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Procedure : 2022/0126(BUD)
Forløb i plenarforsamlingen
Dokumentforløb : A9-0181/2022

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Forhandlinger :

PV 22/06/2022 - 24
CRE 22/06/2022 - 24

Afstemninger :

PV 23/06/2022 - 8.6

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Onsdag den 22. juni 2022 - Bruxelles Revideret udgave

24. Forslag til ændringsbudget nr. 3/2022: finansiering af udgifter til modtagelse af personer, der er flygtet fra Ukraine (kortfattet forelæggelse)
Video af indlæg

  President. – The next item is the short presentation of the report by Karlo Ressler on the Council position on Draft amending budget No 3/2022 of the European Union for the financial year 2022 – financing reception costs of people fleeing Ukraine (09095/2022 - C9-0182/2022 - 2022/0126(BUD)) (A9-0181/2022).


  Karlo Ressler, Rapporteur. – Poštovana predsjedavajuća, povjereniče, kolegice i kolege, razarajuće ruske rakete, tenkovi i zvuci sirena označili su 24. veljače početak krvave agresije ruskog režima na Ukrajinu, ali isto tako i početak nove ere europske povijesti.

Preko 13 milijuna Ukrajinaca, čiji su domovi pod udarom granata sravnjeni sa zemljom ili im nedostaje vode, hrane, struje, moralo je napustiti svoje domove u četiri mjeseca ratnih razaranja. Gotovo šest milijuna, pretežito žena i djece, potražilo je sigurno utočište u zemljama Europske unije. Ljudski smo se i civilizacijski jasno opredijelili da im pomognemo i to je i glavni cilj izmjena proračuna i izvješća koje vam predstavljam danas.

Izmjenama osiguravamo glavni dio od 400 milijuna eura za pomoć u prijemu i registraciji ukrajinskih izbjeglica. Konkretna solidarnost, financijska, logistička, humanitarna pomoć, kao i svaki drugi oblik potpore ukrajinskom narodu koji se u ovim trenucima bori za svoju slobodu, za svoju opstojnost ljudska je i moralna obveza čitave Europe.

Brutalna ruska agresija koja ne može imati nikakva opravdanja ostavit će dugogodišnje posljedice ne samo na Ukrajinu, nego i na Europu pa i na naše europske financije. Toga smo svjesni i stoga moramo na vrijeme poduzeti sve mjere kako bi ublažili te posljedice, bilo da se radi o zbrinjavanju izbjeglica, osiguravanju energetskih zaliha ili zaštiti opskrbe hranom.

Glavna mjera koju smo ovdje u Europskom parlamentu već naglašavali jest da se moraju osigurati nova i adekvatna financijska sredstva. To svakako uključuje i dubinsku analizu trenutnog višegodišnjeg financijskog okvira i njegovu, nadamo se skoru reviziju, imajući u vidu dugoročne posljedice rata u Ukrajini, ali i jednostavno dugoročnu neodrživost trenutnog načina financiranja i trenutne prenapregnutosti mnogih europskih programa koji su jednostavno potrebni i bez kojih ne možemo.

Nalazimo se pred pravim civilizacijskim testom za koji je nužan zajednički i jedinstven odgovor cijele Europe, ali i jedan test prave spremnosti da konkretno, opipljivo i s dovoljnim financijskim sredstvima odgovorimo na sve aktualne humanitarne izazove, ali i na sve ono što je pred nama, a mislim da nije pretjerana tajna i da je poprilično očito da će mjeseci koji su pred nama biti poprilično teški i da će se to svakako odraziti i na ovaj financijski aspekt.

Ukrajini je u ovom trenutku potrebno puno više. I od ovih 400 milijuna eura koji su velika stvar, koji će svakako pomoći u zbrinjavanju ukrajinskih izbjeglica ovdje u Europi, ali potrebna im je, i zbog toga to apsolutno podržavam, nedvosmislena potpora europskoj aspiraciji ukrajinskog naroda koju očekujemo sutra na sastanku Vijeća.

Hvala puno, drage kolegice i kolege, poštovani povjereniče. Mislim da s ovim korakom radimo dobru stvar, dobru stvar za ukrajinske izbjeglice i da će ovih 400 milijuna eura osigurati jednu prvu pomoć u pravom prijemu, ali isto tako i u registraciji ukrajinskih izbjeglica.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Λευτέρης Χριστοφόρου (PPE). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε, θα ήθελα πραγματικά να ευχαριστήσω τον αγαπητό συνάδελφο, Karlo Ressler, για την εξαιρετική δουλειά για ένα ζήτημα που μας απασχολεί όλους: τις συνέπειες μιας βάρβαρης ρωσικής εισβολής στην Ουκρανία που δημιούργησε χιλιάδες Ουκρανούς πρόσφυγες. Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση οφείλει να σταθεί στο πλευρό αυτών των ανθρώπων, γιατί τους Ουκρανούς πρόσφυγες τους συναισθανόμεθα όσο δεν μπορεί να τους συναισθανθεί κανένας, γιατί βιώνουμε την ίδια τουρκική εισβολή και κατοχή και την προσφυγιά για 48 χρόνια. Αντιλαμβάνομαι πλήρως το μαρτύριο, τον πόνο, τον στεναγμό και γενικά τον σταυρό που σηκώνει ο ουκρανικός λαός, γιατί και εγώ στα έντεκα μου χρόνια, το 1974, υποχρεώθηκα να εγκαταλείψω το σπίτι μου, να εγκαταλείψω τις περιουσίες μου και να φύγω και να παραμένω μέχρι σήμερα πρόσφυγας εξαιτίας μιας βάρβαρης τουρκικής εισβολής και κατοχής.

Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση πρέπει να στέκεται δίπλα σε αυτούς που υφίστανται την οποιαδήποτε εισβολή. Η ρωσική εισβολή στην Ουκρανία δημιούργησε αυτό το τεράστιο ανθρωπιστικό δράμα και η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση οφείλει να τη στηρίξει με όλες της τις δυνάμεις. Ταυτόχρονα, καλώ την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να στηρίξει έστω και τώρα και τους Έλληνες Κυπρίους πρόσφυγες, που επιβιώνουν ακόμα στον συνοικισμό των μαρτύρων της προσφυγιάς και δεν έτυχαν καμίας οικονομικής στήριξης. Στηρίζουμε τον ουκρανικό λαό με όλες μας τις δυνάμεις και θα συνεχίσουμε μέχρι τέλους για να αποκαταστήσουμε αυτή την τεράστια αδικία που γίνεται σε βάρος του ουκρανικού λαού.


  Eugen Tomac (PPE). – Doamna președintă, domnule comisar, dincolo de argumentele prezentate de raportorul Ressler, cred că este esențial să înțelegem contextul. Am fost de trei ori în Ucraina, am dus peste 30 de tone de ajutoare pentru cei afectați de război în diferite zone ale Ucrainei. În familia mea am ținut peste 10 refugiați timp de două luni de zile în propria casă.

Cunosc foarte bine realitățile de acolo. Tocmai de aceea am vrut să intervin, pentru că cred că fiecare efort pe care îl facem merită, în această perioadă, toată implicarea noastră, în condițiile în care, să nu uităm o chestiune esențială: în Ucraina, astăzi se moare pentru visul european și răspunsul nostru trebuie să fie pe măsura așteptărilor.


  Victor Negrescu (S&D). – Doamna președintă, domnule comisar, dragi colegi, într-adevăr, Uniunea Europeană nu trebuie să lase statele membre și refugiații ucrainieni singuri în fața acestei situații nemaiîntâlnite. De aceea am modificat, iată, bugetul european pe anul 2022 pentru a ne asigura că există suficienți bani pentru a face față acestor provocări legate de războiul din Ucraina.

Fondurile vor acoperi o parte din cheltuielile și eforturile făcute de statele membre și vor ajuta, sperăm noi, la îmbunătățirea răspunsului european. O atenție sporită va fi oferită și statelor aflate la frontiera cu Ucraina, printre care și România, pentru a finanța, spre exemplu, hub-ul umanitar. Nu în ultimul rând, autoritățile locale și județene vor putea beneficia de resurse financiare suplimentare. Cu toate acestea, ne trebuie un plan concret cu privire la viitoarele nevoi de finanțare și un sprijin financiar pentru efectele indirecte ale războiului din Ucraina, în mod special asupra statelor din regiune.

Circa 40 % dintre europeni cred că războiul le-a afectat nivelul de trai și își doresc ca Uniunea Europeană să intervină pentru a menține prețurile la energie și la alimente la un nivel acceptabil. Pentru aceste lucruri este nevoie de noi resurse europene și de măsuri urgente.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Olivér Várhelyi, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, again, on behalf of Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis, I would like to thank the rapporteur, Mr Ressler, for supporting the proposal.

Now the proposal for the draft amending budget No 3/2022 comes at a time when the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine creates an unprecedented human tragedy. Ukraine is now on everyone’s mind. Russia’s war is a blatant disregard of international law and has global repercussions on food security, energy and the economy.

Since the fateful 24 February, the EU has significantly stepped up its support to Ukraine’s overall economic, social and financial resilience. The EU has provided macro-financial assistance, budget support, emergency assistance, crisis response and humanitarian aid, as well as military assistance measures under the European Peace Facility. The current proposal for draft amending budget No 3 is a part of the EUR 1 billion pledge made by President von der Leyen at the global pledging event ‘Stand Up for Ukraine’ in Warsaw on 9 April this year.

To be more precise, EUR 600 million of that pledge were dedicated to Ukraine, with a large majority directly supporting the Ukrainian authorities to continue providing basic services to the population. The remaining EUR 400 million of the pledge was foreseen for the Member States most directly impacted by the consequences of the war, to provide immediate support to people arriving in the Union.

The Commission proposed that the EU budget provides EUR 400 million for the first reception and registration costs under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Border Management and Visa Instrument (BMVI), of which EUR 100 million will become available after the adoption of the draft amending budget.

The other parts of the package have already been approved. So this is the final piece. The support to the first reception and registration systems of the most affected Member States under the AMIF aims to ensure that people fleeing Ukraine can benefit from adequate first reception, food, shelter, sanitation, clothing, medicine, family tracing, legal and translation assistance, psychosocial and other specialised services leading to their registration in one of the Member States.

Measures proposed under the BMVI will provide funding to the Member States bordering Ukraine to allow for the smooth application of procedures at or near the external borders, such as identification, fingerprinting, registration, security checks, medical and vulnerability screening of third country nationals, as well as for immediate reception needs throughout these procedures.

We ask Parliament to support this proposal. It would make the necessary funds available to address some of the immediate needs and consequences of Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine.

This is, however, not the end. The situation keeps evolving day by day, and the future is still unclear. The Commission will keep this House fully informed about the possible further proposals as soon as they are finalised.


  President. – Thank you, Commissioner.

The item is closed and the vote will be held tomorrow.

Seneste opdatering: 20. september 2022Juridisk meddelelse - Databeskyttelsespolitik