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Nós Imeachta : 2022/2664(RSP)
Céimeanna an doiciméid sa chruinniú iomlánach
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Díospóireachtaí :

PV 18/05/2022 - 24
CRE 18/05/2022 - 24

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PV 19/05/2022 - 7.8
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Tuarascáil focal ar fhocal na n-imeachtaí
XML 47k
Dé Céadaoin, 18 Bealtaine 2022 - Brussels

24. Ionchúiseamh an fhreasúra agus coinneáil ceannairí ceardchumann sa Bhealarúis (díospóireacht)
Físeán de na hóráidí

  Predsedajúci. – Ďalším bodom programu je vyhlásenie Komisie o stíhaní opozície a zadržiavaní vedúcich odborových zväzov v Bielorusku (2022/2664(RSP)).

Ako prvý v rozprave vystúpi práve za Európsku komisiu pán komisár Didier Reynders.


  Didier Reynders, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, let me thank you all for your relentless efforts in supporting the people of Belarus. It is clear that the European Union remains united in the face of the continued brutal oppression by the Lukashenko regime in its support for the Belarusian people.

Today there are almost 1 200 political prisoners throughout the country, on top of the many thousands who have been detained over the last 18 months for exercising their democratic rights.

The brave leaders and activists of the democratic opposition in Belarus are also under sustained attack. Many, like Viktar Babaryka and Maryia Kalesnikava, are already in prison on politically motivated charges.

Just this month, Sofia Sapega, the girlfriend of blogger Roman Protasevich, who were both detained after the Belarussian authorities forced their flight to land in Minsk in May last year, was sentenced to six years in prison.

Opposition leaders forced into exile, including Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Pavel Latushko, and countless others, are facing very serious criminal charges in their absence. The recent assaults on trade union leaders is another illustration of Lukashenko’s systematic effort to silence all remaining independent voices in the country.

The European Union has stood by the people of Belarus from the very beginning of their legitimate struggle for democratic freedom. Since August 2020, the European Union has committed about EUR 65 million in direct support to the people of Belarus. Among the beneficiaries are victims of repression, civil society, independent media, [inaudible] small businesses, health and culture.

Civil society actors on the front line have received emergency assistance to resist the regime’s repressive actions. The European Union’s support has been essential to ensure their safety, maintain their financial and organisational stability in the context of forced liquidation or relocation, and preserve firm grounding in the country.

Independent media inside and outside of Belarus are exposed to growing threats. Thanks to our financial support, independent journalists and social media influencers continue to tell the truth and reach their audiences in Belarus. Belarussian students who were forced to leave the country or unable to continue their studies in Belarus are now benefiting from the opportunity to study in the European Union.

Work on the next assistance package is ongoing to provide further support to civil society, [inaudible] victims of repression and small and medium-sized enterprises in exile. This is a clear demonstration of the EU’s long-term commitment to the people of Belarus.

In parallel, we have also suspended all of our engagement with the central authorities, including at the technical or expert level. This, combined with our robust sanctions regime, isolates the Belarusian authorities and shows that they cannot act with impunity. This is important, especially following the support of Lukashenko’s regime for the Russian war against Ukraine.

Finally, we have been supporting the International Accountability Platform for Belarus, which has been gathering and preserving evidence of human rights violations committed in Belarus. Let me assure you, we will not forget the victims of Lukashenko’s regime. Thank you very much for your support and for your attention. I will, of course, follow your debate and try to understand what more can be done on the basis of your observations.


  Sandra Kalniete, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, Commissioner, colleagues, we cannot and must not forget about the involvement of the Lukashenko regime in Russia’s brutal and unprovoked war against Ukraine. Lukashenko now has used his country as a launchpad in a war of aggression. He is extending the use of the death penalty and there is now the prospect of nuclear weapons being deployed in Belarus.

Furthermore, Lukashenko is also fully responsible for the continued brutal and systematic crackdown against his own people. As the Commissioner just said, there are 1 200 political prisoners, and 40 000 people were detained since 2020. The recent systematic persecution of trade unionists shows that Lukashenko is willing to do whatever it takes to suppress the remaining organised voices of dissent and supporters of a democratic Belarus.

Turning to the future, it should be abundantly clear that we cannot treat the Lukashenko regime any differently from Putin’s. We must understand Belarus has now become Putin’s pawn in his efforts to target the EU, whether as a gateway for artificial mass migration, disinformation, energy manipulation, cyberattacks or illegal smuggling. Lukashenko is famous for being as slippery as an eel. We must make sure he does not escape full responsibility this time.




  Juozas Olekas, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, the Belarus dictator has again showed total disrespect for any legal norms, and again resorted to harassment and imprisonment for any possible opposition to his regime. Now he has targeted trade union leaders as one of the last organised opposition forces. They join in detention thousands of political prisoners, including former presidential candidates who are serving decades—long sentences handed down by the Lukashenko controlled courts.

The European Union should show its solidarity with the detained trade union leaders and request their immediate release. And we should continue our support or maybe strengthening of the Belarus opposition force inside and outside the country. You mentioned this, Commissioner.

Lukashenko should not fool himself that such illegitimate action, the total harassment of the Belarus society, will sooner or later lead to a hard landing and the fall of his regime.


  Petras Auštrevičius, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Madam President, Mr Commissioner, dear colleagues, Dictator Lukashenko, a vassal of the Russian world, wants to erase Belarus’ statehood and independence. Civil society, human rights and political pluralism have no place in Lukashenko’s vision for the future of Belarus. The result of his almost three decades of rule: free—thinking and pro—European Belarusians are forced to seek refuge abroad.

Having crushed and imprisoned the political opposition, Lukashenko has now set his sights on the independent trade unions that defy him. The political persecution and imprisonment of trade union activists is completely unacceptable, and requires our strong response.

It is clear that Lukashenko can only be stopped by sanctions and the further isolation of the Belarusian regime. Let us not make the mistakes of the past, when it was thought that dialogue with him would reconcile the democratic choice. Lukashenko is just a vassal of Putin and will not become anything else. His attempt to balance himself and to seek contact with the outside world is merely an attempt to survive.

Colleagues, while being critical about Belarus regime, I strongly believe in the European future of the Belarusian people. And very finally, let us not forget the nuclear power plant in Astravyets on the EU border, which threatens the whole of Europe.


  Viola Von Cramon—Taubadel, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, when we condemn Putin for his cruelty in Ukraine, we should never forget that he is not acting alone.

The missiles on Lviv, Kyiv and Vinnytsia were fired from Belarus. Russian troops entered Bucha and Irpin from Belarus, from Gomel. When the Russians started to retreat from Kyiv, they used places in Belarus to send the looted goods. Russians did all this because the Belarusian dictator, Aleksander Lukashenko, allowed them to do so.

Before he became an accomplice to atrocities in Ukraine, Lukashenko spent 27 years torturing his own people. In 2020 we saw the awakening of the free Belarusian spirit. Hundreds of thousands marched in the streets with flowers and white and red flags. They were brutally crushed by Lukashenko’s militias.

Just because we do not hear the voices of victims does not mean that the violence has stopped. On the contrary, the number of political prisoners in Belarus has reached more than 1 200. Among them are the trade union leaders and many other innocent representatives who were arrested last April. Their crime was the resistance of the violent regime and their demand for fundamental freedoms.

As the sanctions are starting to become effective, and the income of Lukashenko’s regime is drying up, the fall of the regime is inevitable. Our decisive actions now should speed up this fall. Lukashenko belongs in the International Criminal Court, right next to Mr Putin.


  Thierry Mariani, au nom du groupe ID. – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Commissaire, vous avez parlé de sanctions «robustes». Mais est-ce qu’une seule fois on peut examiner les effets économiques des sanctions que nous avons prises? Parce que les effets politiques, on ne les voit jamais. Jusqu’à présent, je ne connais pas de pays qui ait changé de position après des sanctions. Le résultat de ces sanctions? Les principales sanctions, vous le savez, à l’encontre du Bélarus, ont porté sur l’azote et la potasse, qui sont ses principales productions. Le Bélarus, avec la Chine et la Russie, produit 60 % de la production de ces engrais de potasse. Résultat: après ces sanctions, les prix ont quadruplé. Quadruplé. Quand je prends – et je vous invite à faire la même chose – les statistiques d’Eurostat, je constate que jamais le Bélarus n’a gagné autant d’argent avec cet engrais de potasse. Jamais.

Donc, je veux bien qu’on rajoute des sanctions aux sanctions. J’ai l’impression que ce Parlement est ivre de sanctions. Mais si on ajoute des sanctions, la question qu’il faut se poser, c’est quel est leur effet? Est-ce que c’est simplement de nous faire plaisir dans cet hémicycle? Alors je dis que, bien sûr, la situation au Bélarus doit évoluer. Mais si elle évolue, je pense, contrairement à certains, que ce sera en rétablissant le dialogue plutôt qu’en rajoutant des sanctions aux sanctions.

Résultat de ces sanctions aujourd’hui: les pays que j’ai cités gagnent plus, nos agriculteurs voient les prix des engrais exploser et les consommateurs voient le prix d’une partie des produits agricoles exploser.


  Beata Mazurek, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Szanowni Państwo! Wielokrotnie dyskutowaliśmy tutaj o reżimie na Białorusi, przyjmowaliśmy projekt rezolucji, podejmowaliśmy decyzję o nakładaniu obostrzeń gospodarczych, restrykcji handlowych, sankcji imiennych wobec samego Łukaszenki i jego najbliższej rodziny. I co? Prezydent Białorusi kolejny raz śmieje nam się w twarz, ignoruje Unię Europejską, ignoruje Międzynarodową Organizację Pracy, do której należy 18 zatrzymanych w połowie kwietnia przedstawicieli Białoruskiego Kongresu Demokratycznego Związków Zawodowych. Łukaszenka dopuszcza się wywoływania ataków hybrydowych na granicy, bojkotuje demokratyczne wybory, wspiera Rosję w działaniach wojennych przeciwko Ukrainie. Zlikwidował prawie 400 organizacji społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, pracowników kolei stawia w roli podejrzanych o akt terroru za sabotowanie dostaw broni do Rosji. Przypominam, że niedawno białoruski Senat zatwierdził zmiany, w których za dopuszczenie się, a nawet próbę przeprowadzenia aktu terrorystycznego grozi kara śmierci.

Proszę Państwa, czterech pracowników białoruskiej kolei może zostać rozstrzelanych za to, że chcieli zapobiec dostawie broni dla rosyjskiej armii popełniającej ohydne zbrodnie na Ukrainie. Przykład Putina pokazuje wyraźnie, że samo potępianie i przymykanie oczu na reżim, a nawet obejmowanie sankcjami nie wystarczy. Żeby zakończyć bezprawie i terror dyktatury Łukaszenki, konieczne są konkretne działania – działania pomocowe dla organizacji obywatelskich, przedstawicieli związków zawodowych i opozycji. Jednym słowem: mniej gadania, a więcej działania. Wszystkim nam tego życzę.


  Özlem Demirel, im Namen der Fraktion The Left. – Frau Präsidentin! In Belarus haben Arbeiter und Gewerkschaften als Zeichen gegen den Krieg Waffenlieferungen und Nachschub für den russischen Angriffskrieg sabotiert. Diese sehen sich nun massiven Repressionen ausgesetzt. Klar ist aber: Arbeiterinnen müssen das Recht haben, sich in Gewerkschaften für ihre Position zu organisieren. Das gilt für soziale wie für politische Forderungen. Repressionen sind inakzeptabel.

Doch insbesondere in Krisen- und Kriegszeiten werden Gewerkschaftsrechte ausgehöhlt – in Belarus, in Russland und leider auch in der Ukraine. Egal, wo, egal, in welchem Krieg – Arbeiterinnen und das einfache Volk zahlen den höchsten Preis in diesen Kriegen, die nicht in ihrem Interesse geführt werden. Deshalb ist es richtig, dass sie sich dagegen zur Wehr setzen. So haben auch Hafenarbeiterinnen in Italien die Waffenexporte der EU an Saudi-Arabien mit einem Streik gestoppt, die im brutalen Jemenkrieg eingesetzt wurden. Den belarussischen, den italienischen, den Arbeiterinnen weltweit gilt meine Solidarität – sie können Kriege stoppen.

Ich möchte zum Schluss ein Gedicht von Wolfgang Borchert zitieren – der es auf den Punkt bringt: „Du. Mann an der Maschine und Mann in der Werkstatt. Wenn sie dir morgen befehlen, du sollst keine Wasserrohre und keine Kochtöpfe mehr machen – sondern Stahlhelme und Maschinengewehre, dann gibt es nur eins: Sag nein!“


  Andrius Kubilius (PPE). – Madam President, dear Commissioner, dear colleagues, it’s very clear that the continued persecution of opposition and trade union leaders in Belarus is a heavy crime committed by the illegal Lukashenko regime. Today we are standing together with all the persecuted fighters for a democratic Belarus and with the legitimate leader of democratic Belarus, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya.

We should not be naive: our appeals to the Lukashenko regime to release imprisoned fighters for democracy will not be answered. That is why we cannot stay only with resolutions, which have been repeating such language for several years.

Belarus is not a far away country somewhere in Africa, with some human rights problems. Belarus happens to be next door to us , in the geographical centre of the European continent. We need to understand our own responsibility, we need to look into what kind of mistakes we have made that allowed those atrocities and that military aggression to happen in the centre of Europe, in our vicinity.

Today we need to learn one very clear lesson: if in our region we are not able to stop an authoritarian regime in its violations of human rights from the very beginning, then at some time later those regimes will become new fascist regimes and international criminal aggressors.

That is why we now need to understand a very simple truth. The situation in Belarus will be radically changed for the better if Putin and Lukashenko are defeated in Ukraine and if Ukraine will get candidate status. Ukraine’s success is key for the future of democracy in Belarus and also in Russia. That is why we need to support Ukraine and together with them to win the war in Ukraine. Let’s learn our lessons!


  Agnes Jongerius (S&D). – Madam President, dear Commissioner, it was only yesterday on 17 May that Maksim Poznyakov, vice-president of the Belarusian independent trade union, the BKDP, was arrested by the Belarusian state authorities – and he was only elected four days ago to replace the colleagues who were already in jail. I think we see a pattern here.

Over the past few months, trade union leaders in Belarus have been arrested. Their headquarters have been searched and their members are being spied upon. This is an attack on all Belarusian workers and a violation of their rights. The freedom of association and the right to organise are non—negotiable. And therefore, we call for the immediate and unconditional release of all leaders and members of the trade unions in Belarus and for all charges against them to be dropped.


  Vlad Gheorghe (Renew). – Domnule președinte, am tratat cu prea mare lejeritate ce se întâmplă dincolo de granițele noastre. Am trecut prea ușor peste încălcarea evidentă a drepturilor fundamentale. Am sprijinit prea puțin pe cei care luptă pentru valorile Uniunii Europene chiar dacă sunt în afara ei.

Belarus este de mai mulți ani un stat care s-a întors împotriva propriilor cetățeni. Și România știe, din păcate, prea bine ce înseamnă asta. Românii știu prea bine cum este să aștepți un ajutor care nu mai vine. În Belarus orice opoziție este acum suprimată violent de regimul prorus Lukașenka. Mulți luptă în exil alții rezistă în pușcării. Cu toții speră că vor primi un ajutor concret.

Simpla condamnare fermă în discursuri și în postări pe social media nu îi ajută. Societatea civilă, reprezentanții opoziției, belarușii și cu voturile ignorate și drepturile încălcate așteaptă ca Uniunea ca Europa unită să le stea alături. Nu avem voie să îi dezamăgim. Nu avem voie să renunțăm la cei care nu renunță să lupte pentru democrație.


  Andrzej Halicki (PPE). – Szanowna Pani Przewodnicząca! Panie Komisarzu! Tak, ten kryzys humanitarny i polityczny Białorusi trwa zdecydowanie za długo. Tysiące osób prześladowanych, w więzieniach to tylko dowód na to, że działamy zbyt wolno, zbyt mało konsekwentnie. Bo przecież Parlament Europejski przyjął kilka bardzo konkretnych rezolucji, jeżeli chodzi o działania, a wciąż dochodzi do prześladowania różnych grup zawodowych, społecznych, narodowych. Andrzej Poczobut siedzi w więzieniu. Został skazany na kilka lat tylko dlatego, że jest Polakiem. Mój przyjaciel Siarhiej Korszun został skazany na cztery i pół roku właściwie za nic, bo nawet sam nie pisał żadnych tekstów w sieci, i cierpi jego rodzina. Niektórzy więźniowie nie mają 18 lat, a inni powyżej 70. Na wiele lat skazani do obozów. I co?

Jako Parlament proponowaliśmy komisję wysokiego szczebla, konferencję, którą powinna poprzeć Rada Europejska. Zbieramy materiały w komisjach AFET i DROI, zbieramy tysiące nazwisk osób odpowiedzialnych za zbrodnie. Potrzebne jest postawienie Łukaszenki przed trybunałem, bo on na to zasługuje. Ale do tego potrzebna jest współpraca wszystkich państw członkowskich.

I znowu zwracam się do nieobecnych. Europo! Tak, Parlament Europejski jest ambasadorem głosu wolnych Białorusinów, ale Europo, musisz działać! Niech żyje wolna Białoruś! Niech żyje wolna, demokratyczna Białoruś!


  Thijs Reuten (S&D). – Madam President, it is precisely one year ago today that the Tut.By website was shut down: 15 arrests followed by subsequent constructed convictions, the dictator’s well—known playbook.

By now, we not only speak about Lukashenko’s illegitimate regime holding hostage an entire population, but Lukashenko is also fully complicit in Putin’s gruesome war and all war crimes that were committed, and he will be held accountable for this.

Prosecution of opposition figures, trade union leaders and other critical voices shows the regime’s weakness, turning against his own people. But the brave Belarus people resisting will prevail. We are here to send our support to all representatives of the Belarusian democratic opposition, to union leaders and all the other 1 203 political prisoners, like Viasna’s Ales Bialiatski. We assure you: we have not forgotten about Belarus and about you, you will get your country back, and your freedom.


  Liudas Mažylis (PPE). – Gerbiama Pirmininke, Įsibėgėjusiam totalitarizmui stabdžių nėra. Taip ir Lukašenkos režimas nusitaiko į vis naujas visuomenės grupes, kurios yra bent kiek nepriklausomos nuo valdžios diktato. Tai nenauja: susidorojimas su kitaminčiais Baltarusijoje tęsiasi jau dešimtmečiais, o po suklastotų rinkimų 2020 m. rugpjūtį tas siautėjimas pasiekė dar didesnį mastą. Imtasi riboti bet kokius visuomeninius judėjimus, laisvą žiniasklaidą, o šių metų balandžio 19 d. įvykdytas 18 profesinių sąjungų lyderių sulaikymas primena mums, kad teisminė valdžia Baltarusijoje tėra režimo instrumentas. Ir tie veiksmai įvykdyti, kai Baltarusija paversta de facto agresijos prieš Ukrainą dalyve. Jos šiandieninis režimas suteikė Rusijos kariuomenei ir savo teritoriją, ir oro erdvę, ir logistinę paramą. Taip šiandieninė Baltarusijos valdžia galutinai netenka bet kokio dialogo su mumis, su Vakarų valstybėmis, galimybės. Ir ji vis stiprina represijas prieš tuos, kurie Baltarusijos įtraukimą į karą Ukrainoje išdrįsta kritikuoti. Pritariu, kad Tarptautinė darbo organizacija apskritai suspenduotų Baltarusijos narystę šioje organizacijoje, nes nepriklausomų profesinių sąjungų ten jau galutinai nelikę. O Europos Sąjungos institucijos turi didinti tiesioginę paramą Baltarusijos opozicijai, pilietinei visuomenei, žmogaus teisių gynėjams, nepriklausomai žiniasklaidai, akademinei bendruomenei ir kitoms nepriklausomoms organizacijoms Baltarusijoje ir už jos ribų.


  Marianne Vind (S&D). – Fru formand! I Belarus har vi i den sidste tid været vidne til en voldsom hetz imod fagforeninger og deres repræsentanter. En hetz, der har fundet sted over en længere årrække, men som eskalerede i april, da mindst 18 fagforeningsledere blev fængslet. Det var efter sigende for at forstyrre den offentlige orden, men i virkeligheden for at være kritiske over for det belarusiske styre. Flere af dem venter nu lange fængselsstraffe.

I Belarus har fagforeninger spillet en fuldkommen essentiel rolle ved at kæmpe for et frit og demokratisk Belarus. Jeg fordømmer derfor anholdelserne. At terrorisere fagforeninger er et direkte angreb på de fundamentale rettigheder, og det skal have konsekvenser. Jeg støtter fuldt op om, at EU skal række ud og hjælpe de belarusiske fagforeninger. For de skal vide, at der altid er opbakning og støtte fra EU til frihed, fred og demokrati. Jeg opfordrer derfor til, at regimet i Belarus omgående løslader alle fagforeningsledere, dropper alle anklager og respekterer ILO-konventionerne.


  Miriam Lexmann (PPE). – Madam President, dear Commissioner, dear colleagues, the illegitimate regime of Aleksander Lukashenko continues to terrorise and oppress the Belarusian people. Today, there are over 1 200 political prisoners in Belarus and 275 civil society and human rights organisations and numerous media outlets have been closed down.

I want to especially mention the case of my brave friend, Pavel Seviarynets, who has already spent nearly 10 years in Lukashenko’s jails and who, a year ago, was sentenced to seven more years. It is because of brave people like Pavel, who every day pay a terrible personal sacrifice that we mustn’t forget about the plight of the Belarusian people. On the contrary, as we continue to support the people of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression, we must also redouble our support for the people of Belarus, because we cannot have free and sovereign Ukraine without a free and sovereign Belarus.


  Robert Biedroń (S&D). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Panie Komisarzu! Jedno jest pewne: nie będzie wolnej, bezpiecznej Europy, Unii Europejskiej bez wolnej, bezpiecznej, niezależnej Białorusi. Tej lekcji jeszcze niestety jako Unia Europejska nie odrobiliśmy, bo przez wszystkie lata rządów Łukaszenki naiwnie wierzyliśmy, że Łukaszenkę da się ucywilizować. Tak się niestety nie stało. Nadzieją są tacy odważni ludzie jak dzisiaj omawiani związkowcy. Ja pochodzę z kraju „Solidarności”, z kraju, w którym powstał największy na świecie ruch robotniczy, którego siła obaliła komunizm. Taka jest siła związków zawodowych, także na Białorusi. Tylko ci ludzie nie mogą zostać sami i dlatego Unia Europejska musi zrobić swoją robotę. Musi dać tym ludziom nadzieję, musi zobligować się do konkretnych rzeczy, do wytyczenia mapy drogowej dla Białorusi, pokazania, jakie będą kolejne etapy. W tej sprawie niestety nadal zawodzimy Białorusinów i Białorusinki. Žyvie Bielaruś.


  Gabriele Bischoff (S&D). – Frau Präsidentin! Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Wir haben hier gehört, dass sich die Situation in Belarus immer weiter zuspitzt, dass der KGB brutal angreift, Gewerkschafterinnen und Gewerkschafter, die Führung inhaftiert, die Menschen bedroht, deren Arbeitsmittel einkassiert und versucht, somit die Gewerkschaftsbewegung auseinanderzubrechen, insbesondere um die Mitglieder einzuschüchtern, damit die diesen Bund verlassen, der ja im Vergleich zu den Staatsgewerkschaften – mit seinen 12 000 Mitgliedern im Vergleich zu vier Millionen – relativ klein ist.

Es ist so wichtig, dass wir hier das Signal geben, dass wir hier die Inhaftierten unterstützen. Sie brauchen unseren Schutz, sie brauchen unsere Solidarität, aber auch eben konkrete Unterstützung. Deshalb, glaube ich, ist es ganz, ganz wichtig, dass wir noch einmal ganz klar sagen: Alle politischen Gefangenen müssen freigelassen werden, aber auch wirklich Versammlungsfreiheit, Gewerkschaftsrechte geschützt werden – in Belarus und überall.

Ich will mit einem Zitat der internationalen Sekretärin dieses Bundes der Freien Gewerkschaften, Maryja Taradsezkaja, schließen, die gesagt hat: „Ich glaube an das Universum und an die Gewerkschaften, und ich glaube an die Solidarität und die Handlungsfähigkeit Europas.“


  Ilan De Basso (S&D). – Fru talman! Historien lär oss att fria och självständiga fackföreningar många gånger varit drivande för viktiga demokratiska, ekonomiska och sociala reformer.

Tillsammans måste vi nu i Europa agera för ett fritt och demokratiskt samhälle i Belarus. För det som händer där är fruktansvärt. Regelrätta förföljelser av människor som kämpar för att förbättra arbetsvillkoren för vanliga löntagare sker dagligen. Fackliga demokratiska rättigheter i Belarus har under lång tid hotats och eller lyst med sin frånvaro. Dessa attacker mot fria fackförbund och arbetstagare leder också till att Belarus försvagas och isoleras från omvärlden.

Strejker och demonstrationer vid stora företag och arbetsplatser visar att det finns ett starkt stöd för ett fritt och demokratiskt Belarus. Men vi måste göra mer. Därför kräver vi ett omedelbart frisläppande av fängslade fackliga ledare i Belarus. Stödet till det civila samhället ska förstärkas. Fackliga rättigheter är mänskliga rättigheter!


  Carmen Avram (S&D). – Doamnă președintă, arestarea sindicaliștilor din Belarus nu este doar un atac criminal la adresa unor persoane incomode regimului Lukașenko. Este un atentat la o instituție democratică - sindicatul - și la drepturile fundamentale garantate de Organizația Internațională a Muncii, din care face parte și Belarus.

Nu este întâmplător că, la trei luni de la invazia barbară a Ucrainei, lumea liberă este sfidată din nou de prietenul lui Putin. Aceste două personaje insistă să ne sfideze, călcând în picioare tratate și principii pe baza cărora funcționează democrațiile lumii.

Este evident că numeroasele sancțiuni impuse regimului Lukașenko nu funcționează. Dictatorul va face în continuare ce vrea și, între timp, oameni care nu și doresc decât să trăiască sub aceleași valori ca orice alt european își pun zi de zi și secundă de secundă libertatea și viața în pericol.

A cere eliberarea acestor oameni nu este deci suficient. Uniunea trebuie să găsească urgent soluții mai curajoase și mai eficiente de a-i sprijini pe cei care se opun dictaturii. Fără sprijinul nostru, schimbarea nu va veni niciodată în Belarus, iar Europa democratică nu va fi niciodată întreagă.


  Brando Benifei (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il 19 aprile è stato un giorno nero nella storia del movimento sindacale in Bielorussia: ben 18 tra leader sindacali e rappresentanti indipendenti sono stati arrestati con l'accusa di aver violato l'ordine pubblico. Questo evento è solo il culmine di un tragico processo iniziato con le elezioni del 2020 e continuato poi con il blocco della società civile e delle organizzazioni per i diritti umani.

L'Unione europea da due anni agisce con fermezza attraverso severe sanzioni nei confronti del regime autoritario di Lukašėnka, che oggi sostiene direttamente la guerra dell'alleato Putin in Ucraina. È necessario, oltre a rinnovare le sanzioni, ribadire la nostra solidarietà al popolo bielorusso, in particolare a quei cittadini che scendono in piazza chiedendo libertà e democrazia.

Chiediamo quindi che vengano rilasciati tutti gli oppositori, i leader, i rappresentanti sindacali detenuti arbitrariamente per motivi politici. Oggi diciamo stop a Putin, ma diciamo anche stop a Lukašėnka.


Spontane Wortmeldungen


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Paní předsedající, nikdy bych si nemyslel, že v 21. století budou v Evropě diktátoři, a pan Lukašenko je zde 27 let. Nikdy bych si nemyslel, že v 21. století je možná přímá válka jednoho evropského státu proti druhému, a máme zde neuvěřitelný konflikt od druhé světové války s děsivými oběťmi.

Co potřebujeme pro Bělorusko, je nepochybně jednoznačná podpora běloruskému lidu. Jednoznačná podpora opozici, odborářským svazům, zadrženým a vězněným. Potřebujeme nepochybně cestovní mapu toho, jak ukázat na naše sankce a kroky, které budou následovat, když neuspějeme v našich požadavcích. To, co potřebujeme jednoznačně, je podle mého názoru, aby Ukrajina vyhrála. Protože pokud vyhraje Ukrajina, nepochybně padne i běloruský režim a i diktátor Lukašenko.


  Sandra Pereira (The Left). – Senhora Presidente, este debate e a resolução que o acompanha são mais uma peça do sistemático exercício da União Europeia e das suas Instituições de cínica instrumentalização de direitos e valores para procurar impor o seu domínio sobre os Estados soberanos.

Não por acaso, a resolução ignora a política de interferência dos Estados Unidos da América e da União Europeia na Bielorrússia, insistindo na promoção da desestabilização interna e na política de sanções que visam asfixiar o país, criando dificuldades acrescidas para os povos. Políticas em evidente confronto com o Direito Internacional e a Carta das Nações Unidas, nomeadamente o princípio da não ingerência em assuntos internos de cada país.

Acresce uma visão de dois pesos e duas medidas que procuram impor sobre diferentes matérias, de que é exemplo o princípio da neutralidade, omitindo o papel da NATO e a sua expansão a Leste.

Estamos perante um exercício que não contribui para o necessário desanuviamento na região. Antes se soma à escalada de confrontação, contrária à paz na Europa e no mundo.


(Ende der spontanen Wortmeldungen)


  Didier Reynders, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, thank you all for your comments and your support in such a difficult situation that we are facing in Belarus.

Your statements confirm the importance and relevance of all support to the people of Belarus. We distinguish very clearly between the government of Belarus and the people of Belarus and their aspirations for democracy. Sanctions target the regime which supports the aggression and these restrictive measures will evolve along with developments on the ground.

Ordinary citizens who are against the Russian invasion of Ukraine will continue to receive our unwavering support. I look forward to continuing and deepening our cooperation, and we will, with the Commission, pursue our shared goal: a free, democratic and prosperous Belarus. And we will continue to see how it is possible to take other kinds of initiatives with your support. Thanks again for that.


  Die Präsidentin. – Gemäß Artikel 132 Absatz 2 der Geschäftsordnung wurden fünf Entschließungsanträge eingereicht.

Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2022, statt.

An nuashonrú is déanaí: 27 Meitheamh 2024Fógra dlíthiúil - Beartas príobháideachais