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Eljárás : 2022/2002(INI)
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Válasszon egy dokumentumot : A9-0174/2022

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PV 22/06/2022 - 17
CRE 22/06/2022 - 17

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PV 23/06/2022 - 8.16
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XML 48k
2022. június 22., Szerda - Brüsszel Lektorált változat

17. A fenntartható fejlődési célok végrehajtása és teljesítése (vita)
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  Der Präsident. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über den Bericht von Barry Andrews und Petros Kokkalis im Namen des Ausschusses für Umweltfragen, öffentliche Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit über die Umsetzung und Verwirklichung der Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (2022/2002(INI)) (A9—0174/2022).

Diese Debatte findet unter den gleichen Rahmenbedingungen, was das Rednerpult, die Blue Card und das Catch-the-Eye-System betrifft, statt. Ich brauche diese nicht zu wiederholen, sondern ich trete sofort in die Debatte ein und darf dem einen der beiden Berichterstatter, nämlich Herrn Barry Andrews, das Wort erteilen.


  Barry Andrews, rapporteur. – Mr President, Commissioner, every issue that we’ve been debating today and tomorrow in the European Parliament is linked to the Sustainable Development Goals, and yet the SDGs have fallen dramatically off the political agenda. Seven years since the EU is the lead negotiator of the SDGs. No European country is on track to achieve the SDGs. In fact, according to the SDSN report, no progress has been made over the past two years in the EU. No progress.

We talk about building back better. We talk about a just transition for workers. We talk about global climate justice, brokering peace and protecting democracy. And yet, the framework for delivering all of these objectives lies right under our noses. I would like to convince you today that the SDGs are our last and best resort.

The EU has often been criticised for ignoring the concerns of ordinary citizens, as well as the grievances of developing countries. The SDGs are an opportunity to change this perception, because at their heart is the notion of justice. While we policymakers are terrified at the prospect of the end of the world, many of our citizens are terrified about the end of the month. Without our citizens on board, we put the success of the Paris Agreement at risk. What good is it if we reduce our emissions by 55% by 2030, if inequality continues to rise, as it has done in recent years? If wages continue to stagnate while the cost of living rises?

Income and wealth, inequality is an example of one SDG where we are failing spectacularly. Wealth distribution in today’s world is more lopsided than ever. The wealthiest 500 people on the planet have amassed $7 trillion in wealth, an increase of $1 trillion in wealth since the beginning of the pandemic. If, for example, there was a global wealth tax on these 500 people that left them with EUR 1 billion each, we could feed and educate every child in the world. We could have universal health care. We could achieve SDG 2, 3 and 4 and still have many billions to spare. And inequality has a tipping point beyond which we end up with social unrest, with conflict and massive political change.

We shouldn’t, therefore, be surprised when developing countries cannot be persuaded to do some of the heavy lifting on the issues that I’m talking about, when we are cutting aid, when we are blocking access to vaccines, when we are enabling gross inequality and erecting barriers to trade. And what good is it to have achieved our European climate targets if developing countries can’t afford to decarbonise, or if they are preoccupied by conflict or food insecurity on their own territories or mountains of unserviceable debt? By recognising our goals and those of our partners as inextricable, the SDGs are a blueprint for climate justice.

I think that the centre of the challenge is governance. The fact is that the EU still has no strategy for implementing the SDGs. This is despite the calls from the European Council in European Council conclusions in 2017 for a strategy. Yes, there is alignment, but there is no strategy and there is no roadmap for implementation of that strategy. It is welcome that the EU will present an EU voluntary review by 2023, but a review is no replacement for a genuine strategy with concrete targets, with benchmarks and a new approach to leadership and resources.

Leadership is crucial. This report contains concrete guidelines informed by the leading experts in civil society for revamping the implementation of the SDGs in the EU and beyond. It is political and it is clear. With this report and your support in the vote tomorrow, we will provide the EU with a democratic mandate to show true leadership on the SDGs once and for all.


  Petros Kokkalis, rapporteur. – Mr President, Mr Commissioner, dear colleagues, the reason that I am here today is because I believe that until 2030, the single duty of all politics is to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the political twin of the Paris Agreement. We all know that our world is in dire straits and in dire need of systemic change. There can be no starker, nor crueler, proof of our current systemic failure than the cascading security crises in climate, in peace, in energy, in crisis, in food and public health that are ravaging populations all over the globe. The SDGs are our collective roadmap of effective and rapid collaboration towards preserving the very foundations of human civilisation, of maintaining the twin hard limits of social cohesion and the planetary boundaries, by addressing the twin anthropogenic causes of their demise: exploding inequalities and runaway climate change.

Seventeen goals with 169 measurable targets – indivisible, applicable equally to governments, regions, cities, corporations and SMEs, NGOs, sport clubs and trade unions, schools and hospitals, families and individuals, including refugees, already politically agreed by all nations on Earth – provide us with our best and only tool to effect the monumental transition in an organised, peaceful and democratic manner.

This is the first time in human history that we share a global common danger, and we need this universal language that allows all nations to work in the same direction, at the same very little precious time, exchange problems and solutions, and be transparent and accountable to all people in pursuing evidence-based policy and reporting measurable policy outcomes.

As hundreds of millions of people are backsliding into extreme poverty and billions are vulnerable to severe climate disruptions, we have the moral obligation to honour the promise that links the Sustainable Development Goals with our own European Green Deal: to leave no one behind. To lead the way forward into a safe world with prosperity for all, within the planetary boundaries and in true respect of fundamental human rights.

With our report today, we aspire to give a new political drive to the delivery of the SDGs in the EU and globally. Ahead of the high-level political forum in July and the summit in 2023, our report hopes to serve as a wake-up call for more and better urgent political action by the EU to restore and accelerate progress in all 17 goals.

At the start of her mandate, we welcomed the decision of the President of the Commission to make the delivery of strategies her priority and personally coordinate their efforts to this end. This whole-of-government approach to sustainable development is in the right direction. However, this task has been so far only partly successful, with great steps taken, albeit in disparate places of government. We therefore ask for a new implementation strategy with clear, measurable, time-bound targets, with a clear chain of accountability and a roadmap of concrete actions to be presented before the 2023 SDG Summit, along with a thorough EU voluntary review, which is very welcome, Commissioner.

We recognise that the strategy and our efforts to deliver the SDGs will not be successful without the active involvement of citizens and civil society organisations. One cannot ensure that no one is left behind unless everyone has a voice. That is why we call for a mechanism of structured engagement with a balanced, diversified and full democratic participation. There’s a lot we can learn from the Future of Europe Conference here.

The report recognises that effectively addressing the multiple crises we’re facing can no longer rely on a system that has failed us and that the radical reorientation of policies is necessary. That is why we are calling for a beyond-GDP approach and a reformed semester process that will be at the heart of a new sustainable development pact that will enshrine the climate law in the European Social Pillar and replace the Stability and Growth Pact.

I would like to thank my colleague Barry Andrews and the shadow rapporteurs and the technical teams for the work that they have put into this report. The SDGs are the global green deal, and I am sure that we agree that achieving the Green Deal only in Europe really makes no sense. So we have to get on with the programme.


  Paolo Gentiloni, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, let me start by saying clearly that I welcome this own initiative report. Let me thank the rapporteur. In his most recent report on progress toward the SDGs, António Guterres notes that years or even decades of development progress have been halted or reversed by the pandemic, and that was before Russia invaded Ukraine. So we are not on track, but in these challenging times, the 2030 Agenda vision is particularly precious. It offers a blueprint that should inspire us to mitigate crisis and build back better.

The Commission remains fully committed to this agenda under the leadership of Ms von der Leyen. The Commission has presented an ambitious and comprehensive policy programme to deliver on sustainability in the EU and beyond. Several transformative initiatives have been launched since the beginning of this Commission’s mandate – the European Green Deal, the Climate Law, the Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy, the Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan, an updated European Skills Agenda and a European Education Area, to name just a few.

We have integrated the SDGs in the European Semester, a process that will be further reinforced. And Eurostat’s annual monitoring of progress towards the SDGs is now part of the Spring package of the Semester. As you know, prompted by the pandemic, the EU adopted, at record speed, Next Generation EU, and this includes taking action on the SDGs on which Eurostat has concluded that we were lagging behind, such as combating climate change and environmental degradation. As your report notes, a major feature of the recent revision of the Better Regulation Framework is to require that, from now on, all Commission impact assessments, legislative proposals and evaluation integrate an assessment on how the proposal contributes to the implementation of the SDGs.

We are active at home, though of course also trying to act multilaterally. At multilateral level, we actively support the annual meeting of the High—Level Forum on Sustainable Development, and I’m delighted that several of you will also be there as part of the EU delegation to take stock of all these achievements, but also to reflect on the remaining challenges. The Commission will present at next year’s UN High-Level Political Forum a comprehensive voluntary review of the EU’s internal and external implementation of the SDGs. Voluntary reviews are the core of the 2030 Agenda Global Accountability Architecture, and I am grateful that your report calls for ambition here. We want this review to be a comprehensive, political and inclusive document, laying down our main actions, internal and external, to implement the SDGs and setting out the way for enhanced efforts ahead. We are looking forward to our cooperation with Parliament in its preparation.


  Στέλιος Κυμπουρόπουλος, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας PPE. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, αρχικά θα ήθελα να συγχαρώ τους δύο συνεισηγητές για το πολύ καλό αποτέλεσμα, καθώς και όλους τους σκιώδεις εισηγητές για την πολύ καλή συνεργασία που είχαμε για τη συγκεκριμένη έκθεση. Στην έκθεση είχαμε τη δυνατότητα να αξιολογήσουμε και να επαναπροσδιορίσουμε τις προτεραιότητές μας για τους στόχους βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης και την πρόοδο που επιτυγχάνουμε από το 2015 που υιοθετήθηκαν αυτοί οι στόχοι.

Η έκθεση επίσης τονίζει τη σπουδαιότητα της εφαρμογής και της υιοθέτησης των στόχων βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης στις πολιτικές πρωτοβουλίες και εξωτερικές σχέσεις, ενώ παράλληλα ενθαρρύνει την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή να αναλάβει δράση για την αντιμετώπιση της κλιματικής αλλαγής και τον σεβασμό αλλά και την προώθηση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, του δικαιώματος στην υγεία, των τοπικών κοινοτήτων, των προσφύγων και των μεταναστών, των παιδιών, των ανθρώπων που βρίσκονται σε ευάλωτες κοινωνικές καταστάσεις, του δικαιώματος στην ανάπτυξη, της ισότητας των φύλων, της χειραφέτησης των γυναικών και διαγενεακής δικαιοσύνης.

Τέλος, είναι σημαντικό ότι στην έκθεση αναδεικνύουμε ότι είμαστε παρόντες ως Ένωση, αφού ο προϋπολογισμός της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, σε συνδυασμό με τη δέσμη μέτρων ανάκαμψης του Next Generation EU, αποτελεί βασικό εργαλείο για την υλοποίηση των στόχων, όχι μόνο λόγω του ύψους που ανέρχεται συνδυαστικά σε 1,8 τρισεκατομμύρια ευρώ, αλλά και λόγω της μακροπρόθεσμης εμβέλειάς του και της πολυεθνικής του διάστασης.



  Rovana Plumb, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, dear Commissioner, it’s my turn now to congratulate the co-rapporteurs. We worked very well together in order to obtain a good result as a report, taking into account that this will represent the new mandate for the high-level political forum next month.

Well, there are there are only eight years left to implement the SDGs until 2030 and we are facing increasing challenges. The SDGs’ implementation progress is dramatically damaged, as you said, by the current geopolitical, health and humanitarian crises. Therefore we must act to ensure that the social inequalities resulting from those crises and well-being- and economy-related impacts are minimised; that measures taken to protect the environment, climate and security are carried out in a socially fair and inclusive way, with a comprehensive mapping of the financial envelopes of EU policies, which have been reinforced by the additional Next Generation EU funds to create a greener, more digital and more resilient Europe, as well as the social and demographic priorities set by the SDGs and the European Pillar of Social Rights to be fully implemented.

Furthermore, we must have a holistic approach to the SDGs in the EU, in the use of beyond—GDP indicators as well as reforming the European Semester to take due account of the SDGs.


  Stéphane Bijoux, au nom du groupe Renew. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, absolument personne ne peut dire qu’il n’a pas compris que le dérèglement climatique est un rouleau compresseur mortel pour absolument tout le monde, absolument partout. Ce n’est pas une simple course contre la montre, c’est une course contre la mort. La réalité est là, plus de 40° C en France, il y a quelques jours, un incendie terrible en Espagne, la sécheresse, la canicule, sur absolument tous les continents.

Face à la menace climatique, les objectifs de développement durable sont à la fois une boussole et un thermomètre. La boussole dit le cap, et nous savons tous les efforts massifs que nous devons faire rapidement maintenant pour changer nos modes de vie. Le thermomètre dit où nous en sommes, et c’est un signal d’alarme, parce que la réalité est là: le dérèglement climatique menace tout le monde. C’est pour chacun une urgence et il faut agir vite. Il faut protéger tous les Européens, bien évidemment, et en particulier les plus éloignés, sur les îles, dans les outre-mers.

Mais je veux aussi redire notre responsabilité d’accompagner nos partenaires dans les pays en développement, parce que la solidarité de l’Europe face au dérèglement climatique, cette solidarité ne peut absolument pas s’arrêter aux seules limites géographiques du continent européen.


  Caroline Roose, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. – Monsieur le Président, nous votons un rapport consensuel sur la mise en œuvre des objectifs de développement durable. C’est une bonne nouvelle. Nous sommes tous d’accord sur les objectifs et le besoin d’agir. Mais si nous n’agissons pas concrètement, objectif par objectif, nous n’y arriverons jamais.

Par exemple, la semaine dernière, les membres de l’OMC sont parvenus à un accord ambitieux pour atteindre l’ODD 14.6 sur l’interdiction des subventions à la pêche néfastes pour l’environnement marin. C’est historique. L’accord permet d’interdire les subventions aux pêches illégales, mais aussi toutes les subventions aux navires qui ciblent des espèces surpêchées. Sauf que l’accord n’interdit pas les subventions encourageant la capacité de pêche et ne dit rien sur les subventions aux carburants. Ce sont donc près de 18 milliards d’euros, au niveau mondial, d’argent public dont une partie entraîne la surpêche et laisse des millions de personnes dans la faim et la pauvreté. Il faudra aller encore plus loin.

Alors que les crises humanitaires et le changement climatique s’accélèrent, les politiques européennes et mondiales sont encore loin d’être alignées sur les ODD. La politique agricole commune est-elle compatible avec les accords de Paris? Non. Les politiques commerciales sont-elles compatibles avec la sécurité alimentaire? Non. Atteindre les ODD, c’est avant tout agir concrètement pour transformer nos politiques.


  Beata Kempa, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie komisarzu! Sprawozdanie w sprawie wdrażania przez Unię Europejską celów zrównoważonego rozwoju przyjęte przez komisje ENVI i DEVE słusznie zwraca uwagę na negatywny wpływ kryzysu wywołanego pandemią COVID-19 oraz wojną na Ukrainie na wdrażanie celów zrównoważonego rozwoju.

Przede wszystkim nie osiągniemy celów zrównoważonego rozwoju bez stabilności na świecie ‒ stabilności politycznej i gospodarczej. Bezrobocie, nierówności, bieda, głód to kombinacja, która w wielu rejonach świata prowadzi do konfliktów, co cofa nas na drodze do osiągnięcia celów zrównoważonego rozwoju. Pandemia i wojna na Ukrainie w ogromnej mierze zdestabilizowały i tak już trudną sytuację na świecie. Wobec zwiększających się potrzeb środki przeznaczone na oficjalną pomoc rozwojową już okazują się być za małe.

Potrzebne jest społeczno-instytucjonalne partnerstwo na rzecz wdrażania celów zrównoważonego rozwoju. Musimy stawiać na współpracę, partnerstwo, współodpowiedzialność podmiotów publicznych, prywatnych, organizacji pozarządowych i obywateli za przebieg procesów rozwojowych.


  Miguel Urbán Crespo, en nombre del Grupo The Left. – Señor presidente, la política europea de cooperación al desarrollo está en pleno proceso de transformación. Asistimos a una progresiva subordinación a intereses que nada tienen que ver con la lucha contra las desigualdades o contra la pobreza. Y todo en plena emergencia climática, que es el mayor reto al que nos enfrentamos como humanidad.

Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible no son suficientes y su implementación está plagada de carencias. Tenemos que ir más allá. Este informe señala algunos elementos clave para avanzar en ese sentido.

Tenemos que romper con el corsé neoliberal del Semestre Europeo, que condiciona cualquier política expansiva en favor de las clases populares europeas y del Sur Global. Y tenemos que mejorar la gobernanza de los ODS para evitar la captura creciente de los organismos multilaterales por parte del poder corporativo.

Más protagonismo a las comunidades locales y a la sociedad civil organizada y ningún papel para las empresas multinacionales en la agenda al desarrollo. Y ninguno es ninguno.


  Janina Ochojska (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Żeby osiągnąć cele zrównoważonego rozwoju, trzeba skupić działania w moim zdaniem najważniejszej dziedzinie, od której rozwoju zależy osiągnięcie pozostałych celów: to dostęp do wody. Od niej wszystko się zaczyna. Bez wody nie ma dostępu do żywności, bez żywności dzieci nie chodzą do szkoły, bo muszą zarabiać na utrzymanie rodziny. Bez wykształcenia nie ma dobrze płatnej pracy i koło ubóstwa nieustannie się kręci. Żeby je przerwać, trzeba zapewnić wszystkim dostęp do wody. W taki sposób możemy dokonać realnego postępu społecznego.

Realizacja celów zrównoważonego rozwoju związana jest także ze spójnością polityk na rzecz rozwoju. Ważne jest, aby to prawo europejskie, które tutaj tworzymy, nie szkodziło rozwojowi krajów w najbiedniejszych regionach świata.


  Eric Andrieu (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, plus aucun progrès; depuis 2020, le monde ne fait quasiment plus aucun progrès pour atteindre les objectifs de développement durable que la communauté internationale s’est fixés pour 2030. Non, le défi climatique et environnemental n’est pas résolu, et nous en sommes loin. L’indice ODD qui mesure la trajectoire des pays vers la réalisation des 17 objectifs de développement durable baisse, et ce pour la deuxième année consécutive.

Nous pourrions nous dire que c’est la crise sanitaire, puis la guerre en Ukraine qui en sont responsables, mais ce n’est pas le cas. Depuis 2016, le nombre de personnes souffrant de la faim augmente. Et l’objectif nº 2 de supprimer la faim dans le monde d’ici 2030 s’éloigne à grands pas. La vérité, c’est que nous sommes en fait au cœur d’une métacrise du système capitaliste: crise sanitaire, économique, sociale, environnementale, crise géopolitique et, demain, crise financière. Et nos politiques actuelles sont en conflit permanent avec nos limites planétaires et humaines. C’est ça qui doit changer.

Les solutions, nous les connaissons. Chaque semaine, de nouveaux rapports d’experts s’ajoutent aux anciens. Ce qu’il nous manque, c’est la volonté politique de tourner la page du néolibéralisme. Ici, au Parlement européen, nous avons clairement un rôle à jouer. Le pacte vert comme l’autonomie stratégique européenne sont des opportunités majeures pour renouer avec l’État-providence et retrouver des politiques efficaces. L’Union européenne a la responsabilité d’inscrire son projet dans la trajectoire des 17 ODD et nous devons faire tout ce qu’il est possible de faire pour amener le reste de la planète dans cette direction. Nous devons impulser et accompagner le changement.


  Grace O’Sullivan (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, I should like to say hello to the Commissioner. So today, MEPs of all political colours will talk about the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals, and rightly so. The SDGs remain the only international agreement to build a more equitable and resilient world that prospers within the planetary boundaries. But nice words about SDG implementation today are no good if we don’t put those words into practice and actively work towards increasing ambition in the legislation we work on every day as MEPs.

On environment, that means increased ambition on climate, increased ambition on biodiversity and increased ambition on reducing pollution. It means voting against greenwashing and in favour of genuine sustainability. I call on everyone to remember this during crucial votes in this House in the coming weeks and months. Do the right thing by the SDGs: not just words today, but in meaningful action every day.


  Maria Spyraki (PPE). – Mr President, Commissioner Gentiloni, in a recent White Paper, the UN explicitly emphasised the crucial role of companies in accomplishing development goals, wealth distribution and sustainable economic growth. No matter how large or small and regardless of their industry, all companies can contribute to the SDGs.

Multinational enterprises can contribute to the SDGs by conducting responsible research and innovation with the maturity of innovation ecosystem. On the other hand, SMEs seem to struggle to understand the role they could play in the SDG framework. They encounter several barriers to implementing the SDGs’ principles and initiatives, making their engagement with entities challenging and problematic.

All in all, there is a need for a decentralised approach to sustainable development. In that direction, the EU could also encourage interactions across different power levels and SMEs could actively participate in local processes of sustainable development implementations.




  Lídia Pereira (PPE). – Senhora Presidente, o desenvolvimento sustentável não é, hoje, um soundbite ou uma moda, é antes uma necessidade fundamental para garantir um desenvolvimento harmonioso da sociedade e a coesão social entre as gerações, geografias e comunidades.

A União Europeia não pode apenas reafirmar um compromisso teórico com os 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, tem de os colocar em prática e avaliar o seu desempenho. E deve avaliar o seu desempenho porque os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável não são uma campanha política ou um número mediático, são a face visível de uma estratégia ambiental, social e económica que visa elevar a qualidade de vida de todos.

O momento atual na Europa é difícil. A guerra, os preços dos alimentos que já sentimos e os demais fenómenos climáticos extremos pressupõem ações concretas como resposta.

Precisamos, então, de mais coordenação e mais capacidade de resposta aos problemas, sendo também essa, com resultados, a melhor forma de responder ao populismo que continua a assolar a Europa.


  Paolo Gentiloni, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, I think that this debate confirmed the very strong support of the Parliament for the report. We know that we are not on track, that the combined impact of the war and previously of the pandemic de facto halted the progress towards the SDGs. And here I think the European Union has a special role to play both internally and at global level, because of our leadership on the climate transition and because of our ambition on our other SDGs, I think we can give a strong contribution to restart the progress which was halted by this double crisis.

So we look forward to engaging with all of you in the preparation of the 2023 EU voluntary review. I am confident that this important deliverable and the process of preparation of this deliverable will provide an opportunity to take forward our ambitions to reinforce SDG implementation and also to strengthen the cooperation of the Commission and the Parliament.


  Barry Andrews, rapporteur. – Madam President and Commissioner, thank you very much for your response to the debate. And I think, you know, you’re right, we’re lagging behind. However, we have to remember, Eurostat’s latest report is based on data collected before the pandemic and before the war. So we’re in for a shock when we get our next set of data as to how far we really are lagging behind here. We can talk a good game about leaving nobody behind and reaching the furthest behind first. But I think we’re going to find shocking statistics around how bad the situation really is.

That’s why I think it is so timely that we have this conversation today, that we have a conversation that’s based on the reality that, unfortunately, this agenda has really fallen off dramatically, and it’s really time that we bring it back onto the agenda, because fundamentally we cannot achieve our Paris climate targets without the SDGs. They are two sides of the one coin. They are mutually reinforcing and they are an off-the-shelf conceptual framework to build back better. You couldn’t imagine a better international global agreed framework to build back better based on solidarity with those that are suffering the most.

I want to make a final point about democracy. The European Parliament is the second largest democratically elected body in the world, and I’m very proud that, thanks to the work of my colleagues (particularly my co-rapporteur Petros Kokkalis and my colleagues in the SDG alliance, which I am honored to chair), this House will express its views on the EU’s implementation for the very first time this term. European Parliament’s core function is democratic scrutiny. We communicate to you, Commissioner, the future that your half a billion citizens want. We neglected our duty to scrutinise the European Commission’s implementation over the last couple of years. From now on, this will not be the case.


  Petros Kokkalis, rapporteur. – Madam President, dear colleagues, I would like to thank everybody for their contribution. It shows, with a plethora of views and a plethora of concerns, how holistic this agenda is and how much we need to take care of the whole picture.

I would like to take a moment to note the great work that’s been done by the JRC and agencies in the Commission in providing monitoring, in tying data, especially localising the SDGs in cities, their application in cities and regions. I think this is very important as we go forward to COP27 where we are going to have to discuss a globally—agreed, scientific—based global goal of adaptation, which is becoming more and more important. I think it is very critical that as we talk about innovation, we recognise our duty to provide basic services, as an organised state, to protect our citizens from the inaction of the past 40 years that has brought us to a world that would be, at a minimum, 1.5 degrees in the best case of international global cooperation on climate action.

Now what is important about localising the expertise and having this data is that we will have to prove our word. We will have to show that our policies actually work. It will be not enough anymore to monitor progress, to have little ideas that are yellow or green or blue. We will have to come up with hard data to prove that we are doing the right thing. It’s time, eight years before we finalise this progress, to agree and say that even with these indicators we have today, what will be the number that should be in that box in 2030, that we will agree constitutes a success and that we have done our job right? I think that it’s time that we take it much more seriously, and I’m very happy that we see that we are all doing that.


  Die Präsidentin. – Die Aussprache ist damit geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2022, statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 171)


  Daniel Buda (PPE), în scris. – Pentru probleme globale, avem nevoie de măsuri globale. Acum, mai mult ca niciodată, sunt necesare acțiuni urgente și concrete. Uniunea Europeană trebuie să își demonstreze rolul de lider în efortul global de realizare a celor 17 obiective. Cu siguranță, nu este o misiune ușoară în contextul noilor provocări, dar nu este nici imposibilă.

Pandemia de COVID a afectat semnificativ realizarea obiectivelor de dezvoltare durabilă, în special în țările în curs de dezvoltare. De asemenea, noile realități geopolitice și invazia ilegală a Rusiei în Ucraina, nu doar că impactează obiectivele stabilite în cadrul Agendei 2030, dar provoacă chiar o regresie semnificativă în realizarea acestora, în special în ceea ce privește combaterea inegalităților și a foametei.

Cu toate acestea, nu trebuie să lăsăm pe nimeni în urmă. Trebuie să implementăm o politica responsabilă și orientată spre viitor, decisivă, nu doar pentru economia și mediul nostru, ci și pentru securitatea noastră, plasând egalitatea și reziliența în centrul atenției. Trebuie să ne adaptăm noilor realități. Prin urmare, este nevoie de o finanțare mai coerentă, de o aplicare mai bună și, nu în ultimul rând, de unitate la nivel european. Pentru că Europa trebuie să aibă o singură voce!


  Enikő Győri (NI), írásban. – Egyetértek azzal, hogy fontos az Európai Parlamentnek is áttekintenie, miként zajlik a Helyreállítási és Ellenállóképességi Eszköz végrehajtása. Ez azonban Magyarország esetében lehetetlen, hiszen még meg sem kaptuk azt a pénzt, amely egyébként a jogszabály alapján járna. A Bizottságtól továbbra is az unalomig ismételt kifogásokat halljuk. Magyarország tételes válaszokat ad a Bizottság felvetéseire, de azokra nem kap választ. A korrupciós vádakat illetően például épp az európai legfőbb ügyész, Laura Codruta Kövesi asszony mutatott rá a napokban, hogy Magyarország mennyire elkötelezett az együttműködésre. Teljesen világos tehát, hogy politikai ügy áll a magyar terv jóváhagyásával kapcsolatos huzavona mögött.

Ezt egy ECOFIN ülésen egyébként már maga a Bizottság is beismerte. Az Európai Parlament havonta tart Magyarország-gyalázó üléseket, a mai vita is ebbe a sorba illeszkedik. A baloldal zsarolja a Bizottságot, utasítja a magyar terv visszatartására. A lengyel terv jóváhagyása miatt még bizalmatlansági indítványt is kezdeményezne a Bizottság elnöke ellen. Kérdezem, a magyar terv jóváhagyása esetén a Berlaymont-t is megostromolnák? Magyarország a jelenlegi háborús helyzetben erején felül támogatja az ukrajnai menekülteket. Egyike azon tagállamoknak is, amelyeket leginkább sújtanak a háború nyomán kialakult gazdasági nehézségek. Jó lenne, ha baloldali képviselőtársaim, ahelyett, hogy energiájukat politikai viszályok szítására fecsérelik, háború idején inkább az összefogást és az egységet erősítenék.


  Romana Jerković (S&D), napisan. – Poštovane kolegice i kolege, drago mi je što raspravljamo o ovoj ključnoj temi.

Otkako su 2015. godine na samitu u New Yorku usvojeni ciljevi održivog razvoja s ambicijom njihove implementacije do 2030. godine, Europska unija se pokazala globalnim predvodnikom održive društvene transformacije, što je vidljivo i iz Europskog zelenog plana i svih kasnijih predloženih i usvojenih politika, planova i direktiva.

No, u posljednje vrijeme zbog energetske krize izazvane ruskom agresijom na Ukrajinu svjedočimo zabrinjavajućim reverzibilnim procesima i to čak i u europskim državama koje su bile predvodnice održive energetske tranzicije. Smatram da možemo i moramo bolje i da ovu veliku krizu doista trebamo pretvoriti u priliku za bržu i kvalitetniju održivu tranziciju te učinkovitiju implementaciju ciljeva održivog razvoja, posebice sedmog, devetog, jedanaestog, dvanaestog, trinaestog i petnaestog cilja.

Pokažimo da europska predanost održivoj tranziciji u ovim kriznim vremenima može biti na globalnoj razini pozitivan primjer implementacije UN-ovih ciljeva održivog razvoja.

Utolsó frissítés: 2022. szeptember 20.Jogi nyilatkozat - Adatvédelmi szabályzat