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Postup : 2022/2655(RSP)
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PV 19/05/2022 - 3
CRE 19/05/2022 - 3

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PV 19/05/2022 - 7.11
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Čtvrtek, 19. května 2022 - Brusel

8.7. Boj proti beztrestnosti pachatelů válečných zločinů na Ukrajině (B9-0272/2022, RC-B9-0281/2022, B9-0281/2022, B9-0282/2022, B9-0283/2022, B9-0284/2022, B9-0285/2022)
Videozáznamy vystoupení

Mündliche Stimmerklärungen


  Clare Daly (The Left). – Mr President, there’s no doubt about it: the images and stories of the atrocities emerging from Ukraine are truly horrific. They join similar images and stories from the likes of Palestine, from Yemen, from Afghanistan – all a testament to the depths of human cruelty, the enormity of human suffering, and to the evils of war.

Yet the truth is that accountability for war crimes is the exception, not the rule, especially for powerful states. Because the only truly international system for holding war criminals accountable has been systematically undermined since the day it was created.

We even had the obscenity in 2018 of the United States threatening to arrest and sanction ICC judges if they pursued Americans for war crimes in Afghanistan. The result is that the ICC has a shamefully limited jurisdiction. It has only indicted 46 people in its 20 year history, all of them African. It might suit some people in here to condemn Russian war crimes while ignoring American and Israeli ones.

I condemn them all. But unless the law applies equally for all countries, we will never have an international system of justice for the victims of war crimes.


  Mick Wallace (The Left). – Mr President, war is a crime and wars create war crimes. The Parliament rightly condemns war crimes in Ukraine, but does very little to stop the war. The Parliament condemns the illegal invasion and occupation of Ukraine by Russia, but says nothing about the illegal occupation of Palestine by the Israelis or the illegal occupation of Syria by Israel, the US and Turkey. The Parliament condemns the indiscriminate shelling of Ukrainian towns and cities, and rightly so, but does not want to talk about the 400 000 that have been killed in Yemen by the targeted destruction of food, water and health infrastructure by US and EU—made bombs – bombs that are dropping as we speak.

While we are investigating Russian war crimes in Ukraine, can we also investigate French war crimes in Mali, Saudi, the UAE and French, US, UK war crimes in Yemen, Israeli war crimes in Palestine, US war crimes in Iraq and Syria and NATO war crimes in Afghanistan and Libya. International law selectively applied makes a mockery of international law.


  Vlad Gheorghe (Renew). – Domnule președinte, am fost la Bucea și la Irpin, am văzut iadul făcut de trupele lui Putin. Am simțit mirosul morții, am văzut cu ochii mei gropile comune, am mers prin orașe cu adevărat rase de pe fața pământului. Am fost în vămile cu România și cu Republica Moldova. Am văzut mame cu copii care au fugit pe jos din calea bombelor. Am văzut orfani, vârstnici, persoane cu dizabilități, care nu mai au la cine sau la ce să se întoarcă. Familiile lor au fost ucise, casele au fost distruse.

De aproape trei luni pe grupul pe care l-am creat în România, „Uniți pentru Ucraina”, voluntarii ajută neobosiți oameni care nu doar au văzut iadul, ci l-au și trăit.

Am votat „pentru” fără să clipesc. Nu doar istoria, ci chiar copiii noștri ne vor judeca dacă permitem ca aceste crime împotriva umanității și cei care le-au comis să scape nepedepsiți. Criminalii trebuie să plătească sub toate formele existente pe acest pământ.

Poslední aktualizace: 19. srpna 2022Právní upozornění - Ochrana soukromí