Der Präsident. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über den Bericht von Dragoş Tudorache im Namen des Ausschusses für auswärtige Angelegenheiten über das Assoziierungsabkommen zwischen der EU und der Republik Moldau (2021/2237(INI)). Dies passt zum heutigen Vortrag der Staatspräsidentin.
Ich erinnere Sie daran, dass mit Ausnahme der ersten beiden Reihen, die für die Fraktionsvorsitzenden vorgesehen sind, freie Sitzplatzwahl besteht.
Nachdem Sie Ihre Abstimmungskarten in das Abstimmungsgerät eingeschoben haben, können Sie über Ihr Abstimmungsgerät spontane Wortmeldungen und blaue Karten beantragen. Ich nehme an, dass Sie alle die Abstimmungskarte eingeführt haben, weil wir ja zuerst namentliche Abstimmungen durchgeführt haben.
Wenn Sie sich für eine spontane Wortmeldung melden möchten, ersuche ich Sie, dies ab jetzt zu tun und nicht bis zum Ende der Aussprache zu warten.
Außerdem möchte ich Sie darauf hinweisen, dass blaue Karten auch für eine kurze Wortmeldung hochgehalten werden können und dass danach eine Anschlussfrage zulässig ist.
Ich weise Sie auch darauf hin, dass Wortmeldungen im Plenarsaal weiterhin vom zentralen Rednerpult vor mir erfolgen, außer spontane Wortmeldungen, blaue Karten und Bemerkungen zur Geschäftsordnung.
Ich ersuche Sie daher, die Rednerliste im Blick zu behalten und sich kurz vor Beginn Ihrer Redezeit zum Rednerpult zu begeben.
Dragoş Tudorache, rapporteur. – Mr President, I cannot think of a better timing and better sequence to debate and vote on our report on Moldova. We have just heard from the President of the Republic, Maia Sandu. Her powerful words are the words of the majority of Moldovan citizens.
Through the hardship of multiple crises, and through the kindness of their solidarity with Ukrainian refugees, the Moldovans have spoken to us today about their aspirations, about their ambitions, about their European projections. That hardship, that solidarity and that commitment to European values is the most significant test of identity, of belonging, that a nation must pass in its path to integration.
And I am therefore proud that we here in this House are not ignoring the call of the Moldovans and the powerful plea of President Maia Sandu. I am proud that our report is as clear as it can be: we want that the Republic of Moldova is given candidate status.
Of course, the road to actual membership will be long and full of hard work, and the Moldovans understand that. Today, we’ve heard the President being highly realistic about this perspective. But the force of the political message itself is not to be underestimated. And this message is not only to the citizens of Moldova. It also tells the world that the European Union stands by those with whom it shares values, and it does so in a concrete and tangible manner.
And it is certainly a message to Putin, and to all dictators of the world, that we remain united in the face of aggression, that autocracy and atrocity will not prevail over democracy and the quest for self—determination.
Going beyond words, the European Union and the Republic of Moldova must turn this political momentum into practical steps. There are reforms to be done. Our report mentions a good number of key transformations that the country must go through: justice and anti—corruption, the banking sector, energy security and diversification, and economic convergence, administrative reform. All these are ‘construction sites’ where Moldova must get hard at work.
And we also use our report to call for the Commission and the EEAS to find creative and constructive ways to assist the country with gradual forms of sectoral integration. We need a model and methodology of integration that is more dynamic and aligned with geopolitical realities, one that motivates and energises by allowing merit—based incremental access to EU tools and programmes, including participation in institutional work at EU level.
To conclude, I want to thank the shadows from all political groups – not only for the very constructive attitude with which we’ve worked together on this report, but also for sharing the vision that this Parliament has for the future of Moldova.
Olivér Várhelyi,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, first, let me thank the European Parliament for inviting President Maia Sandu today, who we have just heard addressing the House. I met the President earlier today and I reiterated to her our support to Moldova. I also took the opportunity to praise the humanitarian efforts undertaken by the country and the government – and she herself – by welcoming and opening their homes to those fleeing the war in Ukraine.
Now, let’s focus on some key elements highlighted in your report. We take very good note of your call to grant candidate status to Moldova in line with Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union and on the basis of merit. We understand the importance of the EU membership application for the Moldovan people.
Following the request by the Council, the Commission has swiftly launched its work on the opinion. In this regard, I would like to commend the swift replies of the Moldovan authorities to both parts of our questionnaire. This is crucial in preparing our assessment. These replies, combined with information already available to us through our ongoing work with Moldova, will support our preparation of the opinion which we intend to deliver before the European Council meeting in June this year, so that further decisions can be taken by the Council at that time.
In parallel, we continue to strengthen sectorial cooperation under the Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area. Earlier this month, during the plenary session in Strasbourg, I have already highlighted some of our actions on the ground to support Moldova with crisis—related and financial assistance. Today, I am pleased to announce that we are making additional support available to the Moldovan border guards by granting executive powers to the European Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine, also known as EUBAM, for border control activities.
I want to reassure you that the Commission remains fully committed to Moldova and will continue to provide help and assistance for its pressing needs while continuing our long—term reforms mentioned in your report, including in the justice, energy and public administration sectors.
We are currently preparing the 2022 bilateral assistance programme for Moldova. It will build on the recently adopted programme for last year and will focus on improving Moldova’s socio—economic resilience. The Commission is actively involved in the recently launched Moldova Support Platform. The initiative of France, Germany and Romania provides an additional channel to support the country in a comprehensive manner by pooling a large group of donors, including international financial institutions.
We share your concerns on the recent developments in Transnistria. We remain fully committed to facilitating a comprehensive, peaceful and sustainable settlement of the Transnistrian conflict.
Finally, we are closely monitoring the situation and we are stepping up our support for strengthening Moldova’s resilience, including by working on cybersecurity, hybrid threats, fighting disinformation, and providing Moldova’s armed forces with medical, logistics and communications equipment.
Andrzej Halicki, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, I think that I can say not only in the name of the EPP that today we were impressed by President Maia Sandu’s statement – a very strong and brave leadership. This is something that we also need to cooperate with Moldovan society, and I think that the anticipated bright future is achievable. We can do it together, and candidate country status has to be granted as soon as possible, at the same time as it should be for Ukraine.
It’s very important. It’s a political decision. But as Dragoş Tudorache said, there are many challenges. We are facing many tough, complicated reforms. I’m very glad to see this strong leadership because many things are done. But, of course, a long list of projects are still on the list and have to be done.
So, dear Commission, there is another request: a support group for the Republic of Moldova is needed within the EU structure, in a similar way like for Ukraine. Moldova is important for our common security. It is also our benefit to have Moldova as a secure well—developed country within our family, and we have to do it as fast as we can.
So, for the President, the confirmation from the House: yes, you are a part of Europe. Long live Moldova! Long live Europe with Moldova together!
Juozas Olekas, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, we can say that today we have the Republic of Moldova Day in the European Parliament. First, addressed by Moldova’s President, Ms Sandu, now, a debate on the EU Association Agreement with the Republic of Moldova: it is a sign that Moldova is very high on the Parliament agenda.
First, I would like to thank Moldova for their efforts to help Ukrainian refugees. I call on the EU to continue its efforts to provide support to Moldova, so that Moldovans can continue to help their Ukrainian neighbours. The EU should step up its financial efforts to help stabilise the country’s economy in the face of a refugee crisis.
The report also welcomes Moldova’s EU application. We support the country’s efforts to become a full member of the European family. Of course, there is still a big round of reforms facing Moldova, including justice reform and the approximation of its law with the European ones. But I believe that candidate status would galvanise reform efforts and would give a clear vision for its citizens.
I would also call the country to boost its efforts to cut dependency on one big supplier from the east. Moldova has to increase its connectivity with the rest of Europe, to look for the new supply routes, and to put more attention on alternative energy resources.
The report calls on the EU to make it easier for Moldova and its citizens to participate in some EU programmes, for example, such as DiscoverEU. I strongly believe that such a step will further boost pro—European sentiments in the country.
Ramona Strugariu, în numele grupului Renew. – Domnule președinte, vreau în primul rând să îi mulțumesc colegului Dragoș Tudorache pentru acest raport excelent. N-a fost deloc ușor. Contextul acestui raport a fost în continuă evoluție atât în bine, odată cu depunerea cererii de aderare a Republicii Moldova, cât și în rău, odată cu invazia Ucrainei.
Tocmai din pricina acestui context, mesajul nostru de astăzi este esențial: suntem alături de Republica Moldova mai mult decât niciodată. Ne dorim să ni se alăture în sânul Uniunii și mai cu seamă îi suntem alături în implementarea reformelor curajoase pe care autoritățile de la Chișinău le-au demarat.
Pentru asta trebuie să fim însă mai strategici și mai hotărâți. Dialogul politic trebuie intensificat, cooperarea sectorială trebuie extinsă, asistența macrofinanciară trebuie crescută și trebuie să devină mai coerentă, cu accent pe granturi. Înființarea unui grup de sprijin pentru Republica Moldova, după modelul celui deja creat pentru Ucraina, ne-ar permite să acompaniem mai bine reformele în justiție, lupta împotriva corupției, redresarea economică, inclusiv pregătirea viitoarelor negocieri de aderare.
În final, un cuvânt despre reforma justiției și eforturile anticorupție. Vreau să încurajez autoritățile de la Chișinău să continue cu aceeași determinare pe această cale. Aceste sectoare sunt fundamentale pentru a oferi cetățenilor Republicii Moldova viitorul pe care îl merită și îl merită împreună cu noi aici, în Uniunea Europeană.
Astăzi, în plen, când Președinta Maia Sandu a luat cuvântul, erau studenți din Republica Moldova, de la College of Europe, care au asistat la acest discurs. Cred și sper că au fost mândri de liderul lor, de Republica Moldova și de reprezentarea pe care ea o are în Europa. Ei așteaptă și noi cu toții așteptăm Europa în familia europeană.
Viola Von Cramon—Taubadel, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, Moldova is truly European. It has a European government that, in a short time, managed to make significant democratic improvements. It has generous people who have received thousands of Ukrainian fleeing the war.
Despite being a progressive country, Moldova also faces many challenges. The Russian invasion of Ukraine and illegal military presence in Transnistria threaten Moldova. Poverty, corruption and energy dependency make Moldova vulnerable. Even more so, the hybrid operation and disinformation coming from Moscow weaken Moldova’s political stability.
However, today is a historic moment to write a better future for the country. For this, the Moldovan Government needs to navigate through very difficult waters, and the EU will be there to show the way. We already helped to ramp up the pressure from Gazprom, to accommodate thousands of Ukrainians and to support Moldova’s territorial integrity. There is much more that the EU can – and should – do. Most importantly, we need to make sure that the financial help actually arrives in Moldova, speaking not only to President Sandu this morning; they reminded us how much we can help through our financial support. So why hasn’t Moldova received the funds we promised?
Moldova needs to continue pro—democratic reforms, combat corruption and uphold fundamental freedoms, and make sure that democratic development creates a foundation for economic progress so that Moldovans use their talents and skills to generate prosperity in their country. I strongly believe in the European future of Moldova, and for that to happen, we need to secure its European presence now.
Bernhard Zimniok, im Namen der ID-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Die geplante EU-Erweiterung ist nicht nur ein völlig falscher, sondern ein hochgradig gefährlicher Ansatz. Falsch ist er schon deshalb, weil sowohl die Balkanländer als auch die Republik Moldau kaum eines der Kopenhagener Kriterien erfüllen, die Voraussetzung für einen EU-Beitritt sind.
Er ist auch deshalb falsch, weil das hochkorrupte Moldau – derzeit auf Platz 105 des Korruptionsindexes – auf viele Jahre Nettoempfänger wäre. Wer soll das bezahlen? Vermutlich wie immer Deutschland, das dank der Politik der Bundesregierung auf dem Weg ist, ins Armenhaus zu kommen.
Gefährlich ist der Beitrittsplan, weil das abtrünnige Transnistrien ein Referendum über den Beitritt zu Russland plant. Wir würden uns also nicht nur einen hochkorrupten Staat in die EU holen, der über Jahrzehnte hinweg Nettoempfänger wäre, sondern können auch noch in einen direkten Konflikt mit Russland hineingezogen werden.
Es gibt also keinen einzigen vernünftigen Grund im Interesse unserer Bürger, über einen Beitritt Moldaus zur EU überhaupt nachzudenken.
Shame on you!
Anna Fotyga, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, luckily, today we send a really powerful signal to the Moldovan people in an extremely difficult time, surviving a period of instability, difficulties after COVID – yet showing enormous generosity in welcoming Ukrainians fleeing atrocities in a war waged by Russia in Ukraine.
It is an enormously powerful message by Maia Sandu’s statement here in the European Parliament and by a very good report we have issued jointly, in consensus, over political divisions.
We acknowledge Moldova as a member of the European community, of a European community of nations that want to realise their aspirations. And we want to help the Moldovan authorities and Moldovan people in achieving candidacy status to the EU as soon as possible.
Emmanuel Maurel, au nom du groupe The Left. – Monsieur le Président, nous avons tous été émus par le discours empreint de gravité de Mme Sandu, qui est la première ministre courageuse d’un pays éprouvé et qui déploie des efforts immenses pour accueillir un flot de réfugiés fuyant la guerre en Ukraine. Je crois que c’était bien pour nous, parlementaires européens, de lui réaffirmer notre soutien au moment où ce pays est confronté à des difficultés immenses et – cela a été dit mais je le répète – au moment où l’intégrité territoriale de la Moldavie est remise en question, notamment par Tiraspol, qui a fait une déclaration d’indépendance complètement irresponsable, et par certains dirigeants russes qui rêvent d’un corridor entre la Crimée et la Transnistrie. Il est bien que, collectivement, nous nous y opposions.
Mais je pense qu’il faut aller plus loin dans l’aide, parce qu’il n’y a pas que l’aide d’urgence, il y a l’aide en réponse à la crise sociale et je ne voudrais pas qu’on ait les recettes habituelles qui consistent à dire: «On va vous faire des prêts et des accords de libre-échange». Il faut être à la hauteur des attentes des Moldaves; il faut être à la hauteur des attentes de la jeunesse moldave, qui émigre massivement parce qu’elle est confrontée à des difficultés matérielles immenses. Nous devons apporter un soutien face à l’urgence, mais aussi sur le long terme – et pour cela, il y a besoin d’argent et pas seulement de prêts ou d’un hypothétique accord de libre-échange.
Siegfried Mureşan (PPE). – Domnule președinte, stimați colegi, Președinta Republicii Moldova ne-a spus astăzi foarte clar: „cetățenii Republicii Moldova doresc aderarea Republicii Moldova la Uniunea Europeană, doresc să trăiască în siguranță, stabilitate, cu perspectivă de prosperitate, la fel ca cetățenii statelor noastre” și răspunsul nostru, dacă cetățenii Republicii Moldova doresc să ni se alăture, trebuie să fie unul singur: „Da, Republica Moldova are perspectivă europeană, Republica Moldova poate deveni stat membru al Uniunii Europene, haideți să lucrăm împreună pentru a îndeplini acest lucru”.
Am văzut cu toții în ultimele luni cum cetățenii Republicii Moldova au primit refugiați din Ucraina, în deplin spirit european. Și-au deschis casele pentru cetățenii din Ucraina care aveau nevoie de ajutor, au oferit hrană, au oferit apă, au oferit adăpost și siguranță cetățenilor din Ucraina.
Exact așa cum cetățenii moldoveni și-au deschis casele pentru cetățenii ucraineni, la fel trebuie și noi, Uniunea Europeană, să deschidem ușa pentru apropierea Republicii Moldova și mai mult de Uniunea Europeană și perspectiva ca Republica Moldova să adere la Uniunea Europeană.
Reforme îndeplinite în mod ambițios de guvernul proeuropean de la Chișinău sunt incluse în raportul colegului nostru Dragoș Tudorache și detaliate în acest raport. Știm că mai este mult de făcut până la momentul aderării, dar mesajul nostru important trebuie să fie „da, ne apucăm de lucru”.
Și exact așa cum Finlanda și Suedia doresc să adere la NATO și vor fi acceptate amândouă în NATO, exact așa, dacă Ucraina și Republica Moldova doresc să adere la Uniunea Europeană, este obligația noastră să le oferim această perspectivă.
Tonino Picula (S&D). – Mr President, Mr Commissioner, I want to thank the rapporteur on this valuable reflection on the state of play of our relations with Moldova. We acknowledge many of reforms undertaken, and specify the ones that should remain a priority in the upcoming months and, most notably, the strengthening of the state institutions and justice reform.
The European Parliament will remain a strong supporter of all of the reform processes, as confirmed by the Memorandum of Understanding with the Parliament of Moldova last year. We cooperate in many areas, but we should do more and we should increase our financial institutions’ assistance for all of the necessary reforms.
Lastly, given the changed security context following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the pro—European geopolitical orientation, Moldovan efforts should be acknowledged politically too. Supporting a swift assessment of Moldova’s readiness and applications for EU membership would be an essential step in the right direction. We support that.
Dacian Cioloş (Renew). – Domnule președinte, raportul prezentat de colegul nostru Dragoș Tudorache este fără echivoc. Republica Moldova este o țară cu adevărat europeană, condusă de o președintă și de un guvern cu o agendă reformistă. O treime dintre cetățenii Republicii Moldova sunt deja cetățeni europeni, deci locul Republicii Moldova este în Uniunea Europeană și semnalul de aderare trebuie să vină acum, când dorința moldovenilor este foarte clară.
Istoria nu trebuie să se împiedice în proceduri și de aceea lideri europeni trebuie să fie, să se arate cel puțin la fel de curajoși ca și Maia Sandu. Cum ar mai trebui Moldova să dovedească atașamentul la valorile europene, când a riscat totul pentru a fi în această familie - și ați văzut solidaritatea pe care cetățenii Republicii Moldova au arătat-o față de refugiații ucraineni-? Ați văzut și o Republică Moldova care și-a asumat toate riscurile și costurile economice, fiind de partea Ucrainei și a Uniunii Europene în această agresiune rusă.
Dar Republica Moldova este și o țară a cărei economie este fragilă și care nu mai are cum să exporte produse nici în Ucraina și nici în Republica Moldova. De aceea, are nevoie de un ajutor foarte clar acum din partea Uniunii Europene, care trebuie să sprijine, din punctul meu de vedere, eliminând taxe la frontieră pentru produse din Republica Moldova, crescând cotele de export în Uniunea Europeană pentru produsele moldovenești.
Dragi colegi, haideți să nu ignorăm dimensiunea simbolică pe care o poate aduce oferirea statutului de candidat al Republicii Moldova la Uniunea Europeană. Este un moment istoric nu doar pentru estul Europei, pentru toată Europa și trebuie să ne arătăm la înălțimea acestui moment istoric din care Republica Moldova trebuie să facă parte.
(Vorbitorul a fost de acord să răspundă unei intervenții de tip „cartonaș albastru”)
Eugen Tomac (PPE), intervenție de tip „cartonaș albastru”. – Domnule președinte, domnule președinte Cioloș, ați spus că Republica Moldova se confruntă cu o criză economică extrem de periculoasă și Uniunea Europeană trebuie să acționeze imediat. Ați dat câteva exemple. Vă rog frumos să detaliați aceste exemple, pentru că sunt esențiale și ele trebuie să ajungă și în Republica Moldova.
Dacian Cioloş (Renew), răspuns la intervenția de tip „cartonaș albastru”. – Domnule președinte, (începutul intervenției nu a fost făcut la microfon) ... pentru întrebare, domnule Tomac. Mă refeream la câteva lucruri foarte concrete, pentru că dincolo de promisiuni și de vorbe frumoase, putem să arătăm și exemple concrete și mă bucur că este domnul comisar aici ca să audă.
În urmă cu câțiva ani, când eram comisar european, am eliminat cotele de import în Uniunea Europeană pentru vinul moldovenesc. Au fost și atunci și state membre care s-au temut de această decizie, că vom fi invadați de vinul moldovenesc. Iată că piața europeană nu a fost perturbată. Republica Moldova își vinde vinul în Uniunea Europeană și producătorii s-au putut dezvolta.
Același lucru îl putem face și pentru alte produse agricole, produse agroalimentare care ar ajuta enorm economia din Republica Moldova, fără ca aceasta să aibă un impact negativ asupra pieței europene.
Markéta Gregorová (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, the Republic of Moldova has had challenging times in this unprecedented crisis. Combined with the effects of the Russian war of aggression that raised energy and commodity prices, it has all had a detrimental impact on Moldova. Hence, the EU’s help and assistance are crucial in this situation.
The country certainly needs its reforms improving decentralisation, crucial reforms considering concerning the institutional set—up of the public administration and resilience against state capture.
At the same time, the Moldovan Government has been eager to continue to work on its reform, and to have the EU in close integration and sectoral cooperation. The Moldovan citizens spoke, and chose to deepen European relations. We need to support our friends in the Eastern Partnership, and that is why we should highly endorse granting the candidate’s request, based on merit.
Rasa Juknevičienė (PPE). – Mr President, today, many people around the world want to defeat Putin. The people of Moldova have already won against Putin by voting for Maia Sandu and her team. Putin openly supported the Kremlin candidate and lost.
The EU must give clear hope to the Moldovan people, who have voted for the European way and rejected corrupt politicians. Moldova took in refugees from Ukraine and clearly sided with the democratic states, despite the Kremlin threatening Moldova in the same way as it is threatening Ukraine.
The people of Moldova deserve to be part of the European family, and the Council should send a clear signal. Moldovans need a European perspective. If we do not seize this opportunity, there may not be another one soon.
The EU has the chance to become a real geopolitical actor. A firm hand extended to Moldova would be a step towards it.
Evin Incir (S&D). – Mr President, colleagues, at the same time as we see backlash on our fundamental rights in some of our own Member States, we see progress on our European values in countries aspiring for EU membership.
Moldova has in recent years taken important steps towards more democracy and respect for the rule of law, even though a lot remains to be done and needs to be intensified as regards judiciary reform and the end of corruption. Moldova has also taken a big responsibility for people in need, being the country receiving most Ukrainian refugees per capita and showing deep solidarity.
As hard as we must be towards our Member States that take negative steps backwards, we need to salute those wanting to join our Union that take positive steps forward. We need to continue supporting the Moldovan people that has clearly shown that they want to be a part of our Union. My message to all our friends in Moldova is: we stand by you, we support you and we hope to see you represented here in this Parliament soon.
Urmas Paet (Renew). – Mr President, Moldova is in a very difficult situation due to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, which is why the European Union must give Moldova its full support.
Moldova is a very important recipient of Ukrainian refugees. There are more than 100 000 refugees in the country, mostly in Moldovan homes. That is why Moldova needs EU financial support to help these people.
At the same time, Moldova is completely dependent on Russia for energy. The EU also must help Moldova increase its energy security by creating new connections. Otherwise, Russia will have a significant leverage to influence Moldova. Moldova’s only power plant is in Russian—controlled Transnistria.
In addition, the EU should increase its import quotas for Moldovan agricultural and other products in order to give Moldova better access to the EU market. This would also help reduce economic dependence on Russia.
It is also important that the EU soon respond positively to Moldova’s application for EU membership. This would give Moldova and its pro—European government a clearer perspective.
Ewa Kopacz (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Szanowni Państwo! Panie Komisarzu! Wojna w Ukrainie, zagrożenie jej eskalacją, olbrzymie problemy ekonomiczne to codzienność dzisiejszej Mołdawii. Mimo to Mołdawia przyjęła pół miliona uchodźców z Ukrainy, pół miliona w kraju mającym dwa i pół miliona mieszkańców. Mołdawia każdego dnia udowadnia, że politycznie i mentalnie jest częścią Europy. Jej obywatele dokonali wyboru, zagłosowali na prezydent Maię Sandu, opowiedzieli się więc za Europą. Mołdawia jest mocnym ogniwem Partnerstwa Wschodniego. Jestem pewna, że wobec wojny w Ukrainie musimy więcej uwagi poświęcić stabilizowaniu całego regionu. Mołdawia potrzebuje oczywiście wsparcia materialnego, ale tak naprawdę przede wszystkim potrzebuje nadziei. Stworzenie realnej perspektywy europejskiej dla Mołdawii jest dla nas zarówno moralnym obowiązkiem, jak i wyrazem politycznego rozsądku.
Spontane Wortmeldungen
Maria Grapini (S&D). – Domnule președinte, domnule comisar, stimați colegi, dezbaterea de astăzi, legată de acordul privind aderarea Moldovei la Uniunea Europeană este binevenit. Este binevenită și doamna Președintă, care și-a prezentat punctul de vedere, dar cred că este nevoie nu numai să votăm acest acord, ci să găsim o soluție de a ajuta și a sprijini cetățenii din Republica Moldova, acum când sunt în fața focului, în fața războiului, acum când nu mai au piață de desfacere, când au probleme economice, financiare.
Să devansăm acel ajutor care l-am propus, să îi susținem cu proceduri și cu regulamente privind administrația publică, pentru că spunea doamna Președintă că au o criză privind funcționarii în administrația publică și să găsim soluții să devansăm acei bani care au fost programați să fie dați Republicii Moldova, pentru că cunosc foarte bine Republica Moldova. Moldovenii sunt generoși, dar dacă nu au din ce, nu pot să dea mai mult.
Și noi avem datoria istorică acum să sprijinim Republica Moldova pentru a grăbi aderarea și pentru a sprijini financiar cetățenii de acolo.
Bronis Ropė (Verts/ALE). – Gerbiamas pirmininke, gerbiami kolegos, šiandien iš tikrųjų matėme ir girdėjome Moldovos žmonių pasirinkimą. Iš tikrųjų džiugu, kai darbai nesiskiria nuo kalbų – kas kalbama, tas ir dirbama. Ir tikrai mus labai gerai nuteikia, kad ši šalis kryptingai dirba, pasirinkusi savo kryptį, ir siekia sukurti demokratišką, saugią šalį ir sukurti gerovę savo žmonėms. Todėl Europos Komisija turėtų deramai įvertinti Moldovos pasirinkimą ir nedelsiant suteikti kandidatės statusą. Tikrai šis procesas neturėtų užtrukti pakankamai ilgai. Turėtume sudaryti galimybę, kad Moldova galėtų greitai prisijungti prie Europos bendrijos.
Eugen Tomac (PPE). – Domnule președinte, domnule comisar, felicit raportorul, domnul Tudorache a făcut o treabă foarte bună, însă vreau să pun accent pe o chestiune ce ține de decizia politică pe care trebuie să o ia Uniunea Europeană.
Pentru că să nu uităm un lucru extrem de important: Republica Moldova este victimă a Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov, este o fostă republică sovietică, care, la fel ca țările baltice, a fost o victimă a unor înțelegeri criminale. Tocmai de aceea astăzi, prin discursul pe care l-a transmis doamna Președintă Maia Sandu, a subliniat o chestiune extrem de importantă și anume că poporul Republicii Moldova este european.
Românii din Republica Moldova vorbesc o limbă oficială a Uniunii Europene. O bună parte din cetățenii Republicii Moldova sunt deja cetățeni ai Uniunii Europene și tocmai de aceea este esențial să accelerăm acest proces și să facem dreptatea pe care cetățenii Republicii Moldova o merită.
(Ende der spontanen Wortmeldungen)
Olivér Várhelyi,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, dear Members, thank you very much for this discussion and the very clear commitment shown today towards Moldova and its people.
Let me assure you that we are closely following the situation in Moldova and that we continue to work on the opinion on Moldova’s application for membership to the European Union. We will, of course, also continue – and look forward advancing – our collaboration to find additional ways to help Moldova to face the current crisis, because we think that we will have more help needed for that country, and we are ready to deliver that.
Dragoş Tudorache, rapporteur. – Mr President, I concluded my first introductory remarks by thanking the colleagues, thanking the shadow rapporteurs, for their work and for the united vision. I can only thank them again for confirming this through the addresses that they’ve made today.
I also want to thank the Commission. I didn’t do it in the first round, but I want to thank them really for how they’ve handled the numerous emergencies that Moldova has put on the table in the last couple of months, from energy supply alternatives to urgent budgetary support.
I also want to invite you – and I’m sure that you’ve heard this message today from the colleagues – to also take this message back to the Commission, both in terms of the political message that is needed, but also in terms of the very concrete support that they now need, including through export quotas, which is something that is vitally important for compensating the effects of the war.
The key political takeaway, the key political conclusion for me from today’s debate is that Moldova’s commitment to Europe is no longer just words. It is felt in the drive to reform the judiciary and to strengthen the rule of law. It is felt in how they hosted half a million refugees in their country, and how they withstand Russian pressure. It is a commitment that comes with risks and costs, and though they’re not doing it with guns in their hands, Moldovan citizens are fighting alongside their Ukrainian neighbours for the European dream, and for the values that bring us together.
All that is needed now is our voice saying, without hesitation, that the Republic of Moldova’s rightful place is by our side.
Der Präsident. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.
Die Abstimmung findet am Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2022, statt.
Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 171)
Andrus Ansip (Renew), kirjalikult. – Pärast Nõukogude Liidu lagunemist asus Eesti viivitamatult üles ehitama riigi demokraatlikke institutsioone. Eesti valis vabaturumajanduse tee. Eesti taasiseseisvumise lugu on edulugu. Paraku Moldova demokratiseerimine ja üleminek vabale turumajandusele takerdus. Oluliseks takistuseks oli Transnistria konflikt, see tähendab Vene vägede viibimine Moldova territooriumil.
President Maia Sandu juhtimisel on Moldova teinud märkimisväärseid edusamme. Moldova eksport on ümber suunatud idaturult Euroopa Liitu. Viimase aasta jooksul on Moldova teinud olulisi edusamme ka meediavabaduses. Ühe aastaga on maailma meediavabaduse indeksis tõustud 89. kohalt 40ndaks. Nende edusammude põhjal pean võimalikuks lähemas tulevikus Moldovale Euroopa Liidu kandidaatriigi staatuse andmist.