europa, ma va nella direzione opposta rispetto agli obiettivi prefissati in tema ambientale.


  Roberts Zīle, ECR grupas vārdā. – Priekšsēdētāja kungs! Godātā komisāres kundze! Noteikti transporta jomā Eiropas Komisija un dalībvalstis kopš kara sākuma ir izdarījušas daudz vairāk kā, piemēram, enerģētikas jomā. Taču neapšaubāmi ir vairāki jautājumi, kas ir ārkārtīgi svarīgi tuvākajā laikā transporta politikā vidējā termiņā. Mēs pašlaik pārskatām TEN-T revīziju, un tāpēc ir jādod neatgriezeniskas ģeopolitiskas izmaiņas šajā TEN-T koridora projektā, svītrojot no tā jebkura veida koridora ieguldījumus, kas attiecas uz Krievijas vai Baltkrievijas virzienā, un aizvietojot to ar Ukrainas, Moldovas un Gruzijas virzieniem.

Otrkārt, mobilitātes budžets un MEF ir kļūda, ko Eiropadome pieņēma, četrreiz samazinot militārās mobilitātes budžetu, ir jālabo, jo nodrošināt militāro mobilitāti visā Eiropā ir svarīgāk nekā veidot kādu Eiropas armiju nākotnē.

Un ir ātrie praktiskie soļi. Vispirmām kārtām Eiropas Komisijai vajadzētu panākt to, ka dzelzceļa, iekšējo ūdeņu un autoceļi var vismaz daļēji aizvietot Ukrainas spēju eksportēt graudkopības un citu veidu lauksaimniecības produktus. Jūras ostas ir slēgtas un droši vien būs slēgtas tuvākajā laikā.

Otrkārt, dzelzceļa jomā sankcijas tomēr Krievijas dzelzceļam būs, manuprāt, jāievieš un ieskaitot ir nepieciešams apturēt Krievijas pilnvaras Organizācijā Dzelzceļa sadarbības jomā. Un aviācijā neapšaubāmi mums jāizmanto ir Krievijas pārstāvju vēlēšanu boikots ICAO padomes sēdē — ICAO padomes vēlēšanās — šī gada četrdesmit pirmajā ICAO Ģenerālajā asamblejā, kas būs precīzi mērķēti sāpīgi ātrtermiņa soļi, kas parāda mūsu nopietnību transporta politikas sankcijās.


  Έλενα Κουντουρά, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας The Left. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, ο τουρισμός αντιπροσωπεύει πάνω από το 10% του ευρωπαϊκού ΑΕΠ και στηρίζει εκατομμύρια θέσεις εργασίας σε όλα τα κράτη μέλη. Οι επιχειρήσεις και οι εργαζόμενοι που εξακολουθούν να αγωνίζονται για την επιβίωσή τους, μετά από δύο χρόνια καταστροφικής πανδημίας, σήμερα απειλούνται από τον αντίκτυπο του πολέμου στην Ουκρανία και την οξύτατη ενεργειακή κρίση. Τα κόστη λειτουργίας έχουν εκτοξευθεί, όπως και το μεταφορικό κόστος, ενώ ο πληθωρισμός εξανεμίζει το διαθέσιμο εισόδημα των Ευρωπαίων και συρρικνώνει τον ταξιδιωτικό τους προϋπολογισμό. Δεν υπάρχει άλλος χρόνος για συζητήσεις και διαβουλεύσεις. Ο τουριστικός κλάδος χρειάζεται στήριξη τώρα για να μη χαθούν και άλλες χιλιάδες θέσεις εργασίας. Οι προτάσεις μας είναι συγκεκριμένες και πρέπει να εφαρμοστούν άμεσα από Επιτροπή και κυβερνήσεις.

Πρώτον, δημιουργία σχεδίου δράσης για τη στήριξη του κλάδου τουρισμού από τις επιπτώσεις της πανδημίας και του πολέμου με επαρκείς πόρους· δημιουργία Ευρωπαϊκού Μηχανισμού Διαχείρισης Κρίσεων στον τουρισμό· στήριξη της ρευστότητας των μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων με επαρκείς πόρους από τα ευρωπαϊκά χρηματοδοτικά εργαλεία· φορολογικές ελαφρύνσεις για τον τουριστικό κλάδο, ώστε να μπορέσει να ανταποκριθεί στα αυξανόμενα ενεργειακά και επισιτιστικά κόστη, και ιδιαίτερα για τις μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις που αγωνίζονται να επιβιώσουν μετά από δύο χρόνια πανδημίας· και τέλος, μεταθέσεις των προθεσμιών οικονομικών υποχρεώσεων των επιχειρήσεων προς το Δημόσιο.


  Mario Furore (NI). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, prima la pandemia, adesso la guerra in Ucraina, il settore dei trasporti e quello del turismo sono di nuovo in uno stato di grave sofferenza e con l'aumentare dei costi energetici che si riflettono sull'aumento del prezzo dei biglietti anche viaggiare sta diventando impossibile per molte famiglie. L'inflazione galoppante nei trasporti e nel turismo rischia di creare nuove forme di povertà e solitudini che noi dobbiamo impedire.

Per questo noi reiteriamo alla Commissione europea la richiesta di istituire un fondo ad hoc sul turismo per sostenere le imprese turistiche che danno lavoro a milioni di cittadini in tutta Europa. E desidero lanciare anche un altro appello: le giuste sanzioni che hanno colpito la Bielorussia per il suo coinvolgimento nella guerra in Ucraina hanno avuto un effetto boomerang. Migliaia di bambini bielorussi in riabilitazione non possono raggiungere l'Italia e i paesi europei. Bisogna intervenire consentendo voli umanitari e proteggendo tutti i minori che desiderano ricongiungersi con le loro famiglie in Europa. Apriamo gli occhi sulle macerie che sta provocando questa guerra.


  Elżbieta Katarzyna Łukacijewska (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Pokój, wolność, bezpieczeństwo i demokracja są bezcenne, i wojna w Ukrainie jest tego najlepszym przykładem. Ofiarą wojny i koniecznych sankcji, o czym mówiła tutaj pani komisarz, jest między innymi sektor transportu. Dlatego konieczne jest przeprowadzenie ekonomicznej i społecznej oceny oraz wzmocnienia i odpowiedniego wsparcia finansowego tego sektora, aby zapewnić jego sprawne funkcjonowanie na rynku wewnętrznym Unii Europejskiej, ale także równie ważne jest wsparcie sektora transportu w Ukrainie.

Kolejną ofiarą wojny, o czym nie możemy zapominać, jest sektor transportu. Turyści rezygnują z podróży do niektórych państw członkowskich w obawie przed skutkami wojny, jak na przykład do Polski, Rumunii, Słowacji, Bułgarii czy krajów bałtyckich. Pomimo tych problemów i pomimo Covidu, który odcisnął się również na tej branży, branża turystyczna aktywnie wspiera uchodźców z pogrążonej w wojnie Ukrainy i robi to, co potrafi najlepiej, czyli organizuje transport, zapewnia noclegi i wyżywienie setkom tysięcy obywateli Ukrainy.

Dlatego z tego miejsca apeluję do Komisji Europejskiej o finansowe wsparcie i sektora transportu, i sektora turystyki, ale także o bezpośrednie finansowe wsparcie dla jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, zwłaszcza w Polsce, bo ten samorząd terytorialny kosztem swoich dochodów wspiera i pomaga uchodźcom z Ukrainy. Jest to olbrzymie obciążenie dla budżetów samorządów i nie mają one tak naprawdę znikąd wsparcia i pomocy finansowej.


  Ismail Ertug (S&D). – Herr Präsident, sehr geehrte Frau Kommissarin, sehr verehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Dieser furchtbare Krieg dauert schon seit 69 Tagen an, und alle Transportmodi sind beeinträchtigt, fünf verschiedene Sanktionspakete bereits eingeleitet worden. Die leidenden Menschen in der Ukraine, denen gilt unsere volle Solidarität und auch unsere Unterstützung.

Eine der vorrangigsten Maßnahmen dürfte die Stärkung des Modus Schiene sein, um den Menschen in der Ukraine weiterhin schnell und vor allem besser helfen zu können. Hierfür bedarf es einer breiten Unterstützung, insbesondere auch der finanziellen Art.

All die Zerstörung wird nach dem Krieg wieder aufgebaut und repariert werden müssen. Und wenn wir die Ukraine gemeinsam aufbauen wollen, dann so, dass es ein Vorzeigeland im Bereich des Green Deal wird. Dafür bedarf es eines klaren Plans. Kollege Cuffe hat einen Marshallplan angesprochen. Wir sollten den Vorschlägen von Frans Timmermans als zuständigem Kommissar für den Green Deal folgen. Und gerne können wir diesen Plan auch Timmermans-Plan nennen.


  Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (Renew). – Señor presidente, comisaria, la logística europea es una de las víctimas de la invasión ilegal que sufre Ucrania. Están afectados todos los sectores del transporte, tanto por el impacto de la subida del precio de la energía como por los problemas operativos que afectan a todos los modos de transporte y a las personas que trabajan en el sector.

Aplaudo el contenido de la Resolución propuesta por la Comisión de Transporte y Turismo y animo a que se prioricen tres aspectos: la atención directa a las personas que ven en riesgo sus empleos, el apoyo a las empresas que en esta terrible situación se vuelcan en el apoyo a las personas que huyen de la invasión y la revisión de los planes de inversión incluidos en la RTE-T para cumplir tres objetivos: fortalecer la conexión de los países fronterizos con Ucrania, encontrar alternativas al plan ruso para controlar las principales líneas de exportación y abastecimiento de Ucrania y mejorar infraestructuras de doble uso que atiendan las necesidades de movilidad militar. Apoyo, finalmente un plan de choque para compensar al sector del turismo, que pierde clientes en todos los países fronterizos.


  Karima Delli (Verts/ALE). – Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, mes chers collègues, l’agression de l’Ukraine par la Russie depuis la fin du mois de février a mis les transports au premier plan de l’actualité, que ce soit pour l’acheminement du matériel humanitaire, des vivres de première nécessité, notamment par le biais des ports maritimes, ou encore le transport et l’évacuation des personnes réfugiées. Les transports de fret et de passagers sont au cœur de la résistance des Ukrainiennes et des Ukrainiens face à l’envahisseur russe.

Les travailleuses et les travailleurs du transport accomplissent un travail héroïque sur place depuis plus de deux mois et demi. Elles et ils font preuve d’un courage sans faille pour permettre aux personnes encore en Ukraine de vivre et pour permettre aux personnes désirant fuir d’être en sécurité. Je tiens donc, en tant que présidente de la commission des transports et du tourisme, à remercier chaleureusement toutes ces personnes.

Et là où l’Ukraine souffre et ne peut plus assurer seule l’organisation de la chaîne logistique ou le transport des réfugiés, l’Union européenne se doit d’être à la hauteur, se doit de pleinement assumer son rôle et de faire prévaloir les valeurs de solidarité et de fraternité qui nous sont chères. J’appelle donc les autorités de l’Union européenne, de nos États membres et de nos régions à tout mettre en œuvre au niveau européen pour que oui, entre l’Union européenne et l’Ukraine, on puisse accueillir dignement les personnes dans le besoin et acheminer les vivres nécessaires.


  Tomasz Piotr Poręba (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Szanowni Państwo! Pani Komisarz! Ja jestem posłem z Podkarpacia, regionu bezpośrednio graniczącego z Ukrainą. Podkarpacie to dzisiaj wschodni europejski hub, przez który przemieszczają się miliony uchodźców.

Pomimo iż jest to region bezpieczny i wolny od agresji barbarzyńskiej Rosji, to wojna odciska na nim swoje piętno, zwłaszcza na gospodarce tego regionu, i doświadczany jest ten region przez wiele perturbacji związanych właśnie z tą wojną. A one się przejawiają tym, że właściciele pensjonatów, różnego rodzaju obiektów turystycznych, po prostu stoją przed obliczem bankructwa.

Potrzebna jest zdecydowanie pomoc Unii Europejskiej w tym obszarze, dlatego że wojna w sposób taki bardzo wyraźny odciska właśnie na tej branży turystycznej swój bardzo wyraźny ślad.

Dlatego chciałbym z tego miejsca zaapelować do Pani Komisarz, do Szanownych Kolegów, Koleżanek o to, abyśmy wspólnie zastanowili się, czy nie warto stworzyć funduszu, uruchomić jakiejś specjalnej linii budżetowej dedykowanej właśnie małym i średnim przedsiębiorcom, zwłaszcza na Podkarpaciu, którzy będą mogli skorzystać z tej pomocy po to, żeby ochronić miejsca pracy i móc dalej się rozwijać.

Bardzo o to apeluję i liczę na rzetelną dyskusję i na wsparcie Komisji Europejskiej w tym temacie.


  João Pimenta Lopes (The Left). – Senhor Presidente, responder aos impactos e aproveitamentos da guerra nestes setores exige colocar como primeiro objetivo estabelecer a paz, pôr fim a uma guerra que não devia ter começado, através de um cessar-fogo imediato e de uma solução política do conflito, respondendo aos problemas comuns de segurança na Europa, no respeito pelos princípios da Carta da ONU e do Direito Internacional, em particular, da Ata Final da Conferência de Helsínquia.

Não será na opção pela escalada de sanções ou na via do aprofundamento militarista da UE, com a centralidade na mobilidade militar que a resolução promove, que se encontrarão respostas aos problemas identificados.

Opções que os povos e trabalhadores já estão a pagar e que contribuirão para impactos severos no setor dos transportes e do turismo, com o aproveitamento especulativo dos grupos económicos para engrossar lucros, impondo o aumento dos preços da energia e combustíveis, o aumento do custo de vida e da inflação, visando o aumento da exploração também dos refugiados ucranianos no setor do turismo.


  Andor Deli (NI). – Tisztelt Elnök úr! Biztos asszony! A fuvarozók mozgatják Európa gazdaságát. Az elmúlt két évben súlyos veszteségeket okozott a koronavírus, most pedig itt az újabb válság, amit az orosz agresszió okoz, megszakítva a már bejáródott szállítási láncokat és útvonalakat. Egy ilyen hatványozottan nehéz helyzetben kell az Európai Unió fuvarozóinak megfelelniük a mobilitási csomag követelményeinek, amely békeidőben is egy rendkívül megosztó jogszabálycsomagnak számított. A jelenlegi válságos időszakban pedig nem csupán megosztó, hanem tovább nehezíti a fuvarozóágazat egyébként is súlyos helyzetét. A fuvarozók helytállását ne csak szavakkal méltassuk, hanem mielőbb tegyünk is a helyzetük javítása érdekében. Ezért arra kérem a Bizottságot, hogy sürgősen vizsgálja meg a mobilitási csomag már hatályba lépett, és a még hatályba lépés előtt álló rendelkezéseit, ezek életszerűségét, betarthatóságát, és tegyen javaslatokat a körülmények javítására, mert az európai fuvarozóknak konkrét, kézzelfogható segítségre van most szükségük.


  Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária, vivemos no momento presente um período conturbado da nossa História. A Europa, ainda a reerguer—se de uma crise pandémica, enfrenta uma guerra impensável e injustificável em pleno século XXI.

Obviamente, a perda de vidas humanas é o principal ónus do conflito, mas, a esta catástrofe humanitária, juntam-se os efeitos económicos que começam a fazer-se sentir em vários setores. Empresas e famílias sentem na sua gestão financeira as dificuldades de uma escalada de preços.

A subsistência de milhões de pessoas na Europa depende muito dos transportes, do turismo e viagens. Agências de viagens, companhias aéreas, cruzeiros têm demonstrado uma enorme preocupação.

Aprovámos um conjunto de sanções sem precedentes à Rússia. Era imperioso fazê—lo numa demonstração clara de apoio à Ucrânia e na defesa da liberdade e da democracia que tanto custaram a conquistar.

Como colegisladores, urge não ficarmos por aqui. O risco também de pobreza nos transportes é real. Há famílias que não irão aguentar os preços elevados de bens e serviços.

Senhora Comissária, que mecanismos estamos a pensar criar? Que instrumentos iremos pôr em prática? Como pensa mitigar o impacto da indústria na aviação? Tem noção que o setor dos transportes, além de lidar com os efeitos da pandemia e da guerra, tem agora um desafio hercúleo para atingir as metas ambiciosas e exigentes a nível ambiental? Tem noção que há regiões ultraperiféricas que dependem quase exclusivamente do transporte aéreo e marítimo em matéria de mobilidade de pessoas, bens e serviços?

Termino neste debate com um apelo. Trabalhemos na aplicação de medidas de apoio extraordinárias, apoios a curto prazo e apoios às medidas da task force do turismo no Parlamento Europeu: a agência europeia, uma linha de financiamento para o turismo, o mecanismo europeu de gestão de crises.

Termino, Senhor Presidente, mais sanções à Rússia, mais auxílio aos ucranianos e mais medidas de apoios concretas aos transportes e ao turismo.


  Marianne Vind (S&D). – Hr. formand! Kommissær! Vi ved, at transport af mennesker og varer over landegrænser er en vital grundsten for ethvert land. Transport er en forudsætning for, at samfund kan udvikles og trives. I krisetider bliver denne kendsgerning endnu mere tydelig. Vi så det senest under covid-19. Her gik vitale forsyningskæder i stå, og menneskers forbindelser til omverdenen blev lukket ned. Det er konsekvenser, som verdenssamfundet stadig lider under. EU's transportsektor er hjertet, der holder verdenssamfundet i gang. Vi har brug for, at transporten til lands, til vands og i luften stadig fortsætter. Vi har dedikerede ansatte i branchen, der hver eneste dag pumper liv i selv de mindste afkroge.

Mens jeg står her fortsætter Putin sin ulovlige angrebskrig nogle få tusinde kilometer herfra, på territorier, vi stadig håber at kunne kalde Ukraine i morgen. Jeg opfordrer derfor til, at EU skal fortsætte med at ramme Putins Rusland lige i hjertet. Kun ved at blokere for de vitale transportveje i EU og lukke ned for Ruslands forbindelser til omverdenen kan vi gøre os forhåbninger om at få stoppet hans ulovlige angrebskrig i Ukraine.




  Valter Flego (Renew). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, poštovane kolegice, poštovana povjerenice, znamo da su najpogođeniji sektori u Covid pandemije bili i jesu transport i turizam.

Nažalost, situacija se ponavlja sada zbog ovog nesretnog rata u Ukrajini. Naime, strah od putovanja zbog neizvjesne sutrašnjice, zbog inflacije, zbog divljanja cijena energenata snažno pogađa oporavak europskoga gospodarstva a posebice sektor transporta i turizma. I jasno je da ako gospodarska situacija nije dobra naši građani neće putovati na godišnje odmore. Zato želim da se odmah reagira, prvenstveno zakonodavno, ali i poreznim rasterećenjima i to isključivo u suradnji sa sektorom, dakle s transportnim i turističkim sektorima i državama članicama. Upravo ti sektori, transporta dakle i turizma, jako dobro znaju što ih muči i gdje možemo mi pomoći, kojim mjerama i kojim aktivnostima.

I zato, molim Vas povjerenice, učinimo to.


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Г-н Председател, войната в Украйна, предизвикана от руската агресия, предизвика форсмажорни обстоятелства във всички сектори. Безспорно такива сектори са транспортът и туризмът. Цените на горивата разбиват рекорди, вече има недостиг на суровини и всичко това се отразява на транспортните връзки и на транспортните отношения. В този смисъл особено тревожна е ситуацията, в която се намира днес Украйна, при положение че нейните морски и речни пристанища са блокирани и това пречи на износа и търговията на тази държава.

В тази зала обаче някои колеги правят всичко възможно да възпрепятстват транспортния бранш, въвеждайки непрекъснато нови и нови регулации и рестрикции, както направиха с пакета „Мобилност“.

Искам да обърна внимание на още един сериозен проблем. Ясно е, че както руският, така и украинският пазар ще останат затворени в обозримо бъдеще. Затова се обръщам към Европейската комисия да направи постъпки в посока осигуряване не само на доставките на газ на европейско ниво, но и на доставките на суровини за всички сектори на Европейския съюз. Особено внимание трябва се обърне на факта и на сферата на индустриалното производство, осигуряването на достатъчно количество евтина стомана за строителния сектор и, разбира се, достъп до евтини горива.

В заключение, трябва да направим така, че тази безумна война да свърши час по-скоро и да осигурим максимална стабилност на тези сектори в нашите общества.


  Андрей Новаков (PPE). – Г-н Председател, г-жо Комисар, колеги, аз мисля, че нещо трябва да се промени. Ако искаме повече хора да се включват да гледат дебати от Европейския парламент вкъщи и ако искаме повече хора да вярват във и на Европейския съюз, трябва по време на криза да забравим, че – цитирам – „ще изразяваме загриженост, ще следим с тревога и остро ще осъждаме“. Това, което трябва да правим по време на криза, е да сме плътно до хората повече от всеки друг момент. Нека ви дам пример. Вече 70 дни пристанищата в Украйна са блокирани, десетки кораби не могат да напуснат тези пристанища. Сред тях е и българският „Рожен“, който е блокиран на пристанището в Черноморск. Част от моряците са евакуирани, другата част са на борда на корабите и оцеляват с това, което е останало в трюмовете. Колкото повече време минава, толкова повече мини биват изсипвани във водите около пристанището, което прави извеждането на корабите почти невъзможно. И ако питате мен какво трябва да направим, аз ще ви отговоря. Незабавно, ама веднага делегация от европейските институции с план за действие под ръка заминава в Украйна и се връща с последния кораб, който плава под европейски флаг там. И тогава, скъпи колеги, от телевизорите Европейският съюз ще се премести в сърцата на хората.


  Sara Cerdas (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária, Colegas, os transportes e o turismo são dois setores já altamente impactados nos últimos dois anos pela pandemia e agora por esta guerra na Ucrânia.

Como se isso já não fosse suficiente, as perturbações nas cadeias de abastecimento e a exponencial subida dos preços dos combustíveis afetam especialmente os mais vulneráveis, além de que também põem em causa a conetividade da União Europeia, sobretudo as ligações com regiões mais remotas, como as regiões ultraperiféricas, também elas mais dependentes do transporte e do turismo para o seu desenvolvimento socioeconómico.

Apelo, assim, à Comissão para que apresente medidas a implementar para mitigar todos estes impactos negativos, incluindo um mecanismo que torne o setor do turismo mais resiliente a futuros choques e crises.


  Nicola Danti (Renew). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signora Commissaria, l'invasione russa in Ucraina ha devastato la vita di milioni di persone a cui va il nostro sostegno e la nostra profonda solidarietà, ma le conseguenze di questa guerra si fanno sentire anche in Europa, in particolare per settori come trasporti e turismo, già segnati in modo significativo da due anni di pandemia.

Ci approcciamo alla stagione estiva con un aumento indiscriminato dei prezzi dei carburanti, il caro energia e l'inflazione che riducono la disponibilità economica dei cittadini europei. Anche quest'anno viaggiare e andare in vacanza sarà difficile per molte famiglie. Per questo sarà importante adottare gli strumenti che questa risoluzione mette in evidenza, a partire dal meccanismo europeo di gestione delle crisi e dal sostegno finanziario a breve termine.

L'Europa deve esserci per i suoi cittadini, per le micro e piccole imprese che popolano il comparto turistico e per quei territori che, per vicinanza al teatro di guerra o per la storica prevalenza di turisti russi e ucraini, saranno maggiormente penalizzati.


  Ladislav Ilčić (ECR). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, poštovane dame i gospodo, uz konkretnu pomoć Ukrajini u obrani od agresora, trebamo donositi jasne mjere kojima će se europsko gospodarstvo zaštititi od nepovoljnih učinaka rata.

U energetici i nekim drugim granama već smo krenuli, no i turizam kao grana izravno pati budući da turističke aktivnosti nisu esencijalne za život, pa se u krizi upravo na turističkom sektoru najbrže osjeti pad potrošnje.


Ja dolazim iz Hrvatske, države u kojoj turizam čini iznimno važan dio gospodarstva i ima značajan udio u BDP-u. Smatram važnim da, pored nacionalnih vlada, i Europska komisija aktivno potiče građane na odmor u članicama Unije te pomogne osigurati dodatne prometne linije za dolazak turista iz ostatka svijeta u Europu.


Svijet polako ulazi u recesiju, rat dodatno doprinosi nesigurnosti, i ne možemo dopustiti da turistički sektor se sam s time nosi.


  Tomasz Frankowski (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Już od ponad dwóch miesięcy trwa nielegalna masowa inwazja Federacji Rosyjskiej na suwerenne terytorium Ukrainy. Przez ten czas widzieliśmy przerażające ludzkie cierpienie oraz zniszczenia w miastach i we wsiach. Rosyjska agresja nie może zostać przemilczana, dlatego pięć przyjętych przez Unię Europejską pakietów sankcji, także uderzających w rosyjskie sektory turystyki i transportu, powinno wejść w życie jak najszybciej. Niestety wojna ta również mocno uderza w europejską gospodarkę, a szczególnie w państwa i regiony graniczące z Rosją, Białorusią oraz Ukrainą.

Cieszę się, że w rezolucji, która będzie głosowana, znalazło się wiele odniesień dotyczących sektora turystyki, który szczególnie ucierpiał podczas dwóch lat pandemii. Dlatego nawołuję do jak najszybszego wdrożenia planów pomocy finansowej, aby pomóc europejskim firmom szczególnie dotkniętym kryminalną agresją Rosji na Ukrainie oraz wywołanym przez Łukaszenkę kryzysem migracyjnym na granicy z Białorusią.

Dziś jak nigdy wcześniej wschodnia część Polski, skąd ja pochodzę, która codziennie oferuje pomoc napływającym uchodźcom z Ukrainy, potrzebuje natychmiastowego wsparcia finansowego.


  Milan Brglez (S&D). – Gospod predsednik! Spoštovane, spoštovani. Letalstvo se že sooča s posledicami agresije Ruske federacije na Ukrajino. Prišlo je do zaprtja zračnega prostora. Prav tako iščemo alternativne in daljše letalske poti. Vse to je privedlo do povečanja stroškov v letalstvu na eni strani. Po drugi strani se je podražilo tudi gorivo, ki ga žal zopet uvažamo iz Ruske federacije.

Breme vseh teh stroškov bodo nosili evropski potniki, zaposleni v letalski industriji in povezanih dejavnostih ter seveda okolje. Zaradi tega se bodo povečale izpusti CO2 pa tudi onesnaženje zraka.

Zato je ključna rešitev v letalstvu pravzaprav zelena tranzicija ali prehod, moramo čim prej sprejeti zakonodajni okvir na evropski ravni, za to zagotoviti tudi zadostna finančna sredstva, da bomo prešli v to tranzicijo z ustrezno socialno dimenzijo, ki bo solidarna in pravična, ter ki bo zagotovila razvoj trajnostnih letalskih goriv ter brezoglične letalske tehnologije. Zato si bom prizadeval kot poslanec in poročevalec.


  Pablo Arias Echeverría (PPE). – Señor presidente, señora comisaria, la guerra de Ucrania está teniendo consecuencias nefastas en nuestra economía, también en los sectores del transporte y el turismo. La Unión Europea no va a ser la misma después de esta guerra, cuyas consecuencias se suman a los estragos de la pandemia. Vemos escasez de suministros, disrupciones en el sector logístico y elevados precios de la energía. El sector del automóvil, por ejemplo, sufre una escasez de compuestos electrónicos y muchas de estas empresas han paralizado su actividad.

Europa necesita una industria competitiva y no solo ser un proveedor de servicios. Para esto es fundamental el sector del transporte. Tenemos que remangarnos y buscar cómo mantener la competitividad europea. Debemos apostar por la digitalización para optimizar la cadena logística en el transporte aéreo, marítimo y terrestre. Hay que ser conscientes de la situación, de los retos que enfrentamos y de las amenazas que existen, y repensar cómo queremos afrontarlos para mantener una Europa en paz, próspera y competitiva.

Para mantener la cadena logística, el sector del transporte es clave. Asimismo, el turismo lo es para proteger y promover nuestros valores y nuestro estilo de vida.


  Elisabetta Gualmini (S&D). – Mr President, among the devastating effects of Russia’s criminal aggression against Ukraine, there are those on tourism – which accounts for 10% of GDP in Europe – a sector which has already suffered a lot during the pandemic.

We are facing naturally a loss of Russian and Ukrainian tourists all over Europe, and the costs of energy, foodstuff and fuel are growing fast. An explosive mix. We ask for financial assistance for big and small touristic companies within the internal market programme, together with a full crisis management action plan.

Putin has invaded a peaceful country in mainland Europe. This is crystal clear. We have to do our part and support the Ukrainian people in the right to choose their own destiny. Why should a country surrender to the arrogance of a despotic leader? Why should a country submit to the invaders’ will?

Putin will respond for his crimes in front of the history, but for now, we have to work for peace. And we have to relieve the most damaging humanitarian, economic and social effects of war, united as ever.


  Victor Negrescu (S&D). – Domnule președinte, doamnă comisară, dragi colegi, războiul din Ucraina a creat o presiune suplimentară asupra turismului și transporturilor, grav afectate de pandemie, pentru care trebuie să găsim soluții.

În țara mea, România, aflată la frontiera cu Ucraina, au existat costuri importante în aceste două domenii. Am cunoscut o scădere a turismului internațional, turiștii externi fiind speriați de ce se întâmplă în regiune. De aceea avem nevoie de noi instrumente europene de sprijin și am cerut o linie bugetară dedicată.

În ceea ce privește transportul, România a trebuit să preia din ceea ce se transporta în Ucraina. După începerea războiului, traficul de mărfuri în portul Constanța a crescut cu 8 %, de la 33 de nave pe zi, la 50.

Ministerul Transporturilor din România a alocat fonduri suplimentare pentru aceste noi nevoi pe zona de transport, însă este nevoie de sprijin european. Nu doar marfa este importantă. Trebuie soluții și pentru marinarii sau transportatorii ucraineni care nu mai au unde să se întoarcă.

Avem nevoie de mai multă flexibilitate din partea Comisiei Europene și de resurse suplimentare pentru a asigura fluxurile de transport necesare atât Ucrainei, cât și țărilor din estul Europei, de care depind reziliența și stabilitatea comercială a întregii Uniuni.


Spontane Wortmeldungen


  Eugen Tomac (PPE). – Domnule președinte, doamnă comisar, am fost în Ucraina în ultimele două luni de cel puțin patru ori. Am fost acolo pentru a fi alături de oamenii care trec prin clipe extrem de complicate. Am văzut oameni care sunt speriați de război, am văzut oameni care și-au părăsit pentru totdeauna locuințele care nu mai există. Însă este esențial să înțelegem că, pe lângă acest război declanșat de un criminal care temporar se află la Kremlin, pentru că nu este veșnic și viața noastră va reveni la normalitate, trebuie să facem ceea ce este necesar pentru a ajuta economiile europene puternic afectate. Unul dintre segmentele cele mai vulnerabile în aceste clipe, pentru că pe lângă această criză generată de război, avem și criza energiei, este turismul. Din acest punct de vedere, cred că este esențial să se creeze resurse necesare, sprijin necesar și politici care trebuiesc implementate imediat, astfel încât să ajute acest segment vital pentru Europa.


  Clare Daly (The Left). – Mr President, we acknowledge the devastation of the horrible illegal war, but what I found shocking is that there’s not a single sentence in this motion designed to assist in ending it. Instead, we see this transport sector subordinated to the war effort and nothing for the 11 million transport workers who are already reeling under the impact of COVID.

We see in this new EU war fever that the Commission has selected 22 projects which will receive EUR 339 million to ensure the transport sector is acceptable for military use, but no transparency around it whatsoever. I couldn’t even get answers to it. We see the celebration of more sanctions, but not a single word about how workers will be assisted in dealing with the impact of those sanctions: the platform workers dealing with the cost of food; the seafarers stuck on ships; the air crew seeing their working hours lengthened, and so on. I applaud the efforts of the workers who have tried to halt the action in the war. That’s a far better contribution than anything we’re doing.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Pane předsedající, já jsem si se zájmem vyslechl projev paní komisařky a jsem velmi rád, že si je vědoma výzev, kterým zrovna tyto dva sektory našeho hospodářství čelí. Je nepochybně nutné nasměrovat naše TNT sítě i směrem právě k Ukrajině, k posilování našich tras a samozřejmě přeshraničního styku v rámci dotčeného prstence regionů kolem naší vnější hranice s Ukrajinou. Zároveň je důležité uplatňovat sankce na letecké společnosti, železniční společnosti z Ruska. A nepochybně také potřebujeme podporovat investiční projekty i v rámci naší Evropské investiční banky. To, že turismus bude nadále postižen nedostatkem přílivu turistů z Ruska, to je asi po dvou letech pravda. Myslím si, že už jsme si na to zvykli, ale turismus ukazuje příležitosti pro nové regiony, kde bychom mohli rovněž čerpat podporu i z naší kohezní politiky. Je to nová příležitost.


(Ende der spontanen Wortmeldungen)


  Ylva Johansson, Member of the Commission. – Mr President. Thank you very much for this interesting debate and for your strong commitment to help our Ukrainian friends and to mitigate the effects of the war for European citizens and for the transport and tourism businesses, and for your strong support for the tourists or the transport workers. In the context of helping Ukraine, I would also like to remind you of the ongoing revision of the TEN-T Regulation. Given the importance and need to improve connections between the EU and Ukraine, we might also consider extending European transport corridors to Ukraine as well as to Moldova. This should be discussed in the context of the current TEN-T revision. The aim is to further integrate Ukraine into our transport network and help guide the reconstruction of the transport system after the war.

The Commission also seeks your cooperation in making quick progress on other legislative proposals already on the table, such as on sustainable aviation fuel and on fuel, maritime alternative fuels, infrastructure, single European sky and intelligent transport systems. They all will greatly improve the resilience of the EU transport sector. As you know, the Fit 55 package is key to reducing our dependency on Russian fossil fuels.

President, Honourable Members, thank you once again for your support, for your contribution and for this opportunity to address you on this crucial issue.


  Der Präsident. – Die Aussprache ist damit geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2022, statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 171)


  Josianne Cutajar (S&D), in writing. – Whilst I welcome the new sanctions imposed on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine, I strongly support the call being made by this resolution to adequately assist the transport and tourism industries, industries which were already hardly hit by the pandemic and are again being negatively impacted by the war in Ukraine. To mention one example, air restrictions are expected to have a major impact on international flights and the tourism industry. The re-routing of flights above Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus are affecting flight length, which in turn leads to higher fuel prices, affecting also employees’ working hours, and ultimately tourists. We definitely need further coordination at the European level to ensure the least possible impact on the already struggling industries, industries on which a lot of workers, families and European citizens depend. That is why I highlight the call for the establishment of a European Crisis Management Mechanism for the EU tourism sector in order to respond adequately and swiftly to current crises and future shocks. Building up our resilience is a must.

Utolsó frissítés: 2022. július 1.Jogi nyilatkozat - Adatvédelmi szabályzat